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Show COTTON IS AGAIN KING y"V m u Oh IHfc LORD ROBERTS IS B USINESS WORLD SufferBritish Commander-in-Chie- f ing With Pneumonia, but Will Fleecy Staple Displaces Steel in Export Importance; Revkw of Business Conditions. Sis Recover. ee 0 ru. l- 0 00 ?:30 to 9:30. No-vmi- -- r.) hol- but dealers report the beginning of iday trade in fancy frond and Jewelry. Canadian lumber cut will he loss this year than last, owlnjc to scarcity of labor. Canadian banks are loaning money in the United States, which makes It more difficult to pecure funds here. proMn. .I'.l.lo'ir. Jtrr.f tnit I. id lt' Erati -- iHnRicy. hiMr t t Urv to Wrthlr.Kton Star. Good $2 Fur Scirfsfor-- $ trrt-bl- e r.rrt ftttn V. I ho- -' jmr tn l r?r p.-i- Mr. rt!cy. TWO ALLEGED FORGERS CAUGHT IN THE TOILS fbimrd ThrV flsvr fs i TV- - frauded Railroads All ft ft s ft, The mrn, It tt..u u.d of trannj rtatlon .' t , r' frm the d- - rth T. jrdf l st.t t, ,.!- - "rrKt ty. away tjtlr. fin'. A M IJ tt ar.l ri-- ry ft a5 J JuttUr tiler t tir. a 11. t- - tr nn'.y ,ir. 4 20c Cakes of Toilet Glycerine Soap 12c arnl - Th- tr&n: Tll ' ! t r 3 w - ":'.. ! !;y f tly. t. T o- nt-n'i- 1W(F . f PAY WHEN ESTATE OF T $20,000,000 IHH '.U By tiic K. C. At. ia. :?. ir -- n DOG POUND - . - EXPLODES t!f 1 I fs ". ".; ... t ? ! ;cj.h 5f I' r rt W;.T v.. rir'T b tbi? ,t -- I.' s t i.?,Livj;!ti;i K. C. 3UOO .... 50? ....5i.no I: 25? ff t jt -- J 'v tin Cxi.?, r,!'" nT!u: rji"??rn.T HOUSE BUTTER K'!'!!! f r.1 tll Tt t r.:-!-.- sr f -.' ! io-i- .!2 Butler House. LBS. OR SUGAR FOR 17 or th m SPEC AL SATURDAY CURED. uric ftnent ta Traction Magnate Leaves KKW YORK, Nov. 13. Practically re- . lffn til!t and Mri. hs rt l ,k m cr I duccd to poverty because il.' courts In(!) "UViseu la now worse than pci.r.i- r to Wife to Bulk of on It Wealth her VJe her spending sisted money U I rT rf It',.! I j lss. build her husband a monument. Mrs. .5. of til 'm ft) (Si ft, ft ft ft ft ft (: j) :i () has been compelled to Jaizabeth IMUf Lifetime. Un During f rile a petition in bankruptcy. Htr liaW. ret. ye tr 4 bilities are placed at JllV.UT, with no k Iti.at available ssets. f r rini.AiJi:LPin . n .. v. At "When her husband, a. wealthy resident i trs.'it-t-Ir.' i ti'?. of the Pionx, died two years ago. it was i k ii. t U i;U,!i-- i I. KSku-'.the wealth generally thought that Mrs. "Weisen would be able to live the remainder of but lb' trart!ifi tie, lht her life in peace and comfort. Hot j fire f st It.f.a ii l t ',k v thfit It ! t r,. t I " when his will was opened it wan found ' i ..t t s f ' ' id. rably r S. '.' he had decreed that a magnificent mon. .: A. in ument be erected for himself and bb si M t A to tl i: f ut fv vat dit ' wife in Wood lawn cemetery, and that Whim, tHw'i m .: will civc an Irk'.inj; It f he bid the plans drawn. Five Persons Arc Injured, p. ild that !. f r fr uj chr-itall- t vart-In Whether he had overestimated his b"pH!'r (.if C wealth or whether be underestimated !... WE CURE CATARRH While 150 Dogs and pltilx. will sKKr.H the cost of the monument i: even now n 1JS'-- ' Tlinatu-- of doubt among his relative?. In t mi II f I f n. t bulk "f tl.- - f. ;). , it i ft either as it was found that the estate k f ! Cats Escape. w t . 4 w k. .J I l " i.t UrHni v. iV tt would not only be eaten up. but that the ir'r I widow's c.wn resources would dc taxed vv Ir.in frr. a t rv i n fc'r ca t. I ft i 'n I C Wolr ' f heavily to carry out her late husband's rt.tin n urltlr t id (Iff re W. I XEW YORK. Nov. tt. -- Five person wishes. 4a;M t ll 'atis l r ird I! were injured today, one so srkudvi KHdnx. Mr. . v P. T) b r. Id '..i'i. u r DRS. SHORES Q SHORES, that may die, as a result of it fc t Mr. M Hi rf CONIWTIOS t'jtb'.:P:n..urk. r.b.t. KAISER'S explosion In an iron tank In Harlem id. It t mi!, r lb" used for asphy xiatine; and ca's la j sv C.VOM CLOCK. 3 W nrndl MOST SATISFACTORY th doR pound. A1.T LAKC CITY. Th explosion wret kd the interior of MAY BE CONFUSION the building and brok- every pan. of " Doc' rs Will Not Issue Another Bul- filaw in It. About 10 docs and cats and are at larK-- about Hailem. OF TONGUES AT HUB letin on Imperial Patients IT'S HIS PAPER. Case Till Sundav. If you owe for The Telegram, p.iy boy who delivers It to your htu. Attempt to Torce Tcnchinp of GacISc POTSPAM. Prussia, Nov. 13. The fol- the You cw him, not The Tebpr.im comin Boston School Brings cn If you want tho pap-- r topp J lowing bulletin was issued this mornpany. t. 11 him to stop it. If you want jour ing:: Comphcatlonft. "New Palace, Nov. 13. 190.1. The heal- oddres.s changed, toll him. If yo'i c,ir,"t ing of his Majesty ? wound is proceed- i catch him. drop him a potil. His ad' iti..: t.,!:. in)? in so entirely satisfactory a manner dres appears every day or two In these r.OSTHN, Nov. 12 A that the next bulletin will be Issued the columns. Have It for reference. Ins on the t ; bo..; r.'iimit: ? to h.iv day after tomorrow. li.-i- or. Gfielic lw sht In th Y:nit Site for Naval Stntion. m , h hoola r, b p Py j, KOUTZ EXCURSION 13. The bo.ird Nov. Washington. At Cnr nnd (rgtir.t. Carlo 1 of tho C.ty iVn-n;- . brar.ih Admiral of Rear and Talor composed I..'.vb. of th othr r Ideutenant-Comtr.andIn th city Jut lndeJ.101 Winslow, Sunday, Nov. 15th, dlfffrtnt Vir.dt. Wt tll to fleet a fito for a naval d;c: ir If Gael! Is ln!roduc 1 thty u .;i To Oi?den, via Oreguii Short Tdne. I, on snatlon tb l cirnt T,ake, dc tnan thftl tlselr o n lancu i Round trip $1. Leave Fait Iake 9:13 a. training: i Al 07 dUTtrrot kinds Coffrf. baa mud- - Its report to Secretary Moody. be UuKht, Po It ! m., returning leave Ogden 7:13 p. rn. the JTtr m rpsltc ycu triri tr.ityJ1 The buard folettc-- five jdl. th JU.t t r a ill tn no f Jttl-.- ' r. l.kty k in I'duff. be lMrty-t.Utt. nd!es it Full of Promise. north rf hIcnso; t!i second. I'aeln", Raised From the Dnd. Washington, Nov. 13. In his amuul Wis?.; third. Muikeson, M'.rh.: fourth. M Vis.. and fifth. Mb hSitati report on the condition of affair? in Milwaukr-e- , n . C. 1'orirr r r I!;,, mi. ., i the island of Porto iiiio. made public t'ity. The tpport his been transmitted tal Haul. t ,.:.jt. Kn to Congref s. today. Gov, Ilt'.nt pays that the situar.i ii tion is one of hope, and that there is I did. fit 1 I ko st b in. !. s.) Improvement with a. stror.s; current In the Wotth Powder. Hot , Many favor of Americanis-m1 Tii.- - I from th IX- - A tri.- l to c- t ' It Ix-Nov. Ion. of form the believe that nrrypon t of present t 1 r.t ,Jt Tea and Coffee . more, '.!!, brfrr ij. .j, in t. tt can be preserved for tome the Tlnvs at jl i'otr?iurR say? iol-ic- y mv bottle, I . .1 M ;r tut libcircles th is onttl.il in 't that it natives the that admitted feeling Blenders time, dtruth, . ' f!j i r.) ; -j which ld to the occurs t !n of Port t'::.n' eral in its extension of political autonom. 1. z. r. ut as rot worth my and general in its financial benefits. Arthur and Manchurii COH. THIRD SOUTH & HAH? the expenditure of money and blood It SAT to T and that the SCENIC entailed, atten.pt UKE had CO., Indiana Han Hanged. M&ln 07 Street. Nov Michigan City, Ind., this Hoover, who was banged at 12:0father-indac d d !;n morning for the murder of his I m i try Town Wiped Out. fi;rnihf I f. Frank Sutton, in Indianapolis ErcnS Robber c shon r.otne. it n.er.ery a last May, died game. Hoover's wife Aurora, Mo., Nov. l.. Jenkiim City, left him because of his quarrelsome dis- town of 4GC0 Inhabitants twelve, rtubi , . Th Anetlu. Ir Ancrlrn. .:i .t b i! "Th t:ei;r.-- t . i position, and in a fight with Sutton over from here, va practically desttoytd by Knutuford." The two n.i'-fif.rtt cf Vn lt.f!. i;. this fact the latter was shot and killed. fire this morn Ins. j J of I'hlc-ift hottds Wt-ise- Gloves-5- 9c. ; appeaLM i 4 n-lu- 1 to the courts for relit f, but it wai S that so far as his estate was ft ft capable of bearing th exprnne, his Mishes must be carried out. Tlse m fr V-- COURT RULED THAT ft MAN'S WILL SHOULD BE CARRIED OUT. monument. Woodlawn. it!i iS:rT w jrln TO BUILD A MONUMENT Wel-r- n fur vifi, lnn 'i-f ', Mrs. al ihi, ! flrnb.e Central. An a trsul. of U.- - nrrri n !'..- -! w i'.l tw number of ticket scalpers searched today. r the According to thw the rou try. hae operatf d n'.l over rn th!-- . It J Th y employed th ame I d. St. Paul. K:iiia "ity. Oma oll g h.i. Mllwaukef and Cjncinr.atL .mstation i-: n PawrnKfr The n i: i . 1 will j roKt'CUte th' far th" rr al!'g',d that they privTr.er. It making it business of furnlhb g curd iftnl letters rif Uiin of va! i urn lin for employ throughout the country ft n n. ar. of defrauding the tailroad of trat, ; 0 BANKRUPTCY S rui r Ii!:n k W omens $ I and $ 1 .25 Side Elastics 62c a Pair. diftrrnl ;.m trt Husband's Will Provided for Mausoleum, and Estate Was Jot Large Enough to Bear It. ar.d 'turdajr r Among the complainants nraint the prisoners are: It. F. M.ihon. general paFsenger agent of th Chicago. tlreat Western railroad, IT. F. Smith. g n. ral passenger agent of the Chicago. Milwaukee fe St. Paul railroad, and Passenger Agent I... D. Heusi.er of the Michigan an tinul of f Women's $ 1 Kid t:t t", Vhi CHICAGO. Nov. 13. H. L. Kaln!. alias C. II. Miller, and If. L. Scott, sal 1 ' that Kftlnca va a rat'r n 1 the be to of the a cleverest () by police on a farUJch. ll twj f i to the :K' railway ticket forgers in the country, ! m " th but were arrested last r.lcht. the railway!" Stamps, chemicals for altering tickets and blank f nrr.Uh the L .irer with Irai prt-- t order slips were found In their room by Ifn. the police. I?' S f Kiiads-$2.2- 5 r rul!ro:id by prmciMlric a frktd SottT purport Irs pi t t.u I ! n of ft" M the up rlrl I Mt-I. 4t Th Central r.i'lm nd-r.- M-;ir- .2 1 fitam una ciasji. S.t(unlay inlA unh iiitriia if f 2 arh Tin Mirh a jrl( hr,trf nn- - MijN-rii3!n,n'r than iimi.iI ami tlufify, witfi lari i.tiN. Satunl.iv iii"ht fnni K ft USED TO DEFRAUD. Swindling Scheme. fur !Tli letter frox forged MEXICAN CENTRAL IS I Over Country by Clever and $3 i ft ft, fecial J&i yjAwsoAY Night LONDON. Nov. 12. Lady Robert th! morning t.iij that the condition of Ltd si Robert, the commandrf that thtro von r.o llfactory, quite mklr.zr complication and that If fnvoratd protjrtf toward recovery. Lord Robert U MifTVrlnic fr.m j tr rnoi.U contract.! ot lb unvt::r I 6th t Vlr.dr of the rrroorh to Prime Christian Victor of H Ml-IIoltrtn- . Uun grands n of lb Victoria, who dll rm fvtr In Muth Africa In October. VS- - Encouragement is felt at the new policy of the ?teel trust. Consumer will no longer have to go abroad for steel. Ton thousand tons of rails have been sold to go to China. More mills are opening, and some are clos- ins temporarily Colorado's coal strike offsets the settlement of Hon- tana's copper war. NEW YORK. Nov. 13. Special telegrams regarding the state of trade from correspondents of the International Mercantile agency throughout the United States and Dominion of Canada are summarized as follows: The week has been marked by a somewhat unsettled feeling and renewed conservatism in commercial circle?. Distribution of staples is smaller than a week ago at Chicago end materially so at Pittsburg, where industrial activity has improved, except for miilinery. Cooler weather has improved trade in New England, except for jobbers, where the season is ended. Warm weather has dulled demand at Baltimore and at Louisville. Collections are rather slow In territory tributary to St. Paul, but in the cotton regions thty are growing easier. Plow makers report a good business, but moderate collections. Kentucky has a medium tobacco crop, but prices are better than lat year. Philadelphia merchants say trade in staples is smaller. October lumber shipments from Minneapolis were the largest of any month this year. Fall River's wage cut was not altogether unexpected. Makers of prints have been losing money at late prices for material and rate of wages. Rut high cotton is making foreign exchange fa5t, now that Europe is demanding all it can get regardless of price the most significant financial feature of the week, with cotton, not steel, as king. Titiht money has checked the rising demand for lionds, but shrewd people are making large investments at bottom prices. Trade conditions at , Montreal are about the average, and demand for seasonable goods is fair. Mild weather at Toronto hns checked the distribution. Walker's Store. PROGRESSING WELL . ! 1 : l p . 1 r s.-- - 1 I- lr I"" 'J. (, . Guarantee of Circulation - Wlr j ib-n-- '!r-.- I i h-- ; j that i. It h-- o. i tirgrr arcrj- - 4a.l1j I cir-ii'.?,t- tci thin ant ott cr tlnily N"il Iwutnoa of tl" ITAII LIQmn 4 la - ed J NEW CROP r.d TEAS - id . lxmwrr-t- a. iu -- -. er Hrjt3r!nr4 Fr-ti- r op-point- ed i 4(0.09) Kul !" lt 5n rur Tram old, If &-e- 4 for 4 hy fX Y.rx ctlctiirn. It Ktat ts2Tt v--ra uf ltv I! o i National Tea Importing Co. 1 pi-op- kv-ernme- hs! tj i Ii IMUm h-- d-,- b-n- nt .I - - i 1 s - . j- w, ! - ! wt H-i- a-- k. a T. IT'S HIS PAPER. j s . - f. . .. i Iit World Over Fully Matured. Famous the M. CUERNSEY Wholalo Der Sr. M-..f- -l ;wf iIll. ;ji try -f I n j J-"- n j- rr tbt : rs 1 J" SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US i h .;;c - tr. h p. m: . a U t ni .n r.nrfor Th TrWermm. r th twy who cVlltcrt; It in y ur h"ti You n htm. f.'t Tl; Ti'sffm om tr t a rJ : J. p.H.y. If you wjtnt the ..t- -r ll' I fllf't tell him to top It. If yoti rrar.t joar s a i l ddrr churt d, t'.l Mm. If yori I r K Wir j"l (imU: !?"-- HiVr' Ml cutrh him. drop him ! r ' ar. Ifr If (1 lh ji. d.iy or two In In i 0 What eppeir evry ttit.. 'f if' Juj coluraaf. fcvo 11 for rrftrct te. vt ti'. t L: lutHf.;-!- If vou ow SCIENTIFIC COLLECTCRS OF BHD DEBTS FRANCIS G, LUKE, General Manager "n ;.;c rf ? I Merchants' Protective Association !' T , - LEE KIM YING. l'f v - HI t ALT Vjiw .f wit Tir.:'i,it, 'l LAKU f : K- H ViTT, VlAlL Sccd5ffctFiov;cT5. B:!j |