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Show The Salt Lake Telegram. G time table SAN J HP PEDRO, LOS ANGELES AND SALT LAKE R. R. CO. In Effect May J, $903 !) ) 0 g ' fjj ri W STEELS PUBLIC AC of Til Special Meeting Pardons THE EXECUTION MAT BE FURT2IEH DELAYED. Board Gifes Condemned Man Strong Hope of 0 In fan w Uuf rhf!t h txn tl r 'i made, and n frw prparaitor. .v'ttnler ith h ay f.; rtr& i a Reprieve. xrc;"itj-that th nonrliatanr nf ana ,t:30m.ra. intertn4Uta mo a. to. From Oglen and fwinta i rons Ortn. Caeh valley, Pt. Louif. Omaha, Den- i vtr lntermrilatis points nj From 0Jfn, Chicago. St. Louis. hanwn C!tr. Omaha, Denver an-fan Francisco Fiom OKtlen. Cache Valley. Bufc, Portland and San Fran-ci,f- o Chi-cat- o, and Mprcur. connecUng nt Nephl for Manti and inter- medlate pointi on Sanpete Hon lOV A.TTl Valley Ry For Garfield Beach. Tooele, otockton. Mammoth. Eure ka ana Silver City (via 0:UU a. Leamington cut-of- t) Ill For Provo, American Fork Lehl. Juab, Milfurd. Frisco i.anentes and intermedia 5:Q5 n.m points 1 - J I I V'l From Provo, American Fork. Lehi, Juab, Milford. Frisco, Calientes and Intermediate Q.ir a.m ..points From Provo, Iiil. Fairfield.. Mercur and Sanpete Valley Ry. points ,,.3:OD p.m From Silver City. Mammoth, Eureka, Stcekton, Tooele and Garfield Beach p.ITl . n lb 12:01 p.m. 4:C$ . S:10 p, ra. m. Judging from npp arar.ref . r.elthT ih? Sh riff nor the ofTlvlalit .f thr Ptat- - ignite r.tlary aro csf the opinion that th of death upon Pe r Mi.r. ttnscn will he carried out one nk from today. The fact that a pctal rnftUnj of the Iloanl of rardons hui Wen tAl'rd for tomorrow to consider Mortier.' fr for a rtr-ieor atay rf rx cull on. ha iecml;giy trenicthrr.rl th? opinion of the ofT'.cials that then will Ui tih of caUing out a firing fujuad , For Orlfn. Omaha, CM'-ir?- . Dnver, Kanw City and St. C OO a. m. Louis .. !Ajr Osden, Portland. Butte. Helena. Ban Francisco and In- 9:43 a. m. ttrmediate points For Oicdt-ijOmnha, Chicago. Denver, Kansas City, St. Ixuis and San Francisco... For Orden. Cach Valley. Den- - 12:60p.m. ' ver. Kansas City, Omaha, St. mn-ten- Irrs-oet- Friday. ri't Mcr;cn--- -- tH E r, & a Og-de- Located In Herrt of the BiMiaess and Theater District. Through car, fait Lake City to St. Loots and Kansas City. Only on to New York. BufTaju and prtreipai point East low rates for summer travel. Especial attention to ladies and children. Tourist fdTers through to Crloago, Boston and other point without change. two trains ciar.y. office. at F3 Dooly blo'k. ticket Inquire Bait Lake City. Any Information cheer- II. C. TOWN SEND, fully given. G. P. & T. A. Missouri Pacific Ry., St. LouLs. Mo. C. A. TRIPP, C. P. Aser.t. Salt Lake City. New Wilson EUROPEAN ij HOTEIi. A. FRED WET. SALT LAKE CITT. Rates: $1.00 to $S00 per day. Ponular Priced Restaurant. 200 Rooms, witn not Ki t t v 4 "V'ater. rniA Bnrnilne iejpnone, Prtvate Baths. vatr.re-- - Pi I II p r f .t s . u. ' to 1 ta CAIJFOn-NIDtvUtnds in HEALTH. 1'LKAbLl.E AND v kalth. Rtrera, Lakts yountiin, nd Ocean Vly, 115 ifm A Official Ilenched ask any Telegram advertirer vhat it has dont for his. Southern Pacific Company's Lines ,j and laastratlt For descrtptiv Main !Urture tall at No. llk City. h'tret, K. Pt I. OKAY, liberal Art 1 J $100,000 rsrrttf9 tr JW Ar'.j.t,tir c on. U.e w ! thin ?lt. I y ari. 1-- f rrr-n"t- th 2 e '. v Thia tnoruy tn- eneem tiftft5d to t i th Mat uif t..!.l t K talc t a n f.ry-i.- e r.. tt'm a tk'e t- - ar-er- r SOCIALISTS TAKE PAET IK PRUSSIAN ELECT! 0!. tcta 4 b-- w h t f r h !?- r--f r". hr 5st. a a t!ri!r. twy record a rt..-- j li.Tt--n . a; t frt t:r.s, "4t!wati lif a .iti "" I f" tr! d :: Ofwiiiu.. ..tf- tt-r- :, f - .f . ti-f- .l . fm rr i r tT Canvass Shows ha 1 e 5m.thr. J aa f ' 1 rt t r.-r- ? . li-- f.fir--!- - r- . - I r-.- . - .f.rt .j.lr ! r. : f, (s.srife. !U-m,, 15, T " i ;) b t Th CJfy Cpj,-.clI a ; !!i.rj tt.... d with th t;iv .r.c 1 , r of c f,. Wt had t"k u; tl. i t in th a:uri r. J 1 of r4fna-rfs rT'T v.iif.ir th t'tufr- of th ! 'ir'-- ?"- - II- r - hd Th.dc-f th? i'u"r f rt c f fl at t ( f night, and f or. I a r.un . f' ; Ih" t '.ri I ?ctr that ? I n t t f r A is" ? o;:r vjf i ri tl cart'aaa !t r. f. ., r ".,: tLamlatf the fetyf ra how4 tnur y dutlt-aa ..; t r,t,r5y . i.f r. , th in !.:,? j r tvtr.tt, in j t tSon 'I - M. "t ; ,Wft. cf !;tf ;:!a crrr.fir. it, tl. n tr.n5T at Ttv. s f t a u: J 1 -- al c . r ? !ei h tf i'.tf 1 J Wi-f- rj. t ion ml flfSf Sisiowii11 wtcn SiES East you have choice cf three tliTOtigh trains, via the Union Pacific and Northwestern fill Direct V'K the MIninr Carr-and ArUona. r'iTjl fin LEAVE KAV- - r cf Naw Maxlco For rartleutara RATE3 EAST thla nmrnir, ansly to C, T. WARREN. Oanarai Salt Block, City, Ill Utah. SALT LAKE A-nt- tty l-a- rUl.:w. j - 3TRAINSaboirtDAILY TtEDUCED ht4 Llnef T.tn cmpt. joyrrn. fas OALVLSTON. EL. PAJO an1 CAGO.city. - . lljr ' .s'.KV. j r I o t T, Ut Ar, r! Th r,fe A. rf . tn I iIuf !Hy. tn th- - T biff). tdjrhth. th" J. Mr, ranv.1 riffh!H, : i. t Irs l.t Tl:." !. r ! Its ! 1 I X 5:rtt!- ;t:ri t. rr j"i! li H: d 4 r..rti-- - .in sr'H-Ui- wish In i l v . -- I lit h ;!- - A. - f 1 ; -- ; . h- '1 1 : 1 : t: 1 - !. Fimn.'.;i. w huM fr hT" he i;-ti.-- !, t POPULAR POLICEMAN DONE AN INJUSTICE Itla l' th W CHICAGO w lslf,n.-;.r:i; 1 rr: rh 1 Alt J a ftl UNION PACIFIC and ! & ST. PAUL TICKETS: a. 79 V. S?cond South St. For rates and other information fuMrc. or call on C. S. WILLIAMS. Commercial A cent Chicago, Milwaukee & Ht. Paul Rt., 100 WYst 'Jntl Houth Ht., SALT LAKE CITV, UTAH. j tr ; t:,5,-f- , th.t e ' t r mi,? t - t J 5 ' tx. ism;, alm,t f c- J.- - 1f.r r Mr. Arrr.U"'j'C h ti sftr f " ill 4 ;..-- t M'fir..-- ' S r 1 t t'.' hai th; li 1 jc ,:- 11 h ',.r r . t t h a 1 J K t- h..s; rt t i;fi 1 1. th j .- . a' rr. 1 .rl-rn ha-- t - .., " - j II- - ) k I l t,, I m ; ! fi u. : . TRUST MAY REFCSE TO DisrosE or r. . Ar'2 l.i tii!ff.rt ' T- :. - it 4 r tUfk,'. H I". Uh!1i .l J l 5ji its iiU1 ' ( t . t la M. r'-.l 4.ta t'.l. r'fn rriiif. tr j rn)rtr a a raiirtKl a- -i y, 1 . n tr iv.v t lrr fa tit t"rn. ai-if-jt";.i- rnsj h tt ttarr.fcr. c?rttr wl ::a at t r u n-- ar-Jl- a I M IT t .': 't "! JfnivV f j h " " f f :i 3 iJfaW'. tr.anufa t ir-.t "Tt. lttliiiri tiirr r r rxH lora in " .. ; M M I t K?ii-- 1 -- . goods. rAtU Svr, UTh Vf.I jtai' t that ' j t'wrt' if I ifiiSaWlaiV tn.,t r : o. 1h J- '1 ( It. F. NTS LEN, Gen. Apt. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. - th- !, in tl. . f.rjjf t , Jt.TC I'.J ri an f rr l . n th".t 'af 1st t f f. t Ji. t 1 r.'t wt.u if.t f:j sU4 in - l ' hu-thy rn. htr. OVERLAND LIMITED. tn r . or n i h- tOf 5,rJ t Afmnirmrf. who !"" uiar f i!i .. an. I. Ir.Kly ha LINE. Tin new norm Tin: ma r J. . a-- . stt -- ,U i air;c a i r;. tl It. !:. It will pay you to InveMlpatA. I will he glad to pend you folders abojt these lands free on reiuest. iM&nwiiiMwiiii 1 t ft Or-- : ; i I ii tn ;. j - n 0 - t'-t- w J, ?i;..t.pt,tt 1 J rj;f.:!?..j!) th VIA THH - 1. a ,r;-- . r'.f i- ! CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE imn I . " "i j t. s 1 th(t t j r - tt :;fj;j I, ft i jCilIilmwiii v. m; f"i;':ir. j J r.:rt : st w.rf t tu. rtft!!. T'- TRAINS DAILY se rt nil.' !;fr-ir.iplvxiu .: I aft llilpsi ;- I I tr J.r. f ot- . s j in-en- 1 . r.t Ifrf 5s45 Pt 4 i tt 12:50 NOON. Burlington has recently built branches into the Eig Horn Basin and North Platte Valley. These sections are now the scene of activity in irrigation development. Lands nre cheap nowas Colorado and Utah irrigated lands once wrer and history will certainly repeat. f. .':: ".iir! ;r puitfl r.M !f!Hl e f that t' b il f,i The l tr--t r '1 7:00 ff.,-J.- J 5 ln.! : r4 Th a s, Th hint ;sI . flurt !irtwrd thi),i only lit had .rn a tit him. making a CIJT atrr.c ka i Uf-.fii- A-- 3 - ali- - .. f at.' oih;r if i; f hre JTC-rdlrj.f. i d by t;.r. tV.ufjcll. T.." jfiivcU r,rt. rf.jtake w ?nind in th Thifty-- f r t?, '. J'. J diir.ft. whih r- "santa rn - t ,'-- c I notrrm.' from t'tah t 1 ,.ti-- - r- - - lb- . - f'f-urth- !- . j'h w ! r-- - SilTl . iy hf-w- n t -- tkarti, jt TCPU 1 "t,. t?.a jt ttirtiw. s k.t rjf f c-- - i " -- is f frt rr A , ... j tta ti 141. h'sfrn. Ir-iif- 1 1 . ATCIISO.H, n-o- n w t.etj i. ma l,;g ft 5ak Numerous Changes in t h'A'thef a : rf irt frj h J, A t tart i r t rr, t"' j, n. 'jr. t j!- t Announced Vote, but trn f tr. i'with,'t rt f f m t. t th" t3ar4 ttw f. 1r No Election Is Affected. rSchs - btnj.ft. I r r r 5n rr;ia? 01 1 S" we?" FOURTH PRECINCT JUDGES MADE MANY MISTAKES Oreatcst Play Oround oa Earth. "felc& Ertryen Famous PUc.s Waots to Pee. busi-ncs- ta u ?J It-.-. ? r toay w n Li7. In a Tlckt lnvft and 6ecur Rc th r t. llhif The l alifornla what The Telegram will do for vour s who bn ..SEE.. YOU want to Know DEBT OF iim A Delightful PUct to VUIU A Profitable Pl& kr1 lrJ. STATE WILL PAY ITS kcfe to mmitir Ih. f.rir l. Il Is not et kr.un w M. h of thtrjut ur.. th rlly tii I drtakrsof ofJdortrrnurn" t r w r charge th Inlerrnent w n f ak j !. after tl tuliel-a!ttri- l tw--n f ernair.a have nt-placed m th hand of th tl yrl known which of th nrpidtr. f th city w"t attend lh ihut will trobalr t h; i afteraut;y tn It ha t,A yrt dtrmir-at what Iwjr the leoillunr w 1. rrur, if St tak a lre at :i. mehaai't11b b-- ob. lietrnrdrM-- wh-arrvfd. It i r.c tttt'xrit et known at what h'ur Ihe ro.idfnnd man w r.i t 4k. rr,r4. r.or at what hour hU brrakfact Witt b arrvrH ta him tr. Ma rI1. N. nr.- - haa y irid4 what kind f a auit Met tfn-wilt wear al the tin--"- f hi rv n. r or If a paper larart, w dt b orr Ma heart. IiKLM bulUXi AT liituul:iV. LALUli la la tllrSin.MtV Vr tb. chnj, u 4." fauty f-- Rc n ! rt . V J. f , -- nr rvt-n- Im r oi. it t.-- r yi tn PI ring Squad Net Choen. Hhrriff Emery haa thu far i d ttr firlrr iuad of t f!r the shot that w j;i anuff out wh"nr Mori " w p W ih life. The- rr. Win. In th? lhrri.T rhftters r.ow n fsr um tT tf th w biu th r:n. w r. L rmergrtscy. iih! . Id-will contain a a. Wh h rf th will th blank imn grt tf.ywillthrrr.He w tu never krow, th-t- ic N'lit.er f tri-jfit-- , jw-'fi- hi t if n from view. B OTT LE I . -- rt,, e F liiMIItJOHAT CO. 1-- t!ir; 5F V!f Iirt- J! A! R fr-- SHORT LINE TO ST. LOUIS. 11 ...His... J3 COLORADO-UTA- A Left r't crrrin th ilnt at whkh uu or at what Murter.en wilt t FUrel. t. , clinanc. from hi- - Ha,t.n w ,:, th tn tn which the rincrr.en wilt tn it is true, i in a death ctll, and the death watch ha tjea on him ecry hour of th twenty-fouand he is exrtud.:d front all .n e hi r i ar.d his jrtnrehe.thatt,Is. har a the frelinallorncjs. f c ir.t'.df fxi re's i by the cfTU i i! th.il he ni llvo for many duys p.M the Uay tnarkd wiUi sku!J aud citm lfifn fur him. NelU-,- r the ?!:- i.ils at the pnn-- i siary in th- r mn- of O-th. nr ht rSff hn thu far made any prtparatlor.i for tt-t- ! adly work ut oit for ihem Friday next, .n far nm tan t The xn utior.. If It omir, w ill p5h-ald- y take ilaoc just within thi n.uth "I Her tt known 6 H Eyeball. 1 n. Jvx Into Pen ttrn r, LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY. For Denver and East 8:3'a.m. 2 For Denver and Fast 3:13 r.m. 4 8:20 p.m. For Denver and East 10 For Bingham. llcber, C:00 a.m. Provo and Marysvale No. 11 For Os'ien and all intermediate points f:lop.m. No. 8 For Provo and Eureka.... fi:it p.m. No. 3 For.Opden and the West. .ll:r p.m. No. 1 For Opden and the. West.. 14T ji.m. No. 4For Ogdfn anil the Wst.. !: a.m. No. 102 For Park City ARRIVES AT SALT LAKE CITY. a.m. No. 12 From No. 5 From Denver and East H::Ca.ni. No 1 From Denver and East l.tirip.m. No. 3 From Denver and East "J :15 p.m. No. 9 From Bingham, lleber, 6:00 p.m. Provo and Marysvale No. 7 From Eureka and Provo. 1":U0 a.m. 5:15 p.m. No. 101 From Park City No. f From Cgden and West... 8:20 a.m. 1 No. 2 From Osden an West ... S:0c p.m. S: 10 p.m. No. 1 From Ogden and W st Stops at intermediate Ftaiion.. Ticket Office, Dooly Block. 'Pltone 205. I. A. BEN'TON, G. A. I'. D. No. No. No. No. rrh; t - Ink-Coat- ed J"lrr-st-r W;;:itn McrVa f T s r.ffr&ls ui a!mt Wi n!hi. hr C"r.trju artjr4 !. ptte-cand th 2 viu ls (I td. fe-- rurt- fcjn h; tn away wish ih frotinf ht () til trtalrrect. . rtrirtkn nf tr. r4fV () TtT-!aMr. VUrVa . aflrrr5r, ir-jtj.;tUie order for It ti my ') aa . :. at wrlilftt Jr.4 tb ti I'M liy. ;) pot. af!r all, occur terM rwm. th ar.i Mr, Ma;l L (5 & 'S CJ i) i ( f? 0 far m. TrwtRtn, atlrMin 4lTni r wait of the prlon. and In th opn whU h th !!rc n tfc this wall and the oulh crll- - taM, ar4 in a fr f.OUS". iint. Idc4 Ch :rrrej. &p i fiArp T1 a it l tiriifr.i i'l t IK t. iK-rt.it- City Ticket Office 201 Main Street. Telephone 250. Foi particulars call on or address events, Salt Lake Route, or J L Monro Commercial Agent. E. W. GILLLTt' General Passenger Ajrent. TU 111 V rp l ve lnt-rmf- lst Direct stage connections for nil mining districts In southern Utah at-l Nevada. Child-Plunge- s th ri) 6:45 p. ra. Louis and Chicago For Ozden. Cache Valley. Butte. Helena. Portland. San Francisco and mint. . . 12 30 a, m. T. M. SCHUMACHVH, Traffic .Mjr. D. K. BURLKY. O. i. & T. A. D S. PPKNCKR. A. G. P. A T. A. City Ticket250.Office 201 Main Street. Tt lenhono rjc J.JJ ALli TRAINS DAILY. 1M1 f?s (S C . yjz r.ic S ?. (S) From Orden, Portland, Butt Ban Francises. Omaha FROM OREGON SHORT LIN'S DEPOT. SALT LAKtS CITY. tt, STATE IS NOT PREPARED MAY LOSE TO EXECUTE MORTENSEN EYESIGHT Time Table ARRIVE. DEPABT. FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER arttf .f tw 4 |