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Show ; An VOL. .iMa.iia.m.ia.,aiaMiiBliaaMiiii "1 AKE 1 isJLEGRAM. iOJL.OJU 1L II. NO. 559. Lake City, Utah, Friday Evening, November Siv.LT AL ADVANCED Utah Fuel Company's Local Agent Has Made Increase, but Wyoming Coal Prices Put Up All Along the Line. 0 0 GALE SWEEPS SALi LAKE; PLAYS HAVOC WITH TREES AND WIRES Street Car, Telephone and POLICE GUARD STREET CARS IN CHICAGO; VIOLENCE NOT RESORTED TO BY STRIKERS; ANGERED AT MAYOR No 0 Price. Three Cent- - I90:. SIXTY-MIL- E . EALERS; OTi EES E OLD FI CURE STAND BY . CHICAGO. Nov. Won? rioting 13. 00 to- 0 day than before was the expectation of both sides In the big street railway strike this morning. Lines of union pickets were thrown out at various COAL SUPPLY OF CITY points, especially in "Westworth avenue, AS NOW HELD BY THE 0 while the n employees were PRINCIPAL DEALERS. 0 assembling: at the barns of the Chlcuco City railway. At the Fame time a hoodThe coal suply of the principal () lum element, whose work Is disavowed ) dealers of Salt Lake follows: by the strikers, began to gather along Pleasant Valley company, 12.000 () the more prominent crossings. Ions; oiders booked about 3C1X) () Police Are Massed. ; tons. '0 rturted tn eno J wl.Uh r. thf jrir,.!; il !;! j., .i i:.;:- - t-- l.i rrue. but ItlV fr'ni the i ' onsiuerabie mterctn attached to the movrmfnt of th tm.il rar for the u ..in that any application to a Federal tribunal nouM pr.db!y tci lh- tm - ir-- !.! tr.ih f 5rp . it f tc ! witb-u4- fetviM-eI- HAS WIND P.rACKED THE SAM- - VELOCITY. . 1 'jtt. r. in.id'" toward the hulnf dlri t. leaving squads of police nt lnt rvnl alotig the line where trouble was anticipated. Pickets posted by the utrlki rs were aim on hand In number i t the various bur.? and ru!lnly watched the preparations Indng :nad to snarl the started w.-xg- r filed with prctrde the i,if?. tr rrowi! t.it.' rp'nu rtr. n - nlr.!? fr two Hr.e. l lb" , itie !on f-- ti-- r r.i ar!. ', t ti"f '. u,. ta'tf-. : mr.-r-.t t i! s AiS't"' aty ' ' f- on ttp t' n t til- - r (J-- 4 P n I 1 ALMOST ELECTROCUTED RESEMBLES RUSSIANS ON STREET CAR DURING DEFAULTER ii Chinese Imperial Troops LAST NIGHT'S BIG GALE Man Serving Sentence for I! ti.i' !l 1. I Set' Upon by the Czar's 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 'S Conductor Putnam 0 Forces in Manchuria. BULLETIN. TIET TSIH, Nov. 13. It is reportj ed here that Russian, troops marching 0 encountered toward a force of imperial Chinese troops and that lighting1 ensued, the Russians, It 0 i3 asserted, pretending that the im0; perial force was a band o Chinese 0 robbers. 0 Altogether over lOOO imperial trocps have crossed the frontier into 0 Manchuria. an 0' JEWELS ARE While this raise is not effec tive at ihe rt r,rt s 1 pap:--nj?e- t C a C : ' rt in coiidut rneir.oi trr who "ground" when th-i- r Tle j.ir . tc, t tr. '1 re crr d on t h" u . tnvn in ! h u;-i- tl,y t c utu r f !.: f-- o i lire t. t: , ' I: f. i I ! r Jo s i j " , urn iff, Mr. t:' t. -- 't't'll;!! N 1' J o i 1 K - )r ' r- f f f- - t r- ' 1 ' l :k) f' tl'.lj'-.'- f i X'. tv I . 1.5 : je IIM ' J.t c ' lie f li,j1 i a ' TrttV bit it r, r - 1 ;, , ,he m 1 " t n i f ;? t i f 3 t i' ri ! ' ?! ?".!,. '.. ' ' i ?. J J . f ft ' ft A TOPERS PUT ON THE LIST w t ' J ' a tb! - 3 1 - f ? " 5 , f . g : T , e ft e. r : ; , , . s ' i j , ... '. i - ; ! 3U?t;cnr. Ha-mUn- f ? .. S '' . , ' ? ' ; 1 ' I ! IBSS; at NATION; ITS MINISTER IS FORMALLY RECEIVED . t.r 5 PANAMA' h U "v j. i Sunday, the dealers say FULL-FLEDG- ED Law of New 'i' i Peculiar they are compelled today to take orders only at the advanced price, as they now Wealthy Mexican Woman f ! have orders out for more coal than is in Enforced Hampshire can only fill new order.-wittheir yards, and th-Robbed While Visiting: y from must coal which I the Fnion Pacific company at the new Nashua. liyure. New York City. Not a sin.'Ie dialer in town has enouph Fnion Pacific coal to tili mov than half of his orders now Looked. i ' F. M XKW Yt ii:i, Nov. P,-p. that in many cases tin orders lakfii up t ,.r t , , I to 6 o'clock last night for coal at the $5 Ybarez. a v.eallhv t'.atlve of Mx,o L a?-rate will be tilled by the dealer with coal City, and s:.id to be tl.e wii!nw of ;v l rf , i W - i:is. .Ti N. N for which he nays the advanced rate, number of t'rt siib n l)i::z'. ('abiii.M. M- I" TROOPS WIL I NOT ti t II' thus cutting off all his profit. b.ts leen rubbed fif ' v.ih;.. at t 1. . r, to on in i a I tn.tO'Htl.i while Hlt GO I'.ih.o, TO of hr THE ;l I"tk, ISTHMUS. Statement. Utah Fuel's - t i Ity. : I i. I Fuc-DECLARES I ROOT. Ji fi, The Itah thJ . (omp.vrij- ofliciais pay 'l'l ere p no c in' to the t i .. 15 . u I sn.' ! Mi ,V. ' that there lias bf.-- no raise in the pri e ji'i'!. h.tii;i; tie.!, t.ik.-- f rin a dt r i . of their product to dealers, but they will whilv thir owner w .i t it .,r hui. W ASIIINOT'iX. . i V S no longer affirm thut no raif is contem-I 4 itoo-ut. j. oifi.-L'! bM' c I'jiini't.' plated. Questioned on this point, th.y -M it i .itf. i: the U'aj the d. . rn;ir. tiuii lh" tit i it'.-are prompt in referring all such niattern n . ? ' Ki..-I'ur jfiii d furC'-- i t ;; to General Manager Williams, who is nH ,t 4tr.r,i . . out of the city, without any date an) Sr . ikJ!) K "f , r i t. )'...!; lhre tii.ji just I J ' .i;.-- i nounced for his return. rl.irv It'wit r I' Itrn e ;uir v General Sales Aerent Meyers, who, i r!' j or "liirr. i t C5 ) ')!,:r-i l Mr. i I,Ur-,i a tAe few made t dhe ago days only Z'lb- - jil.it. in r.' to fie rr.4'! H it? ' : . -Htatement that a shortage of o;tl in I ' t i.I 1 9f V ' t t C: 'I tr.'-..... Colorado would not lead to any increase S' I.f 1 I.re It"-,- ft..,? ,;.tu j.igi nil to the Iwt.mii j In coal juices to Salt Lake and Utah t) T t e rtlid tl.at per..Jf) i ,r ttttlfO ! !"' consumers, now says that this matter la Bill Jlakin.? Effective the r ' e. ; ' "I V.. I i; a (V (ii ". jiot within his jurisdiction. '., nr,; Chairman Hanna Asks for I a .ttil.i.l tl llTr- - tJ r ; fii rf Ignorant of Any Advance. Indorsed Cuban t' i ' Treaty ii"S a -- ; i "t ' ! "I know nothing: of any Increase in i s s r." Nov. i: -Pfl WAPIIINGTON. the pric" of the l'tah Fuel tonipany'? Meeting Washington Koofevelt today forjna'.ly receded M, o' 1ir I ' Committee. coal." declared Mr. Meyers today. "I by t e d's'-Me '. AliU ar do not know that an increase Is contemth duly i - p:!.ir I'hlllppe ltur.au-Varlllr th December 11th. iaum tr A : ... ! I t to William? for a r v if.l t that in l!r.OV mr.r.l Manager flrt. plated, f tthnlt'i " ' A Itl N. ? N oe on l to not want do the say. quoted Ister ii't.ij.t-ntUrof I'.uunn to il. ,, ,, re.,. cpiestion. I don", want my name to ap- WASHINC.TO.N'. Nov. r.. Penator M. I t.ll.-'M.U. re'ej.t!en I t r.- .:i pear in the paper?." if.tt... . ;. an th.e of chaiitnar. or .: : dors m.irl.-tie" lillin ! i'f to ' Hanny, Minister publi' birtti of tl.f "Are you your today's . ' 4 . rat'-?"' t o .,. t l'.it.aniii Ir.to tl f.midv i. dealers at the old national comtnit lee, todiy inal.ed to l.i pub ic t, s iit.d p. filled each mmb'-- of the !b ' i . II, "Orders shipped today are n.iti.u niwtiJo (or ii.iy lira ii. t It A ronunittee ;. a t,e:wiM tl). I'l'!!.- I I at the old rat". We cannot fill the in e.l- - r .c m;- t S.. lb mi iii!K'"n i., ai t a fast a. tl.ey are received. We i a tb- - rn.iy j . jtifai.t tipub-.ijit. ' n any two vi'. i r can at this reason of the year. o- -r k m' r fif.'.t" j it ai-- o can is rf , i , i in" inn. ny to All are sii;n. orders received M t subject ii;ii ti.iti.UJ' S. Heath. sec!tar. The iomi- char.Ke in prices. I do not know what Ferry mittee will meet on . - . - ".. . changes, if any, wil! be triad'-- . of am li'ixe of anrKiiritlr.it Friday for the pur the i ., only governed by the action will ;.turday inorr.lt ANTI-POLYGA- MY ii'ar.'isement in t!:at regard."' of tities aspirins to b V r ?.. In Iilanr.gemjnt's Hands. of T bidding the- - . . ., place . t, ' , . - - . Ml r.' 't j . . ' Did a rcrmiir iian a h hi ii'riain iti ment-ber- v you not s;iy to The n of at the committee dinner at tb few las ao that the price of coal Arlington on Saturday night, Ii-mbewm:ld not bo increased?" : "I did not believe lhat it would be. 12th. The nil "The members of the F.epubllrn n naI don't "know that it will. That is solely j tional T J i iimmitte,-ar hereby c alled to in th hands ot the manar eineni ." . ' me 't at t h- - Arlington hotel in the ! ' i IT, ! t , . f . r r FINi'INNATI. Nov, r t As Manager Williams is out of the Te t!.inth rity V if Washington. T. (.. at )2 o"i lock? r.oon R inuai i oi, nt W. f. T. I. th clerk. Mr. Madnc, is L',1,1 cf fiu, his chief I It llfH .tr..l iv lli.fini!ii.r Ij n t ''-,, ft c ! - .. r f t I J 1. pennon at his ofiice with au- Car C h' Ka!l 11 !'rU, of "ix tn'U thfor.ly J 'the i I t . t ! will fevsion continue ne r 11 d that it f V I, Saturday. .ty . t f U H n thr.d r with t the business rieeetnle"r Uth. before i MacL.'iiii' said: N SIh.h, ' frv hire t M f; lt; beiu to ddde U.e time Hnd I t !y a rstt p or.tittiUr j; t'f 'I1 sd ici nothiiijr of any ral?e in the (ommitte 111. f- t r.niftilltf-" tr t s ' nf IVliiililt,.nn "i ' ' IT1 ., i,M,n r nfll ' I fo" ' . Of II:o vUifot ' p it! ,'1''"ur ',,a'. Manager Williams is . r f st and to trantout f f'a wires are not national cr.rvention as ' ... ? "In ground, but the The Ninth Mr"t Itaptl i i r fhurrh , h.jjf other 1 huli:e youoh may t and f ; properly have not he;rd .. t v.0!dn today ' ' , T:t.o-' r f f f fr.t:trtt the rrowoed f. come before whu ti.eetlnp." Stfrr.s clld In.itdrt . r ti i r- - i atter. w from him. He may order on advance. TJe " . r. I t r r ( 1 don't know." the rontrr.t lor. to crdrr t ? na i. m. i. T. C. ii :c-thr ui! ;t t r: Ir.cM f St i . -i' ) t ,J Strike Closes Factory. id. . Follow i made the Ihr tl.e .? Bl . ? ,.i1tti r The Question Analyzed. ii i ll Nov. H.A a result of crtnade l j i i' y Hfiilt !. )." rs itfiv.c :"h f i hymn. rayer wh ofTered by f "Fitt-fii"Is the margin on which the Utah a rhnadetphta. Klasicrs the j. j. Ftrlke of eiKht-?l- x I f It; f.imr d n t c.o rt thai In William of Ir. J. Oxford. j ' Fuel cornnany sells It3 coal no close Mat hew Klaxe factory will FUFperd McSi:r:y ni M t .:tr-r- t : p. i . i'o; ,t.t it.. c i ' . ii r Afb the C. Cl.irw 7'W rolball thi. Mm, and by aiioat week, Co Sl ojierations t !. (Continued on Pot S.) leadcued Idle, hands will of mb&vuil, Ihe tcrta cf Ihe ex r. . c. r. U. U loila. i i: ttut TU W.jfn mires until ic. k.r ' t" j' 1 . im i , 7 t . i'J, 'i('f f 1 - In l!c I ! ( r rr u f " . ..r. ' f c .tir.. C f f 1 , tbe " . ' ct V..t. ;Mi r r.t i s tu fr U-- m :):. .. tis Tl' 4 t .U r. . ( C' a tl" C f-- MISSING Advanced Price Effective. May $100,001) Thief. .vn rr. an '. !' 1 ' " 1 . I' t.f.T . . ' , . r f - IAti' r ? Be a! Vagrancy '" ' 0 0 0 0 0 r on the and a p.nrns--ard SaH IV. car line had a peculiar exjn rlence durinsr th i;orm I t idaht. ar. t one that will probably never w.4 TJ.e wt-forjeotten by tl;h-- r. , li.tr ?n furiously that the car had to I" ftt.pp-- !. Tb- - ir !! ft et, r w h. !e tMn- the w ire to furnish light. A l ut te I ;.rn-pat on the feat opposite the tovc. and h ivrr v.o rubber on. pit 1 ' t on the Move fender to dry M jh'vn, Conductor Iutnam ftert,,'l Inrt le th r.ir to await an. att-tr.er-,- t of bs f.e. t.r tl:e wln.V, anl the pan-ene- r tendered Mrn ,t j r I'utr.ani Bra?pil the pro(Tird oi!i, but ni' l it ln:.irt!-,-- . V.hfi f." tottrhfd lh rolli. loth tnen re,.'ived m b'aV 'Ii'h it. I'l.j.ii t'.rt- I th.ri :;t Into hard krotn. In tb cxitii.nl and IS: 'f tr l:tt i t ! ": from the current th.it was trtui iti him. Iutnau ki fe-- t oft the Kino, and the Irvu',t w n, In "me una vruniaM r b i 1 ! . r.'ur i 1. mit n r ti e tV.I - s ' haiRfd with 1'ctririty th.it it r, n . h k thit w t!1 1 o- t. 1 ' 1 ! Si r . A- r fir . a ! - f (I on - , : j ' .' 4' r' '..e - i f r- ' - . i In ' : ! " . I . . it-.- ?.. I . 1 r - r.nii TI e J t- t . ltr-r.t ! .w r t , ; - . t r I i ! '. i - r- til'y ',r f.f I H ATTACK BY Shan-Hai-Kw- f' I ! - ir-- f d m 1 . ' r ... . it-- . r- i 1 ' t i,. T . by ' J" i C I i f .!.fr S tl '1 t 0 The coal situation in Salt Lake today is iecidedly complicated. Dealers and consumers alike are wondering "where they art at," and it is the consensu of opinion by both classes lhat thj more they wonder the less they know about it. There are rumors of a conference to be held this afternoon or tonight, but every dealer, wholesale and retail, who was asked the direct question of any arrangements for a consultation had been made, declared that he knew :;othing of it. Up to Utah Fuel Company. On the face of things it looks as if it were up to the L'tah Fuel company to find a key that will unlock the combination and straighten matters out. This is deemed to be nothing more than just inasmuch as the Utah Fuel company made the direct statement to its retail dealers and to the pubiic through The Telegram that there would be no increase in the price of its coal. The Facts as They Are. The fats in the csf, so ar as they appear up to 1 o'clock today, arc: Dealers who handle the product of the T'Atoti Pacific Coal company last night rV,-veofficial notice from headejuar-u'g- k that, effective November l.'tth. the o" lum; and nut coal would be p; 2.LT per ton at the mine, an increase of 50 cent? per ton above the present rat. This makes it necessary for the dealers to sell the coal at $5.50 per ton. as the freight is 52, the draase 50 cents and the screening 25 cents per ton. t W t..' ' a -. i- ' t .g tn-V'r- Police Prerautirirf. WVr tvauth ro 5I ". f r"nuti"ii tr'n e r w stt I... .t . itmej ri'n!!y J.rlr'n r t t' jf b 1 r te w lf-- . ll.f rp ar y j vl'Vr.t torrmlttlrjr wSJ".'"- - I ' n .! J trad)' l Mall Cars Not .tolsted. Vhil t '.An w .vh!;t r.trij non-unio- I.-itr- t t ir,g ) Bamberger Coal company, Several hundred police and a dozen tons; orders booked 10od tons. () () Citizens' Coal company, 500 tons; ( patrol wagons were massed at the southern terminus of one of the main ) orders booked. 1000 tons. 500 (!) Coal Martin Ftreet electric lines at Seventy-nint- h company, tors; () booked 500 tons. () and Cottage Grove avenue early in the 0 orders Burton Coal company, &00 tons; morning and at 8 o'clock the wagons orders bcoked, 000 tors. () 0 twice eefoki: o:;x.y l v. Mb - : tl e it. ihitko rf 4it - Sheet Lightning:. 5 : fi' irirf t i:;i.l't n Wt i4ii I T prevent the mail tTvk belnjj Interrupted by nrt of Mdenee. Th State courts, on the other hand! would be appealed to if, out ary question of the mail, an Injunction brisLl Iw nought jml ly ti invent In. n terference with traction employe rn ti I mabUnh passenger per vice. ' .. ;. ' .. ' '; 0 'i il V ... (Si S Vl ") jt;rt ard t - th- w - ni o-r.t- T Light Service InjurcvJ; Storm Accompanied by a Vivid Display ol ',5 r--f :r (V) WO 000 00 0 MKlKfcRb AYU1D FEDERAL INTERFERENCE. non-unio- 10P . , a J I ,. .- j.'ls : i 1 ... I 1 ' - - , S i- 1 ab-.i;i- . ti.ft t.t COMMITTEE IS CALLED ii-aru- 5 FAVORABLY REPORTED J t" s " 1 -- . . -- 1 f- . ti-1- J . - 1 t ' ; 5 - r r e Ti .f . '1 r- at I ir. r . - 1 I I : f - ', n. r rr - a i ... . r ' ' r ', , Itt' I 1 1 I d r.-'- 1 - b'!r ln-in- r or-ri'-- rs 1 1 I li,-i- r ; j r.c-ve- i " - c - prr.ly 'tU' 1 5 '. 1 - 1 1 " - . I 1 a iiiill i . . . , OF TEMPERANCE WOMEN r . i" f ''r ! T-eak. t - t- MOVE foli-iws- th! 1 dlfctn -- . I 1 inl $ .5 1 j tt; - cthi 1 1 t- - - . - i ? :f -- ; : 1 " 4 t.-- t' It-- arkr.h d : ' . 3 r- - a, s 5. a " . : - -r .: 3 1 1 - r.'Ii-.iti"- i " ; i : i ; m t t - I . ( f i. - t. ' m . |