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Show The Sact Lake Telegram. J The Evening Telegram. jj THIS PEOPLE S , NEWSPAPER. Published Every Evening Except Sunday. by tha - SALT LAKE TELEGRAM PUBLISHING CO.. Office 149 S. (Incorporated.) West Temple St., 8U Lake City. Utah. '228. Telephone Calls Office 2t; Tidltortal RQoma, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year, by mall, in advance s J Plx months, by mail, In advance One month by mall, In advance ,s One week, by mtll or carrier cent Blnple' copy, everywhrro reijls-tsred Remit by P. O. money order, express money order, bank check or draft. In the name and to the adletter, dress of the SALT LAKE TELEGRAM PUBLISHING CO.. alt Iake City. I'tah. money by gaining control over mentally weak men and women. And for this reason every one of lhee alleged leaders who gathers a crowd of fanatics about him and preaches doctrine which are a menace to law and order, should be promptly uj pressed. Ileligious freedom is one thing, but the iuccn diary ravings of shrewd schemer is another, livery American is entitled to his own religious views, but no man has the right to incite mentally weak men and women to murder or other act of violence, ns i the case with the "Holy Holler." -- subucrlp-tlo- n TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS The date when your expires Is on the address labl of each papr. the change of which to a subsequent date becomes a rpcept for remitNo other receipt la sent unless requested. tance. Entered at the Poatofiice at Salt Lako City, Utah as Matter. Temple. FRIDAY EVENING. NOV. 13, !. r. 13. End the Coal Strike by Arbitration. r- - a rsuur u , J tmui uaJi',jr. v- - f-- -' r. .r-- vr, 4r. 1 .i i ... V.'mn fr-- ,5r uUr rer nrra for, l cray. all f. ..) Vr-- i in f t t l l!rM !.rM htt r.r.Jr. Worren'n J.i VTz J)'A f tt4 in rrj'.rtc rir. if jvr.!!!! jSN js;;iy. 1 vj fh5-r.- 1J 4 T r U tr-- 4 (f tn'Tr " ft- tZ Our orrtr:u ael H,5 tl.TZ frr women 01 be nrnnon and Slur.(n rftlaT Cay tor ipilod-O ilen'a tl IA umfcrt',: ran W bad thl fti:mon and tUUrJay .',r ,f Cl .Jo'sl Tilt: SAI-- i: S ATt'JU'AY. T! " Till: SltoC or t iwu V tMInJt;Ti;D rATTniXN r ar try r.-r- Th t tur- - trf. rrtjcSl.rjf if.e r,j f f !i VJUt, rt'NTJNt r. 1IATS ItAt.r. UNH fONTlNt'KS. HAL.1: T.r ti'.ve r,v;a u t r.rj:y UrW ANI !r ) v,. U N, i, f . V i 1 Telegram readers leaving the city for a week or more can have their paper sent to their address rejpilarly by mail, xrithout additional cost, by making the request, in person r by postal card, at the office, No. 149 South West Gtm. Warner.' In "Dees a union man violate the mandate of trades unionism when he allows hi wife to mend a rent in his overcoat?; That is the question which may cam considerable agitation among the labor men of the country. It was the pivotal topic of a heated di sen ion at n recent meeting of Central Lalr union of Philadel phia. The inAtter was brought up in nn argument as to the right of a union man to do the work of a bartender anil waiter at an entertaiument piven by his own organization. For nearly two hour the delegates debated the matter, ami it wan only pro longed hy the remarks of President I.t im. "Union men h:M.a perfect rLht to gratuMo-work of that sort when then is no pay," said the president. "Uc can do the work of other crafts at home without violating any law of trade unionism If I choose I an hang paper in my own heme or do any other work. Is a man a 'scab' M.nplv because he allows his wife to mend a tear in hi overcoat or suit instead of taking it to a union tailor?" The delegates warmly contested the opinion of Iveep. and when a vote was taken it wjm decided to fine all organizations which do not employ regular union men for all work. Tlie question is an open one in more senses than one. and the wives may allow it to remain open. far a mending the rent in their husbands' clothe 's concerned that i to ay. the tent may remain open. f is:.. U. NOVKMIU-I- GtanUn Another Open Question for Union Men. to th Editorial EepartmenV Ccrmmunlcatlona should be addresaed pertainingto be the Editor of the Salt Lake laTelegram. aent lor returned unless postage Rejected MS3. cannot iuch purpose. Communications relating to advertisements and business ahould be aJdressod to Ih General Manager, Salt Lake Telegram, 149 S. West Templo St. General Eastern Adv. Agent 4! Tribune 31 dg.. New York City. S. C. BECK WITH. Ofneral Western Adv. A?ent HORACE M. FORD, 1151 MarqQette Building. Chicago. riUDAY EVT.SVSG. 9 t HERE'S A STRIP OP - " Tt ' ILEES AND LEAVEN? LAUGHS TO MAKE YOUR LIFE MERRIER A NEW YORK STORY OF TODAY 1 Unless an agreement of some kind is readied by school or JOUItXWLISX. the miners and coal ojrerators of t'olorado. I'tah BY EDWARD W. TOWNSEND K and Wyoming, the cost of the strike which has just n Str. V..!rtt i ll.lr H r i rv r,,,r, been inaugurated, will fall heavily on the people. In CfinoT t J4.h?' ( Especially is this true with regard to Salt Lake. .. r "Whrt ia t .(. r" This city is isolated. It virtually depends on the if. r.r..i""t.. e.n j it.s, "eal mines in the State to fu.nish its fuel supply. . C,I .fis indeed a public necessary here. There is plenty of The Latest Method of Watering a Trust. !., ar R. e ,,. t?'.: c V r it ir, ..r !t coal in Utah, and if the Salt Lake public is deprived A new way of watering a trust ha found, lcn ! of its supply through differences arising between if , if!t ins reputatio:;. i;r, 'e from llrooklyn may be trusted. The stery reports undeserved to an be it will miner and operator,, put affects no less an institution than the great Amerij r hardship. It is strikingly unjust that the (ousuiiht should can sugar trust. Vorni-c'''-- n : It is asserted in an oftVml report that this j A "I ! ur r.-- , t t, ,,n " it. ; be forced to pay the cost of this wrangling between tftrjiV, Vj. f 'A 1. ct Hl't-fc A t mvt "H'Wrrm fr. J j, ;M :'tu! r.r1h, r.j j miner and operator. Yet this is the case. Already combination has stolen actually stolen 5 il if"t. Itfc'f- Oral n. : Vih f r t5l. ar. I;rUiJ I . r anis m :. Lake Salt an advance in the price of coal f.,.:rt:ir $1,000,000 worth of city water by a simple pro es. rr'rrlr of Jafj tthi kf.r jf f J: h'-- l nounced. This first increase in retail prices will ittln f t 'l. l,r. sr. ! K5 I'l : ft '.- - rt.-.r- . " As in most cases of alleged corporation thievery. 1' a f c f) . f t ;tr!irfor If." t .irtf, H afl j r (',,. cost local users of fuel fully $100,000 during the rr-, UNQUESTIONABLY l TRUt. f.rt was in this ty done an !,t;i.,r. irT underhanded way. or it frr r, r c.r Mfs.t ff t J, 1 sr 1 ) winter. And' this- is only the lwgiiTning. th" be nearer Mtr to the Start-limay truth W .1 Ij , f i.r Vr ! !;. say underground. When, as is the rase now, the public is r r t: :; Ii'i'.'ff it rr- is a l 'Ho disclosure, g be will g a declared, made to ri! disheld up and compelled to pay the cost of this subterranean connection by mean of which the pute, the consumers have the right to demand that MT10AL EM OF THE FlfCBllC the miners and operators submit their differences to sugar company's plant has been supplied gratis with r t m t " r Unmlf l tit i r"4 at water of the rate millions of gallon- a day. t r.t'f SIT MIX. t'fn'" lTt.. ( titers U. a board of arbitration and end this strike. tarn Kv. rnNK N., ! , ! e it fcn.w be lr tli 'an is l,lay. lo ;rtttt-it m thl A Mt lllUV Telv another ex. J r,J:,n porsiM,. ea.J..; r n' Arbitration is the modern, logic; ! method of set r i i.- -r ' .M . 1. i. I r . r... al 1 (hMi w, t of we iiiiantc" empliiication that read "higher lift r.4 M!c. t tling strikes. And unless ;trbiratiou is refuted to about? t I U I ,n f .f ;? ; r,y In fff in the present trouble, Salt Lake fuel consumers i ' t '.'y f r, i i .'! .). I ' A VZKY NICE TIIINO. if Jii".T V T! K M l will pay a fortune as the cost of this contest beIMl t tween miner and employee. Be What Vill Future of American Humor? ri.i;4;.-ij-- i i.).r The miner is entitled to his hearing, "o is the WELLS. FARGO S CO. DANK Has humor, of itself, any jHrinaneney v litera ! of is " l which the I tf' flit t .u tr.. it composed ojH'rator. The public, tir.jil : r ture, is a question that student and critics are now !! j .i jr. fry rr.1 Tof who the consumers of fuel r buy k n products army c li 1. -- I. tt h tvyl l r"! With .1 r . . n asking seriously. So far as the historv of our liteia I' :"Ihji w 4. H'r.4t the mines, is also entitled to a hearing. . J,f-v... , ... . ,i 131 e; et, t I r. i! ! t - . J'k And in considering what it means to prolong lure affords a standard of judgment it would eem ! . ; h :' to i t'il cjat ?j y ?i rj , j r i T?e :kcr f t r C, i this strike the miner and ojrator should not over- that it is impassible to "intermit iouali.. " humor. tr.r.f r .m rf . y i i in t ItjTii't !l CAST. v: i,i r tv look the fart that they owe a certain duty to the Indeed, we r r rif. ourselves think to may .y Ji r lucky preserve C rf. J.nK. AC I r i ih. Obiter" public. That public may go back on the miner and even a national TrO..;- -. tyi the opt rator if it is not treated justly. III! , ... , rV" Dickcnsiau humor no longer pleases th multi r M tir i;f dt, f f American tude, a after fails .Tl vogue, long drollery, If. !: t'V !!r .:; Is rf tf(h New a Doctrine This Sect. Murder of , ; I .il ll e. r.; . k( to i.i.,' "reach the spot," the inveited aphot iMo has lc J g II i.f '!1 I ft m i f tm nur, tsa rr To obey the4 "Law of lod" before the law of man today jt J ' Or.0ItOE ItUfTT. fl K.r,inf lived its little hour and passed into the realm of SAME of is the avowed declaration the "Holv Hollers" shade and silence. TIIINO SM Lk Ci'.y. rrcjfr! 4.!..;.even should the voice of iod loll them to destroy a Was it not Matk Twain who once upon a time Sfr .rt S. !. j 'rr ll Mr.. It-- . . WALKER BROS.. Banters otigi-nahuman being. Thev have alreadv killed a number solemnly declared that there are only , .... ,f ;,..,f .,.f in the world? At any rate, what way. a of "ats and dogs. jokes t.T t , r. crtT. fadecade a new of sect The "Holy Hollers" are st'ange ago, derisively termed the new Humor turned J I l - . r. "'Ti ::ri natics who have settled in Oregon. Their actions cut to be only the nid Huffoonery in another dros. TRUE POEMS WHICH I a tf f f f ' r J Hi .. t t4 iff'T 1rf H t It be. have aroused all sane citizens against them. News then, that we ate approaching an era may . J ' ; .',rt H YOU SHOULD KNOW j lie . i f. dispatches relate that for several houis on Wednes when no writer of work that ptetej.ds to po- -, t i I f i"'.f;-'- ,. In-- . I more I cr an 'i than a was it believed little to :' Bank will :1 il) jssret National that dare to life, f sr.; 1;.t, ephemeral girl belonging day attempt j I (,t1.!. try u It', one of the families whose members have appsu'cutly making laugh. And again, this condition to come ! . r r. ' t j ft? ' IV A SEA LYRIC. not a from . insane new had been become "de may arise, , deterioration in the q tnlity of faith, through the "V Ui'r I if til t'lif) Hstroyed." Fearing that its parents might even sanc- the joke, but from loss of sensibility in the reader, t ' i -. i1 r im Ja . ' !. to oft 'repeated application of the same joke v e f. 'f' tion the sacrifice of the child the oiliceis forced ilue . l J !'.itt ' w . I . h'IJ: t r r of a rf forms. of the fanatics and their way into the headquarters multiplicity n sj t r t In tlmve days, perhaps, jokes will he m u?e n rescued her. : 1 t Its' ! ! "t fr.r a - I I 11 l When lirooke, the leader of the "Holy Hollers, psv rhological experiments, nobody will any longer td sn r I. f i dirat if t of of t asked the u.d should law was tie joke. Ir . f. that a hu ugh anybody ele. r.er evi u at his C',11 I ! f :ig' :.'.!. t - J ' ..,' ' 1 J.' V, at man being should be destroyed what he would do. ow n. . : t ; Hi) .r l'f". f? I m J . t. J l ;t f f m la was silent for a moment, and then he quoted a if hr- e- !, ... ':. ." e ! t. ' ! I f The Teli gtam Imp s the renrt that the S.ili.iir j !' ! V! passage of scripture in which it was declared that i'l'i - . : m i x Tt ' ! J rf ' 'I r I'?. i,' r the lt-- i'rek mi the law of tjod must always be supreme. When tailroad will be extended f ' a . . ' I t I J t ; t j, f ff.ff asked if (lod was likely to command the destruction ning district is true. This region is one of the rj, j,. is "' II .f it Ilvr st in I'tah. and a railroad is the one thing w ihil I ..a .1. of any person, I'rooke replied that (Jod never com i McCORiSICK & CO., t.'. .rrfi rlj manded him to do anything of that kind vet. but if to develop its splendid resources. - n .. Si , ir- ' f fix,:. v. f " t . ' f r . a to command Hrdler" homicommit did k "Holy tjod n. ; If'f. CI I V. SALT. r. t.AKtl If the I'ity I'oum il ehi t can just now p:r half . Wie? r At m cide it was the "Holy Holler's" duty to obey the or . t ' ! it J " ' r . f , . a day for a drive through the residence ti t t . der. .;t 5it '.raei.3 a perthm of . V. t''r S; - i (t f aft j i , m j t no further arguue nt for lirooke's following is growing daily. His intlu Salt bake it should I f. ; aal 1 J.afah't , '.s. r, ! f "jV )i :,.! :. IV. ence over his converts is reported as being absolute. the m t esity of a little miHh'mitv and enti Af-tie il T. "J ' rpti. . r U? I ;r i It. is more than probable that this man jtossesses in t reet imnt ovement f t Hardware & Stove Co. I'l' hvpnotie power, and that it is due to this intb;enc ! I it!' r V ' tl'f rI' !!I ' If ibis coal strike continue, we mav at I tr; i' I' i ., TT r rt- - ! i that the members of his sect are led into such . !. ' J l j t f' " I I t k ,1 . P ..," t. or ik. not Whether is on -NovemN r t Oth thanks manifestations. FI'' this " ' that tlengs are no tin give strange wr ,, t t ?f tf If ' ", I t I t' r lirooke is a dangerous citizen. Any man who worse than thev an. J f r In t it &' t J a j ....,. a hn l"'-- n on is a public tt Tii o. preaches the doctrine lirooke Vi?h e. !.t iff'Sj1' ! V. e. t - g The news that the price of coal is not to 1. I", menace. He should lie suppressed tefore he su t I s . l,f ii !:-'.t . ! St k is as welcome as the snow. . ceeds in doing more harm. ir. .; r t .; jt .? t ? 4 k t;j" 'f The wonderful financial success of Dowie has i!ci, r e. r A l S"' tMT I I 'a( n'f f'tV M1 J'V t ? of Ami now our leaders" old the Salt Lake Wind, i ., "religious made the present year's crop friend, an I .I'l-i- t lr-- l kf 'i.t r, f' a ftnn r ; .:. f r 1 f rr 't Jar're one. And it is noticeable that each of thesi trying to et a new speetl record. i. ! at , t nfmir-- f f A'.- ;w"tl lfrs:o-.i - Wi..Un . . . a I V U ..1h new promoters of strange sects is imbued with ' ' '! Lfc City C?-- f C? - !l . tm--' i I l inn !;h The idea is to make And once more we see Utah in the public eve. siron"- financial tendencies. 4 t k " S-- h- '! i'l - -r- 1 ,. -- ' 1 1 1 4 : -. 5 .v:Jr-charin- c c -- ft- - r'f ( J a-- . '. H.-.r- V- Il-M- 5 1 1i-.:r- 1 T -- f r-- r-- t- - t tf " 1 i.--- j V "of rn r- I '. laf . - !l:.-t-"- t. ! S'-- ji "' V 1 ltrt it '!' if . . A : - .".?- r t-- 1 t'. 1 1 H I . l p -, e - Ix-in- . ., r-- . - f- - , - 1 i - a-- 1 ; 1 i -; r-- 1 . s : - , 5 .f r''f : '.". : ? !- 4i r. '. !- , t' , - - 1 , - -- 1: l.-- : t - R.G. DUN & 60., 1 J . - 0-.- .': . - 1 - l , 5 - - - ; m - -- (-- 1 ! 1" T. t X .5 ij ' ".- 1 I j 1 J'f .- i - i 1 1 1 tk-- " - f- V J a- Ms-'f- f- a '; - - r j ? -r 1 . : i fl-- ',.-- ''' tf -to " " - 1 - r r- ? 1 " : 1 J 1 r -; s . - V T s : 1 1 . ..'-- I . . ' r- . .,' f- ..-- ? 5, 1 i.fi'." ' - i r. n-qui- I 1 . ' 3 BA.NKliRS, i 1 " 1 . 1 1 - t"--.- i 1 '. 1 J ! :.- 1 ,'. 7 - - i r.t 3 .' 7 T ( j . fc ;- r - -l ? - . ; . ..;? lf 1 " ! ., ; - - -- : 1.--- ; 1 1. 1 ;- -: , i ! ? ' T-i- v.r;-rV,;rv:t:V-:::!Kin- ' ? " 1 .! ! b-.- a 1. -. . f 1 f.-- t i- - ly -- .! :-- '! ; . 1 a-- 5 t M--- t I - ' : ri-.- r r - 1- " 1 r- , .1-- V . f . r.-Ji- l- nd-vance- J. - ! l s 'V r 1 d.-cant- ! . - i . -- , l!e. j- - j tJ - '. 1 1 1 irr.;- - y tej-- J i CULLEN HOTEL ' fr-.r- a 1 r.la'.ff 1)1 ; n Ja - |