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Show FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER Lnntruwinnniu ruxrxnjtruTjruxrrin, c mrurrfuuvrumauxnjvtnririxiririnii MRS. S. P. KEOGH entertained yesterday at a 4 o'clocic tea, at which Miss. Hester L.ovt-1- was guest of Dealers Are Looking: for Big: Shipments of Fat Eastern Birds Next Week. 1 y The rooms were dccor&ted, and during the an orchestra furafternoon nished music. Assisting Mrs. Keogh and Miss Lavell in receiving and entertaining their fc'Utits were Mr?. JCearnp, Mrs. Kz.ri Thompson, Mrs. Alexander H. Tfrbet, Mrs. K. A. Wall, Mr?, Joseph Young, Mrs. S. H. IMnk-'- " erton. Mrs. James B. 1'"ddi Mrs. Hudson Smith, Mrs. William McUermid, Mrs. James F. Dunn, Mrs. Harry Joseph, the Misses Adams. Thomas, Block, Sapping-- " f, ton. Donnelly, Tompkins, Cowan and Gibbons. honor. . tastc-.full- S BIG prices HAVE DELAYED THE SHIPMENT OF FISH. ! t?h haH r hot-vr- ' ffh r.nt.t Pifl.- - tM'af? 4 r K'r r r OVERCOATS Mfr jft kftJfr it !! t h JEO t , r rl n 1 - n.a ,. I; any lrjawn A If tm t 'ir,e 5 j MAIN tain. r-- !. lti tiit irir 12.50, $15, $18, fe. r. ' : h j $18, $20 AND $25. 15, AJTOim TTCta o. rM I 11 salt LAHgflrff I pnrnw bavr t.inVd PrtUnd. Hi wcAthrr rn the ccpmu i; mill to ef th t!i.. As a run upline of thnrA r.o j! 154 1 Next Attraction: "TIIE MINISTER'S ll m tn-t- from the .S'orih'M ) (!- - 1 MAIN tliim A WOMAN'S POWER" "IN atrtJno The m.rkt i H n condition to1jiy. for iom? i Saturday at 2:15 P. M. Th Thrilling Play of Startling 2U Matin AQUA-PROO- F 154 1 Tonight & Tomorrow Night $G S5k5)?i OCEAN STORMS TL.eLtEgr.am. H!lP sr' THANKSGIVING TURKEYS ARE SCARCE AND HIGH 5 polite Uforia i 1 rvrvp The SaIT Lake 13, 1903. : 'a A r . Turkeys for Thanksgiving day arc at present scarce, though large quantities AND TO are expected by the wholesalers In this of tt.e nh prtcpcurcity city from th? East the early part of next hv rini. If A'ibul hi jum;d ! !f5 T inr jtu rry t;M t'; ft em II to wetk. One linn it to import K.nn pound!" r.ntii pund. r bfk Tin: rAvontTfrs same. the at & r.Rzvns, cturg'on '.m Co.'s place of directly from Armour e nti p. r d' n. n l H mi'a. business in Omaha. f?:Or;nti. upt-ctptiirKron. hxrrnru-14;:n, hd, o.l.b h. e Little can be placed In the Truth f.;(-) me!t dnd AT THE Ladies Literary club today Utah dependence r.itf)jh. Hvf r. as not the young ones are THAN UVltTw turkeys, Wcrth Mrs. J. Jj. Priest will give a panil brins; II rent r pound. oi!ir Quality yet grown, and will be held until near per on "Nonsense Verse," and .4re prices uncharged. Mrs. Igleheart will talk on "Car- Christmas, while most of the old ones tS) ii V2) tf) . icature in Art," illustrated by j ) $' (?J '5 0 'S have 2 cents per pound been sold. At Alan Li. Lovey. The Misses Weiturkeys find a ready market today, and mer will furnish the music. ".'..I'll :'"""""" JLJ glml Indications are that they will advance Written h C. T. Dtr. LADY RODNEY and Capt. Henry steadily, and perhaps reach the 29 cents TtrtTUekijr. rrib-kt-Guest, daughter and son of Lord Omj. per pound mark, at which price they 11mnnr.icii. Winborne and first cousins of the Kn. cl sold lucky Thr4fbrfi H'tlast year. On the other hand, should Duke of Roxburgh?, who was a large number be shipped In, the price married Wednesday to Miss Goe-le- t, Th OrAtt ff All Hotm n rifk have spent the past two days may remain w here It is. t p ftr.tr.ny Ilrl I'sra-I..v Frb with Mr. and Mrs. Newhouse, Corceri tn threat cf orUk. 7A U?ime Wild duik are growirg scarcer, and and left yesterday for Montreal. p, m Thrttr bring from 40 to 60 cent. per pair. Tame "IS OLD KKNTfCKY," HlCGint AND - to rlc"7It.f. AT THE home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. ducks from is to 21 rents betb.r than ever, mad Its ar.ru it per pound: " Beatift last evening the marriage VTKer ycu it I 11 : U v.l.n Ft e It l.ske roasting rhirkm. at the per pound: appearanc yca'r fr!4 KKXT ItA ATT "T! OS of their daughter, Jane Cyrene, , rhhkenn. cents frying and per crowd a pound, Theater laft to Rufua K. Cobb, was rolemn-ize- d. r.tght let (Eft't you It deal old her.5, 12 cents for the same quantity. wcrry jcy, if yea wira, that nearly tilled the hue. Bishop O. F. Whitney perdM.s OLD S,ta;;n AKATCOA Saturday for Jsimat.. W f Meat Market Holds Firm. formed the ceremony, after vbitkej the Mormy weathtr ondl-tk-which a reception was held, No chan re is not d in the. meat proTbi el l nu lodrama m when many of the young couple's sam the wt-t-ducts, a. rullist prices r.evt r to prow stale. Contrary In friends called. Mr. and Mrs. ing. Mutton brings 14 cents per pound Cobb will be at horn1 after Dethe u.'ual rule, the management for the xrirr.e cuts, and Iamb 18 cent". 'Tis Wl.itlt.t7 Mtrti5itt, cember HOth at 137 Third street. Porterhouse steak. 0 eer.u: round Kfini to add to the utter.gth 122 cents; ril s of beef, ir, rents; the company inch year. r.Ih- r Arc. M tr-Tn MRS. JENNIE CRISMON has returned steak. b rents; shoulder of mutto roast. pot eek to mak tv.oncy on th than from a visit of several weeks on : ton. fresh pork. to 16 rents; an Inferior reputAllon with pliy's Puget sound and in San Franveal cutlets, ir. to :) cents; h i. on. i e nudtem The t.it f t c h t cisco. Miss Bessie Crismoii will ;it. 20 cents a pound. ham. certs, w ani an In the extreme, nthuxiaMlc remain in San Francisco indefie appkiuwe o.mtnit not a lore th musical Is nitely, pursuing her Grapj Crop Light. from the ".iky n rk-- to : v s studies. The scarcity of grape. and the ,,ri?' . n jours? vtomun tow J,M S M I, MO CW1 1 quent high price of that product, i ore in yenje ! !. ftiutnM thMRS. S. H. BABCOCK returned yesbarfly of the chief features of the fruit market harartrr of M,tijti Itriftly Ji"tl ' terday from Nashville, where she this week. To the failure of the sr;ip h h a thouch h naturall jssaasBBasBmjBseKssa has spent the past two months. -l" t crop in votne p u ts of California, whrn-mos- t he eome "ti ol from .!.' m of 'nvl7i M n .' Salt 1 Lake's supply comes from 1 1 Sh 1 of Mai Kalntuckf DR. AND MRP. D. MOORE LINDSAY and to the H j old weather i.x attribute, the IlK'M e.i aide nr lr P th' te t arrived in New York on Wednes some hWI'e a tn for shortage. btllUant future jitote hr dealer, day on the steamer Oceanic and I nEFIND VAUDEVILLr. have ;i Muantity on hand,l.a on th Mae. (loirc I ) o. .e he uid are expected to return to Halt they I fefn r.f M t, S U" ii M . Ith M 1 l unable to ottt more Joe senile Attain when any nritinl these lore. Lake in a few days. , U m . cr!..srK.. : 1 V K a aid p t 111 j are exhausted except .,t advun. . d re Tl th company. tcvr 11 a .t - w . nH ' ! fn ore to e.pjiil li bm In th prices. Grapes which sold for 4r, and VI f N !n COL. FTOKY isvlown from Park City rents y l tVrr-- fi P per bask-- t last week are quoted nt i rh.mtihr of the tyj.j find is a gi est of his daughter, . C3 and 70 cents for the : n.ount 3ire r. A a tut of same quantity to. p,-; Mrs. George R. Hancock. Al.Vl,vjoN.. a Mrs. Frink llufMlt " H itu day. Th" indication are that imb lloiton. the vttl.itn. , oil tht MRH. W. H. ALEXANDER and the more are shipped here in the next few days the niark-- t w be bare. i;i! ! a k" I Tl ei'.t. t h u Misses AUxandpr of Chicago, hi Ctjh Ipi were In re'';; ! r t h.u;.' u form nous apples cruispit wifp and daughters of Mr. Alexth- - fruit b in exhibit The ban" of! "Wt;.ir on Market ander of the Majestic Mining display t row. A new variety, t n x youti'g IR-I-P-A-N-- S: n. ' a known the are in Salt company, expected l t Rambo. in det has ti hit made its pjeu hailiuot hir appearance, Lake rhortly to make their home. t r.o fioEnn T,- ing fiorn the south, rn part of the State, . a. hiiiit ; re and brine: Jl.:. I. buh-realistic, th!r th' per while MRS. W. A. GILSON of Ogdc-nwho Rhode Inland f tt run t ct . (Itmxxl I tn !h 'ras spfnt the- past few days in Greening kind brir.K Il.TI r.iu-kK for In the wlh samp pi the city, left last evening for hr ouantitj. Jim.ithniis Mill tu . th-- i nieii again tnntiht. oruinue i profusion, I" incenix hrlnning ! ne-n. e. per p. ck. The demaiui fo rranb-- i rlK ii.. i ster.diiy in, i f and no lie. re:.e i M;r.S MARCAIIET PARK is spending is EnMi looked . v for until : ir tiii: in:.t.. !.bd'A tfler Th.i hksri inR dav i,uvi;its fori night ;u zde:i as the guest Th-- y ion-sell r.l 12i !!!" sink" p r quat t. WV of Miys Mir; rd 5 Kicse). M nt.-ter peirs ft el a ieHdv market hat" th-- d!;ae, it ! ; n bun.int: h.it . v 'k MHS. THOMAS WKIK has issued in- - cent" per i.o;oid. while the Barti- tt AND rr. and !. r.on ai d lie j; to ri ty brings pi U p. r ! Muitions lor n ta next Tuesdav Winter into oiir o'.i i, musk melons brine 2', to "., , en's eat h. .it afternoon at 4 o'clock. lH lis d "III II Vfi!,lJl' Alt plums are c,,n,. 111t ,,f th, n);irK',,t lv : rt" flllted to t h f t .'(!. Tt-'f'iVS. JOHN B. KING and son WtniouKU a leu I. r.jitn i;Une .niitt ' il'ST w hich 4 i fot llcl' t e of lh .V. bring 4' c. nts- per -. Wednesday afternoon to join Mr. -t the il .ttl l bfl IdtjM Wit ar'for 111 ,.rJllVAd.. n?s ;u,,j i ent.--j a id ne i,v i (.:.! iS7. per p.u kage. At.-.f th' pi. eifiii. DR. AND MRS. CHARLES (',. PLEM-ME5 Advance in Potatoes. ""- I taV i" llftrde d. th..: re, ... ! I -- Vf.m lit.f'Ml entertained at dinner last W .s be of nild Iuiitiiii: . titit it' Kc!!cusOl ; .,..., Spir-s- u ,,..1 , ;. rectr. Conttary to exp tnt;..r.! ., r. t I JSJTjA evening, at which covers were i 1 a in', n. ;!,, !fir-f nrel tabu ; dict'ons. potatoes stUJ truiiie "t.. laid for ten. and .. " of 3 . h arc she moil f t h" tie irtx ; of the .Sk. instead of going t u . r. atehigh t; ;n u.i . Ttr, ! ! Sf !'. lit. X THE MISSES ELOISE AT 7 D MAY growing Piorc expensive. ,n it,. reae nurvc!cu rcm;i:c$ cf the !.!; d; i:i,.t:e joiner, jr- - tr'-fin pi ic? of r a t ti i !(: LOFTRS gave a box party at the noted ,, . f llv . f TlV I f t" on thit d' t r.' r,i ai in th: cure of chronic week's quotations, "murphies" mar hi T ' n i Salt Lake Theater Wednesdav ! h" n a. ha i phd bringing 7" rent per bush''!. afternoon. when they and six of rheumatism. t O t.V Pcopfc who ins for ;t die' ll.K p Large yellow Dancers ami Sihkin friends enjoyed thir ill Si'ir" onions are , ir, ti'tjo. mi have ad.litiou to the "Soldiers of Fortune." ccnlir.cS to iheir table d.i'i.J thS - .T' d ! t ' 1 ' tl market this week, and are !o!h g.. I , quote. If "Ita .m r.n I' bed; !cr ycjf$ have been t.eiton. a-WILLIAM R. REINHARDT has pone at 2."i cfnts per or s cent p,.r If j! rr a t? iciti . . tt, u'.'l b- itiii tonic!, t aid bushel. Sweet potatoes go n t Six o San Fram isco. where he exrestored to perfect health v. t ! ; ; . Vi';-the fatioat ;ht v for a quarter; riur.finv.er 2X pects to make his home. Mrs. t . mati? " p.-- r rents tndcy Reinhardt will join him later. cent f.ir the pound; cabltag by their uir. same iiunntity; wax ud Lima lenns WILLIAM L. ERASER of Ronton Wt 12'; cents per pound. Big yellow puiio-ki- ns Tin: novi:i.tv tiikati;:. i:r:su-li; JI'Il "I e v .t p. t t f, ( ,, , RliAD THIS. P and 1. bring j yesterday for the K;ist. after a b a drain it k ar-- thi 1. ' k s. Pleasant visit with Salt Lake prices rule th. otle-- vegetables; . hi th" v. a y of j . i ttirents a bushel; ., ..nf a friends. . . t ''I 'l I !'r 1 r ' bunch: peppers. 0 rtnt celery, r a pound; ihiil wm.c 'Kin: . r t.. in it f f t eppeis. rents a pound; pin.-.rbnnrpcii MR, AND MRS. GEORGE L, NTE an f :ur (; " w bl . f I t'.n ,ir ;fa ..tn4 Pounds ror : rer.ts: egg p!ai,t. little son leave one week from toems a t ".gi t I'D n I) jird pi. '!'! ;ii r. I t , f ; jm j n , onion-:morrow for De "Witt. la., to renm a tound; Pal! Lake Th'ater. T.l t , : J f i.i!.' j turnips. 60 rents a buhej, an 1 beets and spend Thanksgiving with Mr. .Mit f' Jarge. nlriady same the carrots Nye's parents. price. 1 p. More Gold Coming. UN 1, 11.; MISS LETT J E BAKER of Men.jon and Littla Tropical Fruit Heie. X v York, Nov. 1.: tis nc ft There U a decid-- d s ar ity of oi;Ui;,-William M. Howell of Lnsau an 1 m.ii( f and s:.m' Store have nnn. were married in the salt Lake sale" re roc: ii Jt 1 What r.i in t;i-- ' market bring C, and :' Selrl from London, Temple yesterday. The biid,- f ptii. v. a is . on th" ceiit.s per dozen. l'.a nana and lemons po'd the daughter of Dr. Baker of Tii.' National I'uy t. r.k a; Meradon and the .trroom a sr.n of oiing i rf insi u t tor the nam- MU.uitity. .ar.'tl:-vo iKemrnJ if wlule i e w s a r !i 1' ofo:i t Howell. 11 newThe 'ongressrnan and j Londo;i. cents wedded cadi, ly couple left last for a six weeks' honeymoon,night Cream! y butter sedd at ;o.,,e 5;,,,,., trip a; te jto Portland and California. Tish Culture Station at cents per ir r 1. uhij at nthc'iy ;,) feoy l.!ina:.l rents i ;isked. The supply p'iib1ihej hy t N .(V. n ..f tins attiW.ehli:!i.:.. .1' r "I a ' t, i set-mt SPECIAL BRUSH SAlO ,.. y P to h- - p!- n?;ful. It 1; li butter i! AT THE HOTELS. ,t 01 t btitiK.-- from L'( to r a'o.s . n ,' b i:i ent pej pournJ. It pf ai..l' a 1:1. I; i. aho plentiful. a '.td of ;M r I iv er. it an be ninri. The Cullen. Balance of hand!. . I at this s- - i .n ,,f arrivals at tho o,!ifn vot, i TeP!?rriy's fai the by triers ki aii of the 10 pi. This Week F. A. Kerre,.. , LOOKED INTO IT. f ( a l her. I ill); an. Utden: Swei, j.u.jp t ,;,' v Kresh egq hi e t:o;ed at r.rt . v.trdew; Xewton Ull.t-i- S.uniO'. "id,, ' j y e 1 ill rut? ! Scrub D:u'j , t . . . . . oc p'r Tound faf Uaie. John Drakah. Sun Pedro-- ' r' If' ficr.rn. and lach an. told Mornsre exx Tty f r4?n f ! f Da- ur Whfit Coft'?e Wa ' er f i. t fn e.j EpUi' and family. St. P;ulC:l 20- - Scrub Div.sh at 2.". cents. n fit?- jr. ikn. . 1:. . . : ... ..... t t 'o.-.- jv s mning. Anaconda; I'n d Klrbv. St. mt in h j p,, Tiie sr. in in-- s t Ctl r ;.jj;t3:si t tf,;rniil p yrrr. are ex-- " uuot., Kejiil, l:t .lacobson. San is; of w ut 'j.vnr.vtfw t am. ' llel?" ron tt.o pays, Tf.'J ?t at j ,lS heirner. Poi at.di..; Jo'in Kiiday. Ihonnlj otdm'. I.ucmI they l,;u--f fltntu.it d A nni: I ; ; ' i'tt-ti- ' 1 S'-:ef by'.:- ? rfSI. or. rirr-orat. u,ik Timmas Sid.ii.unc. Kf mm-re'dut tti. I i !'r V Vhe.it Ji Sl.pl t"5 l V ; t l"red Eanislmw. Sr. l.o;:is; .i,i,n Stivers" of it ;' buhi i: ojitc1 .tt . ,., r t'.e r.,J Biuh:i tn; to ti.ip b A3S r $ t huedrerl ,; t 01 e 1. , ! ! Kureka; W. A. Xagely. Sir! .., ' ? , r n fj 4 5i if ? ' II "Vt t O. " , 1tticc;'i'. etrerr'!,t ' . a s '. ! t " Nev Wilson. European. 1111 jiat nt f!'ir v e b. f . t 3 1 i r.Y r I J e,, r v i: i.oll-- . r.j;j off k i a nut'-- re ; ; t ai: rht Tor. nmde t2.::Z: a! tl "ill)' I W'ils. n K';rr.;i-;- j n Arrivals at the N. cunt :;o scoiir-and baker."' ."o. 1, . BrubaKcr-Campbc- ll pioat t ir y n rat hotel yeyrcrdav K. iu to tl, : i t- Tonight Last Time ir Cos-grif- Z- - ff $45 5 pri'. Old Sn , UP $25 GRAY BROS. & CO. 2sIr. Kentucky " " 50 c. 50 - ti.t 1 kp N-for- ite r. DeWoIf Hopper f t-- ul l - n Vi .". MR. PICKWICK tf. r.''i -- f II II 1 - tv rut: n.nati:i i.i Is -- l I - 11 -t . I RHEUMATISM i j Krr.-luck- I - li POSITIVELY CURED -- ', 1 11iHlllVill 14V . ! .1 1 run usb op by Kd'-e!- 1 c in-ui- - T-- nit - -- t 1 I- c r'-ni- s 1 ;;. - ;; - UlL HI i -. m 1 o-nt- s . .: ! cta-iin- es - !- j- JL - V.- R r- - - - . t.'-..- . i v I ii-p- SWEET iV i;-,.,- 1 j ? m l ', r',f I e, - " 1 o--- SPIRITS OF EDEN i5JIV 'V li:a :r,iSvej - . bzn ! ill.' '. n-,- fie. ; - ! -- -- t- - - I b-i- ng . -- 11 i J .: . ce-jj- 1 r par-snip- . - 5 - . - 1 . ... .". .". . -, r- - ??. '. 1 s t ni-n- r - - ! rn -; i.-- tt' S-- " 1 1 . 11 ; J I 1 : tie-ye- ,.- Oil and S vvect 1 ,'r,ti-vrnient- ar t - I ! . - t ...., - j-.- tt,nf Hrf 1. J . h ar-tl- ! .i " in-j- - r 1 I 1 i 1 1 . 1 .1 1 1 I i t. , I -- 1 1 1 e(s,.r a';d wife, kJa hiima : S 1'ulved. igrien; Mrs. Y. I. Calverr. 1. h.. : C. H. Willard. ( ' Johnson. J ucim-r- ; ."'mKiiin. j. .1, .Matthi v.s M .1. K. '. Ol Stern, yuatsor, e,,K' imer" C1,U Andrews. Montana- K W "i5"; II. I). 11. Hartman. T. ItoRer.. Kan:--- cm "( 'i'v- ' A. Keninum. Tamer. M J'. j,.," (' AV. Smith. Mi. n. Peirnsi-cld",ai Mason. .cw Yoi-kJ. l Ijeed A" jl Smith. Omaha; M. Akimat. K. nhe-v- " California; K. II. Hc?-- s. Uoise- i' , f''' wards. Idaho; A.J. Kill';, fluladelphla Merritt ml wife. HoStoi; W Itulki-'v, 'c Jessie Shirley. Washu-.-ionMrs' V Via..; A. Itill f..i- Must Serve Two Yenrs. Ts'-'.- v .N"V. eld. v.ii j "Ol.nerl in;j Wl'h upper nuninK ...... t. . C, 1 - - York, 1 IH d i.r a- t rt :i Jdii-Ke- fa. ot !y e :t.t ... t "r !!' . r- - v .. Vk I Ml 1 , - - V , rortlnnd; r. K. . Fr r l'.';uh ,V' in hi $Hi,ih nun iiiiisiui: in ., inu!ar AND RETURN, Only SI. 00. :jf"fiaj ut Nov. J7ih. SpreJal rn:,; trejr0n Sho-- t Idi JOgrden returning. 12:30 a, PICToivE FRAMES. 6 E. 3RD jF-jPi- .. r- a'.;no.t cT (mbin-Kht)- 7.- ... - - i.v rf . pr ent. SO. ? tr-vic- e, ,.. tran; re,l t.aiav tha th - ,.ifeu A irro.f:sla;, to the I'o.te cout.U!:ed a i:i irt, tiou that a furilvr refusal j''t,, t ( .eforin pchenie will expre the titterntji to irreat danger an, I lh.n , K of i h two powers" must b-- accept,, j er, rely and without l.',Ay. J 1 Ji.- -it ki-'- om;. v 1 IV CI. :! k - jii A ftoi.t th" l.n!iM rind . ri tm-- i: p!i... "W all bt'R at:l to ! urt a .'"A ,.; ! .i ! . t r .; it Hi fo an li.oun!, Wo m,,, s I f 0:3 I'o.ti.-n-j - iit.'il f-l-- ! s. i n- a r - f w I. ti; ou r.r ali.- wl Cofft.. Mod fe.iv two u 1 - ld'-i-t k oitn.fi. in a f m I'lidum Tl rr V til:h" . k gf.t a-- b. ai:! f,r I a to u...,t ldi in .o h a l," is'iw'ii litis. p. W- .,t jf t h it . aff! f t fnir a r. r f. -- ti,. . d - t s 1 h N II - ( fill rf s. n, . . l:-.- t x i nf to 1 ! tea sale - ;r- f.-- ourn . t SPECIAL . Mf.lt. ...-.- 4 t. - 1 I . ' ' " ' . 3 I- -, ,lr , ; SATURDAY ' a Mior.2 tl.. ki b n ii il 1 1 . ! J, i 1:T-K- Tt, r I h;l t. infTi f n i 'Tliorse j r.. ( v. 1 l r at n ill' 1, i W. THIRD SOUTH iTT 0 2 --- ki at n.n!,. n ... . . t. .j, tivriUiy ' ba K r t U'.'" nr.; a" '00. tli.ntk'io pfiHuni in j ;.t. . f , Num.' it . n l y I'o.tum i la ?) 27-2- j ' ' - !'. I ,,,,, , in-,- . '.t Hardware Company . j .I: !.!;' ! . . in, is, .! V. 5 ror : 1 iort tin; ordr. I !,; ilir" !..hK U!"l to rU ly fiia! my v if. lift", a Sultan Gets a Jolt. X .v. din-In- tl e lar, ;i my "M imi ,, . Th" St. Dennis Cafe, privaf rooms on two flcor?. unexcelled popular prices, I6S iiain. . dl. (. Postcffics Earnings, W, Nov. 1.5 The n. id t h. crii.-'-i I'o'l.il lot t t: ft,.. ,, f,.r lir'St voi.ft . a. r. ith wto.,.r. ; ,(.,!., j. ii ot .,.; Teea;e f ee;n ;p, ii"t ii t ar. .1 7 f OG.DEK With h ni ; lapie'v ti.ak'tir r.Ci e ; M- !!.-- d : Uv tari? (u.v. . Ilclr t:o;i that - ( 1 " I . sj.-.;.- ?- - the 1 1 rrer iir yi n't, ; ., 1 :. p--p- 1 - t?ej-.;3- ' Spinfsor fcden "1 l.!- -r 1 r i,r, f't nnn 5 Trm II i: 1 Te . Co. Where Your SCr I Arc : A. C uritS JJILL'S TA3itT;, i per lb. .f Lr.i:s cfl tr.O.VCHiAL !. i ..r ' ATickiing Cough I! M F. J. Hill Drug Co. corner orr liSSTorricr: new retting would bit p:act for your titement. 3cf Thousands It would t wliifc you arc now reading. |