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Show i Page C8 TTjE DAILY HERALD, (www.HariTheHenld.coro), Provo, Utah, Friday, August SNIDER Continued from CI Continued from CI It's one of the more accessible plays in the canon. It's funny, it's witty, so even Shakespeare novices could are more Mormons in California than in Utah (actually, there are 750,000 r mission calls to China, which they obtain only by calling a phone number mailed to them by the church, and that phone number puts them on the phone with President Hinckley (again: oh, come on). Instructor Steve Martin myths. Among them: There in California, 1.5 million in Utah); Joseph Smith said the telestifd kingdom was so marvelous you'd kill yourself to get there (if he said it, no one can find a record of it anywhere); J. Golden Kimball was the "swearing Apostle" (he was a Seventy, not an Apostle); Mike Wallace's wife took the missionary discussions after President Hinckley's appearance on "60 Minutes" (oh, come on); and many young men have received special Eric D. Snider can be .reached at or at , 344-256- 0 dhfamilyheraldextra.com. S. 2000 three-yea- CASTLE appreciate it." Cast members in "March Tale" include Peter Biggs, Kathryn Laycock Little, 'Shawnda Moss, Shelley Graham and Thom Duncan. "The Merry Wives of Windsor" features Ward Wright, Loraine Edwards, Emmelyn Thayer, Lynn Branson, Chris Kendrick and Cristian Bell. 1 m '41!: Additional classes: "Democrats: Who Are They, and What Do They Want from Us?"; The New PriesthoodRelief Society Manual Does This Mean We Can Forget All That Stuff, We Learned About Brigham Young Eric D. Snider can be reached at or 344-256- 0 at Caveman explores all the things that make men Cut & Style Perms I write to him and offer your hospitality. A dozen years later, he takes you up on it How could you have known he was going to be; number one, a nerd and, number two, staying forever? $I95 $16 00 r-- BM4 i mi 705-002- 7 375-800- 0 2230 N. UnlvwsKy Parkway Pnttrintraa ftniiuM Dmun 20 S. Main Pleasant Grove September ,J. t , n "T.T,'',f! IHI ?'" yards Model Open SAT T ftVa CweA ?rive 9-1- October KODJ iffo Peel & Et- - Slwwp $1 .IS $e.r pevson siirirwlft. TOURING COMPANY Fax:(801)377-470- December 36-- 3 1 KINGSBURY HALL m '101 West 100 North, Provo, Utah 84fe01 8 Han Dar Williams r University Mall 5 KINGSBURY HALL NATIONAL 8 10-- 1 res&A Ooib Legs Rib you cewe fo eoif Par (801)377-470- - Son Francisco Chronicle THE SMASH HIT RETURNS! a.m. 1 :Sw,s ,AA B w ind uAlvg PROVO GVGQ!" lLUlt Planned Development Carter Construction Co. tiV 1 ber "ner rheV 224-164- 2 t 26-Octo- H7 AS "AS V" r. 1 j I. r bijgh & love." KINvjSdUKi HALL 310 South 990 West Orem level Main convenience in a home you own Professionally landscaped & maintained ; mmmmmm fight, Monterey 'Baron of 'Beef RIDGECREST V('-X.':,V- women 'Exquisite Menu: Chicken Call for Reservations sirvicM performed by students undtr professional supsrvnUon AJI i Data Afornnj News II You've never met him, but be saved your life. So, of course you i FUNNY. "OUTRAGEOUSLY and dhfamilyheraldextra.com. thru September 23 i FORrWUREAJJDBSICES and "Robert Kirby: Do We Really Need Another One?" lit, An Affectionate Comedy About Men & Wbmen the Past Two Years?"; August I I mmm jus nrmr3MrM I iri by Larry Shut UTUt Introduce You To Our Fabulous StrvkM m msmms mm TTf, Presents g See Broadway in Salt Lake City A' 4 SHOWS FOR AS LITTLE AS $ 1 051 nil 11 August A celebration of ll"-26T- ft H A the history of llfel Dinosaur Skeletal and Fossil Exhibits Educational Interactive Displays, Plus.. Trip ' Subscribe today! Call OAtAY 't'HJi M'JSICAl 355-550- 2. Mso coming this season Rent, A Kurt Bestor Christmas and Kvadance. to Glvt-Awa-y Universal Studios, CA to ride "Juraslc Perk" Two Freo Museum Tickets with mall purchases of $100 or more i supplta last, purehattx nutt b (whll mmI Aug. 81-2-6, 8000) Dinosaur Drawlnss Display from UV5C Community Education Art Student! W$ trmwi 'it tptaunitp museum vx)KDOc Eg Current Events 101 Are you a subscriber to The Daily Herald? Are you planning a vacation? rmiyv Students and teachers love using The Daily Herald for learning activities. Before you leave on vacation, donate the papers you won't be reading to local schools. We'll make certain your papers are delivered to teachers for instructional use. Vacation Donation is easy and convenient for you. It's also a great way to promote litsuccessful Newspaper in Education program. eracy and support The Daily Herald's . 1 ,1 ZCMI, Mervyn's, Costco and Nordstrom (coming!). 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