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Show in". frk-m- (.1 ilio cliiu iic in the c.;iht will enable him to revive. the Iladleys. They vis- ! i; h leav- g .M A - -- Tn 'tt'iV-- l. cents 15 Cl'Btit ili in. ((His i lino rr r I'm' if tn..mti. Hazel Salve is unequalled Murray Canvassing agents wanted.Steady Pharmacy, Dr. W. F. Ferrebee, guaranteed. Very Pror. employment liberal terms oiiered, Call at this olhce between the hours of 10 a.m. UTAH COALS. and 4 p. m. Iww. per lu.e liit'Oth. umi,. ,rl. time. for Wil-- be )n t.Ot atK'inoon to Instil H.lvrili.riM.-t.J-Sh.m- tr tliiMi lnstrti in i" m il Castle Cate Lump, Castle Gate Xut, !. . What Madam Rumor & SHys. That 0. T. & D. C. are engaged. That the surprise was not a sur prise. That everybody should take the - De-Witt- 't ' fV?il ill ills Ft- ' 's g Murray Bakery, Murray Meat & Live Stock Com pa nv s Y. RANDALL. Prop B. Fresh Broad, Buns, Pie, Cake, Etc., Daily. LUNCH STAND. Hot and Cold Lunches. Hot Coffee with Cake ioct. Lunches put up for travelers. Hagu-:- , That Dr. FjoriiKon is a good ML-1- oVa It heals everything except a Bko. That Murray will be incorporated iiie.-tinjH- i COlhYe lioiir from 8:00 b. hi. toC:(lOp. ui. ' .Sunday s from 1:IW lo '0: 0 a.m. Mail ili.M every day til 0:1)0 p. m. hour and hour fur register Maury liUhiiiDKH from It a. it), to 4 p. m. Arrivul and Departure (if mails. Mail arrives S.I.', a.m., dnparti K.30., Arrive S.l." p.m., departs 3.30. 3.75 Wintu'QuartersNut J. P. Cauoox record unbroken by accident. This is an excursion unsurpassed in history Over 50,000 passengers were carried Westward and fully 15,000 stopped'over to view Salt Lak City. Their iLtt convention which meets at San Francisco will be something unique, and of some importance to the nation in which we live. leave-sin- $4.00 Wml'r('art'rsLump train-load- s o broken heart, may be said of Witch Hazel Salve. Piles Absolutely Pure. and rectal diseases, cuts, burns, Celebrated for its great Pel'vd Red healthfahiess. Assure;! iba eczema all and skin tetter, bruises, strength S4.50 food affaitst alum and all form 6 of adul84.25 troubles may be cured by it quickly teration common to the cheap bri.iiuJ. 84.25 and permanently. Murray PharKOY.l. BAKING POWDER CO., SV." YO.iK. W. F. Ferrebee, Prop. $4.25 macy, Yard. A right flnc,tip top delivery wagon, with horse and harness, dirt silvt.u. l:m cheap. Call at this office or at ti'l , Silver 470 South, West Temple St., Salt Lake City. Editor. 41. A. WlUXMsKN, For tlitt latest additions to the green grocer's stalls, call at the CHURCH WIIECTOUV. "American Faglc" Fruit Stand. The Cotton wood Ward House. latest in the line of fruits, very at 2 p hi Sunday School at Ward vegetables, etc. lo a . West did.- Sunday School 1o a a. at t ho Seundmavl.m vi'inii Tminv Travelers these hot, dusty days Me.).lli(rl.MIPe.y.M.M.I;A.roiijit.8iioi) find a cool retreat and the very 2 p m Mcthodtst Chapel Sunday 7sri.oul Hi). best cooling beverages on "tap" at at fun.mv night l'reachlnp A. U. Hartshorn, Minister the Phoenix Saloon, corner ol State and Murray Streets. KAY I'OSt' OFFICE. im-ii- of Christian Fndeavoivrs passed through Murray last Sunday, via. the II. G. W. lty. The road has established a Fifty-tw- again ited the pickers before lefore l ing with uV excursionists for Caliof praise- fornia Monday morning. We hear a god for tin.- I. .m i .:, hut empty .raise John Griffin of 'anesville. O., alone is nut subrtautial enough to says; "I r.fver lived a day for thirty e moving. ke"p any ei.tiipri-years, without sufi'ering agouy. unof DeWitt's Witch IJazel If it cost money to how the eed.s til a box cured Salve, mischief-makinmy piles." For piles of scandal and HATE retiil and cuts, burns, diseases, would be a great t ht rtin'li , eezem-tand all $1 bruises, prains, " ,"r manv people, head over heels in De 'troubles Witch skin Witt's debt. ft ! cnurtaiuad that lf(joj Caters to the Wants of tho Public for Par- ties. Weddings, Birthdays, Etc. Monday night ramps entered puysieian. Three doors South of Post Office That Jakeman makes a good pro- a couple of cellars in Murray, from Has on Hand Constardly one they tole a quantity or meat sming ollicc. and other provisions and from the That Abe, DeGroot will take other they feasted on sweet new Knights place. milk. That the Murray brass band wi vrlntinif of ovory in is now Watson Mr. be George executed.. Of all kinds Sausage, Lard and reorganized. aceuraloiy and promptly Salt Lake where he will remain for do would a That tailor Bacon, a few days alter which he will in well Murray. on the new either accept a position be taken 0I1r That Miss Mima Robinson is glad De LaMar gold mill at Mereur, or but all meat3 will be sold at 'The fools wili never he dead; to get hack home. go to California, the reason I will tell On 1 sr Fresh and Cured M BATS tJ;h , first-clas- s CASH why; you Thu yottnironen they grow up, liei'iire tliu old ones din." Jubilee iu two weeks. Theatre Monday night. LfHMOIT Block! Jubike stationery here. Call at this Rooms for rent. of- fice. A good spring wagon for sale cheap. Lots, lots, lots! Lots of them for Bale cheap. Harry Davis in building a reside nee on Kith South. A first-clas- sew ing machine for This office. s -a That Minnie Xoble was compli EST WHOLESALE PRICES, The people of the Central States are sweltering under a wave of tor- - mented on her oration. ed weather, causing sufi'ering and That one sprinkler cannot keep -5- S T H E ' death while tho people of Ut?h are down the dust in Murray. at comfortable night sleeping quite That A. C. Staten made a capital under two blankets. good speech at the jubilee. Nicely Furnished Rooms Our baker, B. Y. Randall,carries That Bill Atwood will be the a full stock of candies and confec next school trustee, By h. Right in the heart of the city, with tionary, and has some of the sweet will build Dan a Jones every convenience and That est clerks serving the sweets that ho on a dont block if brick go Also you will find in Murray. mission. Terms: The most reasonable in the city lunch room. s 5o cents per night arid upwards. That a certain merehanic will "That's what T call sympathy" F. PERKINS, Prop-3take his departure for passaid the man whose house was soon new. 2nd Scuth St. Salt Lake- East, tures burning to the ground when an e That indications are there will old friend dropped a $5 be can kind weeping, and wailiug and gnashinto his hand. The other be found in any direction. ing of teeth. first-clas- Sanitarium Swimming Pool, 52 V.st Third South Street, Sale Lake City. The waters of these Springs are a sure cure for catarrh, rheumatism neuralgia, dyspepsia, nervousness, bys teria and kidney diseases. YOUR TourFORTUNE is your health. hnpplneBa is your giretiKtli. Keopiiie Head and Throat cler.r and heiiitliv on.t vcttr mind nnd bruin N rvtwavs ut r.st nml ease. CltlHH.lJCS MK.NTIIUI.f.UAL.U Is relief t'i manklnil lit nil Ih'.I l lii:S :t.S.H. MOktE THitOAT,trjuliles. ( A TAB ItH. That uivl'ii) ucfor ofCutiirrh bv its use. Wnmlerfn-- In Hnv ! Aatbm:. It ever and CCdul.tf.l.VS. BfCftai'tlHIlil O.U.V l rnH tnr yon get fMlfc. llmettii rd t tnr l:ort mi m.lll, .i ClHlItlAN UUVO IU., VlNCKNMKtj, 1MU., By .'rec (. 4. A gold-piec- tale cheap. Frank Docker is running a "While the baud was playing on butcher shop in Salt Lake City. our streets the other day a little Flder DoRocliu lias returned "tot" came running up the street from bis minion to Switzerland. joyously shouting: "Oh, good, tits the Fouth' cf July the band's play The Fndcavorers have been and ing its the 'I'l.uth,' hurrah! ' gone but the tramps still remain. Fuming, hitching, skin diseases "We make a specialty of printing relieved by De "Witt's instantly and and designing wedding tion card.--- 5 Hot Spinas That Young Knight has given up his position as assaycr at the f 1 ni E1. FEOM WorKi Ceriuania smelter. Tint the Jubilee- program was cut short before it reached C. F. Which the committee Purawl. much regretted. C m. very O UTS v. era A .made TO.- - 3 W James Gilbe-i- - O ilSE 1 : YE K DE Witch Hazel Salve, unequalled for It heals cuts, bruises, burns. On Monday night Mr. John S. a without Murray leaving wile, in the Two fine homes for Lindsay. Utah's tragedian, and his Phar-iuaeDr. W. F. Fern-beetalented company ofthespkhs heart of Murray. Call or write Prop. local and eastern j eople, thi:i olliee. & Taylorsville will iijiiiear iu the Murray (J rand Pale Forest Too A portion of the- .Jubilee theatri.v excursion to Opera House-- Mr.Lindsay's three cal company will appear in the play wards will have an Luke Mr. Cingrove ('alder's Paiknexi Tuesday, July daughters and Monday night. PJth. A program of special fea who have made a circuit of the A little son of Veto Miller was turcs has been prepared and an ex eastern stales the past four years is a badly burned in one of his eyes on (optionally interesting outing is art with bim. Mr..he Lindsay a carries and talei.twl actor good the Fourth of July. guaranteed. s and a company. play Mr. DouVH, niotoiiaa'i on the J. P. Caboon J: Fro. have re The writer can peisoually endorse FB Murray car is erecting a neat brick dueed the price of their coal 'J.Vts Mr. Lindsay as an actor of good and dirts, l uiJ linn is in i e.e ueiu ability, having- been personally accottage ou Murray Street. fur business. and :;o:i the rineiph quainted with l is dramatic ability Trot. Lyon is not. wasting bis vato work for the interests of i'.t a im ruber of years at. that cate n. lie is teaching a private customers is to work for their their class in Algihra while reeling. o'.ui interests. Thet'ounty Driving Club had a '1 he Dr. and of cards wedding n" two had Win. Murphv Draper sneers! id day at ('aiders on the Mrs. F. O. Jones, announce them crushed hif Vurtii. The" races were quite very badly fingers home to their li lends after the lot h of 11 ... i weew.. M a ne and created some little under oal nay last led.; y came to Murray ami placed him- - eulhiiMaijm. Some money cimnged of pr r elTcut o hands and a little excilinc boiso Mrs. Knowklcn. the dressmaker, Ue!f in the hands ' ,1 a Ik A now and Uie Hue. indulgctl in arouml the otuiicu jueiiitii rs ;u is ar artist in her trial, be could as well of as ladies expected. stahhs but a tight wa averted. doing rder will convince the Tiierewaa cor.siderabld dissati.sfac-tioi- i this fact. , , s 1 ora-nana serenaded fee nion when one of the d (xpre-s.'Mrs. 1. anion, of 'I'ayhu svillc.was raees was caiicd oil', but (he affair inTay, Thursday, drumming seriously hurl by the falling of a ihv-i- cieur.ion tt astdla Springs was smoothed over and harmony looked very tivi iu their pole from the ton of a haystack the appeared to mg" '" t:uuPnew uniforms and played other da. ry well they Pon't J'oi--et that Charley I hi fa ml eonsiderhig tho vhritamilime PF.VD LFTTKIl LIST. m prae.he ever popular toiisorial artist is bave been orgYi.t.'.e.l ST as clevr with the razor a auyll,v-...Ftah.Julyl.lh07. Murray, man in t tan. Thee don't make much lb- Hit. following list of Id tern v. are ..f We for iu this ollicc, spcaki-aiu J)r. Ilifi preached one of his nb.iut it." List M. the F. Witt's ISal F.arly is. rot ven (.'it in thirty days they PI character) tie sermons in the for la-- t subfamous little pills constipation Wi 1, "sent to tbedead litter oilice. Sunday uijht. his Chapel all ami stomach and billiousnoss. juhn F. Nelson, package ject, being p.4rielistti. liver trouble. Thev never gripe. he Gordon, Mul-.)aThere was a t.irewell jarty in the Pharmacy. W. H. Jack Jacob: on, house Weduusday evening' ,ivc,( vr,',.,. r,v. Fd.Ceed. for Idder Chris Stell'enscn who is; Martin. Osear Misses Jennie Lewis and Mar- callod to go on a mission. M. A. Wiu xy.- -i n, P. Migaret Davis, of 'cranton. Pa., were Mr. Harry llaynes whose health the guyts of Mr. ami Mrs. issac lor lVty to a In. .. has bceu much worse the last few Hadicy Sunday. The ladies were ........ Lj.MKUH.dU.IlsH. days, kit for California last cveu-- 1 Fuduorcr ddeg.Uos aud old recep- SEE . s-- ar. , - O i' mi Kir. p $ tied E tkll'Vi dUyvSwO ti via tx y 8 S..vt v i v, j r! fii'M-elas- ViX Cil S, ,x .sari m - i , Contractors .:id Buiiders. I t.'t i I 1 A MM n-,- Tin-boy- i s Full Line of Wood- - - - . i At9 3 r, 61 I S Rq : ft v Scroll stu('i:'ii:. S!iir Ihti'itlUi SASH, , DOO!.-- IVr-Wa- . FTC. - j j Ir v v . ' Just West of Jkn!. |