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Show !0i fel 1 fiWIftfi i l ld, 7 SLoTTT, iIJULY10t1897 SALT ERICA'S AM CTO R A'S agricultural race. These people who had rendered conspicuous ser vice to the English government in the Zulu war, and were known New Navy and Tts Equipments, among the native tribes as the as Written Up by "Children of the Queen," wereHud-denland without reason summoned to surrender their arms. Some of the chiefs saw fit to resent THE EAQL.ES SPECIAL the insult.and accordingly attacked the Britieh at different points. Tha rebellion had assumed a Correspondent at Washinston. A Clear and grave aspect whea a new element Conciie HUtory of the New Xavy from It of trouble was introduced by the InHpiency Uuder the Administration of revolt of the Bores, or JJntcn set Secretary Chandler, to the Present Time anGreat Ship, Their Armaments, Etc, The a district tlers of Transvaal, in British the to nexed possessions 1877. On the 19th of December,! WrltUn for the Eaolk. CONTINUED. iRRO. 5 000- of thft insurgents seized terloo." . , j 0 Commenced last week. to Re March 20th.) a established and tripped couples (Commenced About fifty Heidelberg, ,, The Jubilee Celebr ation. tiores HISTOEY the light, fantastic strains of terp-oiENGLISH publican government, ine The machinery will The celebration of the Queen's until tli p. "we sma hours met with repeated successes, not consist propelling double headed follows: three of fts Diamond Jubilee on the 30th nit, anent the twal" and thus closed the from 1867 to 1897, runs the forces of their boilers 10 feet withstanding diameteri with a long the report of which was accidently only public celebration 01 im. After the Civil war in America, formidable foe, repulsing the Brit- 16 feet 9 inches, and two single-ende- d into came "nied" last wcek.was a triumphant Queen's Diamond Jubilee in Utah. conservative ministry ish in several engagements during boilers 10 feet long with diin England, at the neact 01 power wuu success, everybody saying that and j. 16 feet 9 inches in four February, ioi, crViir-lWHS first the Earl oi Derby January those in charge did themselves anu The Heirs Apparent. rue enure ameters terrible slaughter. A t water-tighre Disraeli. compartments, and of and afterwards Mr. tlipir town credit. Dutch populatlttn of South Africa two sets of enn A queer story came to light 'a meu-m- n iorwara form bill was now brought Those deserving special as with in was them, Nearly in sympathy Murray. few davs ago each in its own compartextending the for their untiring efforts are: a Mrs. Tnpplet and passed i8G7), to many wno were also the people of Holland gines, ago thirteen and years ment driving its own shaft. Messrs. Tender, Kevins and Ilealy was taken to Provo, her mind hav- privilege of sullrage a even and and large Belgium, Carrying 100 pounds pressure of had not before enjoyed it; but in Prestwo of the general committee; Misses British sons, of left the She public. portion mithe engines making n2 rev Atari a, and Sarah Lester, Jas, T. ing given way. 1868, finding his party -inU cm the steam, time bear to wa that at sure brought and Charley, he resigned. ' uiaaBione home Jakeraan, and Harry Matthews, of George r,o11 Krura in o nrfi Ot tneir inam- nority government, and terms 01 that the ship will ttevetope a epeeu minister. His 01 uie thenbecama prime the Program Committee offered to the Bores, of sixteen knots an hour. hands were With peace mother: she also left in the i r ..OO, other committees Mrs. Robt. Kev- of her mother a nouse anu iui, first measure was planned to allay which- were aceeptea jyiarcn 1001. a cruising at and zi, filled bunkers her of- the treisn peopie fv,a ,i; content, vv ins, Mrs. Jessie Bates, Mrs. Albert mil were guaranteed complete ina. rem PR tablishment, a part LUU wvwu of ten knots an hour, she estaDiisn-men- t They VJ ui la t3 I. fa to the are end Pender Wm. Mrs. an - speed and adminStaten. and "putting by in the out, VlQQ i opn rpnted rtl nuking dependence ' would be able to steam about 7400 j. yitivu -' of the Church of Ireland." In ot deserving of especial mention, old end tne out small their a laws, imperi miles without additional coaling. istering lady occupying 1870, a bill was passed wnicn great- al Misses Liunie Lyon, Lilly Holm & reservea mo ngm one ui house. government the (Jnaney, of big education, Nearly ioo auxiliary engines Jessie Pender and Mrs. Pearl Ausiuue- - adds to the efficiency of the ship by lives m ly advanced the cause ust to lrontier ad now married, is questions. who C. boys and th a following vearall religious n and tne Kino uie tin, Miss Sarah Birch, Johneach twn rooms of the house. He was to offices or pendens! les, turning the turrets, working Brown admission llomer and "for tests un'il a lowerto colonies and since Leitty, get kept gettingI not long loading the guus, lilting universities" were one assisted to a greater or less ex- surprised broke vne oespots ing the boatu, raising the anchors, wuu uven m degrees in finally nis they from notice aunt, atthese innova Asa result of tent in securing the success with whom his grand- . . . controling the rnchier, cringing up reaction iR favor of the yoke. a tained. Bnt t hus Transvaal again Decaiuc the amunition from the magazines, MOW staviucr. to vacate tions, ia tli or ahnnt, 5:30 in the evening the Conservatives began. The Basutos, weary inripnpndent. fresh water, lighting the tli nrpmises.he bean to think that house school the in grove Glandstone, me laoerai of of providing In i874, conditions once ice and assembly also at and accepted not war, rightall was : ship by electricity, making and Disraeli, Pn'mior. brief was called to order by Jas. T. a thor- have we and tne Thus very whom food, fresh Davis the Mrs. a out peace. at the leader, fi. ineprvative Jakemananda brief program ren- sought events ner during oushlv ventilating the ship by m lcriir Vin1 dpsired to eet C a new cab sketch of the leading dered, consisting of music by the mail and turn it over to a Mrs Queen's request, formed the Queen's time,wluch nui to snow blowers of great capacity. band, prayer by Rev.Mr.IIartshorn, F irmison. and under no circum inet. In lSSO, the liioerais again much peace of any kind, and we The small rapid me guns are E. iw UtliAiVy Xii iw r. see songs by, Messrs. Jas. Pender, 1 of the 1 t . J in a manner assuring the either to boys mounted let Meanwhile Halliday, of Murray, and Alfred st.nip.ps enpigeu Uie with Davis Mrs. thft but mail, greater sweep, and to them will fall fowicm wars. Kbcr Theo Jackson, of Salt Lake, who rend- characteristics of her sex,' gave the in of repelling the torpedo Banks of the Clyde" in non't nauseate vour stomach - the duty dore of Abyssinia having seized and ered sure and there to mail Charley, boats, sweeping the decks of the t.i.n.s and bitter herbs, butrega way to illicit a hearty round of pnoueh was the tax notices made imrrisoned the British consul witn and driving from partly delivered several other subjects ot the queen ulate your liver and sick headaeh enemj, applaus. Mr. i'obt. Gray name. mother's own his in out protected guns tneir working a very interesting address whmh by using those lamous mue puis crews. of the on oTnm t on under Birnouert trot an Charlev him. The known as DoWitt's Little Early was frequently interrupted with to pier was sent against In armor distribution, scope of peace and together they went in Risers, Murray Pharmacy, W. 1. of Magdala, fortress batstrong applause. hearty rtiit Tfilcp mul examined uie fire, possible speed, power of hPRfiiirvht refuse, was taken Eerrebee, Prop. ,i,,v.ii After partaking of refreshments properties, this rpp.ori Is. and found that Mrs. Trip tery, and Theodore in despair and (18OS). in the grove, the assembly hied in tho the owned t pie!, mother of he boys, ship is unexcelled by any rns own mo.- xue to end an into the made is put as tne boys especially for world. She .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. property, and ot course ith the kinsr of is one of tho and vessel OPERA HOUSE a are of age they can claim every Gold Coast in No. yno". the on Ashantee, COl thino- iiiplndmcr about SOU most powerful ships known to It terminated in the capture Land Ollica at Salt Lake Citv, where they listened to a very eeleet lected for rents. The boys don' June 17. 1807. modern times. of Coemassie, th destruction and for program. being This ship when fully equipped, blame their Grandmother Iso-v- i Notice is hereby given that, die folloKoike Lreb., ib4J of The oration by Miss Minnie hm of King and provisioned for capital ormmiuitioned. notice tiled so dark long, they vi uus wai wer numpfl -j refill! v u prepared and left in the result An supia final proof make important to $C.Ot)0,000. One cost their about intention aunt, she was influenced by war will was the abolition 01 me siae port of his c'.niiu, ami that bind proof can well rendered number and mnved Mrs. Huntsman. idea of her an form hardly i f.wlrt in A shiinteo. will ba inadft btf.)re the lliKter aid an appreciative shower ot comple without comparison. at Lalt Lake Citv, on July Jl, magnitude Air. Albert Staten "s ad Tn iS74. new districts in West is not her coal of tons llottei..l 1780 Ih-H. Vanyhn, John vuit. tii the Lagoon. nnthern Africa, together IS'.IT, viz: .1. S h dress was highly app'audeu ami to lot fuel the tHKO v for si No. in ) pi but loud permit her The pretty little ploamro resort with the foreign islands, were an- Entry l. 1, V. and N. K. )i S. has been favorably etumneted upon load. her haul to ut imkp. nexed to the British liinpire, whidi Atiss Ella. Sleilcnsen ap twelve miles norm 01 uinno nmv v of witnePS?fl to rhe enormous weight ol these hamlet little, near the followiiif: situated is the of elocuUonnntneB lie about ,.tv.lirnpi' r,M,u lw.nntiftil and her and upon residence guns, their carriages aim with a Farmington and reached by the the habitable globe. This fact nrovohiH continuous .lames great .ml , y,Z: raid of ;irv ptlbrt was greeted ouhivation their auniuitrm, ner great leoiu Hot Springs 11. R. The resort has shows what a desire wr conquest Olaiev. (Jundomm, hmoy Wells and width, must all be taken into l'efr good hearty applause. in which a lar?e dance pavillion i,!vft i.ossessed tins little na and lO'nnna Jperson.aU ofJl unter The musical numbers were all as well as the uior-mou- s id playing the. orchestral an be could oiran Lake County, I. tali. BetriPter. consideration what aciuired such exten-siv- e havo to tion of hMi grade and ,f l'.Tuo.f tii:!o, weight of steel which forms nmvir niippilsinflv: ,.n.nrtn.l dominions. claimant. for said of one would cover the whole ilw,i.;i io n in! B. A. M. Froisetli, Atty. the armor plate of her fides. turn l;ikp of clear; In IS7D, England earned on a i p the selections wore beautiful Taking the guns of all. calibre and rendered u. nif.niifnin water on the bosom of sanguinarv war wim auius 01 FOR PUBLICATION. lire more NOTICE and upon this ship she can ffas virtuallv Ar..:,..i wliie.h Prof. A . and his which float pleasure boats large t?.,...i. " Olllllll A1U'1 bullets per minute, saythan i0. U.lBurton bisters of enough toe rry six persons; there .,win,i lv thp pai.turc el their kin;:, aistants-t- he of the torpedoes Luke City Fait at OiT.ce nothing tor Land the utile ing ai id is plenty of pleasure in .u;u year. Autf'"1 KMi, n'.'. Salt Lake, Mrs. Pearl Austin Lan-daJun; which sre can eject. folks and ample shade and accom- CVywayo, the follow. Kim iilso became onga?'''' 111 bloody Misses Xetta Moore and Sadie Notice i? herehv given thatLoticoof lunchh for are (Continued next week.) modations provided l,ntritieswilh the Albans, wbose (,.4 imnmd eettler has tiled .n support dcerve move praise than we The and picnic parties. grounds time inTa .tu.n to tna.e tinal proof was f.r have space to give to them Only ing p.'oof will ne land- capital, Cabnl, laid out by are orij.a elaim and that eaid and artistically troops her r althougu by r one enehor was permitted occupied li-imadeb-.fo.Vim, vigor and vict ry: these the dotted all are and 11. an received tarVNgardners scape Auirunt WAR8. Ai anolo-hol-ta. Salt LaH City. Vh. oaehone taking Vvt are the characteristics of DeWitt's U over with shade trees, shrubbery E. Smil M-?Frank with the Ko'lv i"'erw,tif' famous litoverwlielming storm of applause. war Zulus, Little After her flowers. 4. and anaN. eventhe. U of S. 'th the K'f.See. v. the nsw-- ni guest Mis Burton, tle pills for constipation, biliousM.,Unh. Ti :) Si., K.1 K. An arm of th Bait Lake is with whose savage, skill U, to to respond. associate ness and all stomach and , liver the will U names the folhnvim; witr.ewes ing was permitted f Salt Lake, in two miles of the Lagoon and and'rille massacre ofeyr l"T rrRi rnce upon troubles. contMninuf. nt Mr. J. F. Hartly, his troops Murray rharmacy Y. t.,(,v with the . . o. r ,.i,l utid. VIZI impromptu call Antilope Island is not far distant. -. , i,.,i in Eng- ami CUlUVimuii ui, ri y K. Ferrebee, Prop. With an electric ear line to the I.suulula January Cowlev, John Thompson, hostilities . with a Scotch song winch nceivcvi of Orainte, became a'l land Thornr-mengai nrdti;! lake, hotel accommodations and ion. ti.. .,.:.,.iiasu-toUtah. and lentrlhy, 1111 Hot bitter SiultLako Beck's County, lrom Bond us your job printing. water the piped 01 Uerrint S Lnnd, Gr.oo, Keslster. and Byhon inoll'ensive floral an on lour.) page of (Continued thanks TaylorsviUe, have the ! I the committee, and the boys made friends by many new and warm their kindly and valuable assistance to the success of the celebra- Eeign from Beginning to End That and tion. Incidents of the Tast With Some of the master of Mr. Jakeman, Which is Coming. bandied the program m a the num-- ! ' kept masterly way and OopL- work witn- .. PRINCIPAL- - E" VENTS. ncv, .wv, ueis moving SOME HOMl MATTERS out a sicgle hitch from beginning ,i TirVuVii eonoled with the able ehi- - A Few Historical Facts Which Tend to work of Mrs. Kevins and her Reign has not SucFriends How jrurryitui and Visiting of assistants ana ine Show that Queen Victoria's cient Neither corps ceeded in t'uc Celebration of the Queen's action of the Been AitoireMier a Peacefulfor One, and the Peace timely all prompt the , Has She Been Responsible -- won Di&mond Jubilee on Wedues-dayiuc aj Period. to Misses Lester the Earth has Enjoyed in That 3 tb ul .A Surprise Party tendered turned appar and Richmond"' I'rof. Goortre Wataon Etc,, Etc. ent defeat into a veritable "Wa JUBILEES V y cere-mnnif- ls 1 i - . i tripple-exparsio- . ,i C v 1 Vi .uiBi-iea- abol-ieWl- . 7 . J 1 1 ,f , 1 1 vpsio-ned- VViVA 1 n ii ia ex-Justi- sea-goin- - sea-goin- Af-i-r-- n g - ' Feltl-Tlia- s r- ,. , Kort-ive- r r A I , 1 c- - - one-sixt- h 1 w . iirt-claisslyl- 00 ll - h ,'. 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