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Show The 'sg2- victoria - (Continued from first page.) American Eagle. ;have omitted all the internal, Published every Saturday, by Africa ifU1i lens, have distressed tho Bnti.-- h mind as often as the darkening fags that cover her Isles. Nir Sir Murilhs. fl.QO; Thro Mouths. "5 ctiiits. All Subscription strictly in Advance. fl W; ADVERTISING Locali iu business column 5 cents per Hue acb insertion. In New column 15 ceuta firit Insertion, 5 centi eaeu suUequent iner-tlo- Last chance: Begs to announce to the people of Salt Lakef r'lnntvj tliiit l.iv, li-- i , :n .'itiiMif-.- l . e4Undarakn2' Parlor i g, And is prepared to furnish a full line of h CASKi;TS,Wood andClot hoovered g 'COFFIXS, Imiorthcd and Home k rs I5) 0 v m i hi r f s ttir 3 r tOne Wmesra Liquors & Oigers Office ag JUBILtES. Milling Dr. A. Bumscn. . TUs Patent and Murray Pharmacy Drugs and ior Medicines, Toilet Articles, Eto. Chemicals, Toilet Akticles, Soais, Pkesckiptioxs U' 128. Fancy Manufacturers Sroxcnt, Krc. BrtfHUES, m&i W $mmm& S4,, Salt 1st TELEPIIOXE Pr.it f i'mkkv, Combs, ".u:cn:i.LY - VS N Comi-ol'xdk- Use A FllSsT.Cl.ASS I'lIAKMAC'IiT. nothing hut Utah Products Strictly a Home Concern Your Patronage Solicitei "7? W, H. Atwood, J Dealer Factory at Murray. - isT- Coal, Lumber, Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Lath, Shingles, Builder's 9 w?MMnCTi?!Wtri 'aloon & Billiard Hal AA A 1 I Harness Shop C O .V jflijgk OP V 4 Family Trade S Liquors, Cigars, on Hand $T 4 Given to great Jubilea i3 drawing near. All the arrangements are At wood & Grantor have estabnearly completed. All the busi-resto Lake seem Bait of interests lished a Stage Line between be centered ou the celebratiou. Is Still in' liunning Order, and Murray and Wasatch Some people and ome papers in We are doing our best to some parts of the State, do not Fare For Round Trip $1.50 Accommodate Our Many CusKeein to be fully in sympathy with DAILY SERVICE: the grand event because they are tomers. Leaves Murray at 8:30 a. m. and sot pecuniarily interested, and because Salt Lake gets the particular arrives at destination, 10:30 a. m. benefit. That is a very selfish way Lea ves Wasatch 4:30 p. m, and arto view the matter as it is a State rives at Murray at G:30 p. m. celebration of the advent of the Pioneers, whom all revere, fifty years ago. Most of the large sums "Carries a full line of of money spent have beeu donated E3Sb Miss Willard Jarpell by people able to do so, and will Ann 2. Bovce Mrs. le just that much circulated among the people iu need. he a nan will '"boom Salt Lake and the descent may be equal to the All Kinds of Fashionable Dress. some ascent, but in the mean-tim- e Vr Making and Plain Sewing -- AN'Imoney wi.l be circulated and we will all celebrate a very worthy neatly and promptly done. G EN ERA L MERCHANDISE. cause. The Latast Modes at our Parlors State Street, Murray. First Door South of Sander's 8torj, The Lincoln House (opposite the mmmi State Street, .Murray conis Lake most Silt Theatre) the Insur& venient lodging house in town. Your $2,i00 EaiILOfLEJ2 The new ollice, parlor, bath rooms Business INVENTOR'S ASSISTANT 7 and barber shop are the neatest in InThe S21IT Till to ll oa Mount. Usn, woacn, tayi, flrls ul Pliosnix, lia cia jet Mtcnti. wealth ay It rents, will yoa the city, and the rates an such or Hartford that the poorest man can indulge in ii!7EK?:s3 fs:a;Ti: iueact, - vaeitgtoa. a. o. Tho Homo of Utah. those luxuries, Paul llein. the KJorsteTonr Bowels WJtli Cascaiet. H. C. AT WOOD, Canily Cathnrtlc, cure eotw'pation forever. proprietor, is tho most congenial 10c, 2ic If c. C. C. fail, Jrucnists refund money. Agent. host iu Salt Lake, and is steadily KOK coming to the front as one of tho FAMILY AN0 HOTEL USE. leading hotel meu of the city. An ordinary family Inminp run be demo on the "Racine" t'iCHH MaB1' i' twenty minutes, without heat or fuel. REWARD I will pay $10 'for Trices wltliln the means of every fimlly. Marie In sit styles and ruturn of Steam Bicycle.Modal A, ten i.es, fur Families, Hotels, eU Every ManRle Cuaranteed. 1S0G pattern, No. 83.U8, Send 2c tan:p lor new Illustrated Cataioguo, with prices. THE F2ACSNE WAfJCLE CO., Racino, Wis. frame, CS gear, Morgan & Wright tire. This wheel was taken the night of June th 10th, 1S17. J.PlHKKS, I. 0. Pox 'JU. Salt Lake City. E CAREFUL Careful Attention The rioneur Jubilee. s of High Grade EGA RS. cjgSurgeon Th Mill Mills and Salt ARB SBVBR UNDERSOLD The Misses Noble & Moore and Modatnes .Staten and Austin origi Hard ware, Paints, Oil, Varnishnated the surprise, and carried out the program. The ladies es, Brushes, Plaster Hair, Patheir guests right royally per, Etc., Combination Fence. and each one seemed to enjoy the Office and llesi.lonce, ut iiarry llaynes Utah Murray Salt Lake Co., evening's entertaininrut an(l parted a. Uapj.y nuod feeling after bidCalls promptly answered. ding farewell to the honored guest Night of the evening George Watson. Stag to Physician & Gomoany PnOPHIETORS Miller's from page one.) Springs for bathing purposes, it would be the finest resort in the country. To reach this pleasure resort get train opposon the little O. S. L. ite the depot. The ride is and meadows fields through green with here and there a farm house. CONTINUED. The Lagoon with its picturesque mountain scenery and beautiful There is a time for everything; surroundings is bound to become a and the time to attond to a cold is very popular rosort. when it marts. Don't wait 'till you have consumption but prevent A Farewell Party. it by using One Mimitc Cough Cure There waa a very pleasant gath- the great remedy for coughs, colds, ering at A. C. Staten's residence croup, bronchitis and all throat on Wednesday evening friends of and lung troubles. Murray PharMr. George Watson, to say faremacy, W. E. Ferrebee, Prop. well to that gentleman before hia departure to new fields. Call at Hurley's to make arrangeThe party consisted of Mr. Wat-t;on- ; Mr. and Mm. A C. Staten, Dr. ments for music lessons, piano or and Mrs. K. O Jones, Mr. and Mrs. organ, with Miss Lizzie Hell. llohcrt Xevias, Mrs. Pearl Austin, New hay, delivered cheap. Call Misses Minnie Noble, Netta Moore, this oflice. at Jtmiuu Kwbinson and lone and JSina At wood, and Messrs. Dayton, Xoble, Jttkcmau and the Bradford r.ro ' THE- - -- must la ttl;d for at All adTertiserm-utthe end of every month. Any person winning advertliement discontinued must rive aotice to that effect, otherwise it will appear tn the subsequent Uiuet of the paper, and be cktrged for accordingly. (Continued y MeOMXE is it possible that Queen Victoria, TO GET A DRINK BEFORE because of her great womanly indior noble character, royal GOINLi TO SALT LAKE. viduality, i? w Quotes prices eual to any in SaltLak-Citposition, could bo the sole cause A.T THE of the religious changes and educational reforms of her age. The 131 natural development of events in Br Block t from William's Corner, MURIIAK, UT V their course during her career, does not show she ia a prodigy of heavenly influence, any more so Winter-Mountain- than any other good Christian life for others. It has been an example will be admitted that the Queen has wieldedsome influencefor good in her empire; but, from a certain O. S. OLSEN, Proprietor. OF standpoint, she has been nothing State UTAH sville Roller Roller Mills,. MURRAY, Taylor Street, more or less than a figurehead; her lifo has been as much aualogous ccA7' Roller "IJLills, Wasatch Roller Mills as other Roller good Pioneer Lake any circumstantially man or woman s woum nave oeen Elevator 0'$: on the same throne, from the fact that she has been as much subject Dr. W. E. Ferrebee, Prop. to legislative action. and that silent revolution of nature, as any other Grist work a Specialty. Highest Caah Price Paid member of the kingdom. Wheat- RATES Entered at the Murray Tost Matter. J. P. - polit- social.labor and other troubles Co.X Basle 1'ub. d BSCKII'TION; One Vear, i Always Carfson & Birch, A. White A. E. Cahoon Groceries, Ah Provisions, Dry Goods. 1 DRESS-MAKER- S. " HAQH UnvJn,j qualities mm MANGLES "?J. ssv 'JG-inc- h SHANDY 1 HlOBACCOKABirejLS?t' Aatitiutr.N SiitihKt.'" ImlUn Totero (V'r. J hp Oriir.il Gu.irantcfd HurmlrM Ti'lMtol umt turn, A Hp fox cttttt .il fwr lirkf j.vr, fit muii. Ciriilr frrcj wTPHfTif comply, rtMcan'.t. " pr V V CATHARTIC I Fu MM MMiiw w44 4itV 9 "i T v RACINE GAS EGEDjE Ufes Gasoline, Natural Gas or Manufacture;! 25 t'uro Itiuuripntlnn t rtiliet'e.'aret Camlv Catliartie. v 1 To .1 c. C. C fail to cure, drujuilsw SO ABSOLUTELY GU&BA5TEED l'V orl.V. jrcfuav', n.euey. Cu::. jri-ixie- Va 10 plpnlbm.k!rtr.e. JtJ. STFKM lj i:::":; KHIFDV re., fhirsco. Sim l CUR&C0H5TEPATIOH utj f n vr i c f ijt.diii CLEVELAND. OHIO. i fir o(r 4 4 .il. Cdi . ' ,v; . (" wnn coin ,ot luae cr.o tiocini; cain-;-. Arensrd for rumplnff Vter, Grinr.inp I'eed t.nd Slio;is, ete. Tlio Inost .Stmt li. Ecilnh!" it'iil 1 rtmi-i- i ul Gus Enciiicen the iiiHrKet. Seud 2 cut ilun ;) for f utalu?t:o and prlets to RACINE HARDWARE CO., . Racir.e, Wis. |