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Show Panel. A He ww her turn tha corner md big yea listened. But not with Joy. It wu tha corner of the leaf bearing page No. 228 that she had turned, and the book wu one of his fayoritas. This eort of thint used to be called a jastel. Indianapolis Journal. An Interesting- - Question. Strofceleigh Did you ever wonder what you would do If you had Aator-Lilt'- a Income. Brokelelgh No, but I't often wondered what would do If he had mine. S100 Astorbllt Man. Tojny WILL PAY $100 FOR ANY CASE Of Weaknese In Men They Treat nd Fall to Cure. An Omaha Company places for the first time before the public a Magical Treat-Hs- t for the cure of Lost Vitality, Nervoui aud Sexual Weakness, and Restoration of Life Force in old aud young men. No worn-ou- t French remedy: contains no Phosphorous or other harmful drugs. It is a Wonderful Tkkatment magical in its effects positive in its cure. All readers, wuu are euuenng irom a weakness that blights their i.fe, causing that mental and Man-ooE uysicai suirering peculiar to Lost should write to the STATE MEDICAL COMPANY, Omaha, Neb and they will aend you absolutely FREE, a valuable paper on these disease, and positive proofs of their truly Magical Tkkatment. Thousands of men, who have lost all hope of a cure, are being restored by them to a perfect condition. This Magical Treatment may be taken at home under their directions, or thev will pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who prefer to go there for treatment, If they fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable; have no Free Prescriptions, Free Cure, Free Sample, or C. O. D. fake. They have (250,000 capital, and guarantee to cure very case they treat or refund every dollar; or their charges may be deposited in a bank to be paid to them when a mie is effected. Write them today. d, Live Stock Commission. If you would keep posted, write for information. Prompt Keplies. Quick Returns. FRED A. SEARS, McCornlck Block. SALT LAKE CITY n ) w- 11 u V Special Announcemeni Cut this out and OO Cents Wheat. 1HPR0VED HrSTKR FCI.L CIRt'LK HAY PRK8S. 11 A 1 Steel" and Wooden (steel lined) Hlitpped on trial Wrlteforcat Lewis. Lessee, Meridian Ma chine Shops, Box K, Meridian, Miss. particulars. 1 A. WADLEIGII, General Passenger Agent. Getting Back at Them. Miss Beans Well, there is one thing we can reply to those fellows who are always making fun of the coldness of Miss Pork What is Boston girls. dear? Miss Beans That we can in cinerate just as much of their circulat ing medium. New York Tribune. Inspectors' Map of Utah. R. DERGE ChnTTitca! fVi., AC given secretly at Jt is harmless. fimnrlufa nr Nw vnrk notne. Kmlv FULL IOT0RMATI0H GLADLY MAILED FREE. it V. TIIONK WHO H ajralnst the Government write to .:ilhiill wi llU'ltloi-a- . Pension ami ratfliit Att'y. 014 F Bt., Washington, D.C., tliey wiU receive a prompt reply. Claims riDilOQV I fJ Jf I case. g NEW DISCOVERY; ' VJj quick roller and cures worst and J 0 cluva' testimonial of hook Seiol for treatment Frep. Dr. H.H.liKKKVssu.NS, itini, u. G IK) KSCHX E K & OAKTM.WX MacliinistA. Bicycles built ur.J repaired. Works IU West First South Street. Silt Lake City, Utah "I built well-know- n .Kxactly. house on dotted veils," i oculist is said to have re my marked when somebody commented upon its expensiveness. And as tha ladies continue to wear spotted veils, he will probably be able to keep up his establishment. Ring Bros, 132 tickets. Mrs. Vim Funk, Winnemucca, Nevada, Mrs. L. During, 819 Bryant Street, San Francisco, 72 tickets. Mrs. During got a number of friends in San Francisco und near b (one keeps a boarding house) to give her their tickets; and she used the tea herself. and By the way, she uses Schilling's Best baking powder bad she doesn't know how good Schillings Best -o extracts spices ar I But she says the extracts and baking powder are wonderful. A woman in Stockton, who keeps a restaurant, came very near getting a prize. She deserves one for supplying her customers such good tea. Better read our advertisements every day some contain suggestions how to win the prize. t- the way, grocers can't compete for the two most yellow tickets in one envelope between June (an, however, compete for the Jiooo.oo prize. SCHILLING'S In the W ttiTii lit tvio irninl Railway. For tin Semi Centennial Celebration and Pioneer Jubilee at Salt City, July i!0th to ,4th. inclusive,' the following hv round trip rates arc authorized to Salt Lake City and return via K. G. W. raihvav: ke i Navy Makea an Anonymous ConfeHalon. From the Detroit Free Frees: "The act of my life," says a lieutenant commander of the navy, "was a letter I wrote to my mother when about 17 yeasr of age. She always addressed her Jefters to me as 'my dear boy.' I felt at that time I was a man, or very near it, and wrote saying that her constant addressing me as a 'boy' made me feel dised H no lmliainila Kii-- H. v ! KhVm air Ka ruling ton I. ukt- - .short- Vmn il'.i- till .Ml. 11' - i'vo. Murray " NVooils HiinrluiuUiiui'l idii liuiuiutm Kuvrtuli Suiinli 1 1; .... 1 (in I (HI I 'i".' j 1 I'll V Mill 1 1 11 . i . Maiiltton Sii 1 j ilvcr('iiy in-- I. . j I . 1 .1 I Ml 2 x a a 3 4 4 Gate - Cisco i.V lira 1 lul 2f hs 4 no tin l'rii-III SiuinyMilo no Lower ( lussinir. no (irren Kiwr nn Thompson .111 7.". 3 M a rr. Junction... V. ( nMl Help-!- ."m M a Kisimire Just 'pil licliiup ( Ifiir ( reck 1 i2 8 10 Sitftinl mi J" I Hriijani!!i SaniBqui ioivlirii Knreka Mammoth 2 fxl 2 2 ro tso 1'rovo SpriiiKviil- . W 'Aurora 1 IK) i 1 Fork.. IMi'ii'-ant...- suluia LWii Atiin(-;ii- i (ient'Au lust It' (in . Sjir.iiif t "It y Kpliraim Miinii t iuiHiison Ml 75 - on ..- - ".." t.avlon 1 1 Hill Top Mii'nmi i.i I'iiirxifw Ni 'Irartn-l,- ;: oil 75 (10 to'2-Uh- V nuest' NOT ONE CURED xsill lie sold ts Wnt tk Im DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL YOU at Selling Ogden, liinirliam, Sprinjrvillr, Goshen and all intermediate iintsoii July 'JOtli inclusive. At Silver t'ilv. Mammoth and Eureka on July I'Jth to :.'4th, inclusive. At Grand Junction, Fruita, Cisco and points intermediate thereto, m July 1'Jth and 20th. All other points, Maplettm, Uelknap, Seo- fleld and Thompson's inclusive, ou July l'Jth to Slid, inclusive. Limits -- AH tickets will ho limited tocon- tiuuous passage in lxith directions, with final limit of July 211, 117 : piing passage to coninu'uco with date of sale. Train Service Best possible train ser- yice from Ogdcu, Tin tie, Utah county and other portions of the state. ;itcs-Ticke- 01dst 8peclllt MEN 7," 25 rt no 7 NO H 50 y mi ill T 75 f Junction., DR. G. W. SHORES, no 75 no , tUn DR. O. W. SHORES. lwy to halp nufrrin mankind, alwar trying valu lv lo convince poiil thftt h lor evtry dollar paid him, has and Imfraud to dtcile4 gi uclcnr, tho blow, and jrot position tu re-ti- dth nlauea from uactinr mathxi of quaoka and uamr dalcLbU th Kvurjr oharU-tana-. rrom, A1AN- - LOST HOOD Baminal WeaJinesa, VaxloootU, Hydrooele. Gonorrhoea, Strotur, anuUl Byphtllu, or shrunken organ, prematura old a and all other pnrat dlnajes. whether cauctd by ifnoruiic, xoa or contagion, no matter how aovere, you cttit consult DR. G. W. SHORES. th ohvl-cia- n who has tivan, bla lift to curlnir clironlo dlBaae, and bo exaanind, treated and oufed wiihout pajnnn htm one dollar until tha eur Is effected. Th doctor reserves tht rlrht. however, to refuse any Incurable cas if ha can't cure you he don't waiK your f.oue. Buch an offer was never before made by a responsible phvuioian, and Pr. O. W. b'horee is onjy abls to make It because he positively cures thee diseases. Don't wate another cent on auoaUonabla doctors, but eonauit ttie "Old Doctor" and be cured. BUUJLNEB3 SACREDLT Opinion. "What have you against this hotel?" demanded the landlord. "Almoet everything is 'extra' except the meals. They're the worst I ever contended with." Detroit Free Press. STATE OF OH TO, CITY OF TOT.TCDO, LUCAS COUNTY", 83. Frank J. Chenpy makes oath that ha Is the senior partner ot the nrm ot V. J. Cheney & Co., doing: business in the City of Toledo, County and State afortsaiu, end that said tirm will pav the sum of ONK lirMiREI) DOLLARS for each and every ease of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHKNKY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 8th day of December, A. P. losti. A. W. GLEASON. (Seal.) Notary Publle. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHKNKY & CO., Toledo, O. . Kold by .7re. Hail's Family i'il)3 are the best. O.W. SHORES. Lock Box 1585, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dr. WraiTT TION'S SAVINGS BANK AfP TPVgT COMPANY Oflii,. . No. J, 3 aud 5 Haia Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, Pays 5 Per Cent interest druj-'glsls- per annum on any amount you wish to deposit, iiom $1 up. Cull or write for particulars. Too Green to lie Cooked. "His Majesty," said the native in paper cap, "sent me to dress you for W1LFORD WOODRUFF, President. dinner." "Ah," said the young mis- CEORCE M. CANNON, Cashier. pleased. "I received in reply a letter full ot sionary, "you are the king's valet, I "No, air, I'm his salad- CU7.E YOURSELF! reproaches and tears. Among other suppose New York World. I ts Miff J fur unnatural maker." tJt'UKS 4jr m I lo b things she said: 'Yon might grow to dini'liHrii, iiilluminaliuns, fin(iaarartpml or iilcemtioiK iniiKtioiii f i be as big as Goliath, as strong as Samof mucous STATE LANDS. nicuihrinrii. triemrf, iXJjjl not I'uii. i. ami nnt antriu eanutioa. IJ,Prvcnu as as wise Solomon; son, and you The State Land Title Company will exur rEwiSCHfMICHtCO, poitououn. of a em or become amine on nation ruler I: hie Drnca-fstswith the might your application eiHc;NTi,o.ri orKold Board of .Land Commissioners of this UMit inj plain wrapper, peror of many nations, and the world State free repBlii. fur hy of city, charge. or 3 tiiittiea, f.'.TS. tl .no.fiprwi. might revere you and fear you; but to Are ymt dure iour appllmlirm fs corrrHt !icurar erui ou itqueif It costs you iiotliinir to write us and you your devoted mother you would always benefitted thereby. Address W. N. U., Salt Lake No, 28, 1897 appear, in memory, in your innocent, may he preatly Lam .Statk Title Comi'a.w. unWhen AtiHwerhut Advert mcmcnts Kindly unpretentious, 14 Eaglo Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Mention This Paper. pampered babyhood. In those days when I washed and dressed and kissed and worshiped you, you were my idol ana Nowadays you are becoming part of a gross world by contact with it, and I can not bow down to you and worship you; but if there is manhood and ma MONUMENTS and HEADSTONES ternal love transmitted to you, you will understand that the highest compli IN can pay you ia ment that mother-lov- e to call you 'my dear boy.' " w SB, t , V- Elias Morris Sons Company, i Marble and Granite, Mantles, . Curious Frenrh Legend. by the Industrielle Echo that thousands of pieces are split into two halves by their French owners every year, in the hope of "discovering" an immense This treasure, ac hidden treasure. to the legend firmly believed cording in Francs, is an order to pay the hold-e- i 100,000 francs in silver coins When Napoleon Bonaparte first set th piece in circulation the conservative mind of the French revolted against the numismatic revolution notwithstanding its zeal for political revolution, and it was very difficult to induce a Frenchman to receive or proffer the new coin. Henre, nc:ord ing to the story, Napoleon gave it to be understood that he had ordered check for 100,000 francs, written upon asbestos paper, to be concealed in one ot the new silver pieces. From that day to this nobody ha3 objected to tha piece, It is asserted and T. Salomon won $100.00 each because they sent the most yellow tickets before June 15th. But grocers and clerks can get more tickets than other we also paid $100.00 each to the two persons consumers; iimed below : Two San Fiancisco grocers Lieutenant Coinmniider RATES e is on the wane in Spain, and its popularity is rapidly declining. Bull-fighti- $4GT not By Judse Jim Griggs was reminded of a half-drunk- Le HnTiova t 1 up-to- A 1) He Hid JUBILEE PIONEER Ad- - two-thir- ds The Passenger Department of the Rio Tents, Awnings, AVajjon Covers, Grande railway has just issued an Goods Canvas and Camping of all descriptions. The cheapest bous in the date map showing all milling districts of late, Mail orders promptly attended to. record, together with an outline sketch of 149 State Street, Salt City the older districts, and calling special at & OO., tention to several partially developed re A. IXCOHFOHATKDJ gions which recently have shown import SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Books and periodicals prepaid to destination at ant uncoverinsrs of gold aud copper, now prices. Special out. of town rates on attracting notice of prospectors, investors fublishers' ottlce. school, teachers and general supand others. plies. Send us your orders. For copies of this valuahlemap address A marvel ins euro fui DJUlMvENNtSs. F. A. Wadi.eigu, G. P. A., Salt Lake City, can be ! Iteaur Take 1 JOHN A. HAMILTON, MAXCFACTCHKn OF ANTI-J- A NEEDED NO LAWYER. of an eUctrio story hy the passing tar, havs the Atlanta Oius'inition, and began: -One of the funniest thine that ever happened during my connection with I a the Georgia judiciary demands of The first elected solicitor. me in the P'L my position frequently have it. attitude of prosecuting a friend. It of Walter A. WcmmIs Minnie Hinder and was hard, hut did it. An I a fellow that a circuit in in.,' CJiir.ty Warder, I'.ushnell, (ilessner Co.' a long while for liked and had known Champion with Plymouth Twine, will do the business. If your store does not -- was prosecuted for making away with some money. It was an ugly charge.1 carry The evidence was conclusive against THE CKLF.HR A I KI 1!KD TAG TW1SE, him. When I went down to court he write us and we will arrange to sup- ame staggering into my room about ply you. Every fanner should give it drunk. 'Jim,' he said, 'these' a trial. Have you teen the Minnie roll- infernal scoundrels are trying to proer bearing Mower and the Draw Cut secute me perfect outrage. told 'em Champion? They are leaders. just wait till I saw Jim Griggs, an' we'd fix it I told 'em we'd let 'em Wagox & Machine Co, know who to prosecute. And we will. Utah, and Idaho. Won't we, Jim?' A few only, Binders aud Mowers, left I looked at him very gravely, and of 1805 pattern new and complete, at said: 'Tom, I've got a dead case against low prices. They must he sold. you. I'm going to prosecute you, con- vict you and send you to the penitentiary. You are guilty. You got. the' California Hone Thief Rune. and I've got the evidence to There is a clever horse thief in jail money, it. In Clayton, Cal. Some time ago he prove 'He looked at me in perfect amaze stole a black horse at Big Bend. A few He said ment. He was dumbfounded. days later the owner recognized the I didn't mean it. I told him I did. animal, although the hair was nc He straightened himself up and marchlonger black, hut a bright sorrel. The ed out without a word. His case was thief had blondined the horse and then sold it to a farmer. The equine had the first one called after dinner. The hail any counsel. been taught various tricks by its own- judge asked him if he want any. He He no didn't said and er, and by them its identity was esfashion. 'But,' a in spoke tablished. said the judge, 'you are charged here with a serious offense, and if you have Important Notice to the Traveling Publle no money to employ a lawyer I'll appoint one for you.' The defendant Effective February 15th the Rio didn't like it. He arose with difficulty.' Grande Western Railway will, on ap- He steadied himself against a table plication, endorse its Commercial Mile- and, speaking in a maudlin fashion, age Books good for passage over the said: lines of the Denver & Rio Grande rail" 'Yer honor.I said I don't want no road, Colorado Midland railroad, Rio Grande, Southern railway, Florence & counsel, and I don't want none. I meant Cripple Creek railway and Midland what I said. I don't want hie take Terminal railway, thus giving holders no of ze state. State ain't got of R. G. W. Mileage the privilege of no 'vantage counsel what der I want with taking the Colorado trip without re- any? " quiring purchase of additional mileage over the different roads in that state. Call on any agent of the 11. G. W. for MOST REGRETTED ACT. additional with J1.25 to Rait Lake Btamp Co., U W. Second South St., Halt Lake City, and get rubber stamp of your signature, with Ink. pad aud wood cut. in box complete THI8 WEI only regular price K.uu. to reliable parties. Fully (rnaranteed. M. B. lor Choice There is liltle reason to doubt that grain raisers to a larire extent, bhould obtain above price this season. The! Christian l'.ndea vorers 8ud Jubilee vis itors bhould eat the biiriihis. loo.ouc of these people are expected in Zion. lo harvest yuur crop biiocessfully you need the best machinery. We Bend eloRUB and prices. tr llnhvl $150.00 prizes offered for tha 15th and August 31st. They B 4 BEST TEA SAN FRANCISCO He Slurried tar Slonry. Mrs. B. (to her hubby) You sa id you would die if I didn't marry you; how would you have died? Would you have shot yourself? Mr. B. No; Btarved to death. New York Tribune, Mm Salt Lake Exactly, FOR WRITE GEO. M, JAS. PCOTT. Geo M templb PRICES 011 9 OPPOS1TB Lit, a GT.KN'DlNNlN'l, sldcut aud Trca Yicc-l'-re 1 'resident. S. C3 Ok TUB DESIGNS. AND HUM .... FIELD, Socrolarj f1 r (INCORPORATED.) Hardware Steel and Sheet Importers nnd Dealers In Bar Flpo Iron, Detroit Stove Co., Home Steel Ranges, John Van Coles' Air Tijrht Heaters, Wortliinifton SUain Pumps, Revere Rubber Co., Dode Injectors, Leviathan Melting. TiulTalo Senle Company, Atlas Kntfine Works, Jlodpo Vooden l'ulleys, Califonnn Powder Works, Celebrated Anchor Praud Cylinder and nowf.'prown Gilgal The memher3 of the club fairly gormandized themselves at th Terkaise Then it annual banquet. was a stuffed club. New York Grrates, etc. & Co., Drill & Tool Steel, Miners' Tools, Stoves, Tinware, etc And a General Assortment of Mill Findings. TGK IM MIH SI. : WAREHOUSE 125 I SECOND SOUTH SAL1 M GITT. OTA3 |