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Show X ENVER and D Lite ionabie located iu Dress-maker- LINK h 4 of tLe oi:.nic t v I he Oul;- Cutter and "Practical A0 1 Mrs. Loui.su KnowJdcii. R1QG;9H M. fast Two Kunninst liaily io jF.vnVlLT.E, lr ' -- f,i-- , THE? r ! My htr trade . in. h, JJ8MUR RAYJt' Mrs. Ktiowldi'ii learned Bset h '. iu the rooms between Sander's store an J butcher shop and respect tully solicits the public patronage. 3 rain at t E A G L.tT SACRAMENTAL t , HYMN- - in England 'Tis sweet to siu. the matchless love Him who left His home above, Of I", AudL'K.VHl'. And came to eaith O, wondrous u. m. nt Train No. 2. 0;1.ii i.ttiu . 7 :.; n. m .mivo sit t'.ieh o il;."0 aw. plan Chas, F. DURAND to.o ado Spring, ; a. in. DcnVi-- W;oO a m To suffer, bleed aud die for man. Trti'il No 4 Leavcg Osdei! O.o.' i. m, Sn.li Is still to be found at his Old Stand, 1. in Arrive ut l'. i l.lo 5:l.i p m. Chorus. House Block, Murray, (iiloridn springs, ;!.) p. u l); uvcr t ;'. p in Opera Comit'Ciion him nv.iii.- t 1u?Jj1h. OoloimK; removing superfluous aair liu-Kant Elelii-- ai J IViiver with 'Twas Jesus died on Calvary, from the faces of men. gant iliiy fiirtdn'S. ' liiiir rai'- - ;uul Piilliicn t!nil .ti irninti Tiu't! That L. all through Him might ranti it. :l'per O O Call and See Him ni'dli ve ii comfortii Mif trp ;tnd ei:j .y somed be; (Hi tlieco!!tiiJL'i:t. Then Sli"rtel line Coioriuio'g cripple sing hosaunas to his name: rreat polil ciinp. Tr.iiu No. 2. cnvi O.u'mi aud earth his love proLet heaven 7 a.m. iimvci at ijnpplf i'rteU next mornii claim. K. S. H Tonsorial Artist. J Lva-r- I iilii-7- : iO . - - Ac sci-nor- Look at t - my"27 uirhi'S. . A. Hooper. G 1', 1 T. A TrHtiic.MHiiHyor Denver. Colorado H.K. Ciislilnir. H. F. Itevitie, T. 1'. Agent. Gen, .Ajit'Dt Salt Lake Cily, Utah. b. ii triads 'Tis good to meet each Sabbath day, And in his own Appointed way, av This is the handsomest and most complete opera house in the State, outside f Ogden & Salt Lake and Partake the emblems of His death, And thus renew our love and faith. Chorus. is secui'.d to none is point of convenience & comfort. haopy hour! communion sweet! When children, fr'eads and teach- Steam Heat and Electric Lights. O, ers meet, And in remembrance of his grace, The bumps are sigas of a better Unite in sweetest songs of praise. quality of beef. See my eyes, nose Chorus. and ear, then blow my Lorn for Time Card No. IK EI'tECl JAN. LEAVE No 7- No. C S 2 Ko- 1607 fltv oi Salt Luke -1 tli, MURRAY: L'ike IS'o. 1' and intt i For ''anpi'ie, i 5 it j Suvit-- r jp 0-(- . and all 12 points 1'or lJrovo. I'aysou. E'lrelia, tiii'i all intermedium points No. No. 1 a " "ii " " for a mission to Germany iiext month. It is exi ected that Mr.Gideon M. Mumford will teach in the 3Sih Difct., as prinoipal,the coming year, and Mr. M. Spsucer will continue leu-.- in Lively and Feeds able. in ni 45 p in rcclin-Ii-S- ,' Gen, I'. & T. A Tiine Table in EfTe.-- Ar. Fnrm- I.v. Farm- L. ''tlTtoil. insrton. 7.r.n it. m. 7.40 u. rn, 8.0o h. m. 8 4o n. m. S'.ro a. m. lo.oo a m, 11 oo a m. 11.40 a'in. 12. o ) Til 3 io p.m. J.l.ip.in. 2.2op"iii. 4.4o p. ui. !.4(i p. m. 4.2i) in. H 4o 5 4o p. ni. f.2o p. in, p, ra. 7.40 p in 8.;Jo p. ia. lo.oo p in. K. OR. MATCHETTP'S S U CD la;ri'in TtiUucra Antidote will tlo it A Jit'j lUtxwlx onlv TiOcts. All drntriri.1 1. or bv nif.it Atr'tswuiiTii. Circulars iaEE. Dli. ilATCUETIK, ( IiR ahu. 111. m l.4o a. I ll H' 4o p. in 8 So in 5.2o p, in 7.'io p. in 10.40 p. in Everybody Says iso. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won fieri ul medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, (''causing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, lever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a, box of C. C. C. 1(1, 25, 50 cents. fcoldand guaranteed to cure by all druggists. LAGOON ideal resort and pienio grounds. Uo;:nd trip it.c!d:nif ainiisin 25 cts, Special rates to Societies, Sunday Sclicols. Etc. Lound trip to Beck's Hot Sprlnjrs, luclud-!ii- 3 bath2.i cents. The P. BAMBERGER. Gen. Mgr. H, W . Early Pae. Apt From Of.'den to Larnon and return on Sundays viaU. S. L. It K. 75 cents Children 33 cents includlutr admiBSion togrounds. i Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Lire Airay. To quit tobaeco easily and forever, be mag netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take the wonder-workethat makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or $1. Cure guaranteed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Kemedy Co. , Chicago or New York, TLe Colorado Midland E. E. 'COURT COMIEailAl" Two Through Trains Daily. Between Salt Luke C'ity.Ogdcn and Leadville Cripple Creek, Colorado Springs, Denver it ull points east. Only line runniiijr Through Chair Cars. ThrotiKh Sleepers on both Morn-nu- r and evening ttains. This line, ia connection with the KioUraudeWestem, reaches Denver earlier than any other line via Colorado Springs. No change of cars or delayed trains- - Take the Colorado Midland and save tiino and enjoy the finest ride and grandest scenery in Colorado. For full particulars call oa any U. U. V. Agt. or O A Urown, Gen Aftt, Salt Lake City V,". F, L'ailey, (1, P. A., Denver, Colorado. f Several Taylorsville people tened to the matchless Bryaa lis- ht Xo. 8124. THE AXCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS and FRIEXDLY SOCIETY meets every Wednesday night in Foresters Hall,State Street. Murray Utah. J3.Y. Randall, - Chief Ranger. James Arnold, Financial Secretary. 106 , pared. Mr. W.H.lIaigh. is hauling building material apparently with the object in view of erecting a "dwelling house. Mr. llaigh is one of our staunch McKinleyites, and one whom evidently the wave has hit. May it continue to strike. The Eagle etill maintains its flight, may it become fctronger of win? and more vieilaut ot eye as it passes along through the mazes of time. May i5 ever become more strong in the advocacy of right and more fearless and active in exposing the wrong, We have noted with much interest the progresi of the tariff bill and after its passage the majority regard with satisfaction the votes of our Senators against it. It must have been a nauseating atfair when such a strong protectionist could not retain it on his political stomach. By the way has the Eagle in its journeyings discovered just what party in Utah tbe worthy Senator has allied himself with? Will the McKinleyites him? Of course Tom Reed convened to receive the tariff bill after its passage through the Senate. I EAJiNEST EOGNOxY. ESS0X. Attorney-at- - Miss Lizzie Bel!, Rooms 305-- 6 Salt Lake City, Teacher of Piano and OrganFor Atlas Elock. 1 is Huh I akcarcM. Candy Ci'tlinrtic, euro constipation forever. 10o. 'l3o. It O. C. C. fail, drui'irists refund monry. JiJue,..c Jloup iSuvrt Corner BarberShop. Vic. Johnson, Trop. First Class Work. SSf Give me a Call anufacturiho Co. The Singer OFFICES IN crave but One Minute," said the public speaker in a husky voice; and then he took a dose of One Minute Cough Cure, and proceeded with his oratory. One Minute Cough cure is unequalled for throat and lung troubles. Murray 1'bar macy, W. E. Ferrebee, Troy. To Cure ConalipaOon f orever. TakeCascarets Candy Cathartic 10c or 25a If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. 14,000,000 SINGER SEWING MACHINES Made and Sold. 1,000,000 Sold Annually, This proves the old old saying that the best is the cheapest and always the most Satisfactory. 43 South Main Street, Salt Lake City. " B3T" ar -- ZRockfi Eycn Pare Rye, FI NE Og anbefales som godt asorteret af prima kjod og polso varor efter baavel Amenkansk, som hkandi navisk metode, loveude nhver reel-goConkurer behandliug. ende priser. Undertegnede iudve terer fpesielt Skandiuaver. Bestyrer, ;:!::;P0RT,&.':!!!! " "T 7qSpecialty, .!!:wMsiies:::.:: - ""C JERRY,! W,NES, liquors & cigars Fremont &Satter ANGELICA" ;;!!!.GRAPE,!;;;!; ;;;;coGKAc,a::: "PeacMHoney.; ..'B.B.BrandiJS w mder,Prop R. H, - i !! ft. 0 o o o !b ft ft future Comfort for present seeming Lxor,Gf.;y, but BIT tfco Swing Machine with on established repctetion thai gcarantoes you long end satisfactory service: ft T 'u f,v?,:. riJ5!' fhe WSflBB U 7 d 7 .. pp--r t.- Mnrray Mestnnd Live Swick Mur.-t- . AW I clnnri.-i'-.-u nr bv tnail. Agkms VIL MATCI1ETTE CO., tblfio, Illinois. CIS GLU7ErtILY riGl'hLD WODSWORX, to 8 Set c Steel coup!? J wilh the r.ients, raaiies II t!is MOST DtSlRAC'I MACHINE Dealers Wcntad ii icrc v. a ore IN TJ:Z Send for our beautiful half-ton- a FOR SALE BY cata!ogue. l. CLLT.L Altadi- - ;o MAROT. nt icpresenled. , i :h:no Co., White Scwhg l.i ii Lots for pale in the 1'amberger I H IS V n-sc- John Tobkehlbex, addition. Call at this office. Any article of Merchandise for Bale in Murray.can be found in Groat 03ACC0 HABIT CURED It- U4.lmlfn'a fnHintt lOnilfen Quantity, and of the Highest Grade Quality at our Moiv. 1p nbacco Hult Cure;. A hlcbiiiotilyfcOc.t!.... WNTrn DUUIJ R. T. DAYTOX. v..'. ure w ;;SatKe Pride,!! 7 Polsemager Go for Your Supplies where You are sure to find 1 hem in Stock and where You Can Have a large Variety to Select From and With Trices Equal to Any. X-!" BlPOOLN, LLIARDMT'UQ IGENOPRETTET1 N. MERCHANDISE. MjA'-- a Murray 2Ssohang. d lucorpcratod, CITY IN THE WORLD. EVERY A) "I t'rms apply at office &Stu Mur-- Nix. years oU. Such easy terms that anybody can purchase one. e " Ctah. - dio, E B Sorley's Music Storo, MURRAY, Miss Loll will give lessons in ray every 1 nday. Law. 5 (Taken from Life.) years old. re-ele- ct MUSlC ft. ' A. Cal-der- s. Arrive S. L. 8.40 a. ,lfV ji ?ttl-r- t May 3otb.l?97; Leave us raj: week. They came away regrettLg only that more did not hear his superb fcxposiiion of WANTED Several Faith'ul Men orVomc to travel for rf sponsible esiablnlied Xext week the Taylorsville and I7SI. payable $15 house In Utah. Forest Dale Sunday Schools will a d e.)enses. I'nsitwn permanent. Kuciose fiimupr-- encombine in a day's pleasure at velope. The National. Star Unildiuc biciiso An excellent program of has boon preCured in 3 D?.y sports, racing, &c, S, L. & Ogden Railway j D ii T, lYit. 64. iu Fnin.-istto- . Cen.Mipt. onderstand them. youngest that the oldest can work them. Are so simple J So easy 8, 1S97 The 'it sesnion of our Mutuals last Suuay night was a failure. Mr. I), E. Haigh is preparing to Accomodations unsurpassed. PubOnly lino running i liroiifrli I'ulhnmi Palace lic Service at all hours, night and FrhnPlsco Sleeping ?sirs ti l.'euver ana :t.iout ch:ino. and Pull ai faintly J.os Angel, e day. nn Ciiieiiiir., N:w Yor; an 'I Host on. Free I! oars lkliti'd with I'iniscu Trices to suit the People and the c'nalr cr.r6. Oils. iMJo-oD. A. E. VCelhy. V A Wadlei;h. Times. (.en. M;:r. July sfjfia m Machines Singer thatSewing can the Tayloreviilo TwitteiB. Taylorsville ATWOOP. p in LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY, I or Grand .Vutiction, Deliver :. 7 50 a an all poiteeitst. Fi.- - Grand .1 unction' Denver 7 11 p sirs all inlerincfliat.-pioiit-Fur Otrdouiind a'l pt wi st.. 2 25 r " & Mgr i'.i p m 5 11 ! No. GHAKTEIl m C. AVF.ST, am 0 43 points.. J. xF S. SOB.LST, Mgr. CORRESPONDENCE. Butcher hliop, yQ ' 28 1 B '.:), CHEO. E. HALL, SALT LAKE CITY. jgf School Furniture Supplies " FoNllna? Dohkd arc for m 1m B(L'ipti l liNtrli't una l'nrix-iili.t'ur lint' w i'i ir" ui.iuuiiiH , Iioublc IkU, bttttlonnry CtT our Cat aloouc ano Pkiccs Brfcwc Purchasinq. genta Wor.ied Everywhere. The "V'K-roK- Dc-iks- J.1 rt& THO.VSAS EvAWE & AdJut-inliU- ' l''sl, CO., Kacine, Wij. |