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Show THE BLADE. WOMEN VOTERS. The following from the Tribune of the 12th! will bo of interest to pur lady readers, and we print it that all may know whether they have the rights of suffrage or not at! the next electiou: there are in "It is estimated- - that round numbers fifty thousand women ot voting age in the State; But all of them are not voters Uncertaintyfor-as to the number of Utah women of of age, eign birth and over 21 years the to adds not are wno, citizens, of the political situation. Some authorities place the number as high as ten thousand, but, at the oest, on the subject is merely guessou work, as there are no statistics whicn to base an estimate. Tiie women wbo are not naturalized and therefore not electors, constitute two classes oue being composed of those who may be naturalized durthe othcampaign and declaraing the coming er of those wno must make citizens tions of intention to become before first and then wait two years issued to be can citizeusnip papers subscription sates: 12.00 Per year (Payable in advance), 1 Publisher. ,ALF. ORMS Application h&3 been made at the Nephi pcfstthe1 mails as flice; for transmission taroilgo. mail matter. Hceond-clas- s V com-ulexit- SATURDAY MORN., APRIL 2.5, 1896. hg-unu- BLADE AGENTS: Below is a list of our agents, who will faceive subscript! oris and receipt for Payments'. j Wm. Chastain, Ibapah, Tooele Co. MILLARD COUNTY. City. Lyman, Oak Joseph Anderson, Fillmore. Christian Thos. Memmott, Scipio. tJhris. Overson, Leamington. 3eo. Crane, ILanosb. Petersburg. Jaraw Hattoii.Burbauk. Virgil Kelly. Hvrum Ariams. Mt'adow. James S. Hlfiice, Hinckley. A. thein. . - " All women of foreign navity who are or have Oeen tnarriwd to Citizens, either native, bom or naturalized, are themselves citizens, the citizenship ot tbe husband having had the effect of naturalizing, the wife, by virtue of an act t de-ii'h;f- ul , e e, . , Physician and hJ , The "Farmer Mystery. The Fred Farmer .mystery is causing: considerable talk in Southern Utah as well as in and around Nephi, which will be seen by the following article .from the Beaver Utonian. For several years past, a Mr. Wm. May, of Nephi City, Utah, and whose antecedents and boyhood record seems to be obscure, has been in the habit of maktrips to the ing annual and of the gold bearing sand and gravel-bar- s Colorado ltiver. On his way going south and returning ha jjenerally stopped 'Over night at Uove Creek Fort, and as mines land mining were the topic of conversation, and the richness of- the bars dilated upon, tke lessee of the Fort, Mr. John Black, incidentally and in a joking1 way said to May, chat 4he might follow him down there to his bonanza's and take a hand Previous to the last trip, May was always alone, and it was on one of these occasions, when Black remarked that he. him, then May, answered,, might followman will follow me there apd "no damn , , , live." next was Farmer The with rbim trip. reminded going JLO the bars, asandto Black not wanting a him of hi sayiugs ''1 thought you were companion,to sayiug, have any partner with you not going or to go along with you to th6 mines, and he answered, "Oft, he won't go far." May and Farmer went oh, but after May's returning and stopping at the Fort as usual, the wkereabouts of Farmer was asked, in words, "where is your partner May," and without hesitation he answered, 4,Onl I killed Che son of a b h." He passed on north, and in a week or two, the ndaD at the Fort, reading the articles' in the Nephi BUDii and Salt .Lake papers, were reminded of tbe conversations at the Fort, and May's strange aDswer as to what had become of Farmer. Our readers can draw their own conclusions of the above, but we are asurred that what we have given them i reliable and will be substatlated. Mr. Lee, of Nephi, for many years deputy Sheriff of one of the northern Counties, passed through here Sunday morning, en routeonfor May's camping-groundsthe Colorado. His main and haunts object is to findorwhat has become of Farmer if living dead; how he was We dealt with, if foully and by whom. met Mr L.ee, and he has grown gray in this kind of services, being as we judge, a second'John Turner, and that he will to the himself satisfaction of his acquit sent him, we have friends at Nephi that no doubt. - Beaver UtoDian. semi-annu- al - 4 . any substantial reason, tinder the law and the of the Interior Department, why regulations such proof should not be allowed, will given an opportunity at the above mentionedbe time and, place to the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebut-ta- l of that submitted by claimant. Btkon' Groo, Register. Vm. A. C. Bryan Attorney for Claiment. cfoss-examin- ' . 20S4. j Notice for Publication. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah April 6th, 18'J6. J Notice is hereby given tbat the following-name- d settler has filed notice of his intention to make final commutative proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo-- made before the County Clerk of Juab County, Utah, afCourt House, Nephi City, Utah, bn Kay 23, 1896, viz: John Burraston II. E. No. 10388, for; the S E Ji S W H Lot 7 Sec. 6 Tp. 12 S 11 1 E ? ? rK Sec' ll N m N E Sec 12 TP He names thte following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land,' viz: Andrew Johnson, James-EKay, John T. Kay and Abraham Kay, of MOna, . 'Juab Co., Utah. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of sueh proof, or who knows of any substancial reason, tinder the law and the of the Interior Department, why regulations such proof should not be allowed, be given an opportunity at the above will mentioned time and place to the of said claiment, and to offer evidencewitness in rebuttal of that submitted by claiment. :xJ44St W Byuon Roo. Register. Win. Cryan Attorney for Claimant. ; . cross-examin- m,OQQ : THUUMAT iue Denver, Colo SECURE THIS - To advortise our ColUgo " "CAPITAL 11G jTlOLIHERCiAL West Sixth Street. - - TOPEKA, KANSAS. It you are going to t't Tj- ' : '";-"''.-'''- 'S ' Kansas City St. Louis, Chicago,' New York, ' Or any other ' ' point East see that ydur ticket reads Via Tho IMissouri Pacific R'y Coaches, Quick Time and Superb Elegant Road-bemake this litfe thePeople's Favorite Route, d v Leave Ogden 6:35 p. m. . 7:00 p.- m. . .. Leave Pueblo.... Arrive Kansas City. . ...i . 5:45 p. mV Arrive St. Louis...,:....,. 6:55 t. m. . ...... 9:30 a. m. Arrive Chicagro - LOCAL TIME CARD. In e fleet, April 5.1806. Call upon the nearest ticket agent or address If, B, KOOSER, Commercial Freight S.'H.oSTINSON; r, ' ' , General Train arrive and depart at various stationi daily as follows . Stations. Pass. Agt. Traveling Pass. AgX. Salt Lake City, Utah. Or II. C; TOWNS END, Pass.-an-d & South-bound- Ticket St. Louis, Mo. Ag-ent- North-boun- Leave 2.33 am 3,30 am 7AO am 8.06 am , Leave , 2.10pm,... .... Og-de- 3.10 pm Ar ) Salt Lv 6.00 pm Lv f Lake Ar 6.26 pm Sandy 9.25 am Fairfield . am Eureka., . d Arr. Arr. 8.00pm'1 7.00 nnf 5.00pm 4.00 9.45 am 6.S0 pni 9.15 am 6 01 rm 4.38 pm 8.20 pm t-- m 8.40 am 7.00pm. .Lehi Junct.. 8.40 am 8.50 am 7.10 pm Amer'n Fork 8.9 am 8.56 am 7.17 pm Pleas't Grove 8 2 ? am 9.20 am 7.40 pm O-- . . Ptoto .... 8.o0 am . 5 f d One Fourth Regular Price 5.28 pm 5.18 5.12 .4.52 pin pni am 7.59 pm Spanish Fork 7.44 am 4.34 ira pm 9.57 am 8. 12 tm . . . Pavson. . 7S am 4.21 pm 11.00 am 9.15pm 6.40am 3.35 pni 11.00 pmArj.Nephi.... ( Lv 6.00 am JUd,D 10.25 pm Lv f Ar 5.00 am . iz.ui am Leamington 3..ir am 2.00am am Oasis.... 2.00 1 .1)5 am 2.50 am Clear Lake 6.25 am Ar j MilLv 9.10 pm 7.1)5 am Lv ford f Ar 8.45 pm 8.45am ....Frisco.... 7.30 pm Arrive Leave Sleeper on No 1 South, Tuesday, Thuraday and Saturday. nnrin.v's. Tries. aleeper on No 2 North. 9.40 3r Don-blean- Rnnlf-lriiontrK- $ THOSE iAPFEcTBD WITH ip tive wo-wil- course oi instruction in uiyrouKn Sine-lr P.ntrr Commercial Arithmetic by mall, at ti 10.45 ma IS COURSE Tiia Missouri Pacific R'y blood-purifie- iJ J "j Of TVT the Kidneys, day's and Friday's. Trains souh of Juab run dally except SuiiOAT8 Two throntrh trains Hallir from Roll Lake to all points East. Through Pullman palace Sleepers fr Dm Salt Lake to Chicago without change Improved Tourist Sleepers. Free Reclining- Chair cars. day coaches. Elegant The only line ope'ratiug dining- car service. The shortest aHd fastest line to all nointf east. - Enlargemont of tiie Prostrate Gland - ;'1:f Stone in The Bladder, - - : ' r . ; " Or any kind of Urinal troubles," Can secure immediate, And a permanent cure by usiog th . E. . - Agent, Nephi. D.-WICKI- P. E. Hurley, Gen'I Agt. Passgr. Dept., City Ticket Offlce, 201 Main St., Salt Lake. K. L. Lomax, Gen'I Passgr. and Ticket Agt. ,E: Dickinson, Gen'I 'Mn.gr;, Omaha S. 11. 11. Clark, Oliver W. Mink, E. Ellery Anderson, John W. Doane, Frederick R. Coudert, 'Receivers, ..-.!.- '.. s. ... LfaaHiSis'f made-Larse- : '"mmmmmmmml Cj . . iiiiiHiiimiaiiiiauiiiiBiiinBa.il ii O ! . 3, to a limited number, of persons. This au i j lHSUilS ia v vim m ii: iv 3 No charge for diplomas.. Address, - '!t,.tKv Tiie News X'rintini Ob.f j For particulars - address - d; and 1 pnovo, ' ' kin-hearte- at Law; First National Bank Builutiij?. 3 L . Room ; i OPEN TO EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE 43-4- 3 blood-purifle- - ' Teasdale, deceased. Dated NephiCiLy, April 2,' 1833. Frederick W. Chappell Attorney for Admin- It may save you time and money to be informed that, when yon need a is" the kind Ayer's Srsaparilla most in favor with the medical profession. It is the standard and, as such, the only r admitted at the Chicago World's Fair. ' Utah. - & WEDtJWOOD;- Attorney The greatest bona fide prize offer ever ma3 In the West or South. The News is the paper of the West It is sliver's representative champion; It is the people's advocate; it leads in thought, as In news. The Weekly ha.? just been enlarged and Improved; It contains the latest: and fullest mining and mirdng stock Dews; It ha special departments devoted to the Farm, the Household.:!, Women and Children: all the brightest cartodns and h vest comment of the dally edition are to be found In It; It presents in condensed .form the doingrs of all the world It hi a famiij" paper without a peer. And the Weekly News Is determined to have beyond all question the larpest circulation of any paper between the river and lh Pacific coast. ThereforeMississippi it offers to the per- sons sending In the greatest number of fl yearly subscriptions before September) 1st next; uueu.ua.uea prizes. REGULAR A GfNTS ' COMMISSION ALLOVEO IN ADDITION. CONTEST BEGINS A T ONCE. - Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is the best medicine in the world for bowel complaints. It acts andean always be depended upon. quickly When reduced with water it is pleasant to take. Try it, and like mafly others you will recommend it to friends. 'For sale at 25 and 50 cents your bottle per by McNally & Lunt . ''.--- Nephi, Store1 p Denver, Colo., v Notice to creditors Estate of Mary L. P. Teasdale, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the administrator of the estate of .undersigned, L. P. Teasdale deceased, to the creditoi'9Mary of, and all persons having claims the said- deceased, to exhibit themagainst with the necessary vouchers, within four mouths "after the first publication of this notice, to the said administrator, at his residence in Nephi City, Juab County, Utah, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate. Administrator of the (jeorge estate ofTeasdale, Mary L. P Druggists. c R06KY MOUNTAIN NEWS. e istrator. V ONE Cc-o- , The NEW WEEKLY.' e ' 43-4- 8 At Iledd3nce Second door East HOURS: 2 to 4 p. m. Prices; Separate PRIZE OF ... 55 Kitryc' its OFFICE: GIVEN AWAY IN...... s , self-lov- 1896. V and darkness, in days prosperity his continuo-n- residence upon and cultivation of, s,aid land, viz : Moroni Monroe, James a of: few are. the These but adversity. Adams James Allen, and Thomas Memreasons why your, patronage should be mott, ofjrScipio, Millar4 County, Utah. y. Any person who desires to ; protest against given to the home merchant. Ex. the allowance of such ' proof, or who know.4 of . y Dr. O.S.Hosmer 1 Self-interes- BE TNG of (Jougress. All children of foreign THE birth, botii male and leinaie, who were residents of the United States .and uuder 21 years of age at the time of toe. naturalization ot their pareuts, are eu-t- if It might reasonable be supposed-thaied to vote, if now 21. and be would agreeable Those who arrived in the United Hood people States before they Were IS years of age, but this is by . bad people disagreeable, ana whose pareuts have not been natThere are uralized, may become citizens at any no means a fixed rule. the age of 21, withtime attwr many notable exceptions, especially out tiling areaching declaration uf intention, provided that at the time of applying among bad people, who are often to a certificate the applicant has retor study companions. They their sided in this country live years. please that they may cover isupno reaThe women who, thougu of the refaults of character. Tuere quired age, cauuot vote this year are son, however, why good people should tuose ot loreigu birth who. are not and . out follow their example in this re-- nave not beau married to citizens, or who have not been naturalized the i'pect. Wnen they act naturally they naturalization of their patents by while but some good men, cue CDiidreu.were minors; or who did hre agree. with w.irm sym pa tains and great, klnd-no3- s uot arrive in this country before they of heart, seem to think' that it is were 18 and live years prior ro the last necessa.-fur their own protection to date on whicn ahaus cau be naturalized tins year in time to vote at the ' put oa a grutf. repellaut manner. .November electiou. This date will 1'iiero !ru others who at heart are occur ninety days before election, as goud friends, yet make themselves dis- one oi: the quuiitieatious of a voter, uuder the constitution, is citizenship agreeable to those they love by a bad lor days. ninetythus-bhabit of positive contradiction. All of ltw"ll a seen and women who arrived inthatthe foreign us have a great deal of Uuited We cauuot regard as agreeable one who States after she had reached the age of 18, and who has not been, made a citicontinually differs with and contra- zen by virtue of man lage or tbe natdicts us, especially if he does so in an uralization of a parent, will be requiroffensive way. before she cau become a qualified ed, courtehie a declaration of intenis to man The agreeable elector, always a with clerk of a court, and wait ous and considerate. lie keeps out of tion two years thereafter for the issuauce A CooK DooX Free. disputes and contentions, seeks to give of a certificate of citizeusbip. and utterance ouiy to pleasant things, Table and Kitchen" is the title of a It is believed that the women who, if driven to contradict, does so in an will be unable to qualify themselves new cook book published by the Price Baking Powder Company Chicago Just amiable manner. lie may or may not for voting this asyear, number several Lat this time it will be sent' free if you before stated, uo one Write thousaud, but a postal mentioning The Bladk. be as good and faithful at heart as tbe can do more than guess at This book at present has been tried by ourseltetmiod .gruff disputant, wno is apt to be the proportion they form of the total is one of the very best of its kind. Beboastful of his frankness, but the nUtnqer of women of the State." sides containing over '400 receipts for all kinds of pastry and home cookery there quality that makes him agreeable is are many hints for the table and kitchen, f his cultivated mauner. Some people go showing how to set a table, how to enter EDITORIAL NUTE3 fthe dining room, etc.; a haudred and one so fxr as to deprecate politeness as a Wfihts in every branch of the culinary art. Concession to rjypocrisy, but it is really Cooaery of the very finest and richest as well as of the most economical and homea manifestation of consideration for The rich sometimes give ..charity to like, is provided for. ltemember "Table others. It is, of course, cultivated by the poor; but they often withhold from and kitchen" will be sent, postage prehypocrites, and those whtr are excess- - the poor .what belongs " to them and paid, to any lady sending her address (name, town and State) plainly given. irely polite may be suspected bf insin- would make charity' unnecessary. A copy in German or Scandinavian will be Sent if desired. Postal card is as good cerity, but that is not a good reason ....-.:as letter. Address Price Baking Powder whVijincere people should not use it to of The laws the and jour- Co., Chicago, ill. make themselves agreeable. priDting The otherwUa good man who- Jacks nals of the lastj legislative session has i An Affidavit politeness or assumes a gruff,- - repellani been awarded to the Deseret News This is to certify that on May 11th, I manner really jsacriflces a part xf his company, they having made the low- walked to Melick's drug store on a pair if est bid. of crutches discover will and bought a bottle of Cnain- ew. for very people gifts! Pain Balm for imflammatorv lam's his good qualities under his; repulsive rheumatism which had crippled me up. ;5::::;i'.5 manners. Those who do may have paAfter three bottles lam 'completely The Headeri a newspaper recently curea.using can cneeriuliy recommend it. l tience to bead with him, knowing that Charles H. Wetzel, Suubury, Pa. a't 'started son has reached The Pay his heart U right,, but others will judge Sworn and subscribed to before me on sanctum. Blade The Header preAugust 10, 1S94. Walter Shipman,- J. P. him by his m4nners,.and, .finding him For sale at 50 cents per bottle by McNally sents a Appearance is good and well disagreeable, Mil .avoid . intimacy with stocked ith ads., which means suc- & Lunt Druggists. him. ; It is not enough, therefore, to one should al cess for it. The publishers are F. A. be just or Important to sheep-ownerso be agreeable jrv manner, and it. re Huish and T. IE. Hinshaw. For several years complaints have been made that adequate facilities for shearing effort to be so. The quires, very liUle did not ' sheep fbandation. of agreeable mannera is The proper course for Western dele Creek Canon. exist at. the head ' of Salt This year however a decided improvethoughtful cbnsideratton of others or gates to the old party conventions is ment n has been & Moreley true bolitenesk.' "This does nob "imply to bo! tunles- free coinage platforms have constructed a new shearing corraY any hecetsar sacrifice of frankness. are adapted- - and- free- coinarge f candi at Holloway on the Sanpete Valley liatK way at which there will be one hundred and honesty, I It does noi mean that dates nominated, and to be a member shearers an ample number to handle all one shall not contradict or dispute, of a delegation bolting under such cir- business offered at this one of the most that When a' contra cumstances is an honor of which any conveniently located corrals in the state. but it does diction is made necessary it shall be man might well be proud Aloney to Loan expressed courteously and inoffensive in any amount from one hundred to ly. ' livery one should cultivate this ten thousand dollars. On improved farm The from Sheffield,1 exports England, property' or on water Ftock. . kind of politeness, for, in so far as it to the United States for the first T. C. Winn, County Recorder. three hlps to make one agreeable, it ex months of to $832,220, amounted tends his opportunities? for, usefulness compared wiibr for the same Estray Notice. land help? to give fulTplay to his other period of .1893.$363,010' The exports from I have in my possession the following' des " good qualities.animals f Bradford,' England, to the United cribed One bay .mare about 5 ot 6 years old, brand- -. States during the month4 of March ea on rignt smolder resembling D At. Also onfuay mare auoui a years oia Dotn iilnd feet WHAT , CATHODE RAYS ARE. were valued at $1,530,01)0, no brand visible. compared white, If daniasres and costs on said animals be not with' S2,4ou600 for the same period of paid within ten days from the date of this notice 'tbey will be sold to the highest bidder at A great deal is being said in the pa- 1893.XNepni city estray pound. v rsers no wad ays about X rays, and that inV April 28, Time and date of sale 1 o'clock p . 189. people may have a better understand - The electric light 18th 1890. Nephi, April company of Salt James K. Reid, Pound Keeper; ;. iigof what is meant1 bv them and what Lake shut 'the bf last city thpy are, Avri copy froin" Scribner's a' week because the city council reftTsed description by Prof. Jclm Trqv7bridge, their bid for the furnishing of &. lights, v: as 'follows: Da the grounds that their' prices was Let usee what vra mean by the -- terra Agents for" the cathode? If we should '..to real? the tiny too'high; fT&is is bnly another 'examniaraent of rn edisou incandescent lamp ple of the beauties of owner- McGormick ' IJovrors and Binders, at the middle 1 ot the glowing loop, the ship.1 The;only thing private for the city to Ifgrbt would crb out. If, now, we con do is to own and rreat tbe two ends of the broken filament control the electric Coopsr Vagons, a a of ot the tp polas greatmany battery thousand voltaic cell3, each as are com light system. Sulky Plows, rrionlv used to rinsr house bells, wo should be able to light the lamp again,Harrows, Who" is th hcm'mercHant? He iv nrt by incandscence, but by the feeble fdow which previdesr the whole buiD. the man who for the streets . Rakes,- The ends of "t:je broken filament ' would upon which helps pay you walk; for the school In be different. in nrjoearanca'--- from that of Barb Wire eto. ti other. The broken filament, .bv which yoqr children, or perhaps you ' iieacs of.. which the electrical energy have he helps to keep Wc carry all iers tn-- taio. is called the anode, ana Implements carried by in the filament by means of which, , jn ordi- up.thc church which you worship. the Consolidated Implement Co, ' leaves the bulb, is He is the man who builds a home it nary language, ral.ed tbe.cathoue.-'- Now the prreat tr of tiia cathode rays ia this they which cxbances the value 6f your prop & vobb. xc m to be independent of tb tsosition of erty. Nearly every subscription paper U: a anode, and tftey stream out from the that is passed has his name upon it; he Hall block vrcst of Court House .t!,f u- hire tr.e beuni of a Aearch-lhrb- t, ',srtrnii;-viof the inclosiatj-vesse- f i s t he o n o who cannot aff ora to s v i n d NnPIII;-UTAII.-OF AG UK 10 ABLE. QUALITY fLlfognG jnjgrizGs March 30th, Notice is hereby priven that the following-name- d settler has filed notice of his intention to make, njial proof in support of his and that., said t, will be made if nothing else, claim," you. before the. County Clerkproof of Juab County, . He bears his Utah, at Court House, Nephi' City Utah, on txrn.i In nrevent this. May 18, 1898, viz. William F. Memmott II. E. 8427 for the W. V N. E. 14 and N. V. H S-share of the burden of this govern- No. H Sec. 34 Tp. 15 S. It. 2 W. in sunshine ment and stays with you He names the following witnesses to prove and of y g 2S5S. Notice for publication. Land OfSee at Salt Lake City, Utah, - - - i m-ea- " sale' by: - the MiTH'-- .DKTJ'Gr' CO., ; SAN-PET- - - '(General tA'gens,) SALT TJAKI CITY, UTAII.' ; to-wi- t: - " : " ; " - - - . . . . fHE , ' .- -. Umw, Water - - . TIME TABLE NO. 16. Effective Sunday, November 17th, 1895. iftas been tested1 for more than five years in the iibove-bame- d cases, an! there has not"b'een a case of failure recorded agdiri'st the" water.' ' : : BESERET - ; VALLEY RAILWAY " S " " ,.,.,.... .11.1 South. North off-the.ligh- ; I -: KNOWLES " WEBB. IT HAS'CUREQ i!i EVERY . NoA Dist. from, Daily Manti IOT1SCE, 43.6 ' Lv. Nehpi . Ar. 88.0 Salt Spring-ri.40p .33.0 IIolloway I2.57p 29.0 C Fountain Green , 1.15p 23.2 'Draper 1145a . -- 1 - ' be'en-educated- ; ' : m a -- 1 1 . 10.0 14.0 19.5 23.5 27.0 35.0 43.0 . 10.10a 9.45a of Bright.'s Disease "that had been pro uoil'nced incu rabie by le ading - 9.25a Moroni 1.32p 19.5 9.10a pbysicians,' was cured in less than three months by the use of DESERET Chester 1.42p 16.0 8.42a 8.0 2.L"Jp 't Ephralm LIT III A WATER and the, patient is novr persuing his 8.15a Ar. Manti Lv. 2.45p ' . regular employ meht, Trains leave Manti for SterlingvFunk's Lak and Morrison at 3:00 p. m., Monday's, Wednea' ; DufiDg pregnancy, and Chronic Constipation, the Ladies will find in the day's and ; Friday's. Returning- arrive at LITIIIi "WATER au invaluable remedy.: Manti at6:C?0 p. pi. I Direct connectioha at Nephi With Unioe It is a home water, Eree from Sujphur,' Absolutely Soft, Pare and Tasteless Padific. Railway from and to SaltXake City; , Free froni" even a trace of Lime and is a product of ' Ogden, Butte, Provo, MUford and" intermediate Deseret, Millard county, Utah; points, and all pninte East and West. ' X. Stop on signal. Address all correspondence to The Company reserved the .right to vary 6Use - , f . . . . ; . DES-"ERE- T : - . , . t . . ' . ' , . rom this Time Table at pleasure v ty - 11.024 10.40a 10.2?a 5.0 I210p ; - Dist. 2 from No. Dally Nephi Stations, mSSZZP tecum V Theodore Geri 'Agent for the' DH3ERET LHTII:Y1VATF.R; OMPAiV t TJEtiBAcE:,, .vKx. & Qen'l Manacer, .'" Rait: T.nt i II. B. KKRli, ' i Supt. & G. F. & P. Pres. Salt LalvoCity, Utah. ntv. . . v . Aent,l4r. ,.' v1 |