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Show 'Izlzzlzxi- - Country, People Read Oi allqattoat wbsthsr Politic!, Social or EUf ions, Is 01 t ths liLADM. V ' WW TruU WlUoat Fear er Favor." atta:-'- T Trrai; - '. :. The BLADE pr ystr.Jl.OO. biz mouthi, In adTauce, I3.QQ VOLUME IIL EPHI CITY, UTAFT, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 25, 1896. CREAM OF OUR EXCHANGES Give er a lilt The Blade. , Cheap sale for 15 days at Excelsior. Try our ige cream soda Sunday I Sparks Location blanks for sale at Tbe Bladjc pffice.' L. L. Sheeting only Sets per yd at Chas. And Oeneril State News, TRQ7X CUUed and Condensed for Blade Readers. Best glove finished cambrics only 5cts per yd at Chas. Foote's. Ice cream at Sparks' Sunday. Dr. M. H. Hardy has succeeded Dr. Pike Sheep shearing s now in fall blast. as insane asylum physician at Provo. . Foote's. Go to Chas? Foote's for your carpets. Contributions for the Pioneer MonuTake a ride beneath the shads of the ' Bran-nefences are going up all over ment fund have now reached a tplal of ' . boulevard.' town. , - w I 12.411.QS. .. at IJyde Wash Calicqs for te Advertisements. NUMBER 46. LOCAL INKLINGS T2e adverticeraents In' the . Country Papers, and ak has Larcest CSrcalatlon oi my . Paper in Central and Southern Utah, It offers the best possible medium for Wlit & Boy's, Knee Suits below cost at Excel" r 1 Ip.f! P!H fin n rm n r- - Vfttfr Vaily, Jliss?, cured ly c- - Ay ers Sarsqigrilte For flye years, J suffered untold irom muscular rheumatism. I triedmisery known remedy, consulted the best every physl, clans, visited Hot Springs, Atk., three times," spending $1000 there, besides doctors' bills 1 but could obtain only temporary relief. Jly flesh was wasted away so that I wefrhotf only ninety-thre- e pounds; my left arm and hg were drawn out of shape, tlie musclei Richfield Sevier Co. has organized a sior.: chamber of commerce with Theb. Brand-l- y president. RJrs, pred Farmer went to Salt Lake j News has been as scarce this week as Wednesday, money. , fl. 000 Reward for any shoddy found in our 1,000 sattin calf shoe only S2.50 per Clothing, th.e best the cheapest ia lob Roy oil red prints 4cts per yd at pair. Ord Bros. town.' Qrd Bros. Phas. Foote's. The Tabernacle choir, whioh recently CJ. Geo. Whitmof e returned from Leave your orders for Job work at The made an excursion' thrqugh California,1 . . BLAPE Capital Thursday oh)ce. met with great success. Fresh radishes and lettuce at T. B." We have the best 52.00 shoa on earth. The late Legislature passed a law which Foote's, the groper. Try a pair. Ord Bros. the of children prohibits First ice cream and ice pream oda of gtock men are driving their cattle to under fourteen employment of years age. the season at Sparks' Sunday. the mountains. ais to have If arysvale Weekly newsTbe best assortment of silks and trimGo to T. B. Foote's for your bannanas, paper at an early date. We have not learned the name of its publisher. mings in Nephi at Chas. foote's. oranges and lemons. i Bev. J. A. Smith of this city is teach to your neighbors by Press. Po your duty A Jng in the iliff Academy at Payson. in oh stupendous reduction, prices cleaning up your premises dress etc, Don't fail to see Buggies all star specThe snow that fell last week disappear- for 15goods, clothing, shoes, slippers next at days Monday commencing Co. , at the Opera house tonight. ed almost as quick as it came. ialty the Excelsior. A beautiful line of clothing. The stores have straw hats on display EJvery Mercur claims the honor of the bliiet ia t sure sign 01 summer. thing new at lowest prices. Qrd Bros. first election under statehood.holding The said If you need any kind of Job Alexander Pace apd IJugh Parke came election took place Tuesday 2lst and re sulted in a clean sweep for the Citizens call on us we caa save yoa 10 perprinting cent. y xnurBaay . in ifom ucitei against tne peoples ticicec. They say big sleeves are to gq out, but The only place to get your neck wear is A Frenchman being twisted pp n knots. I was unable to was' dress English learning maybe they can't get out. What then? ai ujfu xrcs. au ine latest (things. 1 myself, except with assistance, anl toid that was a synonym fo ' If Could only hobble about by using a cane. I For oranges, lemons, and bannanas at "preserve."'pickle" you bVe anythiqg you want to get Accordingly, in bidding. bad no appetite, and was assured, by tht rid of advertise it for sale in The Qlade. iqwtat marszea pricey see oparits'. farewell to some English friends, he said, doctors, that J could not live. The pains, at 'Good by, and may Qod pickle you." B. Milner, one of Provo's legal lights EX.: Ladies see those beautiful babies shoes. J. times, were so awful, that I could procure ':.".".' A new line at 0 and 7 cts At the was; in town the latter'part of the weeic. felivf only by means, of hypodermic injecThe Iuggles Specialty Co., came hightions of morphine. had my limbs bands ped Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McCune returned Bememb er all of pur old stock is clear. recommendea from In clay, in sulphur, in poultlees; but these all the ly on ed out, all new things. largest Salt from see Iake.. and Call, Thursday evening's towns in southern. (J lab. Ian't fail to gave only temporary relief. After trying them. Qrd Bros. train see them at the Opera house tonight. and suffering the most awfu everything, A ; few beautiful silk waist Dieces. Charles Stephensqn , who has been to take Ayer's Sarsaparnta, I tortures, began Colonel S. of T. the Pearson, Secretary working in Eureka for some time, was in Come quick and get something nice at Sanpete yalley railroad, two Inside I was able to walW pf month?, is down at the without a caue. In town the first of the week. three months, my V.mh coal mine work the after Sterling looking to In the course of a and began strengthen, ad1,000-loon Water men Master Wm. Bailey is hot on and farmers are sure to the big tunnel which is now Sheep year, I was cured. My weight has increased of men's and boy's tbe trail of those who have not paid the unaer construction. He will returnt tomire pur fine line Co-oto 165 pounds, and I am now able to do my shoes just iu at the lax ou ine city waier. r day. Yesterday Js Herald. full day's work as a railroad blacksmith." National flowers have been adopted in Aoqstle John W. Taylor came in on Laces. Embroideries and Sum various the Sanpete Tuesday and took the after mer countries las follows; Greece, fipods, just beautiful av Hyde violet; Canada, sugar maple: Egypt, noon U. P. train for Salt Lake City. X rose France, fleur de 'lis; vu England, uibuiui v a. corn For styles in Slippers and Shoes flower; Ireland, Bhamrock; Germany, Abe Kitrball, a traveling man for Italy, The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla, Prussia, linden; Saxony, miglily; Hyde& Whitmore are authority. . fjiHTS iUidreage z uo, was in town the nonette bcotland, thistle; prome-granatSpain, Ezra Shoraaker was in town this week . lore part of the week. Wales, leek. EX. Mr. Sliomaker was here in the interests the The Provo Power company proposes to Joseph W. Vickers is. canvassing T II. J xvays of The Central Utah Wool Company. tuwu -Willi- a. very gouuJ Iuoax. caiiea in Provo panyon develop 3j00 horse-pow' ' Nothing for the wattscs. for electrical transmission to the mining irom ail can serve pt Juanas, We Jsetter lyignt you Sheep Men; of Mercur and Eureka. The big camps than any one else. , Call on us for Oil, Prices cpt in two on dress gjods, cloth- - Cottonwood for Ida Watts?1 plants will supply power to - Anything i.. Lamp Black and Supplies. . Excelsior ingi snoes, at eic. ior ia ine aays Nothing." ' only mines of Park the City and Bingban, and Mer.Co. Ace for Watts?" Excelsior. Anything thus the four principal camps of Utah "No." A petitionis being" circulated to haTe & Co. shipped a car of will haye an abundaace of cheap power. Andreres G, 'Anything for Ike Watts?" T H. Q. Partes appointed postmaster in wool to Chicago Thursday. This was the Review. Mining ex"No, nothing." C. whose term of Anderson P. place for Fool Joe' Watts?",?-No- , pist lot shipped this season. 'Thn t.a.hrniw.lB nhnir a nan in. I arrJArl Anything pires May 11th. nor Dick over Union from Watts, nor Jim Watts, the Pacific and wall Ogden yes- nor ... .paper at the XT m Qet your carpets A nice lot of Ladie's and MIssea' shoes jLiiueisiur. nor any other Watts, Sweets after the' Watts, xuu noon, uanasome terday shortly win get tueiQ i n n t ga t c dead or living, un borne, native, foreign, pnn in ay unt (it (urttf.oairoti mmaking in the very latestCo-o-styles at prices to suit' ana cneap. , ru n civilized or uncivilized, savage or barthe times ,The quickest im made on the 01wholenoma The to would Blade: from like hear tne tne irom barous, male or female, white or black, coast, opencer reS. Cooper and A. T. McCanne some of its many correspondents, If it office went up to jjao J. or disfranchised, naturalized franchised see none to that Ogden turned Thursday from Salt Lake City wouiau't do asking too mucn. or otherwise. on off fell No, there is positively of tired excursionists the the where thev "went to attend a meeting of for of the Wattses, either any nothing Don't frrot wn trlvt vnn alltrprwam. way, xesteraays xj.eraia, the I. q. o. P. .. and severally, individually, jointly, now Each irom (3.00 to $12.00 worth v. piece o. to 17 u ; J , 1 of In the and order homeward II and cuffs frrever,,one collars path light lnseperable." stylish Large sleeves, all tv uuiuurct catU.-- , xiju? The boy looked at the postmaster in Councilman Callister these evenings. in shirtwaists, new, not old stock at The boulevard I com the and said, v 'Please look of of electric north Moffat town astonishment, & Whitmore's Secretary light just 4 Hyde some if is for Peter Watts." electric nap there aim for witn ap pany anything young presented F. W. Chappell was occupyin g a waiting A small incandescent lamp Exchange. man to taxe nis girl enterprising scarf buggy-ridinJudge pin. forms the exposed part 01 tne pin, which place as teacher at the Juab Stake AcadGet your ypur a passementry r and gimps is emy the past week, in the absence of lighted up by a purrent supplied from . new ineuo-opin aiso ai Dl&soqflonrof Partnership. Miller. T. a Jonn small Bomtming Supt. battery carried in the pocket. ladle's belt oucties etc. Notice Is hereby giTen that the flrnj heretoMr. Callister highly prices tne gift. Kf r Ma lir Xr. T.nnt. Trnfl'iyiata. we hflvn fore existing under the name of Bird fc Booth, '. Miss Mamie EHison was made the re Tribune. the largest stock of Drug, and Pure dentists, dolnp bi)slnesn In the ;itjr of Nepbl south of Salt Lake City. Family cipientof a .pleasant surprise Tuesday Provo Enquirer; The assurance is Juab Liquors County, State of Utah,- is this day dlol-veor nome ner tne at V parents. evening trade a specialty. by muttxal aousent. given by Superintendent Welby of the C. II. Bird, A number of men and boys were em- Rio Grande Western that the new road to A. Booth. Ladies we have all the latest fashions J. of tne lime be will Park " City built, byt at the boulevardThursday in makMarch J5th 18Jft. Nephl, from the Butterick Pub. Co., nnw on our ployed Utah's commencing work is in doubt. If come and ing a ditch aldng the side of the trees. counter, for you to look , at, railway building era begins this year, as new for and a dross, your style is the seeno John S. picka out fashion to think it will, then dirt grocer, Painter, going many C. II. Bird will still be fouud at his;, sheet free. Hyde & out of the business and is offering every- will of course get May fly in Provo canyon. Time oldDr. Whitmore. his ad. stand in See this issue. cost. at Intervals, and wishes to in at can of tell the extent alone Utah's rail thing . A Blades reporter got on the scent of a bis form patrons that ne will be prepared! We can save you' 20 per cen t on your operations, but lost our see Thursday night party of Mens' kinds of Work in his profession and stock to Come do Hats. all seems surprise to have A wedding epidemic time be Boy's and Children's. Hyde fc Whit- struck Han-Bo- n it directly. As this is the first down Adolf week town. Last this Dr. C. II. BiBD. he more. has failed in hunting anything , one of fairest Manti's led daughters, will be retain ted on the force. Miss Stella Chapman, who has been Miss Julia Richie, to the altar and today ; 2878. Look out for our circular announcing a visiting the family of Benjamin MIdgley Orson Alfred and Miss Hannah Dorius, Notice for Publication. sale in dress goods, shoes of Salt Lake for the past two weeks, .re- two of our popular young people, joined big reduction 1 ne enterprise ex A wedlock. fine in and etc. hands etc. turned display Office a I Salt Lake City, TJtwh, Thursday. clothing, Iad wish the and tends congratulations April 20lh 1896. ( goods at nearly half their value atforEx15 to $1.00 at the voung people abundant prosperity. You only have spend commencing Monday, only is Notice hereby given that the "following days some of their beautiful Excelsior to named settler has filed notice of hia intention, celsior. '.v,U;. Silverware. getEvery 10-- cent purchase Ephraim Enterprise. make final proof in support of bis claim 'The sheriff of Davis county came to to an.ih !a fnll of terrors to nil whnun gives you a coupon." and that said proof will be made before to Sher aud Lake Salt nnnitUntlnn in not able resist the sudden repored vesterday Police of Juab County, Utah, at Nepal regret to announce that the home iff Hardy and Chief of Pratt that on JuneClerk S 189ft, tIz : Zesos Whittakrr (ruardl-a- n and other Insalu of We changes of temperature to Cole is Win. owing of Maggie I. Norton, Minnie A. Norton molasses mill had been stolen from brities of the season, ao put me system the sickness of quarentined, bis daughter Edna. aKaysville John R. Norton, Tobith-and it 'was .suspected William O. Norton, parties, In condition to overcome these evils, no--, Scarlet D. Norton, infant child? Hasel is t. the and Norton fever complain to Lake. Salt been had it as that brought effective Ayer's Sarsaparilla. thin? Is so ren of Drusilla deceased, who mad Norton, stolen located the Qibbs If you wish to en joy a pleaaarft evening Deputy Sheriff NE &035r for tbe Take it now. K. H. Se. 25 Tp. 12 re tt. 1 W. fail to see property in a lunk shop, and it was don't laf. n rrf Vi inir IrAArt ort frnm thn and have a good laugh, arrestBe names the following witnesses to props' by the owner. The policeon the Buggies specialty Co. : at the Opera covered mammoth rhpn HAld at the Excelsior. house sus Hamilton named man his a ed continuous residence upon aati cultivatlmJames of ton Usual admission. prices ight. William of said was but land, vto: William Sperry, dress goods, shoes and clothing, were he the that party, guilty picion A Bowles, alt William Elisha Bussell, Norton, never sola so cneap in nepm as mej win that Spend 50cts at Hyde & Whitmores. proved pretty conclusively Juab County, Utah. was not toe man, auu in mo of Nephl, sell them for 15 days. You will also get and get a coupon on their beautiful sil- inquiries Hamilton 1 Braox Qroo Register. verware People are beginning to find meantime he was allowed to go on his Portraits and Silverware free during this for Claimants W. Darker Attorney r are silverware name out they ;. stands away, own recognizance, but his givingsee for cbeap sale. no not tin. Come and nn the notice record with a charge Of yourself, to there. show, trouble goods how to grand larceny opposite it. Salt .Lake wife will show her better half After A dance will be given in Miller's hall Herald. beat carpets, carry out stoves,heetc.Mnnrinr can nicht br the Arbor dav com clean he Is through with ti.this work car den to little raise means to buy a hose for di? Press Meeting Date Changed. mittee patch. nnhi Tbe Old Keliable i mnmt loft.npft. onions and radishes. the cemetery, xviaxe it a crowaea nouse. Asso Press of Utah tbe The president and then wait for Old Sol to do the rest. Sperry's quadrille band in attendance. ciation has sent out tbs following circular TBLOT STEAM LAUNDRT tV r s TToamer made .another trin Tidies readv made calico wrappers for etter to members of the association: .. Satfef aeUon- Guarasteed ' it-vu hia rn hirt t. iit Rnfhnnt nnd 90cts at Chas Foote's. Lake Salt City, vuis vircun. tn a to Work caned" for and deliwred- every we8kt Blade on his return Friday he stated April 22nd, 1896. a snan of angry steel" will pro Ralf was man irom the Ladles- shirt waists a specialty.- Offic-asunenngi reporter that T Lave been rennested bv several mem no more fatal results than a neglect- blood poisoning and that It was caused duce ana fid cold or cough. For all throat SparksCaady A Chjrar' store.- v lung bers of the association to make an effort of hia fingers getting pinched; diseases, is the Pectoral by one had our next meeting in Cherry r..E. H. Sptu'ks Jr. Ageht. Ayer's member and get the date of that he Wasamputated4ne is invaluabe in cages of to ox Aiay, It f or zna best tn to tne remedy. to road on now the Logan changed man recovery. the croup, whooping cough, bronchitis, and and 1 find, after consulting the membersAwardef la grippe. breeches Ox at of tne executive committee, that the maja of the Gents get pair no-ooruv 01 mem uvo; tne uu, auu jut, Afullstocu: 01 ciotnmg always We are the candy people! Sparks'. KfSliest Honors World'. FafrV the writes that newspaper Shomaker on hand. caxxr "V tnatrif v hnpn. XV" . dress foods. bovs and the citizens of Logan much pre DO P.hRAD SS the EXCfil- - ferthis date. otn nl(i nthinir some Who I 'therefore take the res time a ago jo Crane, printer, for 15 days commenc- ponsibility of informiug you that tbe landed In Nephi from nobody knows sior will sell them 0 Now is the time for all to meeting will be held on this date, and i I J ing Monday. the will All of to sav tbe people get arri red nested that.ntA.fnfn get gen uine bargains lid wo in U ttA b.IU benefits of this great cheap sale, whether T rl i ain IIIC l m. r CTH .u e tnoro-ioor The is next pmu. the proauuo coupons casn, to good style. aight. iail spend We have important ousiness matters 10 A aniaoiol AtKrtnn of the IT. P. 8UCC3eded he Was ushered before Justice Stoat inmiKs and this, rather than the pros ana nueu uwnlo. in getting off the track at the depot last should a of and on switch pleasant entertainment, pect raise the amount and is now languishing Monday. the It occurred ox tne associawuu member iduce every U jai was caused by the spreading of the rails. (attend. The engine had come up from Juab to The resignation of your president. By take some officials down south. has been sent to your secretary , u.h ratt.xr tun ihfifi. OrrJ Rrrm which means of hard labor by itself and the San be acted upon at this meeting. should was hand, it the Pete, who lent a helping leaves Salt Lake City at 8 a. Thji Arbor day committees withWedtrain The of to the more way restored once right few other persons, planted at Logan at 11:40 a. m., m. and arrives help Of a thirty-siLehi Work train was summoned from x The on the leaves Logan returning at 3:33 p. m. and nesday new and ties hundred of a and couple names of old pioneers be sure to Und cemetery. The Hoping that you will the rails were laid in place of the old ones to do to, snd others who were sleeping there was given to one and urge yourself will aat this association The scene waj a very: pretty an-our Compound. Celery that honing It a to went from one tree as the crowd step p for Nervous Dis- meeting take f ufthef A valuable MOST PERFECT MADE. a remedy or in would : a friend relative and our in Inter? other for good power of the has This order approval remedy tree word3 the advancement christen A the for Cream of means Tartar Powder. Frees few appropriatea pure Grape physicians in the treatmentCom-of esUof newspaper work, In the name of beloved parent or friend aminet from Alum or Ammonia, , any ether adulterarlU diseases. nervous Michigan Celery I am, vours smeereiy, and then place a tag on It giving the President.:. ' . YEARS .40 STANDARD THE, E 0. Roaxor name of the pioneer. They also planted pound. & JJU2'$ Agents. rose flowers. trees McNally of and number ft large more's, ' " - ' . . . te , " s " - ' , " finest foot wear in Nephi. EXCELSIOR - MERCANTILE CO The -- f5 ft ; 5 y 4 -.' Co-o- p. ; ; - ot ' p. JUST ARRIVED: lo-cu- sj - A Choice Selection in Spring and Summer Dress Goods. e; " - A. . I- 1 1 er " ALSO A spendid shoving in Ladies' Shirt Waists with Nobby ties to match. Oar Baby Hoods are the best lo town. Remember we sell-onlgood articles , r Acd at the lowest living prices. . Call and inspect and ad mira. -- Inter-Mountai- 1 . 1 T. n 1 V p. -- y : N - r--J 1 . the 3IepM Gp. - g. . a - 1 1 1 MERCANTILE INSTITUTIOIi. d ; r- Grand Closing Out - -- I have decided to close out my Entire Stock of Goods Consisting of Groceries, Crockery, Glasswara, Garden Tools, Tubs, Buckets, e to. . . " . , " . I have also a Urge Stock :oLMen'g Ladies' and Childrenare Shoes - ' and Rubbers, which will.be sold at Cost. These good substaocial Shoes and worth twice the price we ask for them. REMEMBER: The Entire Stock will be Sold at Cost, for Cash. Those V wishing to secure a Bargain should call early. . ' . JOHH S. PAINTER, MAIN STREET, - ft D H T nui 111 M HA IT Q'l?. uwuLi 1 ' NEPHI Beach, West Va., contracted ttn. of L.3ng cold which left him with a a severe of how he cared it cough. In"1speaking kinds of Jcough several used be says: I bought no until relief found syrap but Cough Remedy, a bottle of Chamberlain's relieved me almost instantly, and 'od Sample Boomi for CommercIalTrav- - which time broaght aboutaa complete a in short ' troubled with cough or When cae.,, elerg. not cold use this remedy and youwill nack Meets all kinds beTrains,. Free to Patroa find it necessary to try several to and from the station. fore voa tret relief. It has beenandin. the years market for ove- - twenty and . , H. GOLDSBROUGH, - Proprietor, .Iftba hair has bejn made to grow a -- ral color on oald heads In thousands by using Ilail's Half Renewer, 7 will it not In yoar ca3e? in favor popularity. 5 w iiVat K and 50 cents, per bottle by McNally & Lunt Druggists. . DISEASES OF intense itching :ri to eczema, tetter, 3 and other ; skin is instantly allayed by ::,'i'7Z Chamberlain Eye and 8km cnt. Many very bad cases have beer -.znti? cured by it. It fe. equally ; -- eat for itching pife3 and a favorite rem- -' ' sore nipples; chapped hand. chil--:-- '! frc-- t bites, and chronic eore eyes. dru-sb- ts at 23 cents per box. by Ealt-rhen- ' ; , " X rteama-ChamDorWU8- vigorously at parts fhat does not .bring ','7 Dr. Cray's Condition PowdSrs, they of flannel a horse need3 when in bad cnndi-- ' 1 Tonic, blood .nuxifier cad vermifuge. v' & L'unt Draggiet. & Lunt D'rttggits leby 's , m, the-Count- eacu .'1 ; aU ieC8 Dn prompt relief 11 L , tii- : - 45-5- Dont Forget H 'i 11 - i. - - t - ; 1 D. -. NoKe But Ayers at the world's Fair. eittra enjoys the Atera Sarsaparilla been .the of having distinction ordinary at an exhibit allowed blood purifier onlv a Manufactur-erfairChicagro. the Sther every sarsaparillas sought y of goods, to obtain a showing of their the STt all turned away under thaen-?rPvPapplication ot tbe rule forbidding patent medicines; .nj . joatramii. was SS? o' the followbJ Pe9iL? AyersHSarsaparil. Q not v?St apat"n7medicine. It does IMa her, S nostrums. Hst belong ltsniefits on "hosewho ate trebled with of THE SKIN. ; and emarting inci- -' . l- X A l 1 r tiKM ' ,1 , ever-gree- tre. ff ns v 8h? .1 r P s |