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Show OF PARIAN Ef - blue attached itself to theclay, "CHAR CT ERIN HAIR. .which adhered to the moud after th CROSS IN THREE-DAYS- . ll M. :C. - surpiusvnaa Deen poured out; In a few "What the Th and Colors x.at) will eorulrin la t.rX ty.t j ACTS FROM THE HISTORY OF moments the article could be separated A BICYCLE BOAT CAN f publish n it unjer )ti!j ooetrsetj M tt Iinnte. MAKE Manufacturer and of 43 Repairer tomtr.a.1 THIS WARE. price. me was irum mourn, wnich MILES AN HOUR. caunjr Men with fle, light hair, says the Tbe to tockr.tier ef timll made in parts. The result was a perUrlzlnz tbe public with hi brftud .z,5 s are smart, con BOOTS, Times, Philadelphia well tx to moulded known to of vessel uttr eeed fectly t olion. It Parian It BXlxbody Has Done a Mile In Two Minutes Bat ceited, and if they do not marry until ntford. Who First Made the 8tckr3a M T&lable m an with decoration of blue mad and white, Now U to tbe merchant. LWlnr la In one His Boat. Wa. Burned, and Now the late in life are apt to grow cross and- AH kinds of shoes made to order. ttre. Fifty lean Ajo, operation, after which the poverty DeTelopment of Hli Art im was sent to the kiln to be fired. piece Y Inventor Hasn't the Money Needed te selfish. If a girl wishes to select a Workmanship second to none. The First door south of Taberoel, husband hair his examine she should Build Another One. Americapurpose of the little pit marks or stippla Oil F ' !l v be before very closely accepting him, MAIN STREET, V NEPH1. j vas to prevent the color from running New York Letter, cause It is a fine indication of what his O RIDE A BIOY-cl- e VERY one is fa- - ana forming pools or blotches In the disposition is. Men with fine, brown across the At- hair, light or dark, make the best husRANGE j lantic Ocean from bands. They are quick, thoughtful and Lower SerJer and KeK'i-'fproduct of the pot- - moulds .was a considerable business U. S. Land Office.) (Lat EInk of Bearer. New York to Llv-- sh less apt to be selfish than their very- 'ter's art known as 3'ears ago and was done by women, who Land and, Mining Attorney. became ri Parian Address: v xix Hie vyui fi, CLI1U uu vara tA erpool : in seventy light or very d ub vaa brothers. Uts.h. Oasis, HT! CO ts fl III Arl 11 nnnn Trrn ill hctfaK InU ambina ar Bio auaiuicu hours is the ri man tUcll Those whose hair turns gray pre icn agco wv,i.i Iwenty-tbrepolicited. Correspotidence tion 'of Charles maturely are nearly always good fel with its origin or 'isters who were employed in other years' experience. branches of a i the but waa trade. so lows. a Flint, are nervous, It Jeo DsTrsnnp little paniin They history, sailor man, who Is are brainy, sympathetic and very honSALTjIKE. CITY, UTAH. Among other designs for the Cen- named because of a f ancled r e s e m- - tennial Exposition a series of fashion residing now at No. orable. The hair turns white from be Dpper illi in 148 Columbia St., ing overscrupulous In money matters WttB3 was blance to the fine prepared Illustratine the right, under slit ia left ear. tho y1 of for and does says dress It of than oftener Brooklyn, the comdelast friendships century statuary marble V ' Mr. Flint came to grieving over one's shortcomings. IUCe: Cricket from the island of Paros, so ex- - PWed with those of the present. Thess ) Uoum&lns and weT& modeled hit by Mr. Broome in low this country from Copenhagen nineteen Nearly all people are smart, twBively. used by Italian sculptors. The Lower Serier. He sea fellef years ago. On followed has RhnnAS the nnri ImrotitoH ohniit IfilK nmhaMOriginal Hraia whether,, the hair is coarse or fine, but since he was twelve Address, and he Deseret, Utsb.. when you do run across one that isn't land Agents & Attorneys. old, years before now is the , is forty." he under One the rduced. of these vases t, stupidest person tfiments of a firm at Stoke-muTwo acan Mr. Flint a years read sun. ago Sa.Ua.nt The . of women, with pale, blonde lng the last and count century in search of a suitable body for, a of flying machine and it gave hair of the colorless, ashy kind are im-- 'greyhound, la shown here. autuettes and figures In the style of the Plain white Parian ware always has him an idea. He worked on the Idea pulsive, loving, fickle. They are not to SALT LAKE C'TY. UTAB. UAir silt lt qA Derby and Chelsea "biscuit" ware, aw he until a n. n W constructed boat had, 111! Tlurl IIIU are utider slit be twenty good w but right, usually upon, depended 01 max was, m I act, a development JAAU-UiJi- , in left ear. feet long, three feet wide and four feet company while they like you. On the . . COUnt Of Irs Rnft anflnv i . jV. v"' moduct A Mr. Mountrora, wno naa n Hance: Crik.tt deep in which was a bicycle attachment contrary, those with hair Mount-lat the works, Derby employed ut4 tfen sen a of with a are and full are connecting big very loyal. They .Lower BeTler, -- here the biscuit ware had been pro propeller. Mr. Flint launched this boat timent and easily affected. They en- duced, was working at the time for the in the Passaic River, at Newark, and Joy keenly and suffer in proportion. Deseret, UU- Address, and he, It ia said, was the first to got aboard le began to work the bi- Women with fine, blick hair are high ftTODOund the mixtures for the new cycle pedals. The boat moved ahead. ly strung, and those; with coarse, black Mn T Smith This material proved Mr. Flint said that he made thtrty-on- e Parian body. if they are smart, are nearly alBeef hair, Mutton, Veal, Chipped miles an hour in the boat. easy to handle, required but one firing mean. All women with dark hair ways Horse Gro-- er and Bologna. & the kiln, and was found, to be ad"It went so fast that I had to ease up, are more tempestuous than those wltc. sod Dealers he said yesterday. "It was an open boat, light hair. The dark eyes and commirably adapted for reproducing the Tour patronage solicited. RANGE: finest examples of the sculptor's art. and when I went at the rate of half a plexions ilhat go with the different 11 on tr M on s taii n mile a minute it cut pnder the waves shades of Tfce exceeding compactness of texture, and black hair and Lower r?rler. wax-like transpand I had to slow up or swamp her." denote strong feeling. They are also If mellowness of tint, and to are goin you ' This boat was women, Oasis, Utah. Address, destroyed by fire a more faithful than light-hairarency which characterized It soon over with bubble withimonth after it was made. Now Mr. and, dear me, they made It exceedingly popular, and f Flint wants to build another boat on sentiment, n a very short time fully 100 factories CHICAGO vCTenen Mi -- ere the same plan, but larger. He has conproducing it In the forms of vases, Breeders a4 Lfned A Gold Ijake. structed the model, and claims that In Short figures, pitchers, and mantel ornaments. dealers of man, Edwin Hofstad. a mining born Dorbaxaa. when the new boat is completed he While hundreds of manufacturers and Horses sane can easily make forty-fiv- e KANSAS CITY, miles an hour Alaska, who has been spending several dealers have grown rich through makibrand 3a Mi far his for left A has in it. The new boat will be forty feet days in Portland, thifh. Cattle- i ng and selling Parian wares, the origion Work to continue home per slops ia northern five feet feet beam and eleven long, Mr. Mountford, is said to be still nator, cb esr. itaare famous of the shores on ... claim the his seven a will have deep. It STir r'Te livmg m retirement aisaDiea, , negCASTLE MATCH SAFE II PARIAN. feet OR ST. LOUIS, between Milt' station on tbe This mys.a U. sua roooDtsiBSk Of "gold lake," near Sitka. in a and diameter number, ltcted and practically lorgouen. ance and ahspn nf t a other wheels connected by gearing-chain- s terious lake was known to the early antr ' iafton. Address, I earaiDgtoa, Millard Ue., Utabv since more is It little than x fifty years was well for but particularly porbait adapted from the pedals to the propel- Russian settler in Alaska, He sure and ask for a ticket that reads Parian was introduced, yet it sprang so busts and th s offi czar the Parley Alind ler. by rrnpHnn jealously guarded rapidly into favor and the manufacture tures and indeedt was tne better qualities of the and gold but little "I .calculate," said the Inventor, "that cials, una uu. Horses same u vCn ull9uCU, uw l ji of ParIan cnlna vSQ closelK; -- eaemble by my ai man can get ten taken out. According to the traditions bread on ift Europe and in this country, that we are marble that it is often difHcuirfor the horse-pow- arrangement thigh. Cattle-clout of each leg, making of Sitka, several enterprising miners crop in left accustomed to look upon it as or mucn inexperienced to detect the difference near a established camp in early days and slit in rigbt That twenty altogether. ear. Kingt, greater age. It was made in the United, Several establishments in will be sufficient to send the propeller the lake and secretly mined a quanLower Sevier. States within a year or so after its in- - states still nrodnn Parian art .mnrf L which of they the metal, of a Address, Des to around precious fast tity ' ' get speed enough In troduction tgmm'Z ret, Utah. England, first, perhaps, and a portrait modeler of Trenton Is forty-fiv- e In but of paid Sitka, they won't an and It miles disposed hour, fully as early as 1846, at Bennington, engaged now In executing a series of be to work harder than a bicycle. dearly for their venture, being arrested any Vt., where ornaments, pitchers, and h L en left ttl-busts of celebrated Ameri The machinery will weigh about 700 and imprisoned fcnrlong terms in a i USV vases were produced, and two years cans, to be reproduced same braad in Belleek pounds, and there will be 800 pounds Russian prison. Miners paid no more mt cattle. llaac later by Charles Cartridge, at Green bisque or Parian, in imitation of the of lead on the keel. She will have a attention to the lake until after the htp . flllow Sprier. . Point, L. I. location finest statuary marble Address, displacement of seven tons. It will be Seward purchase, and then the a knowlwas cross The old workmen to of mines men the was matter an for No three brought tiresome layovers. forgotten. English easy Jersey City pottery F. J. Of late years Alaskan adventurers Close connections in union depots, TUK Bpnajrs, the Atlantic in her In about seventy edge of the processes of manufacture to perhaps the most interesting estabJuab Uonaty, lishment of Its kind in the United hours. As the boat will be all decked have been Industrious in searching f or And positively the quickest routt States from an historical point of over, she cannot be swamped. In this El Dorado, but their efforts jefe OT ob left ttisv view, as it was the cradle of the pot- smooth water I can take off the hatches. never rewarded with success. It re- -' condouble Is water-tigiwsllew 'who bulk Mr. In for mained I will have Hofstad, this? country. Here Then, too, tery industry In left er. fork custom house, To the Great Rivers and Atlantis nected with the Sitka many of the most successful potters heads in her." Ban pe, Lower CuAddress learned the trade, from 1825 until a Mr. Flint says It would be easy to to find the wonderful lake. An aged and rler. thoroughly Ocean. .Elegant ew years ago, when the old landmark run her by some motor, but that he Russian shoemaker of the town put him and modern Equipment IftiitilraFra torn down to make room for mod prefers the Idea, and that on the right track, fbut it was only afte Oasis. KUlar4 O. Utak. ern improvements. The upper, floor It is perfectly practicable. The only weeks of patient exploration that he Chair Cars of the building was stored with hun- thing in the way of completing this hit upon the spot. The shoemaker's Reclining Vark, stlt Ifr dreds of curious old plaster molds, boat and getting to Europe in less sole guide was the knowledge that the ellar right aad twoSas-which had accumulated during nearly than three days, or over there and "gold lake" lay Immediately beyond In wTiich the seats are free to holder e tickets. train of regular brand en left seventy years. Many of these had back in less than a week, is that Mr. another lake of similar size, and that jbovlder en bereas been modeled by celebrated artists, Flint has not the capital that he re both were within twelve tnlles of Sitka. P, N. retersea, Address, OuL and had been used in the manufac- quires. He says he can build the boat When Mr. Hofstad was assured of the Utah, Ranft, Lev ture of Parian ware. There were for $700, but tie is working for the Bar value of his find, he returned to civili- Call on or address er Serler. molds of quaint toby Jugs, hunting ney Dumping Company, and gets only zation, and bonded a half interest Id Same left thif pitchers with hound handles, apostle $15 a week and has to support a wife the mine to an eastern syndicate. The KOOSER B. H. b Ilorses. jugs, figures of the Saviour, jugswith and two children. Upper slope aa& gold is washed with little trouble from one under slit t in shown is boat of medallions of model eminent his The of men, on shore the the lake, the sands portrait left ear, and COMMERCIAL sailors' pitchers with cable and an- the Illustration, and also some of the and assays all the way from $1.25 to $25 under slits in rtrt AND FREIGHT ear. RAG tOalt chors in relief, and a vast variety of arrangement ef the machinery. To the per cubic yard, according to Mr. Hoi Creek. PASSENGER a for discarded patterns a priceless col- lay mind it seems pretty hard stad. This, It will be seen, is exceed lection of historical relics, Illustrating man to send such a big boat through lngly rich, when it is remembered thfit Room 21 Morlan Block, Address, Oak Oty, Utab. the progress of the potter's art almost the water at the speed contemplated, the best California hydraulic mines pay -- i m m vt Is certain rrnm mfl npzinnmz. were he ana Lnese Lake City, ic Utah, but Mr. Flint says that but a few cents yard. Port" z3Ajn lAiuuft. so mucn as can done. ruDDisn be carts into loaded, it -land Oregonian. On Relief by Charles Cartlidge.) OR Or. , were xu.lv auu uauicu iuuuu met with j America, and for some years A Meaaanre Astray. dnmned on the mead- The Only OlrL WATCHMAKER, Montreal tn considerable success In producing ana in nt H. C. TOWNSEND, Th A Rockwell of Pitts-fiel- d young organist lady flourhad art NEPHI, UTAH. d selling it. But after the has a in one day the was anxious to make a good Impression family of chilvandallsm destroyed seems ... so It one Sunday. dren, and those who know say that if General ished here fc jen years or & Ticket Agent, Watches and Jewelry promptly fiTT1AT.,lflirft nf thmi- - on a visiting clergyman f. Passenger Mail orders solicited. to have fallen into neglect, and it was gands Qf dollars and the tangible rec- - Her organ was pumped by a somewhat Vline up" according to ages, a they own had. Ms me who Mo. aot revived until Just Deiore old sexton, St. Louis. from the oldest, who is straight-edg- e 0rds of many years of patient labor, tennial Exposition of 1876, when some KoaM rnnhfT.i!; tha historian of much Ideas as to how long an organ volun quite tall, to the youngest, who is quite Trenton potters commissioned Mr. Isaac invaiuabie material, for future chron- - tary should last and would "shut off short, will touch .every head. All but naa More than one pub- - the wind" when he thought tnere Sun Broome, anAmerican sculptor, to moaei . . t the t. the youngest are boys. The little girl a fine series of Parian statuettes, vases. 11c museum, and many a potter would been enough. On this particular had gone to bed the other night and ber and portrait busts, which far exceeded; have spent willingly a considerable day, the organist thought she would father sat by her bedside, as fathers forestall any such accident by writing sometimes do, holding her hand and la quality, design, and workmanship, an appeal In the early part of the serv smoothing back her hair. ' He was tellthis in anything previously attempted ice and giving It to the sexton. The old ing her that she was the only line in the United States. Dealers in and Manufacturers of" girl in note and supposed It the received man counthe family must, therefore, be the lady f The" best Parian made in this mnhi r - - matmttmm,mmm IT? ' was for the minister. In spite of her of cenmust be must the "middle this of womanly, family try previous to the frantic beckoning he went straight to not Imitate her brothers in their boyby Point, Green asat was note tury and the produced the pulpit with the BRIDLES; or HARNESS, SADDLES in in short, ish their ways He executed from slang Hr. Cartlidge. read this message: tonished preacher must be a little lady, and then bade he models prepared by his brother-in-la"Oblige me this morning by blowing good foremost night, and was leaving her to fall Josiah Jones, at that time the away till I give you the signal to stop. into Morpheus arms, when up the little, modeler in America, a series of portrait Exchange. woman Jumped, and In a moment was : body, fully equal busts,in a with-theon. the Nails. These floor, Drlvine exclamation, "By to the best wares of Europe. Machine for An automatic naildriver is a late in- Jove! forgot to say my prayers!"- included Washington, "Webster, Zach-tr- y We also carry a full line of vention. It is arranged with slides and Springfield Republican. Taylor, Henry Clay, Chief Justice runways, into which the nail drops Marshall, and others, and It Is doubtful Short Sleepers. that necessitate if anything better of the kind has been through fitted courses can Edison remain awake a week if d right-en' first. As the its going in made since on this side of the water. mind is his slides down wrapped tip in a new, diswere nail in proper position, Among the earlier Parian wares; hamis a famous doctor in There a channels these of covery. through one many examples with relief designs in comes to York New the attack city who sleeps only forty mer automatically Wte on a pitted blue ground, Matt winks at a time. Dr. Joseph Howe, of and drives the nail into place.' A Morgan introduced this style In his Cinsame place, slept the last twenty same of is sort the the machine ; cinnati pottery a few years ago; as a factories where large years of his life in a Turkish batHe also made. In ew discovery, which it doubtless was are out these could sleep nowhere else. Dr. Depew turned of boxes numbers to this versatile artist, who during the " may have their uses; but for ordinary. has lately acquired the habit of taking a tew years previous to his death was uselessness the siesta, and finds it beneficial. Webster every-da- y numersun holds hammer could never stay awake later than 9 its VAGE. along ed conducting experiments PARIAN FASHION ous original lines in pottery making. of an risk occasional the at o'clock. Many a time he was caught this unique series of own, even Yet many of the English potters and -- urn to secure ana iractured temper. standing behind the door fast asleep. illustrative or tne earlier battered thumb Messrs Lyman and Fenton of the Ben- designs art. ceramic Exchange. of American "1 T: r nington works were producing blue phases a Serenade. of Result Hicks That young doctor can't have Pirian half a century ago. The process man and young woman of been out of the medical A young school very long. cf applying the blue color to the surface jrecovered Eouthold, L. L, were married one even has cure jcu cf aU d.t. Russell just inn of a famous French physician, will qnicfeJy Ella Wicks not? Miss deWhy of the ware was so Ingenious that it each m Lost Mar, London tns last week, whereupon their neigha diseases of the generaUve orp.ns. from .. libel for na in the P.k, fceminal Urates on. Liorr mi D. hnitjv Hicks Don't you notice what an awInwfm nla. serves a brief description here. It conconsisted 1U! a to The serenade them with bors decided ful weight of responsibility he always Ioksm by 6nj or nljrht. Prevr.tii qtilrk-n- w top" all not Constipation. It 8which sisted of bluing the. Interior of the ScrrournklAs the newly married cou- - carries to fpemuatorrbo band. 01 discbarre chlrd brass around with ,Cf him? ., , , , r cr ' to ould3, in which were cast such pieces .ivi the notice music the "'t r refused pSa s Jugs and vases, with a mixture of b.el . . vi and rpRtors pmall wful? orpans. Women In Journalism. h.n. the latter forced the have it struck mtenr-- d br rirnety per cpnt are tmabled vrttZ$ not re lmn thi Une "slip" or liquid clay. The ground There are 600 woman journalists, 'vun!wiiuuumii iK.NK Is t.neoniy mu '"'j-twiimnv. door of the house. Now Jfont retamea If eix rx)xe does Dot tiloct a iermufcctcurr fvn rnrd money cf the and in and authors A writ t FTV m warrants editors sworn circular and sli England out. has for mux. fbkk piece, which was covered with by .bridegroom oa a box.Bix far little hollows like a thimble top, was musicians on a.,char;a?-- f Wales, according to the last census re- K.i, the HnP DAVob HEDICIS E C- T. O. Box 2075, Ban FraiKijco. Ci.L w jLalnst soe Ft. ittsn-eof Ber nEao in the mould, and it presented that XrHt-wawould injure her la appearance of a rough surface cf thiclily set little protuberances. her professicn. fca WE3 then poured in and the rflfEOKIG-I- J. ; OSTLER, -- :mi; hr-- . han fa! J t.,-t- - VTUl; Ida- AND SHOES. - ; Lt- - ; he Ut - t -- ; 'the. Frank , ( a-- c V w I " fc. ua J d t: Lor; thej raiL :ouli oxaa - , r D. Hobbs, - dark-haire- I . ... A"l yy 1 6 I . . : BIRD & LOWE, 1 . : red-head- ed . Iths drift er oj tL i IT - show-Twm- m- -- V 1 Ute: -- tw1 ai- - i A. . I A L 1 1 a T I KM 1 v, ! . A. dark-brow- fly-whe- . , cs el . fieri ell.--j gate gate Choice Fresh Meats, i WilJS saii r oa4 an 0 : Ji idark-brow- ed And. rote rang hole' :tie fair tW ense ense mesj nw4 the sate . L a -- 1 -- . fly-whe- el t IB horse-pow- er W hp a 2n ater) able lean .the bhl: 'Or?J tie! wv ose PaciDc h RAILWAY, Xi Giiiiiisis. 4 limn. , ind-- j I-- , ten-Inc- a I VIA the-4jnite- d the i P.v-Hrn- er Oil ll Fro rrj Utalri ht j man-pow- er ring wajj ited tn-efte- )0or old. ook nedj fw l ' 1 ' 5 cd ' aysi irn-- x ar. l ivBr ABM Slms-Wafte- rv-- nid ' Salt per-cub- i tie A.. i Gardner , i-- Ex-Congress- good-size- ons ired. ne- - self-will- ed bat ray i of it- - I a-- ess OSTLER & A LLEN, , j i nd, Jn- :ci- " imirirmrTrT I mii W- I m nn AI ! - w, m-- 1 ! wo 1 fine-grain- ed larj I hopples, ;nose sacks, etc. Horse Furnish ing Goods Sheep Men's , and Cowboys' Outfits. j tack-drivi- ng eo I .eo a't of J3t oh J- ; - '4 ..-- t old-fashi- on flat-nos- WE GUARANTEE Perfect ed - Self-Betraye- r 0, d. ;.,'::';;n.iiw:.8,n,R' o, I . etctioij ggtigf MHOOD T hr-o- ;,. -- mnsic-iaaker- s, fnVn"4 -- d O- d cora-?r-- 0" slip "3 s OESTOREDSS IX Ijtae ; |