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Show LEIQHTON'8 FAIR MODEL. Who Poed for Many of Dene, Dorothy rT Published Every Saturday at Pictaies. Best nil A tall woman, . beautifully formed, - UTAH. NEPHI, with a skin .firm and smooth and of THE BLADE. IN THE ODD CORNER. ROMR QUEER AND CURIOUS PHASES OF LIFE. ,white that Henner to a delights in, head Grecian endug. one of have furnished inspiration for. "h golden Praxiteles' Aphrodites, woman is a hair, violet eyes such Dorothy Dene, whom Frederic Leighton made famous In many of his that golden-tinte- d calls dressed in sack suits and colored shirts, and while at first they were looked upon as being from, the coun try, they are regarded now" as the early disciples of a new cult. On last Thursday, at the house of a western senator, celebrated for his mum wmrmjc pad ?jt?i came up the rcro7ayT'C.t arms and I grabbed it. I'V-,""- "' alongside, but in the om -.- rt" I scrape. The Fox was rclljEP'fr J," :' while the cross seas threw' r; ' like a ball one moment I ' her side and the text' V against away. The reef tackle R0na E! f 4 toward me and I grabbed It, but 1 ' find my new hold any improve-r-- 'p c was thrown In all directions, ;,! on. I swallowed lots of walrr V-- 1 wrenching I. got was fast UFi My men would have had hzr& "Jt lifting me up with my wet cwV" had the vessel been at the wharf t weigh more than 200 pounds, trl cited as they were, it was uec " them to try it there. I told tl t couldn't hold on much longer, t'- -i , make fast a rope and launch a don After many unsuccessful attempts the managed to get a boat over the'rf but no one came in her. I knew I Cc ; not get In alone and shouted for bgs( one to come in her. They "hauled tH boat back as near as possible, tta making a daring leap, two bro'tW August and Manuel Louis, reached tU dory, which the others rapidly let fir!1" down 'to me. There was still danger o a capsize and having three men in tfcj water instead of one, but the boyet after' a struggle, got me in, and we were soot "i on the deck of the Fox." ' .as-- : COME CURRENT ETCHINGS FOR OUR BOYS AND GIRLS. The Mn Who Wanti a Wife Fays No wealth and: lavish hospitality, the Christ In the Home An Angel Unawares The Gates of Hell, a hy Attention to Leap Tear Story of m young man employed as Ihe mentor of THE DIRECTORY. ' Novel Will matters a' Dr. Talmage The Peasant and Hl Hoodoo Tear the tenator's wife in social lie Wag the in was and Summer there Other Without everywhere here, Friends, a Story with a Moral. Etching:. J. Cannon, U.S. Senators...... ;....JFrank "trouser great parlors with his. bicycle ,. Arthur Brown. : best-knoE. Allen. ACK in the silent guards" still attached to his ankles and ;IeIeffate to' Congress.... ,...i...C. SONG bird, perched . his feet incased in russet shoes. ' t I n the orpaintings. Two guests from a western city in She was his favorite model, says the (Oh, how far we STATES XFFICDRS. chard near, can never tell!) leaving the house commented orrthe With all. her .Heber M. Wells. New York" Journal. Governor. . . . . . .T; Poured forth her young man's appearance, and one of Secretary of State..... James T. Hammond. charms of person, Dorothy Dene Is as is There a memory notes on the .James Chlpman. I of Treasurer. of some sweet them criticised his apparent lack Auditor. Morgan Richards, Jr. simple as a child, modest and retiring. morning air: good breeding. .A. J. Bishop. I Ker, naturalness as much as anything.; Attorney Uenerai flew to proday, Then R. Park. that Supt. of .Public Instruction.., John His friend V. n however, WhO n Aova4 Vn n.rtlst explained, or a as .A sound .VU C. 8. ZaneX liCi tect her bird-lin..was employed by the man this Uar- - was devoted to her for many years. young Judges of Supreme Court..., G.'W. vesper bell, A dear, Mli?!r ' to manet lif his in romance a Itumor woven A has word whis senator's wife at a high salary soft a truant V. Judicial Fifth District.. E. Frpm Judge Seventh as household social affairs in her age he It says District. James P."30011model wanin which his figures. who pered, spoken boy hazier. he Member Lower House. and that Adelb should be over managed;' they circumstances slow,;-;fJffloved Groo. dered there. her, but that .yon Registrar Land Office. Frank Harris. 'which he had no control prevented him A blush for an answer, a head hung low, was present in his bicycle clothes for . Receiver Land Office from marrying her. She ' is one of five A kiss in the twilight on Hps that glpw, the very purpose of advertising the fact She fluttered about and cried with pain, JPAB COUNTY DIPSGTORY; that the tea or reception, or whatever sisters. They all live in London, From hearts as light as thistle blow. "Oh! Spare my darlings! They're ail ;v to Charles Fobte choose the hostess' might guests a where apartment little they have cozy my care." Hugo Deprezin Selectmen....... call her regular Thursday at home, was Rut her A. L. Jackman in South of center art the cries of fear were all in vain. Kensington, a with golden dawn, T. Sullivan Another unconvenday . 'J. an to Sheriff... be Intended entirely the : (Oh, how gladly the bells did chime!) Her birdlings are gone, her nest is A RBPsanr nni? fni factor . j..D. W. Cazler the British capital. It Is one of one newcode to the affair tional according bare. WllSm :VrtiV Thomas Win most artistic flats In London and .Cle?. The sun shone bright on the wedding of and she hoped this would ' Pike more eitquette, in which beaux Edward .1 .. esprits, painters, Attorney: . morn, be uderstood by a glance at the social She sings no more in the orchard tree, musicians and Hterateurs gather when Surveyor . . old sweet was' the in dear, life And? WIllianVnriSe she is at Treasurer. dictator's appearance and behavior But chirps to her disappointed mate home, two Sundays in each Coroner j, - Muier time, of it advertising without the necesity Gf their birdlings sweet, no more to be; Superintendent Schools month, than in any other in the big A dear vow taken, spoken clear, Of cruel boys, and of cruel fate. Miss Dene visited this country A murmured city. a fear; MILLARD OOUNTr DIRBCTORT. without pledge, on Fad for Collecting; Jur. rrobat. J.dg. The Gates of IJelL JffSSfcSB3pStSKt in the winter of 1393 and was seen A farewell to ikindred and home so dear, !3o grief-wor- n mothers, in sad despair, venture artistic theatrical Her of here. woman the stage American Ail Rev. Mr. a scarce smiles and blessing andw Selectmen. Mourn for their lost ones and find no mons thus Talmage, in one of his eorj i.&.S8irSner. was not a brilliant success, but her And tear. has traveled abroad a good tsteswho outlined the "Gates of Hdl:"! Sheriff.. rest; She sensation. a causel for Gate something about the first, impure literature: ral1 beauty dealwhile looking quite their pride were their joy, pnee A. They he had teaA, HincKiey of Collector Sir Frederic Leighton the second, the dissolute dance; gate to collect that was neither spoons, spoke Cl"rk and Recorder ...Thos. C. Calllater. not then been made a peer with great Yet another day with a dawning dread, and care; v of idea the nor hit upon indiscreet apparel; gate thl posters, (The wind blew cold, and the brown cups . Willard Igerii But Rum has " robbed the dear home inevwira,j . Su rveyor an interview with her In tenderness. Friends and alcoholic mugs. little fourth, vu . .. jugs gathering beverage. "The ta' leaves fell.) .Treasurer. nest. Sir said: time she . . at aided that and new Is "Although Teeplea. fad of Sidney Coroner soon the the learned cup patron of impurity," he said . Oknntn we covered the face of the T r PalHail Frederic Is over 60 years old, he is the And softly Wheror collection. to bird's nest, her the last "gate." "The bfl. her in adding .speaKing But law protects the song dead, v cers a of youngest man I know, and I might add, the law tell us that nearly eE in field and, glen; And hope had fled at the funeral ever she went she would pick up tiny ,.AvengesJthelr She told bemost the now the generous." kindest, or until answer two " own, or menwho our; three,, which" go into the shambled cf Rut laws, perhaps jug, . For some time a movement has been of where the , knell. his artist over death painted is great of in 200 None them over go she has intoxicated, the menUl tnd hest. A tear dropped on the marble cheek, coing on among the clergmen of New wonderful Grecian He beof the are all lien. Homes in pictures. the abolished that the brute and shelter three spiritual of to inchesrlorig they Refuse to York check the growing tendency In the beautiful, lived In the But no reply from the lips so meek, lieved Horn. Ram's and colcW! aricl colors Tell me that a young may many triumph. "represent No pain for her why should we weep? artisans, mechanics, etc., to congregate beautiful and many of his best canman I knowj the whole Southern from and r drinks, tn the cities. They have the support tsvv ". potteries tiny amphore "He giveth His beloved sleep.' room vases in of adorned the walls the Houewlfe. the and If he becomes the captive of the story. of Gov. Morton, Chauncey Depew, and Italy Etruscan jars from Tuscany, - The Tramp at 3lte:mc. existhad were which into any hadn't who wine he they brought a will become a captive of all One cup and Mexico, tramp, ollas from miniature day others. The movement has crystalSpain Wife".' a was Want visible ence. No He several dust" years "artistic for other drink or wee eat vices; only give him time.! The lized In the shape of the Home Farm quaint thing to squat pictures from Holland, about V'Star was she The this contains Manchester neat, said, courts there; everything feeling license that the sale of strong was consequently schooners from- Germany, mugs from and Association. The association has purfarm-hous- e to beautian advertisement: the a een all "To mind, to showing given peculiar drink, license gambling houses, license chased about 30.000 acres of land within England and little brown jugs from used up, came along of from counful milk and the of and was thoughts portraying young wife adjoining Clay girls as pouring the libertinism, license disease, license are let to Just be strung upon everywhere. All these thirty miles of New York, of He nature was them. soul the 16 of good ties the and 22, between ages a dish. death, license all suffering, all crimes, to applicants of satisfactory standing, a Micronesian cord and the odd ornapan into a and in of that posiwhom1 It be a occupied society known: me it all despoliations, all disasters, all muEnglish may concern, quaff for a nominal payment down, and "I pray thee give ment is festooned on her wall M. Delooked That I, Jarvls Pinner, whose postoffice a background that shows up theagainst as he rders, all woe. It is the courts and the the small weekly or monthly payments, tion somewhat like Chaunoeyafter-dinnsaid varied tramp, milk," address is Pigeon Roost, Clay County, colors to advantage and makes the bits as bad as possible in order to work on legislature that are swinging wid open all to go towards the purchase price. pew does here as regards his Whenever there was a; ICy., being of sound mind and capable ol earthenware and china distinctly her sympathies. speaking. The homesteaders will also receive asthis grinding, creaky, stupendous gate sistance to enable them not only to big banquet Frederic Leighton wasj.1-- 5 of contracting and being contracted decorative. Harper's. "We don't feed tramps here!" was of the lost.". ' alat j the looked with and possessed of an elegant farm as she cultivate the land, but to assist them ways there, and when he spoke he the brusque reply Mean Trick 00 the Rabbit. In building dwelling houses. The lots ways had something to say and some-thln- g of about 150 acres, with an orchard of with stony eyes. caller Man.. An Absent-Blinde- d to which everybody listened. An am 300 bearing apple trees, and stocked will vary in size from one to five acres. perishIngenious hunter living in Oil :'lBut, my dear madam, I man was a in Gorham," "There up Have Poland-China with the latest improved City, Pa., has aroused the envy jof the while you have plenty. ing Geo. Paris South of a member the Haroneu Rothschild's Farm. local hunters by his success in kllllnp Chief Moore, of the weather bureau, hogs and Spanish chickens, together says mercy, I pray you!' to Baroness used "who de Rothschild keep may Adolphe rabbits. At one end of a rubber hose Club, she said, Washington has made a special report to the secwith all necessary comforts of life but, "That milk is for the dog," to claim be a fin him siecle de fed and cellar in a barn his agrifairly "If he has fastened a tin whistle, which he pig like Adam, with an Eden but no helpretary of agriculture with reference to culturist. She as she placed the dish on the earth. a -at ." farm above. horse-gondfloor cold-wafrom a the keeps covered with calico to prevent the dirt the actual money value of spout at the mate, do hereby promise to will to any through 50U are thirsty, go drink outside the I Just to " wife: his One he Bois, remarked from clogging up the whistle. When a counto of the day this woman between ages referred to, warnings people young and here summer the is her see it ails a to that what down and me during have takes to the burrow the hunter go to cold rabbit even the who will be an Eve to me and share the try, with special reference give "And you will not to the Initiate votaries delight all weary eat' inserts the hose, which from Its pliabk he the at lately,' 'Why, quart of skimmed milk to keep doesn't wave of Jan. 2 to 5 of the present year. comforts and joy 'of my home and for- pig; of fashion into of the simple pleasures That was one of unusual severity, tune, being "flesh of my flesh" and William B. Blank! replied his wife, lamp of life alight till I strike a job?" nature can be made to follow the, winlife.- - The guests are welcomed rustic over east the entire spreading' country "bone of my bone" all of my realty you killed that pig three weeks ago.' "Get thee hence)" she commanded, dings of the ho!4 and when it Ib new where and swan of the. Rock Mountains, with the ex- - Into a Louis XV. drawing-roodid. I'd I said forgot- In reply, as she looked around for the the rabbit the Jiunter blowe through tb he, 'so; effects, and promise, to be 'I personal Is the brofurniture with satin came covered man a hose, sounding the whistle. The rabbit . eeptlon of. the southern portion of to her a kind and loving husband. Be ten all about it. One time of cade the bluish and loses no tlme in making for ou&ooit, palest pink hue, Florida. At every weather bureau staand paid him fsomemoney while he "I go mum I go, but no understood Is it that named who girl all the knicknacks and engravings are Suse tion througout this region the cold-- " "Here what's the matter of the dog!" and is, tlien caught or shot bf the need apply. - The girl, in order to was. milking. When pe got the milk- One of the ancient was warnsuggestive regime. tc Gag displayed, and the be accepted, must be well recommended ing done, he went to put the money shouted the woman" ere the tramp had j hunter. of the a consists of were walls, distributed however, at least twenty-foings of good form and pretty face. No away in a drawer. He opened the reached the gate. An Angel Unawares. hours before the cold wave oc- huge sheet of plate glass, giving views and swallowed sumthin t drawer and turned the whole pailful of cross-eye- d "He's woman evidently need is This A ' apply. so mean into daily paper reports the following the cowshed, if a word t curred. Reports received from 103 mum. Say! Have which Journal. It." Lewiston into milk astonishes him, that a rare is an illustration of the way opportunity." stations Indicate that these warnings Is applied to the superb apartment in the house?" green any paris you one each who does likewise is treated were directly instrumental in saving within which a double row of "milky have." "I v Hoodoo. Was He the ' river: beyond .. The Color of Eyes. property exceeding $3,500,000 In value, mothers" browse peacefully at their on the shelf over it "Don't you keep a follow How sometimes will ill luck "Four . years ago Henry Lewis, a poor marble mangers. .suitable for cultivation, "The artificial eye is cheap enough," r, . milk?" , candy-sellof Brooklyn, found an old A Breton herdsman; and his wife la says a famous maker of these articles. sea captain is shown by the wreck of the ! is! The see how it I arid alas! "I do, which William the schooner Wilson, lady sitting on his doorstep and took There will hot be much regret that natural costume tend he slek cattle "The best kind only costs a few dollars, was run down is the and dog been has milk poisoned and sunk by a barge in her Into his house, where she remained the Supreme Court of the United States and make the picture complete. When and it lasts generally about a year. My tow of a a goner!" a member of his family until a fw one so or: a week tug night has decided the Stanford case in favor aesthetic cravings have beeirsated by customers include many prominent and a want thing "When you Moral. was at anchor between of the widow of California's multi- this charming spectacle an adjourn men. Those people are chiefly sports ago, while she as he months ago, when finding herself 1 said the tramp, want bad," it on him, she insisted 00 and Shovelful Shoal millionaire. It la true that a decision ment takes place to the dinner-roomen, who have an accident while the Handkerchief "then is the serioustoburden his way, pursued calmly off A few dajs the her Nantucket, although going In favor of the government would have and a dainty lunch is served amid a(. hooting. The most frequent losses of lightships, it!" else have to let somebody time to were fell not she she heir $300,000 and returin ago wajs lights burning and formed a precedent from the vantage bower of fragrant orchids. Then f sight occur among children, through the to Lewis' home, she turned It on: ning regular track of vessels. It was the a stroll through the gardens, laid their, carelessness with fire works,, stone and Ilia Frlenda. Feasant The ground of which a demand for Indemto him for the kindness he had show first trip of Capt. Gay ton in the Wilowl remarked to the the nity might have been made of Hunting- out in a Louis IV. style, with nymphs throwing, and the like. One day son, he having only a few weeks before crow that the peasant who had lately her." ton. But would that that demand have and fauns of stone gleaming through "Out of the 8,000 people I attended lost the schooner Nellie Clark on Grand moved into the cottage beyond the wood, actually :been made and enforced? the foliage, and lastly there is a visit in the course of the year, I have noticed Christ In the Home. rProbably not. Huntington Is still very to be paid to the dairies. By this time that the color of their eyes marks the Manan,.at the entrance to the Bay of was a good fellow, and th$ crow passed A recent writer truly says: Keep tie much alive, and entrenched behind it has become cool enough to venture different localities in which they reside. Fundy. The schooner M, J. Chad wick the word to the jackdaw, and the jack- lamp of love shining day after day amid the' enormous power of his millions. on the r homeward drive, and the car- The commonest hue is the gray blue; ran into the sunken vessel on the next daw to the parrot. Then the fox wanted the multitude of cares and home duties, tore the masts out of her. The government never got'up Its cour- riages are brought around, but each has and with scarcely a single to know what was up, and being duly the criticisms and thoughtless all night and exception to to besides a make carry-its passengers, load' my patients in New England have eyes the demand of Stanford age informed, he took it upon himself to the thousand little irritations ' of dairy produce and a colossal bouquet of that until he .was safely dead and his of the wild animals He Where other Wears Her color. In the west, thejprevall-in- g Picture. which so tend to break notify the of home-lif- e, was: soon money had been dedicated to a of roses as souvenirs of the visit. The to The it slave the weed who divides forest, and pretty, color is hazel and dark brown. In peace and mar sweet temper. Let beneficent public use and had only a visitor goes away with the feeling that New a the 4 "Resolved, affection between That his his his peasant and being girl be Christ -- lovethe hind that you get as varied a woman to defend It. The proceedings farming, after all, Is not such a bad mixture of color in the we and him will visit now elecombine two prove the good fellow, never faileth. Wherever else, far awsy eyes as you do pipe may milof an income a if estate a his trade have had you against disagreeable in people. The rarest colored eyes are ments of his passion most admirably. our good will." or near, you pour the bright beams of lion or. two to fall back upon. color of cowardice. violet. Curiously, enough, out of the A Philadelphia tobacconist has hltH In due time there was a great gather- your Christian life, be sure yon brigii-ethousands of patients who have passed upon the scheme of placing a minia ing of birds and beasts, and at a sigthe space close about you in yow ONE THING AND ANOTHER. The recent combination of coal comout one cried: and ture each in a nal the bowl of applauded can hands I photograph own pipe, home. No goodness and gentleness through my only call to, on to advance the price of poal and were own peculiar! In nearest panies way. stem. his side the the Things Thus two the of them vfho had eyes of a outside Will atone for unlovingnesawd Women and clocksr"The latter serve mind r so limit was production has stirred up a to and the lover assemblage may puff away at his pipe and mighty lively, uncharitableness at home. point cut the hours, the former to violet hue." good deal of opposition' to trusts in make was itself the that it have of his doing the forsweetheart' us flattering image them." forget general- - The legislatures of New York A Premature Message. ever before his eyes. Instead of carry- proper thing in a proper way when the He May Fly Yet. Avoid exaggeration. A lady loses as and of New Jersey Both took the matter his with standhair his He a best leaned in a appeared peasant in or locket ing girl's picture attitude Lilienthal has continual OttO dejected soon as admires too she Herr too'easily and In hand, and are trying to find out what and his and out, case eyes hanging of a watch, the ing up or woman the face and against one of the division railings on the his flying machine experiments assidaccthey cau do about It. The latter legis- much. 'In man exclaimed:' the main floor of the Bourse, every swain who is addicted to the weed will uously since his recovery from the lature tried to delegate authority to the the person lose power when they are now Lack-a-day, "Ah! but what In Texas ident he met with last year. He aand then gritting his teeth and now transfer it to the bowl of his pipe. on the strain to express admiration. of the state to Invesattorney-generrow about?" is all this that the "Record Philadelphia Record. nnounces that he has discovered a ne Years ago, when Henry Ward Beech-er- 's muttering words tigate the matter and bring action. The come to show our friend"We have in using, inconsists which a wouldn't think of printing. For he had latter refused to accept the trust, as he principle, reputation was not world-wid- e, A Novel Will. ship for a. bully boyr'was the chorus. stead of one large framework, two ; troubles of his own, and to a solicitous said it was contrary to the constitution Western Young Men's Christian Asso"Had you come as enemies, I would smaller ones, There has been unearthed among a on above parallel, of the state for the legislature to, atplaced ciation tried to persuade the divine to' friend he, told this story; vHe made a bundle out have trought my shotgun and pro- the other. Besides affording a Bimiljr of old court documents at Baltitempt to delegate its powers. He, how- go. out and Jecture to them without business trip to Reading on Monday, more the but tected now, alas! I am help means of myself, following unique will, exeever, proposed a law that would give the charge, saying it would increase his and, drifting into the company of a few adding to the sail area m undone!" less ard Anna Mrs. cuted E. Kuhn or was of of tbe by state's a the years ago. commissioner attorney power rams. He telegraphed In reply: "I "boys," persuaded to take Increasing the breadth man Moral. "in The the hands of as his follows: reads easier W It much" will "the last of "This, my beautiful environs of to compel the attendance makes witnesses. will Jecture for F. A. M. E. fifty and drive around it this chine, be even pitied by his ene- handle while suspended, in tbe air. the capital of "ault Berks." Knowing and testament, I bequeath all my jew- friendu" may The people are thoroughly awake to the my expenses." mies. present power of the trusts. The latOf all the myths of the fairy age, of how such drives usually terminate, he elry to Kate, my old clothes to Anna,-mbooks to Frank, my good wishes to An Unhappy Man. beter are mightier, today than ever Overboard In a Gale. ' Its many legends and enchantments, wrote a telegram to his wife before a Herman and Philip, and request that the luck!" exclaimed WV fore. This is sign propitious for the true love seems to be the one left and with it "Hang, the hotel Manuel Caton starting, of Cait. the Adams great future. Their very power is raising up charm which has come down upon the latter to have it they go to church at least six times a fishing schooner Sea Fox, just in from Sklnnphlint. "I forgot to notice clerk, requesting ua of enemies who are I hadjn my pockets t r then unchanged by time, untouched by forwarded at 9 p. m. This was about 2 year, and a sweet memory of myself In-to the Georges fishing banks tells a thrill- uuichjaoney -drawn town this morning. In y down a td dually together steam engines, and unexplained' by o'clock. Shoruy after the Philadel-phia- n my loving better half, and also my of his adventures in the last I started story ing wfi nt The abuse- ol science. True love is true heritance from my father to go to Anna gale and snowstorm, says the Boston found a piece on the seat fl :j resistance. hohis and friends had left the love by tel an ofilcious bell boy picked up the and Kate jointly. My last wish, Anna E. Herald. While the vessel was laboring I got up to leavr the car, and Ioat power sooner or later leads to the over- whatever signs and language it is spokthrow of that power. No one will ques- en as long as hearts beat, as long as dtatch and rushed to the nearest tele- Kuhn." In the worst part of the gale he ordered know whether it had dropped had tion that the trusts have abused their life exists, in whatever age. Iron or graph office. As a result the telegram crew to set up the mainsail, to work my pocket or some other man the a w w half dissolution I'm will f whether It. was delivered In this city at 3 p. m. It tell I we must eeek it. can't power. That their Tear Without Summer. her leegolden, from to away dangerous shoals eeema certain. Seventy-nin- e lar ahead, or whether I've hada years ago was the year ward. Tne following extract from a recent read : "Have missed the last train torow escape from losing half a don a summer. without Will be home no Frost tomorrow. means occurred night. is crew "When a off cast bad every the had the early by speciJohn Gardner of St. Louis has died publication ." Chicago Tribune. John." Philadelphia month in the yearl816. tlce formed ftops." said the captain, "I reached for men of worry. "She is a rare Don't ence too often. Twelve times his phya half inch thick in May. Snow fell to the down haul, to clear it as they hoistaristocrat; white, serene, Record. sicians declared life was extinct In and radiant as The Way They Do la ChlnM. of a the three inches New in depth and ed. star; ; The moment wind jand at shining that York, just Gardner and twelve times has GardIn China, in times of Pestilence, Washington's Latest Social Pad. and also in Massachusetts, in June. Jce caught the canvas, and with a slat it ner revived. He 13 dead again for the voluptuous; eyes of deepest blue, and to witness gr a sons re permitted is of formed was Washington society coma the thickness of of from me a came to fad In the leeward, striking enjoying golden hair, caught thirteenth time and the fateful ante- a wealth Performances and theatrical has that ltously window mon and spread has taken glass throughout 'New the back, and In the instant I was cedents cf the number leave little hope her sloping shoulders in great ntawny a firm hold. It israpidly of fireworks, the object betof on now plays newly-falleas York as as thexfifth the is of regarded fair masses. She overboard. Indian and feet I day for another recovery. July. twenty away be distracted froffl for a man minds may their to proper so was corn thing noafterattend frozen Is chaste whiteness the forthe and that greater part struck the water face down, but, enow, teas and other like functions was cut in August and dried for fodder, tunately, I :was to the leeward, and as prevailing epidemic:in Profeczor Garner, who went to Afwhere broken, save in her cele3tlar noon dressed in and &rrm, rough ordinary the farmers supplied themselves ll CJsme up I saV the craft broadside on places are provided ready and rica to learn the monkey language, is palms, where the prisoned blood kindles business the up In or even give an clothes, desperation, outing from the corn produced in 1815 for the drifting toward'me. One of my men, 'ctraaded in New York clamoring for Into a rose color, or in her curling lips, ana ' ;EUit. may quietly' lay, them dovn of the of 1817. faada. Careiy a few lectures in tbe where impatience whipfc it into a' p seeding Marion, raw me disappear, and, caned spring During the entire social Eeason men laasuac-- to the dudes of New a weive avejTBjt" " cukk ai a flac-h- cent a coll of rope epln-Ai,- Z cinicy noticed been Coal la have afternoon a ?10 ton in South Africa. making Tcrl: curht to yl.ll enough after rae. Ills aim was trua and duct one pound of i Pen-Pletn- re . 1 h wn far-awa- y, iff : , V IJ-- &v ' T IitfS111-Senato- f . gs r. i ; ' i'wu'' . I -- i i.0hSibi j . d b-oo- , . : , v. , ! er . . Bou-logne-8ur-Se- ine, ve . , , m, ax-hand- le. ur , ; f er m, poor-hous- e. 61-lo- ws " i . unkind-nesse- s, , Ill-got- ten home-lov- e York;-howeve- r, . I n ' " up-to-da- te al 5 A y ! . ; a-h- ost cij: - 50-ce- , 1 ol-lo- ; , "tall-writing- full-bodi- ed JLh ' , ta i |