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Show 4 x - Iad as treason. that the people, who, it Is said, enacted the law, shall receive a lesson. The people never having enacted !NG OUT COLD TO RETIRE such a law, and there being no law of the kind In existence, why, the people THE GREENBACKS. should be loaded down with Interest- bearing debt, as a punishment so to Gold Waa at s Premium of 280 speak, Is a mystery that probably tbe common People Were, Prosperous nothing but gold- standard philosophy Ddlel1 Chain as a Weapon .-- To An illntrtlon- - can- solve. The truth is the law has received an Interpretation utterly at variance with its plain meaning. It was Intended to maintain the "gold dollar and the silver dollar upon a plane of absolute equality as standard money," the' only differ ence being where "otherwise stipulated In the contract" But there was no such stipulation in regard to the redemption of the greenbacks, and in such cases the two dollars are of ex ' actly equal merit. But the treasury , department ha ,so ' construed it as to absolutely create the gold standard, and the Times-Heial- d endorses that construction. , Having done so, it now says, "put on the screws. Mr. secretary, and let the people see the perfect working of the endless chain; pay out gold to whomsoever de mands It, issue bonds and load the na tion down with such a burden of debt that in an agony of despair the people will be ready to concede anything that the money power may demand." The reader wlir, of course, under stand that the editorial upon which ws have been commenting is intended to show that the greenbacks should be retired, and the banks allowed to control the currency as their interests might dictate. H. F. Bartlne. , there la a paper In the country that be fairly said to be "gold blind," It is bo men-l- y o la the Times-Heraldazzled by the glitter of Us Jdol, nld that the rules of logic, the prinof Justice, the doctrines "sound finance, ana even me amerence truth and falsehood, axe all jween Amed wholly Inconsequential In Its If M of tbe silver question." , . the 12th, with the follow-ja- g jt begins an editorial statement: 'Assistant Treasurer Conrad J. Jor-jof the subtreasury at New York, ghould be disciplined by his official jupericr. In accordance with law and practice, a broker named Zimmerman juccessfully presented greenbacks at 'tie subtreasury at New York for gold with which to buy some of the new bond issue. That is one of the lawful functions of the greenback. Under the existing law the greenback may be presented at the subtreasury for redemption in gold, and when gold la asked as redemption money the subtreasurer is bound to pay it out so long as Uncle 'Sun has any gold In his possession." For example, In Its issue of m, Then it proceeds to describe v..- - how reputed the transaction. out gold three times, and de It to his client, who used it in Zimmerman .drawing Ilverlng FREE-COINA- Wavrar purchasing bonds, until finally Jordan refused to let him hare any more gold. In For this refusal the Times-Heral-d, feeble attempt at lacetlousness, chides "ilr. Jordan for usiirplng the preroga tives of the 87 per cent of the popula tion of the United States above the age of ten years, saying: Such a monetary system is theirs by choice, and he had no business to check a picturesque 11 lustration of Its logic, lta symmetry and its necessities." Facetlousness Is all well enough In its way, but when It Is based upon downright, premeditated falsehood, one needs an abnormally developed sense of humor to fully appreciate it. Before YY'aa - So I$ine Made m Much Progress Mow. The Chicago Tribune is great on mathematics. It can add two spools of thread together, and upon the data thus obtained it can tell Its readers the exact distance to the nearest fixed star. It is now proving by figures that the silver movement is losing ground. It states that in 1890 141 members of the House of Representatives voted for free - coinage, while only 97 did so in 1896. From this It argues (?) that "the delirium" is being driven southward and westward, and in a few years will be dead except in the silver producing states. So It is going to be dead in a few statement that the treasurer Is legally bound to pay out gold as redemption money on demand does not contain even the smallest grain of truth. There is no law upon the statute books of the country which makes gold The -- the exclusive money of redemption. -- The treasury department does not pretend that there is. ir there were. d Jordan could 'have been and compelled to pay It, no matter how many times Zimmerman presented greenbacks for redemption. The treasury department in paying ouV cold"" exclusively does so. It is of In the statutory claimed, pursuance declaration that it Is the established policy of the United States to maln- tain the parity of gold and silver. This 13 merely declaratory of the parpose of the United States, and it is as different from a mandate to pay gold on demand as any one thing can be from another. When the secretary is confronted by tiat declaration, the question which instantly arises is, "How shall the parity be maintained?" "Of course, he must act according to his sound discretion in deciding. Instead of doing so, he urrender3 his "discretion" absolutely to the creditor, and allows the latter to ay which coin he will take. Under such circumstances, if gold becomes in the slightest degree preferable to silver, the creditor will naturally demand gold, and each additional demand upon that metal makes the difference Mr STRENGTH. GE manda-"rause- " , -- greater. The whole aim of the gold standardsilver and ly has been tobre'ak down work delectable this ."boost up goldIua been the treasury department has Secretary Carlisle Btrong ally. Not' - alone, but his J predecessors, Foster. Wlndom and others, have constantly spoken and acted upon the assumption that silver Is inferior debased and de. v. , graded money. been told, in effect, The creditor, has, that gold Is the only "good" money, and that If he wants gold,. he can have, It. -- the treasury has carried out the policy of maintaining the parity between gold and silver by keeping tha silver idle in Its vaults. In short, . If is claimed, of course, that If gold had been refused, the silver would have How? '.Why, they say, those wanting gold would have to go to the banks and pay a premium In order to get it. But conceding that this might be, it would not constitute a depreciation of silver. It would be merely a banker's commission for making, the depreciated. " -- years, is It? We have a rather dim and misty idea that during the last year it has been declared, not once; but ten thousand times, that it was already dead. It Is encouraging to learn from eminent authority that it is not exactly dead, although, of course, it is painful to be informed that it Is going to be "dead" in a few years that is "nearly dead." Even then it is going to cavort around In the silver mining states. Well, this certainly .relieves the gloom of the situation some, for as long as there is life there is hope. If, however, the Tribune had explained to its readers the process by which the free coinage sentiment in the House has been weakened, it would have been a somewhat Interesting, M not valuable, contribution to the literature of the subject. The occult influences by which the repeal of the purchase clause of the Sherman law was Induced, in a congress which contained a clear majority against repeal, If brought into bold relief and lighted up by the torch of genius which flames so brightly in" the editorial department of the Tribune, would make a most brilliant and some- , Dene, Who Posed for Many of Dorothy ' Hii Best Flctures. A tall, woman, beautifully formed; with a skin firm and smooth and of take on every ti re as It that white that Henner delights In, a head Grecian enough to have furnished Inspiration for one of Praxiteles' Aphrodites, with golden golden-tinte- d ; Dorothy Dene, whom Frederic Leighton made famous in many of his best-kno- wn ' . She was his favorite model, says the New York Journal. With all her charms of person, Dorothy Dene Is as simple as a child, modest 'and retiring. Her naturalness as much as anything endeared her, to the great artist who was devoted to her for many years. Rumor has woven a romance in his life. 1 fUirCUJLUSLitUUCB uCJ, uci, UUi, t licit iJou which he had no control prevented him from marrying her. She is one of five sisters. They all live in f' London, where they have a cozy little apartment in South Kensington, the art center of the British capital. It Is one of the most artistic flats in London and one In which more beaux esprits, painters, musicians and literateurs gather when she Is at home, two Sundays in each month, than in any other in the big Miss Dene visited this country city. In the winter of 1893 and was seen on the stage here. Her theatrical venture was not a brilliant success, but her beauty caused quite a sensation. She spoke of Sir Frederic Leighton he had not then been made a peer with greats tendernesa.t In an Interview with her at that time she said: "Although Sir Frederic Is over 60 years old, he is the youngest man I know, and I might add. the kindest, most generous." She told of where the great artist painted his wonderful Grecian pictures. He believed In the beautiful, lived In the beautiful and many of bis" best can- vases adorned the walls of the Toomln' which they were brought Into existence. No "artistic dust" was visible there; everything was neat, she said, showing an een mind, given to beautiful thoughts and the portraying of them. He was the soul of good nature and occupied In English society a posiw tion somewhat like Chauncey M. after-dinner does here as regards his Whenever there was a speaking. big banquet Frederic Leighton was always there, and when he spoke he always had something to say and something to which everybody listened. " TJZ -- De-pe- Baroness Rothschild's Farm. ; Bou-logne-sur-Se- ine, nse-thM- ; well-trie- s , Sworn, to before me and subscribed In away my presence this 6th day of December, A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure jls taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists; 75c. Hall's Family Pills. 25c A. D. 1886. (Seal.) "Same as .VTaters. A distinguished scientlfla writer was once on a shooting excursion In an English shire. Coming across a bluff, hale farmer, he entered Into conversation with him, says HarRound Table. As they walked along per's reached a heap of stones. Pointing to they them, the scientific man asked the farmer if he knew how they were made. The farmer grinned and replied : "Why, they bean't made, sir; they grows." "Grow? Why, nonsense, man! What do you mean by grow?" "Why, sam eas 'tatters stones can never "Dear me! Why, those grows." grow?" said the scientiric man. "They have been that way for years and years, and if you were to look at them years hence, they would be just the same size." At this the farmer laughed, and looked at the man of actually science as though he ignorance as he exclaimed, "Why, Sitled his the'd be: 'cause they've been taken out o' earth, and they stops growin then ' same as great The Most Fastidious rSQCTtl'8 MTtHT tit U 1728 Lawpcncc 5T memory . PPlKT llLlluLU JJUJCi rfilrilauppIlea.26CtaanMB. of MINING, PRINTING f l ACH1NIST Bepalre eta. and cut tin. fit TIPWVTD BTTTP iraS-h- tIIH Pips threading elevators. Nock A Uaralda. UlJ-1-7 Wood Working Machinery (fpootid II O It I II U "d hand ) of all kinds bought aand aold. 8. 6A ' - l spok-helped-- to good-bye,o- ld 'tall-writing- ." full-bodi- If I W ffn Inrr 2O0S-'2O- "nA5 by mail no-men- -- ' s pe-oplea- . ! ts SSSTSS?i4S & McGIHHITT Harbed Wire, Nat. a, Cor rup-ale- Iron. d 18 k War.n, POULTRY. GAME. BUTTER, EGGS. Oenoral Qoinmlaaion, Kppel u rinhelt, 1(U5 Market SEALS, RUBBER Work jt Mfg. Co., 1618 STAMPS1! BLITZ JEWELRY CO. Thia amt Includes all accidente for cnatomeronly TD 1 1 0 O C O f D I ITfl U C O El"t'c Stockings near UI1U IUIILU inUJULOl ames. J5U8 Curtis fctreet. Established 1874 ets. Stock Botei PAPER BOXES Envelope a speciaJty, The Western Envelope and Box Mfg. Co., cor. 14th and arapahos C U C D M A IJ Expert watchmakkT Kerairaall kinda plain OllLnlllAll or complicated watob es, 923 17th Bt.t Penver, Colo OUT DENVER MUSIC C0.fer..8.W 3 Goodn Catalogue fre a. Champa Street. HOUSES. We are the only firm west of th Mi eouri river that do general commission buslnMS, an 1 the oldest firm In the state. our facilities for handling horses and mules are second to none, 8,000 head handled last year. Auction sales Thursdays. If you want to buy or sell let us bear from you. John W. Buchanan, Gen'l Man., City Stock Yards. 16J7-10- . S ' GRAIN. PROVISIONS. WEBER & CLAYTON, 1659 CurtlJ Street, Bankers and Broker. Telephone 1023. Mall or telegraph orders receive prompt attention. F ALL SECOND HAIIO MACHINERY KINDS. ENGINES, BOILERS, HOISTERR, STAMP MILLS. IIUNTINGTONS. PUMPR. KTO. THE DENVER' MINING MACHINERY CO., 1723 WAZEE BTBRET, DENVER. g , : HARIIESS.SADDLES.TURF GOODS Etc. We make a specialty of Fine Good and Beet Ore Harness in the market, end handle no shoddy goods. WM "Bf" LLOYD, 1011 Fifteenth Street, 'Denver. . & .,. - ... if : - DENVER'S new ftra European HotAl. and Gentle cato attacked. men's Bagft-as- r taken to end from the depot free of Kates reasonable. Ixvated corner 17th charge. block from Cnlon Depot. and M aeee Sts , one-ha91 THE OXFORD lets' - lf WHEN IN DENVER stop at The WINDSOR bitelta the city, cenThe only flrst-cJafrooms Its located. lafpe and beau, trally furnished. Serviceare and cuisine second tlfully to none. Rates, f 2.50 to 4,0O per day. C M, HILL, Manager. Send for descriptive, litercture. ls TTV. EC ii i' - f 5 f ;i ' I M A. i'L'll , Denver Public Works, e. rncairwt. Walter Baker & Co.'s Cocoa is Pure it's all no filling no Cocp chemicals. M. . SMITH, ORES SOLD OK THE PUBLIC MARKET." Denver, Colo. E. E. DURLINGAME'G ASSAY OFFICE irsSaSSar'or WALTER BAKER & CO., Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. mall Established fn Colorado. 18fi6.. Sample! by attention. easeful and, receive trill prompt express mm npso APDni lsl GOLD AND SILVER BULLION or f ESlooeV RsHead, MsMed d Assvyed or Purchased.. i Primary, Secondary enred In 15 tr Poison permanently Tertiary SL.fCNTERC0La day a. Yon can be treated at home for tbe same Addreaa. 1736 k Mn La mmm price under same cuaramy. IX yon tireler to THE FKK CliT to pay rauroaa iare ana notei duxs, , THE COMPANY Pa A I m!Tf come here we wuiwecontract cure. to fail taken ao If if yon hare I and charge, mercury, boUt 25 ton. of rock &J0 UTnrthS EtU1 hare aches and pal na, ? I Iodide potaaii, and I T"V1C C I mouti, I, Sore Mocons Fatcheiln the body. Hair or. .inhMta brmL W 1r cent.-iColored Spots, Ulcers on any part of we Pimples, Copper wrought Iran and tfl and will bend 11 In r ont. lt la this DLOOD POISON that cuaranlfe to f mnm solicit the most obstinate rnniiinc to ers wiiboot ot V dollar's vUUi--U cure. and,??a,J,e,,s: a case we cannot for the world AS hoiats at vricm, f.25, 6b. W 100 113 . has always baffled the sKili ox tne most eminent pnysictana. eowww on application. behind our nndonditional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed Address COOK REIOEDY CO - cirte vnhmnri T S Ul J r III r iw yUlWUU Tkreat, RY THP r1 ( S07 Klasonic 1 Temple, CHICAGO, m 00. GGOK REGEDYv . Pr ""'rjOBACGO IIABIT, THE nl on ttt Bnl1222 Oortisllotrfd bt loer. Colo. 3 to 15 day, or money re-- W)UM In CO.. is tkeoalf U funded. a u v, vrmcn 13 a erne ior 01 concentratea omDinauon buuuuib arugs pure & I than health tha system from the tose of TOBACCO, It leaves the patient in better Is easy &alf and Is absolutely free from any injurious effects. Rest UtBi h bjrop. TaMes iooJL TJss I ' I f f f In tiroo. 8o)d rv drrffc't. Tt n.nnw fh natiftnt. tn a all the Tobaeeo ho wants while under treatment. 1 k and "hankerlns will disappear as If by marfc Titon.anda "f0'1; vTobaVcot circular to for an i CINCX-CAX"- CI re CINCO-CAI- Und bless the day they heard of Do you find It dlfflcult or amokln-.thew- ms IS I Diet iorra, ea-su- Address r ipr CINCO-CAV- Impeulbl. o .topT Ma."?."r .5., ci-- a r u w T x ii ---- fn CI F CI. -- - V.iH-w- " ' r. ; . .ZhA, uJlH ??Zr gJSZ owi.R TZAO rICE, tv or itsiuii, i.... CEJIXKS. : v.-- . GRAVEL ROOFIIIG Painted ancl Kepal rad. UenryMUierA to., 1509. Aiapahoe St. TeL945. d M 1.1 1 ll A NT) HCPHEE ss wall-coatin- : CHEMISTS, GOODELL A DOYLE. 1656 Champa BU Kamples sxpre receive prompt attention, ACOAVCDC I UlIU HUUH and - Ar The Oantral Truwt Co. 748kquitabi B'g, Pefiljm, Decora-U- U OUTI CI nUCDQ Funeral Hona,1 sto, Onrreapondcpoa LllO rLUll , aolicitod. 11. B. Klin-- Florist, 6'i81Cth BU 11. XH -- LIST MAILED OTAD PDnnCDV PRICE Larlrnar ITIEK All 01 UnUULni B PACKING OH DltAYAOB KU tHAWJfc , If f ok, CQBt. An Idle Scavenger., The bowels act the part of a scavenger, Inasmuch as they remove much of the debris the waste effete matter of the system. When they grow idle, .neglectful of duty, it is of the utmost importance that they should be Impelled to' activity., Hostetter's Stomach Bitters effects this desirable, object without griping them' like a drastic purgative. The Bitters is also efficacious for malaria, bilious, dyspeptic and kidney trouble. ed - Outaiog. 167 15th at. fors-Onr- STIFFNESS, lo lm1 t G.EESS, ; Market Machinery Co. 15i9 Lawrmncs. Work - studying-itfttfaichi- e, ' HOUSE-ajaf'S- Onsapact m market, bend i ; iw ECONOMY FENCE CO .rarmAOarden Fanes - ONE THING AND ANOTHER. "Women and clocks: "The latter serve to point cut the hours, the former to make us forget them." Avoid exaggeration. A lady loses as goon as she admires, too easily and too much. In man or woman the face and the person lose power when they are on the strain to express admiration. J Years ago, when Henry Ward Beech-er'- s a reputation was not world-widAsso-Men's Christian Western Young j elation tried to persuade the divine to go out and lecture to them without charge, saying it woyld increase ' his "I famo. He telegraphed in reply: will lecture for F. A. M. E. fifty and 13.a wife insurance. STEAM AND HOTWATER HEATI1IC "IIow married life does change , one." 5. J. BEILL.V, H25 CUHtia STKEiflT. "From what I have observed I should say it changes two." PIAHOS AIID 0RCAIISi,..D; 1.4 so Easr to Remove Corns with If In It Cataloyne free. Knight Muaio Clo., 1508-1- 0 Arapahos we so wiU endure wonder dercora that many corns see Kinder and how Get It them. nicely Albany OTATC flDC Pampllnc Worka. Offlcs, takes them off. Pocket Inver. U I A I U U II Hotftl toblock, , TOailftd fraa. ore thlppw-valnabla Time gallops under hie spur of the moof our A r for Write 1 D ment. llt Oil CAD C AH C r hid csloaadpropertieaforaalsat Haters would. ; n 1 11 1 1 1 S. Drans-btams- Machinery, t AMERICAN no email satisfaction in abating troublesome and painful ill s by using Parker' aUinger Tonic. Life Insurance Is, . strictly taken, merely ; ! tent Ocnvlk iTHE Thore Is Pleasure and Profit and : ' d Persons' cannot fail to be pleased with the elegant service now offered the public by the Union Pacific Through Palace Sleepers of the latest designs; vestibuled trains, fast time, dining cars (meals "a la carte"), free reclining chair cars, steam beat, Plntsch light, etc. Ticket Office cor. 17th and Curtis Sts. Teacher Suppose yon were a king. Tommy, what would you do? Tommy lrd never wash my face any more. : -- . L 3ursapariHa Denver Dicecto ry. . m, '5 - State of Ohio, City bf Toledo, Iucaa Pverve Treatise ami 2tril bottle free )!a.rrloucure. County ss. A cases, bend to Dr. Jk.UDe.S3l Arch bt., fhUa., I'a. i he Frank J. Cheney makes oath that Is the senior partner of the firm of F. To expect to get to heaven by singing Is J. Cheney & Co., doing1 business in the trusting to chants. City of Toledo, County and State aforetbe Baby ! 7nttli Xetl, said, and that said firm will pay the Be nre U and and remedy. Mas. sum of One Hundred Dollars for each WissLOW'a Sootbinq old 8IBUP for Chililren Toethine. case cannot of Catarrh that and every We read sometimes of a great feat of be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh memory, but one who visits Chicago brings Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. a feet. of v l7 Times-Heral- Aycr?s AliritsstopPfrebyPr.KlIne'aOreM NuFitsarter tbe first day's use. Ketorer. : . -' 152S and SO Blake Street, Denver, Colo. Are unsurpassed In quality. Parties in need of Saddles and Harness goods, will find the above firm prompt and reliable In every Prices are the lowest In the state, of goods considered. Send for their quality new Catalogue. as the bee gets credit Ev.n uch a hum-bu- g for being industrious. ..F1TC - " f.. 'r.5. Z . - , - Stockmen's Saddles and Ilara Manufactured by the old, responsible". , of tho body. It's natural. Spring is tho breaking-ou- t ceason. It i3 the timi when impurities of the Woodwork to the surface. It is the time, therefore,' to nke tho purest and most powerful blood purifier, "t er-ervwh- a; - house, instance, by piping, "Alice,' Where Art Thou?" In good timej he hears "Home, Sweet Home" played within. After a turn around the block he starts on "Oh, Nannie, Wilt Thou Gang Wi' Me?" Perhaps the return will be "Where Are You Going To?;; A few bars of "Come Into the Garden, Maud," convey her the tip, and the opening of "All's Well" on the piano tells him everything is understood. Boston Post. Post-Expre- ly ' While xnoro prosoio people "break out in various parts d. m, linp-Vnlalnar- re-tent- 'tho eamo spot annually, flEEP by tjtie malign power of Cleveland, Car- -lisle and "Cabbages" would make another picture equally striking, although possibly a little repulsive to people whose moral sensibilities have not been entirely blunted by the power of pelf, But there Is one little thing that the Tribune forgot to mention.' In 1893-4-- 5 the silver issue seemed practically dead In the Senate. Very recently a free coinage bill passed thatbody by seven majority, with eight more standing on ' the "rag) ged edge." The fact is that the silver men are now in the position of Paul Jones when asked by the commander of the Serapla if he, had surrendered. His immortal reply was that he had "just begun to j fight." The sliver men have just begun to fight. Up to tnis time mey aave vvvu hopelessly divided, begging and pleadparties for ing with their respective and hoodwinked concessions, deceived, vXv-betrayed. on every hand. to accomorder in see that Now they must lay aside all they plish something i aues. call a truce upon all petty together in behalf bickerings, and stand of rf a cause which involvesmethe hopesnaa Daiue humanity f or aU time, Bimetallism National Just begun. .'r in the Gprinstimo. And a great many T?ho cro not poets, pay tribute to tho season in the Baroo Tray, The difference is that tho post breaks out in about ' Baroness Adolphe de Rothschild may fairly claim to be a fin de slecle agriculturist. She keeps a farm at Just, outside the Bois, and here during the summer It Is her delight to initiate the weary votaries Cross-Eye- d YOU10& Headlight. ; WILL of fashion into the simple pleasures of headOn one of the railroads "cross-eyed- " rustic life. The guests are welcomed lights,, as they are called, have been put on for trial. The Rochester where some of the engines into a Louis XV. drawing-roothat with one headlight, says etiThompsgn'sEyq Water, the furniture is covered with satin bro- shining straight ahead, the tracks are in utter darkness' when an engine turns a curve. LADIES or GENTLEMEN cade of the palest bluish pink hue, and The forest, or , whatever is lying alongside WANTED to distribute samples not Is are the track the of but and the knicknacks air up, track,somelighted engravings BIG MONEY one has thought of having Itself. arsuggestive of the ancient regime. One a cross-eye- dSo, headlight. Two lights are ; to hustlers position permanent ; enclose of the walls, however, consists of a ranged so each one sends its beam across tamp. Swiss Herb Tea Co., Chicago. light of the other, and In this way both huge sheet of plate glass, giving views the sides of the track, besides the rails themseen even in going Into the cowshed, If so mean a word selves, are perfectly curves. The plan has PATENTSiTRADE MARKS around the sharpest to Is applied the superb apartment worked so beautifully that the cross-eyeare going to be put on all the fast within which a double row of "milky lights trains Examination and Adrice as to Patentability of Inon, this road. vention. Send for '.'Inventors'. Guide, or How to Oeta mothers" browse peacefully at their night Patent. PATRICK O'FARllELL, Washington, D. C v marble mangers. We L.ead, Others Follow. A Ereton herdsman and his wife in PAIIKEH'S The Union Pacific run the fastest trains to BALSAM HAIR Minneapolis, St. Paul, Council natural costume tend the sleek cattle Chicago, Cleansea and beantifles tbe hair. St. Louis, Salt Lake, Kansas Bluffs, City, Promote a luxuriant fcrowtb. and make the picture complete. When Ogden, Sari Francisco. Portland, Butte, Fails to BertoreColor. Never to Helena and all other principal points nearly sated been have aesthetic cravings Hair its Toutnrul Gray by in the United States. See that your ticket Cures ecalp disease a hair fallingthis charming spectacle an adjournreads via this popular route. No trouble to gQe.andtl.00at Prnygirt 941 answer .questions. Cajl at Ticket Office, ment takes place to the dinner-roo17th St, cor. Curtis, or telephone 457. and a dainty lunch is served amid, a VJHAT IS ALABASTIHE? Dr. Pills Who was the most suwjmful bower of fragrant orchids. Then folall the girls who were lows a stroll through the gardens, laid of A pure,- permanent and artistic with yon? Dr. Squills Miss Ketchem; she ready for thejarush by mixing in cold water. out in a Louis IV. style, with nymphs got married. EVERYWHERE. and fauns of stone gleaming through I believe Piso's Cure Is the .only medicine FOR SALE BY PAINT DEALERS12 desirable tints. i a. M. cure Anna Tint Card showing Boss, consumption. the foliage, and lastly there is a visit that will Alabastine Souvenir Rock sent frt Pa. , M o v. ia, i&x PR F F Williamsport, ) to any one mentioning this paper to be paid to the dairies. By this time a wasp and received' a Jlmmie caught ALABAST1NE CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. it has become cool enough to venture- stinging rebuke." on the homeward drive, and the cart riage3 are brought around, but each has to carry, besides Its passengers, a load Such ills as of dairy produce and a colossal bouquet ST, JACOBS OIL of roses as souvenirs of the visit. The visitor goes away with the feeling that WIPES OUT farming, after all, is not such a bad Promptly and Effectually. trade if you have an income of a miland the like, ; to back fall lion or two upon. coooooooooooooooocc pOOOQOOOOQOOOQOOOO what startling picture. The manner in which republican fre silver men have been duped by ambiguous phrases in the party platforms, and the democratic party broken in two Da-wnln- ' , , - Poets - its my expenses. If the silver maintained"debe Of all the myths of the fairy age, of not purchasing power, it would t repre-its many legends and enchantments, preciated" the difference would true love seems to be the one. great sent a premium on gold.- The goldlte charm which has come down upon us has constantly sought to enforce the God's TruW by time, untouched by, Hea that a premium on gold meant ruin Centralia,' unchanged Dick Williams, v and nnmrade anrineo to our finances. And yet we have x um, sixty-siant year True love is true love by writes: I gcience seen gold at a premium of VA 111., the republican :wnatever make to signs and language it is DalI rer cent in New York, and only a few helped at the battles fight its long as .hearts beat, as long as enas of nearly a at was It It premium neld. required ago on the tented ts, in jwhatever age, iron or 1 at the Bank of England right In box and it greater, must seek it we requires bravery tothen; tie charmed circle lt?elf. It does not geat meet the", SCOrn Of OIQ goldentfnnwlTie extract, frnm a ewnt , now appear that this premium had any very party,, publlcatIon is by no means a bad specl- and say companions either of TlRSSed business T on the the marked effect V,jtta "SUhn rare rtmen of ' teol better now. . country. Middle-age- d citizens can remember and vroZ I dared to do right, dared and shining as a star; in 2S5 measured Ini ken gold stood at will continue to fight tor voluptuous; eyes of deepest blue, and 7 droalth of eOlden hair, rati erht from greenbacks. A greenback dollar was o ppressed asralnst the oppressur. the or In cent3 25 gold workedj in great tawny have always worth about man, sloping shoulders y am -i I em0lUcw T fairas fa Cho the moved, jo norolr-fnllp-n j,n stiver, but the world still naru. on, siness of the country went right gnow and the chaste whiteness is f my WOrk; there is pleasure Oh! more were far do a to right. the body, wc?reNbroken, save in her celestial 6&rlIxg i enougn and now. would go where the prisoned blood kindles are rrcsperous than they ray.neads likewise.! do rose color, or in her curling lips. law lnt0 a Go thou and After falsely declaring that the likewise. do where Impatience wmps it into a pJs- the treasury to pay gold on de4 00.000 gallons of beer slon.' d ironically in-the Last execute '.3 that the treasurer shall were drunl in inv u. - tbe most extreme sense, in order exchange. ColcU. Should cot be triCed with. Tbe roontus oi Figs, acts umcs; , o March and April, with , their cnangeaoie ! effectually on have great dangers la etore for Dowels, preventing fevers, nVer and weather, delicate or lncaiAicrag people. It behooves anT other forms of sicknesa at thl tlrae of year, to takeasex-tr- a in 50 cent and $1 bottles by all SSS; everybody, it agutnst catching cold, bron druggists. Manufactured by the"eS may precautions and affect your lungs i. seriously fornla Fig Syrup Company only. chial tubes. KutiiQw's r C?xder or Cigarettes are a sure, cure ' A Jl.t Cu t itttriHlU Broacand Catarrh, : aod prevent and heal A very charming little story comes to tantane" afflictions Saslly applied and ine my ears of a young East Bostonian who sist does uorlcf obtained. If your drug-Pill sam-wla Is forbidden to call on or write to the girl package 1" them, we will send which 25 cents, r conTince yo'aher with whom Jte is deeply in love, and who KUTNOW RIlOS ' Jfceir immense value. returns the feeling, bushel for bushel. He New """"V York City. Lafayette Place, manages to circumvent the vigilance of her parents by whistling popular airs, Th9 burglar climbed orei tlon. "It Is well to Won tLe office parti-saishe answering on the piano. Then he began work on tL?e side," he ne walks for .; the ' Antl-Asium- hair, violet eyes such a woman is paintings. Catarrh and or . Ati th?f . , d. 4lBCUsslon ' LEIGHTON'S FAIR MODEL. WN. ' - - O U. Dearer. VoL XIII. No When vrritlnjr to advertisers, please Kay that you saw the advertisement in this paper. 14-Cl- ?av . .. |