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Show 'ihen came the era of suspended . fixt- DRIVING AWAY THE DARK. ures; and when Louis 'the primitive pendants developed into the candelabra. Even up to the advent of gas the art of .making tubes was not sufficiently advanced to allow of a i departure from the candelabra with solid s iron: shafts, fixed at the to counter-base, with arms poise the weight. v. Q; ; It has only been within a few years tubes could be dethat pended on. The first pipe of this character was manufactured at Reading-Pa., as recently as 1846, V Mr. C. Biennis, who took an active part in the electric work at the Ne w Orleans ex? position, was employed as their superintendent, It was some years after, the introduc tion of gas before pipes could be used skeletons of the , modern gas fixture. Cornelius is considered as the father of the candelabra in this country, he of forms having introduced multitudes also should he and from 1835 to 1840, be credited with having developed the modern gas fixture. The introduction of the incandescent electric light has in some respects modified essentially the consumption of pendant fixtures. When at the outset it was realized that the construction of the Edison lamp would allow of its being placed in an inverted position, it was at once had assumed that such fixtures as canbeen necessary In the use of oil redles and gas would no longer be quired, and that the new illuminant m YOUNG . HOflEYIiOVE ilfiD B8IDE HIS . . ; Very soon after man learned how to make fire, or found it. ready made," he begun to use It. as a signal. InjfBru-mol'- 6 account of the "Theaters of the Greeks" It is stated that fire signals .were used to communicate the events of wars and to direct the commencement of battles. This description of equi-dista- nt li : would soon corn. Her heart was at this moment moved. As she sat idly toasting her toes by tbe grate she had become conscious of a growing uneasiness, or, as the lady herself would term it, a "feeling in "her bones." FINITI0N A "feeling in the bones" is a power of prescience; an occult influence to which only delicately organized and supersensitive constitutions are subject. It is a prerogative of femininity. None of courser mold have ever been known to have experienced this mysterious influence. It has been the scoff and of man from time immemorial. Itjeer is usually most lap-weld- ed , ; Young Mrs. Honeylove, the prettiest of youthful brides, in the sweetest of , morning toilettes, sat in the nnost charming of dainty boudoirs, in a highly picturesque attitude, reflectively and appreciatively contemplative of her small, foot, idly tapping the polished fender of the glowing grate fire in a and righteous frame of mind, as be s hooved a bride whosle been had attended with more nuptials French-slippere- d 131'lSOXlIl. IXTF.RESTJJVCJ - ... reigned ilrlw, Not .lertlon of Oilier, TJiey Are Still HOW PERUVIANS Beliiinr Smis1Io Kut'Ii Friends. They .had only met that afternoon, he and she, but their pleasure seemed mutual. So, when the party, which numbered half a dozen, started for the train, he went along to see them off. She had another girl friend, who walked with them. Now, the train was late, and waiting in a depot is not very exciting ,even in the most congenial company. So the party adjourned to the opposite side of the . track, which is boarded by a fence. -B- -. CELClip- uU Fight, Aft,P ChXV" A Christmas celebration ja pf peculiar features, eays the Newr,X ' Herald. In the cities, anI more ( cially in Lima, there are W(Vh scenes; of activity on Christmas The streets and square are croJ", with gayly-dresse- d people. DrcvrV asses are to be seen in every laden;pvlth fruit, boughs from tu2 tains, liquers and other merchant Ice stalls, provided with chairs benches, are crowded by the ?J potent with those of spiritualistic tenIn girlish giddiness, she determined dencies, and it has been noticed that those who are most susceptible to this to sit on the fence to watch the train Ing pleasure-seekerwho find ice t' spiritual forewarning are also good come in. The young lady friend who disto was intried her at on for and mesmeric standing right subjects essary Christmas. As zut hypnotic fluence. The presentiment is usually suade her, but in vain. She would sit approachessultry streets the are packed v", did so. Of a preceded by a slight, prophetic shiver' on the fence, and she and noisy people joke and , hold her (or a series of them), vulgarly known course, the young man had-tbecome merry the pranks rule was tv as "flesh creep.',' on, but, as she wore a cape, this are participated in mostly by It suddenly- pops into Mrs. Honey not noticed by the rest 'of the group. ! love's head, without either rhyme or Now, no sooner had his arm' been attired persons in "masks.: .Mi ' rr OTIS Tlif tiart'rs his felt he reason apparently ,that she heard Fred placed through hers than D vinLn.i mf-- , stndn.A ' woiauti Burl little a soft hand gripped tightly by say at breakfast that he was coins: to manner which sent a thrill mingled discordant sounds, Noa' WJfh paint the squares on his checker board hand in ahis that day, and it flashed into her mind through manly frame. lie was closed. There are music and dnr.,- with the force of conviction that he surprised,' but he didn't object quite and the distribution of gifts in was doing this in the library with his the contrary. He also did some house. All evare welcome to board and paint cans established on squeezing on his own account, at Ancient Portable Oil Lamp. her handsome center table, and hor ery little quip of jest, which were beror of horrors! on that magnificent ing passed around profusely, getting v (NOAH'S DOVE.) claim on hospitality and to embroidered cover one of her most in an extra pressure. was even anterioFto the use of signals came went on And train the until it valued Mrs. which double A presents wedding welcome. All . trumpets. priest, crowned with M had "done" at so much expense In sight. Then, In order to arrange her stralnt ' are absent, cewmnn, t Suddenly laurels, preceded the army, and held she scene chanfireR. Tho mMnuvt , of time and material. hat, and do It most conveniently, a' lighted torch in his hand. He was I sb lo back her threw Fust Her cape, She at This Moment Was more and, Think. """isui tDen til womanly quick conclusion, respected and r spared by the enemy, the cathedral has aftertho insr. of the summoned all certain than even in the heat of battle. Hence the though he had noonhand of her friend mass asThe than usual elegance and ostentation, reached it afterman's, her In houses of that and streets r a old proverbial expression for a comclasped tightly of process and the account of which had occupied was one of many, which, it reasoning, tonished girl chum. while the churches be should nearly deserted, plete defeat, that even the very Which was the most surprised of with their decorations nearly fire sticks in the leading dai observed, has never proved to arguhad not been spared. lies. the trio would be hard to tell-tmentative man that the woman's wav are thronged. Again on Christ! Hence, also, it seems highly probShe had satisfaction of the fellow who had his hand squeezed by tapers, is correct knowing the of at ata that the usage arose of representthe way mas arriving morning the streets are crow3e$ that no bride of the season had more conclusion for all that, but her way the wrong girl, the girl who did not and the ing discord with inflamed torches. are thronged but t numerous or or and have her hand was the girl 9 o'clock markets showy presents; that, squeezed, nature's plan to save who did the The Chinese, like the ancient Scyth- Ancient Oil Lump From the Mnseuiu in the vernacular prooaDiy on Ithe one churches of of are a pain Ailed her wear that, tear and squeezing, at Naples. thinking the intellect. ians, communicated intelligence by She After whom of the had sorts was come services all her chum's ways it hand. aunties, in the feast Is come. kept "she" attached xes, be is "She" Roxbury would fires. coming. lighting Polybius gives the genas much in the background as possible the games and the sports. Of an and Mr. Honeylove, at this lunct-- " Gazette. Young eral appellation of "Pyrsia" to the sig- to tne ceiling, the walls,in the wood-in at tb her fashionable wedding, "Suey she ure, had just taken a brushful of paint, niches, la sports nals then used, indicating that fires work of the room, placed the favorite an TUEY LIKE HORSEFLESH. luminous done well," an expression that re- -' when he heard her approach, and formed the principal means. the Christmas fight Is generally pillars, concealed in behind to course f of amount ot the the erred, other ways thinking that she had at last come to Germana Consider It the Most Nonr-- . best of the" season, as eight Agamemnon signaled uy beacon fires disks, and that would be revolution- money she had married more than the lend or ten bulk him the encouragement of her former practices are Meats. anil on of Ishlnsr killed Cleanest man. amount frequently of had that was needed, gotten "Suey" day bized. But a short time inspiring presence in his labors, laid; esides several horses and not aware old rid of is horse her as tbe far however, that aunty, safely across fancies, Everybody can these the to Infrequent brush the and turned dispel however, her back to the country where with open arms and a beaming coun- is we cleanliest of aU domestic ani ly one or two of the fighting men. U as they applied to ordinary commer- packed she belonged, and the thought of her tenance to greet the charming appari- mals. It will not eat anything but this sport women appear to take more cial work, it being quickly realized was stored away in the furthermost tion; In good," healthy food, nor drink any but enthusiastic pleasure than distribution in that the loss men recesses of that mechanism- - she was as the A glance confirmed Mrs. Honeylove's pure water. A horse would rather When night comes there Isthe,' illumination of areas followed a to call her brain, only to be worst- - suspicions. starve than swill the rotten stuff often grand square of the distance, and could not pleased headed by the priests anj procession, It1 to case nothin at resurrected should she and is cattle. feel, given pigs "Fred," she burst forth, "how can be ignored. p. who are followed by the some remote period in the future, that you, how dare you, put that horrid ing but prejudice that prevents us monks,and the people. All are gajly flesth. from eating horse A similar country air would be bracing to her paint can on my best table cover ?" ODDEST PAPER IN AMERICA. nerves. the introduction of dressed and many in fantastic costumes This was Mr. first ex- prejudice retarded a The nerves of young Mrs. Honey-lov- e perience, and he Honeylove's the hundred potato years ago. To and masks. Banners, flags, Btreamfn't was entirely unprethe Name, to Teach were in good condition ,however, pared. Kamloops Wawa Shorthand, day we could not get along without it. ribbons and green boughs are carried Indians on this particular morning. She had the prejudice against potatoes can and music fills the air. "Why, dearie," he faltered, in a con- - Yet in Jn the mSAst the sheet to a nicety all be explained. The people had been of the The queerest little adjusted and readjusted procession there is held aloft the c the costly told that this American root caused and all the artiworld, both in name and in purpose, is cles figure on her toilette table which were fever, and rendered the ground unfit arms of the. Madonna bearing In tor that published under the title of the perfectly adjusted before and attendthe Holy Child. After a long march for all other crops. Wawa. the ined to all other imaginary duties Kamloops procession returns to the cathedral, The exception against horse flesh is Modern Oil Lamp Fixture. is the name of the town cumbent upon a very new wife in a ihere even disbands and the Christmas cele not founded Kamloops upon any objection -to his distant queen the news of the in new serthis with of clue to to which very home, is Is at an end the its It Columbia from bration plenty solely properties. fefjtjsh fall of Troy, 1,0$4 years before the vants to attend to her slightest bidinfluence of The church. the is mission clergy its and 044 periodical hails, Christian era. ' ding. Still, she felt that she had a did everything possible to prevent the Fabrics of Span GIa, of olden to teach the IndKns of the country great The uuge fireplaces an deal of aggrareturn Saxons converted from responsibility newly as Articles of dress are now being eti to which days, which were depended upon d English by means of the Wawa sys- vated idea of Ing to their heathenish practices, and mueh for Light as heat, were d made of glass. A Venetiaa are more or less tenslvely editor to use the people flesh of horse tem of shorthand, wnich prohibited the and then supplanted by supis turning out bonnet manufacturer to Odin sacrifices and the Thor. subject. stop ar; confidently claims is the easiest sysat moment she was thinkthis Just sacA ports upon which torches to were the time before these the glass cloth of by long thousand, passed, be light- tem known to man. as she watched if were all rifices at ranged about an apartment ing which are discontinued. thinking altogether they composed having the ed. These in turn gave way to the the emditatively the curling, darting little' The statement, of nations suffered have the same substantiate To Europe shimmer and of color brilliancy enormous loss by this prohibition of as slllt, and, what is a great advantage, moking oil lamps, but even among New Year number announces that, flames that wrapped themselves medthe most civilized nations of antiquity, since around the log in the grate, horse flesh. Especially from the huits birth, in 1891, 2,000 Indians itatively the Greeks and Romans, this mode of have learned Impervious to water. In Russia a its well fixed is and has she that and write to manitarian read by of ; view the results being very point as barbarous in almost existed there has for long time existed a tisto deal be thankful for. She has are most deplorable.'' Millionas of peogreat and, furthermore, that the pencils alighting form as among the savage tribes. aid, one from the fiber of a sue, the of best manufactured are married said the to on forced live gossip 2,000,000 people throughout ple potatoes and The suspended bronze lamp or the of no she dear had in of for stone from the filamentous men, similar food in young and, fact, nutritive are away qualworld peculiar wanting scratching candelabra, in carved bronze of the life to master its rules.quarrel with fate on any account, for ities, while millions of pounds of the Siberian mines, which by some secret very best meat are wasted. But when the announcement is she felt that she even loved and was process Is shredded and spun info a a loved if from in Horse flesh learned i This, is only very the be dearly. "can , made that it, piost nourishing which, although soft to tire totrcir of all meats, and its taste is hardly to fabrlq one to three hours without a teacher," pretty fallacy, at least brightened the pliable in extreme, is of bo durbe distinguished from that of bejefr and there is small wonder at its popular path of sordid worldliness, so as to able a nature that it never wears out seem to her to be the genuine article. The flesh of a horse fed On oats has a ity. V& fat Made "Last. Of Is probably what has given an eCourse This They smell similar to lard. Above all, it The January number of this year Is I 4T and won't tone, spill it, should be remembered that no flesh is nterprising firm the idea of producingYoung Mr. Honeylove, the "best of dilatory really a very handsome bit of typogcan." of off the the bottom wiped adso healthy as that of the horse. Trichspun glass dress lengths. The Muscyoung men," was, at this particular " raphy, and shows a tremendous will I know will "You you inosis similar diseases are un- ovite stuff is thrown into the fire when vance over the 'crude work of the moment, with a persistent energy she flashed spULit, i a little known and with out I "Oh," in a in of horses. better cause, engaged worthy first number issued. very dirty, like asbestus, by which it is shriek and a pounce at the can, "there common in cattle, Tuberculosis, out a no less and has is in made rare blocking however, painting very The Kamloops Wawa, to fall." absolutely clean again; but the a is ready big drop just checker-boara horses. He than paother Journal. was, Frankfort thing one point in common with silk is simply brushed wlthj epun-gks- s She and her husband grabbed for the in all a "nice" a to such respects, not devoted undeniably worthy pers can, simultaneously, and neither of SWUNG HIMSELF AND HORSE OVER. a hard bruth and soap and water the editor un- young man, just such a young man as them object, and in stating it, could tell just how it happened, the worse for being either stainel would have suspected of a capacconsciously shows up one more weak- one to not the the but but fell, only drop In a game brusih as well, and with another shriek A Pioneer's Ingenlons Bridgre Over n or soiled. The material is to be had ia get deeply absorbed ness which the red man shares with ity a of Chaam in the Mountains. and such smooth some of his white brothers. checkers, just d white, green, lilac, pink and yello an Mrs. from and young Honeylove Indians faced, thousand Len Henry, a well known pioneer, and bids fair to become very fashion He says: "Two youth execration from young Mr. Honey lore, have been perusing the Wawa these as anyone knowing the young Mrs. the can itself was deposited upside relates an adventure that is out of the able for evening dresses. Ad Austria! last two years. Unhappily, most of Honeylove's characteristics, or her down on the beautifully embroidered usual order. He was traveling on a is the inventor of this novel fabric; narrow trail above the raging Grande which is rather them have failed to bring to the pa- lack of them , would have expected her cover. 5 costly. Table clothsj to select as the partner of her joys and Ronde came to a landriver when he per the support of their subscription. tears. Then the of are als deluges slide about twenty feet across, that napkins, and window curtains Hence," he continues with commenda-in sorrows. Mr. Hon elove knew "I sobbed discoT-It," spill you'd been Young ble abruptness, "the difficulty $500 argued that it she. just left no trail or even a niche in the made of it. lt has also . of econobeing arrears and $500 more to carry on the behooved a young husband to smooth precipitous rock. The trail was ered that glass is capable didn't sulll it," said Mr. Honey-lor- e eo 'I be mize elsecan in .sweet order the that trifle A which .1896. nots a narrow fine into being turned the horse could that cloth, paper during wrathful did it "you ly; yourself. pinned her affections to' him If you had let the back. He was trapped. Above worn next to the skin without tb where," the editor airily says, "but the who has would turntwenty-fooit alone, thing not be denied a her the little for might of luxuries, t the break In the trail was slightest discomfort. Exchange. importance paramount have occurred." not he that in, theory a Wawa." pessistently indulged of Oil Burner. craig overhanging rock. On First Style of Argsnd "It would, It would; it was just go- hissharp Not the least peculiar fact atxmt the not because he had need to practice saddle bow was a strong riata Invented by M. Argand About 1785. deto You're a Drawn from the Bible drop. 13 that. is 5 cents a what- ing for other economy any purpose Wawa feet exand Is an Kamloops long, sixty now Henry Mrs. shrieked was not Roman Honeylove, time of the emperors "I think," he (Hall Caine) says, "that In the use of it. He steadied himand $1 x year by subscrip- soever than to flatter himself that fiantly copy pert single fit of in a advanced far or less than much pleasanter hysterics. .smoky there was one husband in the world self upon the saddle; swung the rope I know my bible as few literary men; the torch of resinous" wood with which tion. who could in be virtuous his his omitted over his head, and hurled it high in know it. There is no book in the worii spite oft The editor has modestly, a made of it course, after up, the first known men lighted their name They inheritance. can. and from the publication, sufficient period of sulking and pout- the air. It was settled firmly over the like it and the finest novels ever wriaooues. With the consistent for which commendation receive logic He tied it carefully. It was tten fall far short in interest of any; ing, and it is all very triflng and vul- crag. It was only at the end of the twelfth therefore, ' His saddle was for bis and firm. his sympathy a new and a one of the stories it tells. Whatever enterprise I can be expected ' gar, know, but what century that the great novelty of a lack of success in collecting his Indian one, with double strong a of g solid material to replace story of matches that are struck Around the liorn he wound cinches. strong situations I have in my booto in an anonymous, only subscriptions the rope. are not of In the snadowy nooks of Belmont, fos- He tallow candle, made of sheep's oilthe creation but are tafcen New York my of sort way. the on horse to Impersonal the urged of tered music edge by the faraway strains of fat was known in England. Its origfrom the bible. 'The Deemster' is the precipice. floating in the night air, the mysterious the inal form has been handed down to the World. The faithful beast stood firm. He story of the prodigal son. 'The result if impenetrable influences plus would present day, but Its use was (at first not step over, but the rider Is the story of Esau and JacoV POKER. WORSE THAN nerves, very limited, and it was only in the up the slack and pulled with all though in my version sympathy asensibilities, excited imaginations and drew time of. Charles , V. that the French Inch by Inch he drew the ttaches to Esau. 'The Scapegoat' is the the Duchess novels ? Philadelphia. In- his power. horse Fonnd Her Hum-- ; Why One Woman forward till his feet story of Eli and his sons, butv with straining band's Pockets Were Empty. quirer. and he swung off over the Samuel as a little girh 'The Manslipped "I could sit down and have a good chasm. The rider held his breath as xman EVEN SILIC IS ADULTERATED. ' is the story of David and Uriah. cry.". he looked at the river below and the of the J It was just daybreak. She stood at Tannate of Tin and Silica Used to slender rope above, but he was across .' My new book also comes outsouruo. Give It Welffht. the gap. He sprang up the trail and bible, from a perfectly startling the foot of the bed with her husband's Some "Improvements" in the treat- tugged at the reins to aid the horse in McCliire's Magazine. trousers in her hand. ' ment of silk are announced. Ordinari- gaining his feet. lie pulled and the "And to think I believed him when ly, silk is "weighted" by depositing horse lunged up into the trail with the he said he would never gamble again!" BITS OF KNOWLEDGE. tannate of tin on the liber, a repetition chasm back behind. Mr. Henry rode she went on. "How angry I became of this being made until an increase away and left his rope dangling for stove at me for Blalclngr a Checker-Boarfriends all when A little salt sprinkled on a hot and Whist. laughed my rata use the of the next 15 of the amounts to to 20 from rjm& weight wayfarer who will remove any disagreeable odor. llngr "Paratllse Alley," thinking a man could swear off such a could reach come that way. to chanced conIs It not which Anaconda cent, per beyond of the was vice! I suspected he at it again point perfection only sidered safe to The University of Chicago has maflj go in the case of silk Standard. when he dressed up last evening and in such a masculine mind as his, he, intended work compulsory physical-cultu- re to be dyed light shades or to went out for what he called a little therefore, stralguway proceeded to ex- be bleached. Canae ina German students. Enough. unclassified all as Recently much, money not f r walk. He had $30' In his pocket then pend three times Maud What is the quarrel between " to speak of the time and labor in pro- ventor has brought forward a process Alice thirteen of the necessary a' now there's only 7 cents Only and Kate? which silica is the weighting agent. was lacking to carry the "Hullo!" interrupted her husband, ducing the article as ltwould have in jorlty Ethel Alice see,; Why, you In asked method out this three carrying cost a dozen him to buy half checker bill In the Georgia legislature. suddenly waking up. "What foolishto tell her just what she thought Kate are the described. steps; silk, to First, or have employed a compe raw or In ness are you at now?" boards, to be credited, but it her. of is It hardly of manufacture, any stage tent tine to call It do "You may work for him. foolishness!" she person Maud yes. authoritatively stated that the peopi ' eiTner before or atter ayemg. is snapped out. ;"I was looking through This matter; of the checker board lav ! anu. Ethel Kate told her. annually chew United States a or of an the worKeo oatn in hour perior to near for his for sentimental very heart,, money." your pockets of tin; then, after squeezing $30,000,000 worth of gum. "Well, my dear, you chose the as well as economical (?) reasons, for chloride AVa in Training. He peand warm a in It is worked washing, Lamp Maker. William Gardenio was the first 'he replied, with a sad had he not won his wife over a checker solution Early time,' Mr. Cotton I want to hire a man wrong of silior of of soluble water m' From the Original Engraving ''. "v glass smile. board,' when another very interesting for the holiday trade. Have you had rson on whom the title of doctor received He "I should say I did," she returned. game was going on, in which he had was bestowed. icine knew you to lose more than been the winner? Fred was a modest of Asto in Itatf from the adopted it in the mansions of the "I never college a solution in the flat under me previously man. through ' :" passed a but in this time $10 before, it's night V wealthy. the cornet. 1329 So he worked away enthusiastically, of phosphate of soda. The operation most of the night. plays Cheveul in 1811 took out a French $30." Yonkers States-clock in the wori. valuable most The be repeated again and again, with man. may Alhe of Paradise "Sunshine "That's blame," your, from tallow for whistling replied. extracting patent no is one which Was made by Louis M fiber or on "My blame?" she echoed. "How can ley" a can of red paint on one hand the harmful effect on the stearic acid, but e invention was not subsequent dyeing, and in five opand which Js owned by one ol As Usual. commercially successful. Other French you say so? I've, done all I could to and a can of yellow on atthetheouier. He erations the silk may be increased in for lis." cast expectant glances door, for chemists succeeded in making stearine reform you." Agatha Charley is tickled with his Rothschilds, who bought it scientin some 120 to 100 cent The weight per mates new ever is remodel the "That's do not moustache. Isn't he? show young "Cool as a cucumber," two very reason,' 'he candles, and iu soaped, and, if already MarierYes. but (with a shy blush) ly correct. Investigation shows sold the turned. "I felt a little religious last a delightful expectancy in each otner's I silk isIs now to MJIIy nnd Matard,pwions, cleared In an emulsion of olive not half as irnu h as I am. Chilrmqunt dyed, and dropped Into one of your greeting, leaving no room for suspi- oil firt of tlu "star candle' which soon evening,fairs." this vege'jtble has a temperature acid. and Detroit News Tribune, (X. Y. National Kagle. New York HemM. cion of soured disposition? Yes; she became famous throughout the world. church degree' below that of the Eiirroutt-atmosphere. ' ; torch-bear- highly-satisfie- d pei-!- three-week- tl s, JELM o -- i - v . . rJ - . e-sa- - er and--Mari- he old-fashion- . ed bull-fighti- -- ng - T of-lig- ht sol-die- rs bric-a-bra- self-importan- supple-tnente- A u TwtM riff ce newly-marrie- . - 1 A - . d. andii-non- rosy-cheeke- d, pale-haire- j ; br-br-brut- e," i , light-givin- U : Borid-mrf- -- over-wroug- ht s over-strain- ed . . mm " d ; . , , ..', anu-barroo- ; , ( L: . Tit-Bit- s. Lal-messi- n. ":;-'.'::- - " ." ' : i , : IS-'- ' -- ; 1 . " |