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Show Dr. G.S.Hosxner ness to her sod would insure him ari the old Tife ever '.occurred to- - me. I attentive and sympathetic listener. ' had entered on a new path with an the quality of thjeir reading matter, determination to pursue it With that assurance, Croslyri unyielding .success. that both have bejen forced to reduce to Teu ' years had been his "The narrative began story. JPyysician and surgeon away which, had they been deexpenses to the last possible nickel; of the past." aid he, "is full of bumjl thrown SUBSCRIPTION RATES: voted to industry, would have made and that it is merely a question of iation, and its recital is fraught with! me independent: &2.00 Per year. Only one j avenue to time before on of them must sus- pensea (made necessary to meet the com- more than mortal anguish, if that were speedy success awaited me of the During long years 1 have prospector. I knew that that a corresponding cur- possible. (Payable in advance),' pend. petition) is causing OFFICE : been an exile from relations, friendS men had failed to oneVr had popularity and and civilization. Nearly that, Such journals aB those abovo des- tailment of its old-tiAt Residence one half of achieved success. of time Publisher. cribed are the mbst at door East Second ALF. ORME my Yet, adverStore.' usefulness. injurious my life has been spent in the West life it me to be to rtOUE3: not my will only the all appeared in candor, people and during ten years of that, time I 3hance. Now, tisements of a toWn that can possibly If I were-- - successful, I could 2 to 4 p. m. the fact concede that th was an abject though unwilling slave make of patent Nephi on post-Sicnotice the at made be to been Neplii my family They ssrye imagined. partial reparation Application ha of the Times in opposition to to drink. I say unwilling, because for Utah could fault. I for transmission through the mails aa strangers that the town lacks enter- starting my great return, Nephi, momenta I lucid a to financial worked my keenly The during Blade injury (Second-clas- s unkno.wn, to my family and find how mail matter. prise and intelligence, or that the peo- the town? Will not those who made Th felt the depths to which I had sunk; matters were If not as I hoped, I would, is each season of forgetfulness in some & Blade editor an 44 offender for a word" After way, assist my children and THUUMAN ple are not. united, and the verdict WEDGWOOD, '' came and with that t deep U ;!..J class other and place concede that it would have been better relatives, my pursue journey that such a town a first potations. I made solemn .vows to to tha end. I did not dream it would Attorneys - at - Law;. Maker that I would reform. I had SATURDAY MOIIN., MAR. U, 1896. to shun. The past nine months of to have exercised a little my find of to seaich case charity; to have taken up a private broth- left a wife and children in the Eastj require long years newspaper history in Nephi is a an that like which, fatuui, ever ignis in point, and one thai, well illustrates erly labor with him rather than to have and, although I had left them in com- beckoned me on and yet was a far sent in peremptory orders to "stop The paratively comfortable circumstances, ever. Often and often J Room and 3, BLADE AGENTS: the lesson we desiire to convey. the thought that they might be sick or aay asI had Blade? a mine valuable found The First Blade National Bxuzk BoJIaldg. About nine months ago in want filled me with the torments of thought Below is a list of our agents, who will no seem disfurther would that It and after of labor object months damned. Often I would sober up and covered it to fee eitherpatient Feceive subscriptions and receipt for made its home m Nephi. It went lesions in venworth- EROVQ, newspaper irresponsible a of resume work at blacKsmithing, and less, or that the treasureentirely fayrilents. there on the earnest invitation too lay tures are necessary for tho people of believed I had mastered deep demon for a Wm. Chastain, Ibapah, Tooele Co; reac to maa The number of Nephi'k influential citizens. Nephi. They should now rally around appetite, but in a few davs,the poor ending or weeks MILLATID CJOUNTY. oduu jTwar jjruveu uu uc a utue 01 u iwent in good faith backed by a de- The Blade, give it their hearty and un- at the fartherest, the appetite for li- ui It nferred above-board hope. But 1 was gaining experJoseph A; Lyman, Oak City. termination to ba fair, open and divided support and thereby enable its quor would return with such strength ience and si and Jelt that forChristian Anderson, Fillmore. with all shades of opinion both pu blisher to furnish them with a news- and fierceness that my will power tune couldwisdom, Thos. Memmott, Seipio. not much longer refuse to would surrender and I again found Chris. Overson, Leamington. a be for time At will that that and good power paper political. my recognize persistent efforts..'' religious Geo. Crane, Kanosb. in the coils of the myself become will and that resumed his measured the had and the James Hatton, Ptfrsburg. people, Croslyn among had another paper, Nephi was crushing my remaining that to Virgil Kelly, and a that of and reflex fro, and at the conclusarthe pacing enterprise push manhood and sense of duty to my wife ion of the last sentence first thing The BpADE did after its Hvrum Ailains. Meadow. and her characterizes thereby citizens, lapsed into moJames S. Blake, Hinckley. rival was to purchase the other paper serve notice on people outside of Nephi and family. as if pondering on mentary silence, To advertise our Collre we will pivo went In with ten that way act by years as an was doae to how finish it. This his narrative, and on the a thorough course of instruction iu Douand close that it is a good place in which to reside. only occasional seasons of sanity. ble and Single Entry and The foregoing is respectfully submitted Preachers and those who never felt the immeasurable consequences to him TRUTHS. af iiKtif t,n ths bLher DUblisher, and Commercial Arithmetic, by mail, at t tfEW final were involved which the in of "survival for the for candid consideration by the residents craving for strong drink men who are to save a struggle He had not at ftis One-FourtThe people did fairly of Nephi for whom there will always be a strong because of the absence of weak- listener into whose mindglanced '.he fittest." a glimmer of Regular Price to ness and the condemn the of may dedicated inebriate, warm the in corner writer. the heart Uespectfully was well in supporting The Bladk which and to truth shine, beginning from the unststormed citadels of their over whose face pal-o- r an almost to a limited number of persons. all agreed waa every way worthy of And from a lonp, intimate and unbroken own natural deathly This I People OF XEi'iiI. thunderhurl strength of course Will be 40 editor the in former was with lessons. completed Acquaintance spreading. of pious anathemas on the drunktheir patronage, In fact, The Blade Phe No charge for diplomas. Address, his eyes from the Without writer can truthfully bolts the lifting Blade, him and declare to be and ard, be to was of wilfully prosperous. the Nephi was disinterest people continued. getting that he Jdark Croslyn It is believe laboring testify earn-estl10MMERCIAL tor totally depraved; but, as my Maker carpet, defunct bethe which and The of offended six the "The upon conscientiously to edly, CAPITAL plant sensible developments past too get fire as hears He knows the me, VOLLEGhB struggles months have proven that my most san Standard had beep published, belonged the welfare and progress of all the people that men make to overcome, and truths cause of a few hears GIBBS. are for I and realized. wealth in J. F. hopes Nephi, 116 West Sixth Street. their cries that ascend from the dark- guine for their benefit individually to men who did not inreside am now in the position where I can ihe city and its Deseret, March 9, 1896. whose only interest ness of which the have iuto pit they tind collectively. make partial reparation to thoae I KANSAS. TOPEKA, has love, people wa the amount of rent they my own experience plunged, Milam sure of of I the local and mother is newspathat The subject as me warm tjie on from itinerant conld collect that hearts just plant taught ton Crosby will not deny me the long- MILTON CROSBY. and tender, just as true to those they deferred pers; and this plain talk will apply publishers who generally fleecad the peosatisfaction of making my love, beat under the tattered jackets of own son" A low cry drew With equal force to any town or city ple to the fullest possible extent and the drunkard as those covered by the Crosby's attention to his wife Milton Ivbere conditions similar to those in theu jumped the town and their unpaid A true whose Story of tho East and West assumedly sacred vestments of face told him she had swooned. white butcher bills and store accounts. And Nepal are found to exist. div'nes." Unmindful as to what tho awakening right he6, that Before proceed my further it is wed it is timely to sta Mark Croslyn's measured speech had verdict ! might be, Crosbv sprang to his CHAPTER VIII. to that of fervid vehemence wife's side lo point out a few special qualities a intineraat plant run by itinerant princhanged chaffed her and alternately to any comand 'mpassioned eloquence. As he hands and smoothed local paper should possess in addition ters is just aboutias useful small-poxCONTINJED E ROM FUtST PAGE. the white brow . of strode back and forth in front of his meanwhile calling her and to being a gatherer and publisher of munity as aan epidemic MARK CROSLYN'S STORY listener he had not even once glanced pleading for forgiveness. hisTowife of months an itinerant couple Within Milton local news. started! up the idl plant upon The ladies were assisted into the at her. but with downcast eyes and Crosby it seemed an age before those The local p ipar should work heart publisher which so many newspapers had been carriage Cronlvn had provided, and the Mushed face he recited the epoch in dear eyes opened, and looked on her his iife that was so fraught with bit- husband whose face was wet with and eouI for the material growth and "born" and died. The new enterprise parly was driven rapidly to the hotel. ter memories and deep humiliation. tears. "Marian, my wife, can you for 11 was a happy quartette that met in progress of the town and county in waa backed by a little money from Sail of the sentence At me?" There was no oral answer. the hotel dining room that evening, abovethe conclusion vhichitis published. It should exei-tn- e Lake politicians, and the paper shot in- although Mrs. give before he paused ill quoted, was at A at times Croslyn pair of soft arms crept around Cros-oy'- s over the to the political s:y with about the same a sleeplu$8 watch-carCrosby "as if waiting for some remark. excuses to tne lauies nimeeir ease, neck while a shapely head was tie Mrs, Crosby had certainly been an on morula of its constituency, and with- kind of a noise and fuss as a rocket, ano for his frequent on his breast, and C rosby abas a very short time will meet the same the plea that his associations, for years, attentive listener. Croslyn's narra- pillowed Mark out fear or tavor teach criminals of all in Croslyn, knew that the other tive had stirred her own memory to its a ot fate. of kind men. to confined had been that problem bad been solved and that kinds that unless they are willing to of profoundest depths, and had painfully henceforth there would be no more candithe A few politicians and wouia-byears twenty Notwithstanding suffer public ehastisruent at the hands dates for office hailed the advent of the sorrow and anxiety which had passed probed her heart on a subject that had doubt and mental anguish as to her sorrow ever been and with associated unbf the local paper, they must cease to the retained over LOCAL TIME CARD. ove Mr. Crosby, phe with exquisite joy. It for, and devotion t6 him. Her arunK-arfor the plea regret. Croslyn's morof in were: those lsual told first words attractions that you early years. In effect, Nov. 17, 1894. conpmit offences against public would strengthen their party directly, had removed the only feeling of cruel letter that I "Iwould wait for form was iomewhat stouter and Train and depart at various station" arrive you, als and decency. It is a fact, that and indirectly the chances of a few short- Her ex resentment she had ever felt for her and had it been proven to me that you daily as follows: lost defiant the face had her . who were unmindhusband's course. Before her were dead I would have waited until brdinary men dread the scalpel of a sighted Stations. it wore in her girlhood, and own pression deLeave Leave stood one who had Arr. Arr. the traversed of fine ful more than a or other consideration than fearless newspaper a come of refined every look we on had and in then its other met the side, 2.15 am place S.00 pm Ojrden ' of she and vious the drunkard, path were those of partisan selfishness. They 3.15 am Ar Salt j Lv 7.00 pm told you of the years of sorrow and re feven the walls of a prison. resignation. Mark Croslyn thougnt he was painfully impressed with the gret 7.45 am Lv f Lake Ar 5.50 pm wom rnor a seen never beautiful of face of had fact unmindful the the the decision of that hastv that twenty Another special held in which the S.t'O pm S.ll am Sandy story and with his perfect years ago has cost me. ' was jan index of unfaithful- an, unless, indeed, it might possibly truth of hisMrs. local paper can work with special ad- ness also felt that 9.42 am 3.40 pm Fairfield Crosby It was a merry party which returned to every thi ng in the line of honor. be Mrs. Crosbys lovely daughier sincerity. .35 am 2.00 pm was man Eureka before for the her vantage is with the young by giving All that waiting sweetness face and whose of the from the "Gorden that bewitching evening to certain a of class cared know to In her and sympa8.45 am. .Lehi Junct. . 4.45 pm gentle of the hearts of thetic speak. she told Gods." They were met at the station encouragement in kindly and generous of the man was that he all disposition captivated 8.55 am Amer'n Fork 4.35 pm tones, that Croslyn son Mrs. Mr. her. knew and who and The before ever by Crosby. 9.02 am Pleas't Grove 4.28 pm notices, and by keeping morand education unelastic the would represent their side of the politi early of reserve 9.25 am H.05 pm After dinner the party assembled in al code of absence noted the Prove daughter them the cdnsequences of raissdeedB cal fence. To day, there are many who the New England states had is, arm in arm, the elder couple greet 9.44 am Spanish Fork 3.49 pm a programme of ex where the parlor 10.02 am ... Payson... 3.32 pm Rod the blessings thafe invariably fol- mourn, not hi absence, but that he cursions and sight-seeinwas arrang- impressed her with the belief that men ed the young people. The happy light 11.05 am 2.40 pm Nephi so low right conduct. wilfulry, in Mrs. Crosby's eyes and the ioy . ed to cover the few days that Croslyn who became inebriates did 11.45 am Ar ever came. Lv 2.00 pm JuaD wickedness and because of the innate 12.30 pm Lv 'i f Ar 1.30 pm business. that beamed from her face spoke of a Although the large majority jf the could spare from his or Neariy any of the" titan towns are 2.05 pm Leamington 11.55 am of she "but" their added, natures; "my suc a four days mind at rest and heart overflowing 4.05 pm ....Oasis.... 10.25 am During the three business men wi ho had been advertising own experience has taught me charity, with the of arrival the 4.50 pm In love the and Clear Lake 9.37 am Crosbys young ceeding gratitude. ' 8.00 am Ar J Mil- - Lv 6.35 pm they are inde- with The Blade, stood by it and declined he was devoted to pleasure To and your narrative has shed new light Crosby's mind there crept a vague paper, and as 8.50 am Lv ford f Ar 6.15 pin to give aid to the there were Croslvn the excursions and picnics. upon the subject. It will be interestof resentment. Was it possi pendent in politics. Those independ- others feeling 10.40 pm 5.00 am Frisco overcame to how know who furbished the necessary poli were the reverse of enjoyable. The ing your ble, he thought, that his mother had you o Arrive Leave ent papers should be permitted to ex- tical pap and the concern eked out a pre anxiety he felt was plainly visible to appetite." Mrs. become suddenly enamored with his Trains souh of Juab run daily excett Pr ercise a fair discufesion of all questions carious While Crosby was speaking, friend, Croslyn, . Mrs Crosby who noted the troubled and that too while his D AYS existence was face Two through trains daily from Salt her Without incur! rig any fear of offense, keenly being expressive eves and the absence father's fate was as yet an unsolved Lake Naturally it crippled The Blade whose expression of his to all points East. His studied o? ap by Croslyn. to dread scrutiny notices hr the "stop my editor and publisher maintained the of enthusiasm that characterized her problem? Pullman Palace Sleepers frm Through as to he proceeded, satisfy him and the young peo- peared entrance to the hotel, the Lake to Chicago the At without change V. JjaperJ' The Stttdy tit political and so- usual excellence of its service and ran the son and daughter in answer to less voice, impassioned wood who Tourist of the bade their Improved Sleepers. helped good family Hey ple HeywooJs companions Is involved paper at a loss. cial principles !'Hj-ablFree Reclining Chair her implied question. " Before contincars. on entering, young Crosby to form the pleasure party. and night, coaches. day be Elegant will to well the it heated The The human fact ith During campaign, ought was more surprised than eer when he prdref'. The Garden of the Gods, with those uing my narrative, The only line operatixicr dining car service. Blade took several high ecclesiasts of wonderful natural monuments which, way that so far as my family and the heaid his mother, At! be fully recognised" lliat consequenThe shortest aKd fastest line to all pointf to who still clung world was concerned, I was dead. I the arm of her east. the" of cturcb to dominant for task stood the their have invite and guard sentineldike, follow in ces companion, turn become causes', E. D. WICKINS, Agent, Nephi. was too proud to have those who were party into her room. was no uncaiiea-io- r door The ana, as the writer continues through untold centuries, was to com- innocent D. Ihe causes tif Jefther effects in an end- to E. share in my disgrace. It sooner closed than Mrs. Crosby, with Burley, Gen'l Agrt. Passprr. Dept.,' Mrs. Crosby the in interference programme. plete believe, unlrighteouSi Ticket Office, 201 Main st., Salt Lake. City 1 to were better, less tihalii'if causatiou just as have my a merry twinkle in her eyes, informed E. L. Loruax, thought, Gen"j Passtrr. and Ticket .A'n. the political aliairs of the people. The had become surfeited with sight-seeinfriends believe in my death, rather her son that Mr. Croslyn and she had E. Dickinson, Gen'l Mnjjr., Omaha domain of social life to excused. She would and be asked S. II. IT. Clark, "gall" that wjould Criticise the political- remain at the hotel and rest. Mark than to have them endure a living sor- been discussing the advisibility of his bf hature in the as do the f'dr Oliver W. Mink. acts of "propfcets," ,seers"and "revI reason discarded and for that dea letter to row, she had and business the that E. Ellery Anderson, deed, pleaded keeping Croslyn purely pily&ical world; $nd that eiators" was unpardonable, and notices his foreman etc. and remained in the my true name, and wandered from cided there couid be no impropriety m John W. Dojiue, Frederick R. Coudert. Ihe principles of sociology which in- - to "stop my paper" became so frequent city. place to place, as I now remember, her son. receiving even so great a gift Receivers movno in view than other with as convince! to object The Blade editor that he blude polities, religion, morality and his from The subject of the conveyance of one father. teu years ago, a few of my dwell on a story the de To third of the mining property to Crosby ing. About Ihe industries, arp bo interwoven that had become almost a social who friends me, notwith- tails oflonger respected have already be which been had discussed the and men, by Their conduct proved conclusively that Un intelligent and unbiased study of me come irksome tomay weakness, rn' persuaded standing had is unneces been the thanked by reader, warmly Croslyn religion faith and political views the a to of in while state go the entire subject is absolutely neces- their intoxication, to be man told that his for sary. It only remains young generosity; but with them on a were inseperable from the eccleslastica a to trip prospecting Pi For uniform far life in to that he senior had deterred sary progression. largely section of Arizona that is inhabited by when Milton Crosby suggested and political belief of the men thus calling his who to the of mother Denver ladies and remain in that tbe judgement reason, so long as the discussion of whom The Blade criticised, and that was 'proud-spiriteThe motive of my visit only. to averse Apaches his and with the until he Heywoods ia ori those principles carried without they the kickers could not discriminate assuming the obligations involved in friends, as I afterwards learned, was could comfortable prepare quarters in 10 gei, me away uom w e Preeu" wife Run his for and Gold partisamsni; the public has no right to between an apostle and a politician, the transaction. daughter or nquor Mrs Cro3bv iaurhiuelr reminded several gallons which for The temptation, her fai ed also to considerainto Croslyn take kick, and no one except a opportunity They were taken along to enaoie me to husband of tbe was of thick-skulle- d his. While had results the the The' young hoped fact blackwill the was tion unhappy that Blade editor political bigot oftY' as they called it. The last were "taper of last the and henceforth enjoying that people day same separation faith as that ball his local newspaper for exorcising born and reared in th trip consumed' four months, and was where he went, she would also go. the outings, he would interview Mrs. one. censors id of his ; the that proper of. incessant watchfulness and TTor iloniiinn sphere Crosby on the subject of the conveythe nrtf. rl i c tVI o'jcirnro tr" vrtia right of free speech, 1 , '' Hw.,II,t ami ' was he out of ordered revolators iritel-iectua wnc uuanjr prophets, jseers ance. Accordingly, as soon as the uauaei. So far as the usefulness and tne eder Crosby who forthwith pur- vacate to and soldiers as to the obedience and compelled by apcord artihad tents ready and chased other resjpeet necessary departed, Croslyn cne pleasure party quality of local newspapers are to tliem as the most devoted of his cen- asked worn uau we umuuvueu aim claims les .nd wh(m he returned to Go d for an interview on the subject 'concerned', the divisiod on political four However, he" could,) very was working. He of those; deed. him. received the that RuQ sors; hjs .famUv accompanied kindly likely, give lilies of the people oT Utah has bean ah more in- months were worm more lo me men rHnirllv rv-iAr- d nrfcW mmpa and better reasons for his religious and asked to be seated. AS of Arizona. and all silver cold the Id famn;ia curse. f nnrcistontlu Mr. Crosby noted the haggard exhnnnnu mitigated balief in one! hour thin the average of his as the liquor was consumed,! was declined to sell or stock them. The Not due editor. Id: 3n.. .dozed dare censors could in. a wjeek,for theirs, and pression of Croslyn's face and his em- soon A a icw n1v n!,rfnPr h nrlftrl waa his Ron anrl manner, and endeavored to torcen TO OO WllllOUt. vvimm to trench on the domain, of sociology for that the rebuke o a friend is better barrassed be place him at ease by introducing the weeks I felt the old ambition they would continue to own and mand in than a kiss of an enemy." It those The interest fear of giving offense to some I obreturning. something and her explaining that age them. subject; TIMI3 TABLE NO. 1G. censors of The Blade editor jections politician who imagines himself to of to her eon's receiying the gift rnv family, blunted by ten years of be close the Before 1890, the year. ' A was W a supreme oracieon political ques did not knDw then j perhaps they now was based on her dislike of having him sotted indulgence, awakening. the mines had produced a sufficient Effective Sunday, November 17th, 1S95. bad I of what realization full been, s, and herself same near to enable the Crosbys to erect re how sum realize those an infallible guide to the indirectly, being and of the vedrs directly tions, arid worse been had that under could ' duction obligations works; and today the roar of South. they by their unwarranted interference placed 3les3ed light of per fect political eon noted me. I came to than wasted, believnever In she addition, repay. stamps issues almost cease '"VlitionS. Could all the' country editors ia politics, pa me to disrupting the domscores of men whom L had dropping the fact came j ... , that ed Dist. tbatwhere Diet, the Crosby mill. from 2 perby prosperity inant church, and if.they do not now un- sonal exertion it would be better from N. from become wealthy and respect lessly Stations. known,had u Utah possess the inexpressible connear-b- y and the iesi Within Daily Daily ap capacious derstand the irreparable injury that was Neplii and more wisely used. Her ed while I.with eaual opnortunites,con dence dwells the queen of Milton Cros 11.45a Manti preciated 11.02s temn t for the thinVskinnedr thick- - done to 43.0 Lv. Nehpt Ar. 6f thereto Son was young and ambitious and she ttnhed an outcast from decent society, ofjhandreda fealty thej 10. 4 to household. Another aud heart 5.0 pboy "SaK ing-Si", by's 12.10p 30 headed; self conceited and ignorant fore sincerej middle aged and old believers, felt he would be successful by his own and a 10.2Ta exile from my kind- - and irl have eome to DieeS the 10.0 12.40p 33.0. "Ilolioway 10. ICS J.O Fountain Green political warts that ate' fodnd Ui every and the injury to th4 faith of thousands efforts, whereas, sudden wealth might, red and earlv associations. It seemed ion of two hearts chastened ana made 12.57p 29.0 1h.5 23.2 man Map 19.5. Draper as if a hew existence with all its 9.'3n town, as that which dwells in the heart of the your g, they ivili learn some day possibly, be his rUin. 23.5 better by the things they suffered Moroni 1.32p ii. Ida me. dawned bad upon 10.0 27.0 Mrs. of will recital viC Chester 1.42p her ifoldpossibilities takb jbut one more such the last riye years many Crosby's During During of the writer, country; newspaper men that it y.42a 35.0 8.0 . Ephrairn objections to the deed transaction. Not only did it occupy my thoughts tims of strong drink have been taken 2.22p fcre ak' ' bn the part o f liigh ecclesiasts f .15a 43.0 Lv. would cut loose from presen't unnecAr. Manti 2.45p was slowly pac- while awake, but during my slumber from the Slough of Despond and plac had and arisen Croslyn Mormon rend the to in church, twain; essary and unprofitable restraints and At the dreams crystalized into seeming real ed upon their feet by the aid and Trains leave Manti tor Sterling:, Funk's Lake ba4 probabl quenched the fires ing to and fro in front of hen Time an s demurrer; itiee with such viridness as caused the of censors of Mrs. conclusion n.h thnsft Crosby encouragrhent freely given by Morrison at 3:00 p. m., Monday's, Wednes arid abated the ; adcHmony that burned Crosljn conceded the force of her reas keenest disappointment when their kindly ' man who, by his owu elxorts,:had arid t the adependeht prd33 into merited and and smouldered ddring the last campaign oning of view, but there realising awakened me. For th first severed the toils that once bound day's and Friday's. Returning arrive from her point Manti at 6:09 p. m. perpetual obscurity: . y remarks iRv and it is sincerely jaopad they now feel was another side to the question time during, all those years, a full real hini hand and foot. Direct at Nephi with Union With" the above p'fefltory more kindly toward the BlaIJb editor which he desired to present, and if hi ization came to me of the great wrong one of the little party that, by Padlflc connections Each from and to Salt Lake City; Railway we will now proceed witfi trie subject who was conscieniibU8ly laboring for hearer would permit him, he couH 1 had done, my family in not apprising stratagem, induced Mark Croslyn to and iuterineuia Milford Butte, Provo, better present his case, in the form of them or my whereabouts and my seem leave Leadville and go with them on n hand; ; , peace and unity irk, the Church and for a West. and and all East points, pointe heartless neglect of them. Per that perilous prospecting tfip to Ari personal narrative, because the rea ihgly some on Bismal. Every I n toll gent man and woman in the f ulfillment of promise! oh the part, of sons of them were dead. Per zona, has been hunted up and hand- atop he would give were inseparably haps varf to reserves soft' not hi riffht has The Comnanv time If leaders: the oWs of n some ted is k me town that associated with his past life. Xephi dead, had haps my wire, Deheving rewarded. Such has been his from tnia Time Table at Even before she had seen Mark Cros married. The thought had ;been a Bomely pleasure .'small for more than one prosperous ened tbeifeeHng84f resentnlent, let them, that in all of Colorado there generosity of to severa! hie trouble Mrs. vacant fa Source had the iu become seats Theodoee Interested meeting lyn the during loved Crosby count the so a name Bkuback, not by rough newspaper. Each one kn'dws that one - as- - tht-o- f Pres. & Gen'l Manager, 4 little ufdr'e thinking; lu hi m through her son's reference to yeArs, but onTV the awakening it, became minersgreat-hearte- d and do butt kStiges V just W i r nn a nn n Tiiwrl Aver r r a n prosperous independent piper is InfiSalt Lake City. j between tHo ittephi some mystery: that evidently enshreud-e- d MtLTO Orosbv. The caMpetltion liv-fnJ of extent she than anrruish the better and his mental I assured Croslyn life, nitely H.S. Kkbb, Iwj starvelings " papers has contlnuedj and it is noticeable Thr-bndtym-- i xh ruinth rrtd bearing in The rtLvrDK that cartattrmroir of ex- - thttty if from no other reaion his kind- - dured. but no thought of Fetumincr to THE BLADE. in their typographical appearance, and . . I me Co-o- p o loog-continj-ue- d non-partis- ' an -- 1 SECURE THIS t COURSE i ; boa-constrict- Bin-bnk- . Book-keepin- PL.AIN-SP(MvI-:- I g N de-noume- nt. h f 1 y ed piain-wpoke- n so-calle- d to! , R' e absent-mindedne- ss e new-com- er d office-seeker- s South-bound- North-boun- d ( "j new-com- er . . 1 1 . . . . hr g j e i new-com- er . y g so-ball- ed 4 -- out-cae- t. X 1 -- d j pig-heade- d, God-give- SAN PET E , . 1 1 ; 1 - s self-appoint- pig-heade- IT ; ed apostle-politician- - . ; . self-impos- ed re-u- n- J ? . . , self-anrxJint- .; ed ' ( k J Og-den- , . i , j , , 4- m k - . - ,rtf |