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Show POPULIST. jCTTY BEAUTIFUL WIPE OP SENATOR MARION W. CUTLER. 0 LOtN MIft fjHlHBt KB Vosc Country , l'OOr Editor-ti- BBS ls abmjaot Illee t National Fan and .J I I I 5 filial BBBBBB1 I I families la Virginia, met Marlon Butler, that young man was a poor, obscure fellow who was trying to sup- port a large family of brothers and sis ters by editing a T, gantry paper 1n North Carolina. At the Miss aristocratic 4t little Imagined that she fatten ke rB Marlon np day toaM saw and HutWr lorcd, aUr in struck t one told and boldly ,24 was In what his soul. florraf exactly l loved him iiFf and for his. love ght !im I n-- Tiiey became engagea ana ner b. f)UKnt th match furiously. But f ! people purried. Ilefore the honeymoon tf 0vr Butler ran for the United States senate on the ticket of the firmer' Alliance. He was elected. jjrg Butler has the distinction of being tit wife of the youngest member of the Her husband was elected not ggte. tSsree year f o. and his election was tt gatroroe of a notable fusion the populists and the republicans. The fusionlsts divided the two tesatorhips between them and carrButler was born In ied th state, 1SS3, and was hence a senator at the age Not since the days of Henry ef 51. be-tve- ea , : , ; I j It Can Med n Great Leul of Troaklt Wlille It Lasted. When Dolby got ready to put up a ! v nature. In each tube was a small piece of whalebone, to whiqh a gilt chain was attached, and so arranged on the mousetrap principle that when the whalebone was moved a bell at the top of the apparatus was rung by means of the chain. There ere twelve leeches, so that every chance was given that one at least would sound a storm signal. The author called this apparatus the "tempest prognostlcator," a name which he preferred and I think we shall agree with him to that of atmospheric electric telegraph conducted by animal Instinct. He went on to state j vtTt uuuu. fwuiiui 1- rllKN Mlu Florence Faison, a daughter of one of the finest ' ; . : -- ug .w LEECH AU A WEATHER PROPHET f Dr. Merry weataefs Ingenious Contriw me- Experiments Seriously Made. Tht t edlclnal leech Is still left oa Che list of weather prophets, though he has no doubt had his powers exaggerated, and two books 'have been written about his behavlorj during changes of weather, says Nature. One is by Mrs. Woollams, who during a long 11nes watched a leech in a bottle and carefully noted what it did, and the other Is by a gentleman at Whitby, who came to the conclusion that the leeches could be made to give audible and useful storm warnings. So he contrived an! instrument. No one would Imagine from its appearance what its use could be. It consisted of twelve glass bottles, each containing a leech In water and arranged In a circle in order, as the humane inventor states, that the leeches may see each other and not endure the affliction of quite solitary confinement this rather reminds us of Isaak Walton, who told his pupil to put the hook into the worm "tenderly, as If he loved it." In eaeh bottle was a metal tube of a particular form, which was made somewhat difficult for a leech to enter, but into which It would endeavor somehow to creep before a thunderstorm, according to its j if I t for the winter he'sat and and smiled and reflectedTfor a thought long time. Then he went over t- - a carpenter shop and had a long andN confidential talk with the carpenter. When it was concluded,, both grinned and patted each other on the back. "There'll be more fun than a. horse kin draw!" chuckled Dolby. "Betcher life!" cackled the carpen- storm-doo- r "It'll aid the cause of temperance." "And work for moral reform." "And cause men to reflect on the seriousness of life." "And rip and tear and cuss." When the door was hung in place there was a sign out of "Pull." The meaning was so obvious that a child could catch on. The idea was to take hold of the handle and pull the door open. There was a peculiarity about the hinges of that door, and the sign was fastened on so that it could be detached in five seconds, but with that the public had nothing to do. The carpenter had scarcely departed when along came an eminent citizen who had business with Dolby. He took a good look at the storm door. He spelled out the sign pull. Then he stepped up and pushed on it pushed, and pushed, and pushed, and because he could not push his way in he called Dolby an ass, an idiot and lots of other gentle and endearing names. He was so mad that he went away, but he hadn't gone two blocks before his guardian angel whispered to him that all storm doors should be pulled instead of pushed. He had been hasty about the matter, and he felt chagrined that so small a thing should have put him out. He, therefore, decided to return. Old Dolby knew he would come back, and he, therefore. took a pin out of the top hinge and substituted the sign of "Push" for "Pull." When the eminent citizen returned and pulled on that door It wouldn't come his way. He was angered until he saw the sign. Then he demanded of himself: "Am I blind? Am I drunk? Am I a idiot? Am I such a dolt that I can't tell the difference between 'push' and 'pull?' Now, by the beard of my father, but I am wroth! Old Dolby can take his storm door and go to Ballyhack with it, and I will do business with him no more!" And for weeks and weeks it was the same way with others. The young man who wanted to ask Dolby for his daughter's hand in marriage pulled thedoor open all right, but, being too ear"P-u-1-- 1,' ed iffRt wlm 1 IIP' lit aai St r. f 111 I j j . ATT r in his little hook that he could, if required, mak a small leech ring the great bell of St. Paul's in London as a signal of an approaching storm. The book is written in all seriousness, and a number of jletters are appended from old. gentlemen who certify that correct atmospheric indications were at various times given y the leeches. The name A. W. TERRELL. of the inventor of this ingenious conTht American Minuter to the Capital was Dr. Merryweather himtrivance of the Mahomedans. a learned leech. self Alexander W. Terrell, the American minister to Turkey, has been a very Why Oysters Suffer from Drought. busy man of late. It is said, that duriAn intelligent Claiborne oyster packng the heat of the recent disturbances er gives these as the reasons why the within the domain of the "unspeak able" he has been on terms of intimate oysters are so poor at this time: "First thO excessive droughts of the friendship with the porte. Mr.Terrell summer and fall, and, second, the singular fact, jthat this year, particularly since the beginning of summer, the Chesapeake! tides have been extremely moderate, not more than eighteen inches between high and low water any time at the miximum. As the oyster is stationary and cannot go in pursuit of food, the! food must be brought to the oyster. Hdavy rains sweeping down from the. uplands over the oyster bottoms bring! food, so ddes the agitation of the waters by rains, windstorms and . a young gray- beard He had Just in the senate. reached the constitutional age of 30 then he was elected. He and his wife live in a on Q street in house pretty a have and Washington, girl ten months yy Blw jib. it-wi- ly, he walked around the block. When he returned) he pulled and tugged and sweat his collar in vain ,and finally got so mad that he consigned old Dolby and his daughter to a climate where ice becomes water in ten minutes. The man who wanted to borrow $10 of Dolby opened the door, and hesitated, and skated around to get his nerve up. When he returned the door would not open, though he disintegrated his suspenders in pulling. The man who read "Pull" as he went up the street found "Push" staring him in the eyes as he returned, and he dodged around a corner to see if he was too drunk to walk a line. Canvassers, and solicitors and tramps got knocked out by that door until they dodged across the street in passing, and old Dolby chuckled and cackled and laughed till his weight increased twenty pounds. But one day he looked out to see a grim and determined man standing before the place. It was- - a man who had tried a hundred times to get past that door to sell Dolby a hat-racHe had always found "Push" and "Pull" so badly mixed up that he couldn't work the door. Now he had desperation in his eyes and a screwdriver in his hand. He pulled and he pushed, and he finally struck it. Then he held the door open with his knee, unscrewed the hinges, and taking the outfit on his shoulders, he walked off up the street and on and on until lost sight of In the misty distance. By and by the police pursued, but they were too late. On the bank of a turgid river they found "Pull" and '"Push," and, floating on the stream, a storm-doobut the and determined man, still clutchinggrim his screwdriver, rested in the ooze of the bottom, with a smile of triumph on his pallid face. Detroit Free Press. k. inches and will take care of twenty-eigeggs. It is an incubator and costs only $6.00. This wooden hen is made by George H. Stahl, Quincy, 111. If you want to find out more about it before you buy-onwrite to Mr. Stahl for catalogue "W," which gives a full description, and mention this paper. It is 10x15x8 ht . e A woman being asked why husbands quit their wives, said it was because courting other men did it so much nicer. WHERE DID YOU GET THIS COFFEE? Had the Ladies' Aid Society of oui Church out for tea, forty of them, and all pronounced the German Coffeeberry equal to Rio! Salzer's catalogue tella you all about it! 35 packages Earliest vegetable seeds $1.00 post paid. If you will cut this out and send with 15c. stamps to John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., you will get free a package of above great coffee seed and our 148 page catalogue! Catalogue alone w.n. 5a. In the bachanal days of Rome men's faces were often crimsoned with drink, and even the gutters were flushed with wine. Hall's Family Pills, the-spiin- g be Newli.'GnIch. easily, quickly and conveniently reached on and after February 10th. On that date the Newlin's Gulch Transfer Company will establish daily stage service between Parker's Station (on the Gulf road miles south of Denver) and the twenty-thre- e new gold camp, which is now conceded to have gold placer mining property ranking with the very best in Colorado. Many practical miners say it surpasses they have ever seen. anything Kates quoted and stage tickets sold by agents of the Gulf road at Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Trinidad and other important stations. B. L. WINCHELL, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Denver, Colo. May It nn nnrw Wmtj n a y A A A A A A j SMOKE YOUR MEAT NO AGENTS WE HAVEL direct to the s, "du sell cob. snip anywhere for examh. ation before sale. Erery. thin warranted. W styles . understanding nature of the many phys.HatMM, styles KU1C 84. ical ills, which vanish; before proper efWrite for catalogs. forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts ELKHART CARRMGK Ril. KK88 MG. CO., is comfort in rightly directed. There SUOUKT, B. W. . KB. Pratt, Secy. the knowledge, that, so many forms of sickness are not due to- any actual disE. E. BURLING AME'S ease, but simply to a constipated condition of the system,, which the pleasant ICAL of Pigs, prompt- ASSAY OFFICE family laxative, Syrup RY ly removes. That is. why it is the only Established In Colorado, 1866. Samples by mail be remedy with millions ofsofamilies, and is express will receive prompt and careful attentioai everywhere esteemed highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial GOLD AND SILVER BULLION Refined, Melted and Assayed or Purckased. effects are due to the fact, that it is the on remedy which promotes internal Address. 1736 and 173& Lawrence SL, DENVER, COLO cleanliness without debilitating the vm. aoes nan cite organs on which- it acts. It is therefore windmilla jJKMoiTiit business, because It has reduced thewonai cost of to IO what It was.. It has tony brandi all important in order to get its bene- Wtod power a nwta RimnliAa nouses, r and if note ficial effects, to when you pur4?'-t your door. It can and does lurmehi chase, that you have the genuine arti- better article for less money than others. It makes Pumpinc and cle, which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. fUl ,Af and fixed steel Towers, steel noxa Saw If in the enjoyment of good health, T 3 Grinders. On application it will name one and the system is regular, laxatives or a 1 of these articles that it will furnish until 1st at 13 the usual It also makes other remedies are then not needed. If January and Pumps of all kinds. price. Send for catalogue. afflicted with any actual disease, one Tanks Factory! 12ui, Rockwell and Fillmore Streets. Chicate. may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, company pays the freight one should have the best, and with the Onththeir bow steal horse Mm. Will hoist 25 ton of rock 800 feet each shift. With 1 - -- - . m. , Z4L. ' ... everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. well-inform- ed 1 ornamenting It recently occurred to Tiffany & Co., the New York jewelers, to ornament a bicycle elaborately with gold, silver, and precious stones, believing that some wealthy customer would esteem so handsome a mount. They preferred to pay $J00 each for as safe Ia endreUabl as an engine It can be packadjust anywhere a jacK can ga sso cog Wheels et elatchea to break. 90 per cent, ia wrought iron and teel and will bend before breakijac.i Orer 850 in use. some running years without one dollar'a axMnia. Wo Knr. 16 100 il2t I V hoists at prioee, $25, 50,nk I 1 liitnuiiiiiiliuit'tilaiiinf perfectlya safe toto go to a dentist's shop and call him his teeth, if the denliar tist isn't in. free by Dr. Kline's Grea t FITS All Fits Nerve Restorer.stopped No FJtsafter the nrsttlay's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and $2 trial bottle free t j Fit cases, bend to Dr. Kline,931 ArchSt.,Phila.,Ia. A hangman who wished to conceal his vocation said he was traveling for a suspender company. If the Baby Is cutting Teeth. Be sure and use that old and remedy, Mrs. and on up. Send for an illustrated circular to THI k Soothing Stfp for Children Teethino-- 1 0 Dia Ferry's Seed Annual icycles y dangerTonic of Parker's Ginger reviving best overcome properties these Ills. perifage ggj is ram 56-co- l. st. jaccbs w and gardeners wxi dooks. Mailed Trhigh priceu . FEBBT 0. than-man- y DETROIT, SUCH. CO., ASTHMA For their purpose to using any Grip, Bronchitis, Coughs and Severe Cold Kutnow's other make of & wheel.Theremust be no question of Powder & Cigarettes Anti-Asthmatic Highly recommended and prescribed by prominent v rlle ror aiuaDie literature, x k&Bj. Sir ih package has our quality in a bicycle selected for such ornamentation. Therefore they chose Columbias STANDARD OF THE WORLD Trade-mar- aud sig oature. lt If youi druggist refuses to get them for you apply direct to KUTNOW BROTHERS, 54 Lafayette Place New York City. Sample packages of Powdsp or Cigarettes 25o. eaca. 52 A. Unequalled. Unapproached. Beautiful Art Catalogue of Columbia and Hartford Bicycles is free if you call upon any Columbia agent ; by mall from us for two stamps. POPE lvlANLTACTURING CO. Factories and General Offices, Hartford, Conn. Branch Stores and Agencies in almost every city and town. If Columbias are not properly represented in your vicinity let us know. LIVE MEN WANTED. ASK YOU DEALER FOR OUCLAS SHOEfor BESv7oDTHe, s3. If y6u pay 84 to ISO ex- shoes, s3. amine the W. L. Dougjas Shoe, and see what a good shoe you can buy for OVER IOO STYLES AND WIDTHS, CONGRESS, BUTTON, and LACE, made in all kinds As agents for Howard's popular made to Prices Rock Bottom. Goods orderclothmg. sell at sight with large profit. Kxpensive Outfits, now and Spring Sample furnished free upon application.ready No experience required. of the best selected lb., elf Ul.l nr A luailwif iI make and sell more 4& Shoes $3 HOWARD TAILORING CO., VAN IUMN T.. CHICAQO. than HFTM AVB. Mention paper. nnv other manufacturer In the world. HAYDEN r BR0S, Ac-e- n ts anyone Fendina; $9.00 for nine subscriptions to the "TtolinnatAV , " thn . vii movttnlnA faohlAn o.mxavaaa vuv DfonoiH ditional subscription free. Write iunaiiUlC, for catalogue of vv.-uvwt- A Spring Fashions Free. WntRt ALL ELSE rAILS. Best iJough Syrup. Tastes (Jood. Use in time. Sold by druggists. "fer - It may sound like an anomaly, but the man discovered in crookedness is in a strait. Ma-Influences Combl e t Reduc health to the limit. he liUITK well begun Is half done. Begin iwou oji Keiuug rerrys seeds. mjkju. lei cuauce ueiermine crop, out plant Ferry's your eeeas. Known and sold everywhere. Before you plant, get , well-trie- d MTinslow's "sMH"Ei?ret s:::::: Is child-comra- Co-i- Gladness Comes of the a better paper has an article on jAn agricultural cows. A man who is mean enouprli kicking to go around kicking cows without just provocation, isn't too good for biting horses. mwmm - tTowth Merer Paile to Be.ri Hair to it. Youthful CMatf Wc., and i l.OQ t rrr,nJ?t" 25c. Man i batu. a luxuriant promote eemmon-aens- e Deafness Can Not Be Cured By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When the tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists; 75c. ob-ifn- ed . HAIR Clwm. and DALGAM 1 s, ble DWt Cnred la lo' STEPHENS, Lebanon, Ohi. - r, im-JSsJ- J?5ln UK. J. ,;!, ll Some, one has discovered that the thinkers of the world were short men. great Some of them could get pretty high occasionally It Wouldn't Come His Way. ,,:!-.;:.,- . currents. It Is difficult for a drinking man to hold his breath; It is generally too strong for him. "In our waters the tides produce the on Knows How It Is currents and it can easily be seen that 'erycoras, to suffer with and they are not conducive to graceful walking. Remove them with Hindercorns. when the ildes rise and fall three feet a much stronger current is produced Napoleon had his double, so had ton. A boy's double is a green apple.Wellingthan whenj only at eighteen inches. Two or three heavy rains, some violent I know that my life was saved by Piso's Cure for Consumption. John A. Miller, Au water from windstorms stirring up the Sable, Michigan, April 21, 1895. tol MINISTER bottom and a succession of surface If there are souls in the cork tree I3 appointed by President Cleveland strong tides would soon fatten the oysmust have a cork sole. trees, ters. Were tho' oysters fat there would Irritation of the Throat and Hoarseness be enough In our waters for the seaare immediately relieved by "Brown's BronLow chial Troches." Have them always ready. son's demknd. In their present condiTemperature In Chemistry RaOUl PictPt whrt haa Anna much tion, if it remains so, there will not be. A Nook In the Woods. .Always has a pryor engagement the crowiginal chemical work at low temper-;e- When a packer gets an order now for. While still not far in the woods we bar. suggests that by making use of 100 gallons of oysters it will take 175 came to a dear, hospitable nook! under Peratures syntheses may be bushels tc fill It, whereas, if they were a L projecting bank, where a tinkling which would be otherwise in prime condition, 100 bushels would spring, descending to meet a quiet In many chemical operations do it Baltimore Sun. stream, kept the mosses green, though generated so raises the general fcperature of the bodies acted upon it was so near frosty December. As Sunday Observance. contro1 we listened to the gentle music of over the combination is St The American Sunday should be re if. -. tsery low temperatures, how- garded as' a day of rest. The wheels of "tinkle, tinkle" the same notes . du chemical action ceases.. By came repeated from a distance to us. industry should be Closed, and the day We had S1ag the there-reac- t! to think twice before we deright temperature, should be spent in rest, recreation and cided that what we heard was the 'All mankind should unite in prayer. sheep-bell- s fiiilllli ANTIDOTE of in a pasture some sound - male as slow as desired. By this offering tip their hearts to God in praise fields away. Then we said that, for ins taat Pictet has effected citizen throughlisten who adoration. Every those well, the various and are impossible at ordinary out America should identify himself voices in nature both living and un"Peratures. voices have much that is In OIL. with the American Sunday. We are conscious and sweet d common; my to but opto celebrate, not called upon j r,tth Columbia and Italy. g. of the European told me how she hada once heard a . Charles Tupper recently said that pose the! celebration singing ljke running brook Christians should vigor sparrow a he perched on a willow branch close CRIPPLE CREEK SFSKft vegetation of all kinds much Sunday. All even the siigntest introbv! "When the Leaves Are Gone,'' by with our big taivaneed in Victoria, British a ously oppose paper 3 mos. for 25c. hi Amerin M. Thomas in St. Nicholas. Edith Sunday the Illustrated of foreign A ?ril than in stamps. duction Weekly, Denver. Cola on the Italy Mark. te in the Father Rev. ica. following year. . . - ies during the past three years, and the rapid advancement of civilization and Christianity in those territories during that time, leave the outlaw no longer a resting place on this continent. Beautiful cities, rich valleys and the rolling prairies of that country now teeming with an industrious and enterprising class of people take the place where such bands were roaming at will only a few short years ago. The people of that territory have as little to fear from any further outrages from such a source as those in the east, and such is the result of favorable legislation, backed up by the courage, push and enterprise of the American people. has there been such 21ay II. The Passing: of the Outlaw. The wonderful strides of development in Oklahoma and Indian Territor- MRS. MARION W. BUTLERi 12' " ; ter. full-fledg- ft rib. WUULJtilM HEN. We have heard of wooden hoi sea and wooden ducks, but a wooden hen is something- new under the sun and Its purposes are different from those of either of the other wooden animals mentioned. It Is not a toy, it will please a boy. It is a hen,though at least hatch chickens from hens eggs. 1 Ij"" ft HA ffl STEEL WB None genuine unless name and price is stamped on the bottom. Ask your dealer for our 85, Shoes-.50- , 84, $3.50, 82.50, 8.25 a and 81.75 for boys. ' TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. If your dealer cannot supply you, send to factory, enclosing price and 36 cents to pay carriage. State kind, of toe (cap or plain), size style and width. Our Custom Dept. will fill your order. Send for new Illus trated Catalogue to Box K. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton. t " r mm PICKET FENCE. CABLED t r r lr r 1 ' 1 FIELD 1 AND Mass. r 4r r t r 1 1 HOG 1 i FENCE. Alao lAJiLHU POILTRV, OABUKM AM HAK BIT FESCK. We manufacture a complete ine of Smooth Wire Fencing and guarantee every article to be as represented. If you consider quality we can save roxx money. Cata' o;ue free. De Kalb Fence Co., A W7A7 mm P 3 h5t 121 High 1Lb. .ll. rf&L 35 Packages EarliestVegetable Seeds, postpaid, 81.00. f I I Have often seen seed come up poor and sickly, without les 1, J sufficient vitality to produce a crop, that was an son that Door seeds produce poor crops, but when object you plant scene or Salter's Northern-Grow- n the Seeds for changes as farm, if by magic. Instead of poor yields garden crops rousing crops, you at once get that will gladden your heart and till your purse, for Balzer's Seeds are full of life, full of vigor, full of producing qualities. 1 IN GOLD PRIZES. of Silver Mine We pay this on$400 Oats, Barley, and Corn. 209 bushels rize in 189o. You can (Nameless Beauty) Oats grown on one acre won the pNo more hard times if beat thatl It is the greatest Oat of the century. Grass and Clovers you bow a plenty of Salzer's Barley, Oats, Potatoes, Have you tried TeosJnte, Sacaline, Giant Spurry and Giant German Clover? Catalogue tells all about these odder Plants. SPLENDID VEGETABLES. sorts. Everything cheap. Onion Seed "Lame selections, 25c. 1.000,090 Roses. Plants and lOpkts:Slower at 906 K"nd 4c.7or Siartret Gardener s Wholesale LAstH PLEASE CUT OUT THE FOLLOWING AND SEND IT With. 10c in stamps to John A. Salzer Seed, Co., La Crosse, Wis., and get free umre; uu ar.iios. their great catalogue ana m pa: w 1 Quick-Growi- 1wy va, EJ M V irsi i 'a M aa u w z wwf I m, ng |