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Show FOB WOMAN ANP HOME i FPU READING DAMES AND DAMSELS INTERESTING Smiti tmr Uttle Chlldreu-f-Prott- y tieomta Becoming the Kge drlco to Girl Household Hints. in better form ithan a black broadcloth coat and skirt with a waist of light apple-gree- n taffeta, lining of the same in jacket and skirt, and a green taffeta petticoat to match. For this suit Is made a very short jacket for the street, with little fan plaitings in the back that disclose the green lining. The front has stitched revers and collar, and all the seams are strapped to a point just below the waist line. The skirt of eight or nine gores may be strapped down the seams or in two bands around the foot. The silk waist is a very full blouse with tucked yoke Iront, turned over collar, and bishop sleeves; bias bands and bows of the silk are the only trimming. The petticoat is made in the way just described, and the lining of the cloth skirt has no balayeuse. res-- AkU from Iljtty Green , HE hat and muff are tbie principal parts of the street toilette for our small girls who are If big enough to walk. The cloak is of but seemingly little importance, so that these iwo articles ars in1 the latest mode. A tiny little exlady may be made to look like an black of quisite picture in a huge hat beaver, as shiny as satin and as black as coal, wired and bent to droop artistically about the innocent baby face and glossy baby hair. The hair should, to complete the artistic tout ensemble, be beautifully brushed and arranged in aft bunches of curls on the pretty fore-beaand tied with love knots of baby ribbon, usually white, though with a black hat, black knots of ribbon may be used effectively. To carry out the effective picture in black, this small coquette may have an empire cloak of Clossy black satin, very thick and beavy, or of beautiful Lyons velvet in black, with huge bishop sleeves and edged fluttering butterfly collarette, all of eralso A muff, with ermine. big the throat by a mine, is fastened about wide ribbon of white or black satin. Scarlet is very effective for such a eostume. One very recently worn by a tiny, hazel-eye- d lady had ia full cloak f clear cardinal red, heavily ribbed d, d can buy a parcel of land at its appraised value. I regard real estato A ROYAL AMERICAN. investment as the safest means of investing idle money. It does not . a! MU RAT'S GRANDMOTHER WAS ways bring a steady interest, but it is, A YANKEE. less likely to depreciate in value than4 stocks, which are always somewhat uncertain. A woman with tact and ability' This Relative Was Also a 'Haw Jersey will be on the alert to learn of a mort-- j School Ma'am Recent Death of the gage about to be foreclosed. In such a Sonne Man Recalls Many Historical cases she should negotiate with the Incidents. owner of the property, and give him HERE was Amerienough to clear his debt, thus saving can blood in the him the costs of a sale. Many a woman of young veins an of has profited by this opportunity Prince Louis Nakind. Of course, if a woman has $500 cash and wishes to speculate she may poleon Murat, who more out has just succumbed branch broadly and take to fever while servgreater risks, with the prospect ot greater returns. But she should bear ing as orderly officer to Gen. estate is in mind that real the collateral to be preferred to all others." the commaone-thir- RELIGION OF THE ARMENIANS. They Say Their Ancestors Were" Christians 1,300 Tears ago. Armenians claim that, their ancestors were Christians before the end of the first century of our era; says the Con-gregational- ; How things change with the times! Not long ago it was the skirts which bore all the extravagances of decoration, and now it is the bodice upon which our elaborations are put. This is an outcome of the bodice being worn of different material from the skirt, and is, after all, a pretty fashion. An exceedingly chic gown for afternoon wear, calling, the matinee, etc., is a mixture of rose color and black, full of small silver flecks and dashes. The skirt is one of the nine-gore- d creations, with a multitude of flapping godets, and beautifully fitted hips, the whole interlined with fiber chamois, and again with dull, taffeta. The bodice is a affair of creamy white round small, broadcloth, fitting the form perfectly, with a smooth fitting jacket of rich black lace, in a very heavy pattern, cut away in graceful curves to simulate a pretty yoke. An embroidered pattern in gold sequins and tiny mock garnets decorates this opening, making a very rich effect on the white groundwork. The sleeves are especially smart,with enormous puffs directly at the shoul- lead-color- ed nder-in-chief of the French expedition in Madagascar, says the New York World. For his grandfather, Prince Lucien Murat, after having jilted King Joseph Bonaparte's daughter. Princess Charlotte, married that young lady's handsome governess, a Miss Fraser of Philadelphia. This of course entailed a quarrel with the who at the time was living at Bordentown, N. J., and the newly married couple were left to their own devices, the first eighteen years of their married life being full of strange vicissitudes, their children being born amid downright want and something akin to starvation. Thus they were left in such straits for money that Prince Lucien was actually forced to accept employment as the driver of a milk wagon in Trenton, while his wife eked out a scanty, subsistence as a Removing Tan and Freckles. Mamie B. is a little girl twelve years old, who finds some tan and freckles on her face, and want's the editor to tell her how to remove them. Answer: Tan and freckles are a growth in the skin, and are developed by light and heat, principally by sunlight. Some persons are much more- troubled with them than others. Delicate complexions are usually most susceptible. There are several things that will remove freckles, but they are not very safe to meddle with. Ten drops of carbolic acid in thirty drops of glycerine is said to be good. It must be applied only to the dark spots. It cures by burning the skin, which afterward comes off, leaving a mark that finally disappears. The best remedy for such annoyances as tan and freckles is to wear a hat or sunbonnet. The spots frequently disappear in winter, and if one is careful to keep the face shaded there wijl be very little trouble. Lemon juice sometimes removes tan, and buttermilk is said to be excellent for this purpose. ex-kin- - g, schoolma'am. Of course, the coup d'etat at Paris and the ascent of Napoleon to the throne changed all this, and on Prince Lucien's return to France with his American wife he was gratified with , the title of prince and granted a handsome allowance by the emperor. Of his three children one is the duchess de Mouchy, who for so many years was the chief friend and confidante of Empress Eugenie. Another was Prince Joachim Murat, formerly a general in the French army, and who was engaged for a time to Miss Caldwell of Washington, while the third, Prince Achille, famous for the duel which, while a young lieutenant of hussars, he fought at Marseilles with the colonel of his regiment, the Marquis de Galliffet, married a lovely and wealthy Armenian of the illustrious family of Dadian, who brought him vast estates in Russia. Prince Achille, who had been born in New Jersey, and who, like his brother and sister, spoke French with an THE CURRENT TOPICS CLUB. p American accent, committed suicide a few months ago while in Russia, and his young son, who held a commission of sublieutenant in the Twenty-fift- h regiment of French dragoons, has now .followed him to the grave. beautifully lined with squirrel skins and wonderfully warm. The monstrous sleeves are topped by fly- -j away capes of the silk, made double fori stiffness, and edged with silvery chin- chilla fur. The hat is an enormous one of silky beaver in scarlet, trimmed with a lot of floating scarlet plumes. The pera length stockings, worn by so many, of the little maids, are a wonderful protection from the cold, and a improvement to those which merely covered the knees, leaving a space between the little drawers and stockings perfectly bare. Silk mittens are almost universally worn, to the exclusion of kid gloves, for mothers are more sensible than they were a few years ago,1 and look very much to the comfort of their little ones. de-'cid- ed ders, and loosely wrinkled lower arms to the wrist, where a deep cuff of broadcloth, edged with Russian turns back nearly to the elbow. lynx, A flaring collar of the lynx sets up smartly about the face. With this gown was carried a huge muff of Russian lynx, decorated with a huge bunch of violets at one side. The hat worn with it was extremely swell and very simple. It was broad of brim, flaring up a bit at one side, and faced underneath with shining black beaver. The outside felt was a dull, rosy-hue- d beaver. The crown was artistically draped into the form of roses, with rich Persian silk mauve and in shades of rose-gree- n lace-cover- ed Petticoats Made to Match. Tailor gowns are restored to much of their pristine importance now that dressmakers as well as tailors consider broadcloth the most fashionable woolen fabric of the season. And the tailors have made a new and charming adjunct to the cloth gowns in a silken petticoat matching the silk of which the only waist of the dress is made, and also matching the silk lining of the coat and skirt of cloth Such pretty petticoats are a perfect comfort to womanly women, who begin to fear that Vila ocj contQllxr . fAmtnino rn rm n What Ik Japan Going to Do? The future of American manufactures is, according to all accounts, menaced by Japanese agents who are bidding for trade at prices far below anything that our owa artisans can turn out. They offer bicycles of the very best grade at twelve dollars, matches at figures that would shut down every match factory in the United States; all sorts ot wooden ware, including house-fitting- s, such as doors, sashes and blinds, are offered at forty to fifty per cent less than we can make them. The agents of Japanese factories have placed immense orders in San Francisco, and are coming East to bid for trade in cities all the way from the Pacific to the Atlantic. They are able to undersell everything in the market. It is a well understood fact by experts in Japanese goods that their metal Is of a very high grade and would be gradually ousted by the much talked of knickerbockers, riding tights, etc. But Its frou-fro- u Is too attractive to be given up, and, moreover, the new feklrt has some new features, such as long shallow scallops at the foot, to make it fall in easily with the curved folds of the cloth skirt and yet retain its In the sixteenth century the Jesuits succeeded in creating a schism in the church and a new organization called catholic Armenians. This movement resulted in severe persecutions bys the Turkish government, till the middle of the eighteenth century, on petition of the catholics, Peter the Great of Russia, took the Armenian church under his care, and since that time its official head has had his residence in the dominion of the czar. There are two other officials bearing the title of cathol-icoalso patriarchs at Constantinople and Jerusalem. s, SETTLED THE DIFFICULTY. After Cussing Each Other the Two "Good Friends. "Cussin' out" used to be one of the Became ways of settling controversies in the Ozark country, says the St. Louis It originated with old Uz Findley and John Carter. TheUz Find-ley- s took came from Georgia. Old wherand in a great interest politics ever he went he was followed by a venerable negro named Bosen, whose duty it was to steer his master home when he needed help. At one of the early elections old Uz and John Carter became very angry at each other. It looked as if nothing but a fight could settle"' the issue between, them, when suddenly old Uz shouted: "Mr. Carter, stand and be cussed." Carter removed his hat, walked out and j about ten paces from the crowd told old Uz to go ahead. Findley removed his hat and walking out in front of Carter said, with deliberation and emphasis: "Mr. Carter, if this earth was one piece of parchment and the sea one basin of ink and every quill upon earth was one quill and I had the power to use that quill, that parchment and that ink, I would fall f.hort, sir, of being able to describe the corruption of your Globe-Democr- that their k . at. Was 125 Years Old. A man who claimed to h STB coor ment. eligible Large shipments of dried canaigre root, the substitute for bark in tanning, are being sent from Arizona to j Washington, and really believed tha he had, no matter how other folks treatlish walnut meats, cut in small pieces; ed his assertion, died last week in Europe. cover with nice mayonnaise dressing; Baker County, Ga. He was a In Norse mythology all persons who negra cut bread In fancy shapes, round, known as Jim Hall, and of old age are consigned to hel die T to square, triangular, and spread with the 125 years old. There is reputed no doubt' lie (one "1"), a region of perpetual mist mixture. Set in a cool place until was an exceedingly old man. He used and fog. to declare he had driven his master ready for serving. New York proposes stopping Lillian H. Boiled potatoes should be; to the polls for General Washington vagrants in the station houses housing on the served with boiled fish; also cucumbers on the occasion of his first election ground that it menaces health and enor watercress, and an entree of jelly. as president. He was in every way courages vagabondage) 7 cer-A o'clock dinner Is Annie T. honest, and worked, supporting himArizona twill produce $10,000,000 of to the too the late time hi& little up of self, for, death. who folks, tainly gold this year, as against $4,000,000 last should be In bed at that time. Why not year, according to the: estimate of the This Reporter Is a Hero. serve a light dinner at 5, consisting of, of the territory. A Philadelphia reporter who had a governor say, such things as are already, pre--, An aerolite which recently fell in pared for the later dinner, as soup and tip that a patient in a New Jersey Australia had a spot on one side nearly insane asylum :had died from punish- twelve inches in diameter which was salads, with a chop or two. by his keepers secured Puree of mushrooms. Chop fine five ment inflicted of pure copper. to admission the asylum as a lunatic, composed or six mushrooms; put on in a stewpan, Not more than one criminal In 1,000 the evidence that has sent with one ounce of butter a little salt, and gathered sentenced for life, or ninety-nin- e years, of the keepers to the penitentiary pepper, and chopped onion. ' Cook un- two fourteen by the courts of the United States, for years. til it pulps, then add an dunce of bread serves more than twenty years. crumbs; then strain liquor from the" Troth and Brief. Nearly thirty years ago the' Danish oysters and add one ounce of chopped When man makes a religion he tr.es island of St. Thomas voted on the queslean hampr tongue and a little chopped, to make one that will let him stay mean tion of annexation to the United States parsley. Let it come to a boil and use. &t4 still respect himself. Ram's Flora. a&d approved it by 1,244 to 22. ( white, while at one side tumbled a lot Altogether the abundance of the gay of glossy black plumes. silk, usually in contrast to the color of Advice from Hetty Green. the cloth, greatly enhances the good looks of the severe tailor-mad- e A New York reporter a day or two gown. At the top five breadths of taffeta are ago interviewed Miss Hetty Green, "the richest woman in America," regarding deep, doing away with all superfluous the best way to invest small tsums of fullness around the hips, and neatly money. Mrs. Green said: decorated with rows of feather stitch"I would advise any woman with $500 ing. The foot is trimmed with two or at her command to Invest It in real esthree narrow bias frills, pinked on one tate. She should buy the real, estate edge and headed by an inch-wid- e ruche at auction or on occasions when circumpinked on both edges. stances have forced the sale. If she will For morning and afternoon shopping, watch for such an opportunity it will Criving or coaching, nothing can be surely come, and she will find that she 1 , ! Is ,eriat to the merchant. Ctas. F. '.cMi. RANGES Lower Sevier and ; Sink of Beaver., . Addreas: Z ft V Utah. Oaale, - ?;f X' Jno Dewsnnp Li pper slit in under slit right, fife aft qp ' - V. TZK'H-TT-'Jn"-- . , , f - ' A '- De8eret, Utah ;'G14'C Under itt rt.KK under I si i .4 .J6aJWT u :vri.-.r.J- t & .. u J If Mountains and Lower Sevier. Addre ft. U iiiyV a;:1 d1"? &1 , . it luwuiiLttins sh ma .i m ScTier. Addreea, Deseret, Out Horse m I Join Gruuf-- r Qii i)oit.t' RANGE: Hoiim ." Mountain !erielr. anV Lower Address, Oasis, Utah. uTerson Brn Breeriara ..a dealer tn Short horn Durhat, Horses brand thigh. tatt'tt- - it Iff tj''rj! im.-f"- between Mil;' lngton. Address, ear. Ruitb Sevier rhi nail, aim illUUQUjlDL on the U. P. iij and Lena! eamiEgton, Millard Co., UiaL &ch AB ii J mi Mini Parley Horses same brand on left Cattle thigh. c lose crop in teft ftjpd slit in rig at WW enr. Tj o w e Range, r Sevier, address, Des- - sret, Utah. L en left ttk tame brand ei lift hip ef cattle. Raiff Willow Spring, Address, F. J. MM, Fisk Springs, Juab County, Utai O T on left thici,. double swallst fork In left Ran ere, Lever Mr. IV Oasis, Ulllara Oa rier. Aidmi Chris. TMip Utaa. Hark, slit y two tBte ear. Sum right aid In eft brand en lilt shoulder onaorw P. N. Petersea, Address, Osito Utah, Range, Iw er Serier. Same left tMft on Hones. s, i straight edge. MIs-souria- ns e, ' Some Timely Recipes. . Walnut sandwiches. One pound Eng- t Com-minge- lri!iu ! - is accurate almost to perfec tion. J will be necessary for Congress1 to take some stringent measures to shut off this deluge of Japanese wares if our own factories are to be able to continue In business. This is a startling state of affairs, and one that demands the immediate attention of our law makers. wood-wor- :, " n, : w publish brands under,, yearly ooaf DcH aomtnftl Drlco. The advantage to the atockraisni. , larlzln? me pu duo witn hi brand . are to well known to need attention ir!b the stockman as raluable as an adv.. U baptized persons. Prince Louis Murat's death serves to draw attention to the revival among the titled classes of France of the taste for foreign adventure so conspicuous two centuries ago, and to the existenc of which in those days France owed th possession of her then magnificent colonial empire. Thus, the due d'Uzea died a couple of years ago while engaged in the exploration of the Congo valley in central Africa; Prince Henri d'Orleans, son of the due de Chartres, is engaged in the exploration of Central Asia; the due d'Estissac died while sheep farming in Australia; the prince de Conde, son of the due d'Aumale, likewise died in the antipodes. Young soldiers bearing the illustrious names of old heart, sir." Carter never said a word, but stood De Gontaut-BiroFitzjames, MacMahon, have won crosses with uncovered head- until Uz was of the Legion of Honor and medals on through. Then he said: "Mr. Findley, the battlefields of Cochin China and stand, sir, until I cuss you." Old Uz Tonquin, while the marquis de Galliffet, bowed his head and Carter said: "Mr. the marquis de Massa, and Count Ar- Findley, had I all of the talents ever thur Lauriston, the fidus achates of the produced in Europe and America comfamous viveur, the due de Grammont-Caderouss- bined in solid phalanx and was to unearned their spurs and dertake to speak of you I would then their stripes on the battlefields of fall short of describing the corruption of your old heart, sir." Mexico. This settled the difficulty. The two How and Why It Rains. men resumed friendly relations. The Rain, says the St. Louis Republic, is custom of that "cussin out" was thus an accumulation of the tiny particles introduced in the Ozark country. of the vapor of the atmosphere into drops. These drops, first small sized, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. attract others of their kind and become drops of such magnitude that they fall Jerusalem has over 135 saloons. to the earth because of their weight. There are living at the present time There is a limit to the quantity of over thirty men who have tried to wim water which the air is capable of ab- Niagara falls. sorbing and retaining as invisible vaThe" Democrats of Middled wn. Conn., por. Warm air is able to hold more have that city in all its departtnan com air. Hence, when the air mentsparried for the first time since 1874. which is saturated with moisture be- f The French law allows prisoners comes cold for any reason whatever whose are dying to pay one parents it can no longer retain its moisture. A visit to them when on their death beds. portion must, under such condition, acIn China an army recruit must toe cumulate into drops. These fall to the able to jump across a ditch six feet earth in the shape of rain. wide, or he is not for enlist- A PASHIOANABLE FAD AMONG NEW WOMEN. Bilk, all But their history points back to Gregory the Illuminator, a prince of the royal line of Armenian kings, as the founder of their national church. He was born A. D. 257, and after many persecutions was consecrated in 302 as the head of the Armenian church. His successors took the title of patriarch, later of catholics and are elected by the bishops. The bible was translated into Armenian about 431 A. D. The Armenian church was part of the Greek church till the year 491, when its catholics solemnly annulled in full synod the decrees of the council of Chelcedon. Since that time it has been a church by itself, which fact has done much to perpetuate the nationality in spite of its people having been absorbed into other nations. In doctrine it differs but little from the Greek and Roman churches. It has a liturgy of its own, fwhich includes the Nicene creed and prayers of the fathers used in the Roman catholic and episcopal churches. It offers prayers for the dead, but does not believe in purgatory vnor allow indulgences. It has several borders of clergy, bishops, priests and "fdeacons, besides minor officers. Priests must marry before they can be ordained, but not after. The priesthood is hereditary, the eon assuming it on the death of his father. Baptism, which is by trine immersion, is administered to infants as well as adults, and the Lord's supper is administered to all .; Du-chesn- se, Rose Color and Black. ist. Our, StockralserlStSf Ths 6la.t will continue in ;.rv Upper slope ui one under slit it left ear. and tirt under silts la ri?M ear. RANGE iO Creak. USES Sims Walisr Addross, Oak City, Utah. O. S. MARTIN, SALT LAKE. General Commission MercMt Dealer la BUTTER, VEGETABLES, FRUITS, Veal Pork Poultry, Game, Fresh FUa, and Smoked Beef, Zffff, an! Flour, Hay and Grain. to ft willi -pay you to . ship your goods and retail soon as foods are sold. Caa gire tur0 oountET references if deairea. I t,..in W. Q. M STEWARD, OFFICJEl LAKEOlTT 56 W. 2nd, South, SALT p. o. BOX 449' Hand Sample i Iron Assay j'JJ .' Copper Assay Bottle Samples D. Hobbs, Frank h.'.TV.S. Land (Law Land and fining Office-- ) j Attorney. j; ...,.,tj;niIP(i. thre years' experience. 8ALT J.AKK CITY. Twenty UTAH. BIRD & L0WEI Land Agents k Attorneys . SALT LAKE CVTY. UTAH- - |