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Show Indepeadent Absolutely Country People Read Oa all question! whether Political, Soci&l or Belirioasi - .,.! ; Truth Without Fear or Favor." Th oaT Motto:-"- T&j ! Terms; ia advance. Six moath, f 1.00. - , f2.00 per year, ' I VQLUMB i III NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATtTBD AY MORNING, MAR.14, LOCAL INKLINGS NUMBER 1896. omce. The Silks At Hvda & WhitmnrA'a arn ' something beautiful. Dont for&ret to call on Ord Rrnn fnr nobby children's snits. Mrs. Annio Stnn t wont, f.n TT!n vi.to n n . day vrhere she, will mike herhome. Those Laces and Trimmincra at Hvd & Whitmore's make your mouth water. MlSR Tiirilft MftPhfipann navriaA iff f ro prize at the 'medal contest lat night. Miss Nellie Bradlev of Moroni in visit,. ine in NeDhi and is the crueat of ''Mrs. M A tyua " i : - To reduce our iramenEe stock of Shoes And dispose of them quickly, we are Selling laTfce quantities of them at greatly Of Shoes cheap. EXCELSIOR MERCANTILE CO .. Leaders in Low Prices. . -- We C3 Every line in our Store and are Not Considering Gost. We are Determined to make some Great Sales. Now is the Time to get Some Good Bargains. Of Quick. The I Neff. OB LUlSBtOQS. stands of bees in good condition, for sale f2.0Q per stand. Apply to David Norton. Don't fail to visit the grreat Shoe Bale at the Excelsior. Lots of shoes selling extremely cheap. Miss Geneva Booth, one of Nephi's most popular young ladies, made Provo a visit this week. Now is the time to your Dress, all wool cassimeres, 20buy shades different over 1 yard wide for only 25cts per yard.. See the grand display of them, at Hyde & Whitmore's. The first term of the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District will convene at Nephi Monday. Ladies Shirt waists in the latest styles and patterns at prices which defies ali competition at Chas. Foqte's. An excellent program was rendered at the coojuint meeting f the Y. L. and Y. M. M. I. associations Monday night. Everything undertaken by the ladies of Nephi so far, has been a howling success and the Arbor day scheme will be no exception. Miss Lottie Rowntree came down from Salt Lake Thursday. Miss Rowntree has been making her sister in that city a short visit. A farewell party was given D. K. Brown last night in Miller's hall. Mr. Brown goes to fulfil his second mission to Denmark. Just think of it 6000 pairs of Shoes in our shoe department, more on the road. That's why we can sell tbeoi so cheap. Hyde & Whitmore's Grandpa Edward Morris passed from this world of pain and sorrow Tuesday morning. The cause of his death was old age and general debility. Go quick and get your shoes at the Excelsior while the. cheap sale lasts. Over Some rich ,000 pairs to select from. snaps for you. Look at their windows. To prevent the hardening of the subcutaneous tissues of the scalp, and tt s obliteration ol the hair follicles, which cause baldness, use Hall's Hair Renewer. Th Excelsior Mercantile company received a room full of wall paper this week and Supt. Paxman says it will be knocked down to half the price ever sold at before in Nephi. Clothing cheaper than ever. Call and see our new Spring line which is now and up, complete. Boy's suits 75cts. men's suits $3.75 and up. No trouble to show them. Chas. Foote. Last season Ike L. Hall, druggist of West Lebanon, Indiana, sold four gross of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says every bottle of It gave perfect satisfaction. For sale by McNally & Lunt Druggists. While east our Mr. Paxman picked up some big bargains in shoes. We have decided to close them out quick and offer lots of shoes at greatly reduced prices. Call and get your shoes while this sale lasts and save money. Excelsior Mer. Twenty-fiv- e y are Maying a General. Come - r Lonnie Hyde entertained a nnmberi oi friends Wednesdav evenincr. All niovrf themselves, The hatchelors of Nenhi are "In it They have either gqt tq get married or go . the time to get a pair fow is X35- T. H. 0. PARKES, Superintendent. . Co. A Crayon That He bought a cheap, . coupons or produce. Remember you get your choice of Silver ware, call in and let us explain our method. The sooner you begin to fight the fire, the more easily it may be extinguished. The sooner you begin taking Ayer's for your the easier Will be the cure. In both cases, delay is dangerous, if not fatal' Be sure you get Ayer's acd no other. tasd when it fades and rips, he ajs; "I'll qever buy any more goods there' Sar-tapari- blood-diseai' When we Sell him one ' ' merry-maker- was on the hanger; that it ivore like Iron and did not fade. lie smiles and Goes bach to ihe reliable firm of NEPHI BROTHERS Hf USE Mai Meets all Trains, Free w and from the station. m, intense itching aud smarting to Patroa frJ. II. GOLDSBROUGH, Proprietor, ', clotingco. DISEASES OF THE SKEV. a v.-fp- mci- - and chrome sore eyes. TrrDr Codj's Condition Powders, the? For sale by McHaliy ffl;u Geo. A. Mills,' ; of rArnets with badly afflicted ti9rasevere so was At times it h,t ?a bacoald not stand up !itra5gnt, but " ". ! tried- oflice. flVawn over on one side. rewithout receiving 'Vt remediesantil Money to Loan. months about six .0'ubays 10GllnrV one hundred to m lit. l Ptio ho ".f-- On larm In any improved 7f,JjaI,n After using it lor three days . thousand ten kB rheumatism was gone and has not For bale by McNally & property onaje County Recorder. last winter Mr. j r P fnoa Conn. , wa i i ., i ; I f i i C-MdlD- a mak- their way towards the residence of ing Mr. and Mrs. James Jenkins Wednesday night with picnic enough for an army and with the intention of giving Mrs. Jenkins a surprise. The surprised f lady was very glad to see them and the evening passed away all too soon for' the HENRY W. KING & CO M lla e, It was a jolly crowd that was seen of our fine suits, be also forgets that he got it cheap, all he remembers is that, . Portrait free or your choice of beautiful Silver ware as a premium at the Excelsior. Every 5ct. purchase counts. No discrimination between cash, poorly made suit, 40, Story of the East . Is now on at the Excelsior. , MILTQN CROSBY. . Location blanks for sale at The Blade Reduced prices J BLADE The advertisements In the Country Papers, and as has the Laroest Circulation of any Taper In Central and Southern It offers the beaUtah, possible medium for Advertisements. s. Ho, for the Dress Goods at the Excelsior the lika was never before seen in Nephi. Their specialty for next week is a line of beautiful Dress Goods at 25cts. per yard worth 40, 50 and 60cts. The different committees on Arbor day met last Monday evening as per appointment. The finance committee reported as haviag canvassed the town and collected $ 35 with more promised, besides the promise of trees and awork. The general committee presented petition last Frithat day before the aCity Council main of theasking water the city ran city works into the middle of the cemetery and furnish,a hundred feet of hose for the use of the public, free of charge. The petition was referred to the committee on water works. Oh how pretty just levely and so cheap similar expressions too, these and other are used by the ladies when examinining those new dress goods at Chas. Fobte's. A canvass among the druggists of this place reveals the fact that Chamberlain's are the most popular proprietary medicines sold. Chamberlain's Cough Remis regarded as in the lead edy, especially, of all throat trouble remedies, and &f such, is freely prescribed by physicians. As a croup medicine, it is also unexcelled, and most families with young children keep a bottle always handy for instant use. The editor of the Graphic has re- -, Chamberlain's Coughi peatedly toknown do the work after all other Remedy medicines had failed.-Th- e Kimball S. D; Graphic. For sale &at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by McNally Lunt Druggists. It certainly does anyone good to just step into Hyde & Whitmore's and see their beautiful display of Dress Goods, with trimmings to match; They are always so willing to show their goods. qilAFJ? UNTOLD MISERY a,nd er yni. FROM V7et C. ; T IL King,! Water Valley, JiliM,, jured j fcy MAItK CROSLTN'S STOR No trouble to show goods at Hyde & Whitmore's Mark Croslyn returned to Gold Run Leave your orders for Job work at The with a heavy heart and each day seem ed an age. He became restless and al Blade office. "For five years, I suffered untold miser ma men. most from muscular rheumatism. I tried every with He irrita pie wool Have you seen those black, ail known remedy, consulted the best physiy on could cohcentrata not his mind the Ord 50 at worth $9. suits worsted fl2 alay details of th business, and for that cans, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times, . Bros. .,. spending tioop there, besides doctors' bills i reason suspended ore shipments pendSilksI Siiksl Silks! 1000 yards Japanese but could obtain only temporary relief. Ali of th the return Crosby. wash silks in all shades worth 60cts. now ing was wasted away so that I weighed energy he could command was devoted v ninety-thre- e going at 4Qcts at Chas. Foote's. only pounds; my left aim and to development work and getting: the out of shape, the muscles, drawn McNally & Lunt, Druggists, we have mine shape for larger production. the largest stock of Drug, and Pure . Twoin weeks had elapsed when Liquors south of Salt Lake City. Family CrosiyQ received fromnqtCrosby .the lettrade a specialty t ter statins? his sister and that mother Have you seen that line of Dress Goods would accompany (hirn as far as Den at the Excelsior for 25cts. per yard. Over ver. He read the letter through; and 20 different styles. Look at "their ; winof troubled a after few moments dow. These goqds "are worth almost double this price. thought, arose and began pacing back and forth while memory traversed the The members of the Relief society of devious path, ttjat stretphed backward the Second ward spent a pleasant day more than a score of years. As before Tuesday by having a 1ne dinner and a Mark A dance was given in the stated, Croslyn was man of unprogram was in self usual which participated evening and possession, but, as the Scenes alike. of and old his the young by early life passed before bini and he lived again the Inciin imagination Our specialty for next week is a line of Dress Goods of over 20 different styles at dents in a life "that had been well-nig- h 25cts. per yard. A 'number of them re- blasted, his strong frame quivered with duced from 40, 50 and 60ct,s. Now is your emotion. The tim for which he had chance to get a bargain. Call early be- hoped and prayed, the opportunity for fore they all go. Excelsior Mer. Co. which, during the years he had strugas man neyer did before, was close being twisted up in knots,. I was unable tty Carload best (Hidden' Barbed gled at myself, except with assistance, and; hand; and yet he shrank from the dress Wire just received. Selling &t rossible, could only hobble about by usiijg a cane. yes, probable sequel. .Could Salt Sake prices. he make others understand to what had no appetite, andnotwas assured, by th( Jive. The pains, at, doctors, that I eould Co. C. Andrews & depths men pan descend and have times, were-sI could procure, that awful, seasons the when hearts during relief only by means of hypodermic lnjec The sound of mirth was heard issuing mind isthat, rational, beat for t&Qse they tions of morphine, i had my limbs bandaged r from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. love? o'ould he others in clay, in sulphur,' In poultices; but the Henry Goldsbrough Wednesday night. the truth that theimpress uponof hope, diyine light gave pTily' temporary relief. After trying It was a surprise on Miss Ruby which had been gotten up by, her friends. Deli- intermingled with desires to do right, everything, and suffering the most awfu tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsapaii'ltet.. cious ice cream and cak was served and shines in on the mind of seemingly all present had a lovely time. brutalized .manhood? He was afraid Inside of two months, I was able to walk j months, my llmbgj not. of sale to What if he should fail in making Withouttoa cane. In three the great oqr lovely Owing began strengthen, and in the course of a, ' Dress Goods we wero compelled to" re- himself understoodV And if successI was My weight has increased have just arriv- ful in order, and the new goods what if the love be had year, to 165 pounds, and I am now able to do my ed and you never saw anything their prized that; even during years of depredafull day's work as a railroad blacksmith." it will do tion had equal. Come and see them been quenched in the bitterWhitmore's your eyes good, Hyde ? ness born of neglect and seeming N. Miss Annette was The theught Truly astonishing. maddening. Moen, Fountain, Minn., says; "Ayer's Would it uot be better to retain his Cherry Pectoral has had a wonderful as The Only World's Fair Sarsaparllla, effect in curing my brother's children of present disguise and ministera devo-a he loved to friend with those a severe and dangerous cold. It was tion intensified JLYJDJl'S riLZS uure Headache. by a sense of haying inastonishing how speedily they found relief after taking this prepara- jured? No, he would ribk all on a frank and manly avowal, and if his tion.' crreat hope should turn to dust and Sealed bid for the laying of service pipe & from main to curb will be received at ashes, only one other than himself the office of the City Recorder Nephi City would be the wiser, and he could ; Agents for the unall bids to be received on or before March sue the path he was now reserves 1896. the couacil The 20, .right til the shadows of life's ending to reject any and all bids. By order of ered about him. The was MoCormick Mowers and Bidders,, the council, in Mark and ended, Croslyn's eyesO. P. Goldsbrough of another tri- Cooper Wagons, shone the there light Recorder. City himself. over umph Free! Free!. you do not have to spend Within a few days after receiving Sulky-Plows- ; ftO, f20 or 1 30 with us before you can HUt6a'Bby..letterihisiLpliii.s-jvrejrec some of our beautifolSilver ware. perfected, and he wrote him that he Barrows, Hyde & Whitmore's would meet him in Denver. Croslyn explained that some machinery would Rakes, Read This Carefully, Do Not Stop Half soon be required, and that he desired way, Something True. to confer with him on the matter, and Barb Wire etev The stock of goods we have just placed to hare his assistance in the selection. is complete and gratifying in variety. He also requested Crosby to wire him We carry all Implements carried byr We have all the lines, and all these lines from some place while en route, the the Consolidated Implement Co. full to overflowing, so that a customer he would arrive in Denver, cannot leave the store without being able day On June 5th, Croslyn packed his to find anything and everything that a and started for Denver, leaving Knowles & Webb our should in grip merchant line, progressive in charge of the mine. foreman carry. We do not dust over and sort up his old goods, and try to make them pass for Croslyn's funds were ample, and new ones, when a new season comes in. while he was excusably proud of his Half Dlook west of Court House We carefully select and order the best and fortune, he remembered theHow"pit NEPHI, UTAH. newest the market affords, secure enough good was wheace he from digged." to meet all requirements, and look to it was no further necessity for Notice ol Forfeiture. that every class and grade is represented. ever, there You will find what you want here, if stinting himself, and the best hotel State or Utah, j of mede, was selected and rooms secured for anywhere, in all its variations County of Juab f finish and price. You will find that we Milton Crosby and party. S. Alfred Mikesell and,! and To John Jacobs want to meet all your wishes half-wa- y, he had submitted himself to the Drum Mountain Mining Co. You After and would rather sell goods to one satis- the renovating and transforming art of notified, that I have expended 1132.66,,. fied customer than ten times the number a barber and tailor, but few of his for the year 1894 and $250.00 for the year 1895, and improvements upon and have cause for complaint. We desire most intimate friends would have rec- In all $382.66, in labor the Rattler Group of claims consisting of to please and we generally succeed and d in Croslyn the rough-claMissing Link, Copper Chief, Alice, , we wish to continue to do so. When you ognized Wonder of the Hill and Gold Bug. Situated in When toilet Run. his Gold of miner feel homa due and take at visit this store, Detroit Mining District, Juab Co. Utah, as ill time to buy what you want, and as you was completed, he took from his grip appear by certificate filed 1891 and 1895, in of the Recorder of the said district, in. want it. We are here to give you our a package containing some phototo hold said premises under the proviso order of our and benefit the and which he looked long experience time, upon graphs of Section 2324, Revised Statute of th$ ions entire satisfaction, if you make a mis- tenderly. Then, selecting one of him- United States, and if within 98 days after be to we will take you rectify self that had been taken when he beglad help you fail or refuse to conby publication if you intend to simply inspect our of the expenditures tribute your itj proportion it the with living as stock for the time being, we will be glad gan life, he compared in said claims, interests your to show you everything, and explain counterpart reflected from the mirror. will become the property of the subscribed unwas satisfactory. der said Section 2324. merits and prices. We aim to please all The comparison J. A. McBUBNET. of of our visitors all the time. That is His form was more robust, and age, in Drum. Feb. 1st 1896. what we are here for, and we hope to connection with a heavy beard, had keep at it till we have made every cus- abundantly changed and concealed tbe tomer a friend for life. Hyde & Notice to Creditors. boyish features of the photograph. of the estate of PeterReedy matter In the arrival of the As the expected time 's of Crosby drew near, Croslyn impaNo. 3537. Nuticeis given by the undersigned, of the estate of ". tience became nervousness, which was Jane Reedy,Jhereby Apministratrix EEPORT OF THE CONDITION heightened by a telegram received oa Peter Reedy, deceased, to the creditors. of. andall persons having claims against said deeeas- , the morning of the 10th arid which read ed, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouch--esOF THE as follows: "Have missed connection, within ten months after the first publica--tioi of this notice, to said administratrix will arrive tomorrow at 4 p. m. All FIRST NATIONAL BANK Eureka in residence Juab City, County,. well. Crosby." State of Utah, the same being theplace for the o'clock the next day found transaction of the business of said estate. Three at Nephi, ih the State of Utah at the Croslyn impatiently pacing the long Dated February 21st, 1896. Mrs. Jane Reedy close of business, February 28th 1896. platform in front of the passenger Adm in istratrix . tookincr and AVArr fpw minntpfl Wm. A. C. Bryan, Attorney for Administratrix RESOURCES. down the track, and then atithe bulle-- i Loans and discounts $ 110,798.70 secured and unsecured.. 1,440.24 tin board to see if the train had Dean Overdrafts, TJ. S. Bonds to secure circulation. . . . 12,500.00 Not to be Trifled With. marked "late." But the blackboard Premiums on TJ. S. Bonds 1,500.00 near 4 drew o'clock no As sign. 2,949.45 gave Stocks, securities, etc . . (From Cincinnati Gazette.) Banking-housfurniture and fixture. 2,000.00 Croslyn lapsed into a profound reverie learn that a "cold", Will people Other real estate and mortgages was awakened by the is an accident never he from which to be n 2.791.T5 dreaded, and owned................ occurs treatment should b& Due from State Banks and Bankers.. 7,581.11 shrill shriek of the locomotive. Never it 333.61 was a train more welcomb as with Checks and other cash items applied? There is no .knowing 701.00 Notes of other National Banks. slowed up at 'ts promptly brakes it trouble will eod; and tbe where grinding Fractional paper currency, nickels recovery is the rule, the exceptCroslyn eagerly watch 43.15 journey's end. and cents . : . . . . . . J. . ............. . LAWPTTL XONET EESEBVS IX BANK, ed the passengers as they descended ions are terribly frequent, and thousands of fatal illnesses occur ......... ..... i 11,481.50 from Specie.;.. ....... the platforms, and at length upon thousands in by a little injudi-ciouushered Redemption5 fund with U. S. Treas-urer- ( . . every year famil562.50 caught sight of Milton Crosby's and per cent of circulation) seemingly triflingray exposure face then hastily pushed his way symptoms. iar there are this, Beyond I , Total . 8114,714.01 countless invalids who can trace through the crowd to wherp the party was alighting. "Crosbyjmy dar boy,I'm their complaints to 'colds, ' which at. LIABILITIES. . . 50,000.00 glad to see you," and the next instant the time of occurance gave no concern,,, Capital stock paid in therefore neglected. Wheoi. fund 37,500.00 his hand was clasped as if m a vise. and were Surplus Undivided profits, less expenses and a cold us Chamberlain', with troubled knew the iroide. "Mothtaxes paid...... ...... ...... .... 8,483.78 Milton? Crosby prompt and effectIt is bottles Remedy. Cough exNational Bank notes outstanding. . . . 11,250.00 er, this isM.r. Croslyn." Mrsj Crosby for sale by cent 50 25 and ual. 264.01 tended her hand in a charmingly frank Due to State Banks and bankers . ... . & Lunt Druggists. McNally 9.00 Dividends unpaid.....!. g Individual deposits subject to check. 46,929.22 manner, and assured the distinguished-lookinman of her pleasure at meet255.00 Demand certificates of deposit ....... But Ayer's at the world's Fair. 23.00 Cashier's checks outstanding. I one had rendered such pignai None Sarsaparilia who ing the exttra. to her son at a time when his Ayer's distinction of enjoys been the-onlTotal.... .... ..... ..... .... $154,714.01 service having "ordinary life was in jeopardy. Crosby next inblood purifier allowed an exhibit at State of Utah, troduced his friend to his sister, and the World's fair, Chicago. Manufactur- s County of Juab, f&s ... d C. S. Tingey Cashier of the I. then to Gilbert Heywood as a former ers of other sarsaparillas soaght by bank, do solemnly swear that the above classmate. to obtain a showing of their goods, j statement is true to the best of my knowledge but they were all turned away under the had arranged to have the and belief. Heywood of tbe rule forbidding the ento his application C. S.TijraKT, Cashier go from the train directinsisted Crosbys of patent medicines and 'nostrums.. try Subscribed and sworn to before me this father's residence, but Croilyn The dicision o? the World's fair authori7th day of February 1896. that they and imperatively so ties in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilia waai earnestly T. C Wives, Notary Public. few days in his effect as follows: his during become guests 1897. Ayer's Sarsanar ilcom. My rellth Exp. Apr. is not a patent medicine. Heywood. : A ia ctthat m Denver, ttest Corks It does not, eojourn M. A. Grovbb, , l his claim, j belong to the list ol nostrums. it la waived luctantly . on itsnxerits.' Gio. C. Whitkokx VDirectora. . on ia,st; page. ! ' Ayei's Sai'sapgHilsi ;' My-fles- h . teg-were- o cua-ed- . )ndif-erence- t-- uly KNOWLES pur-traveli- gath-strugg- WEBBV ng le I -- , are-here- by the-Rattl- er, the-offl- ce this-noti- . ce - rs 35-4- d, n aV-he- de-rn- t. 38-4- 1. I. e, that-whe- while-comple- te f s to-d- L . i. y above-name- every-mean- , - ? . W. S. McConxicK. J Continued bi. i |