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Show even worse than in 1893 the consump denotes the approach of a cold Q. W. PARK8, ' tion was nearly 102,000,000 bushels less THE KITE BALLOON. aloft wave soon which reaches the A. SAMUEL surface. KING, than in the latter year. When the air rushes up Mount WashThus 4e see that the alleged overpro- A R TELLS WHAT IT ington or Pike's Peak it carries with it duction jso persistently brought for-- ! surface conditions that are eliminated WILL ACCOMPLISH. ward by jthe gold people as an explanaa&oms 4 aa 5 Eagle Bloek, in the kite observations. A released tion of tie falling prices is In fact : balloon the with drifts away approachVith prices lower For Upper-Ai-r Weather Records The Bal- so decline of cold and the SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. wave, ing than ever before, the people have loon Will Hold Op the Kite! During r com.:T: not ts. j': is aloft Collections Att temperature properly iM Proiplli bought less, and consumed less. It has Calms and Be Protected by It During pared with the surface temperature. been simply because; they have not had Gales. Kites of light construction can mainthe money to buy with. FRANK WHITEHEAD tain themselves aloft six days in seven Office, First National Bank 14., The idea that people can be made HE meteorologists at New York, and probably four days prosperous by making money scarce have admitted for in seven at Cincinnati, where the wind rnovor uta is preposterous, and the belief that silmany that years is light, if night winds in both cities 0 ver can ipe displaced without making a some knowledge of are included in the estimate.. But Prof. scarcity bf money is equally so. the condition of Moore's kite, if he uses gas, would the upper air will doubtless make the record almost conWill giro lessons on Piano, Orsraa, fiOLD AT A PREMIUM. be very valuable tinuous. .Since there is often plenty of Violin, and teach Bands at lowest prices to., Ho and Defaoit. as an to wind aloft and none at the surface of aid And Tat Wall Street Has Survived the reasonable terms. weather prediction. the earth, the facts are only approxiShock. For further particulars, address The upper A. William at known air Gold isl at a premium. Hill Gold present. mately On Thursday FRANK WHITEHEAD, strata are peculiar- Eddy, in New York World. last It was 1 per cent. ly inaccessible in How Wall street survived such a . HINCKLEY. v . rjTAH case an the of attempt to suspend me- GLASS EYE FOR A PUG DOG. shock ia one of those mysteries that for many will probably never be explained. For teorological instruments Tk Oasis and Fiih Oprings itag-- leavst Brute hours above any local point, owing to An Unusually Oasla and Ibapan at 8 v m., each Monday two years past the appalling Made a Better Appearance. of sudden picture and and arrlVts at terminal point! and sudden calms. Thursday, gusts equally "gold at a premium" has been kept in A Within 52 hours. Gazette The Westminster representaballoon winds captive during strong the very focusof the public gaze. True, reports the following interview Oasis to Detroit, $3.00 the gold people never specified particu- is apt to be disabled by the variable tive of " Dr. H. E. Scott the with hospiFish Dogs' 5.00 ngs, immense of Spr its pressure upon globe larly just how we were to be ruined by confined " Hill Gold and 7.50 Ipabah. gas. The wind, if very pow- tal, High street, Sydenham: it. Thejy left thatj to the imagination. as said "I "As far he, fare for transportation out and return om glass eyes go," erful, may drive the tethered balloon Gold has been at a premium over comCAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a fares. Address, aad a one made for had answer and an honest opinion, write to dog." downward sidewise trompt force and the gas modities; and other forms of property out of MUM CO., who have had nearlyflfty years' iv In was a of sort it?" "What F. JAVIS, Proprietor, dog its neck, causing loss of buoythe patent business. Commnnioa experience for more than twenty years. ttons strictly confidential. That, ancy. A Handbook of ln "A stud pug one," said he, "and a formation concerning Patents and bow to obhowever,! has given the gold worshipthem sent tain a Also free. Of mechana According to recent drawings made beautiful dog it was, fine shape, but ical and scientific books sentcatalogue per no concern. The fact that the profree. one was in Patents It eye. & Munn taken Co. in terribly disfigured receive thronjth London, Prof. Willis L. Moore, Chief ducer had to labor twice as long or notice in the Scientific and special Anierimn, double In the and size normal thus are brought widely before the public withghastly twice as hard to get a dollar, was a of the United States Weather Bureau, cost out to the inventor. This splendid paper. standing right out from Issued weekly, elegantly illustrate!. Las by far the good thing for the man who already is experimenting with a combination appearance, circulation of any scientific work largest in the socket. I suggested an operation WATCHMAKER, had the dollars. world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. the But at the idea of of the balloon and the kite, by which and an owner artificial at $2.50 which the a Building Edition, eye, year. Single monthly, some Importer or Wall street specula- duriDg dead calms the gas bags at the NEPHI, UTAH. copies, 5 cents. Every number contninp beautiful in and colors, of new plates, photoprapbs tor having to pay one or two per cent back of the kite may carry it upward, rather smiled." Watches and jewelry promptly re- bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show the was "He A while of incredulous the latest secure winds and contracts. the kite designs duress possibiliMail orders solicited. during strong premium in order to get gold for export, paired. & CO., New Yokk. 3U1 FuoadwAT. HUNN he actually stood aghast. But the would take the pressure and protect ty of a glass-eye- d dog, of course." "Yes; but he eventually agreed to let dread moment came. Gold went to a the gas apparatus behind it. me Moore as The a has try my hand, as it was such a valuof a cent and a quarter, and kite, drawn, tail, premium! able which be dog, and on my assuring him that may ultimately except for the telegraphic mention of dispensed I as would case in of the kites devised do it no harm we injected cothe the fact we should never have known with, me 1891 in and used recently in the caine around the membranes of the eye the difference. It is how in order for by the gold standardists, whose whole Sunday World photographic experi- and then removed part and only part of the eye, leaving sufficient to form a soul hasj been wrapped up in the idea ments above New York. The tail kites me on used bed Feb. for the artificial eye." of "parity," "one dollar as good as an4, 1891, for probby "Did it stick in?" other," etc., etc., to rise and explain. ably the first thermometric kite obserMANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF - "We put a shell in first to keep the It will probably be said that the pre- vation in the world were hexagonal, PRODUCERS. THE TO i INTENDED ARTICLE N FOR KITE-FLYE- THE FARMERS. , j 33. to SU Their Half i'rleeg by the Money vrmt Silver Would Break It Are Forced Xbey to Crop for . . COD"w LAND and MINING Attorney at Law. j : " 5 - - j ; j : , v.-- ; ! Grey's statistical review & TVillett I..1S the consumption of sugar in the ' ited States at 1,945,406 tons during rear vg vr fi7 sugi uj - ess lower tot nw takes notice." J. Unmercial history fPhfl above is from the fad is made the Dals Inter Ocean, an argument proieuuuii, iue iuca utiu6 01 faVOr . man isao J in ; ; ui iaT o"b"4 JJliv;o during UL11C1 ally IxyflUgllOUl in 1895 than 292 trms iet lue 1894- - Jay a.fe"v j.o bo cumiug uum prosperity, irhpther the Inter Qcean is right or we shall not frong upon that point, consider. The statement is reproduced In some cases lur another purpose. a be good thing, but cheapness may uy fben the cheapness is caused, not but of the commodity, juperabundance is an uninitiajy a scarcity of money, it of the masses as so the far evil ted such Under concerned. are people the cneapnesa trade will not bring Hat soui urs hol '. fong - ring- aus ' s" G. A. Gardner, and the very prosperity basis is that particular Industry which isapplied to production. Without "prod- j Mass. ,car. uction' no other business could od man himself would disappear j cenu. ! of the earth. Production is the primary man, while everything else is 1:ss With each 1S lot b the case of a farmer. Suppose his crop he can sell $1,000 worth Take of that with 15. Harness and Saddlery GEO. W. WILLIAMS, make anything more than a bare Bring he must sell more than he buys. he if H20.. stock work of secondary a consumer, but The j i loratlo subordinate. producer is also and dcm-- Har. live, from face the I his expenses, including farm, doctor bills, amount to $800. He saves year, while bills, help on pocery tuet, etc., g- one-ha- lf is industry, ts.$l m Now suppose 200. alesai imped, street. to hurl us down the awful abyss of ahead, he financial! ruin. If 14 per cent is not will 2 p:r cent do the work, or enough This, though, is upon the supposition 3 or 4 or p.ow many per cent must it b? that all things have fallen in the same The profits of the syndicate on the first jratio. But we know that all things do secret bond deal, represent a premium hot cheapen uniformly. Taxes, for ex of 16 peri cent on the gold furnished to ample, have not been reduced at all. Even that, bad as it the government. the contrary, in many cases, they was in did not ruin the every respect, bro actually increased. Presidents, country, It only disgraced it. We bvernors, congressmen, judges and lo- see a to expect premium on gold a good !al officers continue to draw their sal many times within the next year, and ines as of yore, while those who pay we expect to see the goldite shift his ie salaries sell the products of their concerning it as often as he abor for half price. Doctor's bills, position reference to the "danger has with wer's fees, traveling expenses ana The of the treasury reserve. point'' bther things remain substantially the a reader will remember that for long ame. drawn at one time the line was The hired man stoutly resists .(and hundred millions. sharply Then the line was pperly) a cut In his wages, while the io lowered ninety millions, then to seventnlrlHIamsn' a Tl t thfr iamifani.-and now it seems to be alto'narpVignta rnmhin Fit Inn Hn everV- - ty-five; gether indefinite. So will it be with the jllng in their power to keep up retail on gold. htes. The great farm staples are premium; pally sold at wholesale prices. MAV ACT WITH POPULISTS. I Bearinsr thpA facts in mind let US Fine Buggy Harness a Specialty. instead of being $200 mj has a balance of $100. md smenV ISttI r S. TJaioa Dj; (cob4 Markt era happy. afce. Packing rP&lDta. Cartlfc 1 Hamlin A Baotu xapahoa Alban , ciet rel- g, Denrt Decora-- Tel. i31 iblevar ale Ar Hrn RllT- kehis taxesoctor bills, etc.; amount These p $100 of his total expense. as before. Upon the remaining pad P, which includes the hired man'sbj, groceries, drugs, etc., we will supm that there is a reduction of say per cent. This represents a saving . 1 IAILED Larimer. AY AGS. DELL Sample ttion. .LB I V OVES Paiuti, Wazaa. sn. HOmt & . rv CL FCOS, : i l 1U11U tier iaannired. r-- .mn-maA- meantime his The account Tel. $500.00 $100.00 490.00 expenses teficiencv $ 90.00 Instead of havins? a profit of $200. we a x aa mat a he has suffered loss oi u H.HOT 3. Box busineaa, iUtlesfw ione, 3,000 im too."' ck Yardi. CO ES 5th, war PLIES, id, eapeo new nr" an Hot rner 17 onWP I i Ms year's work. what is true in that the farmer is in debt on his farm. , Falling at the rate of $90 a year, how ,SThewUI it take him to pay the debt? above figures are given not as (DresentiTiw ofntitr oant ratio at filch, different prices have fallen, but me purpose of emphasizing tne that should be obvious to producers it eraliy, that when the prices of their fucts fall, they do not realize a full (fpensation in the decline of other Now. sunnhRfl fnrthpr. altitudes of cases, 1 ihe conclusion, that a general prices injures the producers more Hence 1 to injures any other class. The who should be injured least injured most When a policy Is pur--J- 8 the tendency of which is to harm U & men' Producer, it strikes fRations of national 1 Jais was at th very f prosperity, the inevitable effect of silver, and the bulk of the plaints to which we have listened the last twenty-tw- o years has f6 from 111 the de-JeUz- ing that class. an illustration, It that if t ho farm fir can- in anv nt.her way. case given as StO reason 'n rSduce exnenRfia -- ;m economize in consumption. Use He less of sugar and any other ?t,that are not absolutely indis- ru. if he cannot induce the hired aa to .'Up will either discharge him; en- "' Or lay him off Dart of the time. 5a the WaSTft wnrlrai' nmea in fnr Vi 1 the injury. J'f the farmer will reduce his con- -, ;pLli of sugar, spices and the likei .People dependent upon their daily reduce on all lines They will .st t'lessbread. we : ' ' . .rdhigiy 6'! find that in seasons business depression there is a reduced J'-consumption of air ; evernhing that contributes to the nceofmah. The Banks' Circular. This One afterward issued by New York backers to the national banks: di." Tr ii advisable to do all in jcmtx ui your poW to sustain such prominent especialdaily and weekly newspapers, and religious press, ly the agricultural the Issuing of greenas will oppose withback money, and that you also or favors from all applihold the cants who are not willing to oppose Let the government Issue of money. the and coin the government issue of the money banks issue the paper country,! for theri, we can better protect creating each other. To repeal thetolawrestore to or national, bank notes, of Issue circulation the governmentthe people will be to provide mUh money, and will therefore seriindividual profit as ously affect your and lenders. See your congressman at once, and engage him to we may consupport our interests that trol legislation. ... patj-onag- "Bearing" Hl Stock. States keep all its sll- United the Tf will soon come ver at hom .ana there , But V a 65t y t exajQple, !? 1594. in 1893, a very disas-pCbusiness, we consumed ar which, as a whole, was e lam the principal silver pro-ofltS: world, bears his stock, how Si nations to bull can he expect the big it.? ; peojria JourgaL intention of the bridge was probof a tre. acy suggested by the trunk stream. a fallen across which , Support Home State Fair 1894, Gold Medal. Industrie and Three Cream Baking Powder Gold Medals. Keep TWOf Superior Quality Flavoring Extracts Gold ort ed no such resolutions, made no such declaration and in fact has thus far but a proposed nothing in the world disno has It education. of campaign party, the to Populist ignore position or any other. There are populists, reconnected publicans and democrats towith ItJand they are all workingcomgether in perfect harmony for the mon cause, namely, the complete restoration of bimetallism in the United States. ri rc No 590.00 Total expenses MS. non-supp- doc Koofa f r p, AWARDS. Make Victory Ortaln. Referring to the consolidation of the Americau Bimetallic League, the National Bimetallic Union and the National Silver Committee, the Weekly Tribune of Callaway, Neb., says: "The hew organization resolved to support the party declaring in its favor; but declares that in the event of by either of the great parties, the Union will put its own ticket in the next campaign." Then that paper waxes indignant over the supposed fact that the American Bimetallic Union has turned the cold shoulder! on the Populist party. The National Bimetallist is anxious that no misapprehensions may arise wi;h reference to the attitude of the consolidated organization, and it will therefore say to one and all of its readers, jthat it has taken no such action as that mentioned above. It has adopt- CROM BAKU POWER. Leads All the RestTIT "Would Powerful Bimetallic Organizations O. VY ppenses. (Taxes, tors bills, etc.) Market - (Crop for sale . pcome. Box 525. 15 t lines $490. In the has fallen to $500. iiose . GLA83 r c i ivi q and Retail. - Vi-t- r ealtat f THREE a ied frwf of fon-t- r Wholesale Our goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vicinity, and hav given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. ;5n sold. 8. ier a m Harness, Saddlery, buggy whips, Nose Bags, Collar Pads, Hardware, Leather, etc. mium wis small and that it was only that prices fall one- - temporary. Well, how great must the ialf all along the line. His crop for premiumj be and how long must it last ale sinks to $500, his expenses to ?400, order . e to talk about the benefit is the very refinement cruelty. The source of all human jf for Fish Springs, and Ibapahl Uglr-Lookin- cir-comstan- "con-jumer'- Professor ! PROF. MOORE'S REMARKABLE and carried upward a very steep string, 'almost equalling the perpendicular power of the tailless kite, the .first experiments with which were begun in the spring of the same year. Instead of a very large kite, such as jthe drawing of Prof. Moore's kite indicates, I sent up several hexagon tail jkites, about five feet in diameter, flying in tandem from one main line. Of 'course, in using tail kites, the branch line, extending to each kite, had to be iabout three times as long as that used for tailless kites, so as to prevent the tails of the upper kites from becoming entangled with the branching tandem lines below. I found that when sufficient line was allowed to each kite, there was no trouble in using tail kites with which Prof. to send up my thermometer. Moore's possible plan for sustaining a balloon by means of a tail kite is more likely to be immediately successful than if he attempted to balance In the air a balloon , tailless kite, because I found 'during hundreds of kite ascensions that nobody knows what the wind will do as-cendi- ng I !. next. Since flat kites of light construction, in mild winds, require little tail, it iseems to follow that a 'kite will need very small weights to !balance""it if the wind is light. In a strong wind a tail about 300 feet in length will be required. Prof. Moore's proposed line of experiment Is interesting and valuable, and if all the Weather bureau stations are equipped with such an apparatus the predictions rwould be more exact. I The experiments with my kites at Blue Hill Observatory, near Boston, instruments were where held up in the air during successive Says, amply established the fact that jcold waves reach the upper air several hours in advance of their appearance iat the earth's surface. I announced this theoretically in .the American Meteorological Journal for July, 1891, but I had few observations from aloft In support of It, and I thought then that it might have been due to a coincidence. ; Since that time the elaborate experiments at Blue Hill Observatory in August, 1895, have reaffirmed it4 The curves have been carefully worked out at the by H. H, Clayton, Indicating that abnormal cooling of the air i gas-inflat- ed ink-recordi- ng . ory UK jChonf gate rum IL Medal. NEW KITE. lid in position. We had to get the eye specially to color and shape, and at last we fixed it in. It matched so well that you had to look very close indeed to know it from the natural eye. It made a wonderful improvement in the dog. It was 20 pounds better in appearance." "And the dog wore it without inconvenience or pain?" "Yes. It has been exhibited often since." "Have the judges known it was glass-eyed- ?" "No. They couldn't tell. It deceived me even for the moment when I've seen it and not happened to remember that it was the pug I'd attended to. Of course, the eye has to be taken out occasionally and cleaned." Population of Wisconsin. Wisconsin began the century with a population of 115 persons, had in 1850 a population of 305,301 and now finds, by the state census just completed, that her inhabitants '. nror two number 1,937,915. Money at Beit Quality and Display of Soda Water Home .... MANUFACTURED BY HEWLETT OALT LAKE CITY, UTAH BOX 633. Spices Pure and Ground Daily. THE Deseret House, per cent of them were born in the United States. Seventy-tw- o BOOKS AND AUTHORS. Lord Tennyson is going to publish in his life of his father a juvenile tale called "Mungo the American." Robert Louis Stevenson's history of his own family will appear in the forthcoming edition of his works now being prepared in Edinburg. Professor J. B. McMaster's new book, which includes a review of thB Monroe doctrine, the third-terhistory, and other themes of special interest, is to have as its general title "With the Your DESERET, UTAH, (One mile from Oasis Station,) Hotel Is tlie Only First-clas- s Between INTeptii gtncL Mlliorci. S RATES It! HARMONY WITH THE TIMES. m Fathers." According to the Saturday Review, the letters of Matthew Arnold are, while a little too formal, written, In a better style than his essays. G. H. Putnam said at the meeting of the Massachusetts Library Club the other day that only about 10 per cent of. what is written for publication is used, the other 90 per cent representing a vast amount of lost effort. It has been said by a friend of Thomas Hardy that Ju'de, the hero of his latest book, is, in some directions, a por- trait of the author not In the story "is career, of course, but in divers of characteristics, and especially in some of his dislikes. ' i We have a well of the famous Deseret Lithia Water on the premises. and which Is a guaranteed cure for Blight's and all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and all other urinal troubles. In order to show our faith In this water, we make the following proposiIf anyone afflicted tion with any of the troubles above enumerated are not relieved in and cured in three months, no charge will be made for board. to-w-it: one-mont- is Bear in mind the Deseret House Jirst-clas- MRS. J. F. GIBBS, s in every particular. Proprietor, h |