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Show BIG He TOM, CONVICT. - j , a Little Child Saved Him. - Was Tempted, Dnt con---vi- k RED ARTIST S LIFE. IN CANADIAN erty, degraded and disgraced. Death WANDERING were more merciful tban uch a sen"WOODS AND VILLAGES. tence as his, ahd in dying he would secure revenge A piece of iron had been left under the hamtner. There Denounced Whisky but Drank It was heard the (sound of crash! crash! Painted Pictures Which Are Said to crash! as the mass of iron liose and fell at regular intervals that sound above flare Possessed Some Artistic Elegance Indian Legends. the monotonous! hum of thel machinery. "He will thrjst her under the ham- ' who said that of the crime seut him to prison for such a rpbere were those 1.2S0 was innocent tfbieh which worked It. The answer to the question could be read, in his eyes. Men had wronged him under cover of the law.; He hid been deprived of lib- ct of years that there- was 6ng term ever being a free (jarce a hope of. his an again. They meant that he was had" sought to technically guilty. He a beating at the save a woman from binds of her husband, and in the sirusjrie aud excitement he had struck loW which caused the death of the dan. It was accident, in a sense, but manslaughter. No man in was also jko is a man will stand by and see a J0inau beaten, and yet if he interferes - f..'. ARE FOUND IN AMBER. Soni ataro'i Interesting; Exhibits in A. GEORG-HARDY, Hlinn Wl Boo t nnrl uUU dUUG if E Imperishable Museum. In many museums may be seen in the most perfect" state of preservation in A perfect fit guaranteed. Repairinjr In H amber fossilized remains of plants and lt branches. Special attention called ma-to new Btyle. Universal feed gewinff animals, says the Gentleman's Maga- hia does all ita work Inside of tha hoe. chine zine. The science of Egypt, in its Two doors north of Union, Main, St, NephL highest development, did not succeed in discovering a method of embalming so perfect as the simple process taking place in nature. A tree exudes a gummy, resinous matter in a liquid state. An insect accidentally lights in it and is caught. The exudation continues and envelops it completely, preserving the most minute details of its structure. In the course of time the resin j Carefully compounded. to. atteaed orders becomes a fossil and is known as am or Mail promptly express ' l.k m SaltLake at Stsck prices. Large is ber. The history of fossil insects largely indebted to tb.e fly in amber. And to the preserving properties of SOUTHERN TRADE SOLICITED. amber we owe, likewise, our knowlM'NALLY dt LUNT, edge of some of the more minute de - - UTAH. tails of ancient plant structure. NEPHI, The coasts of the Baltic are and' have. been from the days of the Phoenician traders the great source of the amber of commerce. It occurs in rolled frag The First National Bank, ments, in strata known to geologists as oligocene. These are tertiary rocks NEPHI, UTAH. of a date little more recent than those of the London basin and equivalent to the younger tertiary series of the Isle, of Wight. The fragments of fossil resin were washed down by the rivers from the pine forests of the district along with sediments and vegetable debris. BANKING In them are found most perfectly pre- - GENERAL served remains of the period, as well; In All Its Branches. as of insect life. Fragments of twigs,; J. H. Erickson, leaves, buds and flowers, with sepals,; Geo. C. Whitmokb, President. petals, stamens and pistils still in place, W. W. Abmstkoko, Cashier. occur. A recent genus, dentzia, has been recognized by its characteristic stamens; the valves of the anthers of cinnamomum are seen in others. In one specimen the pendent catkin of a C. species of oak is seen as distinctly s Manufacturer and Repairer of through the clear amber as if it were a fresh flower. And, besides the insect and plant remains thus sealed up BOOTS in amber, stray relics of the higher fauna of the forest have also been met All kinds ol ehoes made to order. with. Workmanship second to none. First door south ol 1 aoernaeie, Fragments of hair and feathers have been caught in the sticky resin and preNEPHI. MAIN STREET, served. Among others a woodpecker and squirrel have been recognized in the Baltic amber. -- -- MoNALLY &. LUNT, v; HAGUE, Choiee Fresh Meats, Mutton, Veal, Chipped Beef and Bologna. Your patronage solicited. - mer!" T THE MONTHLY So though c eajch guard and each conof the meeting vict so thought the father; whose feet Folk-LoMontreal seemed chained to the floo and whose If yon are going to face was whiter than the dead. One Society on Monday of the guards could have touched the last Dr. W. George button and signalled the engineer to Beers read a paper CHICAGO shut off steam, but he did not move a Last entitled "The hand. Either guard had a fait mark to of the Hurons." shoot at, but their Distols were not The central figure lifted. Up and down up and down KANSAS CITY, in the paper was went the hammer, but suddenly the Zacharie Vincent, Je must take his chances with the law. belt was thrown over on the loose on mass some-Imeand the s alias Telariolin, a the rested was pulley convict 'Bi Tom," as the to anvil. Huron of seemed It looked those' who Ancienne Lorette. born in referred to, was like most big as if OR had been looking through & 1808, a they LOUIS, example of the iipn a child in his gentleness and mist such a mist as rises! from earth Huron-Iroquo- is stock, says the iie went to prison weep--L of a summer morning. It seemed to great f;0od nature, Montreal Gazette. Be sure and ask for a ticket that reafia His father and He did not complain, but he them that this mist thinned .1 i. had been Hurons from of the years and away before the influence of a grandfather rved. He thought and by and by they saw Huron mothers; his mother was a sun, must before rising ears which drag away of Iroquois descent. the child nesting on Big: Tom's hairy Huron-Iroquo- is he prison doors would open to him, one hafad his Dr. Beers a breast, old cheek, like about smoothing moved weak, prefaced his account of the ind he distb and a come from to officials seeming felt long character and achievements of pity tance off Dan. The prison voice gifts, they heard her childish his hero be man, but a convict is a convict and for, in spite of his failings, J all who show saying:' ill must be treated alike was there something heroic in Zacharie "No, you wouldn't hurt Nellie you bedience to the rules. They sized by contrasting the two main sections wouldn't hurt Nellie! Whiat makes and him up as child-lik- e Qf the Huron-Iroquo- is race. The points you cry? HaVe you got a little girl, land yet they said to each other as they too? to of Won't let difference home off the Iromarked that go they you (talked of him: see little! your from girl?" Hurons in the out tor the days of will quois "Look 5ig xomi tie And the convicts advanced dessome some do by step and loose and break Frontenac and Montday Champlain th4 and step forward, crept guards and under the British dispensaperate thing:" and lo! Big Tom's tears were falling as calm No tiresome layovers. They thought it would come during he tion have continued to distinguish hugged the child more tightly and their the first six months then they almost Close connections in union depots, descendants, changed though they became afraid of him. Men who are kissed her fair hair and rosy cheek. be from And positively the quickest rout the formidable warriors of old. There was silence yet silence as he slow to anger who go on grieving, sobto and fro and wept and Dr. Beers illustrated this difference of brooding and bearing a mental burden walked lifted bed child and could the till she are devils traits that had come under his months when and weeks for arms about his neck sonal observation. He then related perthe climax comes. Big Tom had the clasp her tiny the in the and rest her 'cheek against his. Not a tradition of the original home of the management of the To the Great Rivers and Atlantic not a machine shop. Had they put him in whisper among the convicts or Ocean. Elegant and thoroughly move from father or mother the Hurons and outlined their migration the shoe shop or tailor shop he would to modern Equipment and since Cartier's visit land by Big Tom placed Hochelaga (the have rebelled at once. His place was guards. By beside the biggest piece of machinery the child in its father's arms, wiped beaver dam). tears from his eyes on the sleeve The legend that they had come out in the shops. Two pieces of ma- the a Reclining- - Chair Cars "God his with and of a mountain between Quebec and the of striped jacket, were "Tom the and at it chinery, bless the little darling!" and a "Thank sea had been explained to Dr. Trip." Day by day, and week by week, In which the seats are free to holden ye, sir!" he jreturned to his work and great and month by month, as the ponderto an indicate chief Oka Beers the by of regular train tickets. ous hammer rose and fell and its the hammer; was lifted and held in which the Hurons were period during to hot iron be for the placed waiting blows shook the very earth for yards on the anviljbeneath. The guards mo- - hiding from the tomahawks of their around, making the convict smile and tiuiieu Lilts u tnei Luuvitio iu imtamo-iaj- warlike kinsmen, the Iroquois. Zachlook proud, the guards had an eye on a and benches and their or Call on or address arie did justice to his forges, him and kept saying to each pther: ment and the later had visitors gone "It will come! It is only delayed! igin in that, from childhood, he was a The long-ex- of the woods and waters. When he breaks loose he will kill work was in full blast. H. B. KOOSER, had come and gone. vagabond gome one and have to be killed in pected outbreak a use or could load he before gun Long Tom had felt a For thirty seconds Big turn!" GENERAL MERCHANDISE gun to use he pursued feather and a soul in his hate that he COMMERCIAL suh Ram's Horn Wrinkles. raging had second of the year Nearly half areven fin, with a bow and and fur a devil. human into 'RrtS transformed AND a are FREIGHT Some never folks had time aorivict in the long finding passed and giant PASSENGER even sulked, when one day there came The child had smiled into his burning row. To the end he loved the outdoor out that it never pays to worry. ADD PRODUCE touch had lulled him life of his fathers. He also alas! into the shop as sightseers a husband, eyes her scjft man who The knows he has that reahad brought back his Room 21 Morlan Block, loved whisky blanc, though he was God's love will wife and little girl four or five years her words AT THE believe he A that No! son. always he Was year punished? old. Children are seldom seen in prisquite aware of its mortal badness. In has his help. an-- : - Utah he was pardoned, and y Lake City, ons, and it is a rare thing that they are later moments he said: his "It blue-eye- d philosophic of The fear smiling was de ribber of de may fcijp DESERET CASH STORE taken into the shops in the yards. If other OR debil; not deep, men from doingpunishment - child puts her arms about his neck and cannot conit but kDew one wrong, in that the any prison Inbut she drown all de same; bad for says: make them love the right. Goods at bottom prices for "You are such a great, big papa, but dian and bad for white man." Dr. reH. C. TOWNSEND, stifles Whatever chokes gpot cash. liberality you wouldn't never hurt nobody, would Beers thought the white man was religion. you?" Detrjoit Free Press. sponsible for a good share of the InJI10. DEWSHUP, MGR. A preacher with a warm heart will General Passenger & Tieket Agen and he therefore dian's wrongdoing, KITCHEN. not long have a cold church. THE East Main Street, - - DE3miX3T. sought to atone for it, in some degree, ' Its righteous men are a better proSt. Louis, Mo. this gifted Indian tection to a Perfect Ventilation Is Said to Be the by trying to rescue city than its police. from his enemy. He invited him up to First Consideration. blood of Christ makes every The Complete Line of Builders' Supplies. Mill Work a Specialty. Perfect ventilation, says an architect Montreal, intending to send him a rail promise in the Bible worth its face. Zachwho is an authority on kitchens, is the way ticket if he accepted, but God had to deal with men by law befirst consideration in such a room, arie and his son Cyprien or Dawenron fore he could deal with them in love. i suddenly made GRACE Next come llight and the possibilities of (straight, like a stick) Every good man makes unwritten before their appearance him, having laws a in To these to cleanliness. have others that get keep. perfect the whole distance. For two crowded city block half buried in the tramped A have religion many people great in lived he Fears difCaughnawaga, coming most bf the all is, things, ground who do not have Christ. ficult. Somjething has beei said of the to town now and then to sell a picture Sin will behave itself a year to have movement upward in private houses or a piece of wood carving. When he t's way an hour. to fail and his end seemed near, by reason of the. introduction of elevabegan We ought to find out that condemn tors. One bf the most significant indi- Dr. Beers sent him back to Lorette. cations is seen in the elevation of the He went to the marine hospital, Que- ing others will never justify us. kitchen. Christ will knock at the door of our died, in his In the house of a New York physi- - bec, and soon afterward hearts, but he will not come in unless cian all the household offices are on the eightieth year. Dr. Beers exhibited a we open it. top floor iThe servants' bedrooms are portrait of Zacharie Vincent, painted An unconverted church member is as in front. Midway is the laundry, with by himself, a picturesque head, with in danger of being lost as any sin much Manufacturers of and Dealers in tiled floor, next the servants' sitting the gray hair running out on either ner kitchen. slums. in the the into ana room, opening the side from natural parting in the Windows, Mouldings, Doors, Bi Tom Hogged the Child More One jnay Well envy the cook hera pri center. Mixed Coal, Hardware, Paints, no ratft dominion. The kitchen is Tightly. Clothes with Gasolene. recalled He exclamation the Cleaning CoGns, Caskets, a alleged Pickets, Tict No. 1,280 had a daughter ble room, ithVi windows that catch the use of thiA The free for r n e eto. on a and Kim if timiTi first of Wire French Combination gasoline the the cleaning nee, seeing handsome child who could only walk alone when the jury pronounced last rays of his benign majesty in the "Quelles hures!" (what boars' clothes and other articles is a most dan Special attention given to mail orders and the Southern Trade. his verdict of "guilty," they had forwest. The; view is fine for a hemmed heads!) They were surprised at the gerous habit, prevalent in Washing By ordering from us you save the freight from Salt Lake City to tfcia gotten the. fact. His wife had visited in 'city house. The practical mind dis- "bristling ridges" in which they wore ton and elsewhere. It is one of the point. him as often as visitors were allowed, covers other advantages in the saving and thus these lakeside Indi- most inflammable of fluids and little but the child had never been seen of gas bills there is lover an hour of their hair, than dynamite in its effects less within the grim walls. Knowing that daylight rrjore here than the basement ans won a new name the Hurons. And whendeadly conrace exploded. Petersburg, Va., was the last of his was, in this respect, her husband had killed a man by ackitchen receives. There is also a a few days ago at the awful shocked as the rag- a true Huron. He was, however, very cident the wife, could not beat to see siderable saving of time, soon Ithe wares of Mm peddlers particular about his person;, he never result. wearing, the horrible stripes or a man and "convict, but .to let the child look upon discover that there is neither pleasure wore flannel until seven months before him, to gaze in wonder at the iron nor profit In the area. STRAY CHIPS OF THOUGHT. died. His winter attire was a coat, The kitchen in some of the apart- he bars, to ask why all those men were a there a thousand times no! And so ment houses are beautiful indeed. under it another coat, under tnat It is a terrible thing to see one work and to then Dr. a third coat, calculated nothing. this was the first child Big Tom had These arej small, but Is Beers exhibited a picture of "Mercy," ing who never smiles. seen since the doors shut him nicety. Irj fact, except when isthere heavy a mis- which Zacharie had painted entirely Not a few men are like the amoeba in- staff of servants, it Father, mother , and child cames a large wastes kitchen. It a to have take large close to him and gazed at the ponder-ouby memory, from the original of a New they live on what sticks to them. f takes the of the and strength time No man's creed is complete which hammer with wondering eyew. York artist, as weli as a number of Dealers in and Manufacturers of cook to cover more space than is nec- - sketches. You would have ararued that the sight a He does im not declare a belief in himself. gave pathetic and of the child would have softened the essary. as inese kilcucuss am yiacu ui me pressive description of the Huron arMarriage based on flirtation logically convict's heart and brought tears to '; in the least aesiraoie pans them a to of life constant mode taken care is for tist's give every fight ends in separation, divorce or tragedy. his eyes; but it did not. It brought a house, The most air likht and the for the possible. existence the all part happiI f, statesman was in j feeling of madnessof desperation--o- f SADDLES Many a would-b- e covered are HABHESS, walls The are bru-I'tfloors of (tiled. the est it being a for vagabond Creator tended frenzy. To save a woman from a the portion splendid by with white enameled tiles, sometimes life in the woods. Several times he laborer. beating at the hands of a drunken, made blue and of tiles with pink gayfer worthless thing not fit to be classed was badly frozen; many times he was It is often difficult to distinguish bewith men, he had struck a blow. A mi sinksTare Dorcelain lined, and the once he had handa drowned; tween absolute laziness and serene The clipboards nearly Jury had called it. murder in the second faucets silver plated. a NOSE SACKS, ETC. with tussle natural which are in nr.3! he bear, dressers light resignation. I degree, and he was here in prison on a The s a with aid killed unspotted: knife.; Certain young folk are puzzled to dis sentence almost never-endinlie had woods, a T is she thing precious feel thaf comfort of cook No could induce been promise We also carry a full line of between an accelerated pulse It Oand the knowledge of tinguish one wronged, ana a may ib dox, inclosed jewel down permanently in the and a love throb. J fired his heart and the; long-- j hone she istrives brought to live up to me suu him to settle He liked the free of Lorette. f a sudden .expected outbreak, With village One of the easiest things in this New York Journal. ation. I cry which startled In the one and bush of dom communion the with every world is to get money. The task of life i noisy . shop- Big Tom made a spring nature better than village gossip. The lies in earning it. A Future Convenience. forward, seized the child in bis arms, He who minds his own business Diggles had been wormng rara tot iv trees, the air, the sky, were full of a ad there was a shout of defiance on ueauus a with which im in company, mystic walks head and shoulders abeve 90 per rerracwrj bis lips as ne .held her - at arm's long time witty He came out or . ine uase- - agination he heldt intercourse. Dr. cent of his fellows. length and elarcd about him. The apparatus. wue auu xv I ment wztp Beers then described Zacharie's methmother rt em Hypocrites often use a scriptural quo in: wall and the character of of ods his work, to the as a funnel through which, t back tation h1aCe Jstaggered siink down. The father stood staring, to devotion his his bis artr cum spiration, drop poison into some human heart. "Maria ' he saia,i "tnere s one as if struck held certain" obfor colors and dumb, but presently The . face of every babe is an iiv preference his hands in silent ' supplication. fort about, It." 1848 to In jut others. he jection painted terrogation point. Its future depends Ll? Tom and muttered in ' "Whatlisitr' ice next a portrait of Lord Elgin and sold it to on about glowered! worry needn't "We how older folk answer the question. 'ePly.- He was a convict a childless a struck I have plan think I summer.! In church some of are and Lorette; There is morally no difference befather. He was dead to his child she to him, If .we ..wanttake He as dead to him. He could not make that's entirely reliable. cold never works. ia religious painted tween the thief who loots a bank and we'll low or another father's heart ache and throb cret anything good itand His vulgar. the man who charges a dollar forj fifty anything language into that anl grieve as his did, but be would ft down and put we must be beating from free was he alike and cents worth of goods. careful blasphemy Only secure freeze." was not or emotions. without revenge. it'll "ave too religious If an idler only occupied the (space it long, CUPIDEfJE" After muttering he ' was silent. No Stto . Commercial-Gazettwas one vice made for His many to a point he -ascribed up RESTORED by Cincinnati one cried geometrically out. Guards and convicts ct prescrip virtues and among those was a should not and in the universe a ere was tion oi a famous Frencn DGysiciau, wui tjuiujuy cure you oi au ner- There stupefied. seemingly cusoases we that kept him from begging ip. spot whereon to set his foot. oi j lne bum of toos or Roland f or His Oliver. in me machinery, but not of InsomniaLrams the at Dr. m'tf TO ISsxrv. Erhacslinr: Ermine Vani-nt- l at Beers his all small a Dimnloo are tTnfinfwq of food ices. Convicts, turned from forge the Chimeras indolent girl hardships. spoke "Paoa1" inquired! aJi 1osm br day or rxixt. stop It ui anvil and bench and lathe and Constipation. of some s the in U "what artistic theorists. They chase fantasies all length faculty Sperinatorriiceu and tn other evening, of discharge, wlxicu r.otclea iestocleanses weld their the liver, tho horrors oftTrinkry Impotncr. alUhe The two shop dinner table to the native races, of which Zacharie's their days and the recording angel said rvVipXJS Smith vbreah. 4 AFTER AN organs tOUinparities. and the Enards leaned forward In their chairs nys UDEFOHS He was a and marks the result with a cipher, ; conspicuous example. father's, a million- gift "trenjrttens are troubled w!t? per cent looked and looked, but they did are noi c:irfiw by ,o.niff tn pnmwlihnnt.,11 reason safferers , vma., .t The in life Catlin's mentioned of record his insecure The in world the jmost ot move nor perch ... cry outr" did you say?' asked the small the wilds and indicated the rich endow- is that occupied by the man who has Vhat wm he do with the chUd T ment In some forms of decorative art rearou a petty castie out oi oricKs stol f be two men working at the triph- girl's fathutv i.dr.' "New McNAIiLY &LUNTt DTJGQI3TS, NEPHI. sal(1 yojrs ammer with. Big Tom had fallen FOB SALE "On. I jws which, makes the work of some east en from the honestly built to vera cf Sun: fever ing lie liari control of the machinery York ern races inimitable in the west. others. j re j , pure-blood- out--clear- good-nature- ed ed CAPITAL SURPLUS d, 850,000 337,500 ST. VIA liii RAILWAY. Vice-Preside- nt. trip-hamm- er J. M. frorri Uteit) OSTLER, AND SHOES. full-blood- ed ; AGENT. : Salt to-da- fair-paire- d, UP-TO-DA- TE ! BROTHERS' i jLurribr Yard XVXill Planing ; j i fair-haire- d, 5 Wy-ando- ts, Grace Brotlnere, UTAH. NEPHI CITY, OSTLER & ALLEN, ' j S . ! Al ; j al r : BRIDLES, ; HOPPLES, to-ha- nd the-glas- g. . , Horse Furnishing Goods " s - . Sheep ; r Q . j WE GUARANTEE S a,t i b ffci c t i ori " . and Cowboys' Outfits. iv, uuia thZ-tom-'gailo- Men's ! i MflOOD e. i I self-respe- e VltHli7-r,tt- ; j . r-M- ! aiHat 't ylcur; . ciTtfok-ne- ss j j . -r. fSSTnety nn-raK- - . . f |