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Show ij - if I ' " . J ' ' ' 'i,m. i . kiiLTrtrsfesas Tf-v- t r isrl in, la JT , Tl I ir.O.S.Hosmer, onnmW Mexico or any of the men want protection on their wool, yet hr nr.tl want cheap clothing, cheap sugar, South 'American Republics and estab they Pqysicldn and sUVifcon; grain etc. Thr3 are, however, lish a branch monarchy or empira auu cheap Will eoon be moving their two classes bt men that are real pathat it is none of the business of the triots; those are the stock-mewBo Flocks to the Winter range subscription bates: CommereialTrav- United State.. There is invoiveam vote the for 'while Rooms the (iood ticket Sample serums Republican in the Western part of the attitude of Europe such a of the riOO Per year office: elers. is put eating industry sheep sat protected Patron At Residence ty to 4JEee Millard menace to the peace and all Trains, Meets County, Hack (Payable in adrance). Store. busitheir bast door and second destroying as buuum their range station. States the United from of and the to people HOURS: is the sheep-me- n WALTER JAMES, ot. Black Rook. Publishers. till the heart of every true American ness; the other class 2 to 4 p. nil PULVER & ORME Both ticket. Democratic the vote who an on this western hemisphere witd Has just Laid in a Large are entitled to the GOLDSBROUGH, classes NepM, II. of those arro the - unoupnchable desire to whip postthe at GENERAL Nephi made poof their been in haa unselfish Supply Application as gance out of any nation or nations that credit of being Proprietor, -ffice for transmission through the mails If patherefore and MERCHANDISE And litical ampliations The Missouri: Pacific R'y a claim of trial ouyni, mail matter. iacond-clasthe justice deny The order. the of highest triots to be apparrant' to every roan ana ' 2724. also be credited up woman in th civilized world and rec farming class may If you are gfoipg to Notice tor Publication. a high deree of patriot- with possessing Utah Lake nation. City. at Salt V Land Office by every European October 2oth, 18& f ism, for it matters not wnicn waj iuey Saturday moun., dec. 23,1895 ognized When French papers assert that thatof the ffiven fiansas'lCity end , xo get the hot his intention continue thev vote, notice Pettier filed has entertained doctrine cannot be in support of ?o Sakfttnai commutation proof St. Louis, will be made said law they seem to of th political poker. In the light proof hit and that as an Season. of claim, For the BLADE AGENTS: Coming of the before the clerk of the County Court of Juabr Chicago,' deem- past and present conditions Decern-bewherein an incident will they who un- Countv 'i Utah, at Nephicity Utah, onII. E. No. our of u forget agents. list, ' -deserve Meals numbers I.1CIU its c and class " t.i,w ' New YoTkv Pelts will be Bought men granger 21 805, TsW Frank L. Copening; 3 Tp. 15 S. R. W. M Sec. for receive subscriptions and receipt lor ed it prudent to respect it. Those ballots the ni2E 'for for casting to prove - ..... , He names the following witnesses and nations that claim the Monroe stinted praise Or any other-t as Usual. Furnished i'ayruenta. ' and eultivtion upon residence or va continuous his read either party. any ticket see that your. M. ajlor, T. T. point East Wm. Chast.tln, Ibipah, Tooele Co. doctrine has no place in the internaon of. said land, viz Nephiauu. their wilt put the If just people ' HILI.AHD COCXTT. Melton Jennings, tional end, should read those pages of of Taylor, themselves ot uiau. divest all livan and Juaii Missouri Pacific R' caps The thinking to City. with the against desires protest who deal Lyman, Oak that Joseph A. Anderson. Anv person American history to in Millard Utah. hrhn of Co., knows t nrnnf ot Fillmore. Black, Rock, blindness long enough Christian law and the th. nV&r Thos. Memmott, Seipio. embracing the close of the great partisan perjod oi Superb C!oa,ehest Qnifk.Tim?. Chris. Overson, Leamington. vestigate the regulations of the Interior Department, why tneir refresh line Fair. at should this world's thePeople's the Bttl Roadtbed Nort0 Civil is piaKe m'iM wir. KaDosb. ue They Aycr's Vx.r u.nuvcu, Oeo. Crane, rlicr'VPr that it such Proof snotiia not above Koute. mentioned time at the James Hatton, Petersburg. French an how on the Empire opportunity Sarsaparifia enjoys the exttra memories of are rich Ayer's witnesses the the trying which Burbauk. with to Kelly. nd Virjil distinction of having been the to take advantage ot the as- garment Ilrrum Adams. Meadow. the said claimant, and to otter evidence in rebut ordinary and that attempted selfishness exhibit at cover their blood ' to S. purifier allowed anManufacturIllncliley. Blake, James only of that submitted ay cimu. tal - ' 'M) P m-,n- sumed Weakness of the United States Leave Offrteft manufacGkoo. Brnox the'World's Register. Chicago, claims' of the fair, Pueblo Leave claimant. ers of other sarsaparillas aonght by every W. A. C. Bryan Att'y for 5 Mop. in. and evade the! Monroe doctrine by turers that Arrive Kansas City desire their country's nHta i ii showinfir of their sroods. mnnnain they 6 :&. ra.. Mexico. St. Loins in Arrive building a branch empire 9:30 a. in. thev were all turned away under theis a mass of the' most partibut THE WAR CLOUD. Arrive Chicago prosperity rme lorDiaumg; iucuHot and c old application ottne They should read up how Secretary san hypocricy. If the money power tn .u AyJrtinnM: nrl rnof uuonI'llv..". UJCUiUIUCa OI PatCllU trV Seward told France if she sent any that createaa panic at will and battons fair World's the authoriThe dicision 0 was more troops over to Mexico tbey would on the results of their; unrighteous Communicated :1 in favor of Ayer's A Sarsaparilla) ties - Call Upon the nearest ticket a'e'nt Or' addreft' Sarsanarili all ver's Maxoofnilnwi,! iU CUCUU ' Tbe Blade heai lily endorses Forhe met by U. S. soldiers, and how influ1 1 or . n ti n I'rtftQFD .'; n. m not its pfU Kotoni-doe9. r could be destroyed Commercial here Freight fc Pass, Agt. nostrums. is It of lhat humanitarians on botha sides ofr imilian was left to his fate and was ex- greed to the list of the belong nullified the ence by application on itsmerits." the Atlantic are saying in depreca-wa- ecuted under orders from the restored 11. LI. Traveling Pass. Apt. principle, foe instance, between Mexican irovemment. It was a whole torv snirit relative to a Salt Late City, UtaU" ' now shackles American law that every Britain. Great doctrine and Monroe the United States some respect for the Or II.C.TOV,rNfeEN commerce! could be reCieneral Pass, and Ticket Aprent, A conflict between the two great Ln that influenced the Ireoch govern- industry andabsolute St. Louis, ilo.. maThe with safety. ... ,. .f. clish sDeakinc: nations would beacal ment to let Maximilian die rather than pealed of of United the the people a to further transgress a doctrine that jority amity that would not be equalled by are hunting for the war. During the then and there was recognized as a States, just now, .Pjir.wiflan ' .!,ai CUt 'nigger" in the wrong "woodpile' h3 latter half of this century England has part of international law. science in making rapid strides fr The United States were then weak. uu3 ana uei among and philosophy, tnev are masters of the s'tua- EDITORIAL NOTES Today a thinkrMm'fi tuwout irfief re ii;juu Liiu tiw j' tion unanimity with which the people CO m ) nrs of the aire. That fact is freely con of this western world approve PresiCD ceded and the cause is found in the dent Cleveland's .manly message is an ' T1 n n fact that England is an old country object lesson to aspiring arrogant snobs Ul LJ res w Probably there will not be any war l resources are fully de on the other side of the Atlantic that, to is refreshing foi,vr.or? nrt whose citizens have that if,wc!l studied, will teach them that with England, but it scream all leisure necessary for investigation of the Monroe doctrine is as dear to th hear the American eagle the same. Ul Eng- olan-- s of thought. iha higher n of thji people over here as is the hearts - t en land renresents the most advanced, of our union or any principle .sn of the old ofntecrity destable aDd type as with and satisfied progress, lightened human liberty England was entirely monarcbial form of human govern nlorable-aa war with England would the Essequibo boundary until gold was w HCTUp meat. In contra distinction the Unit be, of the two evils a temporary arrest discovered beyond it, when she imme- sg..ed States is youqg with rapidly-devof the wheels of human progress or a extended her "claim" to cove; .5 CTi LOCAL. TIME CARD. nnin-jnatural resources. During the surrender of the Monroe doctrine the idiately found to be valu thus. the territory C" In effect.Nov. 17,1894.' last century the course of empire has people of the United States will choose able. In other words, the question is D and depart at various station t arrive Train westward. New lands have been the least and. maintain the independ as follow'. in and "characteristic daily simply one of Stations. Southbound. --i ooened to civilization, mines have been ence of their sister republics at all satiable greed so far as she is cou- Arr. ah. Leave , Leave lines and 2.15 am, ... Ogden .... 8.00. pm. telegraph discovered, railway is ja grave situation aud the Scerned. It hmJ 3.15 am Ar Salt j Lv 7.00 pm have been extended while new fields civilized, world; will look on with in 7.45 am Lv f Lake Ar 5.50 pm 5.20 pnv 8.H am Sandy for enterprise and industry have been tense interest while the 9.42 am . . Fairfield . 3.40 pm There are a great mauy people who continually presented to the hardy eithers gathers in ominous- 'blackness 2.00 pm 11.35 am . Eureka eons. seriousand adventurous or America and talk of in apparently constantly the peace. 4. 45 pm or . light 8.45 am Lehi J unct d!sper3es 5 4.35 home, am 8.55 Amer'n pm That: very faa baa detracted from their about think Fork,. Heavenly ly 9,02 am Pleas't Grove 4.28 pm to a second .-I but don't devote tnougot HI 9.25 ani ...,Provo. .,'.. 3,05 pm sPec'?' . rr.r." row-ricai- ; inconsistency making 9.44 am Spanish Fork 8.49 pm their earthly home happier for mat nas oeea euuius 10.02 am ... Payson ... 3.32 pm SELFISHNESS.AND However, ftf nnr Rni?liA cousins. 11.05am ....Nephi.... 2.40pm those with whom theii lot is cast. A 11.45 am Ar j tLv 200 Pm side tohilA nor rotations on the other the to devoted little time lightening 32.30 pm Lvju'lb fAr 1.30 pm CD 2.05 pm Leamington 11.55 am f the ocean have been delving into the IcoTnmtroicated.i burdens here below will assure you a am 4.05 pm pasisLake 10.25 From' the amount-oeloquence and 'better claim on what the future has to 9.37 am 4.50 pm Clear .imea of nast geological ages, and have 8.00 am Ar j Mil- - Lv 6.35 pm g a glorious social des- - noise, and the intensity of feeling that offer. bean 8.50 am .Lvl fod f Ar 6.15 pm Americans-ihav10.40 pm characterizes each political campaigmn Frisco, .v. 5.00 am tiny for the race, the Leave Arrive doltheUnitedStates.anr.one unacquainted hPfln "hustlinsr" for the "almighty ' run of souh Juab Trains daily kxcep Si'i For tometJme past our ejteemed exfar" and have triven to the world al- - wilQ American- politics would be apt to Two through trains dailv from bair ftosb every impoitaat industrial inven- - imaginehat the row was, over some change, the Salt Lake Herald, has to all points Elast. Lake ,t to five dollars of which a reward been also been have upon vital offering principles of the tion Through Pullman Palace Sleepers frsm SaJ priqciple.or age. They UiKe..io vjnicago wnuuui cuauge olvin the irreat nroblem of universal deDended the weal or Woe of .a .nation the boy or girl that would send in the Improved Tourist Sleepers, the Had Free Reclining. Chair cars. there had Lake for Salt wish have . even examined, City best But which if in casually they liberty and Elegant day coaches. Tvliarl fi'mrjathvof twill hp rl iRcn ve.red a larcre arrrount of reward been offered for the best wish The only line operating dhiing car service. 4 The shortest aEd fastest line to all point insiheritr. and .selftah- - for Utah, and the awarding committee Thprfore. .each caav. E. D. WICKINS, Ajjent, Nephi. nations h,as Dess uhderlying what at .first thought had been composed of plain country f the E. D. not would wish Burley, Gen'l Agt. Passgr. Dept.,, oe ana tire following people, lmpurtanu seems to mtensmeu pairiouis-'-uplaying a proper B. L. Loiaax, Gen'i Passgr. and Ticket Agt. The Louisiana Democrat who be only have received the five dollars, but t part in the legitimate drama of human E. Dfckihson, Gen'l Mngr., OmabC who a have voted been but: wonld for "wisher" aitarifl its revenue, lieves in H. II Clark. progress. - S, .nrvamnns indicated is. interested in the. production of sugai cbromo-fot th intelligence and candor. E. Ellery Anderson, of Utah that the John V. Doauc, huve th- - peopU of the United States- will demand ,tbat his especial industry "I, wish for the good FrederickJ K. Concert, octopus, called Salt Lake City, ' Receivei ana Great. Britain have become tne De protectee auu n u wm blue the of hiifT'ari-liiyrtbottom soni5 tor the were at sugar deep, and verj in;; protection .,!n ,0;nf ". See? sea asiuems uerbumau, Cial nro 'rebsion. 'Ail other nations likeiy.iay . !nL-,r- i Ami acliui'a- - racy anu .voxe wuu; uibwpuumwu.-.;it.h g race who promise him protecuon. At the Eion- on the The Supreme Court of the United ,v,ca iriutrial interests have become same time, he demands iree coai, cneap States has recently made an important Florida tKor until l"nt.nils:and machinery. hThe ' ..y.....-uuv,. ' FUSeU WLLU lUUSO Jl which is calculated to increase ruling auu. on noe .wants. almost-arice one f hPv annear family. -plantar ' the diillculty o securing convictions in 13 rr - to D0 cases. It is to- the effect that would- make the na murder. .i . rr ICU .J ua S5' baron p.(1:fi;.-,wniikl' vaniacoal n Lit; UUl , when the plea-o- insanity is made,-thK x primft against CiVl IZltlOQ ana tne won uencyo ttu,.iimu0u.i.burden of proot.of sanity is on the Newcastle if .phace to wer if it quake wtmldjtake possible, atonement ought, ''If the w hole evidence says l" ',' Ht was-- ; aamittea rree. aua VMuv be imDOsed on that nation that' shall coal . .. ...4 oy : r t. .. tnat Court the i suppneci f ,inciuairg CIS IMDU OllcaniLii' u n .uu pa; "the in t u- - wma?. of j; canity,- - does "presumption; legal ana were extriotiaixr industrial sj .not exclude beyond reWdhable doubt o iv i.,n.f i.vitv RntflarKr ; i - r.r.itnmmiv tuvma t.h'il", flAmft nri Vh a..m. oeen uuuvmuiu Minium, . of insanity, thi pris. t 3 ...v ' there ua9 iMftft-- corresirjuuIU1...I. ut the hypothesis r Plui latter triot l) wants tne cneapesu r,f oner i entitled to an acquittal of the feature however, is not characienstio opr, iiiiujwuiu be speciOc ','Yense'chargod.,, This-masee how to it is it but easy good law, vho are just as generous,- just a 4 liber Italians and by that mvaiis really pro- may be used-tdefeat justice. laboring' man from al and magnuoimous as , are their Amer tect TIME TABLE NO. 16. ican relations. Hut England is ruled competition. with foreign paupers. lie A n- Ohio Judge has decided that Efiective" Sunday , November I7ih, 1S95. whether or uot hi3 cares not a fli: by aa Aristocracy af .title! nabobs for the are wives responsible legally whose ndianc; has become employes are on the verge of starvation Xortli South." oftheir "husbandvS and their , supbort so loutf as' his coal is Selling at ai one and inseparable. From-- that Dist'. of stuffed interest. families, provided! the husbands themPistXo. 2 No. isiue ti defiincj to Ameri-- , from from 'Stations. to Dai:? tne are supvturmsn unable Paily Manti demand- that Eu- - The manufacturers of iron- and steel selres i:i JM- - and vital to eaid" is ll.OEi? haye ll.45a 43.6' Lv. Nehpi Ar. on their products n port. The decision; 10.4a 5.0 38.0 r.)pd shail respect tht Monroe doctrine want protection' d 12.10p Salt also lawyers,-anSprings the, Gurprised JO.STh 33.0 10,0 12.40p Holloway for that no Kiuropean poorer by conquest order to keep out foreign compstion, greatly will Where 10.10a gifts conyour bny you is: 12.57n The 14.0 the Green new Bat Fountain Woman; Judge the qnestioi but they also Want freeIIuns and da. 9.45a 19.5 ir purchase th-i- atfjuiru any m jre 1.15p23.2 Draper inr this x Ohio1 t of law 9.25' the hat 19 23.5 tends ssd4 so Moroni esq VP P' J that they rffl2BJ pss?58 esteTn inhemisphere' gos and .free coal thi 9.J0a 27.0 16.0 1.42p Chester inu same Illinois, that as, the 8.4'ia cbnsutn 35 8.0 profits Cohere the divine right of kings and em Ephraim 8.15a of 43.0 J and 2.45p , California the' Ar.. Lv, Territory y Mpnti ers,-atemphati-eal'the same time enable them'? to Iowa, norers to rule the jjjasHea In the Ohio cass the By visiting our Store, cbmpeie with the foreigner in his own Oklahoma; Lake Trains leavft. ATn.rit.1 fni denitd and which will be $22 of a will readily be give ft td balance was: answer for sued ThC amount wares to his the land' Wednes selling by Morrison and 3 :00 at p. m., Monday's, any cost whatever. 25 per' cent, on a tailor bill of 'venerable date, and at European-paupe3 unendurable prices CM ET almost LT3 q It is an act of i Manti at 6 :00 p." in. con- the wife, who has real estate valued at he'ii American less to than charging power for any European Unio arrogance Direct with connections at Nephi sumers. The'Massachusetts manufac- $1(?;000,- will have to pay it. Padific Xiailwn.v' fm-Sn.lt Lake City, , Aeny the' force of the Monroe doctrine 5a turers' of Woolens want free wool in orit intermediate and' that claim Ogden t2a Buft, Proyo, Milfprd 4nd to mike the silly their all that West. and goods & pomts, may law. der erporb TIIURMAK and East they WEDGWOOD;polnte tiot recooizod'- as ou signal. on Stop to the J . and keep product to projection GK PlRKES, The denial on th3 part of Europe H. The T. Superintendent; reserves Company! the Law.' right to var care not a whit Attorneys out They of the imports: force rom and this Time Table at pleasure. Recognize the validity allies .Monroe doctrine is equivalent to serving whether or not their Republican Theodore Brtjback, 6 TOYS, DOIiLiJ. WORK i the sheep men are on the verge of Pres. & Genl Maneffer, Line BosV Assorted arid notice oa the United' States and Largest ' We fwthe Room and 3, with Others, the jeo As Ac, TOILET aic L.aiieuiiy. SET.&o ROXES and BASKETS. :Vur neighboring republics to the south, bankruptcy. First Nation a Builaintf. and out a as isT used Si is II. Kerr, complete ffrocery line as'lowas-tb:- prices 'hut at, any time in the future, when with thetn, their politics &Q.-P.- " & P. Agent, lowestauptt are i:TAn. Sheei-pitow?' ' 'of eelllsh gmtificatioihwill- coim- over elect.' ttiev sfr may Jwy THE BLADE. ; -- . n j ' . ' : Co-o- - p I . . - ' - i s Sheep Men's . ) , . tnt-Monr-oe i '.. , ' I . ... ' ' : , inter-nation- al j '. 1 ' . j, i : ,"'- ?nnt!al ss .x- - fe cross-examin- j e : i high-soundin- i- I Elec-an- t cL nl-ic- e . WALTER JAMES - , "true-inwnrane- ; , , , g 21-2- - P- - : 6 1. O a. BATHS .... -- . 1 --T - t?.i HAWKINS' . 1 . S'lI-oSTINfeO- '1 . MERRY CHRISTMAS! 1 tin , CJ .. . o I m I y Hi . M o whose-natura- " , ' ' VA & ' S P w CD rh s ' el Sl. 0 'P o r e-ssn haz-zard- l - lorth-boun- d ' s. . P - ; ""ZSZTZ? ) 0P. war-clou- d , i I . . . . ' , - . '. . , i m ; - Q 53 o .- f out-linin- ; HAEPY'IEW e YEAR,! - . . ; . . I Engii5h-speakin- g . - b-je- . a , t.. . i Olivet-W.tink- , r f - i'" v ' pap-fe- d I ; r-- - 1 tr. English-speakin- ; j . . ) s . I . ; -- ' ' ;- "3 ''Ol-.i- - - H I f .' , , , e pros-'eciitio- n ; " : I i u.-- . 4. r : 1 inter-Cnangeabi- i . T .Vi-iArm- . VAILtEY X - , I 1 M 'J44 ; e ; t-- -, . ' j ui -- p-iai- nfc utra "" i'hu - o . , : - aud-banker- s; a-t- tifi-cial-pric- es " -- - I I i - O . ter-Atn- rv d jre-spec- I tis 1 . can-make'larg- - from-hom- O . j ! i : main-amed-- at . . stT-iiiicr.Fiink- . ; r ' - HE psr h i us l' al ; --- . , -- 1 ' , e - - J . - inter-nation- ; . ju' ? , T l - |