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Show Nephi Her Resources, Advantages and Attrition?.. ThBBonfflnnftnf death has been passed of Blanche upon Durranc. the murderer nas executiou the of 'Thn T.o.,,f been fixed for February 21st, 1S36. it GBBAM OP Mining Q). The Centennial-Eu'rek- a last FHdav declared1 another double divi per share, Driugiug dend of 130,000 or the grand total to date up to $ 1.40,000.- Tintic Miner. one of the oldest resiGeorge Prince,was found near his home dents of Sandy, 6:30 about yesterday morning in an un conscious condition, tie lived only a He had Khrrti tim( after the discovery. himself and fallen by injured apparently the (all. Tribune, Dec.2o$,h. Lehi Banner: The sugar company paid out on the 10th and 15thfor 50,C0J; beets. 10,000 for wages and $40,000 The company has a iarge number of team hauling gravel from the bench above to the factory to Dut in the cattle corrals and it has quite a number of peams working on the reservoir. Au accident which may hava resulted, worse than it did. happened S,anday to Mrs. A. jr. , and Airs. toWilliam oher-i- f Strong. A-They took a drive out and when Brown's residence, Joiiu in the yard the horse fell into a driving well which hd been dug and lett uncov ered. The harness and buggy kept him from going to the bottom, until assist ance camo and got it out. Provo Eaquir- er. Last Saturday, in presence of Acting- Qoveruor Bichard3, the triple tie for a was seat OUR' EXCHANGE g - Territorial News, Culled and Condensed fox B!d fjeaders. There are j two rniilion Irishmen In A.n(ieriC3 who would want no better fan t,nin to help twist the Brittish lion' Mil. dalina, Press. " Postmaster Aldrich says his most unas ual caller was a ow, which clashed into office last week. "Nothinp" for her, was reported. Alt. Pleasant Pyrinud. itverybQdy in Saji,n,a is discussing- the whjo think that in event, oi trouble with Oreat Britain Hallna would Le at the 9 and mercy of the enemy. war-shiwould come down the Sevier fiver and blow the town into smithe-feeiiAna General , i ' f - ; - O.-Smoo- 0fun-boat- - ps 3. Prea3. to note th it S. L. Ad Wa are ams has piexd in the course of erection, a, Ji'ohndry and Machine Shop; an ineQt0r.-this prise thit has long benis aneeded and vicinity. Mr. Adorns we thorough will he trust and workman, practical be well patrouiJ53d when the establishment is ready for business. George 3-iii- in HJphraim City Gouncilmauic decided by lot. Judge Henderson representing C. A. Larsen, Deunis C, Eicenor Chas. Whitlock. and Dewey Richards t. ( Nephi City Is situa,tod GeOcrraphloally, ; he I ng R al- - Vat center of Utah; Its patent natural iBostjin resources are practically unlimited. Its active itesources consist (H of Agriculture ; (2) of Horticulture; (3) of the Sheep industry and. (4) of minerals. To the North, West and South is a large area of as fine agricultural lands as eata be found in Utah. Abundant crops of cereals and alfalfa bless the labors of the husbandmen. To the North, thousands of acres of natural meadow, watered by large springs, The spread out like a great emerald carpet. unexcelled vegetable gardens of Nephi are in the west. Its fruit and that of its contiguous towns, is as perfect as can be grown in this latitude.; In order to illustrate what can be accomplished here with beesi it is only nec that a Nephi farmer last seaessary to state son, shipped 8,700 pounds of line honey, and the apiary is merely an adjunct to his farm. The wool industry of this locality, is one of and is such as to demand the largest in Utah, attention of two wealthy firms1 and large warehouses for the storing and handling of the product. A couple of miles east of the city, ana near the mouth o.f Salt Creek Canyon, is a verita,ble mountain of pure erystauzed gypsum. Con venient to the quarry, is a complete mm tor which is grinding and refining the toproduct n the shipped being continuously states of the Pacific Coast, 300 tons last month being the output. TTn Salt CreeH canyon ana nortn easterly ebout nine miles, pure salt springs gusli from the mountain side, and by means of one of the most complete salt manufactories in the United States, the brine is converted into table. and packing salt that has but few equals dairy and no' superiors in the world. The brine is 35 per cent, salt and the supply practically unlimited, in aacupon to trie mauuiaciurea product, there are several mines or quarries of rock salt, the extent of which cannot be computed. As a point, Nephi recognizes in Utah. It is the key to but one distributing superior Southern Utah, and with the advantaga of two railroads stretching out to the east and south, the hest point in furnishes, vvlthoui Question, of manufactories Utah fqi the establishment and wholesale, houses. The attractions of Nephi as a residerce town, are unique in their variety. It is situated on almost the highest portion of the dithe flow of waters north into vide that turns, south-ward Utah lake and intq the Sevier river, thence onward to the Sevier lake the dead sea of Millord County, its altitude, gravelly soil and perfect drainage insure the best of fact, the eondtions are such, that health, incases of diptheria have occurred in but two five years among a population of nearly 3,000-It- s citizens are thrifty and progressive. The wide streets and avenues of large shade trees, and elegant cosey cottages, beautiful lawns modern public buildings, make of Nephi a is a real luxury. place in which life is supplied with a complete system of water-wIt orks water from along which flows the miles up the pure springs distant some threefive miles, the canyon. To the wesf about mountain range is low, rolling and of easy access, and abounding with rich pasturage. To the east a couple of rniles, the Nebo range rises, to the north east a few miles abrubtly the top of Mt. Nebo rises into the regions of eternal snow, Without exageration and without coloring, the foregoing is a description of the lovely in city o Nephi, the Capital ofof Juab County which are found the mines Tintic, the wonder and admiration of the Grest West. Besides Tintic, the rich mines of Fish Springs, a portion of Deep Creek and other wealthy and Growing camps art situated iD the Western part of Juab County. Following is a directory of Nephi's business I t : ' "1 WiNN, County f - t , f T i A ,nf?riTT;nT7i niTTTn COURSE the To advertise our we will give a thorough course ofCollage in Douinstruction g ble and Single Entry and Commercial Arithmetic, by mail, at ID Vi Book-keepin- One Fourth U 11 Regular Pric . Is the LEADINg HOTEL of 11?PBI to a- limited number of This course will be completed persons. in 40 lessons. No charge for diplomas. Address, Subscription to t .... h f Is all It takes for a x ear s - - A Hack Meets All Trains, Free to Patrono. capital commercial College wity inter-mountai- Union, Erastus Willardsun. Judge IJenderson Tfhe output of the several properties drew the prie for Mr. Larsen. This rewas as follows: sult gives tiie Democrats three in the pahied for the past iveefe Centennial-EureK- a 12 carloads of ore, phraim Council and the RepublicansAj 1x6 cars, Mammoth 5 cars, Sioux 10 two. All ties are now decided, andwitnpars, Bullion- - Bee it 25 cars aDd mill 5 cars n a few days all commissions will be in Cddceutrates, Carida, 2 cars, orth Star 2 the bands of the officers-elec- t. Cars. Tne Dragon Iron mine continue The editor's lot is a very happy one and phippiqg: its usual quota of about three miserable one both at one and the .cars daily tifjurelsa Democrat. yet same time. His pathway is strewn with Liars Myrup has returned from Monroe roses one day, aqd with thorns the next. where he has been assisting the people One day he is highly pleased at the result in perfecting their plans for a reservoir. of his labors, the uext, norhaps, is but The reservoir is locatei at the head of the ad cusapointment. ne issues nis. paper east fork of the Sevier River, and will be today and some one pats him on the five miles long1 with an average width of back and says, Hhere's a noble fellow lia miles. The dam will be a short one Another calls him a hateful thing and and will b 20 feet high. Enough water wants to brain him with a club. And pan be stor q to water from .5,000. to 10,000 o the business goes oa forever. Oh, Sentinel-acres oi iaiid.-rrTyes, the country newspaper ousiues is a daisy; but with all her faults we love We oalled on Anson p. Winsor, ot this her none the leas. --rManti Messenger other day and found him shell .city,a the of informs us that Thursday's Tribune: William Mc- ing lot willpeanuts.wellHehere on of Stockton was run over by if Follander grow planted peanuts gaudy loam, in. order to give the seed switch engine at the Union depot last fibers a chance to penetrate the ground, evening, it is thought that he was un this climnte beinrr admirably adapted to der the influence of liquor, as he was ly , hair growth. We are pleased to see this ing on the track when No. 5 pulled in new indastry taking a start and1 we shall and the engineer had to stop the train to, have more to say on this subjeot here- tut him oif. Shortly afterwards he got on the track again m another part of the after. St. George Union. and was run down by switch en Mattison this week disposed of yards, Jpnas saw him and 1107. The No. gine 6 head of steers, the average applied the brakes. engineer man The weight of the animals being l,106a as if to get out of the way, but staggered the slow pounds. They were fattened on lucerne knocked him down and and bran and were the sleekest lot of cat- ran over oneengine hand. One linger was cut hustlers: tle jever shipped from this point. John off, and he was the C. ANDREWS & CO., Bafnard bought them fr the Salt Lake body, but not badly bruised about The injured. seriously Dealers in Wool, Grayn etc. Meat Company and shipped up to Zion engine stopped at once, and the crew lif WOOL GROWERS ASSOCIATION, UTAH on! Tuesday, where they will make ted McFollander from the track. AssisE. R. Booth, Manager. Christmas beef for the denizens of that tance was summoned, and he was taken NEPHI biff settlement. The prioe paid was $2.45 to the house HOUSE, 704 of his brother-in-laMrs. E. Golds per hundred pounds. Salina Press. South West Temple, where he received A. W. PALMER, orough, propr. Jj. LI. Riley, of Goshen, has struck ore proper medical attention. Wagon and Carriage Shop. General Black In the iuuthills in that locality. The ore smithing. is in an iron stained quartz, assays as NEPHI LIVERY STABLE, hitfh as twenty ounces in gold to the ton. Jno. R. Downs propr. OUa LAW MAKERS. Mr! Riloy is of the opinion that his new UNION HOTEL, find is on the same ore belt as that on Names of th State Legislature. The Mrs. C R. Foote, propr. 12 to 6 and the House Senate Stands which the noted Sioux and Utah mines GAZETTE SALOON, .31 to 14 Both Republican. are) located, in the lintic district. The J. W. Hartley, propr. controverts the theories: of discovery M. McCUNE, of is The following the list Legisla majny mining men who maintained that Bakery and Confectionary-McNALLthaiore zons did not extend to too foot- tors elected to the first State Legisla- & LUNT, hills of Goshen Salt Lake Herald. tuie. according to the omcial canvass. Druggists We are informed that a meeting- of the Cut it out for furthur reference: COOPER, PYPER & CO. SENATE. Dealers in Hardware, Tinners and PlumbTiutic Silver League will be called at an ers. early date in the new year and that a 1st Dist AZundt:!!, Repub. silver society of considerable dimentiorls 2nd ' GOLDEN EAQLE SALOON, N Warruiii, Jr. Dein. Bros. Proprs. Dealers in Wines, Blackett The Democrat 3rd " wilf, likely be the zesulfc. il J ft Barnes, etc. is gjad to hear this and trusts that all Liquors I) McKay, Hepub. M. P. KONG, officers and members of the League will 4th "" C Chambers, II Dem. 5th Cabinet aiid Coffin Maker. to the call and shouldtheir respond pat cause M G Cannon & ALLEN, 6th ers to the wheel in the great OSTLER of free 'Repub. " " Manufacturers of Harness and Saddles II E Booth, EHver, sixteen to on. President Pike and dealers in all kinds of horse furuishiug " " G Miller, tind secretary xeiEon cannot issue the goods. 44 44 tail too soon, for aotlve work must be Ceorge Sutherland A. V. HAGUE, 44 i4 thy signal .in every mining camp in the B E Jones Butcher. The Lord helps those who Belo 7th '4 M Warner M Dem. M. W. STOUT. we tuetnselves. If wait tree silver we " " A of Boot and Shoes. J Evans Kepaiivi to work it. Eureka Democrat. iau$t (jet As SONS CHAS. FOOTE P Driscoll 8th 4444 J Repub. DoaU'i'.s in General Merchandise. tenderfoot drifted Into camn the 9th W D CHiidland day and went to work for Bishop NEPIH COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE IN " cthjr J T Chidester B.:ia uiuesoie, wno nave the contract on 10th 44 STITUTION. E H Snow Dem. the. Gold Dust. They showed him how 11th T.1I. G. Parkes, Snpt.: 11 G Miller to thaw powder by heating a shovel, r2th Repub. W. H, PETTEGREW, Democrats 6 Mantff actu r of and dealer in Harness, placing a layer of earth thereon and put- Republicans 12. an is the a name After This A contest doubtful. time he it. Saddles, aud powder supplies. ,;ntj bat occasion" to thaw fonj? powder, heat-- t now - Cutler. RS. PAINTER, JNO. T. seat may Repubpn i r,he shovel red hot and, dispensing en.Dealer in General and green Groceries. with the earth, placed the powder lican. OR.D BROTHERS CLOTHING CO, tirely REPRESENT ATI VES. rn a shovel ten stlaks irt a bunch. Tn Dealers m Ciotiiiug auu Ueut's f urnishings W IT Gibbs lowrter didn't do a thine only go off 1st Dist. OSTLEit & OCKEY, Repub. Butchers. to 2nd..'4 Dem JM Bernheisel teipre he was ten feet away. 44 na jtho t$ndi)rfoot didn't ' get! Strange a scratch, H. H. HAWKINS, Monson Jos concussion iarn;d the hat " 44 thduga tha Boarding house and Restaurant. P M Maughan frnm his head.5 But the contractors! are 3rd " 44 M. C. OSTLER, A Nebeker xnius a shovel, Mercur Mercury. Boot and Shoe maker.; AS Condon 4th 4444 Repub. & CO MP AN Y. r II. THILL Wodne-Jda44 1 m. n. o'look About Mr. N J Harris Merchant Tailors. 44 44 u1 Mrs, James W. Provost of Midway ' Stevens T J FRANCIS SELLS, sad the 44 44 revivedof intelligence of the fatal Lee Curtis Furniture aud undertaking. Charles which had oc. injury attheir son D Heiner BIRCHALL& OSTLER, the Cresceut mine, near Park 5th 44 carred ... R E Egan dot Meg dealers. and a half, previous. The Gth City, an hour son NEBO SALT MANUFACTURING CO. was employed at the 7th " unfortunate EJRaddatz .Repub. A. Cazier, Supt. 44 tnitPf as stoper and he and his partner, 8tb 44 E B Critchlow EXCELSIOR MERCANTILE CO.' 44 Jo4n O'Hagan, had just fired a round of ' " II M Gushing Dealers in General Merchandise. James shots which displaced tha timbers in the 44 44 " D Lewis T W. Pax man, Supt. c: rift:: In replacing the loosened frame 41 44 S W Morrison PEXTON & CHASE, 44 ihtj loosened rock and ore gave way caus" W P Blacksmithmg. Nebeker tons ore of several to fall upon the ing 44 44 44 KNOWLES & WEBB, GL Nye twi) men. CPIlagan was killed almost , 44 yneel Wrignts. P Snedaker J & HYDE 44 WHITMORE, 10:30 Wednesday A V Taylor when he died also General Merchandise, from the effects ofnight the cave in. Wasatch W V Wilson . 44 GEORGE HARDY, wave. 44 I Mnwy to Loan. In ony amount from one hundred to ten thousand dollars. On improved farm propertyT.orC.on water Ptock. Itecordcr. 116 West Sixth Street TOPEIA, - i - '.I1 Twq Sample ltooma. Nearest to Business Centre.! MRS. KANSAS. c:r". - Mayw"". . Proprietor. . fssa8! ft'- fo6te, "S. JF" pajp max Jf you are going to ranpre your sheep west of Deseret Write immediately tp the IflNCKLEY CO OP For prices on grain. Bottom Figures. j, lv9n ; Supplies a Specialty. Sheep-meqs- 1 - TV Four miles from Oasis &tattfnf - i " THOSE AFFSoTED WIT5 2 XH XM J w, Of the Kidneys, WHY Enlargement of Ilia Prostrate Gland, Mot: Stone in Tiie Bladder, - f Or any kind of Urinal troubles, Can secure immediate, And a penr.aEeut cure by using the Subscribe? , . HE.- 14 4 wt-a- t. f r- - i J$ JO'S A-- 5 2 111 S3 Y.CV R M M K.?S For sale Dy : 44 i , i -- . 44 ... 14 i j . 44 4 4 - SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ' Walley, Wallace .W. Wiley, of Tiountiful, ilyrum Beck, a 6on of John Bjck of Salt Lake and Harry Jofeoh, 'surveyor, cme in Tuesday. Mr. Walley will start a force of 60 or 1C0 men to work on the asphltum claims on the south side of the valley today, Mr.uBeck, the new rnauager is o young man 'and if he follows in the footateos of his father has a brilliant opportunity as manager of these valuable "asphaltum claims to develop 0;Qe of Uintah county's richest resources. Ib an interview, with Mr. Walley he stated that a large suni of money would If a expended by them iu making a better road over the divide on the ridge where their claims are located. This will be ap. preciated by the people; of this (yalley very much especially those who 'haul much produce to the post and agencies, ,r". Vernal Express, j'The Park Racord sayst Although this has not been a particularly lively year among the mines of Park City, and while the railroads have complained of Mack freights, and the merchants of dull tjmes, there has been miaed and shipped from, the camp totdate, 'ores . including Crescent shipments, to the amount of 163 pounds; reduced to tons, gives over 42,252 short tons. The rate on ore from Park City to Denver is ?7 per ton, and to Salt Lake ?2; hence, considering the manner in which ore is divided, an average figure would be f 3 per too on all rock handled. That would give the rail roads a busine3 amounting to 277,512 ori one class of freight alone, to say nothing of the coal, timbers, machinery- and merchandise of all kinds that go to make, up the nC03sary supplies for a mining camp. For dull time w consider the i ; ! i . 92,-50- - showiDg a very goad oae." 7, 9th 4- 10th T Ferguson - . " : . t4 44 12th 13th 14th 44 15th lGth 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 4 J X Ferguson Wm Howard J II Sharer ' JM Bolitho . 44 , . 44 44, , 44 ' 44 44 44 ,c ' .. ' " 'i Denver,. Sheep-me- n Has been tested for more than five years in the cases, and thcrj has not been a case of failure recorded against the water. IT HAS CURED IH EVERY ItiSTAHGE. V i. : o J. tJi VJL n (t. f RAILWAY rs J UQM L. Notice to Sheep-Aen- . will find it very conveni th , " . Repub Scientific American Agency for Dem - Dem. 14 Holiday Rates. The Union PaclGc R'y will make an oven rate of one fire for the round trip to all piints on its system within a distance ot 250 miles from selling1 office on account of Christmas aqd New; Year Holiday8r Sseilioir rates Dec. 24 , 25, 31 st and. J any. , ; Final Limit Jan. '.6th 1S96 .;'.;. E. D. Wickins, Agt. : SCENES Bail,? EACJXTVaT JiETWKEN QGO-- H, s CAVEATS. TRADE K.1ARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, i w wwwi - COPYRIGHTS. r r r .Voraatlon ana rree Handbook wrltf ArJ to .MUNN & CO.. 861 Bkoadwat. New Yoek. Oldest bureau for securing: patents In America. taken out by us Is brought before "u ,7?1Stt f""j wjr a uuucb gtven iree oxcaarge iu tue r - of i C. DODGE, ; home water, Free from Sulphur, Absolutely fcjpft, Pure and Ta$tele. Free from even a trace of Lime and is a product of f Deseret, MillaTd County, Utah. Address all correspondence to Tie ) Gen'l Agents for the DESERET , . Salt Lake City, Utah. LITHIA WATER COMP AN Y. Ciiar-ge- . Coi'nectsanc .'r.ae in bnian De?ot3 7 T"", T harvest clrcutatloTi any e world. Splendidly of NcPiuTen"nt .iUustrnted; toan should be It. Weekly. ti year; $1.50 six months. Address. MUNlTft'co 1'uisLisHSES, aOI Broadway. New York. City is a SALT LAKE AUD DENVER. - Zir-'.z- by leading of use DESEUET regular employment, During preguancy, and Chronic Constipation, the. Ladies will find in tno DES EltET LITHIA WATER au invaluable remedy. THE n Fast Express Trains Repub that had been prouounced incurable less; ' C?u!c3 of Throe Distinct Routes, AKi case of Bright's, Disease pbyBicians, Was cured in than three months by the LITHIA WATER and the patient is now persuing his ' It 13ST KAGKiFIGFtif RAILROAD 4 -- A rv 44 , Chas Morrill ' W W Mansfield Tbos Sevey E L Ciark Jas Andrews J E Robinson LITHIi Wate THE ent and profitable to take with them to the winter range copies of the law of 1894 of sheep and the dut- relative Dem. es oi to diseases To meet; that :want a Inspectors, Repub. number of copies of the law have been struck off at this office and will be sold at 44 Ocents each. Call early. 44 . SERE above-earne- d 44 - it nn ii ' v Democrats, Those three names are doubtfuls, now pending may seat J F Briughurst, Grant Simons and John C. Graham, all Republicans. 1st Boot and shoe Maker. TIIOS. BELLISTON, Agt. Mt. Pleasant Marble Works. BIRD A BOOTH, Dentists. ; P Denny, JDuckett 44 Repub. Dem. .Repub. 44 O L Tompson Republican, 31. ' no j :ut . . 44 44; ' PThompson . 44 44 26th, 27th ' 4" 44 17th Dem. H Lemon ' AO Stnoot Jr M Larsen J T Thorne Win Gibson A Cazier J. Lowry Sr. 44 4,4 Repub JRMurdock 44 44 . Geo Beard . 44 4': THE GREAT DIVIDE, i 44 Hth .44 con-test- i 4 The specific and universal opinions, condensed, are as follows: "You deserve gTeat praise, and the gratitude of the reading world that portion of it, at least, that is fortunate enough to read THE GREAT DIVIDE. Having a field entirely its own, it i3 and character." intensely American inuscast to say, the illustrative It ia useless for features and typography are superb equal in to the fascinating and quality and unusualness our columns. Strange contents that fill ONE DOLLAR a year. TEN CENTS a copy; Your newsdealer has it, if not, send to 4 44 ; ; -- 44 44 'jr.-A- GO, (General Agents,) i f . . ' 44 4 44 j,. U SMITH DRUG tlie ' J - - Sheep-Alan'- s 4 ; t f ' 4 v, f k . v i j , nr, S. H. BABCOCK, General Traffic Manager. Mangaer. ' F. A. WADLEIGH, Gen'l. Pass. Agent JSXrJZRT WATCirmA JCER and JEWELEIt. i I will not only warrant your watch to run, but will guarantee it to keftp time, of will refund your money. A full supply of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry at Close Figures. Orders from the country solicited , j Organs and Pianos Tuned and R.epaired; Main Street jNejb |