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Show i ; , ! I ml Absolutely Independent whether On all questions I Political, Social or Religious, Is the Blade. ou Motto: Country People Bead ' . ' i VOLUME III.- ; NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY MORNING, DEC. - J. R. Hickman spent Christmas In NUMBER 23, 1893 Ne- - ' . - . two lull moons. Mr. Eddie Sparks came home Sunday from the Agricultural College at Logan, lev spend the holidays. John Cooper came over from Mercuit last Friday to attend the 1. O. O. P. ball and returned Monday.' At this time of the year the man with a a present ia mora popular with the girls ' than tbe taan' with a past. ' What has become of all our dents? We would like them tocorrespond wake up and send us an item once in a while. Last! Saturday! brought Misses JEstelle ana Nettie Neff, Annie Sorenson and N. C. Andrews home from school at Provo, to spend the holidays. The jOdd Fellows' ball and banquet given a week agi yesterday was a grand atfair. Almost 00 guests were presetu and a most enjoyable time was spent. The old south school house has been repaired aod rohtted and has a new floor, it will be ued as a dance hall. The nrst aaace was given in it Christmas night. The President! admitting Utan tb Statehobuproclamation will be issued on Saturday,! January 4tn 1898, and the new state officers will assume their position on the Monday jfoliuwing. Tiie ture will also meet on January 6th.legislaEdendale, a war drama, was presented at tne opera house. Tne performance was very good, The play was to have been re produced tonigbt,jbut on account of some of the players backing out it has been postponed but will be presented again in tbe near future. So thorough is the excellence of ' benHair Vigor mat it can be used withAyer's efit Dy any person, no matter what may Do the condition of the hair, aAd, in every case, it occasions satisfactiorr and "pleasure, in addition to the beneiit which invariably comesj Irom its use. Mr. O. P. Bates and son Bert, from Tooele, are spending the holidays wilh O. A. Bites of Nphi. Mr. Bates is much pleased with JNephi and its people, lie will return home alter the holidays, while his son will remain as a subject for ' the pedagogue oi tbe Central school.; To the aged , wilh their poor appetite, feeole, circulation, and imuoverishea blood, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a" boon beIts effect is to cbeck the yond price. ravages of time, by invigorating every organ, berve, land tissue of the body. See Ayer's Almanac for the new year.1 Jones To- - morrow will be the first Sunday of the year, and I propose to commence the New Year by going to church. Mrs. JoneafYou had better take, me with you. Jones What for? Mrs. Jones rYou may need somebody to identify you. Santa Claus has various ways of sending presents fco his young friends;! eo thought; All Sjtoaton last Monday even ing whena a flrie Daby girl "was1 presented him for Xnjias gift. May its shadow never grow less. Mother and child are doing nicely Idon'a know aoout Alf . An exchange has come to the conclusion that now cold weather is coming it would be advisable for the janitors of the different churches and ward halls to have a large slate, hanging in the hall and (demand evbry ybung lady to register beiore entering. This would prevent the youna: men from opening doors and allowing cold draught?! to penetrate the warm atmosphere, iu; order to ascertain il their best youug ladies are present. When Eugeua Field was reporting on a St. Joseph paper he was as&ed by Eli deliver a lecture Perkins,; wh wa3 tosend-off. there, to give htm a Imagine tbe .'ecturer'j horror when, on openiug the newspaper, he read, "As EJli Perkius will lecture here tonightall the railroads bave arranged to gie excursions out of town at greatly. reduced rates." Perkins injurthought oj course, he wasa deeply ed, but.ir stead the par gf ap n attracted so much attention that the bouse Iwai crammed. County Clerk Burton Dlash-ingl- y Yesterday, issued a marriage license to lour young friend, fly rum Carter of.- this city and Miss Christinia S. Jorgenson, formerly of Lie van. This would indicate that the j esteemed young couple mean business in the hear future? probably such as our .genial county clerk has'ju.si transacted a t6w days atgo. The BIaADE has good Wish3 for the investmant these are thinfeiog, of making, young people!new and may the year smile propitiously upon them. Free! Freei Free! j !.'!,.'.; - i t Prsents. I . And Novelties i Headquarters of ,. ; s By far the Largest and best as sortment of Holiday Goods eir.er shown in Mephi. - j ! LookVat ioiir :.. WIlOOWS, ' i ' ' "!" Step inside and behold' a Fairy seen, Everything superb and cheap. Acytblpg you may want at the ; : EXCEI RMNTILf 8' 4-.M- CO i i i f Leaders in Low Prices. " ecL Stahad ' : , langini !: ' j That burns 200 hoiirs at the cost smoKe of cents wi GO'S. r NEPni. i. 4 , . - fTS"3 1 7 " JO.J2J- - ' j . nlr m the j SUIT OF CLOTHS, For the Boys. For the 6Irls. la very Child under 12f years of age in Nepht is invited to call at our store next Monday and jTuesday IJec. 80th and 31st and receive one ticket which will entitle them to a chance in a beautiful doll !and d suit of clothes Which will t be given away New Years Elve at 7.30 p. m. at our Store. irst-ola- s feeen Jeplii and Milford.; 2Ti DOLU ' . 0ions for 50c per bushel. Inquire of CONSTITUTION ALL RIGHT A. Qadds. ' Vi E. Candland and wife went to Ches- Statehood Proclamation on January 4th ter Tuesday, to spend Christmas. ' ' Notified. Merrltt Judge Miss Lillie Biackett came lover from Dec. 21. The new Con Washington, Eureka, Wednesday, to spend the holi- stitution of Utah, which was brought to days. .Washington a wees ago by the Utah Bert two Jones and Commissicners, ihas ,been examined by Twelves," Engene Harof,Provo's popular young men are spend- the President and Attorney-Genermon, and found to be in all respects in ing the holidays with us. with the terms prescribed in Miss Ettie Neff of Mill Creek is spend- accordance the adt. Therefore .the Presienabling ing ike holidays in Nephi and is the dent will issue his proclamation January guest of Mrs. M. E.: Neff. 4th next,! declaring Utah a State of the The Nephi Mill &, Manufacturing com- Union. As the State officers' are to assume their pany declared its regular following" the adof 19 on dividend three per cent duty on the Monday the tb. mission of the new State, they will be in Jos. Morgan ad-A- l Pace, who have office on January oth. AttorneyQeneral been rut with the sheep, in eastern Harmon has telegraphed these tacts tothe Castle Valley, returned home Monday. Chief Justice ofjUtah, at the request of the President. Henry Lunt and Robert Golds came in Monday, from their brough, cattle ranches in eastern Utah and report TWO SAD DEATHS. cattle doing well this winter. When the hair begins to fall out or turn gray, the scalD needs doctering, and Sisters Mary L. P. Teasdale ane Laura C. we know of no better specific than Hall's Whipple Called to Another Sphere, Vegetable Sicilian Hair llenewer. The News reports the ueath of two Th'os. H. Worthington cane in from Utah ladies at Colonia Juarez, Mexico Pine Valley Monday , where .he has been Lanra Catherine Whipple of Payson and with hock, he reports the sheep as do- Mary Loretca P. Teasdalej of Nephi, wife ing well in that part of tbe country. of Apostle Georpa Teasdale. Sister Laura Catherine Whipple was Marshal Gbldsbrough arrested four born June 9, 1875, at Payson, Utah coundrunken tramps at the depot Monday was the beloved daughUtah; ty, of Wm. She two of them had been fighting, ter night, C. and Elsie Jane Richarson-McClellaand one drew a rasor and cut a couple of and a faithful member of the gashes in his oponents hand and one on Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y his face. They were taken before Justice Saints. Her funeral obsequies were hela Kirgan Tuesday qnornmgand two were in the Juarez ward school house on tbe given ten days each at hard labor on the aiteraooa! of Friday, December 13lh, a streets, the other two were given five day large number of relatives and friends each . a , present. Sister M. L". P. Teasdale was ' born May Will Scbofield has struck it' rich down In Arixona in one of the al m oa t iu acces- 26th, 1883, at Ntphi, Juab county, Utah, was the daughter of James aud Jane sible spots oliftio Virgin mountains.; he has a ledge of native gold that in ' the Picton. She has always been devoted to of the Redeemer. Nearly four pockets runs 16,030 to the ton. The tbe cause, her of life was spent in the Liverpoois much average essay lower, but will years and many of the missionaries still go high euough to rank as a bon- l-office anza. Mr. Schorield will return to his will re mem bsr her kindly services. Sne find after the holidays to make arrange- has been adevoted laborer in the Mexir can missiOn:xin the Relief Societies, ments to work it. Young Lidies Improvement and Primary Christmas was quietly spent in Nephi. associations advocating the. principles ot There was but little street j rowdyism, tne everlasting and bearing a and not much drunkenness, The differ- faithful testimonyGospel to the. divine mis&ioa ent churches held their usual Christmas 01 the Prophet Joseph Smith aud the esexercises. During the day there was tablishment of the Church of Jesus several rafiles and in the evening there Christ upon the earth in these last days. was a ball in Millers hall, and a theatre Her obsequies were held bp bun at the Op ra house. Sleigh riding was day, fuueral in the Juaraz Dc.:i5th, a pleasant diversion. The recent fall oi show made the roaJs excellent, The L. ra. l. ana associations met at giving of Christmas presents, was ob- - her residence fnmary children and the sang the served as general as ever, but the Prevf Primary hymn "Great Shepherd of the sents this year partoos more of useiiu Sheep.-was formeu a Then procession ness'than ornamentation. l " to the school house. Bishop Geo. W. Ssvey presided. The house ' was tilled to oversowing, the Relief Society, Yountr STATEHOOD DAY. and Primary being fully lepre&ented with all the oittcera and maiiibers. cen-tur- ks yf . al . al n, be-in- yMidmid,m j I - all-nea- titr- t -- vva-disch- 1 Ladies'.-Improvemen- Monday Jan. 6, 1890. Persuant to a call issued by Judge Chappell a citizen's mass meeting was bold in the Court house last iNtonday evening for the purpose of considering the question of celebrating the day on whieli Utah is admitted! into the Union. The irieeting was unanimous for the celebration. , Tile following committee of ten on general arrangements was chosen. Committee on general arrangements J. A . Hyde Ichai rman, Chas. Andrews, Prest. WmlPaxman. T. II. G. Parkes, Tj. a, Bailey, John Kirgan, A. T. P P. Christensen. John S. ltural College, Logan, Utah. We havo received from the Agricultural Ccllege of Utah copies of an announce- -, rnent of winter courses of study for farmers and others, in agriculture'; dairy-- t arts, and regular College ing, .domestic work. The winter courses begin! wiih the second term, Jan. 7th, and continue ten weeks. The farmers' course dnrmj includes. ;stock-eedindairying 'aud animal husbandry, farm buildings and niacnmery, tiraimng and irrigating, soils and man 4 res, aortculiurej entomology, aud .veterinary 'science.-- This course, tbe circular States, is intended for those have busy farmers toand farmer's orbns whowhole devote two not the time four to obtaining a scientiflc education j'ears in agricaliure. Most progressive farmers know-thathe old methods of farming, ah hough 'practiced with success r by our fore fathers, will no longer pay. Success not possible ih our day without n knowledge of at least the fundatfiental principle1 upon which- the modern art of agriculture is built. With a view to knowledge in the supply ing some of this moat practical way, nn the shortest time, and to the greatest pc3sibJe..number; the course here outlined has been provided. The subjects which have been included ara sciences related strictly to agriculture. In our judgment, tJje farmers will derive greats pi'ictieal benefit from attending this course,- which includes many actual demon titrations of the subjects discussed-and a, practical, laboratory course in cheese and butler making in a model' creamery equipped for this special nurpo.'ie. The onty charge made by the college in & fee of $2. 50 to cover the Cost of the malarial used by the student in his practice work. 'There is also a ehort course for women j in domesiio arts, comprising eele'cted studies th;at bear directly on and adapted aa weil to those of mature years as to young "women. This coarse includes cooking, sewing, hygiene for women, end other subjects. Full information may be obtained ,by, g, ' Mc-Cann- e. Cooper and E. R. Booth. The committee .'..on general arrange-merit- s met Thursday night and appointed th following to aid in the celebration. Committee on canonadibg, bon fires k John Kirgan chairand Wi Palmer, W. ii. Pettigrevv, A. man!, J. D. Pox ton. Vrnl. I3orrowman. Committee on decoration L. A. eub-committe- j es - Ilre-wbr- " W. Bailey chairman, John C. Ostler, Iiin-ton Alice J. Shimmin, Mary Morgan, and Jennie Bailey. Committee on music A. T. McCanne chairman, iT, Tj. FooLe, and Chas. Haynes. Committee' on dancfes John S. Cooper chairman, Chas. Wilson" and JS. J. . !.' Juunt ' . , Committee on finance P. P. Christiansen chairman, Mrs. J. F. Wright, Mrs. Chas. Andrews, F. VV; Chappell, T. A. Foote, T. EI. O. Parked E. Ji. ' Booth. Programmee committee Prest. Win. Paxman chairman, Chaff. iSperry, John S. Painter, Mrs. M..A. Grover, Mrs. M: JE. Neff Miia Katie Soren'sen arid John T.,MilIer. J Andrews BdrUectfe' co trfm'ittee-Chatna! Agricultural College-chairman,' Thos. Carver,' Wm. Tiailey addressing r Utah, Logan, Geo. C. Whitmfore, Wuf. Smith; Geo. Q. Ostler, W; I. Brown. A Song for tiio NevV year. - The follofwing is an otftline of pro Chant iioe 3 coii for th; Year, poef, , A ryne tlHt in hapiy aa'd gay; gramme to be camea out. 7:30" a. m. your voice riziK' true and eaeb word sourfd Morning Raising flag clear of 5 guns. Assemble ift TaberAa j'ou iag me my sweet roundelay; nacle 10 a. m. nobler the tbftme the grander the song, For the Afternobn D'ance for cTrildreny bar- And who Khali prediet what rare gifts' may i ' i ; house-keepin- . fire-vvor- rly 0 tf . , '- ; - i - M ris W 'Vv 'Xearly forty years ago, after some weeks of sickness, niy hail' turned gray and began falling out so rapidly that I was .threatened With immediate baldness. Hearivg' Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of, I commenced using this prepara, . " L- - - 'V'Sv,-- ) . ..,.'? 'A tion, and was so well satisfied witW the result that I have neyer trieir any other kind' of dressing. It stop-- ' ped the hair from falling out, stimu-- ' lated a new growth of hair, and ke) the scalp free f rorit dandruffs Only an occasional application is ikhv needed tb keep my hair of good,' natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayers medicine to my friends." Mrs. II. M. Haiqiuv -- Avoca, Neb. , , . yers milby vigor . PUEIJARED j. C. AVER & CO. LOWELL, EiASS., U. S. V A.yer8 Sarsaparilla Removes I'implisi DR. "Sill Fiye's" New Year fAedltatfon, Of course hs seri ius business on New' Year Day. is to make good repolutions.; himself or svv.'i cd iw nas due p8soa regard 10? ,ne prorneiies will oe- sin to smash themJUnul tne brigut-eyeyoai;gveheruO wboiii we picture as the' New Yeaxhas been.long enougb in the', world not tWnind Rearing of Bonis authorities on tbe". the tine chin ssy that while the'u etiquette ot the daymiC should breakingJNuw beginr.before of Ttp&t X)3y', .it pt inaog--- c uratt-- auer thU Ulhe,' &3V the cherub? and tired oufc with" being very you-gjmoving in, may b0(pr"sumsd to have retired for the uightL 'Trjis howe.ver, is a' doubtful point, upon svnicn It is not safe' to act. f Personally, I don't begin IjO" toy with1 the good resolutions unit! late in tbe.jdayv" up to them by degra's. The first, i workI do themorrung is to think oyer" thing I in tne good have dot eV 1 find that I can' finisu this very niceiy before breakfast by gettidg u p at my nnual time, which! is six miiiuiea before Jaiiiei, my butler,' v coarse of briugs i the first strawberries. I tnink I may say, with-'"- , strawberries1 ' out undue pride, are kissed through the f win' , dows'at fifty cents a kiss. Afier breakfast I attend to my regreta for things done which ought not to have" been done, and things left undone-whicis the ought to have beenof done. This the day, and I should1 long undertaking have to pull down the cifrtains upon .the st:ll night and the wjaite mantle of yirgiu4; snowjj&nd light th lajiip before complet- were it not for the fact that I do: ipgit, not find myself an enthusiastic regretter.r and soon ire of my work. I knock off with th contfortir.g thought that Wc' should only regret enough to chastise' ourselveSj,' anyhow, ajid then with a firm,' bp should proceed to do bet-- , rigid upper ter. We sloufd lev our sorrows heal, if" will. i iFtead of keeping them open,' they and torn isedinfe, as cowardly soldiers' sometime" do to avoid the coming battle.j" I always like to shake hands with the New1 Year and bid it welcome, for it seems to me to b a sort of cleaning-da- y ,' when we can pirt our past out on tbe line look it over, and pound it with a brooxrjt and knock out the dust of selfishness and unkindness.Prom ' 'New Thoughts for. the New Yea.r,;' in Demorest's ' 'Magazine for January. rer-pect-s d the-cra- sh ; pun-now- ,r d !'.' -- ; V .; sub-kiftset- f1 j that--these- hot-hou- se " j ; , Incorporated. g, The Hooten reservoir cdoipanv. (LI mentedy incorporated with S. L. Tannery Robinson secretary and! pfest., Wilfora treasurer, and B. G. Booth, Robert! Smith, J; W. Christain Jr., Boardof Director. Capital stock, ?5.C00. 00 into eleven shares par value of $100'. Of), this is an important move and one that our yoctng men should look than Open mines Their dreams of wealth in mines are rarely ever a reality but in the farming industry there is al some returns, and some chance for,.ways l ys"JV skrn auu UnWfi nilrtD auk 4kT hft "f Ua uuuicicoa LUC aivm actcuuco rV fiuo .' State. ',. f f mnffl nr niir vniinf mnn nan tnfi RLwr Robert oi and Smiththe Mr, integrity belong To' the twel.fthmonth' commencing today originator os the undertaking, and inan--ofj' ager of the incorporation," thedesereis Write me a prayer for the season, poet,. Beaver county wbuld soon bloom, as ther rose. This; company have in connection Let if impress biir i;f lo'vinpr faith, - , with the Twitchelis and others, completed, OI u tTiisjt that. will visror impart; , . For the greater tue strain the stronger the the Indian creek' reservoir,' with a capac-- j' nea", 2,000 acred with and, ity of irrigating Tbe higher the effort tne sifrer the meedv a' fair, way to the completion the haVe in , Be the standard of life or of art. Beaver Drami reservoir'. Beaver Utonian . Jfan cannot pierce throiagh th'e curtathVpoet, Concealing the year's f ufrure ilight; Offer prayer or praise in. its grief or joy, When to' Advertise From the darkuess shall burst forth the liffht ' Tho the clouds gather thick the sun will hine jfohn Wanamaker saj's: "I do .the through. heaviest advertising in dull times. JThen ' The sultriest day hath its evening of dew, ' l "And the worm hath God's heaven in sight it is when people look most keenly for '. L'eb' C. Harbt. bargains and are auxiou's to know what From Dembrest's Magazine for Jauuary.' tbings'Cost,' and where they can ;save money. I advertise particular, things," CUve'honie dealers yonr trade. Suppose give pricesi and take as much' pains with1 to .send as I do with'roy stbckl" they were not here, and you had to Salt Lake for every thing? After six my announcements t One big dinner won, keep up the repu-- " months if a merchant should come and in tati'on of the big "house but steady good open out a general store every person the community would rise ud and, call does it. I never permit interest' cooking to helps him blessed. The local dealer announcements to lag, and never" wears in my make tbe town, and very seldom an issue in miss my chosen publications. diamonds.' BCADTT has made my stbre'o'ne'bTt'Kf .Advertising ivTbef sale' fo Location b all ks - . -. di-,-vid- ed to-mo- re N'-j- ; . - Ij-e- t f i ks ' . '''"I AJW WWW air vigor - s. ; 1 at the Agricu- of Study ' ! ' rQrmVil , . tiff' asscs-ciatio- Will he Celebrated in Nephi, on Winter Courses . Diet ool j , fef Tie Danger is Averted by Using " - ; tj ; e-u- i j .' , . 6--- VITH BALDKESS .! " .. AND THREATENED , " Bon-ffres- j ... ; semi-annu- - . I I I I TURNING GRAY , sa-tun- e -- ' ' From thi3 date, orders for Pleasant vaney coal must he Jett at our olhee, or with our teamster, as we will deliver it ourselves hereafter. Quack bros. Chas. Footb. Frest. Charles Sperry has returned home ... again and his genief countenance .... welcomed is by a host of friends. He re.... . had a splendid time while ports having : Visit with the exception of times. cfn his the Bast, trith N;RatesJn harmony rather ugly weather; People and places r . c half a have changed much in nearly land-marold ihad of th maoy whiles new ones had disappeared entirely, sprung up in; new places. Prest.Sperry's 4re'iiov6i welioff he famo'uj ' return to the stumpingto grounds of his becue'. 6fi p'r6rn'isV the thik of ,' Water arrd waslnot L1 unlike that vDesef et Rip iEyehfng-- f boyhood ' his .fter AVinkl Van twenty sleep dance. years' cure . arid .tf hicfr is a guraran'tee(l r The companin the Catskf "Th'e'pVocl'amatio'n'by President Cleve- -' , whom with he played; land his of ions 6f th6 youth, ".and the inauguration or our state r for Tiright'S" a'hd aU diseases the rosy cheek girls who tised to smilp on ifrinaT tolV?.' ojtieefs will mark an epoch xi our polother Kim at his presence,' a!lwere rio m of niy very few knew him, and S itical tifA Anrl if, is Trorfer that the 6tfr faith fn this water, ihose' that did could scarcely believe their event should" be fittingly "corrimem'pr' Id 6nto'-sho: . o'wn eyes. They eipgete J to see an bid , ated. :' broken-down- ', luaug-uratioand doubled up man, such fve makdvihe7oll6vinprdEsitibiT , desire Committees' The' ;that few reto his Van Winkle as appeared same the being Monday, . M ;l If any 6u& aftieteti maining aCqaintarfces ar they were sur- Januarydayi' 189C", be made by comm'off 0th ehuniervU' abdve such 8eo well to preserved, T with any 6t the troibIe prised fine looking man as he is consent a holiday and that all citizens straight and All were happy to meet him cease: work upon that day and join in today. but8 few were those' who' cared celebrating the advenn of Utah fato asain. ' and Cured' in three" month much About the principles of the GoBpel the union and respectfully urge that which :tresc jsperry 1,001c rnuon pleasure the business places' be decorated for' J . hO' Charge viU be' ma ;i irJ explaining while on his Visit. J He The committee also suggest, that Would fcav'e been pleased to' visit many of remind the Hoxriflrst cla'ss- iD every paruuular. his receipt of the news of the old haunts, as well as other cities, upon the of; the President's proclamabut tbe travelling process bacK there is issuance tion that thereupon all the steam whisas it was, and bad weather making bad ,' ''fflBBSV 75 be that all the bells of the' to tles proprietor blown, about beside:,' go rOads," having' LIBS. J. niil'es to' the nearest railroad. We shall, city be rung,- and" other appropriate do doubt, have a Very agreeable nariative manifestations of joy be made for the his travels and visit while in the East, period of fifteen minutes. of ; ...... . : in the Tabernacle. given us on Sunday arid The are committee hard working His" return, westward was somewhat ever intend makings it the grandest" day V,f iuah an4 YAlard' quicker than: that of his trip toJ Salt L:fe witnssedTn-JsephiTftU LeadW 'TAW paper , mty years'ajjoV Si nr' valley nearly ; 20: Attention. : Miss Lell Worthington spent Christmas with friends in Fountain Green A paper says that for the first time in; 1,800 years, this month we are to have : The advertisements in the Country Papers, and as The BLADE has the Largest Circulation of any Paper in Central and Southern Utah, Jt offers the beM. possible medium for Advertisements, i "The Truth Without Far or Favor Terms; 2.0Q per year. In advance, ' Six months, fl.OO. " ji ( "f L . , ' . . ; j , - t ; . . -- . - 1 jduTC'eY iIarsnrrtlfecblfhtyy,.- ... |