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Show FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. 'Nurse must have some tea loo;' she ViO o 1a1v tliof tnma In Will H f lh7muA Lowell's Greatest Defect. In the same year, 1848, he sent forth also "The Vision of Sir Launfal," please sit down in the rocking chair. LI his first attempt at telling a story in think you don't take sugar, in your verse ;: Ui-Perhaps it is the best of all i, tea?'? ;.'-i v,.;;j ;t:LITTLE FOLKS. UTAH. ; K serious his poems loftiest in concep'No, but plenty of milk, please-'- , said tion and most careful in execution. His the nurse, seating herself. The Changing Seasons Blanche's Balloon then, as always, was to brood So the afternoon passed very merrily, habit over the subject he wished to treat Afternoon Tea rMary' ' rvmrress Etchings and when evening, came Lizzie said: in verse, to fill himself with it, and Selected with a Special View to Pleas'It was a good thought of yours, Mary, finally to write TtSlTOElAL OFFICERS. it outsat a single sitCaleb W. West Junior we that should .America, ing 'Afternoon at nlay if - C. Richards. or.. ' possible. He rarely rewrote, ting Z...0: i Tea." S. A-- Merrltt . verse lacked finish and polish, land his Geo. Bartch. ljoitic never wanted force. It was TANDINO it H. Wm. where though King. T ' Took' time this He Die. at to that he told Longfellow he Time sunset the A J. W. Judd. to was an old fellow who never had (meant There Nat. M. Brlgham. give up poetry because he embers, Oroo. Bryon ... His Offlce .. .'. VTtSXOffice could "not write slowly enough." 'time fall Crumbling,Frank Harris. re fail-lua d o w n the For a fresh morning look at the Volume poetry also suffered from another T. B. Lewi. &&er of School. ' of his. He was not content to set sublime, skies, TTTAH COMMISSION. forth hand . .Lor an. Autumn muses and Who never had time for the soft beauty only, and to let the read: Lake City. ! er discover a moral for himself. Longof prayer remembers, Lake city. Whittier and Lowell all insistti-kLake City. Bending stern re- To smooth out the wrinkles of labor and fellow, iiiJ Lake too much at times on the lesson of ed City. ' :'.'! care, s48iiSoci gretful eyes. Lowell knew his own And the Who could not find time for that service song. rOUNTY DIRECTORY. W. wrote jCtA?J Fred later in life, "I shall Chappell most sweet defect, and The imperious pur- At the altar of home where the dear never be a poet till I get out of the . pie burning Dei ..Hugo Li. JacKtnai A, oneR all meet, From her cbeek kata burned away, pulpit, and New England was all meeting-J.nT. Salllvao when I was growing up." And never found time with the people house Asd her borjom feels but yearning D. W. Cazle Piid" Collector Russell "James Lowell," by Brander of God For the golden yesterday. St. Nicholas. in To learn the good way that the fathers Matthews, Edward Pike T. C. Hanford Attorn have trod; William Ockey Though her kingdom fall asunder ion!' The Healthiness of Yawnlnr. But he found time to die, Eostlce Through seditious winds and frost. : Jolm Foote And the drums of A celebrated Belgian physician says Oh, yes! winter thunder. is that yawning an exceedingly healthy He found time to die. And she sees that all is lost, ' function generally, besides having a mXABD COUNTY DIRECTORY. This busy old fellow, too busy was he very salutary effect in complaints of Joshua Greenwood Yet her "Tt,,! royal pride ensureth Peterson. yjjfctt (Andreag To linger at breakfast, at dinner, or tea, the pharynx and eustachian tubes. AcThat none whisper word of scorn; .m,..-- . John Styler. feIKtfflen. Gardner. jjamea Forthemerry small chatter of children cording to the results of late Investiga,j O. O. Holbrook. Haggard, battled, she endureth, ., and wife, tions yawning is the most natural form Alma Greenwood. a spirit upward borne. With S.. ' A. A Hinckley But led in his marriage a bachelor life: of respiratory exercise, bringing into wL T. . .7. v.. u Too busy for kisses, too busy for, play. action all the respiratory muscles of ICi and Eecoraer no. M. Hanson. Eyes that love her grieve serenely " ........... JWlllard No time, to be loving, no time to be gay, the chest and neck. It is recommended Roger At the pathos of it all, No time to replenish his vanishing that every person should have a good fasjortr." Sidney Teeplea In .her bounty free but queenly. health. yawn with stretching of the limbs, Now unbending in her falL No time to enjoy his morning and evening, for the purpose of ventilating the lungs and tonifying wealth; Blanche's Balloon. cose months ago a firm in Alabama But he found to the muscles of respiration. An emitime die; Blanche came running into the aouse nrm w Duy wratraphed to a Chicago nent authority claims that this form of Oh, yes! Ttaiflbels of wheat for them. The calling, "Grandma! grandma!" in. such He found time to die! gymnastics has a remarkable effect in . o Vi a a loud, excited voice, that poor grand ' J en AAA relieving throat and ear troubles, and ma dropped her knitting and hurried This, beautiful world had no pur-gu- ei firm the what Chicago is for that says that patients suffering from disbeauty j of the throat have derived great Before the error was noticed, out to see what was the matter. him; orders O dear!" exclaimed wheat in Its were grandma, colors dropped, black and sunshine its from it. He makes his patients the benefit price loiever Blanche. "Do on the balloons?" was of you grow a $1,000 dim. was loss either by suggestion, imitation, ci there urow balloons!" said grandma. No leisure for woodland, for river, or yawn firm had to or by a series of full breaths with the feal, which the Chicago no, indeed, child, we don't!" hill, Hps partly closed. The yawning is ret It sued the telegraph company "Why, "Then 'the amount and this week lost the they must have growed them No time in his life just to think and be peated six or eight times, and should be followed by swallowing. still; the claim was not filed selves," declared Blanche, "'cause 1 By this 038 because a found little one out the No yellow extra mucus no by eustatime for for An time and in his means air the the limit. neighbors, the sixty days fjthln melon-be- d now. just are his trouble. tubes causes chian friends, great aspirated. ipier frequently "Well, I never did!" said grandma. No time for those highest immutable "Somebody must have let go the string ends , Only a Barber. it the Ohio State university a test and .lost it!" a Of man a of life who the not for is Philadelphia has a barber, with a na made during the fall of last year, no, said "Oh, Blanche, they didn't," considerable business, who has not a, result of which was as follows: An " 'cause it's got a green stem 'stead of a But, day, or worse and for forever for better, three-Inch spoken a w.ord to a customer In ten fedinary wagon, with a new an a looks of like Fourth it string, big aye. the years past, and he is neither deaf nor . ire, was loaded with 4,480 pounds, It round isn't like the to Yet he diet found time dumb. He shaves the prisoners in Jnamometer being used to measure ones the balloon-masells. Not one Oh, yes! draft the prison, and one stipularoad a Moyamensing it draft On hard dirt bit to die! He found time round, grandma." is that he shall not contract in his was tion field it Ira 254 pounds; on a grass never I R. Wells, in Harper's Weekly. did!" exclaimed Amos "Well, grand to the on newly plowed land it ma prisoners or hold comi3 pounds; speak must "I look at and it go again. munication with them in any way. He rj 771 pounds. The draft power of a directly." The Way of Girls. is not even to ask whether the razor wSe of 1,000 pounds is 150 pounds, and So grandma and Blanche walked a as never heard "I young say, girl the could two horses draw isrefore down to the vegetable garden, young girls are fond of saying," ob- hurts. iid easily on a grass sod. With a nar-- s quickly "There it is!" exclaimed Blanche, as served an old lady in the boarding The effective strength of the British xi tire, half as much is a full load for she a back a leaf. man of sort will she "what green ! pulled .great house, urmy is 222,151, the highest yet reaefcttfc. i team, showing a marked "That's the Grand do I what sort and that balloon, grandma." only, marry, fiivantage for the wide tires, in addi-b- a ma smiled. not think of certain speeches to which to which they become rollers," and "They used to call that a gourd, when I, myself, have listened to from pretty 'sooth and level the road, and so make a little girl," she said. "We dried lips, before this. A school friend of was I Abetter the more it is used, instead of them and used them to mend stockings mine so held New Jersey in detestation Jntang it into ruts, as is well known over. I have one of them in my work that she tore its map from her geogra t is narrow lires do on soft roads. Wholesale and Retail basket now." Blanche looked sober. phy. She used to say that nothing to a man to like mend who "I don't stockings very would induce her marry Immigration is, without doubt, on the she said slowly, "but maybe it was a widower, or wore a wig, or lived well," Sixease, though the total for the cal- -' would be nice to mend them over a bal in New Jersey; and the man of her cdar year will be smaller than it has loon." choice was guilty of all these three jieeaia the years when the current of "We'll dry it and see if it won't," an enormities. I used to talk over my fuit population movement hither ward swered grandma, as they both walked ture with two cousins. I would not ra at its height For the month of beak to the house again. PORK marry a business man, I said. Kate BEEF sjtemher the number of immigrants would not think of a clergyman, or rjever 11,600 in excess of that for VEAL Mary's "Afternoon Tea." Carry a farmer; and we married re- MUTTON Member, 1894,1 while for the nine a a Ernest and business been man, clergyhad. Lizzie, Mary spectively, wa the total was nearly ; 58,000 in a ail of like a It is the out and farmer. window, man, watching looking ::k3 of that for the corresponding -- ALSOsnow. in American smart my the young 'help' falling )rtod of last year. If the proportion Vlt won't leave off," said Mary. "It grandmother's kitchen, who was wont i hcreal which has so far obtained tzli continue during the year, the is 3 o'clock now, and in winter It gets to declaim to us children on the scorn We shall not be able In which she held all men, always dentation for the twelve months dark very soon. again y. ' winding up her denunciation of the sex 7d U gomewhere in :. the" neighbor to go out of doors snow of be will "But there plenty by: ,'No, I wouldn't marry any man of 77,000. The Increase In the said Ernest that walks on two legs. And she of immigration would seem to for snowballs If you didn't She married a man." "I shall not go out i reflection of the Improvement of Lizzie. said NEPHI CITY, UTAH. make snowballs," aUrial conditions in the United States to like them have don't "Because you hai teen going on for 'a year or Agriculture for Girl. Free delivery to any part of the city. thrown at you," said Ernest An enthusiastic farmer's wife asks 'No, I do not," said Lizzie. shouldn't farmers' girls study agsaid Mary, "don't Jet us why ? Is there any" good reason good deal of riculture "Well," to R. E. L. COLLIER, O. E. mystery. pertains be-t- think of that' now. Let us think of ater level of the the should state for the provide why great lakes .United States ; and Canada. something to do in the house. "What education of the farmers, boys and alin all its Branches. 27 constitute altogether an enormdus shall we do?" low the girls : to get their training Engineering si' water ocean "i don't know," said Ernest wherever they can ? Wouldn't it be a 77,450 rare miles. This isembracing said Lizzie, f'Nor I," Land and Irrigation Work a Specialtyan Immense" !r, good thing to introduce "L-at 'Afternoon Tea,' and it does not seem likely that c us play at the Massachusetts Agricultural ColEngineer for Central Land and Irrlgatlos said Mary. Withdrawal of 200,000 cubic feet per lege? 'These questions have been Co., Clear IVkp Land aDd Irrigation Co The other children laughed. isateby theproposed Chicago drain-- & raised before now, but we do not think Fillmore Lataf rd Irrigation Col and Whlt4 would be "it canal would said quite they have, been adequately discussed. Mountain LaiiU und Irrigation Co. Mary; "Yes," materially affect It a a mambe will p I rain of six Inches which people. recently like grown-uPerhaps there has not been sufficient Office: Court House, Fillmore, Utah. 3 over and these lakes, the amount of ma end pour out the tea, and you demand on the part of the country, er added to them was 1,079,640,176,-cubi- c .Ernest shall be Uncle Tom and Aunt girls for an agricultural education. It feet It would take seven Susan staying with me.! I'll get the may be that they are too desirous to for the Chicago canal to wlth-th- is cup's and saucers .out of nurse s cup leave the farm to think of preparing THE DESERET DAIRY CO. amount of water. There are iboard. and you will see how nice it will tnemselves for woman's work on the ever, HAS FOR SALE periodical rises and falls in be. farm. he lakes which have never been aeSo Mary drew a little round table up FULL CREAM CBEESE. rated for. Anjold boatman on the St. near the nursery fire and opened nurse's Tears. After Thirty rence river says that these rises euDboard. and took out some cups and Mo., a knife blade, two Louis, At St Deseret is noted for the fine qualitj flails of thelriver occur in periods saucers and the, sugar basin, and a jug Inches in length, was removed recently iiven years, the water Butter and Cheese. Gits steadily rising of milk that was there, and. put tnem from the shoulder of Mike Ryan. The of its Milk, a trial. years, and then falling as stead-no- T table. blade had been in Ryan's body for o nr products the aame length of time. At pres-;- k on the !" said cake of more than thirty years, and althoueh "Whv. here Is a piece N. S. BISHOP, the St Lawrence is If it had prevented Ryan from the free at its lowest Mary, "and there is the ; ;4m it will begin to rise. and we had only some tea!" SUPT. ; use of his left arm it had never given ' it will be as r children are high as it ever is. While in you doing him much pain. Washington "Why, what who just then came Into I ith a1 band of recruits oh the way to nurse, said 3ry at Flint. Mich., that was : I room. .yan; was staDDea m the front in ZfA 10 remain out all night did not the"We are having a new game oi ,ai-,-4 a melee and though he served to the :'Ee 10 do it for nothing. - They re--tt ternoon Tea,' " said Mary. "I am mam- - end of the war he was partially dis- sheriff U send In a bushel ma out tea, and lizzie is auul aDied from the wouna. pouring ; .a apples, a peck of oranges, a cask Sasan and isrnesi is uuue fuui, "5" & Iew sandwiches, a box of That Settled HIs Hash. nnlv you nave no tea toipourut, tf::I;:3ikn fir iffliEQ EEL V.S? can and a box of cigars. "They I help think I "but !::.:AtConer8vllle;lnd.,fthe case against thought they would remain a man on trial for burglary hinged on " r a week.! some Cty aad countr Newspspers frost tH parta ua.uvu tea to wriggle through a iuw And she put man's a ability transom. The prosecutor and poured some hot water from seven-inc- h Ore specimens from Detroit feed . rtiQr that fiaraTi TiomirSt will teapot, It. same size, put it on of the a upon sash kettle m the got f America- at 'once to study M. will soon be ready," she said; so the floor and crawled through: it to the "It RS3PEOTABLB. ' tl"ioaic methods with a view take your places round the table and great edification of all? In the court H Erery tSiiag ' . STtowtSK WsU 1 ;t"s7ns Pointers for the Improvement ; to say the prisoner was conneedless will wait upon you." is I ' u&Q art l3 nuu uu. disbelieved. y'V: j ::v;:;:';i generally f victed. THE PUREST WATER ON EARTH. "Oh, how nicer; saia ever so much, "TrSnnk you Om t&a Premises. This Water Is a CVAJX ?: a Pennsylvania marrlp-fSelflah. man Mary. u ANTEED CURB far sH Jones Is: about the most selfish man 1 married woman, nUThen nurse put the cake on the table ?nnsylvanIa ':-I I taree-scor, in town." .J.; with krr cut some bread and butter. - w I saw him Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder can that? you say "How as saW caildren. elore. let tis heai Mary; real.". is all quite e Jollle3 of lovers cigars for you the other Testimonials on Application. young. she gave Lizzie and Ernest their cups buying 9t Aineriean children will of tea. "Do you Uke sugar, Uncle day." vi;tr:;. MRS. J. F. GIBBS, Prop. three a for ".'.,.'-c,"Yes; quarter, '"' ' ciore after their parents, Torn7" . and gave me the DKSiUlttJT, UTAH. of age are becoming sweet," put two in his pocket -I like my tea very . I do; one.'V-NY. fes, TUccrer. ' -.- :.'' ' odd In all of the Ltrous parts Ernest. ... GOOD SHORT STORIES FOR THE i ' ':- - i ; j ! ? -- - .. : l'rnd - .(.... -- ' - j ; . Wfi-'17..a- j at ,: '. - A. V. HAGUE, GEORGE HARDY, Boot ant Sloe Hate A perfect fit guaranteed; Repairing: in si! W Its branches. Special attention call amafeed sewing his new style. Universal chine does all Its work Inside of the shoe. Two doors north of Union, Main St., Nephi. MoNALLY & LTJNT, DWGISTS, PRESCRIPTIONS compounded. Mutton, Veal, Chipped Beef and Bologna. f ; Your patronage solicited. CHICAGO J KMSAS CITY, SOLICITED. TRADE . If yon are going to . Carefully Mall or express orders promptly attened to. Large Stsck at Salt Lake prices. SOUTHERN Choice Fresh Meats, v i M'NALLY I Si LUNT, - - NEPHI, ; ST. LOUIS, OR UTAH. ! J frr The First National Bank, gWi: r. ' '' - i I j v- - NEPHI, UTAH. ng . ' - 850,000 37,500 . BANKING GENERAL In All Its Branches. J.m H. Ericksobt, Qbo. C. Whitmokb, President. f W. W. Abmstboso, Cashier. Vice-freBiden- J. V. To the Great Rivers and Ocean. Elegant and thoroughly modern Equipment and M. C. OSTLER, Manufacturer and Repairer of All kinds of shoes made to order. Workmanship second to none. In which the seats are free to holders of regular train tickets. I . .r First door south of Tabemaole, NEPHI. MAIN STREET, Gall on or address COMMERCIAL FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AUDiPRODUCEi STORE. DESERET, CASH Goods Salt Lake City, - OR at bottom prices tzx ; JIIO. DEVSIIUP, MGR. IT tr '"f A Butter, Lard, Sausage , to-morr- ow one-legg- ed ; -ci j r - co-educa- tion . . . Mouldings, Coal, Caskets, Hardwart. CeQns, Pickets, Combination Wire Fence, etc. attention given to mail orders and the Southern Trade. Special from us you save the freight from Salt Lake City te By ordering point. t&is. Brotri crs, - j ill Windows, Doors, Mixed Paints. ; res-f"o- i Yard Manufacturers of and Dealers in . . he , Mo. Mill Work a Specialty. i OSTLER & 00EEY, w," ae niii. 1 Ticket Agent, A to-da- "-- Utah, - GRACE BROTHERS' . j DE3CIIDT. & General Passenger .Qt Complete Line of Builders Supplies. Butchers, CURED j - 7 H. C. TOWNSEND, spot cash. two-hor- se ISast Main Street, ABEHT Room 21 Morlan Block, AT THE ) .' S. V OARRAH, GENERAL MERCHANDISE n, OSTLER & OCKEY, Chair Car0 Reclining BOOTS AND SHOES, j 1 Sflt Frorxi Uteit) Atlantis July-balloon- j . No tiresome layovers. Close connections in union depots, And positively the quickest roat ; : f TT RAILWAY. : swift-gatheri- iU VIA r-m- CAPITAL SURPLUS re3 i!e stire and ask for a ticket that UTAH. NEPHI CITY, j : s OSTLER & ALLEN, , - -- Dealers in and Manufacturers of . tea-cadd- HOPPLES, , . m A I i ; - - ' ! l ; ; 4 10-ce- nt he-boug- c rplled ' 5-c- ent I : " ; NOSE SACKS, 1 ETC. Horse Furnishing' Goods Men's Sheep THE DESERET HOUSE. iw AM BRIDLES, We also carry a full line of y. ? 3 SADDLES HARNESS, 1 -t- A - j and Cowboys' Outfits. Y: WE GUARANTEE Perfect Settif a,QtiQn; 'i ' t K--i tir iJ- r - A ft tlon of a f atnouir i'renrh pbyslclan, wlil quickly cure yoo of JJ ner-iUv-- v1 orpaus, euch as Lost Man orod.. voas or diseasesInof the generative J Seminal ' XeUili ty. VI Emission, Kerons the fiiins Buck, f -XT -J Insomnia, 'M, 1 if .Drains, Varicocele a.'d T JtlJl ExhapstiDr Pimples. Unfitness to Marrjr, or V Prevents losses all by day night qnioic j ConstipaUon. It stops . cleans esuio liver, the'" oil tha horrors of Impotency. c U"a. oreana. . . . t tbi . 'small weak" fc - . cwwi ubi m . . .rrui v .iiKijnuuu jl.Linnm ninety per cent are litrobTed vrllti cured pecanse sufferer? not are reason by Doctorsjs The effect a permanent cum. aTsA writ" a 11.00 a box, Bix for f3.oa.uy mau. t.enu O. 2076, San Francisco. Cal. pcyr fnte hv Address PAYOL JljEIIICIJfE CO P. Box & LUNT, DTJGGI3TS. NEPHI. LY McNAL BX SAIAS FOR - t ' A. T FrSvipd i - '. ... ?"ZZr'ZZr. - |