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Show SCIATIC RHEUMATISM ITS AND "Dining at the namond's first. I see.' "You're a cool hand, George. How One of Eugene Field's Latest Poems, me of to comes whispering do wind you know?" Th the country green and cool, "Why, of course, your fellow stuck beit out there. I thought perhaps you Of redwing blackbirds chattering side a reedy pool; might have been going to the opera." the fancies ol me soothing "If you mean ,to Mrs. Macdonald'sto It brings homestead on the hill, box, she has not done me the honor And I hear the thnlsh's evening song- ask me; but even if she had I could and the robin's morning trill; not go." Bo I fall to thinking tenderly of those "Lively, last night, wasn't it?" said 2 George, after a short silence. I used to know seen it worse at the BerkeWhere the sassafras and snakeroot "I have ; ; -grow. checkerberries and Vr- Dawley." y ,:y a . before Jack left "I you forgot Marsh, who son took the bank; Good Lord, it was What has become of Ezra bill? lived on Baker's The way to win at baccarat Pratt, aIs flutter! bank." to And what's become of Noble take the whose father kept the mill ? drifted to racing. the Then talk; And what's become of Lizzie Cnlm Some one had come "no end of a copand Ana stasia Snell, per" over Thunderbolt for the Ascot school 'tended who Root, Roxie of And cup, another had "won a pot of in Boston for a spell? money" over Greased Lightning at They were the boys and they the girls Sandown. After half an hour of this who shared my youthful play; conversation George, havmy call My exhilarating a to; exercise In the park, They do not answer toare pony polo ing where they? playmates, sauntered off as he had come. Mr. McDonald j and his sister had What has become of Levi and his lit- been that afternoon to a lecture at the tle brother Joe, institution on "Tree-anSerpent Who lived next door to where we lived Royal Hon. Willie was wrapt The Worship."! some forty years ago? up in ancient religions and peoples, to see the Newton boys and and like I'd spent most of his time,, when in Quincy Adams Brown, London, listening to learned disquisiAnd Hepsy Hall and Ella Cowles, who tions, when in Wiltshire in opening spelled the whole school down! and excavating encamp"barrows" And Gracie Smith, the Cutler boys, ments. He was tail and Leander Snow, and all with the expression of dwelling, - as Who I am cure would answer could Ethel's governess used to express- it, they only hear my call! "zwischen himmel und erde." George lay ;on the slab as he Vd like to see Bill Warner" and the Falkner's letter hall. Ethel raised it the down passed Conkey boys again, brother Into the her and followed, And talk about the times we used to study. wish that we were men! "I am certain that fellow was InacAnd one, I shall not name her, could I curate In his statement on the subject see her gentle face ''!' the theological views of the AndaAnd hear her girlish treble in this dis- of man Islanders," said the- - Hon. Willie, tant, lonely place! the McDonald tartan that he The flowers and hopes of springtime, undoing habitually wore as a neckerchief. they perished long ago,blossomed "What's that letter you've got?" And the garden where they "I imagine it is; from one of the men is white with winter snow. Cissle wrote to for this, evening." "You had better open it, then, hadn't O cottage 'neath the maples, have you you?" seen those girls and b&ys "I think so. There is not very much oh! That but a little while ago made, left In case of a refusal to ask time such pleasant noise? one else and nothing is so debrooks, and any 0 trees, and hills, and do as two women alone in an you know pressing lanes, and meadows, box." v Where I shall find my little friends of opera as as the was and JSthel fresh pure forty years ago? were sent from that white hyacinths You see, I'm old and' weary, and I've the Mersham conservatories to deck; traveled long and far; the Grosvenor palace drawing room. 1 am looking for my playmates; I won In spite of its seal she opened the letder where they are! ter, read the first few lines, turned scarlet and dropped It on the table. Her brother, slow in the .observation of most things, was quick to see a !; change of expression on the faces of those he loved. Taking the letter, he read it also. For those few seconds Ethel felt as though she were living "Some Emotions and a through Thought I'd look in and catch you, Moral." When he had done he sat said went old fellow, before you out," on of a chair, brushing the down edge his into George Falkner, sauntering the wrong way; his was not a friend Gerald Fane's rooms in St his hat g intellect. James's street one afternoon in he Mr. Fane's Initials, are are "Those height of the season. a he asked not?" said they presently. second," "Shall not be half "Yes." Gerald, turning from the bureau at . "That is his address?" which he was writing. "Paying a bill think so." "I or two for a change." he folded the Macdon"What a beastly extravagant thing - Deliberately ald tartan across his chest, put the to do. Worst policy in the world, me. If you pay them they letter into his pocket and left the cease to care tuppence for you; where- room. as, If you leave a nice long bill owing His feeling for Cecelia Macdonald they are . always so delighted to see was inthe one romance of Gerald Fane's an to take back. like I people you life. She was in Dresden with her terest in me." George was a young man about mother, studying art, as she phrased town, very much "in the swim;" Ger- It, when he first met her. Gerald was ald was also "in the swim," but not also studying art to the extent of playthe violin very much out of tune. quite so much about town as Geo,ge, ing He and she had many an evening more a Indolent of if possible, being, habit. The two had been chums at crunching the ' gravel of the "Bruh-Hsch- e Terasse" together, gazed at the Eton, and had kept np a sort of friendd hills, and ship through the vicissitudes of Ox- moonlight and the career. of talked their ford into .their later George respective pursuits. was a man of any society or any na- He rather bored her, but, as the; only tion, since the time when women ttnd alternative was X conversation ' with cards were Invented. Gerald was a German officers,- she honored the Enman of the particular century and na- glishman with her" undivided attention to which he belonged, occupying tion. Ills' passion for her during these his niche with cynical indifference and few weeks, entered, .wedge-likinto a certain' amount of material enjoy- his life. He accepted, his doom when ') he heard that she was engaged to the ment.; i There was a woman but of that Hon. William Macdonald for he knew that he was too poor to take the burpresently. "I really must pay that old skinflint den of her life as well as his' own. In Thorneycroft," said Gerald from the course of time he became a foreign bureau. "He stands In the hall and office clerk, and, not a model young won't be persuaded to go away; such man. orten drank more chama bore for the other fellows in the pagne lie was good for him; he frethan house. I landed a little off Heathcote quented; a private; gambling club in last night; thought I might as well do St. James, and lost larger sums on the virtuous this afternoon." horses than he! could but, as "You know best, I suppose," said among the poorl Indian'safford; rags and tatGeorge, surveying himself in the glass ters was found hidden a diamond of with the irresistible eyes, and smooth- great price, so among the rags and ing down one of the perfect ties that tatters of Gerald Fane's life might had gained for him the name of "Eyes Maclove his hidden for Cecelia and Ties."; "How long will it take?" donald; f Now he sat: thinking of her You ,. "I tell . you only half a second. and George Falkner, with a certain will find a weed somewhere If you amount of perplexity and a great deal W;V look for It" of for, though constant to dejection, v "Sooner have a cigarette of . my own, - he could .his not avoid hearing idea, thanks.. Consider the hours "that I the of gossip Mayfair drawing rooms, keep and the strain that is put on my The tinkle ; of the electric bell, a nerves! One of your long twenty-four- s would, bowl me over completely." step on ofthethestairs, and the sudden startled him from door, "Ring for liquid if you want it. Saun- opening - Disheveled brown and agistudy; ders has hock seltzer somewhere on his; - . tated I , the honorable Willie at that ice." moment formed as great a contrast to That will just suit my complaint," the urbane man of letters he had been feeling, as he spoke, for his cigarette accustomed to associate with CIssie's ease in the pocket of his coat. "By as It was possible to imaghusband Jove! what a donkey I am! When you ine. wrath The of a habitually calm want I to done have write a line, if I man is more . always portentous than 'may." a of the one. Gerald violent wrath There said his you "Certainly. are," not could a resist passing feeling of friend, blotting his envelope. as amusement setting down his hat "Mm. Macdonald asked me to go to '"' the among his cigars andeigar-ash- , her box this evening 'Romeo and In fumbled visitor his A full as pocket. Romeo. Just Juliet,' De Reszke come across her letter in my pocket comprehension f of the situation, howwhen; George Falkner's letter I am dining at the Vernon's, worse ever, was soon chased away the -produced, arr luckr ::U "Surely you ought to send down at faintest Inclination to the shadow of a once. She will hardly have time to smile. , The infuriated husband's maledicfill your place now. Shall I send Saundid not last long. Even In the tions to a ders fetch commissionaire?" "Thanks. I think a fleet hansom midst of the absurd,5 pathetic, Irrelevant harangue, Gerald ,was forced to would be belter." ; J, The letter took a certain amount of admit that; scathing' remarks on the time t write. George Falkner was morals of the; young men of the: moritwenty-fiv- e and fond of the woman he bund century came with a certain incisive truth fromXa man who had .Wrote to. jvv "Got some sealing wax?" he asked, hitherto been - absorbed in studying the manners and morals of his remote presently, turning over the pens, "Don't know that I have; there ancestors. When, toward the end, be might be a piece in the left hand flourished his stick with a declaration drawer." that if he, Gerald Fane, ever spoke to 'That will do first rate, can use my his wife or put his foot inside his last half sovereign as a seal. Would house again he would feel called upon you ring, like a good fellow, and we'll to resort to justifiable castigatlon, tell Saunders to charter a hansom to Gerald felt, for one lurid moment, that 104 Grosvenor place. Let him take the it was just as much as he could do to fellow's number." resist the temptation of hastening his This done George sat down in "an unbidden guest's departure by coercive ru easures ; but he only folded bis arm chair opposite his friend. toarms and bent his head, knowing house to Sloughborough "Going asked at that, for her sake, not a movement presently, nodding night?" h. a card that had been placed in front must be made, not a word must be spoken. cf the clock. When Gerald found himself at Last so," think I Tea, MY PLAYMATES. In possession of his own hearthrug, he laughed consumedlv for at least five 1 seconds; when that was over, he sank into the armchair beside him, and fell to "figuring up" what it all meant to him. After a certain amount of time spent in this occupation be cami to the conclusion that he would neither . - CURE. I ; From the Gazette, Burlington, low, i The story of Mr. Tabor's nearly fatal ftt tack of sciatic rheumatism is familiar to his large circle of acquaintances, but for the benefit of others and those) similarly afflicted the Gazette has inrestlgated the matter for publication. Mr. Tabor Is Secfor the Commercial retary and Treasurer with offices in the Printing' Company, Hedge Block and resides at 417 Sasset Street, Burlington, la. A' Gazette man ; sought an Interview with Mr. Tabor at his filace of business today, and, although he was busily engaged with Imperative duties, he talked freely and feelingly on the subsubrecent severe sickness and ject of his ' sequent wonderful cure. " ' aYes," said Mr. Tabor, "I can safely say that I am a well man, that is. my old trouble with rheumatism has entirely disappeared, but I am still taking Pink Pills and will keep on taking them as long as Iascontinue I have to grow stronger and healthier, been every day since I began to use them. You will not wonder at my profound faith In the merits of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People aftor you have heard what I have to tell you About one year ago I was stricken suddenly with sciatic rheumatism and was confined to my bed. It grew worse and rapidly assumed the form of inflamI suffered constant and matory rheumatism. acute pains and all the tortures which that horrible disease is capable of Inflicting. At the constant care of a local length underwas enabled to return to my physician I attacks work; but only at intervals.in Severe my back and would appear regularly descend into my leg and f dot, and threatened to make me a permanent cripple. I tried various remedies for rheumatism, but without any beneficial results. I grew pale, weak and haggard, and my family and friends grew alarmed At my condition. In"About eight weeks ago my mother duced me to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and you know the result. Before I had used one box I felt greatly relieved and much stronger. I continued their use and Improved rapidly. Iahave now taken eight boxes and feel like new man and completely cured, all of which is due to the efficacy of Pink Pills. They are Inrigorating and thoroughly wholesome, and have helped me In every way." In reply to inquiries Mr. Henry, the drug stated that Dr. Williams' Pink Pillsv fgist, 1 were having a large sale, thatto it was par-know that gratifying to him tlcularly (the customers themselves were highly liad pleased with the benefits that they derired from their use; that m&ny of thent stated that the pills were the only medium that had done them any good; that they not only gave quick relief but permanent benefit. That the pills no sell and that the pills no cure is a certainty. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in a condensed form, all the elements necessary to richness to the blood and give new life and nerves. In men they effect restore shattered a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature. Pink Pills are old in boxes cents a box or six boxes for $2. 00. enly at 60 be had of all druggists, or direct and may by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Bchenectady, N. Y. GAVE HIMSELF AWAY. j ii ! . j ' i : j 1 d ? near-sighte- I -- i LOYALTY, And by Knowlnjr Too Much Lost tks Chance to Learn More. g A stranger, with, & dismeek-lookin- on rubber, business, he said, and after a little hesitation he was admitted. Th superintendent showed him about la person, and the man's question an4 comments Beemed to come from tht densest ignorance. Finally, when th grinding room was reached, he lingered a little and asked In a hesitating way: "Couldn't I hare a specimen of that curious stuff for my cabinet?" "Certainly," replied the superintendent, although It was a compound tht secret of which was worth thousands of dollars; "certainly, cut off as much as you wish." With eager Bteps tht - visitor approached the roll of gum, took out his knife, wet the blade In hit . mouth, and ''stop right where you r are!" said the superintendent, laying a v heayy hand upon the stranger; "you're a fraud and a thief. You didn't .learn In a pulpit that a dry knife wont cut rubber." So saying, he showed th Impostex the door, and the secret was : ;:''v;V-;- ' u still safe. be-belie- - ' ; ' . ' ! lustalns the claims of the Royal company to the exclusive use of the name for its baking "Royal" as The special importance of powder. this decision consists In the protection which assures to the millions of con- be-foun- d sumers of Royal baking powder .against Inferior, and unwholesome compound. , The excellence of this article has caused It to be highly esteemed and largely used almost the world Over. ' Its high standard of quality having been always maintained, consumers have' come to rely Implicitly upon the "Royal" brand as the most wholesome and efficient of any In the market i' The cupidity of other manufacturers is excited by this high reputation and large demand. Very few of the hundreds of baking powders on the market are safe to use. If their makers could sell them under the name of a reputable brand Incalculable damage would be done to the public health by the The determination of the deception. Royal Baking Powder Company to protect the users of the Royal baking powder against imitators by a i rigid prosecution of them makes such imitations of its brand extremely; rare, j ; : . n, ' d , I did not wait to find That thou wast loving, generous and kind That love for thee would bring delight .L:;;or woe; ' But from within me, or above, The mandate came to love thee, and ' : ; I love. Arthur L. Salmon in New York .. ; y--- i " - -- ; , . ; ; ' i - ; ' Because thy heart to mine Spake with a call divine I did not question it, nor wait to know That it was wise to give surrender bo. But down beneath thy ' feet I laid me ' , . : . . . "ROYAL-- " ' ; e, Baking Powder Company Wins Its" Case " ' in United States Court. The decision of Judge Showwalter in a recent case that came up before him low. - vine-cla- , j Surrender. ve . i well-know- j quick-movin- tinct ministerial air, applied for to look over a large rubber fac-- , tory. . He knew, nothing at all about the. 4 d, ' . PROTECTS USERS OF ' Tri- bune. In His Neck. "This thirst," gasped the Arab. IU glared at the parched desert, at the . blazing sky, and cursed them. "This thirst." In despair he pushed forward, muttering: "I am always getting ft L. the neck." Datrolt Tribune. ; . ; i i . - "i The, Demand for Tenia, . There Is agreat demand on the , for pennies just now, and- it coro t sections of the. country. The fidals Bay that he loudegt call utr. i- -s B ' - IKE their squirrel cago, where the stock of pennies--iwaa exhausted several timn1cousins, the had to be mnde "a possess a and shipments is supposed to be doe tn ? It points. vast deal of inquls- fee of dry goods and notion 6tore in ... 1 down prices from round fleurea coupled lag itlveness, are needed for r... pennies a far great now 780,000,0001 pennies chance imm;? with outslanain, Is estimated that nearly er fearlessness of hare been lost or have til S i j ' ; r chip-w-mun- ks band's hands, I wish you wouldn't use my note paper and write from my rooms," said Gerald Fane, meeting George Falkner in the hall of the - 1 pri ! 10 , Sloughborough house that evening. "What do you mean?" "What I say. I had a visit from Macdonald this afternoon, which was by no means pleasant, I can tell you.", "The devil you had!" said George, $hocked a little out of his usual salni. "Had he " "Yes, he had." What did you do?" "What could I do but keep your counsel?" "You're a brick, George." ' ; ,- ? . , j:r;; ; only. . "I say, old fellow, when In futur you write compromising letters to indies, that may fall Into their hus- ..... - ed . ' " , per-missi- - ; j Cheek Pouches Stored' with Nuts October Finds I Them la Winter Quarters In Tiny Burrows Under the Ground. Well-Stock- :'"""'' 3tf0t.-i- Has found that her UtUo ones an more by the picasafit iwxatkc ' ' ' Figs, when ia need of the laiati 1 x a gen tie ; remedy, th an by t that it is, more acceptable totzj '"'K dren enjoy it and It benefit tv " ' I U of true remedy,-SyruIV :"a:; tured by the' California.-Fs, INTERESTING TRAITS OF THE LITTLE ANIMALS. marry his landlady, nor cut his throat, nor take to drink, but that lit would be a confoundedly dull business. ?.ldrn .The CHIPMUNKS SOCIAL f..-- "oue-hai- f man," so that gets very good am Ui' disappeared "s culatlon, which lis a Rain of several :! to the government. The dally mints is 160,000 pieces, upon whlRh01 eminent makes! a profit of $1,2(K). one op- fee to portunities for lit these no: fall days the little State of Ohio, City of Toledo ' t County ss. striped fellows are full of bustling toil, Frank J. Cheney makes oath thm Ida' says the New York World. New York's Is the senior ipartner of. the firm ? suburbs and the sparsely settled an- J. Cheney & Co., cip doing business mJktf da1 nexed territory contain thousands of mtv of Toledo CJountv an and said firm that will said, cav now ready making merry chipmunks sum of One Hundred Dollars for Jl ;tp their winter homes, and if people would and every rcasre of Catarrh that Ca; bci use of Hall's Caw "I dare say." for watch them a little they would find be cured by, the "I thought it a rum go," George them interesting and social little Cure. vto . f FRANK J. CHENET jtba before me and euHsoHv.', Sworn went on, meditatively. "Macdonald neighbors. jury this 6th day of Deceit presence my is here with his wife there bema are 1886, D. W. A. A. Their GLEASON. subterranean ; dwellings they are. For God's sake, slope, Gerarn be(Seal.) Notary pm. weather gun as soon as the spring ald, or there will be a row!" Hall's Catarrh Cure is takei intt ma Tall and slim, clothed in a white comes well settled, usually late in April ly and acts directly on the blood i 'all gown, audacious in its very simplic- or early in May. if a pair of them be- mucous surfaces of tht system ' n N free. ity, Cecelia swept through the doojy gin building and are overtaken by one for testimonials, J- - CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0, the way opposite. For a moment or two of the cold rains so frequent in the Gerald looked at her as If he hadn't roc spring, they scurry back to winter Hall's Family Fins. 25c heard. see "Does sh eknow?" he asked, hurriedl- quarters and resume their hibernating TYhen a tramp Insolently demands i gre sleep.' Owing to their social Instincts, of a Texas woman she shoves a pistol el y.pi from his and proposes to elv it "No: I met her at the French embasthey usually select a site not far him by the barrel. sy gefore comin ghere. She said noth- the home of another pair. Under a ,. .: ing." loosely piled stone wall or the roots of A Cough, Cold or Sore Throat requIrfnJ I "Macdonald's not a half bad chap; a loosely tree is a favorite nesting mediate attention. "Brown's WinK Troches" will lpvarlably give relief. he wouldn't bully her.' P ';' The husband a nd wife came closer. :place.;vr';:cjv':v.l Owing to the number of enemies who KOne who never drinks behind the George went to meet them. Gerald watched her as she lifted constantly hunt and destroy them, ,tha mosquito. her eyes to George's face, passed her. munks have to build a rather elaborate The man carried away by enthuBlaBm i arm into his and turned away with burrow. At least two and sometimes frequently back by disgust.. brought him down the passage, leaving her three or i four, entrances lead to the husband gazing absently at some an- nest proper. These openings are usucient tapestries In the hall. made under a surfacs rock or a Somehow the cigar that Gerald ally tuft of ferns, or the roots of a tree, smoked as h ewalked across the Green where very little attenPark seemed to have no flavor, and tion. theya attract devious course of some- Taking cold, Is a common complaint. T By the deep tones of Big eBn striking la due to impure and deficient blood midnight fell with the dreariness of times twelve or fifteen feet the under- it often' leads to serious trpubleg. a funeral march on his ear. Mrs. Ar- ground path leads to the den under the is iouna in pure, rich hlooiui remeay thur Kenhard. in London Sketch, wall. The other path will lead from an entirely opposite direction. The hole ONE ON HAWKSHAW. always plunges steeply down at first,, far below the level of the den. This rs He Raided, a Den of Licensed permits a gradual "up grade" to be and Robberai One of the detectives connected with preserved as the path, thus draining the bureau at the city hall went Into the burrow and preventing washouts a barber shop on Thirteenth street after heavy rains. After the young are reared and the close by the city hall the other evening PHIS cure all Liver Ills, z&c&i and sat In one of the chairs to be August harvest days come on, the chip- Hood'8 shaved. While the barber was making munks enlarge their home by excavatof ing pantries or store-rooready to shave him he started oneReall along Directory, his ; characteristic conversations. winto are hold These the the paths. to answers every quesceiving short of MINING, tion that he put to the detective, how- ter's provisions. Under the nest itself, MACHINIST Repairs etc Pips thrisadlog and & OarslJe, Nock ever, the tonsorial artist brought the which is: about a foot high by two feet freight elevators. to a close and silence reign- in length, and warmly lined with fine, A M C D I O A II i U fi 0 C 2 bi ocks from wV ed supreme. The local Ha wkshaw soft grasses, these little caves are MIIIL.IHUHII IIUUUL Depot. pw was in half a doze while the barber roughly scooped out and left unllned. was busily engaged In applying the Among; the most provident of crea- SOUTHWICK HAY PRESS. lather on his face when suddenly the tures, these midgets relax their merry fastest and the strongest har press In the worli t sound of a hammer striking against opening No t&mx off wneeituir the time the grain fields It. 13 toteed about 18 tons a nay and full weight la nr. ii some metallic substance was heard play Housw Sandwl ;h Mfg. Co., to soberly work. dress Branch emanating f rom the rear of the barber grow yellow and begin O.W. Keith, Llstrlb'f Agen Urn or Bluffs, la., to seem have not an shop. Then voices were heard In the Until then they following dialogue: "That was a good earthly care. Now the games of "I E. E. BUR LIN GAMES j job we done out at Germarftown hurt spy" and "tag" are abandoned, and, O FFIOE t week, Pete." "Yes, that was the neatridiculously swollen out cheeks, Afid est piece of work we done for souife with Chemical Laboratory. and old begin to carry home tJ&tt b iahu l 18 i. time; there was so little trouble With young and early nuts. Chincapins, haJEWELERS! AND rHOTDGRAPHES: It." The detective at once opened his grain i acorns end your sweeps and waste containing zel and "pig-nutnuts, they and eyes and became interested. The first silver for treatment. Prompt .retnl voice continued: "It brought us in lug In in vast numbers. One chipmunk nd highest cash price paid for gold tad m er Dninon. Aaaress it;w ana d $325 and we had better", His conhas been known to hoi 6 seven rence Colorado Denver Street. at versation this stage vas interruptacorns in his capacious little ed by' knocks on the door, and hearing cheek pouches, so when one realizes THE COMPANY PAYS THE FREIGHT! the detective's voice calling out, "Let that each one makes a hundred or more Dn their new steel horee rhlm. kotmt 2fi torn nf nvk font Mrth hift. I in me In or I'll break down the door," m It can be packed one of the men In the baek room threw trips a day to the burrow, he will soon tad reliable7" an engine o cog can go. jf jack per clutches to break. W andwillntf the door open. The Ha wkshaw, ex- see what a store is being laid away, Iron and steel Srrought Unlike the squirrels, these little felpecting to find a den of counterfeiters witbwl 6 or burglars, rushed through the door lows seem to dread the cold days. In mv some running or oousra npeiua. jar vii """li Uolcva at prices, and fell Into a plumber's shop, where late September, when the frosts have two of the employes were working. come, they spend only a short time each Philadelphia Record. day outdoors.' They rush but under a ' ..JilifiHilAIll iM?u!fe!H!!!!yiii.. d.' nut tree, grab the first prize in sight, FROM THE DARK JUNGL.E. and scurry home as though pursued by A Biff Baboon Brought Over on the fiend'. Sometimes they hasten with in d on up. Send for an lllantratml circular tojf Bark Hermei. for some late foraging kAHIM CO. . 1222 Ourtia Ht.. Denver. Colo. too, reasn, An emigrant with an countenance arrived on the Swedish hawk will have spied the striped jacket bark HermesH a captive in chains. He among the yellow leaves, and the race 11 is a large South African baboon of In- is "for life. Weasels, too, are greatly In telligent appearance and manners, and dreaded. These slim marauders prowl was brought from East London, South right up into the very burrows" and perm ftlwy BLOOD tUISON Africa, by. the captain of the bark. He slaughter entire families in cold bjood. cured In 15 to 55 days. You canbeB is only eighteen months old, stands By the middle of October every chip J ty If you prefer to come nere four feet in height and with a little inunk hid underground. No is snugly hare t" training .could give that long distance one has ever recorded seeing a It we fail to cure. If you still bare chip- nocharre, orator, Corbett, a discussion that Durx, Iodide potash, and s Mucous Patches In mouth, oreWW would make his hair rise in fright, and munk outdoors in November, though pain Colored Spots, l?ln pies. his oily tongue lose its cunning. When the squirrels continue .laying by their any part Eyebrow Hair or ULOOD of Copper thedy. Out, it Is this Secondary the skipper sailed for this country he stores until, the snow buries and con- we oure We BOlcit the ?i0fc,i Kurratee tied up the baboon with a tight chain, ceals the nuts. Perhaps it is their Date cases and ctoallensre the woriajy esase we cannot cure. This disease m, and a box was given him to sleep in long, long slumber that makes these ImffleU minentF the most tbe skill otcapital f our ow behind near, the cook's; gallery, and he often little mammals so lively and Clans. 500,000 and pert ttonal iruaraaty.l Absolute proofs observed the cooking and the cook. Address COOK KEMEDI One day when the ship had been out bright of eye in the first warm days, eppUcatlon. U)1 Masooio, Temple, CHICAGO, a short time he broke his chain and but, whatever the reason, they are Cut out nd aeud tuis aaven. proceeded to mash the crockery in the about the merriest and wisest of our AJEEMOTOR CO. does haUtWj THE gallery, In consequence, part of the small furry friends. wlndmUl business, because It has reducea crew had to eat from various utensils wind power to lOwha It was. It nwr and supplies its the remainder of the voyage. 0V rrhousa. during d A Man. at four door. It can Later he again broke a stronger chain The Rev. Dr. George Thomas Dow) others. It and assaulted the captain's son, who Geared, 8el F Mass., is a polyglo-manwas at the wheel, and If the first and Ing of Brookline, haHe been at times lecturei second mates had not Interfered the Tr&mes, Steel Feed .Cu... man would have suffered injury. The litterateur, Baptist, Reformed ano Grinders. On application X A a on had time the trip, and Episcopalian. He has been much criti that H Mf$rp ape great lii 1stofatthese articles usual the "S! to tell of his troubles and fun January 13 would cised for- his frequent changes of faiti Tanks and Punvna of all kinds. PfeSend StfCcHi . i fill a volume. He became the pet of and EIMmnr n if ri . .l but presents a logical dethe crew for all that and made the fense.works, ' has receive c GUHfFl Dowling voyage a lively one. Notwithstanding a call Dr. to the assistant rectorship his popularity, he arrived with an Iron of Grace Church in New collar and ancnor chain tied to It. York New York Correspondence. which : he has under consideratioi Meantime he will continue to The Drama. the pulpit of Holy Trinity In thesupplt sam "Horatio," whispered the heroine, ;city.;iv! a 'jl One A Mild ,."v-of the bowels TfSlt I A movementPhysic. 'the villain still pursues me." C""V ii nealth. These pills supply whst j "Ha!" exclaimed the loverl "But cure rular. They K"6 ion olear Krea and brthw the Corop ef JAt the Races. fear. not.; See thou the ravine that inft 1 ; gjior tervenes between ue ax.d him?" First Spectator "Doesn't It makt will mail nam grape nor " Ye, Horatio, but the brldsre. He you feel depressed to see a young mar, mtn. aA. can cross yon bridge at a bound." and wasting his money th? WHY DON'T YOU BUY "Fear not, I say. He has got to gambling .oil mnr nroduota ana that young , fellow over there U TrTnrrrrirt?ff information' stop in the middle of it and do a song way how to make on blgj arir w Second Spectator "No; ) eeeda In the purchase of corn and dance. Courage!" Detroit Trib- doing?" Won ". - p, J book on speculation can't truly say it does, my friend. In CO., and une. Ml LaSalle BL, t: a pawnbroker." Somerville Journal. " f Not So Slach Leading, ,; Blobbs What nonsense C. it Is for the Crankn. Bicycle i In accounts weA. newspapers of their Bert Cough Byrup. to describe ' the bride being l Riding a wheel with one's handi h dlnps in tima ntiiu i to the altar. the pockets is ret the fun that It Blobbs How so? up to be and there an Blobbs Weh, most girls could find many who do it, and they yet come from tht their way there in the dark. Williams-po- ranks of those who insist that the Htree W. K. TJ. DeuTcr. ohXllZ Globe. When cars shall be warmed. Buffalo Com In w r saw tbe . i , o-- .. 1 ; to-nig- ht; j - j i." i ; : bread-bask- et 1 : I ; ": i j:. j : bar-t- ii' i i A ir, r House-breake- Sarsaparilla : Denver ms PKI3TDV cattnt, HH-UH- tete-a-te- te 1 1 12 I Di, rrr f Tbeil". n Oouci ASSAY s" ; ik feood-size- common-tienK- O MM SlY) - m i i 1 i uu, ',. Afro-Hibernia- n I DID pqisoi: 0 .- ASPECIALTY" i t - . , . i. efJ' Many-side- . fkz3f?3 fcWSyi aiW; - - - I 1 , v . , I sio-e- -- r- n. Usj-P CmU " ' - ' J - j " 1 ' " 1 1 1 i - 1 a Twr, a-- ' y , . rt ntrcial. ! II you i4vrtlmnt t |