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Show 9 A Singular Form of Monomania. noons, and yesterday evening, Just as we were about to start for a concert OUR AM) HUMOR. LaThere is a class of people rational enousu other respects, who are certainly monowith Mrs. Garrett, a tremendous storm maniacs in dosing themselves. lheyare their broke over ; the town and we were FLOATING N upon constantly trying experiments MANY JOKES FROM and their livers their their bowels, stomachs, to was She at home." obliged stay f with trashy nostrums. - W hen these kidneys aro EXCHANGES f order, if they would talking very excitedly now, and Ruthorgans really out Stomach use Bitters, they Hostetter's only ven mistook the reason of her mood BY would, i?.not hopelessly, insane, perceive its and heightened color.! . Li l Ti Ch Woman's Page The JLabor Ques-tlo- n gnperlority. am "I afraid you must have found Some say that the No Flies on Polly The Logical es The man with! a new gold watch seldoia it very dull; Margaret, with only Hamle knows what time it Ls. Conclusion Story of a Rose Season-Abalone are sufficient ilton and Mrs. Garrett for company. Satire.. to preventand cure consumpI felt myself compelled to leave home "History; of Cripple Creek. the form book in We for awhile, but I did not intend to stay have recently issued if taken in time. Withauthentic and reliable history of Cripple tion, "PAD" that spreads only away so long. Had I been here .last Creek gold camp, the marvel of th mining:e out doubt they exert great h world. The book contains numerous i to should have you. growing wit your gone night, anything for you, my child, I am repaid to life, good in the true mines Illustrations of gold ." thunder-stprmthe beginning stages; concert, notwithstanding rage, fourfold already." mining also describes all; the ' sole object of they As just the prop-cape- r. camps in Colorado. Withprominent the In. his .anxietv to improve the appetite, proIllushor our big Introducing we we weren't thank "Oh, we dull, you! had laid his hand upon her shoulder. trated weekly paper (established 1890) mote digestion and tone up call will send a copy of the above interesting amused Is that music. ourselves have I with they Margaret caught It and covered it with been free to alii who send us 25c. (stamps or the nervous system. But they the "Woman's book trial teaching Hamilton to sing. He :,.-Kisses, - f silver) for a three months' (13 weeks) conwhich our to lack the peculiar medicinal has such a a weekly, such big such nice subscription Page," voice," "I owe you more than life." sha cried: latest mining news and illustrations tains the "hustmanIn the a In every, our Mention girl, hesitating of Rocky mountain scenery it. would have broken tnv heart, to replied properties, and the fat, found and address. Illustrated Weekly, Dena ner. paper ling" paper. es thjnk any less of you than I do." oil. The in cod-liv- er ver, Colorado. am to sure "I of is it you good very Ruthven started from the contact of are valuable and Just why. the wom- -i Language falls to paint a woman as the her soft lips as If they had been burn- take any trouble about him, Margaret, 1 CHAPTER VIL fCoNTrtiXJED. more is see a Tearl her. owe you thanks for it, my dear: I made of lover cod-livis I mind rouge er . an's yes oil is valuaWe. the ing coals, and when Margaret had dried owe apt to hit the charmer... So curious, seems funny; more "Rut Mr. Ruthven surely he must her eyes than you thanks something again, he had left the room. for a service you ha,v!e rendered me, far All sorts of mental marmalade me? He After The Greatest Railroad in the "West lare heard something about this occurrence the girl observed me men Mixed and nave out money. with oj. never up an Can the hour of tip picKea Is the Union Pacific. It has the finest track ffoald beyond pastime he! had "known who that her guardian seemed to avoid her you guess what it is?" and equipment. It makes the fastest time: of Cod-liv- er v i unless streets tie Oil, with hypo-- : To Salt Lake by 7 hours. presence; she would she have were before And thought of a or who grotesque my parents, group Ruthven 10 of hours. quite had himself To Butte and I was. by possessed Ogden offended him had it not been for the To Sacramento and San Francisco by 10 phosphites, contains both of ; 'things, few hand last the Margaret's during sweet hours. smile with which he greeted her words, and she neither drew these in the most desirable To Portland, Ore., by over 40 hours. 'Well; now you confe to put It like whenever it back In tones of pink ahd yellow, met. The Pullman they Steepand Free chair cars, when Are I reclining remember I what days with find, flings nor Miss did sundry it tremble in his grasp. "I Margaret, form. The oil is thoroughly, that, Ticket office 941 Sevweeks went on until Ruthin abruptly lers and dining cars. fellow." a About "best first here, he, you have James corner done Curtis. a Mr. brought girl's service! enteenth street, you Oh, jlr. ; that is, partly di- -. emulsified announced his intention of spending a can how ' .did tell me" be?" that Ruthven, Whenever you hear a fellow begin the con- ' short' time' abroad, whither he depart"Yes! yes!" to me, my dear, and I will The way to make her sleeves like sails versation by saying, "There is no use talk"Listen gested. Sensitive stomachs ed,; flood. a for the leaving in yourself prepare And strict ing," he and Margaret cheeks but her tint lashes, after isn't all; tell you. I am not an old man, Marmuch, "it can bear an emulsion when iald 'Garrett,' saysj he, 'I want you to charge of Mrs. Garrett. Hamilton was garet, as far as my age goes, but I have And follow Fashion's devious trails, Union Pacific the raw oil cannot be retained For the the season, Holiday ' delighted at his uncle's absence. It been an old man in heart for will sell tickets on Dec 23, 24, 25 and 31, Is shown in lucid flashes. tie kind to this girl, for my sake,' he many, 1895, and Jan. 1, 1898, at greatly reduced afforded him the he course you know very opportunity rates. I a For full Information call at ticket of ' As the hypophosphites, the have lived many in past. ytars lays; and I said: 'Of desired of corner Seventeenth ana Curtis street, fice, who' she is, sir?' and he said: 'Yes, making himself agreeable crowd, And yet I have lived alone, be- One cannot tell the suble ways medicinal agents in the oil, to his new a and treats each & which With word more; it I never companion; boasts of a sinelnsr fish. It has na thesis; cause pleasant Japan of course do;' but the members of the crowd were, and the fat itself are each good, time of it the boy and girl friends en- for the most V tional scales, we suppose. eo, if it is true or false he can best to But, follow it for many days, jso part, uncongenial joyed, albeit the housekeeper generally me. I have seen .. And you will have paresis. I have found Plsos Cure for Consumption why not have the benefit of of beautiful a7 for himself." plenty ear-shan within unraillntr medicine. P. R. Lotz. 130a all? kept conversaof From Truth. their This combination has "I wish you would ask him for me." young girls, but with the bloom of their Scott street, Covington, Ky., Oct. 1, 1894. tions. I to went do Meanwhile, Ruthven wouldn't I dear! innocence brushed off and all the "Bless you, my stood the test of twenty years Shakespeare never billed his Dlavs. Yes. You Paris, and for several weeks held com- modesty of womanhood died out of uch a thing to save my life. on No Flies he builded better, than he knew, Bill did. Polly. and has never been equalled. He's very pe- mune with his own ieart there. He inem, and they have failed to interest idon't know Mr. James. ;',.'Joined 5C0TTS EMULSION Is II the in Teetn. Baby Cutting freely the gayeties of the city. me. And the disappointments and the culiar in some things, and won't brook In Be sure and use that old and Mrs. remedy, endorsed of has been hopes by the medical profession for twenty treading down the question rebuffs I have received hardened my lany interference." Wwslow's Soothing StfP for Children TeetMnsr- (.Ask your doctor. ) This is because it is always years. always uniform always contains be purest "But why should! he have adopted that would continually present itself to heart and made me; feel as if I should A live man should not want the earth he palatable Oil and Hypopbospbiteu Norwegian but in vain. Wherever he went never love a fellow-creatuime, and brought me up, and done all him; should be above it. of see as I Insist on Scott's Emulsion with trade-nsand whatever he did, one idea haunted other men do." : ,.: man snd fish. Tie has for me, if I am an utter stranger ' "Hanson ISagio Corn Salve." Put up in 50 cent snd $1.00 sizes. The small siz his Imagination; would it be too ab' him?" ' "Mr. Ruthven, what has this cure or money refunded. Ask year Warranted be enough to cure your wugh or help yoir baby. to " to do may ' drusrsrlst for it. Price 15 cents. . "Out of his own fond heart, my dear, surd in the world's eyes if he were to with me?" A DAT TO TTOTJV 8ted 810HIIX, S3 toWrite propose to marry the girl he had picked AGENTS work. "You will soon Understand. When It's big enough to do anything." Another peaceful Indian has been discov58 Fifth At. , Chicago in the streets he a man of nearly I resolved to go to Paris last ered in Montana He has been petrified over Still, Margaret was not satisfied, and up month, Cared in 1 Habit 1,000 years. Morphine a and she of sixteen? rorty, Had the from No pay till cured. girl Aav she lost something was because I felt I could not live toSOdsTR, it OR. J. STEPHENS, JFITS All Fits stopped freeby Dr. Kline's Great brightness of her manner or her look. any other asked his opinion on such a on much longer as I had done, and " No Kits after ibe tlrstday's use. IServe Kestorer. Marvelous cures. Treatise atil 2 trial bottle free Ruthven was disappointed jin her. transaction, he would at once have pro"Hello, uncle! are you back again?" tit cases. bendtoJ)r.KUxte,93lArcU&t.,ruu.,Ia. ' Itching anS Elind, Bleeding or Protruding Pilei yield at M nounced it mad to But was it was she impossible. afraid going At first he exclaimed a joyous voice at the door; DR. PILE REMEDY, stop. itch. did not seem so viewed by the new and Hamilton The grocer never sings "My way Is dark Ing, absorb minors. A poaitive cure. Circulars sent free. Prioa develop a sulky disposition, from which who had run Shore, 6O0. or mall. BOSAM K O, Phlle Pa. and is Hi D& Druggisu lonely." weigh usually light; light his eyes had acquired; and he home for a few minutes, for some reaj le'had already suffered too much with. The reviving powers of Parker Ginger I Hamilton; then he fancied she must seemed to have little doubt of the feel son best known to himself, entered the Tonic render It indispensable in every home. with which the him. ings PATENTSiTRADE MARKS "be unhappy with them, and wanted to, girl regarded Stomach troubles, colds and every form of disroom, and turned the duet into a trio. He tress to recalled tears on her and emotion it. j .get hack to Pomona Villa. yield Several Ruthven was very much annoyed. It Examination and Advice as to Patentability ef Poll. - How do pretty Polly, "Pretty or How to Gel a Send for "Inventors' and Poisoned "The viewing j times he attempted the reason, solve man reading to a can to not be pleasant be you do, come to blows, Patent. PATRICK O'FARRELL,Guide, jto D. O. operators Telegraph rarely Washington, Polly?" have a great many words toalthough they in the middle of a proposal of her melancholy,! but the girl's re-- Flower," and could not but flatter himInterrupted "" , Polly Fine, but for heaven's sake, gether. I I. , " He answered don't ask me If I want a cracker. serve baffled him. At last, two or three self they arose from her fear lest the by his own nephew. PARKER'S BALSAM HAIR supposed parental relation between Hamilton's greeting quite roughly. TJse It ! days passed without their doing more Get Hlndercoms ind k t Truth. Cleanses and beaotifies the halt want to if realize the of yon comfort them should without So I than other. I Promote! being a lnxuriant any preclude growth. see can I'm back "I suppose you exchange the; ordinary morning corns. It takes them out perfectly. i5c at druggist Falls to Ee store Gray Never we do ourselves that Color. persuade with each easily Hair to its Youthful .and evening salutations again. I don't understand wasting the hair ialliiig. The Logical Conclusion. S?fu"6iS4 V? Cures scalp discuses Dniygltts to expand the The easiest best and we what case. desire is way the to we We.and10a in have this little time other. spare 4 H was leaning dejectedly against a chest Is to have a good large heart in it. The result of his month's considera world by useless questions." At the end of that period, however, putting lamp post, contemplating immensities, "It's only a figure of speech," said the when suddenly tion was that he had decided his life le came into the dining-roowithout be would Margaret O'Reilly one afternoon and surprised her, with lad, gayly. "It took me so much by him. I accidentally brushed against YES, TO BE SURE IS TO BE CERT ACT, AS WEEK 76 the book of "The Poisoned Flower" In worth little, and resolved, at all risks, surprise to see you standing there." "Don't "Look he out!" exclaimed,; to own. win for her Cm. his he This done, "And what are you doing at home ler hand, and tears upon her cheek. selected Res yon dare disturb; me." the prettiest presents he could at this hour of the day?" Be could not fall to notice them. 1 as 11.11. 11 I not?" asked, WllLIL iiWU, llaAFlLlLlltt turning "Why find in for Paris her acceptance, and ran back for a book I had left be"I ."Why, Margaret,! how is this? You voice. his The cure is certain sure. TO MAKE StTRE, XTSE IT ART) BE CURED. are not unhappy, ij hope, my dear? Is took his way homeward, full of the one hind. Luckily, as; it turns out, isn't it? recognized " 'Caush I'm the shentre of the uni idea. great for I've been wanting to see you all corn no, I mean there anything I can get for you?" un'versh," he ex anshe the week awfully. I see Margaret is claimed, Mr. Ruthven," "Nothing, thickly. CHAPTER VIII. as red as a peony, though, so I suppose swered, in a stifled voice "How did you find it out?" I asked, t was morning she's been stealing a inarch upon me; am auaiu x euait uaic w his egotism. admiring when he arrived. eh. Pearl?" you this pernicious' literature," he said, "Go foolish man, before you pre- way, Mrs. reGarrett are understand what "I don't you smiling as he pointed td the pamphlet preshipitate chaos," he expostulated, if ceived him with a speaking about," said Ruthven. in her hand, "if your tears are a me how you know you're tell "First look mysterious to my writing." "Well, I suppose I may as well tell the center of the universe," I insisted. ; upon her face, that you now as afterward?" She did not reply. "Ain't revolving around prompted him to burst In low, tno?" heeveryshing "Oh, no, Hamilton has made me very uncomfortable demanded, indignantly ask if anything entreating tones from Margaret, to observe your low spirits, Margaret, had occurred durand I feel anxious to remedy them. There was something in the sound absence. his ing of Can I do nothing?" her voice that made Ruthven drop The Story of a Rose.' no! Mr. "Oh, her hand. "Nothing. Mr. Ruthven," she repeatma: Only a rose! James; but Miss "Nonsense!" replied Hamilton, In his ki. He was eoink to leave the room an of faded nerves the the pages between to see It lay you, then, whon n wnrd from her recalled Margaret will be very glad way; "what's the good of old book. and strongr, t I: expect. She's been fretting after you keeping it to ourselves any longer? V-him. ok a p down the looked brings A man, beholding it, The fact is, unclej, Margaret and I have "Mr. Ruthven,' I hardly know how to terribly this last few days." the feelings ofof the Ruthven colored with pleasure. come to the conclusion that we are very distance and the dark, dreaming to the presaid, Intl peak to you. but 'this'V-sh- e youth years. God past bless the after him! old man. we want one of and Fretting fond did you maturely another, mating the book on her lap "you over 1 woman I A and, I bending paused restores even must let It lost that innocent dear vigror. our to heart, consent to give your engagenot mean It, did you? I mean, it Is not its with It, lips trembling . pressed be seen! this " ment you and me?" : 01 pounds in ten days. crumbling petals. As soon as the question had left her a rose! (TO BBj CONTINUED.) to come home, sir," Only GUARANTEED lips, Margaret O'Reilly blushed scarlet been wanting you as the evening shadows Then, the continued housekeeper. And hid her "Respectabli Worklnjf Girls." face.) How could she have TO DAG CO HABIT CURE. gloomed over it, a voice cried, startling Hamilton Shore was a very minor said it? Oh! how could she have said in been who's silence: the "Mamma, In From the New York Sun: "I read consideration in his uncle's eyes. Go buy and try a box; today. It it? a the parlor a foolin' with this book? a said tnis newspaper in?" Hamilton Master costs is morning," "Oh," only $1. Your own druggist as Ruthven colored also and almost, will over an downtown business man, "that a girl They've gone and lost the place wherea cure or money re been he's "No,; gone guarantee sir; was readin' at." Chicago TimesTividly. He comprehended the girl's was ill looks in streets funded. found who the written Booklet, guarantee of cure hour." Herald.. meaning In a moment. She thought free. nearest office. Address can and a 'like respectable working girl. I sample "And Miss Margaret?" he might prove perhaps feared-th- at THE STERLING REMEDY CO., not help but think that is one of the "Oh, she is In the parlor, sir.". like the benefactor in the nlay to be NEW YORK. CH1CACO. MONTREAL, CAN. are Labor The that Question. in the parlor; she many stereotyped phrases wasn't she But I ier father. . ; , they come natwas standing in the door-wa- y, waiting used in writing because i Was it fear she felt and why? to writer's mind. and the a urally easily smooth ana Purely vegetable, cathartic cure constipation. He hastened ' to disabuse her mind to receive him, 'blushing ,as onlyancandysold i to cure.- - Only 10c of. reI is believe there don't where, guaranteed ery any GAS type UUllCTS with cau easy, by druggists blush, lovely 'English' girl of the Idea. L.; r The phrase spectable working girl. and bashfulness. "My dear girl; No! How could you ticipation . cover must the tremendous gaps beat her. bhe looked Ruthven gazed the were Imagine such a thing? If it "than ever. He felt he tween the servant type, the factory type I ase, do you think I would have been more beautiful typewriter and saleswoman could hot bear "" his suspense another and the j such a so brute as ;to leave you to starve moment. it does not mean anything. type, n of the chocolate preparations of success The great la the- streets whilst I lived here in am in a hurry. I drop into a He drew her into the little sitting- - When I house of Walter Baker St Co. (established the on Fulton street and alPlenty?" place lunching door. , the shut "Oh! forgive me.sif ," continued the fooln, and in 1780) has led to the placing on the market ways find it crowded by 'respectable alone found himself as he soon as But tilV. Still hlushiner violently: "but I and unscrupulous imitations working girls.' They are typewriters misleading aeserteu many courage nis his ward, with t bought I could not believe Is It pos and saleswomen, but I' can point out of their name, labels, and wrappers, waixer him. All the way home he had been dozens ible you know; seen separately on the father who of if my nothing to to broach words ! and & Co. are the oldest and largest manuBaker be street told could from mother? that you really never saw planning in what idle not; the but Cocoas and' nor heard of me until the day we met her the subject nearest his heart; and high-grad- e of and stylish daughters of the moderatefacturers pure had arrived, now' that the opportunity la the court?" j Their hats and wraps on this continent. No chemicals are ly well-to-dChocolates a of nineteen. as lad as felt shy he 'Hush! Don't speak of that! Yet, latest fashion, and they apwas In his power to are oftothe it used in their manufactures benefits Jt is quite The las well mannered as if true be Indeed Is pear just possible. It mothand fatherless this bestow upon that that was our first meeting.' . Consumers should ask for, and be sure that were all pupils in an uptown pri they into nothing, dwindled "But why did; you choose me .to bene- - erless girl or; a uioie class on one the genuine Walter Baker & Co.'s goods. Innocence ex- vate scnooi avenues. get, and g they man is this a by all "See her beauty whilst Maginnis, here, of the nice Why, work has your goodness, , out of the twice the work that you are." millions who, like me, are cast out to panded and increased, assuming pro: not even dampened their spirits, for WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, deserts his above a him far tellin bin of value O'ive what "That's cerish without any one to help them? as. are as all portions merry young girls they DORCHESTER, MASS. conor his hopes. Margaret, on the She should be. And the preference they tor the lhast hour, sor, but the bloody do not know, Margaret; I suppose must have been fate that did it. trary, seemed to feel no shyness.. true. give to pastry, as well as the way they Oitalian won't stop." Texas Sittings. Mnshine and smiling, it ,1s hen I see how amply you have re-- ) twist and turn to examine one another's (I onarfintlv from the mere pleasure dresses, shows that combining business Not 80 Sudden, Cither. "I flrmlybelieve that Plso's larded my care, I like to think that it n rZl realization. the fll Cure kept me from having w3 rate." of meeting him again (fll IU and femininity has not altered the sex "Miss Barretts," said the young man, I Mrs. jjh consee Ui must father Consumption." "I oi UJ your he How have I rewarded you, Mr. as trusted, suddenly, much as yet." "quick A In I ; ill I H. D. DABlilNQ, Bearer cerning something very dear to me; Jthven? How can I ever repay you? "and stammered, he affect whole my something that may "Well, my dear," me nome taken all, and have nothing to Day bream on the Road. to see life" agaiii in exchantrp v Ragged Robert Don't you wish y'r r. i riad: Mr. Ruthven," she father "Dear me; this is so sudden!" said "You have had been a king or an emperor, to The give. everything said has "Hamilton the me young woman. paeerlv: uuoa is If you will give it or a pope? J that week Vnin last for the "Why, not so very sudden. I anOa, try me!" every Thirsty Thomas (meditatively) I'd nounced my name as a candidate for Mean- ruther he'd been born a brewer, : Perhaps some day I will. more than four weeks ago. u ' sure Councilman am ' . you aro to live with us.' i fore night. I rnnffint 7- W nau ju" COUCH SYRUP. to OCGT rs Do you think he will vote for me . a whn returns am Fallo. ana t0 pu- - up Wlia our 'Cause for Divorce. find it very -" aaa customs?" nave tuncu. Did you not wife deserted him Chicago Dispatch. Rogers - ISS--'Phillip uUl bu W4" 1- ft has Deen; i. It Paris? ir, wwu wore man conieni. I have not been because he would not read to her the Free of charge an empty shotgun. never let the word Gratitude' here that Hamilton andau bi the Durxant case. full testimony your llr ain. If I have done able to walk out ai WIT j War 7 " , sSJ , hypo-phosphit- ; full-pag- rsnro fiaoor 56-colu- ' ;'" ; 'r i . . - . . hypo-phosphit- . j j f ; ; j j : r . i . ot - in j iii ti - : J. well-trie- d j i Cod-liv- er re rk r-f- . ! - to ' ! ' . up i SURE CURE for PILES . BO-SAN-K- . mm n. . . ; . 1 At . m St. Jacobs Oil -- , X op Naturally com-jlime- nt ; f Don't Slav 1 : . iwoar j 1 kes self-assur- ed r ; l - ; li f j j ; j- - , e-- I Timely Warning. j i I - j . ; ' I .li t j A. JS ; o. j r'li II I ! j do-ji- 1 j . I I j r.'W' , i I ts. nil ((unifCU r ',! ; ' : ,rv ! : ; , ru TVl '. " -- . ff ; . ; t.":r . ; Plo 'i -- - : |