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Show ion Pacific between Ogden and Frisco will pass into the hands of the Sanpete Ybu Pay Your Money and Take Your Choice. The Launching of the Ships; .' Four little ships sent out to Bee t This morning early, brave and ray; They only reached the nearest tree. Then cast their anchor for the day. Two anxious friends with practiced Bails Fly back and forth across the main; But all their good example falls To starj, the little fleet again. , w.- f :r j ' It looked so easy from the nest, To leave the harbor faf behind, ' And there was hardly room to rest, Nor food to satisfy their kind. JJnt now. well, it seems very nice , , .For little boats to hug the shores And listen to the prood advice Of robins who have sailed before, - ' ; ' ": 'l I.;'.::.,'.' i ; : Republican State Ticket. Democratic Stats Ticket. ; . ::r- . ; v.-,.--- : ; Mart A. Masok. &rom Demwest'a Magazine for September . IV AS FOUND rSecretary of State, . JAMES T. HAMMOND. greenwood. "NOT GUILTY," . - Auditor, fiDlTOft BLADE? Justice, in the bands of our citizens, today disposed of one of the mast watery of water cases erer brought in any court its merits. The case was brought Here on a change pf venue from Fillmore. It was brought fu the narbel of the -'People of .the Territory of Utah" vs. James Croslaud" and August 'Neilson." The complaint charges them with i4be foaling the waters of Chalk creek by leavcarcass oi one dead sheep thereing the r in ; and was sworn to by Joseph Smith of Fillmore. The evidence showed that defendants' sbeep came onto the creek on the morning of August 14tn, and that Deputy U. S. Marshal W, P. Payne find Orson Holbrook. County Sheriff, went 3p the canyon? to look at the condition of the creek, and that about a milej abofe. Dear canyon, 9 miles from town , at the foot of a waterfall, under the bank, In the water, they found a dead sheep, leaving it there, they went on up the eanyon, saw( Ilans Eskalon of Scipio with his herd, came back down' a distance, found Crosland and Neilson's herder and camped with him all night, ifaking enquiries as to when the owners rould be up from Eich field etc., but said nothing to the herder about the, dead sheep in the creek.' Next day the officers Went down the canyon, found J . Smith, Parley Payne and Alma Powel hauling timber, and took these young men up to where the dead sheep Was. This was on the 17th, The dead animal Was drawn out of the creek, and the prosecuting witness and all the others said it as ahye with maggots. After examining it, Marshall Payne and all the others said they put it back into the creek in . about the same position as first found. The complaint was filed Aug: 17th. On ' August 21st the marshal and sheriff again visited Grosland and Neilson's herd, but the owners had not yet returned from their homes. The herder in charge was now for the first time spoken - to about a dead sheep in ths creek. He was very positive that none of his were there, and v the officers testified that he offered to bet them that no sheep of his was dead' in the creek. -- Then he went down with the officers to where the dead sheep was discov-ereat a spot where it; was difficult to see it without getting down to the creek. Then the aaimai was taken oat of the creek by the officers, and burned. There was co contention as to the ownership of the dead sheep f defendant claimed it on the word of the prosecution. Council for ... the defense, Mr. McDaniels from Richfield, -- showed the total lack of any crimi-na- l intent on the part of the owners, who Were at home in Richfield. And also the positive ignorance of the herder in charge of any law being broken by one of his sheep having fallen into the creek aud died there. He also made a fine point of the fact, that two public officers, professedly. looking after the interests and health of the people of Fillmore, should, when finding a sheep that had been dead in the creek not more; than 36 hours, after examining it, carefully put the rotten carcass back into the creek and let it remain there for 6 days longer before they again took It out and burned itThe complaint was silent about camping on or near the creek, and only covered the one dead sheep at the foot of a small waterfall, and under the bank." Prosecuting attorney John M.1 Hansen engineered the case, and after getting rid of six jurors, six ' 'good men and true' were leftto give a just verdict upon the evidence produced. The asked the court to dismiss the Case, but Justice Corrington preferred to place that respbosibility upon the jury, who wYjre caTefully charged as to their solemn dutlesvand given unto the charge of the c6'tfstab!e who marched them down stairs, and marched them back again, Av with the tall 8; liarmou ' at their head No 'one that had heard the a foreman naevidence, for a moment d ubied the ture of' the verdict, ' not guilty." ' ' One can-nosuccessfully combat the stlggestioorGliat such a prosecution was gotten 'upfor the fees that were in it.rath-er'tha- n in the Interest of 'public health. This is strengthened by the fact;; that' it of I SAMUEL R. THURSl AN, THOMAS MOLONEY. RICHARD W. YOUNG, ; d, - ! i I . . - 4 . de-fdnr- re . 4 t the abrve bameij two officers to" car- tdols ry the warrantfor the arrest plea, the prosecufing'attorney the air with, the thunder of his eloquence, The profundity of hi3 ton gue saak into the bo3oms; of ' thej jury and c ivd tbeir heads to droop with pity,and til? venerable justlce'glarecl at'the metor w)Ux surprise, and shuddered' at the' no v- -' eilv fa his court". X v The hospitality of ' lonely sheeph'erders isHvc-known and those in' the; moan above Fillmore are heavily taxed. Ei-fnow,' it! is- saia that a miaiber Of spotters are sponging amon;-s-t tbeVvari the object of getting up cases similar to the one just disposed of. Camps' are frequently cleaned of food by these industrious (?) visitors, and whole sacks of flour carried off at times. Mokai,: Woufd . it not be Well for the people in Whose hands the power and duty rests,' to see to it that their votes in future are cast for men who will not selfishly fish for the County.rs reventfef We the- undersigned have read the above, and testify to its being si correct statement of the evidence in the ease as we heard ft John Corsiand, GRANDIT WH1TM0EE, & ! StandardGaMe Bellamy's Plan to be Tried. WESTERNL TopEKA, Ean., Sept.4th Mrs. Anna L. Diggs, the agitator, and Dr. S. RAILWAY! ' editor of the Advocate, the official paper of the populist party in Kansas, have lust returned from Montrose Where they have been county to establish the Montrose couaty colony. The colony is ito be conducted on" the Bellamy plan rand is - .IL.1 . being promoted by the same organization ROCKY MOUNTAIN: that a year ago perfected arrangements on the Potomac establishing a colonybelovtf Washingfifty miles river, aboutPotomac location was abanton. The Choice of Three Distinct Routes doned, Mrs. Diggs says, because of the unhealthfulness. The Colorado colony AND THB is to be located on government land homewhich wfll be taken up under the MOST MAGMIFICENT RAILROAD SCENEBl stead and desert land act law. IntendW.R.Johnson, B. J. Stringham, ing colonists have already; filed upon acres of land and ten men have lo3,000 Charles Finlinson, cated there and begun work, making Heber Johson, for the reception of the preparations Two Fast Express .Trains Daily R. Prbbert, , colonists and their families. Other mem 3LiO bersof'the proposed colony will in a A'y G. Stephenson. t EACH WAt BETWEEN few days file Upon fully 5,000 acres more. Mrs. Diggs now claims a residence in OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVER. Colorado and says that one reason why 1895. Holden, Aug. 30, is was state selected her that for colony ElXlTOE' Bl.AlK: An editorial headed, that women there have their m-- W WANT TO' STTK YOg' 4Are Ready for Trial," commenting rights, and that she is tired of political ELEGANT CHAIR REGLIIilliG CARS! battling on a trial of James Grosland and August for thghi' elsewhere without result. Frea of Cliar;e. Nielsen for 'alleged, befouling the waters of Chalk Creek, appeared In the Fillmore Direct Connections made In Union Depdts. "ELEMENTS OF WEAKNESS; Pogress ot Aug. 29th. i tHB HOST" THOROUGHLY1 EQUIPPED RAILWAY Inasmuch as the above article from ; . IN THE .'WEST. The Democrats have heltf their head to tail appears to bean attack upon ancr'rnade their nominations, D. C. DODGE, the venerable justice of Holden, John SJ HBABbCK,- . General Traffic ilanagellV a.i of an and intimation that the and their the supreme moment Mangaer,' Cherrington, r.A: Gen'l. Pass. WADLEIGH, were packed' for an acquittal, we history have allowed elements of weakAgent. jury the undersigned jurors in the case referr- ness p-i-. a-.-to get in where there was not the ed to, beg leave through the columns of The Blade to protest against that pa slightest excuse for it, Thatcher and per, or any otner paper, or person, at Rtwlias for U S. Senators will add tempting to defame the character of Jus tice Uherrington, or tne jury in this case. strength to the Democratic; State legisWe, each Of us, the legally and proper lative ticket. Had Judge II P Henly empaneled jury in the case are alone derson been nominated in .the place of responsible for the verdict. R. W. Young whose only jweakness is ,We solemnly affirm that no infiueace, .found in the fact that he is hardly other than our own judgement of right knoWn outside of Salt Lfake county, and wrong under the laws, was broug ht f TIME' TABLE NO . 14; to bear upon us, as jurors, the Progress the ticket for the Supreme Judges Roberts invincible.' been woufdhave editor tJ the contrary, noLwitnstaoding. to Congressional Efifective Thursday, August 1st, 1095. f A. S. Harmon, j will have a walk-ove- r . honors. Orson Johnson, Mr. Roberts is more an ora-ItWm. Sbutli. Hawiey,. than a statesman, but he has pitt-- I North. jurors. HeberP.Johnson, ' ed against him the weakest man with DiSt. Disl Edward Stevens, No. 1 I from in the Republican party. from No. 2 Stations? Henry Hughes, Nephi Daily T, B. Lwis would have' been "strong- Daily j Manti 43.d 10.10a Lv.' Nehpi Ar. 10,'55a' er than Karl G. Maeser. 1.20a 38.0 9.56a' Salt Springs 5;0 Had conditions baen, otherwise than 11.50a Additional Looal. ld.O 33.0 9.42a , Hollow:ay Governor for are Caine 29.0 9.23a 12.05p Fountain Green 14.0 Marshal Fowler of Provo, was serving what they Can't be bought, 23.2 19. 9.00a' ... But man 12.23p been have would a, Drapeif strong; 19.5 23.5 8.40a' subpoenas in Nephi yesterday.Moroni 12.40p But that, which breaks ttwHeasW we'h'afe tieii.LT to far too have Democrats the gone, " 27.0 16,0 8.25a Chester ArI vn11r rifrtrftlo-ndfrif El ward Candland is over fromCbes-te- r the other extreme in the seiection or 12.50p 35.0 8.0 7.57a ,1.23p.Ephralm 7.80a Ari "Manti Lv. 43.0 Mormons." an'l this act will millitate 1.45poil pleasure and business. Hiles Had Mr. Caine. Ogden Prof. JF.'H. Paul it is expected will against been chosen for the Supreme bench,' drains l'eare Mtntl for'Sterllng,Funk's Liike speak in the Tabernacle tomorrow. for Henderson Governor; and Morrisbn at' 2 :20'p. m., Monday-s- "YVednes4" and Don't fail to hear Warren Foster on jvith King for Congress, the Dem- day's and ' Friday's, Returning arrive, at Populism in the Court house next Mon- ocrats would have had the Repub- Manti at 5 :25 p. m. licans on the hip from the start. The Direct!' connections at Nephi with Uniob' day evening. See circulars. missed has the opportunigblden Padific party Railway from and to Salt Lake Cityj' Miss Liillie Black, on Thursday, left Atitl' take no other. ' to take its ' medi- Ogden, Butte and intermediate; point's,' and ali and must prepare ty Nephi on a visit to Orderville, Kane cine. ' iiA BARS A .RED' TAG. polnte Eiast and West. ' ' County, where she will remain for Twine Ibis will on operate successfully ;S top signal. several weeks. In. everybody's binders EDITORIAL NOTES" Theodore BntfBAcir, 15UL Detter m me best. The City Fathers held their regular v. Pres. & Gen i Man meeting last night, but our edition is so Salt Lake City the' The Provo Enquirer stil adher0s to arge that W3 could not holu the press-wor- k II, s; Kerb, back and catch the morning train, its former statement that! the reason S'iipt. & G. F & P. Agent, Manti. ' so we omit until next Sat urday why The BtADE editor doesn't go Chaa. Dowd,- on Thursday morning down to Provo and' run the Dispatch, was laying brick in the new dess-pois because of the opposition, of H6n.;S. Tubular Steel Cyclone Mowers antilRakpa' ' back of the Excelsior building; when from the Manufactory of W.'A. an employe dropped ?; a bticir which R. Thurman. Our statement of the so also afe all th'e linds we represent in Utah and Idaho struck Mr. Dowd on the back of the facts doesn't seem to courjt with the head " making a painful scalp Enquirer man, who, if he only knew Amobg'sV'wbjch aro: found' B'aih IVaijoiis ' wound.' Deere and Oliver Plotts, IlUsseU ThresbinMatbl'ttb? half as much on' other subjects as he , Selectman Daprezin mide the Blade pretends to idlow of the Dispatch edi-- i and . Tiger Ra , Columbus, andbowler" sanctum a snort Visit yesterday, and tor questionsj-anLindsay Bi6ycleg: Address were honest, wonld mildly Vpumneled" the editor because make a fairly good country led itor'. tOCAL TIME CARD he is opposed to C. Alien's candidacy : C0 for Congress. Upon other topics, howIn effeet,Dec. 16, 1894 . f a'trive at and various stations Tf ain depart The Nephi BLADB is about the' dnly ever, there is tha b33t of feelings, and . as follows: in! Terridaily the left more paper we the know of Hugo Daprezin, People's party tory. It is a little too raneb'rovis ' td suit Leave Leave Stations. Arr. Arr. the better we like him,' and 'say,- "Call the times.' 8.00 pm 0.45 pm 8.20 ani 2.00 am,.,. Oj?den am Ar Salt J Lv 7.00 pm ,4.45 pm again." Our esteemed friend, the Provo En- 9i30 'am' "8.10 7;15 am Lv' f Lake 1 Ar 4.35 pm Mrs Caroline Black of Daseret, arrived GEO. LiODELL? General ' 7,41 am,, ...Sandy .... 4.05 pm quirer, gets off the foregoing. The id Nephi on Wednesday j'ea route to . . .. am 9.12 3.25 Fairfleld pm has been, Called a Republican,-D11.05 am ... Eureka. ,.12.45 pm be present at the marriage of her Blade ' 8.15 am..Lehi Junct.. 3.30 pm ' mocratic, Popiil i s t an d l' ide pendent .2h am Amer'n Fork 3.20 pm ' ' nephew, David rtiomipgoa and Miss Dor3.13 the nov" has hit and 8.32 am Grove Pleas't pm, Enquirer.' cas Overlade, and "found she was "left' paper, 8.55 am . . . Provo . . . . 2.50 pm as the Sanpete train. had pulled out some the only nail on the head it ever struck, V 9114 am Spanish Fork 2.32 pnl" am ... Paysdn.. . 2.17 ptri two hours before her arrival. There is a at by nalming it the '"People's" party 1.25 pm, , 10.35 am ....Nephi ." We arS "proud of the new haluclnation resting over the" people of paper." 11115 am Ari Lvl2.45 pm' 11.35 am Lv" jnaD f Arl2.30 pm', Deseret caused by the err'atic running of found title and are endeavoring' to de1.05 pm Leamington 10.55 am' the MilfOrcl express, and they expect all serve it. . . Oasis .. 3.05 pm 9.25 am The fact' that Bro. '; Clove 8.37 am ele3rsmple oom3 for- CommerdialTrav 4;50 pm Clear Lake trains are frbtn twoto three hours finds so much in The Blade to mildly 7.10 am Ar j Mil- - i Lv 5.35 pm; . 411 TrainV; Free' io faUo Edwin Booth, one' of "the kindest kicl 7.50 am Lv fdrd f Ar 5.15 pm: a :lose is reader he that LEADING Is to the of. at, HOTEL" and proves 4.00 from . 9.40 NEPHI the station. am ....Frisco... pm hearted men in Nephi," took Mrs. Black enLeave Arrive ' most is' , and the of this it paper, in his ouggy and arrived in Ephraim at 1 j'ains souh of Juab run daily except Str about1 iO' o'clock' in the' evening iu' time' couraging evidence' of hi3 awakening A . Hack Meets All Trains. for'the festivities which he! descrioes as love of truth he' has ever; exhibited, Two through trains dally from Salt : to Patrons. Free ., East. all points TUe truth our: friend finds in Tha Lake to, Pullman Two being of tHe most' enjoyable nature. Rooms.. Proprietor, v Sample Palace Sleepers f r Dm Salt Through Nearest to Businesa "a Centre." to a little without'ehangfe Chicago doubi without' Lake Bladu, jls Sleepers. Improved Tourist To Be 'Restored too rancorous" to s'et well on a mental Free Reclining Chair cars. Mrs. c. '" pbTE coaches. ;. Salt Lake City Sept; 2dV18S3;" s tb teach so uh acbs torn ed to such? food, Elegant day. line 2" c'af, ' " service;, The dining operatiug only Editor Blade: Proprietor The' shortest asd fastest line td all points Will you kindly announce through the but by perseverance it will "sta columns of your paper tnat a contract down," and just Wsodn as Bro. 'Clove eu5t(E.rl). WICKIJS, Acent, Nephi. has'beeu let "for the restoration of the can !'kcep it ou'his stomach," wo will D.'fi- - Burley, Gen'l Agt. Pafesgr; Dept., : nm ana uoid building' of the Utah School for the Deaf givehini' the' warmest kind; Of !'a' fi'kter Citv Ticket Ullicev2t!l Main st., Salt La ke. Attdraeysdf'La on' 10th fire inst. the and damaged by' E. 'j:.' Loirr ax. Gen'l Pas pvt. n.n1 Ticket Asrt. ' 'hand-clasnal comoleted and be for will Omaha Gen'l EDicklnsou) Mnr.t ready that'it S. II, II. Clark, of the'school on Oct. 1st. the rfl ' Oliver W. Mink, forL 1 All children too deaf to be educated in E. r-ftoom Anderson, Ellery i and 3. t.vjU 1 are the public schools eligible for admis JoJ.m W. Doane, is rumored' that before this month ir&t National Itfrf k Buiilug. It F:-very xruiy, 61orr. Oerick ti. CoA?,, 0. V thutt tht" 1j r'ati'dr of - thv it ti 4 gae-rdr.ecelvera. PI'OVO, - Mc-Lalli- n, fracas .THROUGH THE " r'm"'"-'- " ii ': Mi'rtr ii fr Hew (jroods" Arriving Dailjf. : ' ' i j wer than Prices ; . M cbn-vcnfi- oa j , ' - ! j tv San Pete Valley Railway . or j 1 R- - - J . LYMOCTfiSisiifi' Binding Sheaf of Wheat Brand. , , j ; - ; - ... I1?11 . ' ; - .- . BIlNNl'E BINE)'E'& i - ,.''.'! . oi ' ' Wo.odai-e.UnexceUecl- - i , J , d i to ,. IIh-Leader- j COj-OPtRAT- v . lEilll lVE . , iCHltlE &: - North-boun- , South-boun- - . , ' d. - - tianar. ,; ' l Uph-raim.'- to e ,; . i , 1 V , 2 . Thil NBFHi HOUSE' . i - f . . . "j m&ets' , . - , . . . ... - ; ' - - ! 4 'ii - . i, j p: . ' tt-'in- s - uenr'with' ! . ; . ',1 f HYDE , ' 47ith: t . THE . rr-- it a MOSES THATCHER. be-hio- d. is ''rhfirtJcrscd-foerji- setting" is not less;than thirteen. : of! defend- ants over "to 1110131383 at' cdniderab'fe c5st; and farther; by an effort' on the part of the prosecution' to supercede the precinct- constable in his" obvious fright to eitra a few dimes by summoning a jury; Iri-b- JAMES A. MINER. States Senators, JOSEPH L. RAWLINS, - . ' i : - CHARLES 8 ZANE, G. W. BARTCH, and Complete Line of aU Gddds consisting oi Ttadd winners in all Departments-Come and see us; ; would mean that Nephi would be th2 end of three divisions and Would have a round house and machine shops-junction city secand only to Ogden in the State. It is only a rumori but President Brubauk, The Blade wishes that ervery egg rcfay hatch and that the, United1 5 . . A. C. BISHOP. W With a Fttli - j JOHN R. PARK. Judges of Supreme Court Judges of Supreme Court, for adjudication. We will simply give , Ihe.evidence and let your readers; fudger ;.: SwpOTintendent of Public Instru'cJtioD IwARL G? MAESEfR, j V WEBER. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1S95. Holden, Aug. 29, " J. . Auditor, . Attorney-Gener- al ' Attorney-Genera- l, A. ,,,:r. fi', MORGAN RICHARDS, GUY C. WliSON. Citizens at Holden Resent the Insult To their Justice of, the Peace. Treasurer," , JAMES CHI- PM AN : ll tJU . CLARENCE E. ALLEN t treasurer, ALMA ; Congressman,; Congressman, B. H. ROBERTS Secretary of State, FISHER S. HARRIS. -- -- v Governor, JOHN T. CAINEJj - i . 'Governor, ilEBER M. WELLS, .. s HYDE & WH1TMOR E The reticence and Valley R'y absolute silence of Prest. Bruback of the S. P. V. R'y, since his return frorH England, is almost certain proof there is a 4henon1" and that a brood of. schemes is being hatched. The rumor is plapsable. The S. P. V. R'y people have a fine mine of the best coal in the Territory, so it is said, but are hampered in haying a hostile road dealing in coal, at: each end of their line, thus cutting them off completely from 'everything but local markets If they secure the U. P. branchy referred to above, they will continue it on to Piorthe' where they will be met by a line from Los Angeles,- A child can fig u re oiit the result. ' If the rumor be really true, what a" boom its materialization would give to Nephi. It Co. ' ... , p. , ng . , -- M , ; u . i . " -- 1' |