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Show ' ' ' .1 - - - SJiPL I On all questions whether : , The advertisements in the Country Papers, and as The J&i.AE fcas the Largest Circulation ot any Paper in Central and Southern Utah, 4 Social or eligioaa,'-.-political, Is the Blade. A50tt?:''Tne Trutii Without Fsar or Faycr i On 1 .Terms; I J2.Q0 pv yar. ia advance, '. fox months, Ji.CO. j . ; . X: Country People Read 0 Absolutely Independent COP St offers the best possible medium for Advertisements. " VOLUME iJjfPUX CITT, JJTAJj; SATURDAY MORNIKO, SEPT. III, NUMBER 7, 1895. 13. f.)J.,-.ZZ- If THE OLD MISSION TOWN. AT THE PCESBYTERIANi T. B. Foote, Eureka, was shaking hands in Nephi Monday. Tueky Cole is up from Salina and Cerarnunien Services tasst Sunday Rev. A Resident of Neph! There Tells of HIS Pave Cole Is in from theheep erd. spending a brief visit with his parents. Wilson the Speaker. Trip Through Southeastern uiab. Mercantile Co. at ftt Excejsior Sulphur 18 1.05. for Utah Sugar, Fruit The l1. f , the lowest prices, regular Qaarterly Communion Editor Blade:- 1 10 aad ?1J35 doz. at" Excelsior Jars reeeivad by yesterday's mail several wa observed last Sabbath at 11 o'clock. The finest line of Toilet soaps in Nephl Mer. Co. S.'i Wilson preached from Ezek. copies of The BiJade, the contents of Rev. O. are at itfcially & Lant's Drug Store. 4 to & have Baum gone Attorneys Hadley as his subject The Influ-erip- e vrhieh were eagerly devoured, even the Sugar and Fruit Jars reduced at Excel Beaver for a short stay on professional 47il2,oftakiog thelilospel, ' sbovrlng. that Eiek-iei- 's story of Will's tooth; would like to seni sior Mer. Co. 'See their new ad. in this business, ' vision of Holy Waters portrayed the you the jaw bone but as that is imposy issue. . The show eases in McNally & Lunt's growth, and spread of thef gospel, Al- sible, I will endeavor to write an account Selectman A. L. Jackmaa was In from are full of all kinds of novel-tie- s most all the members of the church were of what I have seen and heard since I left Levan this week on couaty court busi- Drug Store, ' " 4 ; just from the factory. present.; In the evening the housa was Nephi. ness. I left home July 17tb for a trip through County Selectman Hugo Doprezia of well filled and the pastor took as his Just received at RfcNally & Runt's the Eureka, Mexico and Arizona, and spent three days this week in text John I, 5:4. 'Thisis the victory, Colorado, New Priced Pocket and Alnrninum Sell as will as Thompson's Springs JMics even far went oar rail Dressing we, omly tbe that overcometh Following by world, jjntil Nephi on county court business. 4 combs to be found in l?eihi, . victwent From there I by staga to Bluff City",, was generally observed in faith, "a He showed that the . only for- CASH ONLY: Jjibor day Bora To )ttje wife Of W. H. Gface, last worth gaining is the victory gained a distance pf 140 miles, stopping at Moab, NephJ Several of the business house? ory ' doa The is mother Monticello and Bluff.. At the last named Sunday, baby boy. we're closed the greater part of the day. through our faith in Christ. as as could be well , expected, place I met Bro. Piatt D.Lyman, a brother ing 1 School will open its The Pyesbyteriao of Apostle Lyman, and au old friend of W. J. Norton of Cotton, Utah, is visit- first , 1895. Tbe Train Talk 9th session, Monday Sept. editor and who wished to br ing in Nephi, and made The Blade teachers will be Miss E. M. Knox and Mrs. M. A. Orover, Mrs. 31. E. Neff. 'i Tbe Blade's to him. At Blnff L remembered '. sanctum a pleasant call on Thursday. kindly 2 Miss Nettie J. Gray. D. O. Miner,. Judge remained over Sunday; attended Sabbath . If. McCune,. D. t. novel gtfven away An ellegantly-boun- d Don't tbe people of SouthernUtah know F. W. Chappell, A. T. McCanne and D. school and afternoon services. This Stake-o- f with each f 2.00 of cash trade. can save money and time by sending W". Cazier, a portion of tbe Nephi DemoZion is presided over, by F. II. Ilam-- . 13 14 north-boun- d McNally & Lunt, Druggists. they were cratic delegation, their mail orders to McNally & Lunt? mond,.with Piatt D. Lyman and Wm. Is the Sweetest MA thing of beauty is a joy forever,' if ' last passengers Wednesday. Hall as his counselors. Druggists, Nephi. ' and the Best. you don't believe it, just call and see the Will the EL. Fennemore Was 4 northDr. Q. At this place I engaged Bro.C. B.Chris-tense- n swiped a couple We iave jejnic.ei this te hair Brushes in of rare ore person vbofrom. only Aluminum-bac- k to drive me through Montezum The Bladb bound passenger on Tuesday's train. specimens Nephi. IoNaliey & Lunt. and Fennemore Mr. reports peace plenty Valley, Colo., and into San JuanCounty editor's desk, the other day, during his was a of Edward Pike The in his county. Eureka, 9. Judge political sentiment New Mexico. There is a branch of the absence, please return them without Wedon visito in Nephi is unchanged on the question of a Judge Church in Montezuma Valley near Man Tuesday and further notice? any Im nesday, on business, as County attorney, A pleasant card party was given last for tbe Fifth. Tbe DemocraU of Beaver cos, presided over by Bro. Geo. liall. twe are connected with the county court. Ee M. N. there the and are for Jno. W. Christian, San Juan County, evening at the residence of Mr. are for branches of the Church at Jackson and Has anybody seen W. Jr Shimmin Saturday Presley Denny. publicans and Mrs. James Ockey.-Jhonor of These branches belong to tb We is Fruitland. hear he lately. hunting soothing Stephen Read of Salt Lake City, who has Wednesday's S. P. V. B'y train Stake.v Jan Juan syrup by lamp light this week. It is a been visiting with, friends in Nephi. brought over the entire Moroni DemoPatronie Home Iqctystry ancj ib sur 7014 e on con AlJ arrived and the 30th. Perhaps a few lines from the N M boy convento the cratic Ogden delegation I3 ' iLTtah Sugar, f Drs. Ellerbeck cerned are doing nicely. IlyniU will tion. They were Isaac Hardv, M. V. Bureau of Irrigation report, in regard to ; .For sale only by extract teeth positively without Taylor Harry Candland, John Bailey our people in this section of the country,, We had a pleasant call on Wednesday I'om Jamea Ouinn, an attorney from pain, v there will he no charges and Dan Cook. With the exception of would be of inter; ?t to the readers oX Tb Missouri. Mr. Guinn has been ia Utah made, no Gas, Ether or Chloro- Messrs Bailey and Candland whp re- Blade, Will say that Fruitland is situ- river below its Junc- j about one month and is looking over the form mained over night to visit relatives the ated on the SanLaJuJju absoa local Olio and Jewett,. agent Piatta. the with simply tion on the U.; P. north country with a view to locating. . proceeded party cast and the latter! miles harmless but effective the former four north-boun- d O wing to a rcsh in business in Eureka lutely was six train Wednesday's miles west, are situated on the same; -Prof, and Mrs. J. D. Call bade Nephi Messrs. EHerbeck & Hyhds have been en loaded' Democrats with down fairly stream. These three places, have a popuunable to keep their date in Nephl. Our adieu last Monday, and boarded the route to the convention. Hon. A. W. lation of 600 persons, This is called thi readers will please note the; cnange of U. P. train for Itbca, N. Y. Mr. Call Ivins from St. George and a score of Lower San Juan and is under a fine moddate in their local ads. Sept. 11th to 18th. will enter the Cornell University for a others from Dixie, Iron and Beaver. ern canal, and in a bigb state of cultivatwo year's course in law. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Ivins was in close consultation with W. A. C. Bryan was tendered a sur- Call are At Fruitland is one small orchard! tion. reswidely .known and Grant. Millard Coun- of seven acres from which the annual net Heber J. Apostle prise on Friday evening, the 3Dth. The pected in Nephi, and the goodhighly wishes of event happened too late in the week to ty was represented by John Jackson sr.. return has been over $2,500 per annum for, The Bladb, go with them, Alma Greenwood and Miss Bertha Olsen the past five years. This is he property make mention in the last Bladb, but a ail, including On 10 at about o'clock, Tuesday of night was Fillmorej Geo. Crane from Kanobb, of the resident Mormon bishop and Is culgood time enjoyed by all partici the was of of the Queen Night glory A'y Stephenson and a lady from Holden, tivated according to the theory of hist pants. snuffed out almost the dark by and Mr. and Mrs W. A. Ray of Deseret. people that a small place well cared for is The attention o! our readers! is called to shadow of the completely envelEarth which gently Apostle John Henry Smith was aiso on more valuable than a broad acreage poord. and locals of McNally & Lunt to be the his "lesser sombre board! and when asked if he too were en in oped light" found in this Impression, They have embrace.. ly farmed. It is one of the best instances was an ; for the It easy to route Democratic the job convention, of intensive culture in the Territory A CAR LOAD OF COOK STOVES Just received as fine a lot of novelties as Earth to thus embrace the moon for her but I've got i"No, answered; laughingly can be found in any drug store south of In the Denver Field and Farm, a genAND RANGES. Majesty was "full," but for all of that, into a nest of Democrats asandthehave to re- tleman .who has Just past throucb Utatu Salt Iake City . main pretty quiet." If, Republihor brigrht face blushed to a live-coI have just returnedt Democrats are certain to writes as follows: cans claim, the GALL A!ID 1I1SPEGT OUR STOCK. W. C. Andrews, Annie Soreoson, the tint, diffcufg the unusual familiarity was a jolly from Utah wbere I have traveled incog.,,, be this defeated fall, (that Misses EsteileV nd Nettle , Neff; U. P, strain. iEjrihjeians to" his Qaeenfor and after seeing stuas are NEPHI. Tena Joreasoa as enrjiled if realized he time such opthat long ihg his simple and unassumed hospitaldents at the 6. Y. academy j Provo. E. portunities are mighty scarce these hard etc. ity, and witnessed tbe effects of his greaU Changes II. Sparks and Q. W. McCune will prob- times and his consort coquetiag around At a recent meeting of the Directors of industry, I have coma to the oonolusioat : him at a distance of 240,000 miles. ably join them sooa. . Mf'g. and Merc. In- that his religion must be asasgood and aH Eddie McCune, The Blade's popular 'Times are the hardest ever known, the Nephi Co-oCourse hj Mail any was continued as pleasing to the Almighty subscription agent, has been suffering in Nephi," said Mr. McNally of McNally st' n. T, H. G. Parkes on this man mortal WITH TUB Zi!sician and Surgeon for some days with rheumatism Induced & Lunt, the other day, but our firm Suptj and Thos. Ord Was elected Secre- handsompracticed by And I have thought: as phere. by a recent trip to the bald top of old was never doing so well as at present, tary.! Mrs. M. A. Grover resigned CAPITAL, n of that 6th verse in Corin. 3rd chap., ii McPher-soof one and James the Directors, Nebo. He Is under the physician's care and I have become converted to the value was to fill the vacancy. At have planted and Apollos watered; but; elected is and it hoped he will speedily recover. of printer's ink." Mr. McNally then OMMERCIAL close of tbe present month. Miss Sadie God gave the Increase, and I bave conthe ILLEGE , g OFFICE; an from order showed the writer aWyom-iaEditor Murray of the Enterprise (Eph-raiOrmo voluntarily leaves the employ of cluded that. God would not give. ;ucbt , At th Goldabrough Hotel r McNalan man article carried for on sanctum The tip Blade by lighted To Advertise Our College ;". as lady clerk, and Miss Ella bountiful increase, both in farm products the Co-oHOURS; v and closed the order for moments. a. Wednesday by Chase has been selected to succeed Miss and healthy babies, If He did not lov fw ly Lunt, just We Will frive a thorough course of In 2 to 4 p. m. saw DemI was on" in to advertised his The it the Bro, Murray way ttmetioo in double aud single Arlth-mettsaying, entrya ' this people far better than the Gentile ' ' UoolC'faeepinsr aad Commeryal' wares to Orme. have Utah- if feels land jubocratic Blade." you convention, Just.ro, Ogden, Nephl, Nebraska,, ranchman of drouth-stricke- n mall, Free of Charpe, to a bj ilant over the bright prospects of his par- sell, tell the people of it through The Kansas' and' the Dakotas, or limited number of persons. This course wWt be completed in forty lessons. No BjjADE which reaches more people, and ; ty in the coming election, i Pennsylvania my own native state.1" .Address; ; charge for Diplomas.. more is ' I Tbe Y. M. I. A. Conference held in readers, than any perused by writer goes on to say that wheu be in1 To haul 10,000 tons Rock Salt to Eu- The riijiffnf Cify l of other Lake south Salt Mona was paper success. was published a last Sunday shooting owls, and attending revivals; great I Commercial College, Will $2.50 Utah. ton, per conhas pay reka, an and City,' over About thirty Nephites Went and in country school houses, he was toldi: P.O.! DrawerB. TOPEKA, KAS. CASH. that the Mprmous away out in Utah were speak highly of the ample provisions for stituency. M. M. Co. & Nephi Salt the most iniquitous and immoral peoples their accomodations, and in high terms Victor Can dland, Victor Hague and C. S. Tingey, Mgr. on God's footstool, and the whole Terri3t of Mona'a hospitality. A most enjoy ten others whose names Mr. Candlaod able time was experienced.' Will promptly fill all orders for tory was liable to sink at any moment-an- d glye away," inpositively refuses-t- o ' The Missouri Pacific R'y Fourth National Irrigation Congress. good old Methodist or Presbyteriaae On Thursday afternoon Doctor C. S. dulged in another successful hunt last hair grow over the hole. He also info r mi i This i time it was Ho s mer went to Ogden ioif the purpose of Monday afternoon. Office of IX you are . to going his pious pilgrims who peddle the promeeting his wife and child. After spend down in the North field. The two Vic- Irrigation Commission for Utah. verbial whoppers in pulpit and: papers? Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 26, 1895. ing yesterday in Salt Lakel City, it is ex- tors were victorious in bagging a sage Kansas City, This office has been advised of the com- that, according to soripture, God does, no will arrive in Nephi this hen each. The other ten took theirs out pected, they f Bt. Louis, and Christianity anei tramping. The same party will Ptart ing Fourth National 'Irrigation Congress bless the enemies ofblessed morning. Ttie Doctor has refurnish- in as ; has the Mormom he on ft ed the '.Gbge residence where they will hunting and fishing expedition this to be held at Albuquerque, New Mexico, morality Chicago, too many big potatoes people. They grow afternoon, and will go up behind Nebo September 16th 23th j 1895. reside.' . .New York,' on Nebo creek and secure two No! portion of the inter mountain region to ba enemies of God, and our fat babies,, over and Warren Foster, editor! of the Rocky or r any ther growm three more of those 3. trouti As the of the ereat West is more interested in healthy mothers and Mountain Advocate, will deliver a speech a are to nd look olnt East ea that your ticket reads Via s, pleasure in behalf of the People's j Paty in The boys object to giving away and more this than UtahJ since the First National up aaugbte been in and Utah after having sseingr items to The Blade j our sport- Congress held in Salt Like City in 1891, Nephi Court House on Monday evening, hunting Tiie Missouri Pacific R'y. our beautiful and han ' her land, will people editor national and these go iwith.thern camp the importance of yearly at 8 o'clock. Mr. Foster is a ing Sept. 9ih, would! "world-wideconcluded that as " near Pennsylvania ... as pious the hunters , they will permit. conventions has become, a fluent speaker, and an able exponent of ' Klesant Coaches, Quick Time and Superb and all sections of the country make a fir more appropriate addition te Koad-bethe principles of his chosen political Dr. J. S. Ilynds formerly of Kansas matter, make thia Hue thePeople'B Fav' look to Utah to keep up its prestige as pergatory than beautiful Utah and the . orite Route, creed. All that can should hear him. Mo. and and of later City. SpringvlJle, oldest inhabitant couldn't tell where a leader in Irrigation affairs. & HTNDS come Dr. VV. Leon Ellerbeck formerly with Drs. ELLERBECK Each County organization of the Pe n n sy iva n i a e n ded a n d t he or ig.i nal helll LaT Ogrden...... 6:35 p, m; & er Dunford Eli dentists beck, surgeon Leave Pueblo ; State Irrigation Assoniatidn for Utah ' began recommended, from leading citi7:()Op.m. bishly Arrive Kansas City m 5:4t p. of Salt Lake City, will be in Nephi has the right to elect one delegate to the FronvFruitlsnd I went to Durango, andi Arrive fct- Louis 6:5t a. m heir zens ,.. of communities respective there to San Luis Valley, which U from 11 will have from Sept. th to 18th and will be pre- Congress, and it isj hoped you Arrive Chicago ;,9;30a. w; a ia ood Consettled principally with, our peopiei all ol and it opportunity for the pared to do all the latest work known a good representative sent to this whom have beautiful 'homes,, and forr nil upon the nearest ticket agrent or address' people of 3STephi,to get their work done to modern dentistry. V Bridge and vention from your section.; are routid hdve made ;a trip miles and miles their fruitful fields Salt! Lake.i Exami- Crown work or teeth without plates a Theofrailways H. B, KOOSER, to without going olcl audi One with from. September 13th waving rate $32.05, golden grain. Caiuiercial Freight & Pass. Agt. speciality. Goid, aluminum" and rub- to Ootober 10th,good Samuel Jackson,, -wa H, II. STINSONj townsman,. which advice respected and nations will, hope,, free. given T Fine Pans. ber Agt, plates. Traveling out a large delegation, and espec- lives here He will thresh this year 200S 1 bring Salt Lake City, Utah. Last Monday a double sut prise party platenia-n- n and insoluble oxyphosphate ially we trust that as heretofore the bushels of grain besides raising about 1000' Orll.C. TOWNSEND. JLove and Mrs. was Mrs. John given fillings artistically inserted at reason- women of Utah. wiH be prominent fac- bushels of potatoes &o. He has at bis General Pa., and Ticket Asenti fct. Louis, SIo. Mary Buckholtd, sisters. The house able prices. All work guaranteed to tor in this representation officially or command as much; water aa the whole off was well crowded with friends and "rela- be ' " ' Salt Creek, and nevei; falls out' with hi otherwise. in every respect. satisfacto.y had who in honor of the tives gathered Please send out this information as neighbor over the water question.. : Natice of Administrator's Sale two ladipa birthday, nd made the best J I left San Luis Valley yesterday an!i fully as possible in your section. in of Ad. the 1 Read evening' the songs, egaini recitations, Qf Uetl and Personal property. It is especially desirable that you will after an absence of three years,, of. which Jl and in not Santa Fe,. Mall ancient but arrived Course music, "Free headed Read thd ad. iast, speeches, by surely' as us K.auw euoa, ouiuH mis possime Have writLen before.- From here lco to It let Notice is he,rebv piven that in of least, an elegant repast of all the good with the Capital City Commercial College-names and addresses of those who AUbuqueraue, the ' thence to St. John's. Emg-staf- f, or -r of the Probate Court of piinsuance : : . : : Is a flue offer. Apply for it. Juab County inner tha ta THE andi The man.' thing gratify will attend the Congress from your Holbrook,. Prescost,. Phcanix m.tde and entered on, the 19th returm to wishes orTerntary, of which I expect l Blade returns Mesa after A. of the happy August matiyi lr x'iln trie matti as delegates or visitors, Gity, County whether "tate ijf .; to Nephi and prepare for Xovton, Deceased, the under-.H?- J ' event. the of said estate will sell at Very truly yours, Notice to Creditors, rvav administrator . Uold coin 17. ,ale. for to some days there has been considerFor L. W: SauRTiiiFF, aubject Santa. Fe N. M., Aug. 30,. 1895.. "'uiricatiuii bj ,.iil Probate Court eu Mou--- y in alarm The office able over Blade fa the C. L. Stevenson,1 Chairmanv the day of September A. D. 1835 at resi-"'- '' It o'clock, a. Utah, f ss lur of ytb m. i.f said day at the Territory of or Jas. w . l'axman over stay , protracted Secretary.of sai.? administrator in the City of County of Juab. i Uncalled, for. Letters.. in the Uintah Indian reservation. But of Charles P Norton, deceased Kstate folJaab Utah the in the above,; interested iThose County. Territory, ,Pai directly Ls the Notice hereby given by undersiprned ''itiz Oiss'ribed real and personal property Mr. Paxxnan arrived; safe and sound on Septi. 1st. Th xbl' the desired InformaNphi City,. Utah, of the estate of Charles P. Nor- will kindly send in administrator "i. of lot 4 block 5 plat "C" Theouth. in? this;olce-unremainv e J' oblige.-i-Ththe and Blade. ', says Tuesday, report that the ton deceased, to the creditors of, and all per- tion' and N'ephl survey of To-- iisite lot.s In Nephi lowing. letters, PAPER) (HOME Haid the claims sons not andclaimed. one deceased, if Utes had captured him and insisted on Ul;iH Territory. Also, apralnst and takcm having ''MiibCouuty. called forr ait cr of exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, water of .Salt Creek, one bay sent to within will, bo tribe- and making to him war a the Hr ab'jut the into thirtyidays., months 10 years old. or. cow ami calf 13 adopting the after four tirst publication Solicited him their Bishop, is tetotaily and abso- ofwithin Read'lt? this notion,, to the said administrator at Sjalt ;rs oil, one set of Dead Loiter Office:: the haruessa, and two Advertising Patrons , City, Utah Territory. , The Capital. City Commeroial coue man. can now be Lake false. Mr. Pas R 1S95. lutely tnr at Dated Utahv 2) the NepUl City, fald the September proTierty pure instraohas a card in this paper offering 'u oe r:a'iv?: Ly the A. S. KENDAiilo f l adMiiniatrator at fc and prefers being foaniati hiaold GrecQ Admiuifitrators etiitite- ot Charles P. tion free to ' of the WllltAKKK. of. 'UC't. persons. numJhnr. ?!7 i. Co.. to Norton, deceased. Suliscrintion S2. ayear. l&ilQ Supt. of the Excelsior of Drudilla Nor- i"e V INKLINGS. LOCAL . ' j 13-1- ' j 13-1- ; I ; . . . ps?tr 13-1- . ; . ,' Q,uart Fruit Jars, Q,uart Fruit Jar3t $1.10 doz - 1.35 doz . -- ' i j UTAH SUGrAR Per Sack, pa: i for o 13-1- 4. ; . . $1.00, cash n i i ' - MERCANTILE CO. Leaders iu Low Prices. 1 -- . . j AT. COOPERS P1TPEE, & GO'S. al finsral-ipa-rty.on.tb- ;!.. e ; Co-o- Dr. G S.Hosmer, FREE p J . p. other-religio- n j - m) ..- - p . : flood-cutse- ... di TEAMS WANTED. ii ? I ever-inereaai- ng ; NEPHI, r Fresh Fruits . ' o - Vegetables. Breezily Brilliant, Winningly j j .. . ' d : -- - . j rosy-cheek- ed at-A- , Yitty, " " ; Satisfactorily - Sagacious, i . - . Liaquacious, - gold,,-silver-gol- d , . . . j Overly ; , ; . Orig ; t , . - " rt- 11-2- lirti.-nir- t " - 4 logfoy" - i e f ; - A ' - - Dld-Yo- i .w-ur- pl-ic- e . - . ra-njjJ- .suci.-irat- or ''''"ea.-jttci- i &vz22r&.1? kill ! u |