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Show You are joking Clara. You must be joking!" A ROMANCE IN ALASKA. i "Not at all, pa. Ydu can't think what Count de Lancean and His Daughter, 1 nave learnea aireaay. im a TTho May Become an Heiress. ' J uneau, to a starboard, and carry green light Alaska, has a Russian rored. to port, with a white light at the mance, or "what it fully expects will demast-heaand a flare-u- p every fifteen velop into a romance, and it is almost minutes." as a interesting subject for discussion "Oh, won't it look! pretty at night!" as new the fields. When Count da gold ;. cried her sister. One "And I know the Lanceau, a young Russian, visited blast means that a ship steers to star- Juneau eight years ago, lie was 22 years board, two to port, jthree astern, four old, and he followed the example of that it is unmanageable. But this man other visitors before him. He took an, asks such dreadful questions at the end Alaskan maiden as his housekeeper. of each chapter. Listen to this: 'You see a red light. The jship is on the port She was attractive in features and aftack and the wind at north; what course fectionate in disposition. A girl, named is that ship steering to a point?" Lucy, was born to them, and the young The Doctor rose with a gesture of de- count was devoted to her. He was spair. "I can't imagine what has come satisfied with his housekeeper and very over you both," said! he. V fond of his little daughter. He decided "My dear papa, we are trying hard to to remain in Alaska and enjoy his new live up to Mrs. Westmacott's stand possessions. The count conceived the ard." idea of building a castle on Pomt Lookad"Well, I must say that I do not mire the result. Your chemistry, Ida, out, overlooking the town; and set men may perhaps do no harm; but your at work felling trees and building the scheme. Clara, is out of the Question. foundation. A cyclone came along and How a" girl of your snse could eve? en- blew the men and the lumber off Point I tertain such a notion is more-thacan imagine. But j must absolutely Lookout, and tbe count r changed his plans. He bought a lot of land in the forbid you to go further with it." "But, pa," asked Ida, with an air of plateau valley below and set a gang of innocent inquiry In her big blue eyes, men at work clearing It. After he had "what are we to d4 when your com- spent several thousand dollars in this mands and Mrs. Westmacott's advice preliminary work his father ordered are opposed? You told us to obey her. him to return to Russia. Before leav She says that when women try to throw off their shackles, their fathers, broth- ing he deeded over ten lots in Juneau, ers and husbands are the very first to three lots , in Douglas City, and a cantry to rivet them on again, and that In nery site at Cape Fanshaw to his such' a matter no man has any author- daughter Grace. The count said good-b- y to his Alasity." Does Mrs. Westmacott teach you kan family, and left his daughter in the that I am not the head of my own care of Frank Starr of Juneau. Since house?" The Doctor flushed, and his the counts return to Russia his father grizzled hair bristled in his anger. "Certainly. She says that all heads has died, and he is now in possession of large estates. Frank Starr is now in of houses are relics of the dark ages." The Doctor muttered something and correspondence with him, and he be stamped his foot upon the carpet. Then lieves that the count will provide genwithout a word he, passed Out Into the erously for his daughter. So it is garden, and his daughters could see among the possibilities that this waii him striding furiously up and down, in time may become an heiress and a cutting off the heads of the flowers young woman of some importance In with a switch. as well as in Alaska. St. Paul Russia You "Oh, you darling! played your Highest of all in Leavening Power. n - a lot Latest U. S. Gov't Ilepcrt i ' J no A """""N -- , ,- ) d, ; fog-signal- W0MAM A. COHAN OOYL& f: JNTERNAPONAL PRESS ASSQCATM CHAPTER IX. , ITTLE did poor Doctor Walker imagine as he sat at his breakfast-tabl- e es next morning that the two sweet girls who sat on either side of hirri were deep in a conspiracy, and thjat he, , a. rs a blue-cover- j to ;n. b. V ;he , ' '..their opening came. "It Is a beautiful day," he remarked. "It will do for Mrs. Westmacott. She was thinking of having a spin upon T the tricycle." "Then we must call early. We both intended to see her after breakfast. The doctor looked "Oh, indeed!' au ew the SiT. . j pleased. 'You know, pa," said Ida, "it seems to us -- lar hut i intimate you are with her the better Tleased I shall be." "Then that i3 settled," said Clara demurely, and the talk drifted to other matters. ill the mnmlnc t a twn e'irlsi sat PX- tracting from Mrs. Westmaciott her extreme view as to the duty of the one sex and tyranny of the other. Absolute equality, even in details, was ler ideal. Enough of the parrot cry of unwomanly and unmaidenly. It had ;T)een invented by man to scare; woman .away when she poached too nearly up-I on his precious preserves. Every , worn- I an should be independent. Every woman should learn t a trade. It was to push in where they were their i least duty welcome. Then they vepe martyrs to the causer and pioneers to their . "weaker sisters. Why should the' wash- tub. the needle." and the housekeeper's ;book be eternally theirs? Might they rnot reach higher, to the consulting- rroom, to the bench, and even to the pul pit? Mrs. Westmacott sacrificed her tricycle ride in her eagerness over her i pet subject, and her two fair disciples drank in every word, and noted every suggestion for future use. That after- 3ioon they went shopping in London, and Vi . -- j : j -- Ion - -- i j -- ;before evening strange packages began to be handed In at the Doctor's door. : I The plot was ripe for execution and V-- 'one of the conspirators was merry and Jubilant, while the other was very nerv- f ous and troubled. ; ' i -- When the Doctor came to the dining-Jroonext morning he was surprised m find that his daughters had, already been up some time. Ida was installed .jat one end of the table witn a spmc- lamp, a curved glass flask, and several 4 to lij- j bottles in front of her. The contents of ithe flask were ' boiling furiously, while a villainous smell filled the room. j Clara lounged in an arm-cha- ir jwith her 'feet umn a second one. a j book in her hand, and a huge) map of the British Islands spread across her aap. "Hullo!" - cried the doctor, blink-- . . 1 ries blue-cover- -- ed v J - . p K - seal-ski- j e j come?" J'.'"Yes, dear. It is here." "And I have my stout. Come along up to my room now. This smell is too abominable. But we must be ready for him when he comes back. II we sit at the window we shall see him coming down the road, The fresh morning air, and the genial company of the Admiral had caused the Doctor to forget his troubles, and he came back about midday in an ex cellent humor. As he opened the hall door the vile smell of chemicals which had spoilt his breakfast met him with a redoubled virulence."1 He threw open the hall window, entered the dining room, and stood aghast at the sight which met his eyes. Ida was still sitting among her bot ties, with a lit cigarette In her left hand and a glass of stout on the stable beside her. Clara, with another cigarette, was lounging In the easy chair with several maps spread out upon the floor around, Her feet were stuck up on the coal scut tle, and she had-' a tumblerful of some reddish-brow- n composition on the at her elbow. The, close table smoking . Doctor gazed from one to the other of them ; through the thin gray haze of smoke, but his eyes rested finally in a settled stare of astonishment upon his elder and more serious daughter. "Clara!" he gasped, "I could not have believed it!.' "What is it, papa?" "You are smoking!" "Trying to, papa. I finu it a little difficult, for I have not been used to sleep, which all tend jto the.development of his physical power's, and the training he receives straightens his frame and glves him an easyj upright carriage that never after leaves him until old age lays the weight! of Its hand upon him. The post exchange Is fitted up with billiard and pool rooms, lunch ; counter and Only the best graucs ui ut;cj. axe sold there, and drunkenness cannot exist under pres-ent restricted rules. pleasant room is always set aside .s a reading-roowhere current newspapers are on file, and In addition to this, each company usually maintains a library. A post school is maintained for six months of the year, where he Who wishes may im card-roo- 1 !: ; m, prove his mental condition. iHe is provided with excellent! clothing, 'which when altered to fit neatly, is the nattiest uniform known. A drunkard or other questionable character may pos sibly creep in among the men enlisted. but he is soon "spotted" and, under the law that five previous convictions by courts martial are sufficient' to award dishonorable discharge, he is soon gotten rid of. It is creditable to the army that all men now serving In the ranks, exceot oossiblv a few left over from the old army, are capable of reading and writing the English lan guage that is, in a limited sense. . ' ir j ey- - ; - ; .' 10. ; - ; " : ; i m. A "where's the breakfast?" "Oh, didn't you order it?" asked Ida. 'fll No; why should I?" Hejrang the it." "Why have you not laid the break"But why, in the name ol goodness Jane?" fast, it "If you please; sir, Miss Ida was a ' Iworkin at the table." "Mrs. Westmacott recommends it." "Oh a lady of mature years may do "Oh, of course, Jane," said the young lady calmly.' "I am so sorry) I shall many things which a ;young girl must avoid." .be ready to move in a few minutps." v "Oh, no," cried Ida. "Mrs. Westma; "But what on earth are you doing, be one law' j:ida?" asked the Doctor. , "Th smell is cott says that athere should Have all. pa?" for cigarette, most offensive. And, good gracious, S"No, thank you. I never smoke in the ;look at the mess . which you haVfe 'made upon the cloth! Why, you have morning." : . "No? Perhaps you don't care for the " burned a hole right through.' What are these, Clara?" brand. f 'Oh, that Is the acid," Ida answered "Egyptians." contentedly. "Mrs. Westmacott said "Ah, we must have some Richmond Uthat It would burn holes." you !"Tou might have taken her word for Gems or Turkish. J. wish, pa, when it without trying,! said her father go into town, you would get me some Turkish." dryly" ,r,. I do "I will do nothing of the, kind, habit-fof'But look here, pa! See what the not a is 'that it all think at fitting j bdok says : 'The scientific mind takes ladies. I do not agree with young nothing upon trust. Prove all things!' Mrs. Westmacott upon the point." 'I have proved- that." pa! It was you who advised "'You certainly have. Well, until us"Really, her." to Imitate breakfast Is ready I'll glance: over the What is It discrimination. with "But Times. Have you seen it?" are drinkingClara?" f'The Times? Oh, dear me, this is It that you "Rum, papa." which I have under my spirit-lamI "Rum? In the morning?" He sat afraid there is some acid ipon that down and rubbed his eyes as one who wo, and it Is rather and torn. tries to , shake off some ' evil dream. damp ''Here it is." :; S "Did you "say rum?" The Doctor took- the pa- -; bedraggled "Yes, pa. They all drink it in the pro:Dfr with a rueful face. "Everything which I am going to take up." fession seems, to.be 'wrong he re-- j Clara?" "Profession, parked. V What 4s this sudden enthu-- I Westmacott says that every "Mrs. Em about chemistry, Ida?" a calling, and follow should woman 'Oh; I am trying to live up to Mrs. those which to choose that we ought stmacott's teaching." avoided." women, have always ' ''Quite right! quite right!"; said he, "Quite so." jnough perhaps with less heartiness upon her ad"Well, I am going to act he hai shown the day before. '"it? a to be pilot." vice. I am going An, here is breakfast at last!" A This, is too Clara! pilot! "My dear nothing was comfortable that morning-There were eggs! without much." "This is a beautiful book, papa. 'The spoons, toast which was leathery and m being dried-up rashers, and Lights Beacons, Buoys, Channels, kept, ,2Tound3 In the coffee. Above jail, there Landmarks of Great Britain.5: Here is Handv"as ta.t dreadful smell whichjpervaded another, 'The Master Mariner's interesthow Trything and gave a horrible twang book.' You can't imagine 13 every mouthful. ing it Is." ?ing and sniffing, I " that we really have a very great Advantage in having Mrs. Westmacott living so near." "Why so, my dear?" "Well, because she is so advanced, you know. If we only study her ways we may advance ourselves also.? "I think I have heard you say,! papa,' Clara remarked, "that she is the type of the woman of "the future.' "I am very pleased to hear you speak :so sensibly, my dears. I certainty think that she is a woman whom you may very well take as your model. The more -- ed j munching innocently at his muffins. was the victim were anned. wiles their whom Against Patiently they waited, until at- last th. - , n A FAMILY PLOT. -- e Proposed Facsimile of the St. Louis. proposition nas reached the man agement of the Cotton States and In ternational Exposition, from Herbert Saunders & Co., of London, offering to build on the lake a fac simile of the transatlantic steamship St. Louis, to be of the same size as the original, and ele gantly fitted out. asThe interior! of the a restaurant, and ship will be used the vessel will be reached from the shore by gangways, This is a duplicate of an exhibition now being given at the Antwerp exposition. Henry G. Kitt redge, the secretary of the Massachu setts commission to the exposition, is now in Atlanta conferring with the man agement In reference; to the Massachu setts display. While there he will select the site for the Massachusetts " building. St. Louis . A. Globe-Democr- at. : . ;. j j r ; X 633- - - , j . ' . ; ; - m j p. i I -- . j - ; to-da- yf e, j , : : . M US -- . " 1 Southerner's Bravery. "During the civil; war there 'was not a .more rabid secessionist or a more popular man in California than Charlie Fair fax,- Virginian, and idirect descendant of Lord Fairfax," said City Attorney Creswell yesterday. fHe was a mail of such undoubted courage, such scrupulous honesty and such distinguished courtesy that his violent prejudices against the north were' forgiy.en before tney were expressed, and his opi de clarations of disloyalty forgotti as soon as spoken. "While, the clerk of the Supreme Court In Sacramento he engaged in aw alteV-v.uuu , yyiiu a. iiia.it iiauieu. WiltCOmP lee. vvitnout warning Lee cirew swora cane ana maae a lunge at Fairfax. The keen blade penetrated! his ab domen a couple of inches before he could seize it. Fairfax held the blade with his left hand while he whipped out a revolver witn ms right, ancllwith the swerd still in the wound, he leveled his pistol at Lee's head arid said f n the coolest tone: j "Draw that sword land pat it up. I would kill you, but rib mali shall ever say that Charlie Fairfax mlide a woman a widow, and children fatherless.'" ) San Francisco Post. A " - r ' . v . J N J V s. "I don't wish to put a damper upon your studies, Ida," said the Doctor, as he pushed back his chair. "But I do think it would be better if you did your chemiqal experiments a little later in the day." . v r., "But Mrs. Westmacott says' that women should rise early, and do their breakfast." "Then they should choose some other room besides the breakfast-room.- " The Doctor was becoming just a little ruffled. A turn in the open air would soothe him, he thought. "Where are my boots?" he asked. But they were not in their accustomed corner by his chair. Up and down he searched, while the three servants took up the quest, stooping anil peeping un der book-casand drawers. Ida had returned to her ' studies, and Clara to her volume, sitting ab sorbed and disinterested amid the bus tle and the racket. At last a general buzz of congratulation announced that the cook had discovered the boots hung up among the hats in the hall. The Doctor, very red and flustered, drew them on, and stamped off to join the Admiral in his morning walk. As the door slammed Ida burst Into a shout of laughter. "You see, Clara," she cried, "the charm works already. He has gone to number one instead of to number three. Oh, we shall win a great victory. You've been very good, dear; I could see that you were on thorns to help him when he was looking for his boots." Poor papa! It is so cruel. And yet what are we to do?" part so splendidly!"; cried Ida. Oh, he will enjoy being comfortable But how cruel It is! When I saw the all the more if we give him a little dis sorrow and surprise in his eyes I very comfort now. What horrible work this nearly put up my arms about him and chemistry is! Look at my frock! It is told him all. Don't you think we have ruined. And this dreadful smell!" She done enough?" threw open the window, and thrust her No, no, no. Not enough. You little golden-curle- d head out of it. must not turn weak!nearly now, Clara. It Is Charles "Westmacott was hoeing at the so funny that I should be leading you. other side of the garden fence. It Is quite a new experience. But 1 'Good morning, sir," said Ida. know I am right. If we go on as we "Good morning!" The big man leaned are doing, we shall be able to say all upon his; hoe and looked up at her. our lives that we have saved him. And "Have you any cigarettes, Charles?" if we don't, oh, Clara, we should never "Yes, certainly." forgive ourselves." .,.- "Throw me up two." (TO BE CONTINUED.) "Here Is my case. Can you catch?" n A case came with a soft thud on to the floor. Ida opened it. It was ENJOYMENT IN THE ARMY. full. "What rare these?" she asked. Outdoor Games and Sports Indulged in "Egyptians.", at Frontier Posts. "Whatj are some other brands?" An enlisted man serving on the fron"Oh, Richmond Gems, and Turkish, and Cambridge. But why?" tier has opportunities for sport that "Never mind!" She nodded to him would be envied by hundreds of wealthy window.' "We must re- men, especially in the way of hunting and closed-thmember all thos," Clara," said she. and fishing. He plays all kinds of out"We must learn to talk about the door games, is regular in his habits, brands of cigarettes. Has your rum has stated times for meals and for work-befor- i I Pioneer Press. MONARCH OF HIS SPECIES. Killing of an Alligator That Measured Fourteen Feet in Length. To F. A. Dennettee ' .and to ' his brother, Elton D. Dennettee, belongs the credit for the killing of Fort George's famous "gator, a giant in size and so old that his back is crusted with bar nacles and moss. But their encounter with the saurian was not without ex citement and some damage to the hunt ers. They found the 'gator in one of the small creeks that run through the island, sneaked upon him ,In their boat and let him have a bullet from a Winchester. The big fellow gave a roar of rage and pain and at once started for the small craft, his jaws wide open and his tall lashing the water into yeasty foam. They jammed an oar into the 'gator's mouth and he crunched It Into pulp, and then they took the other to stem his onslaughter, but" he broke that, too, and ground it into kindling wood. When almost upon the boat he swung his tail against it and nearly upset it. Elton Dennettee was knocked overboard, and no sooner had the gator seen him than he made for him, and if the young man had not hastily scram bled on boardhe would certainly have met an awful fate. The two men had two pairs of oars and with these they managed to keep the little craft away from a swing of the saurian's tail, which would have crushed in the sides as if they were paper. While fone of the hunters kept clear of the enraged beast the other kept pumping lead into him from the Winchester until the water was covered with red foam, telling that the monster was badly hurt. Finally he appeared to give up the ghost, turned over on his back and floated upon the surface. They lassoed and towed him ashore, but the 'gator was not dead, and still had any quantity of fight in him, and so, when one of the sportsmen ventured too close the gator gave a lash with his tail, knocked the young fellow 'upside down and paralyzed his legs for the time being and went for him, grabbing his foot in his frightful jaws, and inflicting a- painful and per haps serious injury It was just two minutes before the jaws of the beast could be pried open, and it was an hour later before the last spark of life fled from the reptile. , Fasting Carried to Extremes. The people of Servia are forever fast ing. The most severe fast is that of Lentr which lasts seven whole weeks. Then, on the 30th of June, is the, fast of St. Peter, which lasts two weeks, and; is observed by some persons for four weeks. From the 1st to the 15th of August, the fast of St. Mary, and Christmas is preceded by a forty days' fast. Apart from these lengthy fasts every Friday and every Wednesday is held to be'a fast throughout the yearServia' is no mere in day. Fasting mlans of it abstinence real diet; change and privation. At Pirot this fasting has assumed such serious proportions as to constitute a grave medical problem and a national danger, for It affects seriously the health of the population, the strength and fighting capabilities of the soldiers. The medical men reck oned that, on the whole,, half the days In the year were fast days. This means that for some six months in the. year the population, of Pirot and neighborhood Is only fed bread, raw onions, and raw vegetables. No cooking1 is done; not a morsel of meat is allowed. Would Contract Bank Currency. 'I " - Xransi at 1S.O Miles an Hour. The recent bnTiess eombinatloo effected between a great locomotive manufacturing company and an Eastern electric company, sugsays the Chicago Record, is already the to great of the students question gesting future In the way of possibilities of thenow &eems that the It rapid transit. shall of several; prophets that we miles an hour yet travel at the rate of 150 can no longer be regarded as visaonaTy. The motive power with which the inventors are and experimenting, of course, is electricity, line of work many of the authorities in this do not hesitate to bay that transit at about maximum rate is thre times the present entiKSly possible, so far as supplying Edl-eois concearned. Tesla and the is said, have already perfected elecitpoweir means of producing and applying an trical motive power which can push trains over the earth at the rate of 150 miles an speed. hour, if not at a still higher sifted down to a The question, indeed, has matter of mechanical appliances and the which will make such perfection of means and not too expensive. It transit practicable s a! question of inventing the wheels which coujd stay on the track at such a high speed and! the apparatus that would withstand invox veu. xuai riiresc in enormous scram overcome is proDiems win oe most to judge. those the belief ofMnnvwlniHAn competent Af sunh tmnrovfi- Who' ia ments would mean in the conduct of modern business methods can oe out raimiy One hundred and fifty miles an hour 3,600 miles a day when it becomes possible to travel at that rate the world will Indeed be a little place, so far as concerns ....... '.. across iravei its xanu areas, j as-sertk- ai ade-quat- sf K, r 1 "A virtuous wife is a crown to her hus- and sometimes she isn't virband," tuous enough to suit hiswhen, ideas she seems to him a crown of thorns. "Hanson's ITag-i- Corn Salve." o Warranted to cure or money refunded. druggist for It. Price 15 cents. Ask yon Californian pedestrians are all right when they strike the 'Golden Gate." . , FITS All Fits stopped freebyDr.Kllne'sGrest terve Restorer. Kq Fits after the first day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatiseand $2trial bottle free tJ . eases. it BendtoUr.iCUne,931 Arclibt.,fkila-,P- The man who dies young will not bo r obliged to dye when he is old. Hlndercorns Is a slm nls a consolation but I takes out thecoma, and whitremedy, it Is! Makes walking a pleasura. 15c at druggists. An underwriter one who goes down into a coal mine to describe it. Mothers who havB used Parker Ginger Tonio for years insist that it ben efits more than other medicines; every form of disi ress and weakness yields to a man without a dollar "carryEgotism Is d cane. ing a - . ltj gold-bearde- ayia.ii-eiiuo- rore-see- .. i n. (Speech is not always silver. times sounding brass. It is some- - How Hawaii May Annex flnrvfnln Jnrtsson N". dross, a prominent at- vf" h.19 ATlnTlASOtfl. Mlnnoa Tvrvl a to President Dole, at Honolulu, a mailed letter containing a novel suggesuoai as w how Hawaii might annex herself to the United States, without presidential intervention. . His proposition la that Hawaii sena deleand degates to the American Congress mand that they be seated on the same basis as iterrltorial delegates. Congress, Captain Cross says, would seat them, and that, would settle the matter. lie maintains that there are historical precedents and logical rea sons ror sucn a course 01 piowuuic, A Domesticated Seal 1 DmIotiI man A I can recommend Piso's Cure for Con sumption to sufferers from asthma. E.'94.D. Townsend, Ft. Howard, "Wis., May 4, "DO YOTJ To Become a Mother? If so, then permit us to say that Doctor Pierce's .Favorite Prescription is indeed a true "Mother's Friend, - Aontlivoi. Tfinnir O RPfl 1 ft EXPECT FOR IT MAKES Childbirth Easy by preparing- the system for parturition, thus assisting Nature and shortening "Labor." The painful ordeal of childbirth is robbed of its terrors, and the" dansrers thereof crreatly lessened. to both mother and child. The period of confinement is also shortened, the mother strengthened and an abundant secretion of nourishment for the child promoted. send twenty one ( 21 ) cents tor The Peo ple's Medical Adviser,all1000 pages, over 30a illustrations, givingparticulars. Sev eral chapters of this great family doctor book are devoted to th consideration of diseases peculiar to women with suggestions as to successful home treatment of same. Address, World's Dispensary Medi- short time ago and took it to his ia few days the captor finally decided to ret lease it. uae seal wouia noi swim nway when put in the harbor and cried to be taken back. ' Afterward it was taken down the harbor and dropped overboard, but swam alongside a vessel arid cried so that it was taken on board and jnow iz goes wit Drougnx DacK to its owner,returns for rations to swim, but invariably of milk, and "is as Intelligent as the most cal Association, Buffalo, N. Y. "Knowing uog. i.eiiuwuew ouumai. fish-hous- e -- - pit-eous- ly . ' Tobacco-Twiste- i Ne d rves. Millions of men keep asking for stimulants because the nervous system is constantly irritated by nicotine poison. Chewing or smoking manhood jand nerve power. It's not a destroys habit, but a disease, and you jvill find a guaranteed cure in Sold by Druggists everywhere. Book free. Address the Sterling Remedy Co. New York City or Chicago. No-To-Ba- o. Beiant on Ice Watpr. Sir "Walter Besant, who has had the good sense to withdraw the "Sir" from his name, of the Fly as;it appears under "The Voice respects, to iced water ing heDay," pays his Sn America two years discovered! it asi agjo in this wiset "I drank iced water all of the night. I was al- : day long and ; most was extraordinary heat the ways thirsty my thirst was insatiable; yet, although it failed to drive away thirst, I commend it as iJie most delicious driek that was ever invented. The Americans are a humane people. They glv.e you iced water for noth in their railway trains; tney give ieea ing water in the slums of New York to the poor folk for nothing;! perhaps they will next go one better and give iced tea for nothing." Sir Walter is quite correct about American as it is called; in the vernacular. It Is the driirk of drinks, for the thirsty and a wholesome one, despite the croakers. Americans are riot fools, and when their are" conprecious climate and heated houses is less detrisidered imbibing! mental to health than filling the stomach with the miserable substitutes found in England and Europei generally. The originator of the People's palace has a level head, even though'hls literary brethren declare it is 'Ice-Water- ," -- "ice-water" abnormally large! just now. The Sworn Tormentors Of the Spanish Inquisition never inflicted tortures more dreadful than those endured by the victim of inflammatory rheumatism. The chronic form of this obstinate malady is sufficiently painful. Arrest it at the start With Hostetter's Stomach Bitters and avoid becoming a lifelong martyr. ; The Bitters will remove malaria and kidney complaints, dysand neupepsia, constipation, nervousness remedy debility and hastens convalralgia, escence. ; - Denver Directory. wm5 TEHT & AWNING-HRft- us. Leather and Shoe Findings. V Manufacturers of Boot ard Shoe Upptrt-- . Illustrated Catalogue Free. The Lufin& Blass Leather Co. , 1743 Lawrence St.' MACHINIST PRINTING of MINING, III Machinery, Bepairs and cutting. etc Pipe& threading 1415-1- 7 18th at. elevators. Nock 1 reight Garside, HOSE AKD THROAT. EYE. EAR. Dr. C. W. KNOS, Mack Block, 16th and California, 'WSS: AMERICAN HOUSE Denver's Old Reliable Ho teu" Rl APtfQMlTU D L AU iVO II 1 I ll 1 riages. AND wagon supplies. S tudebaker W a pons and Car- Send for Prices. Llghthall Hardware Co. IMPLEMENT THE WYMAN Colo. Farm Hay Machinery, Company, Denver, O and Quartz Wagons, rder Wagons and Buggies: Write for prices. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION, CLAY ROBINSON & CO. Denver, Omaha, Kansas City and Chicago. Consign your, etoc kto them. You can rely on the highest market price. Markets furnished by wire or letter free. Let u s hear from you. E. E. BURLING AM E'S ASSAY OFFICE Chemical Laboratory. And lEatablished 1863. JEWELERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS, send your sweeps and waste containing sold and silver for treatment. Prompt return! and highest cash price paid for gold and silver bullion. Address 1736 and 173S Law rence Street. Denver. Colorado: CENTAL SACKS POTATO Grain and Seamless Sacks. We are headquarters for Sack3. Writer for prices. j : ' There Is small! hope of reforming inebriates who think It a mark of genius to get L. A. laftins Mse. Co., 1527?azeeSt . i drunk. COLORADO. DENVER. ;, To Cleanse the System EVERY GIRL WANTS A FELLOW Effectually yet gently, when costive or to look nice and clean. We use nothing but pure bilious, or when the blood is impure or soap and water; gives a finer finish, more plia holds to shape better and Stays Clean sluggish, to permanently cure habitual ble, when we wash them, what! the Much to awaken the kidneys and fellowfLonfier constipation, Ohl Nol His shirts, cuffs and collars, liver to a healthy activity, without Ir Young Fellows, club together; send us $5.0Q time and we pay express them, ,to- dispel worth of laundry at one ritating or weakening if within .1,009 miles, and or fevers use Syrup of charges both ways, colds headaches, Denrer prices. Agents wanted -- v..: charge ,' .;'..v.f.. Figs. in all outside towns. Write for price lists and Switzerland has a beautiful town by the particulars. Queen City Laundry, 1248-5- 0 Curtis St. name of J agz. But you can get as beauti ful .gs by staying right at home. THE COMPANY PAYS THE FREIGHT new steel horse whim. "Will On their common-sensDo Yon JJnslre to Adopt a Child? hoist 25 tons of rock SOU feet each. Bhlft. Is just as sals It can be packed anywhere Children's and reliable as an engine the International Address a jack can go. JNo cos wheels 01 to break. 90 per; cent, it clutches 234 La Salle street, Chicago, Home Society, will bend wrought iron and steel and860 Illinois, Rev. Dr. Frank M. Gregg, general before breaking. Over in use 6 some on without running years . manager. Such; a child a?, you may desire, we mate expanse, aoiiars of any age, will i$e sent you on ninety days' hoists at prices, $25, 60, 'io 1W (12c B El tril. Enclose stamp. ; j - :. you-onl- y " e nos-se- M ,r( The twelve apostles would have a hard time gettincr into' a h xttu avenue cnurcn un less they could: make some arrangements witn a tailor. Send for an lllnstrated circnlar to THE " andonap. We Want to uv. WHIM CO.. 1222 Curtis St Denver. Ooio. State. County' City and School District . BONDS and WARRANTS. Correspondence & VVlilTiJHJHJAD, Solicited. Buildiner. Denver. Colorado. Cooner piUUlilS Branch: Chamber of Com; Bldg, Portland, Or "Take away women," asks a writer,, "and what would follow?" That's easy. , The t - :: men. - A SURE CURE FOR PILES by moisture like perspiration, cause-- . Itching Piles known intense itching when warm. This form and Blind, Bleed-ing or Protruding Piles yield at once to PILE REMEDY, DR. which acts directly on parts affected, absorbs tnmorc, at itching, effecting a permanent cure. Price ROcl lys 1 aggista or mail. Uonanko, 1'liilada. " O'S the treasury department it is said lr. the Baby is Cutting Teeth that Sovereign's plan for boycotting na- Be sure It use old and Mas. and that remedy, tional bank notes, If carried out, would Winslow's EDUCATIONAL. for Children Teething-Soothing Stktp to than harmful beneficial more prove the Interests of the country, as It would The. Sabbath was made for all men. And contract the currency to the extent of that is' probably why some unselfish .souls ftGflD&MY of ShGKW HEftRT $211,000,000 without injuring national don't try to keep it. The course of instruction in this Academy, conducte.l enbrcetIV? by the EeUgloust of the Sacred Heart; banks. "It would not hurt the national to constitute a whole of HALL'S CATARRH CURE Is a and ?At -- well-tried 'banks at all," said O. P, Tucker, deputy comptroller of the currency. "If people should refuse to receive their notes the banks would simply, present them to the United States treasury for redemption and receive legal; tender notes, which they would continue to use In their business. There are only $211,000,-00- 0 of national bank notes in circular tlon, while there are $90,000,000x. of othei kinds of money outstanding."--E- is range subjects nce:ry of deportment, per-- . lifqud education. Propriety taken internally,! and acts directly upon the sonalrefined and the principles of morality are afneatness blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send g unce.-inattention. ExtensiTe of for testimonials free. Sold by 75c, useful grinds pupU erery faculty, for F. J. CHEIfEY & COi. Proprs., Toledo. O ford the object of constant jolicitude their health is an are auendod vlth The conceited man carries a mental micro- and in sickness they Tuesday' k -scope, which continually uiagnlfles his personal od--je- cts Drug-gists- importance. HAV 100 i t HEARD IT Sewing machines are so cheap that z woman can cover herself from head to foot with frills and flounces and othei a cost not greater thar fripperies at was that which formerly required t make one Dlain gown. , sSiKr ssisrjsz ? What? College Is tho That Bethany College for You. - LOCATED AT LLVDSBORG, KAXSAS, Rode Island. SanU Fe On the U.'P. and Mo. P. K! a few mUe. from two liaes eachof ths an elt'c'la. byYat. ' LISTKI ! V.leS, diploma reeogaWd without .xamiaatio. , VmtSZ J.V1? rope. Oet tha Bsst! Normal Course reriguizod by tat Board. fP ' Tipo Yeadid T dapartment. for Cornet and iu tua weit Hear! Scliol largest MusicChurns sunerrUTifliJ ll irmony. tine Violin dflpirtmv.P t,0. Cmo caara;a??.hoh woVfc? goodimataT opanV.' ,,,trl seat. Win. R-- Cheap Sewing Machines. 'i 1SS oipal -iv. Butirulshadslr.u.ids or aloona. gambl tog dens theatres. ! "l""btiiL Et 2,i,f JJ? r5iJ and hC5 cheaper Send for Catalogue and CAI1JL. A. SWEiiSSON. I'll. U otCi Ir s 1 |