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Show Our.StoGkralsers' lo umn. r Tn Blads will continue to publish brand under nominal ech nnnbti in yearlj oontraoU at WHAT DO THEY DO WITH IT? die Mystery of th Constant Chinese Demand for Ginseng. wholesale dispric. to the etockralser of famll Passing through athe The advaatap: Nashville Amerilaxlzin the publlo with his brand and mark trict the other day are to well known to need attention. It It can reporter stopped in at one of the stockman as raluable at an advertlteaaa( tie prices. large houses to ask about la to the merchant. list the in reached was "When ginseng the dealer said: is "What the Chinese use ginseng for of etas. F.; eM. to the masses one of the' mysteries the age, but that they gobble up every ounce of the herb that the known world RANGE: Besupplies is nevertheless a fact. Lower Serler and l has cause the most thorough Inquiry unSink of Beaver. a about complete to failed bring Address: Utah. folding of the secret is not regarded Ouls, sufficient by the average American as to $5 per reason for refusing from $3 Celesthe which JaoDewsMj on the average, pound, of the Some root. tial offers for the a make in specialty tipper silt largest firms in China under slit of right, ear.American export the I of handling - ' -' in left ginseng and coin, money at it Some of &an?e:Crieket our shrewdest traders have coaxed for and Mountains the secret, and have offered money for Lower Sevier. it, but the gray matter at the other end Deseret, Utah. . Address, of the Chinaman's queue doesn't seem that way. Jos Dewsnnp to see it American The ginseng is 'growing ' in. The cultivated root scarcer yearly. Under slit not the wonderful power which right, under all has fixes the value of the wild article; at In left ear. does not manifest itself to the Range: Crlekei least it Mountains degree. This fact renders the ai same Lower Sevier. cultivation of ginseng rather unprofitable. It mfeht be planted and allowed Deseret, Utah Address, to grow well for years and years and then b salable at good figures, but not SmitS Join otherwise.The older the plant the more pronounced the wonderful propHorse Grower erties of the root. In view of the fact , a.od Dealer that it is growing scarcer, unless the RANGE : demand diminishes, the price of ginHous Mountain seng must go materially higher within ani Lower Sevier. the next few years. TSmFMfvs'f' ivV " "The market here is largely specuOasis, Utah. Address, lative. - The Chinese ginseng houses each year send their buyers from California to the East to buy up the re'Z&-wrJBreeders and of ginseng. These buyers have I ""I "J" I dealers in Short ceipts I V; '' not yet put in an appearance on the " born lmrfcAia. 3 II i'"i r'.-Horses samt Eastern market, and consequently this . I 1 brand 2n left Wf year's price has not been fixed. Deal."V thigh. Cattl-ei ers are paying $2.50 in Nashville for Upper slop ear. Hang the reason that they believe they can W each rlTM Sevier and mountain! secure the usual prices for all they v.. m: i.t.iirM. rt. iIim P Ut and Learn take in. Some advices, however are lngton. Address, Leamington, Millard Co., UtaU to the effect that the price will be 20 or 30 cents lower, owing to the fact Alirtd Parley that the demand has been cut off someHorses same what by the war." brand on left - FOE BOYS AND GrIELS. GOOD READING FOR THE NA- TION'S COMING RULERS. j Reverence to Our Maker Honesty the Best Policy fllumoroua Stories Told by Ministers Incident and Anecdote ' Worth the While to Bead. HERE'S A tree, Sings so sweetly from its airy home above; It is happy in the thought of being free. And rejoicing in : ' the truth that, ' H-- 1 I . ' S? ! ; j ..11 ' CT thigh. Cattle and slit in rigat ear. Range, Lower Sevier. Address. Des eret, Utah. i: sing, As you sway upon the branches in !. .the wood. . me you Joy, happiness and hope to bring, In your music I am reading, "God is ." - .. v good." ; j ; , , j , ' ..- J . vt- J"!-- - '. re- -, " Honesty Pays. Honesty pays not only from a Chris tian, but from a business standpoint as well. A gerjtleman tells the following: I was acquainted with a young man In New York. His employer once asked him to engage In some crooked transaction. The young man said: "I refuse." His employer never again asked him to comiiit an unprincipled act, A few weeks later the young man was promoted, then he! was made .manager of a branch housei At last he decided to start in business for himself. His sterling Christian character had won for him a fkend who loaned him the necessary money without security, and today, at 27 he is the owner of a large establishment in New York, with branches in Boston and Philadelphia. His former employer is one of his clerks. Christianity helped that young maa in , ; ; business. A Christian merchant had a Chris de- I Springs, Juab County, Utai. T on left thigh, double swallow fork in left ear. Range, Lower vier. Address Se- CMS. HOUSE! Oasis, Millard Co. Utah. Hark, silt ra and two sllU right In --eft ear. SasM brand en left shoulder on horsee . P. N. Petersen, Address, Oasis Utah, Range, Lew er v : Sevier. Same left on Horses. thigh Upper slope and one under silt la left ear, and two under silts in rlsrht ear. RANGH :Oak Creek. - Sims Walker Address, Oak City, Utah. S. MABTI2ST, SALT LAKE. examination Mr. Woods described how he blistered his wife's feet to a reporter. "I told my wife," he said, "that she would have to stay in the house If she would not stop drinking. I was willing to care for her in the house, but I didn't want her to be found intoxicated on the streets and cause me a good deal' more trouble than if she stayed at home. She Insisted upon going out. I tried to have her stay in. by doing every thing I could think of. "Finally the idea of blistering her feet came into! my head. I heard of it twenty years ago as being used to keep people in bed when the doctor or their folks didn't want them to walk around. I bought a couple of fly plasters in a drug store. When I returned from the store my wife Was lying on the bed intoxicated. I slipped off her shoes and stockings and put a plaster on each of her feet without arousing her. Twenty minutes later I removed the plasters. The soles of her feet were covered with blisters. A few hours afterward! she got up and walked around as usual and then went out., It's impossible to keep . that woman In the house." j Only One Dog. Coming from the west last f all, as tae long vestibule train swung on to a high bridge, it ws brought to a sudden stop. Rushing out, it was found that a poor woman and three children witn a mangy dog.lby her side, and pushing a hand cart, had tried to cross, and been caught by the train. The cart was khocked into fragments; the children, by the merest accident, were rescued by the passengers on lone side of the trdin, while the woman was found hanging to the timbers Jon the other side, and convulsively clasping the miserable cur to her breast, When asked iWhy she neglected her Children, thus: for the dog, she answered between her sobs, "Why boo hoo t I only owned the one dog, and I boo hoo couldn't afford to lose it!" Kev. w. jm. Jage, worth, Kan. j , Played to Catch Up. My first charge: was at Princeton, Wis. After a few months had passed one of the 'Iwheel horses" came to me one day and said,- "Brother Perry, our singing is not good, and it is your fault; you ought to tell! the choir when you read the hymn. whether it is long meter or short meter or common, meter." NI said, "I ido not see what difference ' Opium-Eatin- g ' that would make." in the Orient. "Well," he replied, "the choir sing too Opium-eatinaccording to the Ma- fast."'; i Saiq 1 did not think so. haraja Bahadur of Durbhanga, is large"Why," said he, "don't you see the ly practiced in Rajputana on festive organist plajys all right, but ' the singoccasions as a token of welcome to ers sing so fast the organist has to play guests and friends. When two enemies awhile after! they get through every wish to end a feud they verse to catch up?" W. J. Perry, Elo., generally go through the following Wis. ceremony: They each drink a small A Phenomenon. quantity of the preparation of opium "Mother," 'said a little Scotch lassie, called "Amulpani" from the hands of a phenomenon is?" the other; and this is recognized as "dae ye ken what can I "Yes, ye that. Dae ye dear, making the ties of friendship inyiol- -' see thon coq in thetellfield? Weel that's able. In certain localities opium is con- no a Dae ye see thon phenomenon. sumed at funerals, marriages, betrothtree?" j als and other ceremonies. Among the "Aye, mother, I see the tree." Kathis of Kathiwar It would be con"Weel that's no a phenomenon; but sidered an offenserif the guest refused when ye see thon coo climbing up thon to take opiunvon occasions like these. tree with its) tail foremost .that'll be a In the Punjab a large proportion of the phenomenon.!" Rev. E. M. McFadden, adult male population take opium in Philadelphia.! small doses; jas.a stimulant without They Changed the Subject. much or any apparent harm. It is A young Methodist preacher on his looked upon as a digestive and a very circuit vyas trying to make friends first beneficial tonic for a man who ' has a pretty little ' with girl. reached middle age. Her mother, sitting near, said, "Kiss him, dear." The little mischief coyly glanced at Morlarty's Love-Taher" mother from the corner of her eye Friend What's become of Moriarty?. said very demurely, !'No, mamma; and Policeman McClarrah Poor Moriar-- 1 r kiss him." you ty! He was the most effective man on! the force; but he's gone now dead,' Go Nicely with Roast Captives. wud be buried only we cudn't find him.i War is a frightful thing under all "My! My! What happened him?" and some of the most circumstances, "A foreign lookin' fellow was slow' wars have been waged on the dreadful to move on, when Moriarty told him,: most and foolish flimsy pretext, even If so he fetched the spalpeen a lick wid! had a pretext at all, but probably they his club just a tap on the head, ye no stranger reason for war or was know. Och, sad was the day! The fel- - ever recorded than has been peace noted! by a French governor of the South Pacific low had a bomb iu his hat." colony of New Caledonia. ; This was who governor, also adan That Confusing Debate. miral of the navy, assumed his authorHe had a morning paper and a hur- ity while the natives of New Caledonia were still cannibals. There had been ried look as he entered the station. rumors of an Insurrection and the ad"Gimme a ticket to Horr." miral called before him a native chief "What place?" was who to faithful cause "Horr Horr down here, south su- and questioned him astheto French their truth. " ' "You may be sure," said the native burban town mean there will be no war at present "that Harvey?' "Oh, you tecause the yams are not yet ripe," I And he did. ""The yams; you say?" , -- . ; General Commission Merc&aiit ; t I V ' i VEGETABLES, BUTTER, FRUiTS, ' I in" Dealer ' - " g, j long-standi- Eggs, Poultry, Game, Veali Fork and BesfjSmoked and Fresh risk, Flour, Hay and Grain. It will pay you to ship your goods to vie. X charge 10 per eent. for handling and remit as soon as goods are sold. Can. give fir sVelass oeuntzv references If desired. ng . . ' W. Q . M STEWARD, ASSAYER, OFFICE! ; - i f 63 W. 2nd, South. SALT LAKE OITY P. O. BOX --i- Hand Samples . . $1.00 ....... U .......... Copper Assay Bottle Sample! .... .... . . . .... Iron Assay . 3. : L Prank (Lat 1.00 1,00 3.04) D, Hobbs, 3a prater U. S. Land Office.) Land' and Mining Attorney. Correspondence solicited. Twenty-thre- e years' experience. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. BIBD & LOWE, Land Agents h Attorneys, SALT jLAKE CITY, UTAH. four-year-o- ld . p. t ; SAMUEL A. KING, ' ' Collections Trcinntly OCSoe. rnovo, : - - -- ' - "'VV PreloOiisic. '.... dtaj; - Will "n Pinno. Orjan. VlcB give lesnr-nbnt.ds teach at lowm jr..,s and ito., ."" reasonable terras. . Ho for Detroit, Fish Springs, Gold Hill s For further particular,. addresR FRANK WHITEHEAD, and Ibapahl i "'"'5.,:. FRANK WHITEHEAD First Natlonll.baak Bids., - .' V SALT LARK CITY. UTAU. i iM ".V LAND and MINIKq. Attorney at - Law. - Alt "' - HINCKLEY. - . - f : UTAK Tfcs Oasis and Fish Springs stage leave Oasis and Ibapah at 8 a. m., each Monday wear It, 'cause she was, afraid I would and Thursday, and arrives at terminal point within 52 hours. lose it." ;. "Yes, of course. Do be quiet, Nellie." Oasis to Detroit, - . 3.00 "Will you buy me a balloon, then?" rTiTO TO I nr " Fish SpKngs, - - 6.00 nCAVtAIO.inhULIV'lAKKSr "Yes." , GO Hill " Gold 7. and Ipabah. "And I can carry it?" 'COPYRIGHTS. return ont and Tare for transportation obi "Yes." OBTAIN A PATENT? For tk CAN I fares. Address, and one-hafAll right; then take mamma's para-opinion, write to prompt answer and. an honest DIUNN fc CO., who have had nearly fifty years' sol. I don't want to carry it any longer, F. DAVIS, Proprietor, experience In the patent bnsinesB. Commnnlca tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In. 'cause I couldn't carry it and a balloon, formation concerninfr Patents and how to ob. too. Haven't you got any best dress oi them sent free. Also a catalogue Of tnech&o. tain and scientific books sent free. ical your own, Aunt Alice ?" Patents taken throuprU Munn & Co. receive Aunt Alice yanked the little girl out notice in the Scientific Aniei irnn, nd specialare thus brought widely before the public with- of the car by the arm, and the chances cost to out the inventor. This splendid paper are that she got no balloon. Atlanta Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the circulation of any scientific work lu the larpest Constitution. -- WATCHMAKER, world. S3 a year. Sample copies Bent free. Building Edition, monthly, f 150 a vear. Single Every number contains copies, 55 cents. UTAH. NEPHI, in colors, and photographs ofbeau, tiful plates, new Royalty on the Ralls. with houses, enabling builders to show the plans,secure jewelry promptly contracts. aud Address It may not be generally known that a WatchesMailandorders latest designs solicited. MUNN & CO.. New Your. pin,-Au- She wouldn't Alice? nt let,m j . v- irro-- -- - " j . , i j , Teaching lessons from above to great and small; Let humanity shout glory as one voice, xn aue reverence to tne jyiaKer 01 u all . unarm. Flsk cept when the yams are ripe." "Why is that?" "Because baked yams go so very we with, the captives!" Did She Get the Balloon? A handsome young woman with a beautiful little girl of 4 years sat In a .crowded Market street car yesterday. "You've got on mamma's dress, haven't you, Aunt Alice?" remarked th child. Aunt Alice flushed and called attention to a balloon man on the corner. "Yes, the last time mamma wore that dress down town she bought me a balloon. Will you buy me one. Aunt ' Alice?" "Yes, if you'll be good." "Oh, I'll be good. Do you like mam? ma's hat? It makes you look awfully pretty, Aunt Alice." "There, be a good girl. See that, worn an out there with a little girl." There was a period of silence and Aunt Alice breathed a sigh of relief Then the child inquired: "Did mamma say you could wear her V: lf o merrily Since the little birds joice, ' O ' Little birdies how I love to hear you tian young pian in his employ. He v.''1 ' I I .' cided to test his principles. One day COULDN'T KEEP HER AT HOME. he said to him: "I want you to go out buy a quantity of butterlne. We And Her Brutal Husband Blistered the and can sell it for butter. There's lots of Soles of Her Feet. money in it!" "I put blisters on her feet, Judge, to "Sell butterlne for buttter! No, sir! You can get someone else to do that even in the but then her house, n left thiznt keep went out," saidJohn Woods, of Cor you. I am receiving $2,000 per year, she Jj same brand on left before I'll I'll lose my position ' n hip of cattle. Range Eagle street, in court, while 'appearing but do It." against his wife, Catherine, whom he I , - Willow Spring. The subject was dropped. The young - Address. i charged with being an habitual drunk- man was not discharged. F. ard, says Brooklyn Eagle. After the ' Ns G. ; - . cloe crop in left "God is love." '' lir why the in the song-bir- d . V REA-so- n G. W. PARKS "Yes. Our people never make war ex ; G A. Gardner, njt telegraphist always travels by "royal paired. trains." In case of any mishap a lad der Ts placed against the nearest telegraph post and a wire tied or connected with an instrument which the telegraph clerk works while sitting on the bank. By this means words can be at once sent to the nearest railway station, giving instructions ihat assistance must 3P be sent at once to such and such a spot When a train with the sovereign on board is traveling all the men in re- " ; RmqadwaT. Saddlerv and Harness GEO. W. sponsible positions all along the line Once on the Brighton line a trial was made. The royal trair was stopped and the telegraphist seni word In the way just described. The result was most satisfactory and th royal personage was well pleased at the promptitude with which a rellel party arrived from a place some mile distant. Pearson's Weekly. are, forewarned. Changed His Business. There' used to live in this town a professor whose specialty was the train- ing of fleas and similar small game. Hi got most of his stock from an Italian of lowly origin, but great industry. On day, just about this time of year, th live stock of the show began to run low The purveyor had not put in an appearance in several weeks and the professor started out to hunt him up. Hi was found on the terrace, drawing a rr small cart containing an freezer. --"Htello, Pietro!" said the professor, ."Where have you beei all this time! Why haven't you brought me anj fleas?" "Gooda weather now. signor," exclaimed Pietro. "No tima to hunta flea Maka more mon maka ice cream." This story teaches us that the mar ,1who is looking for work will always find it. Buffalo Express. WILLIAMS, UTAH. Harness.iSaddlery. Buggy Whips. Nose Bags, Collar Pads, Hardware, Leather, etc. used in Deseret and vicinity, and hit Our goodsJ have been extensively . 111 1. ! ' ' .1 i!. .. 1 pretended sorrow, "how often, I say, do we see the round man stuck Into th three-corner- ' J . i HEATED BY STEAM. ELECTRIC CALL Headquarters for Sheep, Cattle Mining Men rK.OVO. UTAH THREE mm mm Bffli .Leads All the Rest- - AWARDS. Support Puzzle for the Young, "There's one thing I don't under-- i State Fair 1894, Gold stand," said little Harry. "That's why Medal. A things like pie make xrU sick and things like medi-- i cine make me well. It ought to be thfl other way." BELLfc L. HOLBROOK, Prop. hole!" ed . 1 u 1 11 ice-crea- hastily and without selection, and ther are many awkward misfits. "How often do we see," said the orator witn Wholesale and Retail. Fine Buggy Harness a Specialty. ; The Humorous Philosopher. A humorous philosopher once compared human life to a table pierced with holes, each of which has a pin made ex- actly to fit it; but the pins are stuck in AND IMPORTER OF MANUFACTURER Home go-tastln- bad-tasti- Industries ng Three Cream Baking Powder Gold and Foot or Head. Newsboy Paper, sir? Solemn-Lookin- g Citizen My dear Medals. to I like would boy, oblige you, but . can't read. sir. Want a shine T Yes, Newsboy Dem feet's wuth spendln' a nickel on Superior Quality If the head ain't. Flavoring Extract Gold Medal. Wally Wasn't Cold. "Wallace, come right in and put on your overcoat." "Oh, mamma," he answered, loftily, "I'm not like you." Best - Keep , f TSRar vmtx nra thitch Your' i Money ; cold-hear.- at ed He Would Believe, Then. Su&lity and of Freddie I told Mr. Loveman that you Bod Water. said you were going to kiss him the next time he came to the house. Maud You horrid boy! What did h , ; say? Freddle--Sai- d he wouldn't believe 11 till he had it from your own lips Brooklyn Life. ' "Vife u.miiuiii.ui iinpiiitf ''?;.,' Home. MANUFACTURED BY , HEWLETT The Refractory Tie. There is nothing like a little nerve,, combined with pleasing address and as. GALT LAKE! CITY, UTAH . surance, to make a winning move in the t ' world. During" a recent pleasant afterSpicea Pure and Ground Daily noon a handsome-lookinman started for a stroll up Chestnut street. When "opposite the entrance to the Continental hotel the stroller met a party of friends and one of them playfully caught one end of his faultlessly Has a full line of- adjusted necktie and pulled the knot 9 BOX 633 i g, loose. - well-dress- ed i Then came a for no one in the party could make the knot again After a great many attempts the stroll-e- r brushed his f riendo aside and stepped up to a pleasant-lookin- g girl who waa looking into a jeweler's window." A few words were spoken, and, with a bright sAile, the: young woman deftly re tied the knot, remarking, with anothei smile: "Oh, you are entirely weicom. I've got big brothers of my own. They are just as clumsy as you are." Philadelphia Record. tug-of-w- ar, 'Tls greatly wise to talk with our past hours, And ask them .what report they bore t heaven. Young. JOSEPH A. LYMAN General Merchandise, j And is selling down at Panic Prices for Pay Down. Either for Cash or Produce at cost. Travelers and Sheepmen will find me supplied with HAT - GRAIN - AND ni;heit euh prioe paid for Hides and Pelts. JOSEPH A. O AH CITY, IIILLARD COUNTY, ' STABLING-- Don't forget " ' 1 LYMAjST, UTAH. - |