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Show inc DKUii GLtRK'STORy. ' Ma--1- s-3- e ; j - 'He Talks of Headaches and Nervousness v: and Gives a Cure for Both. "From the EvenlngNews, Newark, N. J." i ' I - . r ; The following interesting story as told by Henry Maier, who hands out medicine over the . counter of Dr. Andrew F. Burkhardt's drug store at "271 'Orange Street, this city, will prove of interest to all sufferers from headache and nervousness. He said: "I was not' always- strong and robust 'as I am now. Long hours of work and study had left me in a wretched condition. Frightful, lingering head-- ; aches found me a ready victim, and at 'times I was so nervous that the dropwould cause me to giye a ping of a pin and then I would be seized violent start, with a fit of trembling that was, to put it mildly, exceedingly bothersome. Well, I began to doctor myself. Now I flatter myself that I know something of with all my : knowledge. but medicine: could s find nothing that would cure ' I those terrible headaches or put an end to my extreme nervousness. When I my. hand would shake picked up a bottle as though I had the chills, and if It wasa stood a powder that ofI was handling4t Iall sprinkling went over good chancetrousers. from Things thise black realized that bad to worse, and I sooncondition had a man of my physical medicine. mix to any not attempt 'tetter , . box ot Dr. Williams'. Pink Try a Dr. Burkhardt, one day; and Tills,' said advice is al? as you know the doctor's I got the Pink ways worth following Aladdin's Pills and began to take them. wonders of performed the damp never Would you believe it? Bethese pills contents of one the fore I had taken to give me a headache began 'box my soon It left and off occasionally, day nervous-'ness- ? about How my me entirely. an to that end Well, the pills put You abruptness. almost startling with ee I know enough about the business to appreciate the Importance of followdirecprescribing physicians' ing the to strict attention and by payingWilliams with each tions, those given by Dr. f tils Pink Pills. I was soon an-- ; -'. i"'':.'-4-jh'V::- , ' m, - . -- j "Oh-h-h- ," : : -'- ; : three-year-o- ld ; . , Recently a Postal Dictionary '". Unabrid"'the size been published, in the French lan- by the International Postal UniT contains the names of all the poV;-I-n the world, 203,200. Everything from Aa, an office h way, to Zywice, in Austria, is even our own little Uz, in Tes- there. In names of offices and this hook furnishes several amv$-- '. cidents. For Instance, Tcnibs given as In "Territoire due Are-- -' "Las Vegas, Territoire du Koirr Mexique;" West Virginia is KVir Occidentale;" South Dakota is "d V jdu Sud," and North Dakota is "jyX du Nord" and the District of olm is "District de Colombie, Estats n d'Amerique." nere can be found offices of everyday Hell, in Norway me, in Montana; Who, in Texas;' Acre, In Dakota; Breckinrid V several places, but Trilby Is not in The Postal Record. - - Ilell-fer-Sarte- n, I j ;bed-tim- pt . j ; ; ( He Obeywd Instructions. fellow, with a tain air of dry humor about thecor of his mouth, stepped quietly one) Into the tailoring establishment of "r . A solemn-lookin- g and remarked to attendance: "I want to snigger." "What do you mean, si & Snigger," . - J . the up meatly dressed counter "A box of Dr. Williams' Pink Tills." "Yes, ma am "fifty cents, please. Thank you." Pills 'are great things." VThese Pink 'Bald Mr. Maier, as he turned to the reand the latter, after all he ; porter again, had heard, thought so too. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blcod and restore 'Shattered nerves. They are for sale by all druggists, or may be had by mail Company. from Dr. Williams' Medicine Y., for 50 cents per box, Schenectady, N. $2.50. Vor six boxes for : -:- . 3Uunlclpal Lea?ne of Cincinnati Has a I'rofi:rm. The Municipal Reform league of win take a lively interest in the political campaign this falL It will not put an independent ticket in the field, as was at first proposed, but will wait until the regular Republican and Democratic nominations ate made. Then the league will make selection of those candidates which will give most encouragement ?to reform propositions. The league will try to get pledges from legislative nominees to support certain measures in the interest of reforms which are looked upon by the league as necessary! to the In Cincinproper enforcement of law ' Cin-'Cinna- ti . j are three measures which the league has determined upon. ' It will strike off the imprisonment lause in the cases of Sunday and midnight law violators; leaving the penalty a fine. This will in effect do away withi ; police court juries and throw the responsibility .directly ion the judge. As the law. is at present, the juries will not 'Convict "because pub ic sentiment does not approve of the mprisenment pen- alty. It will refuse an offender bond; on the occasion of his- second arrest the same day for the repetition-o- an offense.! This looks to the absolute' closing of saloons on Sunday and at midnight, by locking up the proprietor on jhis second, offense and keeping him a prisoner until the time has passed in which he can offend.' 'The league claims that under the present law a saloonkeep'erj or a bartender, when arrested, gives bond and returns and repeats the violation and so on ad i f -- -- ; - f -- . . K ' -- , jth ' Ky. ' i "Amateur musicians often are somewhat embarrassed by the unexpected query as to what the key a piece of music is in when playing In company," n remarked a music teacher. on can tell a little reflection, but "They an array of four or five sharps or flats is apt to temporarily confuse the best of them. "Here is a simple little guide or reminder which; if rehearsed a few times, will always keep them right and ready to make a quick response to such a quesiton: "In sharps just jot down this sentence, the capital letter beginning each word representing an additional sharp from one, to six: j 'God Deluged All Earth By Flood. In pats the same rule obtains in connection with thus amusing line: 'Fanny Baker Eats Apple Philadelphia Dumplings Greedily.'" well-know- i - -- , Record. The i i Ex-Senat- Little t . - j "1 m, so-call- We hear about bearding a lion, but Hons are usually bearded by nature. i r ; b ' D Because ' of .a depleted condition of tL! blood. The remedy is to be found t purified," enriched and vitalized bloc-j-r which will be given by Hood's Saav . rilla, the great blood purifier, it tone the stomach, create an appetite ive renewed strength. Reiaember i H ood's Sarsaparilla the only true blood purifier Es in the public eye today. $1-- promSneatiTf ' six for & ; S Hood's Pills EODD poseoiii I I .4 1 13 Vnn cured in 15 fcn&ft Iuvr. f .Ww.w.ViiWttCUr same home for same price under . ai yu preier locomenero wegnarau wu!ccc we cure. to fall have if If takenmer.' you nocharge, and still have aches nJ cury, iodide potash, in JPatchtes Sore Throat. ' mouth, pains, Mupous Colored Spots, Ulcers Pimples, Copper any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falUu? BLOOD POISO it is this to cure. We solicit out, we guarantee Secondary the most obstinate cases ire. the world fori' ease we cannot cure. This disease has alw baffled the skill of the most eminent phys! (T and-cnalle- clans. $500,000 capital Absolute tional behind our ncconii guaranty. proofs sent scaled ot application. Address OOK REMEDYILL.CO. i OQI Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, Cut out and send this advertisement f ed ' ,v QIC nt t ( 1 fop yeup ' jim-dand- y, j ; up-stair- s." j j I j coal-blac- ; ; w 1 ,. . Any elzo yon want, 80 to 56 Inches high. Tires X to 8 Inches wide hubs to fit any axle. Saves Cost many times in a sea- son to have set of low wheels to fit your wagon a li 1 n tr . f grain,! odder, nun. orh hiin. tin. MMltMnir Ctl'gr. Vmm nl P. O. Box I V ' 1 ytr nf Una W Address r. UU Quincy S3, j jim-dandy- ." I DR. GUIlin , IMPSOTED high-pitch- ed pre-;paratio- a UVER Pirn i A MILD PHUSt. -- .mw . : i BOSANKti MED. CO.. where. 0 1- j :!V: ! ; , hi' par-adise- an . !" . . - wasted the best for cleansing closets, wasi disinfecting sinks, etc J bottles, paints, trees, PEN N A. SALT M'rUUi i, 4 Gen. Agents- - FMla-- r- To) CO) . PS ; . . nam and-blizza- . DAI SAM Hair, to its Ythfu SSaS gypsy-lookin- . ha tru lei P ATE WTS. TRADE M AB th Examination and Advice as to Patentability ention. Send for "Inventors' Guide, Patent. PATRICK O'JFARRELL, WashlngWn ft , o'. r a ; a m at, n C i La ii ft. Best Ui.t$ Cough Syrup. Tastes Gopo. in time. Sold hv druggists. VtnthE ALL fcLSE, TVTSSfltr ni5d ,J J j t-- . AGENTS MAKE $10 A DAY eities. Just out, and sell like wildfire. Sendfor and terms. Dixie Novelty Co., Ltd.. Ncwon i w he ( r gSdWSl! rd . at th Cleanse, and, beaatifie po,-Nevea luxuriant Promote Fails to Bestow i ! e do re . ah-4-ye- s he of Ceclii nounced hopeless by best physicians. From symptoms disappear; tn ten days atleasttwoj all symptoms removed. Send for free bookj nials of miraculous cures. Ten daysetresj free by malLIf you order trial send 10c m to pay postage. Dr.H.H.Greex & SONS,Ati&D, if you order trial return this' aavertlsementj ; ; in .Ju TREATED FREE. Keini Cured with Vegetable Positively Have cured thousands of cases. V tv j in 20 minutes without ; -- (PATZNTED) -3 m a fine powder and packed wlth removable lid, theuse.cont are always ready for fcurai make the best perfumed boiling, semi-tropic- al ... : il EVIS' 98 and puncrfl The strongest ITnllVn nfVlcr T.Tfl. it P'- 1 'i ' ' -- . ; V- -: . U , ,v-- . neces8&rT!f health. These pills supply what the system make it regular. They cure Headache, brighten Eyes, and clear the Complexion better than oowneuc too. They neither gripe nor sicken. To convince will mail earnple free, or a fall box for 26c. Sold ejnj t PhiladelDhiaPM -- ; nnR. a ilVI! "PTT.T. A movement of the bowols each day is . j ; Evarts was given, in the of his long speeches and opinions, to exceedingly long and involved, though This gave rise sentences. perfectly to more orlucid, lesa jocular criticism on the part of the press. Some one mentioned it to Kvarts one "Yes,! I know there ar two classes ofday. people whb are very much opposed to long sentences: one is telegrapr operators, and the other is criminate.-An ironaut. Ex-Senat- or ; ? ; I'll h--,r - It will provide lastly for the arrest of offenders as soon as the offense Is begun, and not wait until it Is completed. By his it is sought to entirely abolish Sunday theaters, r The league claims - that Its experience in the past has been that the police officials refuse to arrest theater managers and actors until the performance is over. It wants them arrest-e- d as soon as the performance begins, which would prove so disastrous as to compel the theaters to close on Sunday. Should the league succeed in securing the introduction and! passage of such .amendments to the existing laws,; they would not apply to Cincinnati alone, but to all the cities and villages of the state, and for this reason the league hopes to the of reform organizations throughout the state and so to .prevail with the Legislature. How to f f - ; PLANS OF REFORMERS. , C ' es-- . M ,1 r - a i 'Well, I- should like to sni-- ;er. noticed the invitation Over your L-- ' so I called, and now I think m -ger." He was ordered to leave the ' lishment, which he did, with a look" angry wonderr grumbling to himself"If they don't want strangers and snigger, why do they put up tor a s': to do them it?" , asking ' , . the . i -- Infinitum. t i ; f -- t f . f nati. lf . " . n n-Ha- . . Yuba-D-plai- -- I at me now! A picother fellow. Look eh? Well, that is what ture of health, for a Dr. Williams' Pink pills will do either. See, I can hold man, or a woman now without spil'this glass of waterI out do that two couldn't but ling a drop, 'months ago, and he asked as a "What is it, ma'am?" woman came to ; . too." she said. "An' tatft the professor's entire world. will come to CHEKUB. Mabel if of well "Ah course, certainly, "Oh why .PEOFESSOE'S sor. .... '"!:' you.". "Dis house," replied Mary, plainly you like." cooed to dood "Won' do 'less Mabel does too." Art'ur's "Uncle me," denseness. at his HE PROFESSOR marvelingremarked the professor hum- Mary. "Let me's'eep in he's bed, and I "Well ah Mabel's mamma wants "Oh," to stay here." 'im." her dropped the letter, bly. kiss ': ('.iv---vvi-:- ;. ; said Good Hum! I stay here too." which he' had just the "Den "Ha! morning," hand and led her the her took He by conhome Arthur! go "And must Uncle read for ;,the sixth from room to room. She sniffed at the professor, retiring in the utmost without his dear little girl?" time. He; rose with kitchen and viewed her own little fusion.' "No. Uncle Art'ur stay here wid After that little Mary spent much of nervous energy and apartment with evident doubt. But the and Mabel Riker, Mary. and Mabel." v j V that"." went to the win- when the professor was about to return her time with of do I studious retirement can't hours afraid I'm ah "Oh of professor's door sitting-roothe into the passing dow. He gazed not then were he and abbreviated. Ancj at Mabel, greatly Mary looked first to the street and his study, she suddenly stopped. came was chiid when the her at the professor, always glad piercing eyes "Wants to do in dere," she said. chil d r e n saw new some with at the unreamealtime in wonder at all their showing "Oh, no."; replied the professor, "I trotting of her hapof children childr e n can't Mabel's the in obstacles way sonable goodness. story let little girls go in, there." said he ll emphatically "Yes, Mary," every where child piness, " ".Den I cry," said Mary, as if that one day, "she's the best girl in the "Mary, dear," said Mabel softly, "you ren, laughing, runnning, skipping and were an awfuli prediction. world." must go home with your uncle, and generally disporting themselves with "No, don't' do that," answered her astoundthat treasured Little come and see you every day." Mary I'll, the amiable idiocy ofsjouth. uncle, hastily opening the door; "walk ing declaration and in the afternoon redo away from you. Won't ''Won't "What on earth shall I do with it?" right in." to Mabel: marked Uncle Art'ur.; Bofe dot from do away She did so, and, calmly surveying the muttered the professor, drumming on to best dood "You'se me; you'se girl or she det sick adain to wid Mary stay die window with his eyeglasses. "What apartment, nodded her head. ' world." de in die." an' I "Like dis room. I stay here." put it into my sister's head that "Oh,; Mary!" said Mabel; that's (too And the black eyes became moist, 'Oh, you can't stay here, you know." much would be the best person in Ithe world ; you musn't say that." while the lips quivered. The professor Of didn't course until .she and supper to take care of her child? Why staid, de You'se in best "Will dat girl say straightened up with a sudden snap. her husband outlive her? Why did time she worried the; professor worse world; Uncle Art'ur says you is." to; her satis"It might he managed she die? The whole thing has been than Leplace's ' nebular hypothesis ' a low in said tone, ' Mabel, I ever had. She pulled down books, her eyes softening and her face color- faction," he said. simply a plan to break up my hem! "How?" asked Mabel, softly. don't mean that. I suppose poor Jane mixed up papers, broke a pipe and up- ing. ir'"' ":';:' .vy-rvi come home with me for good "You would have lived if she could But, fset a jar of tobacco. Such things had When little Mary returned to !her never happened before in the professor s uncle what am I to do with a as wife." my she was bursting with eagerness child in my bachelor quarter$. I don't sanctum, but in the presence of that to repeat They were both bending over the Mabel's Suddenly, now looking into her! eyes. As know, I'm sure. If Mottsboro were a mirthless midget with the preternatur-all- y while the old womanreply; child was pouring j out solemn countenance he. felt power- some big city, perhaps it wouldn't he so had. the professor ceased speaking, Mabel's milk, the child exclaimed: But in a miserable little village like less. At supper the child asked for, all bent lower, till her lips touched head handsome.'.' "Uncle Art'ur; you'se Is supsorts business of one's head the where that professor every this, things cried the old wom- Mary's cheek. The professor's cheek. known to everyone else, I shall be driv posed werevpoisonous to children, and an,"Howly murther!" other her sank till he kissed spilling the milk. all of which he promised to have in the en mad I know I shall." Then the lifting their lips from the pale "Why why Mary!" ejaculated house Mary next the winprovided of the day, out As he stood gazing face they let their eyes meet. professor. dread one out not would her level in of hand carry dow across the short stretch Mabel very softly put her "You is. Mabel says you is." and threat cry. and child green lawn and over the snowy pickets again, "Wurra, wurra!" commented the old his, bent to kiss the e came and then woman, But finally of the well-kei. room. fence, he became murmured: of out the hastening Mary flatly refused ,to allow the old aware of a face at a window of the next a word, but "We shall go homeUogether, dear." ' '' ' woman to undress her The professor heTheateprofessor saidandnot after house. r;'; supper W. J. Henderson, in New York Mail heartily, the to he but get managed perspired, zest. and Express. uncommon smoked his pipe with "Oh, meicy !" exclaimed the professor, little garments off and to find in the I think? the When Mabel to she visit half aloud, "what will Mary went stocked trunk a night dress. next day a never snoke to her but once, and that poorly she her with pretty in the long white gown Mary box of bonbonscarried Causes of Cold Waves. woman; was at Mrs. Barbey's lawn party, where Robed for young that a little more looked ever like than when she returned she bore some I was introduced to her. Then she said J. G. Konvalinka, writing on the but when, without a word cf arid choice Riker's in berries In which cold waves are promanner; it was a pretty sight, and I answered, gypsy; airs. plucked warning, she dropped - down on her garden by Mabel's The . own 'Yes, it looks like rain.' I couldn't help fingers. duced, says: before him arid murmured in her last detail caused the reto and cold cold it. She was so beautiful, and I was so--so knees The waves, professor prayer, he frain from eating the berries. He put winds, which now blizzards so modest or bashful or idiotic broken language a little sweep then and thought she might not be so painful them away in a secret place, where they over this country, are the natural reor something." a burden after all. But the end Sas were ' subsequently found, a lot of hard. sults of certain causes, which have been It was quite true. Ever since Pro- not yet. When he had retired some black pellets. How long this communi-- carefully studied and are clearly underfessor Arthur Brewster, instructor in hours later to his own bed and was enon stood. Those unwelcome visitors can mathematics and astronomy at the deavoring to compose himself to sleep cation; of spirits might have gon inwas is to but it be very efficiently, stopped and barred it been impossible say, Mottsboro High Academy, had he became aware of the little figure in a which out by suitable means, and thus the had Riker brought he way terrupted presented to Miss Mabel beside his pillow. standing to heart. She the grave climate of this country very essentially to anxiety never dared to speak her again. "Why, Mar;" he said, "whatever do One evening Mary wasprofessor's much. than The writer of these lines paler had passed him on the street often and you improved. want now?" a of in she and to ventures usual, offer herewith a short pain complained had always greeted him with a. pleasant "I lonely," she said. "Wants to sleep her head. J ;: sketch about this subject; which he smile and a bow, but he had never wiv you." too hard," said hopes may be of interest to many in dared to do more than lift his hat awkin the"You've been playing he said "Oh, no," rather; shortly professor, with his newly acquired this country. ' wardly and hasten on. He would have his surprise, "that's quite out of the air of Our atmosphere' consists of wo prinpaternal wisdom. given a month's salary to find courage question." So he to to sent her her bed to say something, and a year's for the early cipal strata or regions. The upper reHe turned his back on her, hoping own conin she which had bed, he finally gion consists of the warm air heated audacity to join her in a walk. But she would return to her room. But a sented; to silence of But in the a was in the tropics and moving towards the not sleep. purrealized that courage moment later he heard a meek little the to came she his side, night crying polar regions, while the lower part or chasable commodity. sob, and turning again found that she and complaining of the. found region consists of the cold air, cooled He and pain. She saw him aj; the window had finally carried tmt her supreme her feverish state. The in the polar regions and returning to professor inja the into he retired smiled, whereupon threat and was crying. He tried to be was a man of decision in most things. the are room with great celerity. Her smile angry, but something tropics. Thus, although wecountugged at.his He promptly dressed himself; aroused located warm of in latitude the made him. It always always frightened heart strings, and he reached out his the old woman, bade her sit by the we live practically in the cold air him feel as if his heart had jumped arms and took her to his bosom, where child, and went for the doctor. That tries, of the northern polar region, which out of place. He had hardly recovered she purred a minute like a kitten, and C : on wise loked dignified person; arriving, sweeps over this country. from his alarm when the aged woman dropped to sleep with the peace of a and said: cirof our While the air and who acted as housekeeper, cook atmosphere perfect trust on her queer little face. "I am afraid she's in for the measles culates regularly as mentioned, it ia general servant in his small cottage But the next day the trouble began or the scarlet fever or else bilious also subject to great distrUbances by knocked at the door and on entering again. It njiade itsejf known in the f ever It is really impossible to tell at the everchanging position of the sun said: which was unusually this stage." mail, morning , '.".. "There's a mon here wid ja child." during the various seasons of the year. The professor sat down in his bulky. He as to treat- In directions gave this the polar the most "Oh, Lord! It's come," said the pro- study, while jMary gravely watched him ment arid explicit to call again in! the important part. regions play fessor, the prespiration starting out on from the olive seclusion of a patriarchal forenoon. promised When he did so he shook his his brow. chair hitherto devoted to his exclusive head and said: During the spring months,1 commencsitting-rooto went the down He with the first of February, a use. furHe ing his glasses, glanced "Professor, this child needs a wom- great area of land inpart and there he found the express mes- tively at wiped the northern polar child silent the unreasonably care." senger. The professor, did not dare to and opened the first! letter, which read an's Arctic (or region region) be"I are But I suppose you right, comes take his eyes off the man lest they thus; to sunshine, which c i shall I do? She will not allow warms exposed should fall on the queer bundled-u- p obthe there air and causes it; to Dear. Prof .Where did you get it? what cook to come near her." my on sofa. the out with considerject B. Murchison. Yours truly, expand anchto push a "Get nurse." professional the said messenger, l able force. "Professor," This produces the vio"Hum!" muttered the professor,"-"impudeare two in town and "There only "here's the kid, safe an' sound. lent cold storms, waves, blizzards and young rascal! Now he's grad- they are both young and well, you cold now and then occur Brought 'er all the way myself. She's uated he feels safe. I shall ignore him. know which winds, I I live here alone." a she is. Her trunk is in Then he opened the second letter: . generally and during the "Well, sir, you must manage it some- spring months. prevail the wagon. Wpt'll I do with 't?" we Thus Dear Prof essor What in the how.'! get the bigMy V '. ,' of invasion "Bring it up and put it in the small world will you do with it? Yours truly, the unwelcome visitors gest The doctor went away, leaving the from the Arctic room Aline Harrison. region. Mary much disturbed. A few minWhile the man was out of the room "Bless myrsoul!" he exclaimed loudly, professor utes later Whenjwe compare the weather and the old woman informed! him firethe professor walked to the empty "that iaj a young minx. I shall igof the! corresponding augirl temperature was at the kitchen door place and stood gazing into it, painfully nore her also." With some hesitation that Miss Riker tumn and spring months, we find a inquiring about Mary. The professor aware that his every movement was he opened the third letter: In the very contrast, an to felt answer he interesting such that k ought solemnly observed by two; Dear Professor Brewster : As you are inquiry of month when the in September, position person. eyes. He' could not have told how he a bachelor, and cannot be supposed, to am much troubled," he said, "for of the sun and the day's length are "I knew they were black; but he was mor- know much about the care of children, doctor thinks Mary ought to have about the same as in the! month of ally certain of it. The man returned you will, I am sure, not take it amiss athewoman's care, and she will not toler- March,, we can hardly venture out of with the trunk and deposited it in the that I, a widow, ap you know, venture ate the cook." doors on; account of the cold winds and ; small room beside a b;and-neiron to offer you a word or two of advice. so cook the told me," answered inclement .weather.; "Yes, bedstead. word!" exclaimed the pro- Mabel. my "Upon a After minute's hesitation she In October we enjoy the beautiful professor," said the fessor, hastily glancing at, Mary, who added: "I think "That's all: 0 K, me let time known as the Indian summer Mary would, man, pocketing certain bills. "I hope was still solemnly watching him. care of take .. while her." in February at the time Corres you'll like the kid, for .. she's a He read the letter through, and was am sure she would," declared the ponding; in day's length and sun's po"I x dazed by the number of suggestions professor warmly. "That is, of course, sition we are just in the midst of a bit A strange intonation in the man's about flannels, stockings, shoes, bed- if If it were possible." ter and merciless winter. voice caused the professor to tremble. ding, baths, food and drink, not to Ma"I think be it said done," might was dismal silence a The reason is this: During the aufor There several speak of the calm assertion that he' , . bel softly. a tumn and then minutes, months, while the air in the Arcought to have a woman to take care "Do you? How?" , treble voice said: cools and contracts, we entic region the 'child and the writer's expression "Let her come to our house." "Is you my Uncle Arthur?" benefit the of the prevailing southof regret that social customs would not joy "But would your mother be willing?" ern winds and the The professor started, turned, and permit her to visit him and give him. descent of the balmV, "Oh, yes; she sugested it; she's very warm air of the upper found the eyes looking up at him. There her assistance. If the professor had region, which in was no mistake; they were as black as been a vain man he might have sus- fond of jMary." its travel frorri south to north touches "Ah, yes; it is extremely, good of you the bottom, that is, descends a crow's wing. So was the hair that pected the writer's motivesbut he only to the an& your mother, I'll speak to the earth's surface before hung in tangles around the olive brow. wondered at her eff ontery. Letter after doctor it fully reaches about it." the The lips were red enough, and the teeth letter the professor opened, and every region. polar !" thank exclaimed Mabel. you "Oh, white enough; but those eyes were one was about Mary. A much more interesting! contrast is I mean you well please "How good dreadful. "That took let me know what the doctor when we compare the Climate express found, precious agent says." "I am your uncle, Mary' he said, good care to spread the news," he re- v of this country with, that of Italy and And she departed in some haste and feebly. flected. other southern counties of the old vy;:r in evident confusion. As for the pro"Mamma said you'd be dood to me. Then he looked at. Mary, or rather at fessor; world. There in Lombardy, oranges, he would have worshiped! her Mamma's dead." the olive chair. for Mary had disap- more than citrons, figs, rice and v other olives, been had that ever, possible. monotonous a was There queer i pathos peared. came grow in richest products doctor The again, and consented abundance. But in the speech. The professor felt a new "Good gracious!" he exclaimed, Is located to he removal. Lombardy the Indeed, rf Urged that 4 to 5 emotion. He did not know what it was ; "where has she gone?" . further degrees nOrth to New than child be the taken Riker house the but! it made him bend down and lay : He called, buV she did not answer. which is York, under same the was a latitude he at at to for loss himself once, his hand, gently on the chO's head, a3 He went, into the next room, but she Naples and Southern Italy, where with the disease without a wom- as VTS-rr he said: was not there. He looked into the cope we find a land of everlasting summer, So Mary was very carefully "I'll be good to you, Mary." old woman declared an's help. in the but while here In New York. we. must enkitchen, blankets and "Uncle wrapped "Den take off my fings." 'blessed little div'l" had not Arthur" the that dure six months of winter with its cold to her the little; bed carried This was more than the professor had been near her.' Upstairs went the prothe waves, murderous blizzards and no been for which had her. prepared bargained for, so he called the old fessor In, great haste, loudly calling for trees green "exknow by the first of May. I to how "I don't don't woman. But the child refused to be Mary. He tried td reason with himwe not enjoy such a should to Miss Why you, my gratitude Riker," touched by her. he ought to rejoice in her press self that climate behere as in Italy ? Italy child he "the with has said, feeling; "Do 'way," she said, with a most sudden disappearance and hope that r en the to me." come oys of the Alps, a dear j very protection "do way. Wants she never, never would return, but his malignant expression; of of range "Don't which mountains, speak to gratitude, mei: professor," to dood be. very effUncle Arthur Don't arguments could not hold their ground out bar the said Mabel! iciently her of sweep frankly extending the cold I want ole womansj scyatch ole against that new thrill of anxiety which ' northern winds. In this lies the secret love "I Mary." hand; womans." had possession of his heart. He The professor took the proffered hand of Italy's paradisean climate. Here in "Modher o' Moses! Would yez heark went got out of the house and called loudly: and States we miss the protecto dhot?" they stood gazing silently at one the United' , , "Mary!" of tion such to seemed a; range of high mountains. Mabel anothei tili suddenly The professor was fain to make an came the shrill recover wants?" "What you Instead we have in the north these drew her hand pf consciousness, attempt to take off the "fings." He answer from the other side of the fence. west and an endless went as her about duties and stretch of level struggled bravely and got the point of was Mary, comfortably seated away There treeless At nurse land, with eyes. night a pin in his finger, which drew from in Mabel Riker's lap, while the girl Mary bright prairies, the northern lakes "Sometimes and the vast she called delirious. became of Hudson's a him rude expression. patted her tangle of for Mabel and sometimes for "Uncle Bay, over which expanse the cold "Pin tick?" gravely inquired Mary. affectionately northern curls!.' , J She told Mabel over and over winds, the cold waves Ar'tur." "It did," as gravely answered the black stamI "Oh beg pardon," again that she was the best girl in the sweep with unrestricted fury. These professor. see well the mered Professor; "you "Well, you musn't say no naughty she went away when I was not look- world, because "Uncle Ar'tur" said she cold north winds are confined on the was; and she told the professor that he west side byi the Rocky Mountains ' words," continued Mary, "or you can't ing," was handsome, because Mabel had so This causes them to spread out eastto heaven. My mamma's dere. I go "I quite understand your anxiety, decided. And there was much confu- ward like a fan and thus wish I was." sweep over And then the little black head fell professor,") replied Mabel, a pretty sion in two anxious minds. In! the the broad area of level land of the ifush mounting to her cheeks; "I should course of time, however, the disease Uaited States. This produces the cold forward and a tear or two fell. Professor Arthur Brewster looked be anxious if I were in your place. passed its climax, and youthful nature dry western winds, which generally uncomfortable at the old woman for a She's such a sweet child." triumphed. , The burning waves of prevail in this country. "I wonder if she's making game of fever broke and rolled backward, leavmoment Then he motioned her to go. No more to jeer the mother-in-laShe obeyed, but when she peeped me," thought the professor. Then he ing the pale face paler than ever with come a said: must moment It3 the "Now, you of Mary,; His pen in gall he soaks, keyhole later black, shining through startling Contrast But still keeps on his evil work she saw the professor tenderly take the home; you; musn't bother Miss Riker." eyes, and tangled raven hair. After a mite in his arms and g "Oh, but she doesn't," exclaimed time little Mary was convalescent. And writes "New Woman" jokes to his breast, where the Mabel. Then the professor, - bending gently over hold it close N. Y. World.' "Wants to stay here," said Mary. her said: tears ceased o flow and the unnatural "Let me keep her a little while," its sway; "Tomorrow my dear little girl shall Every man Is the architect' of hia.ow gravity resumed 'said house." tO'see Mary. pleaded Mabel. She could have kept go koine again." "I wants fortune. Appi?is Claudius. j "What house?" Inquired the profes W. Ji. iL vri. iio.6IJ vi. When writing to adyertisers. Pf8 that you jmw the advertisement i |