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Show Don't tear up tbe Blade; when yoi have read it pass it to your neighboi not take it; tf who, perobance, does addition to those or integ- ANOTHER LIE NAILED, people In Nation for one year. Apply the same rity and intelligence, there should be method for one hundred or a thousand a broad-mindecharity for the beliefs years and the results; would be too to which and practices of other people; there The depths of depravity stupenduous to be grasped by finite au occasional human biped will descend j should be a humane tolerance for those mind.' ; alorder to injure a competitor, is who are misguided, and who might ev- It will be readily seen that if the in n oe regarded as stubborn in their mosjt beyond belief. Just a few weks principle of national since it was reported that The Blade wrong doing. A cold, cruel and vin- could be equitably carred on for a few vvould go .Democratic as eoon as the dictiye intellect entitles no one to generations, there would be no poor; opened, thus casting dis- - sideration under any circumstances, there would be no children crying for on the good faith and honesty of It would be equally iLConsistent to bread in the midst of plenty; thert credit writer who had repeatedly affirmed ask the enaneipated Blaves to vote for would be no frail forms bending over the that. The Blade cannot be Bwerved on who had been a public whip- the midnight lamps, exchanging vital- from its independence by any influence per, to reward him with some office of be ity for scanty crusts; there would -- or consideration whatever. trust and honor in return for his appli- jufc little or no crime, because tne in A gentleman whose veracity is un- cation of the lash. centive to it would have been eliminatold us, the other day, The Mormon people did right in sur ted from our social ethics. The people impeachable, cira is th at' report being industriously rendering a practice that was objec would represent a social structure in culated that The Blade was badly tionable to the overwhelming majority a condition of uniform progress. and would soon suspend. of their fellow men and women. Tt The relief from the physical tortue embarrassed exwould have been wrong to have longer induced by long hours of intermittant Of course the lie was started for the of crippling The; Blade, withheld the concessions demanded by toil, and the intense mental strain that press purpose subscribers and adver- the laws of their country. They had of the by inducing accompanies the thinking-ou- t trisd every legal avenue to protect bread and butter problem, would soon tisers to withhold their.Buppdrt. more two than During years the what they regarded as their rights, and add phyfeical and mental vigor to the has labored in the had failed. and writer The magnitude of the hard, people, with the result that each suc- face of unusual obstacles to establish concession will nevier be known. Its ceeding generation would become more and a sub unpublished history is engraven! on the has it The Blade, today robust and longer livpd. Anil in accordance with the law of progress, that scription list of which any country I hearts of thousands of moderd Hagars. is limited only by ignorance, the hu- publisher would have reason to be who. bv that concession, are destiued man family would be in a fair way of proud. The Blade readers are among to pursne alone the path through the the most intelligent and progressive to- wilderness of mortal life. In the face fulfilling the high destiny for which be found in Utah, and the pape is of the immeasurable sacrifice they God or Nature, as you please, known from Old Mexico to the British made, there was heard not a single them. Does any one, other than protest. That there was not one word Possessions. The high social conditions involved in the foregoing, cannot be achieved at a fool or knave believe, or pretehd to of reproach or protest, that not one once; it will require repeated efforts believe, that the past with its toil, and cry; of anguish was heard, proves the and long years for its full fruition. It the future with its possibilities will be greatness Of the sorrow t bey endured must come as the results of patient ex- thrown aside or permitted to languish and are still enduring. At the time of C. E. Allen's nomination, it was ex perience. But th leaven is working, in the death of The Blade. The Blade's earnings are ample to pec ed those same women would be asknot among the masses generally, but among those that are thinking out so- pay all running expenses and a reason ed to vote for the man who, of all oth lutions of the grave problems that are able compensation for editorial work, era, sneered at their social positions, menacing the stability of society and and although times have been hard, a man whose heart was stone cold in Here and there the paper is practically free from debt its indurated hatred of those who, if governments. throughout the" United States, "Bella .vith between $1,500 and $2,000 due it they were livingin sin, were more my" clubs are being organized. They from subscribers, who, in consideration sinned against than sinning. To declain against the election of C. are not confined to the poor, many of of the hard times, have only rarely the wealthy also, are earnestly seeking been urged tn assist. The amounts B. Allen to renresent the Tporlo nf an excape from imminent social disas- named represent the principal part Utah, is not an attempt to "tear the salary wnicn is cover off that which is past." It is on ter by an advocacy of the national co or tn& eaitor's the two year ly; a feeble protest not to attempt to operative system. And here and there due him for is service. admitted that the editor force a It are little colonies like the one herein reptile down the of referred to, that are trying to solve the and publisher Is getting but very little throat the victims that are recover for his services and cannot devote his ing from its bite, as a reward for the problem in a practical way. entire-timto'the paper in the future, insertion of its poisonous fangs To those that look into futurity with paper, is optomistic faith, can see even in the unless The Blade's subscribers come anMr. Cannon's reproof to thisnon-MBut The implied insult to to the density of present darkness, the twiligh t to his assistance at once. mon element of Utah. It is a reflec of the dawning of a brighter .day for Blade will live, and here in Nephi, suffioon will tion be their intelligence and mauhood editor present our race and the fulfillment of predic jnd.1 the . i l j tions that, even if not inspired as the leutiy near to uii eacu ween, me to intimate tnat tor so small a cause term is generally understood, are flash .jouonai page, ana win worK iust as as a repudiation of one man on his es from that Divine 11- ht imolanted in nard for the supremacy of truth and past record, would revive the old bit tne advancement or the people, as terness. During the past sixteen oi man by his Maker. seventeen years, the writer has exper . , ever. There is a gentleman now. with The ienced the pleasure of meeting at least CANDIDATES FOR THE "FIFTH" Blade who has been weighed in the a tnousana mining men. of and honor their and of balances aud integrity liberality thought and AND "SEVENTH." has not been found lacking in any generosity of nature would put to the respect. The gentleman referred to. is nolush, if such a' thing were possible, v The date of the nominations for a firm friend'to the writer," and a man r'he narrow and contracted view of the Judge of the Fifth Judicial, and the of ability and unsurpassed accom- - situation that is seemingly held by Mr. iSeventh State Senatorial Districts will plishments as a printer, and who will Cannon. However, we are not so cbarit soon take place. In pursuance of our take charge of the paper and keep it able to the gentleman as to express a duty to those of our readers that reside running until unproved' conditions belief in the sincerity of his avowed in tha districts named above, we have shall make the writer's permanent fear that to repudiate GJ E. Allen ' would 'tear the cover off that which is dilligently saught for information rela- residence in Nephi a possibility.! tive to those who are known to be canThe foregoing has been demanded past." Rather, we firmly believe his And a name .will few who didates.; by the report above, referred to. and implied threat was for political rea are eminently deserving,, and are fully the public taken into our confidence in sons, and for them only. entitled; to the confidence of xthe peo-pl- order to show them there lis not the :":'; ;;V;, filightest prospect of The Blade's deA CARD TO SALT LAKE MERof mise. Years before an unpietentious ' Forjudge the Fifth, THE BLADE. d Per year. (Payable in advance). jJiOO ; con-campai- j Application has been made at the Nephi post? tSce for' transmission through 'the niatys aa $,;cQad:clati3 iuajl matter. j p t! I gn 'V - ' 1 i ' '. . MO EN., SI?PT, 7, jATUID4Y 1SD3, i EdwFd II. McCune i : The Blade's i jipecial agent and solicitor,and ! '& aythor-ji?ic- d to nake eollections and 'receipt J. P. GiBJIS, 1 he re f of. Publisher Bladd. I Below is a list of our agents, who will receive suoseripuons ana receiyu itur f'ayments: Wm. i Chstaln, Ibapah. Tooele Co. ; Joseph A. Lyman, Oak CUy Christian! Anderson, FiJliuoFe, Thos. Nfemmott, Scipio. ; B O, A. Bates Holden. ' 1 Chris. Overson, Leamington. Geo. Orq,iie, Kanosb. f 3 Jatnes Hatton. Petersburg, I Virgil Keliy. Burbank. I Hvrum Adams. Madow. Jame S. BJake, Hiuckjey, - . 1 I I j TO BE - The above is also the heading of a I selegram, to be found on page 8 of this j impression, from, Topeka. Kansas, jan-- l uouncidg that a 4fiellamyite' colony . t will, be established, I Nearly all of our readers, probably, have read Edward Bellamy's "Looking j backwards" and are, therefore, soWAhat acquainted with the social principles therein set forth. and ,of the idal iBel- I ?onditioh of society which himy depicts. The work referred to I 7th, 1S95, viz: Mark Baffler, Lak the N. E. H, Sei: 2, Tp. J3 S; II 1 W, Salt ' Medridiati. He nameis iae foltomff witnesse to prov. his continuous refeidence uixn aud cultivation George W. ofsaid land, viz: John Pyper. Kendall, Robert G. Py.per and John Kendall,' all of NepM .City, Utah. .. Register." ' - W. A. C. Bryan, al.tor.fley for claimant. i'3iv(lii ' . d; j V E. V. HIGOINS Of Cedar City is a Republican candi- , level-heade; 'l ; ; ; " his-large- ' : : co-operat- ba-lUi- of - J bvt.;..., ....... of I5ai.. Ln&s .wholesaler's proUt, of ......'.$.3.00 Bal.-J.V- - .2.40 per cent. ....... ii.j... 20 . pro.lt of Hal .60 ,. .;. ....... ....... , .4 1.93 .33 percent. their entire support. As ; - . i the. Republican candidate for State senator for the Seventh district, comprising Juab aud Millard Jcount'es, no better man can be found than . JA3I1CS P.- - DlilSCOL . Of Eureka. . The gen tieman may not nave 4eea ommittud be Aveil known down in Millard county that. nearly; one half or but.The Bladk's word for it, no better of the hat is profit If selection can be made by- his political t he. $154, - the; profit. of associate; Mr. Driscol is' inmatelv 1.54 - The; fractions bat we discover the.retaU pricevadeiluct from Yi dealer in :the raw material that vAmt-intthe;hat. it will rreduce- the of the. hat considerably below fine UC'of fts selling- price; -- The profits a ire goaeaato, the haticls: of a .'select; esvv.v.ThU3 it is .with every article - - f- associated with the.business interests of our magnificent Eureka-wherhe is and'there is no universally respected, better guide-t- a mail's fitness for office than the verdict of tho people of the community wherej he is known..-- , As no name has thus fur been select. I !, me disastrous consequences ed (so far as The Blade by. the o&Ktwti-method. ;of distributing pro- Democrats of Miliard as--knows) candidate ducts will appear. ;more; glaring .when tor fctaie feeoator from the Seventh, pleasure insuggest- ajiplieJ to an entire income of say. vGOO The Blade takes ' " p r unnum. If it, requfre the. entire ing JOSEPH supxnjrt a family on that in Ur K iiimore, as a man who hHs, to a ..u mltsr 'jome existing :.conditions, under dot, the measure of all the- qualifioa t Itm co-o'ratlYe. sys.tehv 300 would tious for that otuce. There is uothinyr g odium attached to rerreR"ent the .'amount t;that.:', would b (if the Mr. Kobison and if - nominated aud savef! and, become. a portioa-o- f ;the in olected will do honot iohistpaj-rm& f,fj:j i j n av i th. .jofitliaiJhtt.S r nth ' - 'U . - - it e - pur-:h'ihc- d. a a - -- 1.- --.; - 1 .. : v - . - , f p . , office-seekin- . . 6-- j : of warehouses for .the storing and handling . me proancs. A couple Of ' miles east of the city, and near the mouth diSalt Creek Canyon, is a veritablemountain of.piire crysaliied gypsum. Convenient to the quarry, is a complete mill for-.which In grinding and refining,! the, to"product the shipped continuously being states of the Pacific Coast, 300 tons lasi mtonth being the output. UpSaltCreelc canyon and north easterly from about.nine miles, phre saltmeans springsof gush one of the the mountain side, and by most complete salt manufactories in the United States, the brine is converted into table. that has but few equals dairyftoand packinginsalt the worJd. The brine is and superiors 35 per eent. salt and the su pply practieall.r unlimited. In addition to the manufactured product, there are several mines "orr quarries of rock salt, the extent of which Icanuot be - f' w f . Is all It takes for a - j - inter-mountai- ll:-.;- i'- ;-- -,:;: Subscriptioii to - t '"- i . . n " , . , . ! computed, Asa distribiiting point, Nephi recognizee', but one superior in Utah. ; It is the key ui Southern Utah, and1 with the advantage of east and south, stretching out to the the best point in ; furnishes, wlthoui qxiestion, of manufactories Utah for the establishment and wholesale houses., The attractions of Nephi as a residerce . town, are unique in their variety. It'is situ- . ated on almost the highest portion ofthedi vide that turns the flow of waters' north into into the Sevier rivUtah lake and south-war- d er, thence onward to ihe Sevier lake the deaci sea of Millord Coxmty.; Its' altitude, gravelly soil and perfect drainage insure the best ol aealth, in fact, the conditions are such, that in but two cases of diptheria have occurred live years among a population of nearly 3,000 Its citizens are thrifty and progressive. Thwide streets and avenues of large shade trees, eosey cottages, beautiful lawns and elegaul t modern public buildings, make of Nephi place in which life is a real lxixury. It is supplied with a complete system of wat along which flows the water froui pure springs distant some three miles up the canyon. To the west about five miles, the mountain range is low, rolling and of easy access, and abounding with rich pasturage. T the east a couple of miles, the Nebo rang- , rises, to the north east a few miles. abrubtly th top of Mt, Nebo rises into the regions of J eternal snow, Without xageration and without coloring, . the foreeroinsr is a description of the loveiv 'city of Nephi, the Capital of Juab County i& .. wnicn are found the mmes of 'JLmtic, tne won der and admiration of the Great West. Besides Tmtic, the rich mines of Fish Springs, f and other- wealthy an' portion of .Deep Creek aro wing camps are situated iD the Westeri. part of Juab Counts'. Following is a directory of "Nephi's business . . . , , tw-railro- , r ' ? I J 'j - on "' i '... , . j 1;:: ' : , . Al.. "Fear's . . v - v , , . - ; , . - , er-wor- - , . - . CHANTS; little tombstone shall annbunce that : , ' e. date, The gentlemenis, character is above reproach, and his ability is unquestioned. In addition to his other qualifications, Mrj Higgins is a ,modest, uuassuming man, and which comd citimands him to every ' zen of the Fifth The Democrats of Beaver City and ' ing greater on the parents. The com- -' " have endorsed: a unity of interests as outlined, by Mr. County " JOUK W. CHRISTIAN iOIIamy,, would give each child equal Of Beaver as a candidate for Judge of advantages. ';y;';V-Fifth. Mr. Christian is a man of the TtiQ oenefits to the masses! in a ma-- , lerial and social way by. the; adoption the people, with si heart ever in sympaof. a national 'sydtem, need thy with thost! that toil. H graduatnot be enlarged upon : to. the I people of ed, as a doctor and for some years r Utah, who have ever held it as a ten practiced, meliuine, and so popular was aetr of their faith,; and have regarded he with, the poor for his sympathy and ib as a prospective condition enjoined generosity, to them, that he has hardly able to sever his former relations upon them. by; the. Almighty. Neverr been i iheless.,it will do no harm 6 point out w th them. Years ago, Mr. Ch r istian surrendered practice ) as a i.few of the" material, advantages'.-.-was and admitted to the bar As, an example, let us take a, man's." phys.ician, hat. thaU retails for $3. and note the ro- - for which he had .been preparing himwit if: the principal of iu self by. years of study. He is a man .of brains and abil ity and! the Deinoc'rnts t&; manufacture and sale were the of the Fifth will do well to give him i ts p rod uc tio o. ; j price retail tlnaljer's'p refit of 30 pep cent... j"; ; ; j SlliXiR' 'y -- ai , . f ? - . 1 ! non-Morm- 5 : I d . . - I : 1 GeoffraphjcahyV Nephi City is :situp.t-- at most in the center of Utah. Its latent natural ac' resotirces are practically of unlimited. Its tive resources consist (1) Agriculture ; (2) of, HAcUctiHure ; (3) of the Sheep industry and (4) of minerals. ..To the North, .West and South j ' is jaripre area of as fine agricultural lands ' aStfc&n-bfound Jn Utah; Abundant crops ot of the hus ' cereal atfiilfalf ashless the labors of acres of bandmen. "To the Korth;thousands by large springs,-'- , naturalchii like a great eineraid carpet. The . spread Nephi are unexcelled vepretalQ gardens of and of its contiguA in the wet;s Its fruit hi can be grown as;that ous towns,-i,aperfect can this latitude. In order to illustrate what nee-. be accomplished here with bees, , it is only sea farmer last a state to that Nephi l cssary son, shipped ,700 pounds of fine honey, and the apiary, is merely an adjunct to .his farm. The wool indiist'ry of this locality, is one of . and is such as to demand the in largest o two wealthy firms and large a ention ptaji ': laakeado-wvsyatere- or . Her Resources, Advantaged and Attractions. e e : Neptn . cold-blood- ed co-opera-tion " EZ3 -- j i . - ilso pointedly and scathingly arraigns t" the present condition of society where-i.i- u a select few are pictured 'Us riding 'in a coach, while others, amid the (lust I ;tnd heat, mud and cold, are pujhng i the coach. Mr. Bellamy points out t car-that. the principle of tied to its logical results will remedy " I present lamentable conditions, and I )lace the race oq a higher social plane, j Mr. Bellamy recognizes the Tact! that I iLompetitio.u in the professions abd m ; every line of business is every, day b&--v'joming Kroner. The banker sencjls his ,ons to . college and they become edu- -' hated: jbaukcrs. The merchan t fcends : jh is sons to college and they take a . fkjommercial" course, and return' with knowledge of the fundamental laws i tif buiines.-- that, if followed, wi'll in- Ivnre- success And thus, generation tfter generation, the succession ' fco the heritage of business and the professions ues steadily 00 with ever lessening phaoces for those born of poor parents bom pe ting with those specially eclucat-wand, except where there are joceas-toriinstances, of imbecility, thle fortunes grow larger with each generation, One of the chief ideas advanced ' y Bellamy, is to give every youth and uaiden access to equal opportunities ..'or an education, which, under existing condition;!, are not enjoyed? by the children of poor parents, notwithstanding all the talk abou "free schools" to the contrary. The parents of poor children cannot afford the loss .1 their time after a certain age, aud mder the present ragime, when the ,)por are becoming poorer and the fich, ;icher, the burthen is yearly1 becom- ' ' . , -- I : PUBLICATION. MOT ICE FOR Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, July y5,.!895. f folloAwfe MOTICE is herefey given that the 1' named settler has tiled nxjtice of his inten tion to uiake final proof in support of his claim;' and that eaid prpof will be . made ;befor the Clerk bf the County Cotirjt ofn Juah Coun-tv- . Utah, at Nephi City, Utah,II. K.Septemhe' tor . ! - ;?'t pre-de-tsrmin- I - - iKo. I 1 - i I ' ... j ; 3 BELLAMY'S PliAT? TRIED. ' ' ; Those ofthe BiIabe'3 friends in Netowns should subr phi, and adjacent 1 hold uaca oecaust scribe Now. Don Will have it you have not thfcish. this falL or if not cash; vyoii will hav oui grain or hay. and we will accomodate . &hnost In any way Sn. grange friends ; . tr scribe tjow. - ' ' : HILLA.1I COUNTY. j 1 1 ' ' . . ' co-operat- ion Editor. . "I , , . F. QIBSS, X.ocati6a bl&Oks for sale atTKb Bladi. w. 4 oQce - u - of the miscreaut who started the re Gentlemen, a word with you. Do and-thyou not know that so far as reaching port, will become "stooper" "hang-dog- " will the country readers is concerned, you expression of his face become "haug-dogger.- " might just as well throw your money ; e hustlers: . at the birds as to advertise in the Salt Lake papers? Country people rarely NO CAUSE FOR APPREHENSION. ever read the ads in the metropolitan journals.. Now, Conference is approaching and the blade wilL not f'TEAR THE you want to reach the country people, aPd those of you that run ads in t- -e covek off that which is iAST." country papers will b the ones that catch the country trade. And in mak- a Geo. M. ratiCannon in Chairman ing your selection of papers in Central fication speech in the Salt Lake thea Utah, hear in mind that The Blade's tre, last Monday evening, took occas circulation is the largest Of any 'paper ion to refer to The Blade's comments south of Salt Lake City. We will make last week on C, E Allen's nomination you a special offer to run your ads one for Congress. Mr. Cannon warned month for one dollar per single column The Blade that it must not "tear the inch, There is 500 per cent, for you in cover off that which is past? relative the proposition. bitterto C. E. Allen's ness. The gentletyan must have re A CORRECTION. ferred to CE. Allen, because he was the sole subject of the comment to which Mr. Cannon takes exception; and Sometime since. The Blade in re although the State ticket which Mr. ferring to what Nephi might become. Cannon so enthusiastically! rattifles. used language thaf conveyed the idea (Contains the names of sevepi that Nephrs mill is not shipping any mons a nd only three Mormons and flour, while car loads of Mt. Pleasant tne latter comprising more man o per flour are' neing snipped right by us. cant of the population, The. Blade! rne lmprebiou xnat JNephi wa3 not as erroneous as IS A nv &1PP mi.rt mant.inn nf mt nt b Ar !name a from learned ..... gentleman who is in a Twuo reau luau.m ucio uu v. xxiai one positi()a tOjKnow, that Frisco and oth-le- n could not," unless he were a blind, er points alng the railroad are almost partisan bigot, discern tbe slightest in- - entirely suppnea with Nephi flour. timatioo of an- effort to "tear the cover off is past," except as to CIt ill becomes a freshman (with the E,. Allen; and if that could be thorough-- ! bnAhe fresh) to accuse Nephi ly done, many of those who may .now emphasis mem of having .'eated: 'sleepy business Contemplate voting for him,-- ' would Tber4 is nothing of the sleepy-gras- s hold their nases after the uncovering. grass." nature Vibout them. Everyone That article recognized tbe justice of nearly, is tKn tA to fill a pro ii of them, . salecting """"v portion of the- State offices; it also of Nephi. V Threat: trnnhi a and of, concert, the.fact nf v,;rtri that there are a hun lack of unity cognized . XI , I i dred good; Capable ,men like George '1 he iorce parried them apiiru and and t".18 Sutherland, for instanBe,- among tho the more ,Poipcs, flames are fed and fanned non Mormon class from which an ac a9uuuBi- wul lney Docoitie. iae wiuri- the not business men that' have for is nominee ceptable congressional If "honors.-oonlbeen eating "sleepy have been 'chosen. grass,"- it is' the Knuta, me toilgii timcH There are certain attributes' that luiiea,should he aroiised from its etupo" attributes that that qualify men for ii which is natural ami cannot bectrrvr f .tothe-erMitlfj.hiN "' : r' " - ' : V :l ! ' :: ' : : Cabinet and Coffin Maker. " " s . - I ' . - tui " J'"?Lo - . - . OSTLER & ALLEN, ana aeaiers in au Kinds of horse furnishing goods, y ; ...f, I a. v. Hague, Butcher. v . f . . . ..'','.' repairer ot Boots and Shoes. & SONS chas.;foote Dealers in General Merchandise. . i , j i : , . . ' W. M. STOUT, , , NEPHI 'COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE IN STITUTION. ' , T; H. G. Parkes, Supt. : W. H, PETTEGREW, " .Manuiactur of i wnd dealer in Harness Saddles, and Slieep-Men- 's supplies. , ... JNO.S FAINTER .,, Dealer in General ana green Groceries. ORD BROTHERS CLOTIIING.CO,, Dealers in Clothing'and fcreu,ts urniah'iniji.' : OSTLElt & OC.KEY, Butchers.' . , . 'i H. H. HAWKINS. . t., t Boarding; house and Restaurant. J. MC, PSTLER4 .' ...... I..Boot and Shoe maker.)' ' " ' . Nor h ooa-Mormon- : ; ' wide-awa- k . . , - - - Druggists' ,T that-whic- m. mcCUNe; V , COOPER, PYPER CO. Dealers in Hardware, Tinners and Plam ers.. GOLDEN EAGLE SALOON1, uiacKett Bros, rroprs. Dealers in Wine Liquors etc. M. P. KONG, or - Saloon, ... gazette J..VV. Hartley, propr. McNALLY & LUNT, n r - Bakery and Confectionary. , non-M- . . i anti-Mormo- - ANDREWS & CO., Dealer in Wool, Grain etct UTAH WOOL GROWERS ASSOCIATION; E. R. Booth, Manager ' NEPHI HOUSE, .. Mrs. E. Goldsorough, propr. A. W. PiT.M'RT? Wagon and Carriage Shop.' General Ulaci smithing. NEPHI LIVERY STAITL'E, " Jno. R. Downs propr. UNION HOTEL, , . . Mrs.,C. K. Foote, propr. . Subscribe?. - H. THtLL;S6 COMPA-i- Merchant Tailors. FRANCIS SE&LS, ..,,- - '.. Furniture and undertaking. " ' j BIRCH ALL & OSTLER, Clothing dealers. CO. NEBO ... . nSALT : . MANUFACytURIO'CO. 1 EXCELSIOR MERC ANTITR CO.. ?. ...' Zsm Dealers In general Merehaadise J j sh '. tW Pa'xman, Supt." PEXTON& CHASE," ' j Blacksinlthing.' .' KNOWLES & WEBB, ' - i Wheelwrights,.,, HYtE A WHITMORE, . General. Merchandise. GEORGE HARDY, .r. ;! Boot and shoe Maker. t ! . " AgV.1 Mtri?leasant Martlo TITO S. B ELXTSTON, - " , |