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Show IARIENUNG OASSES: Earn area! US vUe roving run. Tuesday & Thundery evening dotes. Training bartender! 128 wk1987. fextervien Incredible 487-826- NUNTOAU. MONO RUTENTS NEEDED lor study. $75 Paid each erne you donate a We antibody. Call soon oner diagnosis. 2 eves RAISE S$$ The Citibank Fundraiser is here to help you! Fast, easy, no risk or hnanciol obligation: Greeks, groups, dubs, motivated inoVviduals. Call now, raise $500 in only 128 ex). 33 one week. (800)862-198- 2 1596 GUNS, buy and lei new and mod painfcal guru 1 and equipment NotionWid. ftiinfcal 28 THE 010 SAiT OTY 1ML it hiring: line nolo, lervert, far o high buuen, hosts, booldteeper. Experience preferred volume restaurant. Open evening. Apply in person 460 S 1000 E. Enter (rom bed, lutehen door. 128 ON UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH. Are you in research? Attend tie lOtS Nahanal Conference on Undergraduate Research in tSe far April. Come to 410 Union uiuujuni onnounoament 1130 Appljoatiom must be postmarked by Dec. 1 UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCHES. There are over 300 Earn willing to do research with undergraduates credit or money. Winter quarto-- felowship applications due by November 30. Int.: 410 Union Bldg , (581 8070)1 130 HOUADAY RESTAURANT seeks help 3-dayswk. from 1 1am-5pDuties include: Cashiering, bussing, serving and some supervising. $5.50hr. . Cof278-5062.il1COMMUNITY TREATMENT AUEmATTVESEntiusiaslK per-soneeded to work in residential treatment programs tor persons wieS autism in Salt Lake County. Training provided. Full and part time positions available. Meals provided on shift. Benehh ovaiable. Apply at 545 East 4500 South Lake E220, Salt City. EARN MONEY Reading books! $30,000yr. income poten-ea- l. OONFBSKE on imam graduate student invoked Needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3000-$600- 0 per moneV Room and Board! Transporlationf Male or Female. No experience necessary. Col (206)545-4- 1 55 ext. A59061 . 128 FREE FINANCIAL ADI Over $6 Bilion in pnvate sector Al students are groiscrKJarsrbncwamilable. regordtess or grades, eicome, or parent's income. Let us help. Col Student Knancial Services: ALASKA EMPIOYMENT-Studen- b 128 d.F5906l. AMKMD AND up to teaching basic conversational English in Japan, Toowm.arS. Korea. No leaching badiground or Asian languages For information col: ext. (206)632-114required. J59061. 128 TRAVEL car7: IMMEDIATE WOftK-Mak- c3 HIRING - e cs ex C3 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 1596 PA batWurJoodors J8.00hr. Contact Student Services Blda, rm. 128 382 Employer Equal CteorWy CJ ThamUy, November 16, 199$ couNsaai, iAnaffi 'wmuri smm wUxj Daily Utah Chronicle u-Tt- ae a Ot Ce 6b c Details: 1117 ext. are going to be 300 pieces There of new ski & snowboard clothing at the Ski Swtl this Thursday. Friday. & Saturday in the Union Building's Salt Air room. Plenty of kids clothing as well as adults-a- ll at outstanding prices! G3 ClSE UUtlY Ft! weekly slurhng envelopes. For details. GROUP FIVE, 57 Greentee Drive, EARN rushSI.OOwHhSASE :k: Suite 307 Dover, DE 19901 . 13096 fj benfOSTAl AND GOVERNMENT XWS $2 1 hour plus No experience, wil ton. For application and information, col e emcJoy-meNATIONAL PARKS HUNG Seasonal & owilabeW al Notional Parks, Forwb, & Widtfe bonusesl Col: I ext. Preserves. Benefits N59061. 1120 efits. 1496 INTERVKWERS Conduct poUcal ond Market Rsseorch Surwyl nafconwiae. No sales! 4,6 2K)6cr 8 Ivsurshiiis between 10:00p.m. Great student job. Col or 121 apply 03320 South 300 Eost TELEPHONE RESEARCH s S s s S s $ $ U.OF UTAH STUDENTS: Earn $5 per hour portxipotwg in Res6oroH. Research lakes Must on place Memory campus. be o nalivs speaker of English. For more intimation col 1130 EARN MONEY tat. Reading Books! $30,000yr. income polen- 1130 ext. DetaHs. R.C WILEY has a need (or computer sales associates Great potsntiol (or enlfiusioslic proressiortals vrieS aeat attitudes. Join an mdmJrv leader as tSey keep pace wrtS tie increased demand lor tier products, rlourfybase plus commission ond a great benefit package. Smoke free Gppartunily Employer. Apply in person at R.C. Wiley's Corporate Ofkce, 2301 S. 300 W. (3rd floor, 9:00om- - 4:30pm), SIC. 1120 COM AND K A PART ol a growing retcJ operation at R.C. Ideal job (or students! We are WiBey Home FurrnsKmgi. now hiring (or warehouse positions in most locations, day ond evening shifts ovailable. Mutt be 18, wt do repetitive Start al lifting and work in a (ust paced environment. environ$7.60hr, excelenl benefit package, smoke-fre- e ment. Equal Opportunity Erryfayer. Apply in person at R.C wiueyj usrporate umce, uui i. juu w. prd Poor, 1120 4:00pm), SLC. HOTEL COURTYARD by Morriot, front desk position. 1 p m shift. FTFT available. Apply of 1 30 West 400 South. Aik (or Argw or Cherie, 531 oOOO. 1116 SEXUALITY SURVEY SUBJECTS NEEDED - PAYS CONFIDENTIAL & 18. Col On tSaughk and behaviors. ot'V. Ages 15 $10 1116 IEST SE1ICTIS9I! PAW 1H Session I: Session II: TIjc June 3 - July 4, 1996 July 9 - August 9, 1996 oldest American University in Europe offers: Mori- - tli.in 75 courses from the University's airriailuin for credit or ;nulit from a wide range of disciplines I Weekend ivih h Immersion Program and Day Trips to Historic Regions of Europe SK:cial "College I'review" High Sch(X)l Program in Paris 5(ba We're looking for the rare person can recognize the opportunity for a head start in one ot the wfto most rewarding professions. A college internship with l for. be your own boss, get paid for your productivity and gain practical business experience. e Potential for career after full-tim- graduation. If you're an achievement- jr., sr., -oriented or grad student, call: 363-769- OK V Bozena Brinkman 7 Terry McPartland Agency Sera Tec HELP! $5.00 per hour, 7:30-- 1 :30, 1 2:30-4:3Mon , Thur & Fri. Corrtact Motor Pool, 581 81 55. For quabty Monlessori schools. TEACHERASSISTANTS SoutMost, 9 a.m.-- l p.m. 3 or 5 days per week. SubsMutss E 1130 needed (or downtown and Southeast, al hours. Applicants should be responsible, entiusKistk:, creative and realty enjoy working wHh children. Great working environment and sup-355-1551121 portive staff 1117 perveTlrrCi; days, Apply at Casual Cotton & Graphics, WANTED odrveor shop. CottorrMwdMol. SUPPORT TECHNICIAN Fart Time. Great opportunity for a computer literate student. Looking for with PC and someone computer knowledge business hours. Gorxldole wl be responsible, tolerant and or please send fax to (801) patient If you moil to: Hurnonlajsourtme939 S700WSI,UTo4104. COMPUTER Tl16 s needs part-timFlexible hours. (or lunch ond dinner. Earn We need ptnonobte, neat, purictualjrjeriple to deliver meals from (w restaurants to riornes ondoftoss. Candidates must L i I i io l i.j r once, good driving record, and a deuerxjablo vehicle. Cat WorkWiti A Fun, (WNew Company. 1 127 DELIVERY ANDI job. cgrt PorHime 3 1320 PrKeinucy. UTAH UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS It CLINICS OF HOSPITAL The University of Utah Hospital and Clinics have immediate openings (or she (olowing positions: 'PART' TIME "Visitor Representative (Opening GP621 7). Greets hosoital visitors and oalients. Gnat aradiens. finds I uuiluliuii, provides ewjiiiiulion, etc. Spontth longuoge obJ-irOSffiONS strongly preferred. & Linen TramerErrvironmentol Services (Opening ' 4GP6402). Gxxdmotes and directs training functions in Linen Services and Environmental Services. Assesses training needs, develops and monitors training, insures compliance wHh ftazonious Ccnrrxxiiconon, JCAHO and OSHA standards, elc. (Experience required, "laundry Aide ' (MuhtpleCtaenings). Pertarrra a varx of linen service fjne-lioirxduding sorting, washing, ironing. No specific experience required. Applicants must be at least eighteen years ofoge. "Washroom ClrjeratorSorler (Muftiple OrjWMngs) Perlorms sorting, washing, drying and extracting of soiled and dean linens. Operates heavy laundry ecxxpment. No specific experience required. Applicants must be at least eighteen years of age. "Health Care Custodian (Multiple Openings). Performs a variety of custodxJ duties in patient rooms ond waring areas. No specific experience required. Appkcants must be at least eighteen years of age. For more information about eSese ond other available positions, col our jcixW or corrtod lis by phone or in person ar. Human Resources 421 Wakara Way, Suite 140 Salt Lake Gly UT 84108. Hours: M-F- , ApplxMtxxis accepted Phone: (801L581-230r- T TDD Accessible 10orrr3pm. Jobline: (801)581-402(801)581-231Equal Ctaporlunily Employer. 1116 METRO GOURMET EXPRESS ofy l... n21 an DESK CLERK 7.00 to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Hourt eon be lexible. Study time avatlable. Near Motel, 1 J4o boutl rootiil Or. &$T ftiAICTHaPwoge,, 1121 eveningsdays irxxild hxe cniktren. Kncledge ot chictaw s nroaurfs hmn- 10-ful. Col Mon-Sa- t, Tern or Btondy, 272f0282. 1130 EARN EXTRA CASH fartSerUdoys. We need people with good personalities to operoto a Kiosk in Trolley Square. Full 1 & ask tor Serena. it ovailable. Cal or port-tim-e 1121 ATTENTION Major U.S. STUDENTS WITH EUROPEAN CONTACTS Europe; con- Co. wanting people wcontads in sulting, mtapreting, to assist in entry to Europe. Respond ASAP FTorPT Inquire by leaving name 4 at 1 1122 JOBS Hiring for rrxjnyposiiiom this winter.'TJp to $1,500 in salary & benefits. (Free ski pass, ski equipment, meal discounts.) SbSnowboard instructors, lift operstaff, c4w rjrolions. Col Vertical ators, wit sloif, clx ext. V59062. 128 Employment Group: (206) DRIVER NEEDED each moming & afternoon to drive kids to home & from school. Must have own car. $10.00day. SKI RESORT Neorir. 1122 583-502- POSITION AVAILABLE: Mount Calvary SECRETARY, Catholic Cemetery. PT position, (lexible hours. Requirements: WordPerfect forrAanV office skills, tales record keeping, billing coordination witi cemetery staff and bereaving families. Job specific taming & benefits available. To apply, cal Mr. Ih Mease. Mt. Calvary Cothcfc Cemetery 275 TT Sfreet. SLC, UT 841 03. NORTHWEST MULTIPURPOSE CENTER has job openings (or; Recreation Aides working with youth age 6--1 2 in progrom s at local eiementary schools. Contacl Sue. Apply 1 300 West 300 North S.LC, UT 84116 Phone: . 1117 needed for busy office. Monday through Friday, 11:00-5:3WewibellexibkMlSclasssed- u-. Salary nmgolioble. Mileage reirrixirsed at $0.28 per mile. Please South 600 Eost.Salt Lake Cry, UT. 32 appfy otl 1122 Or THI IHVAMOM TkSiMOf Thl iHim UOvt Of TM WrMI 44 ISIT CH R FACILITY AT 609 So. State St. http:vVww.vicicorTirievvrTiedia.cofTi VIACOM 150 South 400 East neuLtmfom. IQ1995 Viacom International On532-399- 9 Inc All Rights Reserved Is Hiring HOURS: Proof Operators Hem Immediate openings, $5.81 per hour, plus production incentive pay! 2 em FrlSet Afternoonevening hours. by touch desired, but not required. Will train on the job. Casual dress attire 10-k- ey You'll r. 5X4$39W. SALBFSON 1120 2 work study student, .10 hrs.7wk" $6.00hr. Speak good English wdh Utah AHEC in School of Medicine. Col Carol. 58P7234. 1117 E CAR WASH and Detail cen-te- r SLCS PREMIER needs parHKne student workers in the mornings Vigorous outdoor work, flexible hours, flexible days, good plus Apply at BischoH Car Wash & Detail. 1990E POSITION f the break you've been hoping I 1117 The 2 Saturdays a montS, 7Xh Play theourDemo vCi.i :uo; http:www.zoop.com Northwestern Mutual Lfe could be mam, hourt, FOR FREE? If you're only looking for a JOB don't read on. llMllH ek. Salt Lake Hilton, nVF. Flexible 1 :00 a.m. Apply now tower lobbySf hotel. HumrResourcetat150W.500S. M-Hours ore 8O0 a m to SOP p.m. EEO. 1120 Hard working person as Jonrtofdnver SEEKING HONEST, for high lech mortufrxturina firm. fWt to Cal Al, CLERK PURCHAStNG 7 jHamburgers AR ( rl NortSTerr,SafrlCiV,UToU150,orcal801l 1121 reouired. ANYOtCANRCFMSCHOlARSrS, crar, frnoncol aid. We con help! ColNowl 128 EXPtr W "FOX PRO data base needed at eoraukant. - 1120 Pteose cal Carol ot 581 7234 ext 402. MONTH'S IDS Atale (high school 19lhrouoS24 aroduotm tSrough age 24) and leirdelog perfrjriaers fry ragMy musical theotsr productons in Nouvoo, imois. Summer 1 996. Siisging, dancing, speaking park." IDS Church Service Mission Mission rules apply. Once in a lieeme experience. May 1 ,1996irough August 31, 1996. Send name, address, and phone number to: Nouvoo Musical Theater Productions, COB 41 1, 50 East CLERK part-tim- Qpfffinpi rntAn i nun rvrvrrri I NAUVOO, ILUNOIS FOUR SUMMER CHURCH YOUTH MISSION: WANTED, lOGICAl, e e or position, flexible hours. Learning our prupnexjry aaxj uuiivui lion process (or mam into. Logic lest S8.vUhr. rag Cal J64-WJ- Perfect 1116 ColtamMal. Why are you:rei!dinc? this. ad when you atismssmmm oaaDQtiRO 303) giniffi) o GfB9 INTELLIGENl couia ne Diavinq I'aris Cedex 07 Tel. O.V1) id 2 06 00 Fax (331) 17 05 33 ') New York office. Tel. (212) 677-48Web site - http:www.aup.fr Summereaup.fr 0 roYcnr Diredsurpolim,bm er on, aro-uu- Umvi-rsil- 7W1 hours plus fid in fry oner staff dunng rie week, 10-2-5 hrt. par week. $7.00hr. Reouiret fwrnon service expeiiei.e, some college, lexibUly. Sporath speaker sternly preferred T YWCA 3a&nt 300 So5h 1120 RUNNER For complete program information, call or write: of I'ms Summer I'nigr.iius llie American Hox 21. M. av. Ilosquet, - eOARD SKI WCT WaNTcDI l6owUclgeol kwid set uo and maintenance necessary 1114 -521 4325 GBruVOnrticri tWvrWiJab! WesrkwitSadulkwitS disabilities. deveicevner S6.00hr. lor pm or graves. iiSO for weekend1 1 sMts. l16 PorHro or (ul wih benenrl Col Jonet 484-669SALB PERSON WANTED days, 12-- 1 5 hrt. per week, in fun ackvewear shop. Appfy ot Casual Cotton & Graphics, KJlimi Item 3 em Tl$b ME. Sun, Hem 1am Fast and free delivery okay! Excellent full benefits package. ASK ABOUT OUR TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM AND ADDITIONAL 4TH QUARTER BONUSES!! Introducing ths . Our BIG 18 Pizza, Almost 5 Feet Around Distribution Clerks PT $5.72hr. plus 8 30 pay, M- -F (6:30 shift differential Up to 3 Toppings pm) pm-10:- Valuing diversity in our workplace, we encourage individuals, from all backgrounds, provided that minimum U requirements are met, to consider unemployment with us. - Apply in person art 50 S. Main Street 19th Floor Key Bank UFO lower pluttait ' Expires 113199 Limited Delivery Urea fOE KWVD SBS0CrC! rHF7q7n Lr U ( -tZ-r-A 222 SO "GTUB2NT 6P2CIAL" a. Largo 1 Topping 1 Modlum 2 Topping TWO FHEE D:j;;:is FJIST&FI&DMMi' SS2-309- 9 ..M.UU 1123 ALL REFILLS fJ 0 u-sA- M UL-r::sr::- c:rr 7000 rni Ck CAT cu SO. STATE UDD-DOO- O J I I |