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Show 2 Thursday, November 16, 199$ twitch WilHCHRiSTiaNaFiaL TWlTCHlNGoFF valley's most blatantly The umphs and pitfalls of local music. Although based on an idiotic and at least informed. premise and headline, the story was musical pheSalt Lake's failure to ignite a nationally-recognizeof the above stories make it nomenon is more complex than either music th Grid, ran story called "Curing the Common a d their November issue. In the essence, story informed local bands that music isn't music at all, it's marketing. Bands aren't bands either, they're "product." Band" in seem. Salt Lakes' real limiting factor isn't a lack of good venues and bars, the limiting factor isn't a lack of disposable income; the limiting factor isn't a plethora of dedicated bands unwilling to To the contrary, SLC has some of the most bars in the Universe the Cinema Bar, the Bar and Grill, the Dead Coat Saloon, the Ashbury Pub, the Zephyr, and many others feature local bands most nights of the week. Money isn't an excuse either. Many of Utah's "young adults" come from stable middle to upper class homes. A cover, once a week isn't inhibitive. ' Finally, most Salt Lake bands would kill to "sell out" to the first sell-ou- t. local-friendl- Early last year,7Tf Event newspaper ran a similar cover story titled "Will Salt Lake Be t"he Next Seattle?" which address the tri- - five-doll- this.ad when you could re piayinq ar buyer. The truth is that without an intelligent and critical music audience, Salt Lake won't happen, ever. As long as Utah's blockheaded populace marries young, leads "the unexamined life," and finds a BYU vs. U. football game to be the cultural event of the year, "real" music won't be a Utah export. The musical birthing grounds that we know as Seattle (Nirvana, etc.Athens, Ca (REM), and Chapel rjiJly.C,.jSuperchunk), are and FOR FREE? Play the Demo http:www.zoop.coni , were hip, arty college towns. They happened because an audience sup-- , ported inspired rock and pop. New and different bands were rewarded, not punished, for exploding and exploring boundaries. SLC. In many ways, the University of Utah qualifies as Not so-i"the least hip campus on the planet,-- almost less hip than BYU. In the sixties, rock luminaries, like Jefferson Airplane, the Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin and Frank Zappa played the Union Ballroom. These days it's synth reggae and Harry Connick Jr. What next? Michael Bolton? Because SLC audiences are addicted to the corporate pap played on and MTV, 6 they have no sources to base a musical opinion a radio composed of "rebeon other than yesterday's local radio llious" returned- missionary formats, played by half-w- it DJs. "Shawn Walton he the realized is a never Boy" Unfortunately, irony part of every time he plays REM's "Radio Song" from Out of Time. As Michael Stipe sings, "It's that same same songThe DJ sucksIt makes me sad... Damn that radio song." I'm consistently amazed when covering local shows that Salt Lake d audiences shell over money for awful (and awfully popular) local bands like The Obvious, Honest Engine, Ali Ali Oxen Free, and mindless cover bands. Meanwhile, more imaginative acts like The f httpvwvv.viK:ofiwicwTtxxiti.co(n r. VIACOM neuumsDift. : 1995 Viacom International y tne Al Rights Resetted " t Editor in Chief! Robert Gchrke ; X-9- Editor! BretAngeU: Cuuurai. Ajits Ewtdr ; f Brandon Becker Popular Akts Editor! Christian Arial : ARTDkSCTOR; DaveThomctzi Assunt Art Rob Reed: Photography Edudr: j Assistant Photography Editor j Cathy Linfbrd j 9, hard-earne- Director! Jeff Beckstrand Q-9- Pagan Love Gods, The Rattle Kings, Thirsty Alley, Myrrh, Sea of Jones, Deviance and many others are practically booed off the stage. This leads me to Salt Lake's second major musical pitfall unimaginative bands. Why do Salt Lake bands sound like Seattle bands? Why do most SLC bands sound like they fell off the latest handcart? Answers are sim- ple. Most local musicians, like their audience, were raised on bad radio. Another reason is, most local musicians naively think that Nirvana just jammed their way to songs, chicks and success. The truth is, song-writin- g the act of combining lyrics, melody and instruments isn't a simple trendy stuff doesn't once or twice a month. cut it in the long run. A few lessons for local bands: Zeppelin never your 9 .' shows events, 1 . sounded like the Beatles,- your - 10. CD to most SLC bands back to the grunge. 2. Listen to more than music Make music from your well as your head as heart. If you sing "woo ooh yeah" with a ton o' heart, it's still "woo ooh yeah." Don't play updated seventies cock rock. It mighfimpress a few 4. s be and they'd mimmicking Motley Crue. Sad, you play. 3. mid-'80- naive girls and even get you a record deal (The Obvious), but neither the chicks nor the record deal will but true. Until something changes, the Holy Cow will con- tinue to cash in on rehash grunge bands,The Obvious will sell thousands of "units" and Salt Lake "scensters" will mis- takenly think they're if in a pair "of new Doc Martens. How is it even possible to ask if Salt Lake has musical potential when The Disco Drippers last beyond an album. in Practice band) are the only your basement local band capable of before consistently selling 5 forever, port your shows, their personal vision. Fortunately, music is 7 6 Get friends to your sup- involve them with 8 stickers, etc. Make a demo . CD Play no more (or less) than (a cheesy disco cover out the Zephyr? As Bob Marley astutely sang, "If you know your historyThen you could tell where I'm coming from. Then you wouldn't have to ask meWho the hell do I think I am?" f Alex Beckstead, Carrie Breinholt, ; Chclene Foroer, Shan Fowler, David Hansen, : Ann Jensen, Shane Massey, faul Maynard, Camilla Moore, Gloria Qmck. Strfcne RusstO, j Lonica Smith, Alex O. Williams : CONTRIBUTINE ARTISTS ! Melanie Conner, Robert A. Jones, David Medina, Andrew Spencer, j Mark Summers, Spencer Young, J.T. Zemp j Advertising Executive Staff: Dave Rcardoa, Accoukt Manacu ; Jason Castor, Rhett Evans, Heather Hackett, Gavin Hams ' 1 I Ad Layout! Lieal Kapiaa, Suthvbok, ; Laura EBmgson, Chad Margctts, Rachacl Sharp, Tara Wright i Twitck is published weekly as a supplement : of 7W Dmly I'm Chnxntk by students it ' the University of Utah in Salt Lake Dry. j Letters, comments, submissions : & applications encouraged. j Send all comspoadtnet to 240 Union Bldg, ; University of Utah, SLC, UT MI 12 j . Earn while you study Up to $85 on first four visits Up to $160 a month Help us save lives by providing this aii; tdu david.thomeugm.ccMtah.edu iobWgetutcem.cc.utah.edu . OcrfWO phone Rob Ma this. (801)581-7041- I ? "2978-Sout- LM Crer4cpr. j j Dave Thomrtx t : h Flexible hours: Monday 8am-lpTuesday through Saturday m 8:00am-7:00pmuch-neede- d every on the planet. Take Surf! Writing your Nirvana or anything enough historical musical background to see and realize cubby hole. Safe and Send A&R man emerging. continuum, not a not just "another local band in a bar." band doesn't need to sound like Pearl Jam, process. The truth is, real bands need personal intelligence and a Make m vital resource. Biomedical Center I State Street South Salt Lake City, 8411f |