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Show fkanday, November 16, 1995 Grizzlies from NBA pafi 9 advantage of breakdowns in the Chicago defense throughout the game. Within a 30 second span, Danton Cole and Grigori Pantcleev scored on odd-ma- n rushes, extending the Grizzlies lead to n The ItaUy Utak Ckroolck 4-- The Grizzlies added three more goals in the second period, all of them on the power play. The Wolves drew seven penalties in the second period, most of them roughing calls.. "They caught us at a bad time" said Goring. "We're playing the best hockey of the year right now. bu've got to feel sorry for them." - The LANDOVER, Md. (APJ frompafcIO Minnesota to . Pistons 94, SuperSonks 87 AUBURN HILLS, Mich. (AP) -Otis Thorpe scored 27 points and rookie Thco Ratliff added 21 points and 15 rebounds to lead the Detroit Pistons to a victory over the 28-3- 94-8- 7 Seattle SuperSonics on Wednesday. Ratliff, who hadn't had more than eight points or eight rebounds in the Pistons' previous five games, came off the bench to help them to their third straight win despite just four points from Joe Dumars. Bullets 127, 76ers 95 Washington Bullets cruised to their most lopsided victory in two seasons Wednesday night, getting 26 points and 10 assists from Robert Pack in a 127-9rout of the Philadelphia 76ers. Nets 90, Hornets 79 EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ. (AP) Utah Intercollegiate Assembly Applications and info available in ASUU office. 5 - Kevin Edwards scored 14 of his 21 in the third points quarter Wednesday night to help the New Jersey Nets deficit and defeat overcome a the Charlote Hornets 90-7Rockets 96, Raptors 93 Robert TORONTO (AP) lifthe buzzer shot at Horry's 14-poi- - the Houston Rockets to a victory over the expansion Toronto Raptors on Wednesday night. ted 96-9- 3 33 lU)fi!)llft!) 5)5lg) tfm iInv U. of U. NIGHT with the It a I We've studied lots of research on career enhancement and job success. You might employ what we've uncovered. the hair. And yeah, When you interview right, polish your shoes...people notice. Nearly 80 of executives agree that shined shoes are very important to your success. Nov 17 Another way to get an edge on success is through volunteering. Over 70 of students in a recent survey said they had gained valuable life experience doing community service. (And employers like it on your resume.) j SURF OUT TO THE KIWICARE NETWORK Union Building on November i6th' or contact http:wvrw.KIWICARE.Cuni. For info on fashion, shoe care, interviewing skills, resume writing, volunteer service and more. From Kiwi Brands the shoe care people who care about all the stuff that makes success - NOW, KEEP STEPPIN' Jonathan Reyes Sarah Speck ST PS J.., THE SWTHAT HAKES Ls SUCCESS CHU) CAKE in my home, 1 yr. old, ohemoons, no weekends, 10-1- 5 hrswk. md weekly, inference. Closeto Ratable, mporaible & experienced. own IraraporMion. 1122 Flexible hours. 463-192- V. PXCMDCARE omyrr3anerwomvtoerjrelor 2 vnal boys. Musi have own IromporMion. Reliable, 1 1122 . $5hr. Kote 582-94- l T I SYSTEMS E DISCLAIMER m00v(5dc)TUelau(iaddeadUiirnon,2 days prior to pubfcatiorv Classified cxfvertisernerih wil not r. l I J e i k. "w"i j pnono, w jr me .jv p.m. wunwnjr. or oner m:w iw information about destined to keeping wwwuos aeiiie io run nan u aovennem a, you hove any proof or evidence to corwary, please cal ooJ tie office ARE YOU A REAL GAMING NUT YOU. FREE FOOD and Ask tor Peter!. we're baking (or Cal 261 1024 x252. Then "'" U RAM, 486DX2, 4 drives, CD, FoVModem, (or you! $13751offcr. Net, 15" Crystal, ready to work H21 1 (w ) 8M880 monitor, keyboard, loaded MAONTOSH I Poaemaker, Freehand, Pfiotoshop, wilt Quark ($4,000 value) only Microphone, Excel, Word, Draw. last. 1122 $1,900 col 273 7707. Won't GATEWAY Wonvi MO far your ear, tuck, van.. Runt or not. 1ft worth yourime to col. 128 CARS FOR $1001 Trucks, boob, 4wheelen, rnotorhornes, furniture, electronics, cornputert, etc. by FBI, RS, DEA. Available your oreo now. Cal ext. ISUSU AMIGO 2WD, $4,200obo. Col blue wild hard top. ttlo ft CtEAN 1981 MERCURY COUGAR 2door. V8, Auto., titer, AC, PS-Pcrvist, eMelent condition, fereo system, equaliter, new ires. Runt great $4,200. fafewborAccjl72-4771- , I movw, gel FOR RENT bdrm. 651 lake St. (740 EJ oJmcoiOK, $575 $400 decosit. '92 ! SUZUKI Exeelent MPG. SWVT buy at $3790. ll7 Tint, nice stereo. 1596 WtmiMSU CHARADE 2 dear hchfaoaV FWD. Very dean, no dents or rust; fngh meet but excelent erjnsporta' on1122 $1,700. 277 2432 leave message. I?!?. reliable, Col EXPf WNQD, LOVING, M per hour. Pickup 1 eves Cpced.garboMrJrj-posa- 2 large bedroomt ol 863 E. up.Close to U. No pels, woterbods. '''7 . J 3 IEDROOM APt No stnokjnq, no drugs, no drunks, no mJudtd. 1068 Norm Place. Cal wtrfirie pets. $550mo. or evetweekends col Dofe than large 1 lbedroom apartment, $450 No oge. utilities paid, laundry room &eal(orcoupWor2room SUCARHOUSE H'? ZSg. responsible inoWuol needed (or . occasional babysitting evenings and weekends tor 596-30- iOO $ $440 up. fake dinner (or family eurttototion, M 710 em $420-48- i n'17 CHILD CARE WANTED FUN JOB FOR THE RIGHT STUDENTI & supervise 1 1 year old after school, of tour. Mutt be hove own 315-61- AC 1121 D20 tOVEiY "jhas. With tireptoce, great ; No pets. $400mo includes utilities. Cred ' 463-1121 292. Cal Sou. IASEMENT mTf nahbwhood. STUDIO 30 with locks. 1116 596-265- 2 ICR. API Near NEEDED to 1 2 utilities. ROOMMATE $266mo. JEWELRY PRICES III DON'T PAY RETAR. large selection of ckarnorids, bridal sett. cverytSmg wholeDiamond. Col tor usjuueilment sale) Rocky Mountain 81496 MtUANT DIAMOND appraisal papers. WJ sel (or $900. at $2,000. 40. ROUND grade, witS LOST & FOUND: Kabuki tolockondcfon. of very high quality ft VS I. Appraised 1117 FOUND Describe in detail, produce key 9690 367. 120 MUSIC CLASSKAl GUITAR ft PIANO USSONS. Al ageslevels. Studio near Cal Hona or Michael Luccoret V. m CATHFJuNE ARE YOU AT HENDERSON "U7 1117 so, col If 1117 or 561 7041 . rVE FAUEN ft I CAN7 GET UP FrnwA Jirrtny Hoffo. Cal 1122 rw to Argentina. J W. Christian or Dove ot 1120 no 15 utilities. f f V V 1896 SERVICES Best rates and coverage! FufhOsUofU requirements. As tow as: $32 single, $62 couple, $92 tom128 tV Col Back to o busy schedule! Moke your IACKTOSCHOOU kfe simpler witi Tupperware. Try our fceeiermutss to make oheod and store mead. We nave a whole line of new microwave cookware and reheotoblet tor quick, isutritious meals. Cal tor o free microwave cooking dast demonst-a-tio- n . or to place any site order, Denise 128 GETTIMG MAWUEO? 500 onrouncemenrs tor only $215. Cal Becky Rumheld at legacy Announcemenrs, HEALTH INSURANCE. 128 CASH FOR COLLEGE. 900,000 pyorihovoOoUe. ever. Qualify immeoMy. NOT? Norepoy-menl- Socialist Green Parly. peaceenvironmental Ti 972 3902. mony, equolir, common ownership. HOUSE-MAT- Suaorhouteoreo t TYPING edited, COMPOSED, WORDS HrOFESSOKtAUY processed, laser printed, Irorucribed (cassette), scanned. Fermats: APA, lurabion, Compbel. Theses, dissertations, resumes, papers. Programs: W.P. 6.0, W.R 51, Microsoft Word. Graphics: Auto Cad, Harvard. Free pickup and 1596 delivery Carolyn, FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits word processes dissertations, manuscripts, resumes with dass and distinction. . Foreigngraduate students welcome Winslow's, 128 WORD PROCESSING WordPerfect 5.1), loser pnnler. ofso typing. Can check speling, grammar, references (APA, 1 iirabwn), editing. Mrs. Nefey, Professional IT graduate TYPING. OVERNIGHT Extremely accurate Transcriptions, essays, resumes, tSesis, 128 etc. $1.50pg,cpgs$) 25 Soro AAW, 33 YEARS EXPERIENCE, no rob loo smoll, reasonable rates, Fax, loser Printing, Class Assignments, Manuscripts, PersonalFamily Histories, Transcriptions, Resumes, Thesis, Dissertation, APA literate, close to campus. 583-- 323. 1 WP 6. 1, 5.1, laser, fax, tranTYPING PIUS CAUJGRAPHY. scriptions. Hand lettering far envelopes, certificates, treasured writings. Excellent references. Barbara 28 128 WORD SERVICE, fast and accurate Word processing, transcription, composition, editing, etc. WordPerfect 5.1 low 128 printer. Phone or fox Jeonie, TYPING StudentsBusinesses Resumes, oppfaotiom, term WP5.1, loser, $1.25page. $4 minimum. Sandi, 4673694 fOR COUfG? Funds go unused every vear. Computer Resources of Utah con help you. 963 3749 (28 BEEN THNKkNG ABOUT GETnNG AN HV TEST? Doit now! Pick up tie phone ft cal tie U of U Student Health Service tor confidential HTV ooumeling ft testing offered to students, faculty ft ttoff ft lieir partners. Formoreinfa.orto 1130 tclvJleonorjpcitment,ecJS8l-6431- . KOTOND We buy 4 sel belter used cMdren't products Cal far an appomlrnerit, 273 0282. located at 1984 E, NEED MONEY LEARN MORE about how you can volunteer and Bonn ion Center orientation, make a difference. Wednesdays, 1 2:30 to 1:00pm in tiSeBennion Center. Cal COME 128 1) Brigete Alan for more information (581-48VOLUNTEERS DESRING TO BE A POSTTM NEEDED: INFLUENCE to ihe kves of homeless children. Volunteer in children's pbyroom ot lie Traveler'! Aid Family Shelter. Make a dfksrence. Mony time slols cMoiloble. Contact Scot Somuehon ot ihe Benmon Center. 1119 t needed to be members of tot UNIVERSITY VOLUNTEERS Mayor's Youl) Volunteer Council as a school coordinator. For more mkxmotion. plwose col Mooonoe Monion or Don WornerollfwBennion 1120 Center, 581 4811. 1116 TtETH BUACWNO 50 Ken Mart. 273 8829. off wi enam ft cleaning. Col Dr. 128 WANTED STUDENT 15-2- TRAVEL 128 FOR SALE: 11 45am. $525 One way ticket to Hartford, CT Nov. 20tS, CalleAnnot466 6985,DeitoAirlinMll17 shared utilities, WANTED $250 486 5843 or 801 8257292 1116 a LIBRARY theW hn wk. openings: hof 128 ; VOLUNTEER OPPORIUNmES 81496 A CEUUIAR PHONE or pager but ore ofraid of ihe price? Do you already hove eclukjr service lal you wish were less expenswe? Gaeenson't CeMar (A division of Choice CelUarl can help! Jomot Taylor, ocjert ROOMMATES FEMALE Discount will not be available at the dooi I visit WANT FtDERAUST NATIONALIST API i, 125 New lights, new tubes. V POLITICAL PARTIES i 3 28 1121 2 7 9 READY TO FIND THE PERSON WHEN YOU'RE you've been looking tor, cal Ihe premier singU (no to IJtoh, Social Introductions, ot Ifoulget your own prf vote voice moJbox and direct cal Iransler connections to IS SIC metro area. within The cal it (roe people you hear. 9 utilities, shore 3 bdrm. house dose to U. II 21 Cal 521 8410. $300, 10 mis $25 00. GOO FRAUD: team 101 ways to crenl the lord! Sneak into ooa wn yjtn via Mu. w turn w treei $310 pkit Clean, responsible, Close to Unweroty Garden, smolungpebdrugs. $165mo. 1996 PERSONAL University. WANTED: ROOMMATE DIAMONDS: 1116 mature resaonubie Grod. Student. 12 block to "IT. Fireplace, yorcf, private bedroom and carport. No smoke. $230mo. 1116 13 utilities. SEEK ANOTHER SHARE ICol Col WOOD SIDE APTS. M.,7am-12p.m.581-o5l5- Only one year old. $200. frat vouied 3 ROOMS FOR RENT 13 E. 33rd S. New house, kitchen ft laundry privileges, pool, $300, $350 wrth own both KSiut dhelei. 1116 $3350mo WHY 1 SHARP i responsible, Bike & ski SST RACKS YAMAHA ENTERTAINMENT UeVts utrtvi TkAVnrr FRttMOVK Rrt Thurs. 4MEoSouTemple 1117 - '89 dean. t390, furniihed36TUnlum. DINING OF 1EIANON RESTAURANT Vegrforian and off witS U of UP. Bourmet eeekend wiesrlrjinmenl.. 10 128 152 E. 200 S. CEDARS TOP DOLLAR at59o-363- roombe, cable. One, 325-78- or 35 n ROOM fOR KMT Hobday. rWe Krfchenlaundry privekgei. Spacious. 1122 325-78- prior to N'ovcmhcr 17 FEMALE ROOMMATE lo shore 2 bedroom aportment Beckouin wHh patio ft yard. liberty Fk. area home. mdudet utibties. No smokers or pets Kindro a imnieuVxely, putcliad 2 BED APT. NearU. No smcitogpett. $500mo, $250cfeposil. 133S.900E. Utilities separate. 5380233. CLEAN, Direct. Desktop Computers - Wholesale Pentiums, Custom built. Discount wHh U of U id. 9orn-9pAsk tor Jason. Wei beat retail prices!!) - 128 NOTia - The Chronicle reserves tvj right to deny or edit classified cxWtisomono, on tSe basis of good taste and Rates or as toXowr words $3.75doy, 0 words $6.25day, $15.00week(5 days) Tickets mini Ik FOR SALE COMPUTERS laptop 7:00 pm Receive a 50 discount on tickets. Tickets will be available at the On the Internet-- at E TV CARE ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING RIGHT lojlllll ( ni"77i irr Hockey Club YOUR APPEARANCE O CARE ABOUT - dress do LTHE i i ASSISTANTS 10-2- wanted to law library 2 hrtwk and ProtedsMoinienonce, Flexible hours, work study preferred Cal lee or Joan 581 6594 1116 MODElACTOR TYPES Needed far films, TV Commercials; not o (Experience Catalogues, Print ads. Music Videos. 128 must.) GREAT RATES. |