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Show Hie Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Sixteen Thursday, January 16, 1992 IBM COMPATIBLE LAPTOP COMPUTER 386 SX 16, 40 meg H D, buL. diMger, case $1450 4X5-73after I pm 123 Chrom COMPUTERS aoftware. mac-Plu- s, before 4 HD. Stytewracr D printer, lots of am after 6pm. $650. 123 PERSONAL Classifieds HI GUY'S! WANT TO LOOK GOOD? iota satisfied people for the best $7 haircut around. Long, short, olden, modem. If you can explain it, I can cut it, Barney's 2480 So. 1 313 Mam MloF. IQton. medical referrals. Call Pregnancy Resource Center 24 hours. DISCLAIMER NOTICE - The Chronicle reserve the nght to deny or edit classified advertisements oa the basis of good taste and words $3.00day , propriety. Rates are as follows: 0 words SS.OOday. S20.(XVweek. The $12.00week.. classified ad deadline is 12 Moa prior to the date the ad is to run. Classified advertisements will Ml be taken after 4:00 workdays. For information about classified ads call In keeping with the Chronicle's desire to run honest advertisements, if you have any proof or evidence to the contrary, please call the office immediately. pm AUTOMOTIVE '7 FORD 79obo BRONCO full size 66.000 miles, AT. AC II0 3 3 313 RALLY FOR WOMEN'S LIVES. January 25th, noon at ce State Capitol. Planned Parenthood needs g volunteers to organize rally, phone banking A parties. January 14. 15. 16, 21. 22. A 23rd at PPAU. 654 S. 900 E Bring your friends. Call 532-- 1 586lo arrange hrne. 120 PREGNANT? Loving family wishes to adopt female child, 9 infant to 2 yrv, CaucasianHispanic, legal, expenses paid 2 after 5 pm. AVALANCHE WORKSHOP: Wed.. Jan ISth 7 PM. EMCB 104. No charge. Mere information call OJtRJ. 115 e RECREATION Hiring Rxrcaoon leaders from am, 1 am to I pm, and 6 pm, Monday-Frida- y working with children ages $4.83 per nr. Must be 21 with a valid driver's license. Apply at East Milkreek Recreation Center -2230 E. Evergreen Ave.. Equal Opportunity 124 '71 PLYMOUTH VALIANT Employer Dependable, SPECIAL OLYMPICS GAMES DIRECTOR NEEDED! Application, consisting of letter of intent A summary of similar experience, needs to be made by Jaa 17. To apply, or for more info, contact Irene Fisher at the Bcmion Center at I7 381811 negotiable CYL. starter. Looks, runs good. $550 115 0 Ht DAYTON A Tl KBO-- Z Front wheel drive Mops, power windows - Excellent VWXVoffer (364-4- 9 14, 115 '81 DIESEL RABBIT Great in snow. New battery, tires. Mike Siaxyoho 484-16II5 88 HONDA CRX H F 44,000 miles. $4700. Call Luke 6 1I7 MERCURY TRACER 4 dr., low miles, asking $7800. 0 Call or 594-411I7 1 1985 HONDA CIVIC runs great, good cond., stereo, status 2 l2l symbol! $2100 1987 SUZUKI SAMURAI JX 4 WD. soft lop. red. 60.000 2 121 miles. 5 spd. clean. AMFM cass $3500obo 1979 FORD GRANADA 8 cylinders, radio, dependable , 8 runs well, good tires, $600. Call Gary l22 '84 VW JETTA, 4 door, silver, air, 67.000 miles. $3300or best offer. Looks great runs great. 122 DID YOU FLUNK MATH 105-- LAST QUARTER? The average class grade was a "D." Comments may be directed to the Math Dept. at 1 117 OUT WITH THE OLD, In with the new! Get your new undies at Intimately Yours red hot clearance sale - up to 50 7 off. Cottonwood Mall 2nd level 122 RELATIONSHIP WOES? Consider joining the Exploring Intimacy Group at the Women's Resource Center to get some new perspectives. Call 58 8030 for more information. 116 Co. in the 3 details Sorpresa...3de cada 4 personas que presentan una declaration de impuestos reciben un reembolso. Es probable que usted sea una de ellas. iAsi que cuanto mas pronto envie su declaration de impuestos, mas pronto recibira su dinero! . INTERESTED IN RUNNING FOR THE ASSEMBLY? Run with Passport '92. Call 483-- 1 162 for info. l23 A PART OF IT! DONT JUST GO TO COLLEGE-B- E Go Greek and make the most of your college life. Sororities will be inviting students to become new members. Stop by and talk with University Greek Women at the table in the Union and have a cup of chocotate.Today from 10:30--1 :30. 1I6 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THIS SATURDAY ONLY! Free one day. Top, Inc. 500 Company seminar at Marriott Hotel. How to be a part of the growth industry today. Call Mr. Barlow for 117 REAL ESTATE GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U repair). Delinquent 0 Your area (1) 805 tax property. Repossessions. 7 for current repo list Ext GH-9- 7 24 ROOMMATES DINING RUTH'S DINER WINTER SPECIAL!!! All you can eat spaghetti w garlic bread. $4.95 P.M. 24 Un Service Publico EDITING SHARE 2 BDRM APT. M or F $200 no lease, own bath, at 350 E 700 S. utilities, no deposit, leave message l21 ACCEPTING 20 NEW PEOPLE! 1991 accounts, to $445 day! Talent, extras, fashion. No experience 23 5 FOR US SKI TEAM 5 124 FEMALE TO SHARE WSAME WD, no smoking. 934 S. 500 E. $142.50mo 12 utilities. $75. deposit leave message 122 TELEPHONE FOR RENT LARGE 3 BEDROOM HOME Walk to U. $675mo. $375 0 121 deposit. 1 393 E Butler Avenue. GREAT VIEW fireplace, WD, dishwasher, micro, close to 3 U. $225 utilities. 3 yr. old every other week 122 help. Apply ROOM FOR RENT Furnished, kitchen, bath, super clean. near U of U. $170mo. 521 5219 l24 DEPENDABLE LDS ROOMMATE WANTED for 2 bedroom furnished townhouse. $175mo 12 utilities. No 4 123 smokingalcohol CHECKRITE IS LOOKING for people to call businesses, part time afternoons. $5 per hr. plus commission. Fill out applications weekdays pm 7050 Union Park Center, Suite 650, Please no phone calls ll 5 SERVICE RECREATION LEADER Early mornings working with in a Before School Program. 10-1-5 children ages 2 hrs. per week. Must be 21 and drive. $4.83hr. Call Teresa 3 115 3 ROOM STUDIO IN LARGE HOUSE. Kitchen privileges, elegantly furnished. Easily accomodates 2. leave message $600mo. Walk to U. BDRM APT. w laundry facilities, new carpet & paint 117 $325mo. Banner Properties 1 FUSSY ABOUT .CLEAN? Check out our apartments: 933 E. 300 S I bdrm 328-10- 1 0 1; 752 E. 800 S Top 210 quality. ART STUDIOS Beautiful building, low rent, free life ' 5 117 modeling sessions, serious artists only! 2 BDRM HOUSE FOR RENT 408 E. 600 S. Hook-up$400 rent, $400 deposit 2- - I bdrm duplexes for rent is $275, utilities included at 2027 12 Richards St. 55 W. 2 is $275 rent, utilities not included. Both $275 deposit. Call to 12I arrange walk thru. BDRM BSMT APT. near U on bus routes. $225mo (incl. utilities A laundry) Call Kathleen 9 123 1 STUDIO, SECURITY BLDG. $290. parking I block from U. Free 123 7 FOR SALE GAIA Celebrating the Spirit of Mother Earth. Offering a wide variety of Grateful Dead, Environmental, & Peace: bumperstickers, incense, buttons, posters. Earth flags, jewelry and artwork. 24 E. 300 S. Open Sundays 532-- 2 2 117 MASS COMM LAW TEXTBOOK Good condition. Only $25. Leave message at 298-08II0 DIAMONDS: GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN UTAH! Large selection, high quality. Bridal sets, wedding bands, diamond earrings, quality pearls, tennis bracelets, certified appraisals available. Everything wholesale! Rocky Mountain Diamond Co. COUCH $100 Couch 63 8 bed $200. waterbed $200., hot 4 tub $2300, drumset $200 or best offer. Call Jay (W), 5 (H) l15 Hide-- a comp. 204's Salomon 957 E Bindings, ' 115 3 barely touched. $300 obo BLACK SIMMONS DRUMS, electric octapod. stands, cymbals, amp, rack. Excellent condition. Chris SKIIS, 11 message QUEEN SIZE FLOTATION Great shape. $100. Call Dave WATERBED w frame. 117 VCR REPAIR Free estimates. Cheap rates. Free pickup A 0 31 3 delivery. Work guaranteed 90 days Dan LEGAL HELP FOR THE STUDENT BUDGET Divorces, debt, etc. Tineke van Dijk, Atty. STUDY 24 1 WORKSHOPS. SKILLSRESUME-WRITIN- Ages instructor. February, College-lev- March. Call 1I7 ACTING CLASSES on Saturdays at Grand hall Gallery Theatre 72 12 West 400 South. Beginning: 10:00 am. Intermediate: 2:00 pm. Call Donna Todd lmprov: 4:00 pm. Call . 363-22- mT d SKI BETTER with skis. Professional edge for only $9.95 5 yrs. pro shop sharpen and hot-wa- x experience. My work is guaranteed. Call Johnny Flexible, e possible day shift, hours, great for student 680 E 100 S. :jI la 116 FREE ROOM AND BOARD for female to help me with my six yr. old daughter a few nights a week. 8 124 POSITION VACANT FOR IMMEDIATE START Flexible hours, part time, start $Shr. 116 485-16- SUMMER JOBS OUTDOORS! National parks, forests, fire crews. Over 9,000 openings! Send stamp for free details. Sullivan's 1 3 East Wyoming. Kalispell, MT 59901 27 DAYTIME DRIVERS NEEDED. Call Girthers Restaurant TYPING WORD PROCESSING, TYPING. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian, Campbell), editing. Mrs. Nelley, 4674320 3l3 WORD SERVICE All types. Fast A accurate wordprocessing, transcription, composition, editing, etc. 4 Jeanie 313 117 1 BABYSITTER NEEDED for 2 children Aves. home, 1 4 weekend night occasional weekday. Must have car. 127 WORKSTUDY Papers, reports, manuscripts, resumes, cassette transcription, etc., ' WP5.1. laser. Helen 484--1 100, 313 PART-TIM- STUDENT needed at Law 117 E Library. Lee receptionist position open at the Museum of t, Fine Arts. 45 WPM, and telephone skills 117 required. Afternoons. Please call Helen 58 7049 WORK-STUD- andor TEACHER, CERTIFIED M-Sylvan Learning Center of Bountiful 3:30-7:3- 0 121 adults. Part time, evenings, weekends; AD SALES-RE- P FOR THE TOWER THEATRE'S PREVUE MAGAZINE 25 commission. Sales experience 5 and transportation requested. Call Greg (3:30-6:3at 2 years college plus experience. Columbus 7 121 Center, 2530 S. 500 E $7.09hour; Community lis ita Ita eta (ta T HELP AN ELDERLY PERSON out this weekend Join the Bennion Center monthly elderly project in cleaning houses this Saturday, Jan. 18. Meet at the Bennion Center at 8:30 am. 1 for more info. Contact Daren at 581-4117 CONTACTS IN MEXICO OR CANADA? International Health, Fitness A Nutrition Company is currently expanding into these markets. Your contacts can be worth a fortune! Call 1 115 TELEMARKETING Certificate booklets for Search A Rescue $I0-$1- 5 hr.commission. Delivery also. lI7 Utttt MAKE GOOD MONEY OVER THE PHONE without selling! Up to $7hr. Conduct interesting public opinion evewknd shifts in our Murray office. 485-00surveys. COOK vegetarianMacrobiotic family evening meal, wekdays 4 to 6 pm, $5per hr. Close to U. 0 117 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Overnight Word Processing of all 1 papers, editing. 10 yrs. legal experience, $1.00 DS page 313 WORDS EXPRESS Quality overnight word processing. 25 313 years experience. HP Laser 111 printing. 485-57- 8 Get the most for your car insurance dollar. 52 MACINTOSH PLUS, 2.5 Meg Ram. 20 meg HD keyboard, 7 122 mouse, tons of software! ! ! ! $700 364-- 9 CASH FOR MEN'S motorcycle jackets $ street leathers $ 501 jeans $ western, motorcycle, lace-u- p boots $ p sneaks 5 $ top brands dress shoes $ 313 $ Men's ONLY. DORM CONTRACTS FOR SALE. Free deposit, male or female. Call 585-19- 24 123 Details. Call ( ) 805 HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed. $35,000 potential. 0 ext 46 rT75 Jan1tHMM 331 . 1300 1. ftI flodl smtoo 1 s SPECIAL OLYMPICS GAMES DIRECTOR NEEDED! Application, consisting of letter of intent A summary of similar experience, needs to be made by Jan. 17. To apply or for more inso, contact Irene Fisher at the Bennion Center at 117 FAST FUND RAISING PROGRAM Fraternities, sororities, student clubs. Earn up to $1000 in one week. Plus receive a $1000 bonus yourself. And a FREE WATCH just for calling Ext 65 115 SWIFTY'S RESTAURANT is looking for e positions. Close to U. at dependable people to fill 4th S. A 5th E Must be able to work SOME weekays, noon to 6 2:30. Flexible hours, free meals. John, Russ or Peery. JYJ GLACIER NATIONAL PARK, MONTANA Have the best summer of your life by joining the team rated tops in providing the best of Western hospitality to Glacier Park visitors! 1992 Summer applications now being accepted for the following positions: Bar, Restaurant, Kitchen staffs. Desk Clerks, Salespeople, Store Clerks, Office, Service Station, Housekeeping, and maintenance Personnel. Interviews will be held on campus Feb. 12 A 13. Write to St Mary Lodge A Resort, P.O. Box 1808 Sun Valley, ID 83353 for an 123 application. DO YOU EVER GET THE IMPRESSION THAT nobody carts what you have to say about the U? Or maybe you have an experience where somebody actually listened. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Call 468-6- 2 1 3 123 CLOSE TO WU It LUBE, OIL & FILTER CHANGE $16.95 FRONT END ALIGNMENT (most cars) $18.95 SNOW TIRE CHANGEOVER (mount & balance 2 snow tires) $14.95 ANTIFREEZE CHANGE (drain, flush & change antifreeze) $21.95 STANLEY H. KAPLAN Take Kaplan Call me, I'll show you why Or Take Your Chances CALL Allstate Is a baiter value WANTED ita WRITER to contribute articles for software company newsletter. Need Macintosh andor IBM compat emphasis. Good compensation. Call Dave McCoy at 0. 12J SUPPORT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! If you like organizing, planning and following through, join our outreach committee. Great learning and service opportunity. Contact 1 Lori at the Bennion Center at 581-4122 COMPUTER-SMAR- 117 TYPINGWORD PROCESSING CHILD CARE NEEDED in my home: near 3 117 E U. Refs required. handicapped 8 after 2 pm. to help w my 4 yr. old some eve A wkends. 1 A ref. req. 9 (H), 328-02(W) 117 INSTRUCTOR for group home serving mentally 115 SKOOL LUNCH DELI NEEDS YOU. Call Cal at FREE RENT Transportation PART-TIM- w FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, word processes dissertations, manuscripts, resumes. Foreigngraduate students welcome. Specialize in Mid-Ea0 studies. 31 3 DORM CONTRACT Any hall, Male or Female. Bonus. 121 WAITSTAFF POSITIONS Night 115 important service. Volunteers are needed for the Bennion Center's Literacy Action Project Dedicated volunteers who want to "make a lasting impression." Contact Renee at 117 ALPHA OMEGA English M.A., teacher. Typing 95 cents 313 page. Corrections free. Also resumes. 268-- 1 149 5739. leave message 321 S. Main IF YOU ARE READING THIS, you can perform an 224 Imagewriter II 121 M-- 210 1 TYPING OF REPORTS, THESES, DISSERTATIONS by former English & word processing instructor. Desktop 130 Publishing. Transcribe tapes. APPLE IIC, extra disk drive, color monitor, 7 printer, software package or separate, SUSHI OF ASAKUSA is hiring cashier, servers, kitchen DISCOUNT LEGAL SERVICES for University of Utah students. John K. Morrison. Attorney USED SKI SALE - DEMOS AND RENTALS Rosi, Pre, K-- 2 -, with bindings $75-18complete ski packages Some like new. Hundreds to choose from 601 S. main, SLC 9 bonus. LEARN TO FLY Competitive rates, immaculate aircraft. Contact Brad or Donna at Westflighl Aviation 4 210 FUTON SOFABED w frame. Queen. Excellent condition. 6 $300 obo 117 7 FUNDRAISERS eves, 409 PM $5. hour DATA COLLECTORS: Now taking applications for people to collect data over the phone. New computer system makes your job easy. No sales, no commissions. Ask short questions on politics, social and current affairs. S5hr 355-93116 27 leave message. RESUMES, PAPERS, THESIS, WORD PERFECT, Wordstar, notary, fax, laser, transcription, business. Fast A 5 reliable 212 Josh 52 1 I de esta Pubdcacion y del ROOMMATE WANTED Non smoker, 2 bdrm. apt close to U. $200 utilities. Call leave message. 1213 for a C 6--7 quadraplegic. ROOMMATEATTENDANT Two bedroom condo in Murray. Call for details, 24 WE EDIT SCHOLARLY textbooks & dissertations for 0 313 logic, style & continuity. Winslow's heat A hot water, IW it PREGNANT? Free services: Pregnancy tests, counseling, NOW: 363-444- 4 For other locations call Gs EOS fiftHD oBs T asiterlL 0iji)(-i&D((fiH- D i IHL 1 ft BQP eWi 08 ffifcmEe Ga? m-i- m j im BQaaiE 6 X |