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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Friday. December 7, 1990 Fourteen Arifwiiis no deterrent to artistry of U. instructor life gathered from multi-facete- d experience. He extracts archetypal By Emily M. Cannon Chronicle Art Critic Prepare yourself to view one of the art department's most significant shows. "Life Is Not Picture Perfect" is a raw translation of spirit, an exorcism executed primarily for artist Bob Barnes himself. Barnes' etchings and paintings parallel poems; each element a powerful phrase contributing to a full integration of message. Common elements are threaded "Life's Fitful Fever," and other etchings and paintings by Bob Barnes will be on display at the Alvin Gittin's Gallery in the Fine Arts building through the end of December. throughout the works; universal symbols that become personal to the artist. Dogs, demons, crosses, genitalia, bar scenes, baby dolls, bears, buxom women and beds surface repetitively in the impressive collection of over 30 works. The themes are carefully interwoven to create a rich tapestry of experience, a sort of novel 3-- D Applications from minority students who wish to participate in the celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday, at the 5th Annual National College and University Student Conference at the King Center in Atlanta, Georgia, January 17-21991, are now being accepted. Students must have a better than 2.5 GPA and must be actively involved in student leadership activities. Applications are available at CESA-31- 8 Carlson Hall. Union Bldg. and Ethnic Studies-11- 2 deadline December is 14, 1990. Friday, Applications IN TURN APPLICATIONS TO Ethnic Studies, 112 Carlson Hall. 1, that tells of stories dark, deep human emotion and cavernous pain, born from war experience and countless hours passed in hospital beds. Barnes displays a high level of compassion and understanding experience drawn from literature as a personal parallel to his own relationships. Memories of Les Miserables fade in and out of my mind as I view some of the images. "Baron of Beef" is a powerful etching, featuring a young, muscular male seated on a barstool. He has holes for eyes, and there is a woman with legs subtly spread, facing him. Two couples are present in the bar, and, although they are touching, the central character is disengaged from any physical contact, as he is throughout the pieces. An untitled painting seems to relive this scene, except this time, the woman in front of him is a young girl being presented to him by her mother. The embracing couple sits to the side, and the man sits isolated on his bar ever-prese- nt stool. "Unrequited Lust" presents another bar scene in a painting, with a woman posing on a table top as two old men ogle her. The kissing couple sits in the background next demon. Only the demon's face and the woman's dress are painted with a shiny gloss. to-- a green-face- d In "Old," there are six circus-lik- e characters, bent, broken and distorted. They all have empty eyes and an osteoporitic stance. One figure is in contrast to the rest; it is a young gangly priest with perfect toes and a relatively symmetrical body. He holds the Bible in his young hands. In the etching, "Life's fitful fever," creatures dance in a mountain cabin. A discarded bottle lays empty on the floor, and a gutted deer hangs from a hook on the wall. The image feels celebratory and melodious. In the process of recovering from numerous arthritis-relate- Barnes has created therapeutic for himself in situations environments not necessarily conducive to healing. He sets up a studio wherever he may be, regardless of hospital rules. Each work seems to be a prayer, a catharsis, and in exposing his personal trauma, he makes himself vulnerable to the viewer. In turn, the viewer becomes vulnerable to the excrutiatingly Art department is open Monday through Friday 5 p.m the show will continue through Dec. 28. 8-- roiroimentvou on your (horn POISED TO BECOME THIS YEAR'S 'A FISH CALLED WANDA!'" - Michael REPORTER Rechtstuffen. HOLLYWOOD M "WICKEDLY FUNNY! THE VISUAL HOKUM OF 'MONTY PYTHON!' THE RIBALD SLAPSTICK OF 'BENNY HILL!" - Rick Groen, THE GLOBE AND MAIL "OUTLANDISH, OUTRAGEOUS!" Robert Stidtnbtrg, -- FILM AMERICAN vm iimi)iijiiv g mi Directed by MEL SMITH mi ZSS.PgP Exclusive! HToday9 35at . Area ZJHEDKSO H 5th South 7th East at CINEPLEX ODEON 10 & Engagement i 521-818- 1 1 Oat 5- - Mill 1:00 3:15 5:10) 7:45i 9:35 ATTENTION STUDENTS Hospital is accepting applications for a Medical Records Analyst to work graveyard shift on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturdays. Responsibilities will include providing night departmental coverage and processing incoming LDS dictation. The successful candidate must have at least 1 year of office experience, preferably in a medicalhealth care environment. Save now on select color Macintosh spems. Now through January 5, 1991 , take advantage of special savings when you buy a Macintosh Ilsi, Macintosh Ilci, or Macintosh LTfx computer and an AppleColor'" High-Resoluti- on RGB Monitor Whether you choose the new Macintosh Ilsi, Apple's latest powerful, affordable system. Or the Macintosh Dei, known for its high performance and expandability. Or the maximum-performan- ce Macintosh LDS Hospital HUMAN RESOURCES 8th Avenue "C Street Salt lake City, Ut 84143 (801)321-186- 1 For additional job openings call our job line 24 hours a day! 321-133- 3 Equal Opportunity Employer MFHV with its virtually unlimited expandability. You'll be getting a system of lasting value. Not to mention special savings when you buy your with the RGB Monitor. system AppleColor High-Resoluti- you are interested in applying for this position, please respond by December 12, 1990 to: If LTfx, on Hurry in today for a closer look at these Macintosh II systems. You'll praise their value, and we'll compliment you on your choice with special savings. No matter which system you choose. For more information visit or call the University Bookstore oooeeeeoee oooooooooo Ofef good October 581-477- 15, 1990 honest expressions. The Alvin Gittins Gallery in the We'd like to "K COMIC MASTERPIECE! d operations over the past eight years, 6 through January 5, 1991. Offer void where prohixtd by law |