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Show Friday, December 7. 1990 The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Three ,' he said. Garriott said that a student at the U. can get a Harvard University education if the student works for it. "I think you can get out of it what you put into it." Andrew Cooley, ASUU chair of the Academic Affairs board, said that the problem is not necessarily that you can't get a good education, but you "try to get into a class." long-run- budget from page one tax base, Memmott added. The solution to most social problems over a long-terperiod in a particular state can come from m the devotion of legislative attention to strengthening education, Wunderli said. r, "If you're going to budget like Utah, only covering the major problem of the state for year-to-yea- that year, then you're always going to have a major problem," he explained. If the state is willing to devote to money and resources developing a strong educational program in the state, most social will be resolved in the ()roblems Wunderli added. "It's really a matter for the citizens of the state to decide to go without certain things now, in order to solve the problem in the AND TOUCHSTONE PICTURES L'OREAL A Comedy Fromthe PRESENT A SPECIAL FREE PREVIEW SHOWING Director of uDld Poets Society" The Students are constantly being turned away from certain classes because the courses fill up so story of two people x who quickly, Cooley said. Some of the major campus concerns expressed by U. students have been over the library system, the quality of teaching, and tuition got married, met and then fell in love. increases, Cooley said. U. students are concerned that the Marriott Library is closed when they need it the most, that quality teaching at the U. is going unrewarded and that tuition increases are sometimes uncomfortable, he explained. HAMMOND COMPUTER INC BREAK SPECIAL !!!! CHRISTMAS U of U GREEN CARD STUDENTS AMD STAFF MPISIS EXCLUSIVE IPG '1 3 286 12 MZH SYSTEM 386-S- $ 2025.00 .29 DPI 40 MEG HARD DRIVE UPGRADEABLE PRINTER PIN COLOR 24 MOUSE, DOS, SOFTWARE & MORE !!!! MAIN ST. (801) 487-666- REGISTER NOW FOR WINTER QUARTER Q INSTITUTE CLASSES THURSDAY 6 -- 10 p.m. "Fuddy Night" Fuddy) snacks, too Institute Lounge & Library Fun (Study 9 p.m. - Midnight FRIDAY Salt Palace Convention Center LDSSA CHRISTMAS FORMAL Band: "Probable Cause" Tickets $13 per couple in advance at institute Live SUNDAY 7 p.m. SYMPHONY HALL Christmas Fireside Elder Neal A Maxwell Council of the twelve LDSSA DECEMBER 14 Park City Annual after Finals Ski Day. Cost will be $21 ski pass. Tickets can be purchased for an at Park City that day from 8:00 a.m. -- 12:00 Noon. ea 319 p.m. - 1a.m. Cottonwood Mall New Year's Eve Dance come, it's going $7 per person tobeRad!! iac i, mm Wll im m '"' luaclii ii fid ML HIM CUTOWDOj Eiuiia vim Picitiiis miiiiimii Tiwctwone, Pictures vis mmiis bis ii mm ini im 6 6 December 13, 1990 Touchstone Pictures 8:00 p.m. Location: Orson Spencer Auditorium l'OREal Date: There is still time to give to the iI campus United Way campaign. Remember LDSSA December lUUIimil 6 jmte info 5 SUiliB ';::r.:If Time: DUAL HIGH DENSITY FLOPPIES 3448 S. HUtf MS STBOWCLT 16 MHZ SYSTEM X $1725.00 COLOR VGA PfliiftL. III! us in your year end giving. The rapist gets off easy. The victim, on the other hand, can be sentenced to a lifetime of living with fear, with guilt, with shame. Where do you go to learn how to live normally again? Where do you go to put the pieces back together? She got help at a Rape Crisis Center. They got help from the United Way. Thank God the United Way got help from you. Your single contribution helps provide therapy for a handicapped child, a warm coat for a homeless man, CPR training for your coworkers, job training for a former drug abuser. Or, in this case, counseling for a rape, victim. A woman who, without your help, would have faced a lifetime of Pay- ing for a crime she didn't commit. United way Let's put the U in the United Way! for information about university's United Way campaign Call 581-758- 3 |