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Show Friday. December 7. 1990 The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Twelve You said you wanted to turn in papers that turn heads. See how we listened. v RAIN ROAD V TRIP! AS v t'.v.cJ u' NliW VRl.KANS ' "1 FOftEST IMPACT Orowlflj, poptil.ttor. of trpotci inS? cmtZTT o4 ' xev' YVAV 'I i TWLMMltere 100 MILES r Do you have - ..,. . an urne tn p A l. fx v Look what you can do on the IBM Personal System2 f And with the preloaded software, including Microsoft Windows 3.0, writing papers is only the beginning. Just point and click the mouse to move text. Create graphics, charts, even spreadsheets, or do other projects like resumes and flyers. Plus, the PS2s and select printers are available at special student prices Print impressive output with the IBM Proprmter, IBM LaserPrinter E or the easy-to-u- t -- ce ...1 Hewlett-ftcka- rd PaintJetcolor graphics printer. And if you buy before December 31, 1990, you'll receive ticket for a 7KS1 Certificate entitling you to a round-tri- p $149$249 Plus a free TWA Getaway8 Student Dis count Card application. You 11 also get a great low price on the PRODIGY service. If you want to start turning heads with your work, there's really only one place to Jjj se turn ... the I BM PS2 . 1 8:00 am - 5 30 nm Tuesday until 7:30 pm M - F I HI I UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY II &AWki ' Saturday Holiday Hours 9:00 am - 5:00 pm BOOKSTORE s UTAH CAMPUS OF This of ter is avaiable only to qualified students, faculty, staff and institutions that purchase EM Selected Academe Solutions through participating campus locations. Orders are subject to availability. Prices are subject to chanoe and IBM withdraw the offer at any time without written notice "Valid for any TWA destination the continental U.S. or Puerto Rico for travel September 16, 1990, through December 19, 1991 at the followma round-triJ? T? farps . . nauy IUUllU-li- trir, IUI UaVei ... . I L I CM tOCH 1IY11 1C tOAO C t 1QQ1 O l ImmCilMMihall! iy, lOOTl 1001 IC rr niArm til l,,n1C ,KI i J i .J, u nuuui I JUii It, I JJ I, eu J IV, IJJ I H uuui i WCVC'iw V iiw 'VI uaTCi uuiic I, vi HSIAJI 1331. OcfllS ciltr. Ilm lefl KflfA IQ nnn.rotl inrlQK a 1 A Haw Httnw 13. inr,4 J. Mw.k wvpitf"Aii blackout dates and certain other restrictions apply Complete details wiM be shown on certificate. Applicants for TWA's Getaway Student Discount Card must be students between the ages of 16-- 26 IBM Personal Svstem2 and P?'? are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. PaintJet is a registered trademark of Hewlett-PackarComDanv TWA is a riistprpri m to. m m i.ia.iii. r ui i ' " ,J icyiotcic nauciiierr ui nano vji ivj iuuiui a IbM PrODnnter s a IraHpmark nf wuimjjcu ly. a (Jdunei bl HU oi lt3M ana bears iwyj vtci International Business Machines Corporation. Windows a trademark of Mcrosoft Corporation. 8M Corporation 1990 r m 'w Ih.KrW.nhwlQ Software to the first 50 buyers! JL mil iura '" FREE m trit nODEL 0S55-U0- 1 80386 (16MHz) Processor 2Mb Memory 60Mb Fixed Disk Drive 3.5" 1.44 Mb Disk Drive Educational Price $2799.00 Special Price 8515 Color Monitor IBM Mouse hDC Windows Utilttfcs ZSofl ScriTyp2 DOS 4.0 f.acroscHWlndOT.--3 3.0 Offer Expires 121590 cu'iSr S ILIf00S?P,1c"b,e mln,mum 9 - Prtc: "ait hounl Subject to chve. Wt accept cTh. tx). Ptyment |