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Show Wednesday, January 11, 1989 -- tuf movie from page eleven Dangerous Liaisons Lorimar Film Entertainment Directed by Stephen Frears Produced by Norma Heyman and Hank Moonjean i - Chronicle - Page Thirteen These two romantic malcontents spend the better part of their lives plotting-revengana deceit Being the idle rich, they had absolutely nothing better to do with their lives than manipulate friends and lovers just for the sport of it, for the Starring Glenn Close and John game. The reward for all of their decepMalkovich tions is a night of unbridled passion with The opening credits of this film set me each other. After watching these two charto wondering which decade I was in. They acters on screen, I would have to say, reminded me of those wonderful "B" "They deserve each other." movies of the late 1930s and 1940s. I Close has once again outdone herself. to "Produced David see O.. Never have I seen such evil personified on by expected Selznick" on the screen. This film had a lot screen-we- ll, not since Close played the of class. Dangerous Liaisons is set among looney vixen in Fatal Attraction. Close has the French aristocracy just prior to the received four Oscar nominations French Revolution. It is the story of the already for her excellent work on film. This may very lovely and very dangerous Marquise very well be her year for Best Actress. She de Merteuil (Glenn Close) and her former is ruthless, cunning and deliriously dirty. lover, the amoral and equally dangerous For two hours of pure entertainment, a Vicomte de Valmont (John Malkovich). time to be filled with wit and passion, go Glenn Close and John Malkovich star in see this film. It is on my list of films to see Dangerous Liaiaons, based on the clas- twice. sic French novel. - .- - - i IK w i . fj'' '7 J1 t ' of c j K aV ; JH Winter Quarter Got You Down? Check Out Winter Rush Jan. 17 Jan. 20 -- 3 STILL TIME TO REGISTER FOR A CLASS Fun, brotherhood, great times Social formals and dances On campus living Diverse life long membership National Fraternities FRIDAY NOON DEVOTIONAL Institute Chapel Leadership opportunities Scholarship programs LOWELL WILSON; ft - Institute Teacher Beat The Academic Blues by Joining a Fraternity Now! 'I D)00A , Orientation Tuesday, Jan.: 17th, 5:30 p.m., Union Theatre Greek Council, 270 Union Building, 581-806- 1 STUDENT DISCOUNTS mm DID ADVANCE REGISTRATION ASUU, KJQ GIVE YOU AN a a. v. Just show your current student identification at any Breeze Ski Rental location and get a $2 discount every time you rent ski equipment throughout the '88 '89 season. That's $2 off any rental package any time this season. Breeze carries a full line of top ski equipment from racing skis to snowboards, y to from skis accessories. We also offer lift lesson ticket discount packages, group discounts, ski repairs and service. at cross-countr- SKI RENTALS SANDY COTTONWOOD 9353 South 1300 East Block No. of 9400 So. on 1300 East) 6319 South Highland Drive on (1 Block No. of REDWOOD ROAD 4960 So. Redwood Road This oner (12 571-11- (Just No. of the Family Center) 967-997- 7 : Highland Drive) it not vain) wiffi 272-242- iy All Breeze Ski Rentals are open Irom 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. DANCE "BEST DANCE COMPANY OF THE YEAR" - New York Times "Few companies radiate delight in moving..." la 0. TrM the sheer joy of dancing, the -- & Take them at home then, where it's warm and cozy and you can study at your own pace, to the tempo of your favorite background pulsation, in front of a roaring fire or furnace. Independent Study offers over 180 U of U credit courses including many of the liberal education and basic departmental courses needed for graduation. For a free copy of the Independent Study bulletin, call or visit the Center for Independent Study, 2180 Annex Building, Sure beats skidding your way through the slush and snow, fighting for a parking space, and walking half a mile on slippery ice to class, doesn't it? 581-647- Chicago Sun Times Fri & Sat., January 20 &21 Student Tickets for Fri. Night on sale now Because you didn't get the required courses you need? 2 her discount oic "Whirling, swirling, swooping, sweeping & leaping lightly. One can only watch with joy and awe . . ." - Durham Morning Herald Breeze Ski Rentals, you don't have to wait until graduation to make your education pay off. ROT WELCOME THE SPECTACULAR LAR IUBOVITCH TO STAY HOME THIS WINTER? At : EXCUSE & 2. DUCK'S BREATH MYSTERY THEATER REUNION Don't miss this RARE chance to see MTV star RANDEE OF THE REDWOODS, DR. SCIENCE and all the DUCKS together one LAST time on this KUER Benefit Performance! Friday,. January 27 SECOND CITY COMEDY TROUPE Friday. February 10 MADAM BUTTERFLY FEB. 24 KINGSBURY HALL, 8 PM Tickets $5 & $7 Tickets available at Union Front Desk For information INDEPENDENT STUDYCONTINUING EDUCATION EXTENSION PROGRAMS $5.1 $7.00 Union front desk & Kingsbury Hall AN SAI CONCERTS PRODUCTION 581-686- 6 e |