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Show Wednesday, January Chronicle - Page Seven 11, 1989 JB8 lilijisml MmstlOM cares God also Hmmmm. . Sodom was not destroyed because of homosexuality jmt because of a lack of Brown, A Hebrew t hospitality. (See:-- I cannot believe that someone whose brothers have died of AIDS could have anti-Christli- piss-poo- r, ke, non-compassion- ate attitude toward AIDS i 11 n t anu u. viiuius Homosexuals, james Smith ("We must answer to God for ..r not man," Jan. 4) is the devil sins, ir i i ii nem ti saiai aevii-wno is his of the Bible flaunting interpretation as if he were a modern-da- y Moroni with an trumpet. If AIDS is a plague sent by Smith's God, then I "want nothing to do with Smith's God. Smith's God is merciless.. He is murdering hundreds of children, women and men by a virus called AIDS. Lesbians must be His most righteous people since they are least likely to get AIDS. In fact, God never mentioned one word about lesbianism in the Old Testament. Surely lesbianism existed in those times. The God that I worship is loving and Kina and will judge me with love and compassion. Mr. Smith claims that he is not judging homosexuals and acts as if he is quoting God directly and verbatim on the issue of homosexuality. Mr. Smith IS judging homosexuals by preaching his own INTERPRETATION of the Bible. My interpretation of the Bible is different from Mr. Smith's. The Bible has him- - sen-m- ais j.i out-of-tu- ne igno-rant- Vippti VmnHpH - I ? I ( ) ? ! .; ly Hnwn fnr man v opnpra- - tions and has been translated so many times that mis-translati- of God's on word is possible, I am Christian and I am gay. Mr.1 Smith professes to be Christian. Smith is not Christian, he is Satan-t- he Father of Lies. Don't listen to him. Smith presently lives in a state of hell. What could be more hellish than living with such hatred and ignorance trapped inside one's mind? Christ taught love and charity and did not mention one word about homosexuals. oamts, n And, speaiang to Latter-da- y tVio RnnV nf f firm nn rnntain the "fllll- is ness of the everlasting gospel,"-aclaimed, then why doesn't it mention i. .1. uiie wuruJ auuui iiuiiiuseA.uaiii.jr i i 5 Testament, Oxford, 1952.) It would prove wise for Smith to study ancient Hebrew and Greek, especially regarding this passage of scripture in Genesis. It seems ridiculous to me to argue against homosexuality on the basis of ancient scriptures. God is not homophobic. He answers my prayers and He loves me. It's OK with God for me to be gay. I'm a much (for programs beginning in Summer or Fall 1989) Deadline March 2, 1989 happier person now that I'm honest with myself and with God about my -- The deadline for the Liberal Education Study Abroad Scholarship is March 2, 1989. Awards range from $500 to $1,000. The scholarship can be applied to study abroad programs ANYWHERE in the world to help defray tuition cost, sexual orientation. God's two greatest laws are: 1. to love God, and 2. to love your neighbor as yourself. If homosexuality is ,a sin, as Smith claims, then it's way down on the list. I'm ashamed of Mr. Smith for and for his ignohis rance. I'm also ashamed of the way that many Mormons treat homosexuals. If any group of people should be understanding and compassionate toward gays and lesbians, it's Mormons. After all, Mormons were driven to Utah because of their generally unaccepted board and room and transportation. ' anti-Christliken- sexual practices. My sexuality is not a result of my own choice, but it is an orientation. No one knows what causes homosexuality, but psychologists claim that it is likely to be irreversible. I do. have a choice in how to worship God-- all that I ask for is a little respect. If there's a smidgen of a chance that Eligibility Requirements: Matriculated Status. 3.00GPA Completion of 36 hours in residence at the University of Utah Prior to departure (excluding credit by exam). Full-tim- e status (at least 2 out of 3 quarters during the year prior to departure.). Priority will be given to students who will be sophomores or juniors during their study abroad program. Priority will be given to applicants whose proposed Study Abroad program will contribute to the completion of Lib. Ed. requirements. :....i:9 ' Mark Hansen Business INTERNATIONAL CENTER 159 University Union Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 t All undergraduate students are encouraged to submit papers (10 - 25 pgs.) addressing current issues in international, social, political and economic developments, for publication. Papers should be submitted at 252 - OSH to Sharon Lindsey. All v submissions should include the author's name, major and phone number. IVe need you! Student Health Advisory Committee. a dynamic, college health service ' the participation of students who are willing to recommendations on the kind of service they require. To that end the University of Utah Student I fealth Service is organizing a Student Health Advisory Committee. . APPLICATION: U OF U STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SHAC) Name: " Current year in school: Developing The current trend of high health care costs, limited student resources and health hazards such as AIDS, drug and alcohol abuse and strict c indicates the need for SI I AC. Now the need is for student you-th- health activist. Immediate program areas to be worked on include SH AC Logo Weekly Chronicle Column on Health Issues I Icalth Education Outreach Programs Publicity and Mow to Red Cross Building ! Icalth FairOpen House Gicnt Satisfaction Survey J ' If you have any questions, please contact Joan Rawlins at Student Icalth Service 38 6560. Return the application to Student 1 Icalth I than never1 oo oo o Q r . "'tis better to copulate o o o o i Call For Papers (801)581-584- 9 V Utah Forum ' Contact: Smith is correct in his "Christian" beliefs about homosexuality, then in the hereafter he can tell me, "I told you so." Until that time, I'll take my chances and live and worship God according to my own conscience and according to my interpretation of God's word. I don't want to be saved by Smith's God who hates homosexuality. I'd rather go to hell. Smith's attitude certainly shows that he is rejecting Christ and as a result he will go to hell-wh- ere Satan himself belongs. s 1 iftuftyMroatf SsMlmSiiip . fc ana English Lexicon of the Old Editor: such a - 1 Service, Building 44, Lower Campus hy January 16, 1989. I I I I j j '.' Major: Telephone: (Day). Current address: Permanent address: (Evening). Will you be able to make a one year committment to the Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)? Yes No Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. I. Describe activities and experiences that would contribute to J your effectiveness as a member of the SHAC. II. The University of Utah SHAC will endeavor to respond to the I needs and concerns of students, and in particular, to imple- I : ; ment their suggestions. How would you identify areas of concern and increase communication between students and the . Student Health Service? I I PfcMwlurw your comply Campitt, S Utm 44, Low ppfertla.njirth ky Ct, WTMt12. Jmvmj 16, 1M. |