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Show TuesdAy, Decemdes 8, 1987 Pqt TweIve ChuoNicU mornings? solution. Take-ov- er Call Abby 581-70ONE the right to The Chronicle reserves NOTICE deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and propriety. Classified advertisements will not be taken after 4:00 p.m. workdays. Rates are as follows: words $2.75day, $10.00 per week; 16-3- 0 words $4.25day. $17.00 per week. Classified ad deadline is two days prior to the date ad is to run. For Classified information call 0. FOR on campus is the Ballif woman's contract 6 128 p.m. If DISCLAIMER SALE: Cannondale professional racing bike. 8 mo. old, ex. cond. $800 value-$55- 0 obo. 56 cm aqua colored aluminum frame, suntour winner freewheel, Ambrosia Elite 400 brakes, 2 caged wheels. water bottles, racing gloves, etc!! Call 584-491211 and ask for Doug. TiRED OF F16HTIM the traffic in the ARE YOU BEOROOM APARTMENT separate en- trance, kitchen, bathroom $250 mo. heating 128 paid. 1521 E. Laird Ave, Jan. 1 Room newly furnished, all utilities, kitchen privileges, private bath, in home of family. Close to U. $110 Phone 120 Rockers, all kinds. $25.00-uEnd Chairs. All kinds. $6.00-uDinette Sets. $65.0O-u-p; tables, $8.00-u-p; Coffee tables, $25.00-uViking Industries. 279 N. 900 W.. 129 2 BEDROOM APT. near U. $300 per mo. heat 0. 128 paid. $200 deposit 184 Q. St ROLEX Heathot water included. 2 bedroom, range, refrigerator, levelors, I28K Chad, carpet throughout, laundry room, covered parking, extra storage. $295. 675 5th Ave. 1974 IUICK CENTURY Great condition, low miles, snowtires. Price below blue book. Good student car. Call 78 FIAT Must sell now. Model 131S. auto, 2 dr. Good shape. $650 or best offer. 128 72 PLYMOUTH FURY Cheap to a good home $300. Runs good. Call Karmell 268-663- 6. 1210 88 JETTA 6L Great condition, white, air. sunroof, cruise control. 16,800 miles. Asking 7 or $8,850. Call ask for CaL 83 MAZDA PICK UP. 5 speed, AMFM cassette. With shell. $2800. 466-3241211 78 FORD LTD. Excellent condition. Not a single problem. $800 or best offer. Kim, 595-102- 115 1979 MU8TAN8. Power steering, power brakes, AC, 302 engine. Good, strong, runner NO RUST! Nice vinyl top, good interior. Great affordable Christmas gift for college students. $2500obo. Call 583-755-2. 1211 bedrooms. 5 min. to 17 or 561-81- 128 0. 1984 HONDA CIVIC OX. 3 door, 5 speed, 20,000 miles. $5300. 255-895- AC, cassette. 129 TRANSPORTATION in RELIABLE condi- great OF U One bedroom, BLOCK U ONE laundry $195.00 305 Douglas St. 12 hrs. a wk in ROOMS. childcarehousework own need 1210 1310 E. 17 8 EXPERIENCE WITHOUT 1210 TO BLOCK wyard. U. 1 RESTAURANT. VEGETAR-IA- N FARE. WEEKEND WITH U OF U I.D. 154 Fon nENT Walk to 143 So. 10th E. Gas paid. $240. U. (1)649-695- S200MO. Heat paid. 653 E. 300 S. Large 1 and 2 bedrooms. Coin laundry, covered parking, 6 1211 after 4:00. storage. Adorable 1 bedroom home wgarage, fenced yard. Clean & cozy. $250. Must see. 129 TAKE A LOOKI 2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS. 2 bdrm apt. $305. 1151 E. 1st University Garden. South. BEDROOM BASEMENT APARTMENT. LIVINGDINING ROOM, LARGE KITCHEN, SHOWER, UTILITY ROOM, YARD. 171 West 7th South. 364-535- 0 or 363-253-3. . 1211 Newly remodeled. 205 So. Elizabeth St. $350 per month. Gas paid. 0 or 112 BEDROOM, FREE TRIP FOR 2 TO LAS VE6A8. attached. Call DIAMONDS COZY AVENUES 2 bedroom apartments, $250 $255 per mo. $150 sec dep. Off street parking, hook ups, utilities not included. 823 2nd Ave. 128 Robert, JUST 50 FEET OFF CAMPUSI (Men only, no smokers). $125mo. 128 AFFORD. Call GETTING MARRIED? Save more than the memory - save the emotion with a video from Davidson Video Services. ings. From $150. SPACIOUS 1211 1 BEDROOM. safe. Includes all Clean and Walking distance to U. amenitites. Covered parking, wash facility, dishwasher, etc. Immediate occupancy. Must see. Only $250 plus elec. OORM CONTRACT 1 left! 935 E. 600 S. 111 FOR SALE. I will of deposit and pay $20 a month 584-493-2. 359-955- forfeit $75 rent Mike: 128 111 -- CHRISTMAS BOOK SALE 20 70 discount. Dec. 9, 10, 11 only, 9-- University of Utah Press, 101 USB (west of the Huntsman professor and wife. Happily married for many years. Anxious to adopt newborn infant. Personal meeting welcome. Lawful and proper preganancy related expenses paid. Couple approved by California adoption authorities in advance of placement. State supervised adoption call collect Terri and Procedures. Please (415) 1210 FOR SALE STUFF 1,000's of items for student budgets. Clothing, furniture, l. 1211 DIAMONDS: SKIS. Like new 195 cm Rossignol VAS Equipe 4S skis with new Salomon 747 bindings. Skiied on less than 10 times. Must sell, $220 or best offer. Boots for sale too! Call Kris at 1 days. RINGS. DIAMONDS. ETC. Great Prices! See us before you buy. Banque Diamonds, LEGAL SIZE co 1211 Chris. BINDERS (8 12 x 14). pressboard. 4" capacity, new, 200 for $50; puncher, $10; 20 wine glasses, $15. hole Enjoy 14 block proximSpectacular valley view. 1 bdrm. ity to U. furnished. even- 973-669- 3 1211 60VERNMENT HOMES. Delinquent tax property. Repossessions. Call 113 for current repo list. Ext. ACADEMIANS. 129 Why not? $3.00 visit 10 visits $25.00 677 S. 7th East 533-89114 STANFORD parking. Child OK, no dogs. 651 So. 740 E. (Lake St.). Rich, (leave message). WISH Salt Lake 359-864- 9. Center). Cash, checks. Visa, MasterCard. Gifts from the British Isles. Rugby clothing, swords, books, toys, jewelry, etc. M-- F 4:00 p. - 7:00 p. Sat 10-7275 E. 900 So. 1210 1211 Craig. AT A PRICE YOU CAN Your ticket to a "real" job and the business world. 14 355-50- Remodeled bathkitchen, WD hookups, new paint, carpets. Completely fenced, off street 129 WILL SOMEONE USE YOUR RESUME TO WRAP DEAD FISH? Not if it's from American Resume 9. Service! 47 West 200 South 311. starting at $277mo heat paid! Hadwood floors or carpeted, laundry garage paking, close to U of U. Covey apartments 239 E. So. Temple 268-940- 3 BE0R00M HOME. Appliances, furnished. Nice yard with garage. $465mo. $200 129 deposit. Strings for all the details. 5 YOU CAN SEE Jewelry Co. 1 1 10 ALPHA 6UN. (9.6 feet), only $375. Also Alpha 6.5 sail, $100. Alpha Booms, just ask for Erin. 13 $60. Inquire at 582-754- CURIOSITIES. LOCH AIDLE skis Solomon 747 Equipe bindings. In great 1 after 6:30. 128 shape. $230. Paul SKIS R0SSI6N0L 207 cm Equipe SM 21 BIANCHf NEUVO Record. Campi compo-nent- 128 the traffic in the on campus is the Ballif Woman's contract. ARE YOU TIREO OF FIGHTING mornings? If solution. Take-ovCall Abby 2-- 6 pm. . DISORDERS: EATIN6 Free information session Wednesdays at 12:00. Call Margaret 219 L00KIN6 FOR SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO EXPERIENCE THE ULTIMATE IN COLLEGE WITHOUT THE HASSLES OF COMMUTING. OVER WOMANS LIFE TAKE BALLIF DORM CONTRACT. DORMS. GREAT VIEW OF THE CITY. $3class. M-- F Sat. 930 5:45 pm. 1211 2100 So. Selectric II. Please call Sue, WORD PROCESSING. 943-741- 1211 check Can TYPING. spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian, Campbell), etc. Mrs. Nelley, 1211 0. DONAHUE ft WD. PR0C.20 yrs exp. BA PC. printer. Close to EDITING English. Sperry campus. with precision haircuts by Pagla. Call The Mane Tamer at Student rates. UNDER6RA0UATESI Need financial aid for college? Call SNOW MOUNTAIN SCHOLARSHIPS for free informa2. tion. 14 1211 RESUME will SERVICE prepare your resume, support materials, curriculum vita or grad school applications at a 10 studentfaculty discount. Guaranteed 0PENIN6S CHILOCARE s experiencedreferen-ce- next to University of Utah and Research 7. Park: Call Barbara 128 . RENT IBM COMPUTERS. $5.00 per hour. Flexible hours. 5 minutes from campus. Call PC Tech. 129 Word processing also available. (264-118- FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER editsword processes dissertations, reports, texts, manuscripts, resumes. Will also editrevise your chunked-i- n WordPerfect files. Foreigngraduate students welcome. 1211 WORO PROCESSING. EDITING. Papers, theses, dissertations, journal articles. letter Macintosh, quality printer. Diane, 1211 AW COMPUTERIZED WORO PR0CE8SIN6. Professional work done in a friendly atmosphere. Work guaranteed. 129 word processingtyping. S EXPRESS, quality word processing, fast service, 20 yrs experience.Resumes, term thesis, papers, 18 NEAR U. Fast Professional typingword & good! Joanne. 121 1 WORDPROCESSINGWORD PERFECT. Fast service. Joyce. 1211 editing-spellin- Resumes g. (Free Computer Analysis). Brenda, 1211 FREE REVISIONS) WORD PROCESSING: Theses, manuscripts, resumes, papers. Downtown. Editing available. B.A. English. 355-650- 1211 TYPICSTI Word Processing AN near U. Service Fast, all services. 1211 . e.dit. 12 FROM U years experience. $1 a page. Call 1211 125 EDITING NO FEE! GREAT 1211 128 The Hair People at Fourth East Stylo Shop 152 South 400 East 3554902 (T I 1211 Confidential Pregnancy Tea ting manuscripts, textbooks dissertations for logic, style & continuity. Winslow's. 1211 WE EDIT SCHOLARLY & Alternatives Counseling Comprehensive Medical Care r typing skills required. Apply at The Children's Center, 1855 Medical Circle, DAYS the best PLANS? Get TRAVEL Lowest Theresa deal in town! ULTIMATE 7:30 am 12:15 pm, Friday. $200mo. -- 7:30 am -11:15 am, 129 Karen. 7, HELP WANTED: Blimpie, 1318 E. 200 So. Able by 11:00 am. Some nights required. to start 129 RECEPTIONIST FOR SHARED OFFICE COMPLEX. Professional appearance, good communication skills, some typing ft bookkeeping. Apply at 142 East 200 South, 3rd floor, after 12 pm. . 129 KINKO'S TWO DOWNTOWN LOCATION 18 NOW HIRING GRAVEYARD MACHINE OPERATORS. PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8:00 AM AND 10:00 AM, OR 6:00 PM AND 8:00 PM.. THROUGH 129 FULL-TIM- E PART TIME WORKFULL TIME PAY. $5.00 to $11.50 per hr. Guaranteed salary. Order Dept. expansion creates 20 openings. 20 to 33 hrs. eves and weekends. Call Scott, 122 GREAT NANNIES - APPLY NOW. Openings available in Boston. San Fran., NYC. Starting plus guaranteed air fare, paid vacation, free room ft board. NO FEE! GREAT Salt Lake NANNIES, Inc. 1211 $150wk WAITRESS WANTED FOR THE BAR Must be 21. Apply WedsThurs, GRILL. or call 1211 1. BOOKKEEPER including cash flow, budget preparation. Use of Macintosh. Work study 1211 employee only. Call BABYSITTER FOR FOURTEEN MONTH OLD BOY. am., in our ASves. home. transportation necessary. Starts Jan. 4. 1211 8:30-10:3- 0 CITIES. Must be 21. required. Auto Givea1211 TO MANY NANNY FOR TWIN INFANTS. Needed part time during weekdays plus. Apartment & salary. 1211 ONE WAY DELTA AIRLINE C. D 1 AIRLINE Nonstop. FRED AST AIRE IN COUPONS WANTED: United Bonus Tickets, Western Extra, others. Up to $350 AIRLINE ea. "SWING TIME" 5:15 9:15 "SHALL WE DANCE: 7:15 1211 24 -- TICKET to Washing-to- n Departs Jan. 5th. 100 dollars. for more info. 1211 PARKING LOT OFFICER SALE. SLC to Portland. Departs Dec. 24, returns Jan. 3. TICKET FOR 1211 $280. TRIP TICKET. SLC MIAMI. Liivi 21 Dee. Return 8 Jin. Call Mlra. 8. 129 20 hours per week 0 referral fee per apt. Our rents are now $195mo. i" 128 582- - 5534. CINEMA IN YOUR FACE WANTED Skiing in Jackson Hole with snowmobiling in Yellowstone accommodations inc. Students $215 359-064120 FOUR 244W.6fhN. call532-259- 5 i Need a Friend? l1 J Birthright 531-609- 0 Free Confidential Preanancv Testina preferred. call: PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTER 320 12th AVENUE SALT LAKE QTY 1 i! 30 Accepting applications Mon-F- ri at Human Resources Dept. or ! i M-- F; am 6:30 Security experience am-!0:- Pregnant A hours PROCESSING TERM PAPERS Reports; TRAVEL earn $200, Only one Utah Women' Health Center 15 e Reasonable; same day service some cases. Call Dorene Igo, 1211 $100-$20- i part-tim- . WORD BY CHRISTMAS Just call us with a referral who rents one of our apartments. We offer pool, Jacuzzi, air cond., 4 blocks from the Capitol. No limit on your referrals. Rent one yourself and l wy f in is rDIMIIII j WHO per week Monday thru Friday. Excellent NEEO DRIVERS STUDENTS EARN Free 331-010- 2 RECEPTIONISTSTYPIST Refundable deposit way. 262-366- GREAT NANNIES. APPLY NOW. Openings available in Boston, San Fran., NYC. Starting vacation, free room & board. Salt Lake NANNIES. Inc. ANYONE WITH ATHLETES to model in sports action photos. Skiers, runners, bikers, etc. Call Scott, 1211 Own Call 6. $150wk - plus guaranteed air fare, paid LIKE TO SPEAK WOULD Fast, Shart Notice. 90t PROCESSING. NEED PHOT06RAPHY DONE? OR PERHAPS NOT MUCH MONEY? Call INSTRUCTION? Steven Lee Edwards Photography, g. process-In- W0RDPROCESSIN8: WordPerfect. IBM compatible. Copying. Binding: spiral orVelo. Same day service. Lynn, 1211 2 BLOCKS 1211 Nationwide Placement . Excellent pay and benefits. No fee. Barbara, 1210 National Nanny Network. NANNIES NEEDED: POSSIBLE FEATURE STORY. Call Amber at 581- - 7041. 1211 Expert Word Processing 211 East 300 South. 1211 ), PAPER BLUES? For help call Michael. TERM WANT TO RENT YOUR voice and personality. Telephone. NO SALES! P.T. eveings Mon-Fr- i. Base bonus paid vacation! (Hawaii, Oct. 88). For interview call 266222. 18 I Service WORO 14 s. 129 265-153- HAS EVER BEEN FLASHED AT THE LIBRARY FOR DS Page. Minor results! Downtown; 431 So. 300 East, 109, 9. 9; WVC: Murray: No exper. I Papers, reports, theses, dissertations. Fast service. Aztec Typing GRADUATES. PROFESSIONAL ; EXPERT TYPIN6. WORO TAME YOUR MANE TV MODEL Earn $10 to $65 an hour! Models, actors wanted for print, runway, commer-cial- IBM 18 am. 1130 E. y HELPERS NEEDED. National Retail Household Items Chain. Immediate filling 100 positions for Christmas & Holiday work! $9.25hr. F.T.P.T. Flex hours, no exp. nec. Will train.lnternships & Scholarships 8. available. 1211 ROUND Call Abby. 1, 80tpg. spaced. Fast accurate, reliable. resistance exercises used. $25mo. or FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS. The Newman Center, (1327 E. 200 S.) will be offering this annual Call for free demo, of inexp. water 1211 purification system. GUITARIST: Leadrythm, seeks established working ($) group. 15 years experience. Eves: 1211 double PROFESSIONAL MASSES on Tuesday, December 8th 12:10 and 7:30 p.m. at the Newman Center, 1327 E. 200 S. 128 MUCHBottle water costs 59 - $1.00 per gallon...or you can pay 3t a gallon for pure drinking water. $5 a month. TYPIN8. PROFESSIONAL FAST. ACCURATE. Close to U. Rebecca 6 Whitson, evenings. days, 977-07- at YOU CAN PAY TOO I AEROBICS HOLYOAY Advent celebration on Friday, December 11, 1211 beginning at 7:30 p.m. TYPING. 13 years U of U correct spelling. 90 pg. 1211 PROFESSIONAL experience. EXPERT SERVICES n e SSctt tf HOLIDAY 0. UNIVERSITY OF Buster "SOCIETY FOR THE APPRECIATION Crabbe as the Ultimate Shoemaker, the All there ever was and will be" meeting at Orson Spencer Hall 211. Friday. 128 s. Good cond. $365 or best offer. Call Mark at 1211 1 "Til with 583-384- Vi $112.50. Apt near U. FOR at The Bay. A challenging high and low impact workout. Body Sculpting elastic , STUDIOS 1 bd & 2 bd's BUY MY NEEDEO 1. Blue PERSONAL 1 Fine diamonds at Utah's lowest prices. Large selection. Men's and women's 1211 settings. 1211 Thompson for information, I BR. DEN FULL BATH Recently recarpeted and painted, Garage 1203 E. 700 S. $220 mo mtil costumes, jewelry, etc. 466 E. So. Temple. SEEKING FEMALE RM. $150month plus elec. Wood floors, Irg windows, yard, laundry. Furn. except extra BR. Prefer grads. No alcohol. I'm grad student wcat; smoke. Call W581-403- 4. 1211 Debbie, H533-814- 6. STA-TA- GREAT CHEAP U. VIEW, Fireplace, deck, yard, washer drdshwsr. Spacious. $230 plus utils. Gary, composition personal notebook. BehS Aud. 1210 Randy 1211 campus available housing lists are back. Lower Union, November 30th, noon to five, thereafter. 16 $300. 2 bdrm in brick $100.00 Male to share at. with 3 others. Nicely furnished, parking, laundry, 1210 quiet. $135 util. paid. 582-76FROM looseleaf listing words of another language and a bedroom apartment with nice carpet and kitchen. East of Trolley Square, close to U of U. Weekdays, call Nights and weekends, call 4. 1211 14 LIVE wlook 99RS notebooks: THANK 600DNESSI Off THREE Drafting Midvale home to challenge life. Now life is devouring his very soul. If you see him, use caution and call 128 Large kitchen with appliances, Newly decorated, carpets & drapes, free heat. Own entrance. 8th East 1129 South. 1211 after 5.00pm. $295. Phone 363-43LAR6E 2 BEDROOM Close to U. Efficient individual heat, luandry, carports, windows. 848 E. So. Temple. 595-1301211 $210. Large 1 bedroom Carpets, drapes, new paint. Quiet street. 666 Grand St. $250 SPACIOUS ORAFTSMENI NICE TWO BEDROOM CONDO SNARLING HERBIVORE, answers to the name of "Gideon". Ran away from our TWO BEDROOM. COZY 129 LARGE. HOUSE. SIB5 MONTH Attractive, WANTED M-- ACROSS Free utilities, washerdryer, fireplace, Cable TV. 1211 $175. 272-500- 4. ONLY 128 - to share nice duplex on East bench. Great view & all amenities. 10 min. to school. $165 plus 13 util. MATURE oFF ', TYPING to share large apt, own room 7 util. Call Bob message MALE $137.50 FEMALE bdrm, phone installed, HOLLAOAY 128 ATTENTION 1211 14 STUDIOS. a kitchen, bath, 128 IN WANTED near U. ask for Heidi. Tr $4,ecMle of ,ViflesscH Vi'vvr n G.i to share 3 bedroom apt. 5. or $115 Util. Call 328-460-5 LOST & FOUND 1211 FROM 1211 7. for only $150 per mo. Heat included located at 450 E. 100 S. 5 5 Call Dan at 1210 1211 FROM U. 2 bdrm, 2 den, duplex $295 mo. plus utilities. BLOCKS I -- 2 private rooms and bath. Share or kitchen, laundry. Eastside. 321-11WOMEN. 6REAT CONTRACT FOR SALE. SpringWinter Quarters. Will give up deposit. Call 584-465- E.200S. LARGE LIFE! Live in COLLEGE 210 ELAN 6S Skiis leave phone Kevin 1211 I BEDROOM ENTERTAINMENT. 10 12m TRUE 8687 dishwasher, carpets, laundry. $225 plusd 1 16 195 ROSSIGNOL FP SKIES WITH TYROLIA 3900 BINDINGS. $200 or best offer. Call Camille, 582- -2253. 1211 heat paid. $275. Three bedroom, $135 per bedroom, utilities. 466-451-4. TO SHARE HOUSE WITH PROFESSIONAL WOMEN LOS Asking $350. May buy seperately. Call 1211 DORM OF LEBANON CO-E-D 6REAT VIEW OF THE CITY. Call Abby, TWO BEDROOM, unfurnished, 2 & BALLIF DORM CONTRACT. - 1211 1, $150mo. CEDARS OVER WOMANS table, mechanized arm and excellent tool set. THE ULTIMATE IN COLLEGE LIFE HASSLES OF C0MMUTIN6. TAKE OVER WOMANS BALUF DORM CONTRACT. DORMS. 6REAT VIEW OF THE CITY. Call Abby. OELUX AVE 8TUDI0. New DINING HASSLES OF COMMUTING. THE 3. 74 SUPERBEETLE. Overhauled engine, new ' brakes, nice interior, stereo and speakers. Runs excellent. $1500. Call Randy, 278-854- 6. 1211 THE LIFE TAKE 1211 MEN. BEDROOM OR PART. Olympus Cove. Access 4,300 sq. ft. Utilities & furnished. Call Rent $220 to $320. 1211 1210 IN COLLEGE ULTIMATE d dorm! It is urgent that I sell this contract. Willing to pay deposit. Call m Too busy to look? Clip Leave FINDER! ROOMMATE this ad, save 25V message. FEMALE TO SHARE sunny, spacious apartment hardwood floors, washerdryer, close 0. to "U" $275 1211 THE co-e- 16 ROOMMATES 129 (303)330-351- EXPERIENCE BASEMENT APT. 1 bdrm. $175 to qualified party. 2289 S. Lake Street. (740 E.) days. j! on Tuesday. December 8th at 12 10 and 7:30 p.m. at the Newman Center, 1327 E. 200 So. HOLYOAY MASSES L00KIN8 FOR SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO 581- -7041, EASTSIDE 9th EAST SOUTH TEMPLE large apt $200 free heat Card Shop, 3169 Highland Drive, Never scrape your windshield again. Customs Image 3205 S. State, See Todd for discount 121 1 WITHOUT $135. 3. M OUT ROOMMATE DORMS starts I GOING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS? FOOD AND MOM'S GREAT COOKING? ALL THAT CLEAN ATTENTION IS NOT FREE. YOU HAVE TO TO BRIN8 YOUR ROOMI WHEN YOU Da BE SURE CARDS BACK THOSE USELESS OLD BASEBALL AND 6ET INSTANT MEGA BUCKS The Baseball Pana. 106li print.. Case. DUN6 BEETLE. Loving , Eats small poodles when the EXPERIENCE 122 eves. 0 6REAT LOCATION RENT 200 s. Next to Blimpies PIGGINf 1210 Chris. 4 FROSTSHIELOSI 2 BORM $289 very clean, 5 minutes to U. 1 172 S. 5th E. park setting, laundry, locked tion. 1971 Plymouth Satellite $500. 77 0ATSUN B2I0. $300 or B.O. 467-695- 0 afternoons & evenings. Good tires, engine, AMFM & rear defrost. Must sell! 1211 info, call LARSE garage $35.484-649- words "Zoning Ordinance" are uttered. Needs a loving home, feasts on dead communists and cantaloupe rinds. For more 1210 U. 1211 84101. after 6 1211 451-71- THREE FOOT AFRICAN 359-408- room and bath in house 8 min. from own car. 1 NACPASCAL CONVERTIBLE. affectionate. in exchange for approx. FREE ROOM A BOARD 8 Hlcktrsei 1171. SLC UT $6.00 to SEAT LEASH. P.O.Box 128 4. by Biddy casual theft while allowing quick release or send adjustability. Call Kevin at Call. W.P 4.2, Book, DOS, Expanded memory after $1,000 obo. Brand new. Fred. 5 p.m. 1210 parking, L00KIN6 FOR SOMEONE WHO WANTS 77 VW BEETLE Only 44K original miles! Excellent Condition. Sunroof, stereo, lots of new parts. Serviced well and very reliable. $2200. Call Mike. 485-318- 9 (eves and 3 12U weekends). (days). IBM 2 BEDROOM. ORASTIC RENT reduction. $175mo. South Temple TomDaniela 596-635-0. 1210 6. MAUBU CLASSIC 8I Great Cond. all options inc. AC & Blaupunkt Stereo. $1500 Call Dave Phone one bedroom apt. $235 mo. No 7 1210 pets. No Smokers. $200-22- 5 129 THE QUIGMANS 0 HP4X COMPUTER Quad memory. time module, EFM 2 em's. All manuals and extras. More memory than a CX. $150. Mura Cordless - WALK TO U. NO DEPOSIT 486-132- PRINTER. IMA6EWRITER MAC MACTERMINAL 2 BEOROOM HOUSE in exclusive area close to University for lease to a mature, responsible eves professional adult or couple. 486-63or weekends. 129 U. 659 E. 800 So. Submariner. Make offer. $25 each or both for $40. p.m. Robert 129 364-330-5. TRADE. Mike. RENT FREEH AUTOMOTIVE SELL WE BUY AVAILABLE REAO THIS AO. IN THE TIME IT TAKES YOU TO THE SEAT AND SOMEONE COULB HAVE RTOLN tMSIVE MOUNTAIN ttATPOST FROM YOUR It prevents BIKE. YOU NEED A SEAi LEASH!! PHONE 521-US- 1 Located at Primary 1 ' Children's Medical Center Annex off 13th Ave and F Street Equal Opportunity Employer MFHVAn IHC Facility. |