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Show PiE ChuoNicU Tuesday, DeccMbER Four -- Assembly from page three the season to save with 71? 1 allocated to other organizations. "If the entire committee decides it is a valid request, I'll feel at ease about it not setting a precedent," Morgan said. In addition to requesting money from superfund, the Assembly established an ad hoc committee to research non -- monetary . . . data systems I issues. The purpose of the committee is to draft Laptop PC Z-1- 81 8, 1987 resolutions on issues concerning U. students. "It's not really a new idea, we've always understood our role on nonmonetary issues. We just haven't formed a committee before," Amiot said. "We've already passed a resolution pn the Aryan Nations, and last year we discussed enrollment caps." Amiot added that the Assembly's enrollment resolution influenced the administration's decision. Attention Standard: 640 K RAM Two 3 12" disk drives Rechargeable battery Supertwist LCD screen Back-li- t all Sociology students who are interested in signing up for Sociology 395r-- White Collar Crime the index number is 4593. tilt-displ- ay 1, times the character definition of previous 3 2ji J LCD portables Deviant Behavior and Social Control, Sociology 380-- 1 is index number 4583. We apologize for any inconvenience Reg. $1489.00 1 i 83 Laptop PC Z-- 1 I X lHi pill x ill1x2 ft 1 ifi y0 .. . rsooycL- -i 1 . 1 1 I l( "" 1 l I I ' ' I B Ji I I Rechargeable battery ifl' -- . , 1 640 K RAM One 3 12" disk drive 10 meg hard disk I W - a, yj 1 Standard: vJV 1 11 !a 1 L ' J J I f ; j j ' Supertwist LCD screen Back-li- t 3 times the character definition of previous s j; ay . ; It's 11 O'clock Do You Know Where Your Copies Are? If you've taken them to AlphaGraphics Printshops Of The Future they're ready and waiting for you to pick them up With our new hours, getting your copy work done in one day or less is more than just a gimmick, it's our promise. New store hours: f ofr Monday - Thursday 8am to 11pm, Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 10am to 6pm. Reg. $2099.00 Y-J- " NOW $1699.00 jj 273 South 1300 East Offer expires December 31, 1987. y ..v.ui7, ian r IMMCDCITV 5f. I I Sb, U N MF I V C R B 00am-5:3- 0 SITY pm OF aiiu . tiuucms wiin vina university us. DHniCmnr UTAH Tuaa. avanlnga unlit 7:30 pm CAMPUS Sat 10.00 tm-- 3 00 pm y ; Printshops Of The Future 582-828- 2 i Spread Christmas A Volunteer as a Sub for Santa Spirit! |