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Show I CltRONiclE TuEStUy, DECEMbu PAqe Six 8, 1987 Are you concerned about the possibility of earthquakes in this region? f t Julia Fjeldsted Senior speechlanguage Clint Broadbent Dave Ottley Junior Junior computer science Spanish and business ' 'Not particularly. I'm not too pathology "Yes. Because I'm taking "Good question. I'm not worried really because worried because there hasn't I don't have future plans to in this area. " been too much activity lately. " A rchitecture of the Earth right now and they say it 's going to happen. It's not a matter of ' it's a matter of 'when. be "' m mmm i mmm imn FRESH FRUIT SHAKES & MALTS 6:30am-llp- 582-296- 2 Kim Fisher Senior family and child development "I'm aware the possibility is there and as a matter offact, I am concerned about it. But it 's something people can learn about and learn to deal with. "Being from California, I'm aware of earthquake dangers. I was there in the '71 earthquake and the one they just Kevin Dansie Junior "Thick and Creamy" 273 So. 1300 E. Terry Hughes Senior French . business management "Oh, not really. Because m there's nothing I can do about it. If it's going to happen, it's going to happen. I've had a geology class and learned about earthquake dangers. " I'm concerned that people don't prepare themselves for it." The Apple of Santa's eye -- SUPPORT THE LOBBY EFF0RT-Le- t local merchants know the buying Marriott Library University Bookstore 1L The affordable and powerful AA TU. men, auu tv:. lln me iiuagewruer primer, snn vnii'l nrnrlnrp rricn imnrpccivp L .. I I! tftttf iknfin m& ? copies to prove it. whether next semester will have you writing sonnets or composing business plans, wrap it up on a Macintosh. Then let the bragging begin So . UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE UNIVERSITY ' OF M F 8 CO a 5 30 Tum p: ir-- UTAH 7 30 Dcry CAMPUS s.r'Mv '? Pi1 J S (V ? I p!mmm. students. Free stickers Union Main Desk Macintosh Plus. And the expandable Macintosh SF--. Both let you work faster, smarter and more creatively. U ASUU Offices mom and dad already think you have brilliant "potential.' And of course, you'd hardly disagree. But you may still want to tell them about the one college learning tool that can bring out even more of your very best: the Apple Macintosh Your You have two to choose from. I am concerned." power of U of available at: computer. had was just a little less intense. I tend to think it's not much of a problem here, but ........ " |