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Show TuEsdAy, DECEMbu 8, 1987 ChuoNiclE . . .several Utah skiers competed in the welcome back cross country ski race at the Big Cottonwood Nordic Ski Center over the weekend. Former Utah skier and and now assistant Utah ski coach Asmund Drivenes finished first first with a 33:18 on the 16K course. Salt Lake City skier Ken McCarthy finished finished at 2,394 in 12 games. That put him in second for all events behind Eric Hutch of Montana State. Tanquary had a 199 finished in the top three spots. Maria ... m Leading the men for Coach Larry Bonnette's team was Dave Tanquary. He MEE S 6:30 a.m. Breakfast-Lunch-Dinn- to 11:00 p.m. er BUY ONE HOT DOG GET ONE FREE ooGOcnooonnD UDEOTAL Including 2 g 5B2-2SB- 2 The women, who combined with two Washington State bowlers, were paced by the Cougars' Kim Johnson. She had a 2,252. The top Utah woman bowler was Ricki Hawn. She rolled to a 1,849 in 12 games. The team winner for the men was BYU. On the women's side of the ledger, the champion was host Boise State followed by Utah State and Idaho State. . . . the U.S. ski team will hold a special premiere of Steven Spielberg's new movie Empire of the Sun to benefit U.S. skiers headed for the 1988 Winter Olympic Games on Dec. 10 at the Mann Villa Theatre in Salt Lake City. Proceeds from ticket sales will help the U.S. ski team athletes train and compete internationally. Tickets sell for $30. -- Yregard finished first with a 40:15. Line Pollum came in second at 40:16 and Simone Brake finished third with a 41:14. the Utah bowling teams had a productive tournament this weekend at the Boise State Invitational in Boise, Idaho. - The men finished seventh in the field, while the women ended in fourth. 14-tea- CHECK-TU- P Hours: g X-Ra-ys FAMILY BEIOTISTIKY Call Mon-Thur- Sun. .llam-- s 11 am-1- 2 3 363-565- 2 Downstairs 582-019- We Cater To I 3 1 DOLLARS OFF PIZZA Sunday thru Thursday Receive $1.00 off every 12" pizza $1.50 off every $14" pizza $2.00 off every 16" pizza Expires November 25, 1987 Limit one coupon per customer per visit. 1888 ooflQnannonnooDonnnnnno Expires The Pie Pizzaria mm 6CWNBCOS EABILY iTJfvn firm pm pm New York Style Hand Thrown Pizza Live Entertainment Thursday thru Sunday 1320 East 200 South H James E. Russon D.D.S. and Associates 311 South State Suite 218 i&nxrn ElevEN 273 So. 1 300 East average. second at 34:04 while Utah skier Tony Chambers came in third with a 34:20. In the women's open, three Utah skiers PjE nrrrllm swrrrj Ito WD SPEC OTSTITi CWTSTEJTtta ii'imhv HI tfZI?i Ctt fPiiiilR)5iiilriiEflK& Sujwti ym IWV II 11 m i irfftR iufi - k- m. fSS 7? EARLY DINNER 2 p.m. 5 p.m. -- The Pie Pizzaria |