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Show TuEsdAy, DecEMbER As 8, 1987 embiy requests superfund By Lori Bona More importantly, unless additional Chronicle campus editor Although this year's ASUU Assembly budget was significantly smaller than last year's, the Assembly has come up with two unique ways of dealing with the funding shortage. At the Dec. 2 meeting, the Assembly voted to request an additional $50,000 from the superfund committee and established an ad hoc committee to look into non-moneta- ry issues. The Assembly has been under financial strain since the beginning of fall quarter. Its $87,822 budget was $45,609 less than last year's. In addition, it is receiving more funding requests than ever before. A combination of these two factors has left the Assembly with less than $20,000 in its accounts and three meetings left on its agenda. , funds are secured, next year's administraton (which will take office spring quarter) will not have any money in its accounts. The Assembly's request would allocate $30,000 for next year's administration and $20,000 for the remainder of this year's sessions. "Initially, the superfund request was for next year's administration. We felt it was important for the new administration to have available funds to help student groups during spring and summer quarters," executive cabinet, executive comittee of the Assembly ASUU president, dean of Student Affairs, and vice president of Academic Affairs. Although Amiot has no predictions about the outcome of the meeting, scheduled for sometime in January, he thinks the Assembly's request has "good intent." However, Jacque Morgan, ASUU president, feels the request may set a bad precedent. "If the committee decides it's a worthwhile 'expenditure, there isn't any alarm. Brooks Amiot, vice president and Assembly chair said. "An additional motion was made to give this year's Assembly more money, due to the number of requests we've been receiving, to ChRONicle Paqe dollar; "The problem of a precedent may erupt if the committee has mixed feelings about the request," she said. Morgan said she has some questions in her mind about the validity of the request. " I'm not completely convinced that it would be an adequate use of money." She added Redbook policy limits the use of superfund to one-tiexpenditures, such as computer maintenance. The superfund originally had $ 123,040 in its account, $20,742 of which has been see "Assembly" on page four me Mark Miller Subaru operate through the remainder of the year." In order for the Assembly to receive the money, the request must be approved by the superfund committee consisting of the 1988 Subaru lusty 4x4 $7995 GRAYWHALE CD. 1988 Subaru Justy FWD $59950 stk PRESENTS 8440050 Special to U of U Students. & Staff Prices include dealer handling plus tax & licensing 5 DAYS TIL FINALS 3734 So. State 368-373- 4 SLC,UT V. Experience The Height Of Perfection ON THE 4th DAY TIL FINALS GRAYWHALE GAVE TO ME... Experience what Utah Holiday magazine rightly called "the best hamburgers in Salt Lake City." Your choice of seventeen delicious, flame-broile- d Training Table hamburgers. Imagine the possibilities! I GREAT GIFTS FOR Mi UNDER MY CHRISTMAS TREE $ A A 4 A OPEN FOR LUNCH AND DINNER 7 DAYS A WEEK. TAKEOUT 248 s. 1300 e. SLC 583-962- 6 DOWNTOWN 809 SLC East 4th South 355-752- 3 AVAILABLE. H0LLADAY MIDVALE 4828 Highland Drive 6957 South State (In the Creekslde Shopping Center) 272-739- 8 Tree 566-191- 1 |