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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Friday, January 17, 1986. Page Twelve $m rtf AUTOMOTIVE 544-290- Ji UU ML St canflffcaa to uiep V 17 1ZXvbesi tmv. 27142m I 0:0. mi turf if cai ifkitiLT. t3 teeei enve. sieree Srsy sjwool. ate Cal tm CMAOk tor TlTtTA CtUCA ST. 117 Desper1 71 tJ. up, runs 900a J12X ar after. 35Mi?t. lea 122 Message 1174 CMC IX tMPJUJl O'een ? a . fSP6 a 122 rusty, runs Ml Cne?1 a rust. 1I7J lUfttSaTLLtiicel cot, AUFM stereo, great ia itom (2.000 122 tflMl 124 fkAT rw top t dutca 1171 A Si eicai sttape 77 Cf UCA. Cal fioyl after 5 p it I stereo, eeecs Ml 9921 117 torn wuies, C 000 30 . 33999 HACuTtsa acMtir. 512 k 2 i TA 1 year u'amee. 9 lW bptgraptacs. 1 ftEtftilM flSTltU UltfIS Firep ace S wtmrtes University am 364363 ears 523421S $54 123 ENTERTAINMENT Ciltt eMgs Ij'31 ' CMTlAtl FM SALt Frstmonn tree4 117 Cat a.iy S2VM6I m 3t352t US I CtXa. pood CAAoaxM. tor sa $50 ar.ar 5 30 m t;17 Cal IOk 296-05- IHivEISlTYtEiClISPIESTltilUltBa bedreew Easy terns' $63 900 Baraara BaOaer-Jcws- 532-40- 20 1 4 0s I. 18'Jtf Mar teto trtne ta m for pass this up money torn. some rental property Can Hi Caro. at E RA 121 Village Realtors. 2 BE 0al tH 943-341- 2 BORM CMTRACT FBI $JU1 at F pay eeposn 564-- 4 singles TO ar leave awssaoe at 122 566-436- 2- J2 reta.l BiAIOlL $850 ar etler. 4644271 CT. B.IW Sl2f ATE Mil Good 117 best oner. 4644236 S1US. ATOM ARC. 200 era antti Saiomoa I I0CK itti Park City's 1 006 HI Sede Alley tana Catcl there teaigttt and Saturday at me Rusty kad Saloon. Park Dartcm City Ski Area 1 30 p m to t a 117 Shoes recommenced binoings. used amy ante, $125. SPEAKERS. 123 All Pioneer components ir3iVil". 150 wans Cabinets Atw Hy 5137110. 266-021- 9. 5 00 2774773- - $75 117 IP4ICV with matti ana eitra functions pacs. 1 22 or 2924891. $135 Curtis 295-589- 1 Fon nENT C0MPUTE1 APPLE ItL (3 yrs 1. 2 disk drives, monitor Ul. Son ware Make otter 264-957- 1 212 SECURE. IISIM. SfLf ITOIAGf units near U Your lock, your key SI ft up. Special student rates 119 S33-090- 0 I UP. Women ft men. clean, S2I Will quiet, kitchen, tree telephone. cable, M80 IV furnished, near second S ft Eighth E . put Stops 131 l60mo 117 0 I! i HOC MOM U. 1 bedroom. $150 deposit utilities Can I IEDI00M APT. S295 includes sher dryer No smoke, drink, utilities. 117 pets Rose Park 5954496. AFfORBAIli f URUStUI I00MI close to U. S50eek includes utilities Females only Co or . CAUIOAIi $5 P 0 Boi 9998 Suite 211. SLC UT B4109 contract 564-43- 596-090- 120 S205month incl. all 120 272 9444. HE I0RM. APT. utilities. Call 321-301-0 1 II utils. Ross 121 DUPLEX. 940 E 400 S S360 ams eves. 5 KIT of large 3 bedroom condominium with roommates. Air conditioning, pool, tennis, clubhouse and mora. S395 per month 121 9 Sugarhouse area, carport, storage. 278-098- 2 pelt. 303 S. 1300 E. 2 IE0R00M. No 121 furnished. $325 121 328-210- ICE. QUIET 4 I0RM, 2 bath, familyroom duplex tide $375 month, also lovely 2 bdrm., 1 bath, fireplace side $250 month, 3598 South Wendell Circle (435 East) Call Bonnie 117 484-270- APARTMENTS FOR REIT, all sizes, all types, all locations. Kip Paul, or 212 530-500- 5 355-445- 303 S. 1300 E. FURNISNEO STUOIO. large kitchen. $215mo. NEAT PAID. 2 $315. 328-210- 12 328-210- weeks free, 2 bdrm., laundry. 117 EXTRA LAR6E TWO 8EDR00M. room. $300 mo 255 So. 600 Apartments large living E. Suzanne 129 carpet, paint and furniture, block to U. Rent now. pay no deposit. Great meals, only $1 24 when purchased by the month. Clean. Quiet, private. Cooking facility available. See to 123 appreciate. 1310 E 200 So. SI 75 SI 95. New rooms 583-64- FURII$NE0 1 bedroom basement apartment. 1 block to U, free washer dryer. $240 lights Female White American Eskimo dog Stands 12 tall and weights 15 Of 4865453 120 lbs Mike 266-756-6 LOST: PEARL ARB DIAM0I0 645-838- 8 treatment!. HP 12C calculator, books, etc I need the meter back soon Reward. Turn ia to Physics or call 3615334 123 11586 into, please call Michelle at If any (leave 359-113- 117 message). 123 I BEDROOM PLUS STUDY, washer 1462 E. 1300 S. $250. 583-256- dryer, 122 UNIQUE STUDIO APARTMEIT. close to U and VAMC. $285 includes utilities, fireplace and washroom. 117 582-898- IKVERSIOI get you down-tr- eat yourself to a warm beautiful tan. Student rates! 39th Street Salon, (2886 E ) was 212.000 slashed $159 .900. Won't last' 1.5 view lots Cottonwoods 3205 E. 5810 So Starting $54,900. Keith Kikel 486-648- 0 Millstream Realty. 117 have I at south end of 117 EOVERRMEIT JOBS. $16 Now Hiring Call 605487-600- 0 Ext. R 9717 34 tor current federal list. year round Special for ttudentt and faculty. 10th St. ?ricet 460 South 10th East. KEEP A BEAUTIFUL TAB im LOAIS AVAILABLE TODAY; plus Mastercard, etc. and improve your rating No job or credit necessary! confidential consultation. B of 12 years mill. 90Cpage correct spelUng $ grammar. ciperienca U, Vita, credit Free 131 Carribean. Hawaii, World! Call for guide, cassette, X UTAH- newsservice! (916) CRUISE. 131 CRUISESHIPS HIRINGI 944-444- 4 "IMPORT CAR OWNERS", Trouble finding parts? Prices too high! Buy from the warehouse If we don't have it, we'll find it. Call 23 ATTEN: at the 39th Street Salon. Haircuts only $8 and artificial nails 10 off 1 3540 E. 3900 S. with student 1.0. STUDENT DISCOUNT 278-046- 275 MONO PATIENTS NEEOED (or special study. Adults paid $50 for approx. A hr. Call 530 for a price you can afford. Diamonds, engagement rings, custom jewelry, school rings ft invitations at ft of retail prices. Salt Lake Jewelry Co., Michael Snow YOU CAN SEE 484-688- Brian Fullmer 277 L 200 n ipacioos $165. 117 CHAM MAtil Steve s Ice Cream Mil tram Apply m person, 221 So. 1300 E 2-- 7 ICE M0TIEI S IELPEI REEDll IMMES hours, close to TS SNARE Avenues house. $163 month mctudet utilities Try wme. 2 bedroom block from U. no smoke drink FEMALE TB SHARE with apartment 1 LIBERAL FEMALE to share 2 r) I'LL TYPE bdrm. apt. close to U. Sl57mo beat 120 included Vt utilities. Robyn LIBERAL, U. $158 1 MALE TO SHARE 3 bdrm. $135 mo. MF Mf near LIBERAL responsible, U WD. $140 dose to $210 nam HOUSES, A Ages 18-4-0. leave duplexes 130 infant part time. Shauna home for 355-273- 123 SALES. Photographs, posters, custom framing. Will train, $4 hr. Off the PART-TIM- Wall 123 1 Fun! Dating Friendship CALL 24 HOURS 49 cents a minute 4 Hydrocurve IF YOUR BRAND IS MOT LISTED HERE. SEND A COPY OF YOUR PRESCRIPTION AND WE WILL SEND YOU A QUOTE r Dm i . I D Cottar I coraaci Wn tot i cost "v Pm h4 mcrhon n w cyow n n oo m soew Tnn J j KM I ni Signaiu I I , I. r w 11 ' 11 mrm a.m.-1- 0 a.m.-1- 1 i f itl t Sgniut in III Mon.-Thur- Reason p.m. p.m. Fri. & Sat. s. 5 Affordability lenses guaranteed first auality. tni are supplied in the original laclery All ieed vn't FOLLOW THESE 5 EASY STEP S ACQure your complete contact lens 1 prescription Cassandra's Closet 2 Complete tne order beiow 3 (a quality consignment shop) 4227 So. Highland Drive ii!Hinuni Has Cadillac Clothing. . . furs, jewelry & accessories At Chexy prices. Make cieck money order or comp'ete credit card miormaion to Ci.S inc Enclose name add'ess number witn order 5 Ma'1 a'1 intofmation to 216248-241- For additional information contact Suzi Berrett 11 e pnone 6 "Contact Lens Suppliers for 25 years" Please send pairs at UUSL a pair. only 278-544- 6 Tues.-Sa- t. & paya-D'- Contc X Lens Supply, Inc. 0650 Carter Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44 139 We also accept children's current, quality clothing. at Cmm t vp ki; 363 2979 TWH1J1 M Of III) PIZZA SALAD SANDWICHES 314 2222 976 TELEPHONE PERSONAL ADS Durasoft 3 Genesn I EATINfi 0IS0R0ERSEVALUATI0N and treatment. Call M. Thompson for information at SL Child ft Family Therapy Clinic. 1 $67pr $97pr $57pr. S55pr $87pr CSIT WANTED to do a 30 day drug research trial All protocols STUDENTFACULTY RATES ON TANNIN6I Close to the U. 10th Street Tanning. 364-826460 South 10th East. 117 110 Permaieni V0LUITEERS 484-098- 865-171- " IEE0EI .10-2hours. Typing, organizational skills necessary. 7 Interest in Natural History. Call 10VIN8 DAY CARE in your $57pr $45pr Bauscfi&Lont) CooperVison WORK STUDY STUDEIT cash flows. Great buyt assumptions for investors and students' Service is free, many areas! Bob Lafortune. ERA Village 120 Realtors. 467-220- AO Softcon 4 ft good DO YOU NEED a private mailing address? A permanent address? Rent a private mailbox from Mail Boxes Etc. USA. 24 hr. access to mail, call in to see if you have mail. Have a street address or P.O. Box We also are a Western Union agency, ship for UPS and other miscellaneous services. 2035 E. 3300 121 S. Student prices. 63.97pdr trt4ii Wmt I RESIOENT C0UISEL0I. VMCA teen home. Shift work wsome overnights. $5hr. Contact Stephanie Veismid 124 my Native American speakers with degree in Education only need apply. Call Chad at 968-702- 7 117 after 3 p.m. ft Bausch & Lomb Natural Tints Obasoft Colors income bonus. Complete group benefits. Job requires working with college students. Intensive training at company expense. Must have at least 3 yr. college, graduate preferred Mail resume to Mr. Barnes. 120 N 12th Suit 9. Pocatello. Idaho 83201. 122 NEEDED: UflMI Tawttd) INSURANCE CO. needs RATIONAL marketing rep for SLC area $16.000 1st yr. LIFE begin In 117 apartmentt wseller financing, easy FINSERPAINTS NAIL SALON now open in Crossroads Mall, third floor. Sculptured, tips and wraps by certified professionals. Call Ask for Deborah and get a whole set for $25. Limited time offer. Call now! 221 117 6-- 3 943-444- 16-4- TEACNERS W4.EB to teach English to Japanese children in Sapporo, Japan". SERVICES I SPECIALIZE IN FINDING Rights Committee good health, call phone number. EDtocols 123 fcfcusch&lomt) ODasoft Durasoft IPPIITUIIH to continue inpatient reviewed and approved by U Human Rights 0 Committee years of age In good 6 hearth. $2,000 remuneration. Call or leave name & phone . Study to male volunteers needed for drug research trials. All hive been reviewed 6 approved shared housing Call 13 utilities. REWARD FOI FINANCIAL Aosott im WANTED 122 Ameron Hydron education on tree days while working as Manny in Prmcton. N J $150 mm wk. rm 4 board Car 8aM travel enpenses provided 2 Call children ages Other placements immediately available. 117 MALE U Tourism Information Services. P.O. Box 7411 Hilton Head Island.SC 29928. 121 STUDENT ORGANIZATION: Thurs- 966-566- 122 973-462- 2 bdrm home ft utilities. Call 583- - 1153. 2 procession 30 4 yrs. business, legal experience after S p m. and weekends anytime. 212 house w garage TO SHARE mo. thesis, 117 13 utilt.Evet. EXCELLENT LARGE PROFESSIONAL TTPIIS. word util. $60 dep Amsol 117 p m 1 363-182- 486-528- 7. to thare large 'Daily Wear Lenses girlsboys child 3 hours daily in my home References required. 117 CIILBCARE; TTPIIS. 90 double spac pat. 24 hr. 27 service Joyce PROFESSIOIAL WOII PROCESSUS, letter quality print. One dollar DSpag. Call Shannon. 563 9123. 42 t21 A PROCESS) your Reasonable rales. 277-074- 1or 3 bedroom 3 util. Call 364-232- 3 MALES SEEKIKS SAME Foothill Apt. $107.50 mo. Call 486-182- 100 for intermedial evenings. Call 7 4 277-917- 7 papers, reports, reiumes, etc. Call 363-694- house near Beg to PI0FEI$I0IAL TTPIIS, 75 OS page IBM Seiectnc II. Fast, accurate Pleas call Sua. 3TI4 9417414 117 582- - 4616. Fraction of titttV Origind Cost! 117 STMIASTICS INSTRUCTOR Ittutt at a er DiscelorttJ 117 WAITER. MOTIEI S IELPER. 3 sml beys, hours: M-- f 7.30-- 6 30 a m. and 4 to 7 p m 7 Babysitting and light housework. TYP1I6 WlTI WOIS PI0CES$0l. pica, elite Can check grammar, spelling, references. etc. Mrs Nelley. 467-432314 117 anytime Rtfsct lest, Deasd, live in or out, Call 328 2600 after S p m. 3M4 563-639- 9 117 tieume pm Accurate word processing 10 years cipenenca. Close to the U Call Ken 117 RESUMES. Professional! Write, edit andor type. Reasonable! Evenings weekends. Faith Sharing Group, meets every day. 7:00 p.m. at Austin Hall. RECEPTI6RIST. will traia as eptician. S3 65hr. plus commission, Sandy locate It flit KM apt 603 1st Ave ROOMMATE FEMALE 117 pm 3n4 272-595- 4 :1 2-- CAL FfcOAT. confidential word processtng. typing Phone in or you deliver. Murray. Day nigW Prompt SECKTAIT EIPIESS at Research Park, all typing on IBM. PC. with laser printer. 131 delivery available 5642507. considerate 359-254- 127 SuttRV!S8tSERlftR. Pan time Sieve s Ice Cream. Apply m person 221 S 1300 E. 7 0 117 Resort Hotels. Cruise Liners & Amusement Parks now accepting applications! To receive an NEWMAN CATHOLIC RAITEI: IEALTIT WRMEI witt lladoer infections tor pamctpatioa ta orug stuoy. Free medcal 8 medications Requires 4 its to Student Hearta Centor over S weefcpenod Reimbursement tor inconveo-tenc- e 571-90- 2 bdrm. Walk to util. 583982 after 5 p m 1717 o i6 a 24 hr. possiDM. Papers, m. processmg. editing thesis etc. Pickup 3 14 delivery Pat 57 FOIMU EISUSI TEACkXI wil Ed4 ttord Process dissertations, reports Graduate 314 foreign students preferred. PIOCESSHS. COMPUTEIIZEI AIM Mill Call us first WeU meet all your typing 3TU weeds 563323. IlklEI: SEEK Itstaa. Uaiversity ward 23 Ttr.lt. $tpp. TO SNARE CRAB STUDENTS aear LITTLE CAf IAIS. tke aatiaas largest carry-ou- t paz chaui seeking a persoa computer skills ta work m thw Salt Lake City office Send resume or letter of appitcatioa to Utah Pisa Service Ire P O. feoi 25871 SLC UT 84125 121 I Jan 117 13 S130mo. lAaKE. Leveiy seacoast eea U U Happy Birthday wtorma-bo- Lm SEEAS M1-6C- 1 Greencard From FJH Visas Free details: Immigration Publications. P C Box 515991. 117 Dallas. IX 75251. So. Newman Center Offices. For cal 5824052. 120 Cat reouired Dosa la ea IITEIIATIIIAL STUIEITS: Guide le All 117 Feotn.U m 121 TYPING FREE CHILI 17. 6 00 p m at 128C 64104 avaiiapie. Dutocara. caokmi. fceusetttip-stta'ed wra wnver-worf ctuiorea C Lyaca. 29 ages 3 wtonms ta Arnoi Rd, Htnghara. MA C2M3 w all TUrS LAW: Vou can lead a horse to water, but 4 you can get ta float en as back youVe got something Waking Owt Books. 1260 East 4Hi South. 582 7321 117 from aa admirer . L'T 11$ (katiil law Ai&a 532-36- 0 117 than triple your speed in 7 sessions, shortens homework, master 314 teachers, documented. 4845049. BUY A DIAMOND UHi away. 7npflts at Ptaya Mazattaa Hetei Leaves Ward 20t Includes airfare, hotel, transfers. Prices start at $441 Hurry, space kmiied 9 Travel Associates Cal Lynea BOSES ARE BIB. violets are bWe. Cnrony valentine speoais are coming, it s true SPEED REEDIN6. More 277-939- Eural. Europe MAZATLAH Sprmg Break pet 7 45 and 1 50 classes Uve 122 valley Ann 943-780- CMEIYL WEATNERSTBIL nr atas PART TiME SEITAL ASSiSTAIT. 276-046- 117 278-046- application and information, write: Mercedes 00C1 CAIPOOL MF THE SUMMER ft CAREER JOBS AVAILABLE! SUPER BUYS. Oak Hills 1175 So. Haw wtuid you spend Run tor A SOU Assembly Tocay. No tmokma or drinking. Own bedroom ia Holladay. Aent Vt utilities. Cat! Trent at $130 a month 277-023- 3 or 266-242-1 121 PERSONAL 583-449- FOR SALE II. Umoa E BaHroom uttevfit aefrea. Part Mm pasdioa Meecai Laser Ca. m regtatory Str. rrsue ta: HEM Wedxal Laser krfsaa a ta 117 MSPOI4JPEtUlicMDTSdKytum twears 12 3 00 p m Ow vansporuiiM tl 117 ClALITill ElftlT m suioent a;aooneng MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED. DOrT LET 122 566-785- REWARD. LIST: ATTRACTIVE. 7. DES C ttCWjATtOK 121 Systems. 39S West 162 Sa SiX. HfCNC tarot ca' consrations 25 KTutf JlSELF UM a tunny ecac oowa m Tan A panne &tat coots skia Feel an look lite yeu ve st reiurnea Discounts tar U stuoents I tacutty 1 39a St Satoa 117 aa tafwoi ROOMMATES SNARE SPACIOUS STUDIO. Hardwood floors, close to University $195 month plus utilities. tor appointment. 121 $210 PM 2 bedroom apt. Partly furnished. SCtkCES AUDITOR! JM $2TCfcTSUi!ail CAMPuS OUTDOOR PROGRAM MALI I00MMATE LOST: BLACK LAI PUPPY. Lost ttrtvi wtta 511-7X- AC IT T1AVEL BEHAVIORAL FRiDAV LOST & FOUND LOST: lACKPACK II Jf I 102 containing blood glucose meter (essential for diabetes lor salt Call ICE KALIS. Dorm 7PM MARCH 12-- 2 pe te cat CM Fanuiy Woscmc TnAVEL l(T EXOnW IT: CAKAOAkS 0 Evtf ST WITH EKPEDiTlOII LEADER 68J. $i De euoyes Nit CAL tttiStlT Ui t 52l-5- 4 117 277-237- 4 FOR IEIT. I IIDROOM ArAITMNT. close m. Utilities paid. S250mo. Call THE RESIDE la coflvol yejr iactoa. FKCAI Friday. January STEVE CAIVEY IBM 266-56- 1.21 mat STUDEIT MASS 122 SEE 120 II trrt STCtEITS RAITEI PAST TiRE. kauri Ca ixa Carpera&M aa lRSrnct Ca Vl wvuf oitiOmi 9trnuin aou epea te unwarsay Leaa a Dorothy EAIRllfi. was wedding gift, great sentimental value Reward ottered 122 LIVE ctrtw eicelient quality Must sell, make after. FJRNtSNll 117 Pearl" black, FULL $ PC. BRUM SET. tt 122 COM $150 ar MIIET at ri?erK ta real estate ar lasnraaca mt ftarattee course placement ane m taisa 0 Enea Sckeal at leal Estate EAII 1 && CI. b there ietfMrt ywa tee trie afsit 1 ! ft lesatio-tstwevt&iea. win parstMat yor tmairif tne amy reasoa y stay u taie m to watca Inney Theater Cauid Fneay pessi)y t awe e&CJtjrt things m Cfttiee tta fcgnttnf tor a parkins space m tfttMrnme. pome back heme tM comma toac. tor mare trie next e.ay its' Tmtc k become a memoer at a natwnai frawMty here a campus fraternities ear a wost et soc ana scwuasw activrtKS Ewc yaui ctMiepe eapererce. pt tSfeuji diMer Ra&K jaguar 2 1st mrous January 243 Cal 58140E1 ar stop by Una Km. 27fl tor to 5:30 Total for Imsos TAKE OFF announcing the Grand Opening of n UNION MOVIES Apocalypse Now Thurs. 12 noon & 7 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 7 & 9:30 p.m. Sunday 7 p.m. Admission $1.50 wUniv. I.D. NOON MOVIE $1.00 AVENUES RESIDENTIAL CENTER atmosphere Most reasonable rates Walking distance to downtown Kitchen and laundry facilities cfcecfc VISA 521-733- Charge Acct. Signature 107 "P Street, SLC ! ' For nrifrt lent erden, Irvilt pair 3.00. prka in Ml enl tit t 3 Student Faculty Discount with No. Expiration dale Wt wiH keep all prescriptien on file Call 10 rVUstefOra" Personai Checks must be ciea'ed prior to Shipment) 221 East 300 South , Spedal Rates For Hospital Patients Families For Rates and Reservations Virginia Peebles, Proprietor have enclosed total payment in the following Take Out Available e TotW I rotisserie chicken ribssandwiches burritos broiled trout The Affordable Alternate Home-lik- Broiler i's WITH 2 00 Shipping S Handling I.D. for reertfert. ef the lenses ordered are in out inventory end reedy te oe shipped in 0. 24 hours. |